Classification of motor vehicles according to the Agreement adopted by the United Nations Economic Committee for Europe (Geneva Agreement). Vehicle category M1 Driving license category M1

In 2018 in populated areas Russian Federation The new technical regulations of the Customs Union on the safety of wheeled vehicles came into force Vehicle.

In this regulatory document The requirements for the technical condition of machines are listed.

The main feature of this regulation is that it identifies several special categories Vehicle.

According to the current legislation, it is according to the description of such categories that vehicles are checked during a technical inspection for compliance with all requirements.

To check the condition of vehicles, they are regularly inspected on the basis of technical regulations. The latter is a special technical documentation, which specifies all the norms and requirements for standardizing the quality of relevant automotive products.

In this document, all vehicles are divided into several categories, for each of which clear requirements for passing a technical inspection (TO) are established in the diagnostic card.

This is necessary to improve the quality of maintenance and, accordingly, increase safety on the road.

Indeed, according to the new classification, the conditions imposed on different types vehicles differ depending on the type of equipment.

One of the categories is M1. This includes motor vehicles that are used only for the transport of people and are equipped with a maximum of nine seating areas including the driver's seat.

It should be noted that it is the requirements from section M1 that are most often of interest to ordinary drivers, because this category includes all cars without exception, which can be driven by every interested citizen who owns a standard driver’s license -.

However, you need to remember that this group of vehicles does not apply to trucks, despite the fact that drivers with a license with qualification B have the right to drive this type of vehicle, and the features of their interior, just like passenger cars, meet the requirements established by the regulations.

Thus, if a person needs to obtain any information about the condition of a passenger car, then he should study exactly the information specified in technical regulations for vehicles of category M1.

What is the difference between category M1 and categories M2 and M3?

According to the new legislation, category M denotes all mechanical machines which are equipped with four wheels and are intended exclusively for the transport of persons and hand luggage.

For greater convenience in regulating the standards of characteristics and operation of transport, the entire M group is divided into several smaller categories:

  1. M1- it includes passenger cars, the interior of which, in addition to the driver’s seat, contains no more than eight passenger seats. Typically, such vehicles also carry small luggage, which is essentially hand luggage;
  2. M2- a category that includes vehicles whose weight is within five tons. They are intended for transporting people. Inside the cabin of these models there is a maximum of eight seats for passengers, as well as a seat for the driver. They also have luggage department for small loads;
  3. M3- this is a category denoting cars that, like cars of the M1 and M2 groups, are used for transporting people and hand luggage. However, unlike the above categories, cars can be equipped with a large number of passenger seats, and the total weight of the vehicle often exceeds five tons.

Drawing conclusions, it can be noted that M1 differs from M2 and M3, first of all, in the dimensions and weight of the vehicle, and from M3 - also permissible quantity passenger seats. On modern automotive market The overwhelming number and variety of models are found precisely among the cars of the M1 group.

In addition, transport categories M2 and M3 are divided into several categories according to one systematization:

  1. Class I - various models vehicles, the design of which necessarily includes several places for standing passengers. This feature allows for sufficient free movement people from one end of the salon to the other;
  2. Class II- vehicles, the design of which in most cases is designed to transport only seated passengers. As a rule, they can also carry passengers standing in the aisle or in a place allocated within the space limited by two double chairs;
  3. Class III- represents all types of vehicles for which the design was developed taking into account the possibility of transporting exclusively seated passengers. In such cars it will not be possible to carry even one standing passenger if desired, because the dimensions of the car, as well as the design of the interior, do not allow this.

It should be noted that there is another classification for vehicles belonging to the M2 and M3 categories.

Nowadays, it is used by drivers and specialists in technical inspection of cars no less often than the above division into classes:

  1. Class A- experts refer to it as vehicles that are produced to transport standing passengers, so their design initially provides for the presence of not only seats, but also free space for a comfortable position for people who stand while the machine is moving;
  2. Class B- vehicles whose design does not allow for the carriage of people in a standing position.

Which is used to transport passengers and has, in addition to the driver’s seat, no more than 8 seats..."


DECISION of the Council of Deputies of the urban settlement of Krasnogorsk, Krasnogorsk municipal district of the Moscow Region dated 04/23/2009 N 414/43


Official terminology.

    2012. Official terminology

    See what a “vehicle of category M1” is in other dictionaries: A vehicle that is used to transport passengers and has, in addition to the driver’s seat, no more than 8 seats;... Source: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2009 N 112 (as amended on September 7, 2011) On approval of the Transportation Rules... ... A vehicle used to transport passengers has, in addition to the driver's seat, more than 8 seats and Official terminology

    maximum weight Official terminology

    which does not exceed 5 tons;... Source: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2009 N 112 (as amended from ... Official terminology

    The vehicle, which is used to transport passengers, has, in addition to the driver's seat, more than 8 seats and a maximum weight of which exceeds 5 tons... Source: DECISION of the Council of Deputies of the urban settlement of Krasnogorsk... ... Official terminology

    vehicle category M2 or M3- A single-deck vehicle of category M2 or M3, designed and equipped for the carriage of seated or seated and standing passengers, with a capacity of not more than 22 people. These vehicles are divided into two classes: class A; ... ... Technical Translator's Guide

    vehicle- 2.1 vehicle: A single-deck vehicle designed and equipped for the carriage of more than 22 passengers. There are three classes of vehicles. It is allowed to use the vehicle in more than one... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation- This term has other meanings, see Ladoga. Highly protected vehicle "Ladoga" Classification highly protected vehicle/heavy CVS Combat weight, t 42 Crew, persons. 2 Troops, people 4...Wikipedia

Category L - Motor vehicles

Mopeds, motorbikes, mokikis

Category L1- A two-wheeled vehicle whose maximum design speed does not exceed 50 km/h and characterized by:
- in case of engine internal combustion- engine displacement not exceeding 50 cubic meters. cm, or
- in the case of an electric motor - rated maximum power in continuous load mode not exceeding 4 kW.
Category L2- A three-wheeled vehicle with any wheel arrangement, the maximum design speed of which does not exceed 50 km/h, and characterized by:
- in the case of an internal combustion engine with forced ignition - an engine displacement not exceeding 50 cubic meters. cm, or
- in the case of another type of internal combustion engine - a maximum effective power not exceeding 4 kW, or
- in the case of an electric motor - rated maximum power in continuous load mode not exceeding 4 kW

Motorcycles, scooters, tricycles

Category L3- A two-wheeler whose engine displacement (in the case of an internal combustion engine) exceeds 50 cc. cm (or) the maximum design speed (with any engine) exceeds 50 km/h.

Category L4- A three-wheeled vehicle with wheels asymmetrical with respect to the median longitudinal plane, the engine displacement (in the case of an internal combustion engine) exceeds 50 cm3 and (or) the maximum design speed (for any engine) exceeds 50 km/h.

Category L5- A three-wheeled vehicle with wheels symmetrical with respect to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle, the engine displacement of which (in the case of an internal combustion engine) exceeds 50 cubic meters. cm and (or) the maximum design speed (for any engine) exceeds 50 km/h.


Category L6- A four-wheeled vehicle, the unladen mass of which does not exceed 350 kg excluding the mass of batteries (in the case of an electric vehicle), the maximum design speed does not exceed 50 km/h, and characterized by:
- in the case of an internal combustion engine with forced ignition - an engine displacement not exceeding 50 cm3, or
- in the case of another type of internal combustion engine - a maximum effective engine power not exceeding 4 kW, or
- in the case of an electric motor - the rated maximum power of the motor in continuous load mode, not exceeding 4 kW.

Category L7- A four-wheeled vehicle other than a vehicle of category L6, the unladen mass of which does not exceed 400 kg (550 kg for a vehicle intended for the carriage of goods) excluding the mass of batteries (in the case of an electric vehicle) and the maximum effective engine power does not exceed 15 kW.

Category M - Passenger vehicles

Passenger cars

Buses, trolleybuses, specialized passenger vehicles

Category M2- Vehicles used for the transport of passengers, having, in addition to the driver's seat, more than eight seats, the technically permissible maximum weight of which does not exceed 5 tons.

Category M3- Vehicles used for the transport of passengers, having, in addition to the driver's seat, more than eight seats, the technically permissible maximum weight of which exceeds 5 tons.

Increased security traffic- This is a priority task of government authorities. In order to improve the transport communication system, reduce the risk of road traffic and the accident rate of passenger and freight transport The Government of the Russian Federation, and in particular its structural divisions headed by the Ministry of Transport, have developed a set of measures aimed at improving traffic conditions and raising the driving culture of citizens. The measures taken relate to the development of the regulatory framework, improvement of regulatory mechanisms, and increased responsibility for offenses committed.

According to the developers of specialized programs active work in these areas will make it possible to achieve a reduction in negative indicators in the total number of road accidents, the severity of their consequences, as well as cases deaths accidents Reducing mortality (including child mortality), increasing the safety of cargo transportation and optimizing processes associated with the organization of commercial transportation are all the most important project tasks, the quality of which determines the achievement of the final goal.

On the way to the safety of cars of categories M2, M3, N2, N3

One of the steps towards the implementation of the program was the ratification European agreement concerning the work of vehicle crews. To a greater extent, the document affected cars of categories M1, M2, N1, N2, N3. After the agreement is signed and its provisions come into force legal force on the territory of the Russian Federation, norms have appeared regulating certain aspects of road traffic organization. Yes, the changes affected the rules technical equipment vehicles of a certain tonnage performing intercity commercial transportation.

The regulatory act, which provides for the mandatory equipping of vehicles with on-board devices (tachographs) with the function of recording indicators on key traffic parameters, was issued in 2013. Then the law on devices that record basic information about the movement of a car caused a lot of negative reviews and comments. However, after the start of use of recorders, many owners of transport companies appreciated the benefits of tachographs for business.

The task of monitoring devices is to indicate the following characteristics machine movements:

    patterns of change speed limit throughout the entire route;

    recording the distance traveled along the established route;

    time spent by the vehicle in automatic mode.

The data obtained using a tachograph helps to collect an information base that is critical for optimizing business processes.

Purpose of indicator measurement tools

    Reduce the resource consumption of transportation: rationalize routes and increase control over fuel consumption.

    Minimize the influence of the subjective factor - increase the responsibility of drivers, reduce the number of violations of traffic rules and the work and rest schedule of the vehicle operator.

    Assess the professionalism of employees transport company– check the quality of work, reliability and responsibility.

    Reduce the total number of costs - by reducing vehicle wear and tear, reducing the number emergency situations, protection of company vehicles from unfair actions of employees of the organization (use of vehicles for personal purposes, manipulations with fuel).

The data obtained using a tachograph helps to collect an information base that is critical for optimizing business processes. In particular, the use of indicator measurement tools makes it possible to:

In accordance with the law, not all cars need to be equipped with metering devices. In addition to dimensions and tonnage, requirements are imposed on the destination of transportation. So, if you have a car of category M2, which you use exclusively for personal purposes and do not carry out commercial transportation on it, it is not necessary to equip your vehicle with tachographs - you are not legal entity, which means you won’t be able to register the device. On the other hand, in this case you will have to prove to the traffic police that you are carrying out transportation for personal purposes and are not engaged in private transportation.

By law in mandatory The following vehicles must be equipped with traffic monitoring devices:

    Multi-seat vehicles M2 and M3 (more than 8 landing sites) performing passenger transportation.

    Vehicles weighing no more than 15 tons, performing scheduled transportation between cities (N3).

For the absence of tachographs in the specified vehicles or the operation of a car with a non-functioning control device, administrative liability is provided - you will have to pay a financial contribution, the amount of which is established in accordance with the law. Exceptions apply to breakdowns during the flight, but this fact will have to be supported by evidence.

More information about the types of vehicles: car categories M1, M2, M3

This group includes passenger vehicles. Moreover, it includes not only multi-seater vehicles designed for commercial flights, but also small-sized vehicles with no more than 8 seats in the cabin (in addition to the driver's seat).

Signs of inclusion in this group are the body module - at least four wheels, and the purpose - transportation of passengers.

Classification within a group

    M1 – Cars used for transporting people. There should be no more than 8 passenger seats in the cabin of a vehicle of this type.

    M2, M3 – trackless electric transport, buses, specialized technical devices performing transfers of people. A sign of the second group is the presence of more than 8 seats, and the maximum weight of the equipment should not exceed 5 tons. The third group is distinguished by its dimensions - the curb weight of these vehicles is more than 5 tons.

In 2017, Russia uses the technical regulations of the Customs Union on the safety of wheeled vehicles. This regulation consists in a normative document containing requirements regarding technical condition Vehicle. Currently, these requirements are verified through state vehicle inspection.

Although some time has passed since this document came into force, not many drivers manage to use it to its fullest extent. This happens mainly due to the introduction of new categories of transport into the technical regulations, which previously could not be found in regulatory documents. It is often quite difficult for an ordinary driver who constantly owns a vehicle with category B to determine whether his car belongs to a specific category based on the new technical regulations.

This article reveals the issue of vehicle categories of the new technical regulations and the belonging of certain vehicles to these categories.

First of all, it is necessary to understand that the state technical inspection carried out to check the compliance of vehicles with certain safety requirements.

New categories of vehicles (vehicles)

The situation with scooters is quite simple:

If a scooter has two wheels, it falls under the L1 category;
- if a scooter has three wheels, it falls under category L2.

Motorcycles with two wheels are categorized as L3;
- asymmetrical motorcycles with three wheels belong to category L4;
- symmetrical motorcycles with three wheels belong to category L5.

Categories L6 and L7 include vehicles that can be driven without driver's license, for this you must have a tractor driver's license with category A1.

The difference between categories L6 and L7 lies in the power of ATV engines. The L7 category includes the most powerful ATVs.

Car categories

Based on this, the requirements of the technical regulations regarding passenger cars, are contained directly in the paragraphs under category M1. It is necessary to understand that category M1 does not apply to freight vehicles of regular category B.

Categories of buses, trolleybuses and specialized passenger vehicles

Separation passenger buses and trolleybuses are produced in the M2-M3 categories based on their weight. Accordingly, the usual category D belongs to categories M2-M3.

Truck categories

The technical regulations allocate category N for trucks, in which, as in the case of buses, taking into account the mass of vehicles, they are divided into subcategories.

Trucks of ordinary category B (Gazelle, for example) in the technical regulations fall under category N1, and trucks of ordinary category C belong to categories N2-N3.

Trailer categories

All trailers and semi-trailers are grouped into category O, which is also subdivided according to their permissible maximum weight.

Vehicle category correspondence table

For simplified orientation in the technical regulations, a special table was compiled among all its categories containing the contents of the corresponding categories of traffic rules and the regulations themselves. Using this table, you can determine whether your car fits a specific category.

Using this table will greatly facilitate the process of determining the category of your car that complies with the technical regulations.