How the legend was born. The story of Enzo Ferrari. Biography of Enzo Ferrari Enzo ero Anselmo Ferrari

FERRARI Enzo, born February 18, 1898, is an Italian entrepreneur and sportsman (car racing). Since 1919 he participated as a driver in car racing.

In 1929, a not very rich and not very successful Italian racer Enzo Ferrari, highest point whose career included 2nd place at Targa Florio, he founded his own racing team, Scuderia Ferrari. For several more years, before the birth of his son, Enzo continued to race himself, and from 1932 he concentrated all his efforts on leadership. His dream was not just to create a team, he wanted to see his Scuderia as a national team in which the best drivers in Italy could win at the best Italian cars - Ferrari cars. Ferrari dedicated his entire life to achieving this goal.

Much of the pre-war success of Scuderia Ferrari is associated with the name of the great Tazio Nuvolari - the only driver about whom the stern "commendatore" always spoke with admiration. True, Nuvolari won not at all in a Ferrari, but in Alfa Romeo. Enzo had not yet built his own cars. Until 1940, his team was essentially the sports department of the Alfa Romeo plant. The first potential Ferrari model - the 125th - appeared only in 1947.

For half a century, cars with a rearing stallion - an emblem borrowed by Enzo from the Italian pilot of the First World War - Francesco Baracca, won many victories in various racing series. But it was Formula 1 that brought his team worldwide fame.

Suderia Ferrari's debut in Formula 1 took place on May 21, 1950 at the Monaco Grand Prix - the second stage of the newly born world championship. In that race on the streets of Monte Carlo, Alberto Ascari managed to take 2nd place, and a year later at Silverstock, Argentinean Hoss Froilan Gonzalez brought Scuderia its first victory in the Grand Prix.

The team quickly got a taste of victory, and already at the next stage in the German Nürburgring, all five Ferrari drivers finished in the top six. Only failure at the last Grand Prix of the season in Spain did not allow the team leader, Ascari, to win the title.

In 1952 and 1953 The World Championship was temporarily held for Formula 2 cars, and the famous Ferrari 500 designed by Aurelio Lampredi had no equal. In 1952, Ascari wins six out of seven races: in Switzerland, Alberto does not start, and the Grand Prix goes to another Scuderia driver, Piero Taruffi. This season was the best in Ferrari history; three team drivers - Ascari, Farina and Taruffi - occupied the entire championship podium. In 1953, Askari tried on the champion's crown for the second time. Scuderia is back at the top with seven wins from eight races. Only on final stage championship in Monza Grand Prix in last moment slipped out of my hands.

IN next year Scuderia's victorious march slowed down somewhat. The new 2.5 liter Ferrari 625 no longer had the same superiority over its competitors as its 2 liter predecessor. In two years, Enzo Ferrari's drivers win only three races, but at the end of 1955, the cunning Commendatore finds a way out of the crisis.

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Enzo buys his team “with all its giblets” from Gianna Lanci and at once receives magnificent Lancia D50 cars and a first-class designer - Vittorio Jano. As a result, already in 1965, the famous Juan Manuel Fangio driving a Lancia-Ferrari D50 brought Scuderia its third championship title.

In 1958, Englishman Mike Hawthorn, driving a Ferrari Dino 246 built by Vitorio Jano, achieved his historic victory in the World Championship - the last for front-engined cars, the last for Ferrari in the 50s. Enzo's team becomes the most titled in Formula 1. Over the course of ten years, Scuderia drivers won four world championships, and the team won the then unofficial “make standings” the same number of times.

Enzo's dream of creating a national team is becoming a reality. Ferrari brought a lot of joy to the Italian people, but, alas, sometimes victories came at too high a price.

Long periods of stagnation were followed by triumphant bursts for Ferrari. But time after time the crises lasted longer and longer. In 1964, through the efforts of John Surtees and Lorenzo Bandini, the Italian team won the Constructors' Championship for the second time and that's it... For ten long years, Enzo Ferrari's team found itself out of work in the fight for titles. Won the championship English teams: Lotus, Brabham, Tyrrell, McLaren, French Matra. The Italians no longer had a place on the racing Olympus.

Scuderia seemed to be not so far from its competitors, but victories were not given. Only in 1975 did Ferrari get out of the crisis. Italian designer Mauro Forghieri created the famous Ferrari 312 T, and over the next five years the Scuderia won four constructors' championships and its drivers Niki Lauda and Jody Scheckter won three world championships. But the higher old Enzo’s team rose, the faster it fell down.

After Scheckter and Villeneuve's winning double in the 1979 season, the team slipped to 10th place in the Constructors' Championship in 1980. True, this time the crisis did not last long. "Commendatore" accepted " radical measures": he kicked Scheckter out the door, suspended Forghieri, and in 1982 Ferrari was again at the top. But the seventh Constructors' Cup went to Enzo as dearly as the first: in May his favorite, Gilles Villeneuve, died in Zolder, in the end During the summer in Hockenheim, Didier Pironi was seriously injured. Moreover, a little earlier, during the Canadian Grand Prix, Pironi’s Ferrari stalled at the start caused an accident that claimed the life of the young Italian Riccardo Paletti.

In 1983, Ferrari won its eighth Constructors' Championship, and won the next one only... 16 years later.

On August 14, 1988, the “old owner” Enzo Ferrari died in Modena. This was a terrible blow. Until the very last day The “commendatore” was at the helm of the team. His difficult character has long become the talk of the town. Sooner or later, Enzo put almost all of his champions on the street, and the process was accompanied by loud scandals. “Commendatore” quite rightly reasoned that since he gives drivers work in his team, then at least they should not throw mud at this very team. This is how Phil Hill, Niki Lauda and Jody Scheckter left Ferrari. Enzo was a very tough person, sometimes even cruel. He often did not forgive people’s mistakes, but he loved his cars madly, they were like children to him, they bore his name, the old Ferrari forgave them everything.

Compared to people, Enzo was distinguished by inhuman perseverance and desire for victory. They say he never gave up. But in 1982 he finally burst out: “ Farewell championship". This happened after Didier Pironi almost killed himself in qualifying at Hockenheim, four months after the death of Gilles Villeneuve.

By that time, Ferrari had not won the championship for three years. Enzo himself will die in six years - his Formula 1 pilots will also not be able to win during these years, although in 1983 Rene Arnoux and Patrick Tambe brought the Constructors' Championship to the Scuderia. "Commendatore" in public in equally I gave credit for any victory to both the driver and the car, but deep down I believed that the main thing in success was always the car.

He started working in motorsport as part of Alfa Romeo. For some time he held the position of tester, regularly participated in various types of races, but soon noticed that as a manager he was able to bring the team more benefit. He eventually became Alfa Romeo's sporting director. As part of his work for Alpha, Enzo founded the Ferrari Stable - Scuderia.

Under his leadership, the Stable was represented by such famous pilots as Louis Chiron, Achille Varzi or Tazio Nuvolari. It was the latter who won the famous victory at the 1935 German Grand Prix, held at the old Nürburgring in front of Adolf Hitler, in a fight against nine German drivers in new Mercedes and Auto Union. In that rain battle, after 22 laps of the race, Nuvolari was three minutes ahead of Rudolf Caracciola, who was considered a master of aerobatics on a wet track.

Tazio Nuvolari died at the age of 60 in August 1953. By that time Enzo was building own cars. His Ferrari 375 won three Formula 1 Grands Prix in 1951, and the famous 500th in 1952 and 1953 won all the championship stages except the Indianapolis 500 and the Italian Grand Prix '53 and brought Alberto Ascari two back-to-back championship titles. Ascari died two years later in an accident while running a Ferrari 750s.

A year later, Enzo lost his son Dino. Alfredo suffered from muscular dystrophy since birth. Coming with his father to Maranello, the boy dreamed of building engines; he admired the components and boxes that he did not understand, but was unable to touch his father’s heritage. Dino died at the age of 23 in 1956. The next day, Peter Collins won the French Grand Prix wearing a mourning armband and gave the armband to Enzo “in memory of Dino.” “Commendatore” kept it all his life. Collins died in 1958 in an accident at the Nürburgring.

He was demanding of his riders and employees – everyone without exception. Everyone had to be absolutely loyal to the boss. To end. In everything. Anyone who even considered the possibility of disagreeing with Enzo quit. And that was okay. Ferrari gradually became a legend, one of the symbols of Italy. An example of an unbending spirit.

Working for Enzo was considered a privilege in itself. Enzo did not like being called “Commendatore”; he himself insisted on “Engineer”, which, however, did not have much to do with the fact that he did not design cars. Moreover, the opinion sometimes ran counter to common sense. " Aerodynamics was invented by those who don't know how to build engines.", he said. At one time he was also dissatisfied with the transfer of the engine to the center, and then to the back chassis. " The horse should pull the cart, not push it", said Enzo.

But he was the engine of Ferrari, its heart, to which people sometimes listened, contrary to the generally accepted point of view. At the same time, Enzo was a powerful and treacherous person. It cost him nothing to mislead people, quarrel with each other, drive them crazy and push their heads together. He believed that people work better in this mode. Employees emphasize that no one even expected praise or a bonus. But the energy of “Commendatore” still “accelerated” the team.

"Racing is a passion that requires sacrifice of everything to satisfy. Without hypocrisy, without doubt“, said Enzo. He didn’t go to the races, he preferred to watch them on TV, and after the finish he waited for phone calls from his subordinates. And on the tracks, his pilots did the impossible with the cars. To earn Enzo’s respect, he had to be able to pilot a car like you were drawing on asphalt with a brush.

He admitted that he considered Tazio Nuvolari the best driver in history, but also did not hide his sympathies for Peter Collins and Gilles Villeneuve - unlike Nuvolari, both died behind the wheel of Enzo's cars. Lotuses were called "black coffins" in the paddock, but the fact is that more drivers have died behind the wheel of a Ferrari than in any other Formula 1 car.

"I don’t remember a single case where someone died in the cockpit of a Ferrari due to mechanical failure ", Stirling Moss said about this. Enzo himself after serious accidents the first thing he asked was what was wrong with the car - he was afraid that something was wrong with the car and that the car had killed the driver. But the pilots crashed as a result of the struggle - having gone beyond the limits, fighting for Enzo Ferrari, they sought to go even further.

Every visitor who tried to meet Enzo Ferrari in his office was forced to sit in the waiting room for hours: " He's busy, you need to wait"Then, when the visitor could still enter, he found himself in a dark room. A lamp in the corner illuminated the portrait of Dino, in the center there was a large table on which a glass stallion was placed - a gift from Paul Newman. At the table the visitor saw "Commendatore" in the constant dark glasses with massive frames.

By the end of the 80s, Ferrari cars had won everything they could. Most Grand Prix victories, most Le Mans victories, most Targa Florio victories. But in the last five years of Enzo Ferrari's life in Formula 1, the team did not win. The authority of the Commendatore began to work against him - employees were sometimes afraid to provide him with accurate information, distorting it and embellishing it. Enzo simply could not make adequate decisions because he was not in control of the situation. But he still remained at the head of the team.

Ferrari died on August 14, 1988 - the last nine months of his life, the Scuderia did not win a Grand Prix, it was the era of the invincible McLarens. Less than a month after the death of the Commendatore, Gerhard Berger and Michele Alboreto scored a winning double at Monza.

Enzo was born on February 18, 1898 in Modena, Italy. In the biography of Enzo Ferrari, cars always occupied a place of honor. Since 1919, he began to take part in auto racing (initially Parma-Berceto). Then he became a test driver for Alfa Romeo. After many years fruitful work Enzo was appointed director sports division. However, the position did not become the limit for Ferrari, who was active and thirsty for speed and victories.

In 1929, a most important event occurred in Ferrari’s biography - he founded his own society, Scuderia Ferrari. Even before Ferrari began designing cars, he dreamed of his team's racing achievements. And they were not long in coming. One of the best was racer Tazio Nuvolari. For the first time in the biography of Enzo Ferrari, his team took part in Formula 1 in 1950. The very next year the team won the competition (the victory was brought by Hoss Froilan Gonzales).

Passionate about racing, Ferrari developed only cars for such competitions. Then, being already widely known, he began to produce cars for ordinary needs. But Ferrari cars have always been different from the rest. Enzo equipped them powerful engines, in addition, was developed sporty design, both outside and inside the cabin.

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The average rating this biography received. Show rating Enzo Ferrari died 30 years ago - August 14, 1988 at the age of 90. But his legacy lives on to this day. Brand Ferrari died 30 years ago - August 14, 1988 at the age of 90. But his legacy lives on to this day. Brand I owe everything to one iron rule that Enzo established many years ago - the brand

will always be more important than any single person within her. This philosophy was often referred to as dictatorial by disgruntled drivers of his team, but it cannot be denied that Ferrari's methods produced results as ordinary roads , and on.

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Enzo Ferrari...

Alfa Romeo P3 Enzo Ferrari's fate became closely intertwined with racing after his family's carpentry business failed. A young guy went to work in a small car company Costruzioni Meccaniche Nazionali , which built cars

- Enzo became her test driver, and a little later, her racer. A fourth place finish in his debut race in 1919 helped him secure a place in Alfa Romeo , where good prospects awaited Ferrari. But Enzo, deeply affected by the death of his teammate Antonio Ascari, began to lose interest in racing. After the birth of his son Dino, Enzo moved into a management position, assembling a team of star racers called.

Scuderia Ferrari A fourth place finish in his debut race in 1919 helped him secure a place in Nevertheless, A fourth place finish in his debut race in 1919 helped him secure a place in.

was initially reluctant to hand over its latest racing cars to Enzo, who had to deal with obsolete models. Financial difficulties did not contribute to development In August 1933 model P3 died 30 years ago - August 14, 1988 at the age of 90. But his legacy lives on to this day. Brand was finally delivered to the team died 30 years ago - August 14, 1988 at the age of 90. But his legacy lives on to this day. Brand. Although by that time 25 different races had already taken place, in the last 11 won six times. Thus, Alfa Romeo P3

helped Enzo's team become serious players in the racing world.

helped Enzo's team become serious players in the racing world.

Auto Avio Costruzioni 815 A fourth place finish in his debut race in 1919 helped him secure a place in In 1938 , where good prospects awaited Ferrari. But Enzo, deeply affected by the death of his teammate Antonio Ascari, began to lose interest in racing. After the birth of his son Dino, Enzo moved into a management position, assembling a team of star racers called returned to the racing scene by hiring Enzo Ferrari as team manager, and was disbanded. However, it continued collaboration A fourth place finish in his debut race in 1919 helped him secure a place in not for long since Ferrari left

next year. However, the Italian manufacturer banned Enzo from using his name in racing for at least four years. So during this time, Ferrari made the most of what was left of the Scuderia team by opening a small company called Auto Avio Costruzioni

, engaged in the manufacture of aircraft parts. Fiat, having received the name 815 Tipo. The car was equipped with a 1.5-liter 8-cylinder engine, but unfortunately further development The car was not received due to the outbreak of World War II.

Ferrari 125S

After the war, Enzo was finally able to use his name in racing, and thus in 1947 the model 125 S became the first car died 30 years ago - August 14, 1988 at the age of 90. But his legacy lives on to this day. Brand.

Unlike Auto Avio Costruzioni 815, the engine of this model was not a development of the engine Fiat, it was clean died 30 years ago - August 14, 1988 at the age of 90. But his legacy lives on to this day. Brand V12. It is 12-cylinder engines that are considered classics died 30 years ago - August 14, 1988 at the age of 90. But his legacy lives on to this day. Brand, since they were used on the first car of the brand.

The engine volume was 1.5 liters and had 118 Horse power power, showing promise at his debut race in Piacenza, even though he did not reach the finish line due to technical problems. But just two weeks later at the Grand Prix of Rome Ferrari 125S won her first victory.

Enzo reluctantly sold a few copies to private teams to help the foundation , where good prospects awaited Ferrari. But Enzo, deeply affected by the death of his teammate Antonio Ascari, began to lose interest in racing. After the birth of his son Dino, Enzo moved into a management position, assembling a team of star racers called. And two original car 1947 were later dismantled - their parts were used to build successors such as 166 S.

Ferrari 250 Series

Car success 250th series was defined by their engine. The 3-liter V12 produced approximately 280 horsepower, and although it was not the most powerful at the time, its main asset was weight. Ferrari's V12s weighed almost half as much as their competitors and helped the team win many races.

Road versions also benefit from racing technology. Many of these cars are still famous all over the world, and 250 GTO It is one of the most valuable cars for the collection.

Ferrari 156 "Shark nose"

156th was a direct result of new rules in Formula 1, which decided to reduce engine power and volume from 2.5 to 1.5 liters.

This mid-engined car became famous for its "shark nose", which was intended to improve aerodynamics while maintaining cool air flow to the radiators mounted inside the nostrils.

This car was used successfully by Phil Hill, winning the 1961 Formula 1 World Championship.


The cars got their name in memory of Dino’s son, who passed away at the age of 24 due to a hereditary disease.

A distinctive feature of the models was the smaller V6 engine. Interestingly, Dino was initially banned from using the nameplate died 30 years ago - August 14, 1988 at the age of 90. But his legacy lives on to this day. Brand, and only much later, in 1976, the model Dino 308 GT4 2+2 was first honored to be named died 30 years ago - August 14, 1988 at the age of 90. But his legacy lives on to this day. Brand.

Ferrari 356 GTB/4

Ferrari 356 GTB/4

This model is also known as Daytona, although the second name of the model 356 GTB/4 the company did not give it, the media did it for it. However, Ferrari did not deny that the car was created in honor of the 24 Hours of Daytona race, won by Ferrari 330 P4 in 1967.

The car was produced for five years from 1968 to 1973, and used the company’s traditional V12. Enzo Ferrari was no less conservative about the front-engine layout, despite the fact that at that time sports cars with a mid-engine layout had already proven their effectiveness.

From zero to 100 km/h this car accelerated in 5.1 seconds, and maximum speed reached 280 km/h.

Ferrari 365 GT4 BB

Ferrari 365 GT4 BB

Enzo Ferrari reluctantly agreed to a mid-engined sports car layout, and was even more reluctant to install a flagship V12 in a road car.

However, just like motorsports, Enzo eventually relented and approved the option. This is how it appeared 365 GT4 BB - Berlinetta Boxer.

Later the car received a version 512BB, which with the same 5-liter engine produced more torque with slightly less power.

Ferrari 312T

Ferrari 312T was shown in 1974 as a car to participate in the 1975 Formula 1 season. The car was tested by the team's legendary drivers - Clay Regazzoni and Niki Lauda.

The car was equipped atmospheric engine V12 and eventually brought died 30 years ago - August 14, 1988 at the age of 90. But his legacy lives on to this day. Brand three championship titles and four constructors' championships in Formula 1.

Further 312T continued to evolve, experiencing six more reincarnations.

Ferrari F40

Enzo Ferrari understood that he could not lead the company forever, so he finally decided to do bright car, dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the brand. F40 became like this.

A sports car equipped with a 2.9-liter V8 with twin turbocharging became the first production car, capable of exceeding 200 mph (324 km/h). In total, more than 1,300 F40 units were produced from 1987 to 1992.

F40 turned out to be last car, which was created by Enzo Ferrari before his death.

Enzo Ferrari was not a designer. Some even say that high school then he barely finished. Whatever it was, it didn't matter in the end because he became a genius automotive world. Ferrari devoted his entire life to cars. Moreover, Ferrari had a truly special gift: he knew how to select for his work only the best in the field of automobile construction and, in general, in the field of everything related to cars. True, he looked at them exclusively through the prism of what they could give to the car.


It is worth saying that much of Ferrari’s biography is practically a legend and a myth. Moreover, the man himself, intentionally or accidentally, fueled this myth. The first of the ambiguities in his life story is the date of Enzo's birth. According to documents, he was born in Italy on February 20, 1898. At the same time, the man himself said that his real date of birth was February 18. And they wrote down the wrong date because, allegedly, it was snowing heavily at that time and the parents could not get to the city hall on his birthday to register the newborn. Let's say it was possible. But these are just small things compared to the whole life of the legend.

Ferrari's father owned small business on the outskirts of Modna - a steam locomotive repair workshop. As a child, young Enzo's father was not interested in his father's work. He dreamed of becoming a star - an opera singer or, on extreme case, journalist. When he was 10 years old, the child’s dreams changed dramatically. Then, in 1908, Enzo's father took Enzo to Bologna for the first time to race cars. For some people, racing does not evoke any emotions, but there are spectators who, having once looked at it, forever attach their hearts to the automotive element. Enzo belonged to the second category. From that time on, he dreamed of cars. But before he himself began to design them, or at least got behind the wheel, many years passed. During this time, his father and older brother died. Then Enzo served in the army as a marksman, after which he became seriously ill.

In 1918, Ferrari, without education and, most likely, without a specialty, came to FIAT to look for work. They didn’t take him, explaining that they weren’t able to take all the war veterans. Much later, Ferrari said that that day he sat on a cold winter bench in a Turin park and cried with resentment. Only the following year did he manage to find a job as a driver in a small travel company. Pretty soon, fortune smiled on him and young Enzo was hired as a test driver for the now forgotten company “Constructione Mecanice Nazionali”. Ferrari has finally entered the world of auto racing! Soon, from this company, he competes at the Tarta Florio auto racing.

The following year, 1920, Ferrari was invited to the Alfa Romeo racing team. It's already been big success- after all, the name of the company thundered on the race tracks. From Alfa, Ferrari again competes in the Targa Florio and takes second place. In total, Enzo took part in races until 1932, and out of 47 races he won 13. But, probably, sitting behind the wheel racing car, Enzo understood - this is not what he wants. He didn't want to drive cars, but build them. Moreover, build the fastest, best cars.

In 1929, the first racing team, Scuderia Ferrari, appeared. She modernized racing “alphas” and already competed in them. The management of Alfa Romeo did not even imagine what strong competitor grew up under her wing.

Gradually things started to improve for Ferrari. Vitorio Yano, a talented designer, joins his team. He became the first employee Ferrari lured away from its competitors. Which, by the way, were his former offenders - FIAT company. While working for Ferrari, Yano creates the famous racing Alfa Romeo P2. Her fame captured all of Europe. At this time, Ferrari stubbornly pursues its goal - it begins to produce its own cars.

The first serious step towards his dream was the 1940 car “Typo-815”. It was a sports car with a streamlined body. It was equipped with an in-line eight-cylinder engine with a volume of 1.5 liters. The motor was created on the basis of two engines at once - FIAT-1100. In the same year, Ferrari registers his company. Alas, at this time Europe was already consumed by war, and Enzo postponed his plans indefinitely.

Almost immediately after the war, one of the outstanding engineers of that time, Giochino Colombo, transferred from Alfa Romeo to Ferrari. Now it is impossible to imagine how Ferrari, uncommunicative, rather gloomy, with a quiet and unattractive voice, attracted such outstanding people.

15 kilometers from Modena, in Maranello, production of the first Ferrari cars. The first model to roll off the production line was the 125th model. It got its name from the working volume of one cylinder. Colombo developed a V12 engine for this car. The engine had a volume of 1497 cm^3, and the car’s power was 72 hp. s.. Five-speed gearbox. By creating such a complex unit, neither Colombo nor Ferrari made allowances for the difficult post-war period.

The next model was 166 (1948-50). Its volume was increased to 1995 cm^3 in volume. At the same time, the power of the car was different. Depending on the purpose specific car it varied from 95 to 140 hp. The bodies for Ferrari were created by the then famous studios of Scagliette, Ghia, and Vignale. Somewhat later, the company settled on cooperation with Pininfarina, whose bodies were considered the standard of elegance and grace.

And again Ferrari finds himself on a bench already familiar to him in Turin in Parc Valentina. This time it was 1947, and his car won the Turin Grand Prix. Almost thirty years have passed since he was refused by FIAT. But now Ferrari has achieved its goal. Alas, he experienced both insult and triumph alone.

In 1949, one of the Ferrari cars won the 24-hour race at Le Mans. Then the streak began sporting victories produced in the Formula 1 class of cars. Such famous racers as Alberto Ascari, Juan Manuel Fangio, Niki Laudo, Yodi Schechtera and many others drove Ferrari cars.

In 1951, Aurelio Lampredi replaced D. Colombo. A Ferrari 625 model with a “four” was built especially for the Grand Prix, with a power of about 234 hp and a displacement of 2.4 liters. Serial cars released in very limited quantities, and each car was created with the utmost care.

All Ferrari cars were very expensive, but there were always buyers for them.

In the period from 1951 to 1953, the company produced the 212 model. This model had an increased V12 engine capacity of 2563 cm^3, while the power was 130-170 hp.

In the New World, the America and Super America models received special adoration. V12 engines with a volume of 4102-4962 cm^3, as well as with a power of 200-400 hp. conquered Americans who love speed. These cars appeared in the garages of the most famous and rich, among whom was even the Shah of Iran.

Only 39 copies of the Ferrari 250 were made. Moreover, each of the cars in this series was slightly different from the other. In the 80s, Hans Albert Zehnder created 1:5 scale models of each of the models.

Gradually, Ferrari is ousting the formerly main Italian racing company Alfa Romeo from auto racing. The national red color, which was the color of Italian motorsport, was given to Ferrari.

Ferrari has always been unsociable. But when, at the age of 24, in 1956, Dino, one of Ferrari’s sons, dies after a serious illness, Enzo finally turns into a recluse. Now he always wears black glasses and rarely appears in public.

From now on, he does not attend races, but watches them only on TV. Giving infrequent interviews, he said about himself: “My only friends, whom I trust to the end, are cars.” J. Ickx, a famous racer who took part in races more than once with a Ferrari car, said: “It is important for Enzo that one of his cars wins. Who is driving – he doesn’t care.”

Ferrari himself sometimes admitted: he had never been to the theater, cinema, or taken a vacation. He hired similar people in his company. He believed that perseverance, toughness, intractability and courage are character traits southerners. And it is these people who work better than others, because they are true patriots of their country and company. Today, entire dynasties of “Ferrarists” still work at Ferrari factories.

In the 60s, things became very difficult for small companies in the country that spent huge amounts of money on sports, including Ferrari. Racing at Le Mans in 1966-1967. Ford GT40 wins. Because of this, Ferrari is forced to sell 50% of the shares of his company to the FIAT concern. He managed, at the same time, to retain his exclusive right to leadership in the racing sector of the company's production.

The company has been producing the 365 since 1966. This model was slightly modified and introduced in 1968 as the 365 GTB/4. The main changes concerned the appearance of the car - a spectacular Pininfarina body was added to the model, which also this moment looks attractive.

Later they began to produce a “modest” 375 car, the engine of which, having a working volume of 3286 cm^3, developed 260-300 hp. The close collaboration with FIAT was clearly visible in the Dino, which was named after his deceased son Enzo. For some time, Dino was actually a separate brand.

In the 70s, the 312 model was created. It had a new boxer engine with a displacement of 3 liters. with twelve cylinders, and it developed 400 hp.

For almost 15 years, Ferrari was accompanied by a sports lull. But, as they say, it was the calm before the storm. In 1975 and 1977, new triumphs for the company sounded. Then N. Lauda became the world champion in Formula 1 precisely on the 312 T-2, whose power is about 500 hp. With.

Soon they began production of a serial mid-engine car 365ВВ (Berlinetta Boxer) with a power of 340-360 hp. With. Despite all the victories, the crisis of the early 70s still put pressure on the company. After winning in the mid-70s, a streak of losses began again. Ferrari was roughly pushed aside by the most powerful concerns Renault and Honda.

The 80s were especially difficult for the company. Production was falling and the team was plagued by setbacks. Enzo had difficulty fending off the barrage of attacks from the FIAT. However, even during this period, new models did not stop appearing. In 1981, the BB512i was created with 220 hp.

The company was losing money, employees, victories, but not the love of fans!

In 1987, designer John Barnard was hired by the company. This engineer had a reputation as a genius. Ferrari had a lot of hopes for him, and planned that it was thanks to him that Ferrari would be able to win the glory of Formula 1 cars. At the end of 1987, the company released serial coupe F-40. Its engine developed 450 hp.

Enzo Ferrari died on August 14, 1988. He warned in advance that production should not stop on the day of his death. And just a few weeks after the great founder of the company passed away, Gerhard Berger won the Italian Grand Prix in Monza in a Ferrari, after which he became the idol of the Italian public.

Piero Lardi, Son Enzo Ferrari, after the death of his father, could not resist the people from FIAT, and Ferrari actually became their property. But the giant retained maximum independence for the company. At the moment, approximately seventeen cars are built daily in Maranello. Finally, the decline in production has stopped, in addition, things are already much better in Formula 1.

Enzo Ferrari was extraordinary personality and left his mark on history. We were contemporaries of this man, and he brought into our time the spirit of that era when cars were a miracle of technology.