Rules for the use of a freight elevator with internal control. Plates "rules for using the elevator". Safety requirements at the end of work

Sign in the elevator. LCD "Baltic Quartet"

Plate "Rules for the use of a passenger-and-freight elevator." LLC TSN "NORD"

Sign "Passenger lift". OOO " Modern technologies»

Sign in the elevator. Lift Solutions LLC

"Fire Elevator" sign

Sign in the elevator. Size 15 x 20 cm.

Plate "Passenger lift"

Plate "Rules for the use of a passenger elevator." Size 20 x 30 cm.

Corner rounding R 5 mm.

The plate "Rules for the use of the elevator." RM Building LLC

Sign in the elevator. Paragon LLC, Cyprus.

Sign in the elevator. LLC ZhK Korona

Signs in the elevator. Management company "Zhilservice"

Sign in the elevator. MP "Invest"

Plate "Rules for using a passenger elevator with automatic drive doors"

Plate "Rules for the use of a passenger elevator." LCD "Crown"

KONE elevators. The plate in the elevator

Sign "Passenger lift". Kvartal LLC

The plate "Passenger lift". Spektr LLC

Plate "Cargo lift"

The plate "Passenger lift". OOO BC "Snezhnaya"

OOO "Modtfil"

According to clause 4.4.1 GOST R 51617-2000, on the main (loading) floor or in the elevator car

the contractor must post the Rules for using the elevator and a sign

indicating the name of the elevator, its carrying capacity, registration number,

telephone numbers for contacting service personnel or emergency services.

in the elevator cabin and (or) on the main landing floor, the rules for using the elevator are posted,

as well as a plate with a telephone number for contacting service personnel or emergency services.

How to behave in an elevator

So how do you behave in an elevator? What troubles can you encounter and what should you pay attention to? What caused this or that requirement to the passenger and where to turn for help?

The first thing you need to know is that in each elevator car and (or) on the main landing floor, the Rules for Using the Elevator, as well as a plate indicating the telephone number for contacting maintenance personnel and emergency services, must be posted. Remember or enter this number in your mobile phone. If these plates are not available, try to find out the phone number from the dispatcher by calling him by pressing the "Call" button at the order post in the elevator car.

What is written in the Rules for using the elevator?

After the Rules supplied by the manufacturer, posted in the elevator, are destroyed by the residents, the organization servicing the elevator hangs out new ones. They usually indicate the name of this organization and the number contact phone. Usually, the following points of the rules are of interest.

1. "Do not enter the elevator until you are sure that the car is in front of you."
People say: trust in God, but do not make a mistake yourself. In addition to calling for obvious precaution, this paragraph also has a specific practical meaning. The doors of the mine do not have their own drive and are structurally designed so that their doors tend to close under the action of their own weight or the weight of a special load. That is, the doors of the mine cannot open on their own. But they can be opened with special key manually and locked in that position. Of course, this is a violation of security rules, but such a situation can happen.

In another case, repair work may be carried out in the mine. You hear that the elevator is moving, you press the call button and the doors open, but the cabin is one floor below, by coincidence, the electromechanics working on the roof of the cabin manually opened your door from inside the shaft. Agree, it's worth making sure.

Another situation: the cabin did arrive, the doors opened, but the stopping accuracy was not met. Most often, this happens due to wear of the brake linings in the winch brake mechanism. If the cabin stops below the floor, you run the risk of hitting your head on the ceiling of the cabin or “falling into” it. If higher - stumble on the threshold of the cabin and fall or hit your head, but already on the portal of the mine doors.

2. “Enter, without stopping, into the cockpit. Adults enter first, then children. This rule is due to the fact that the time delay during which the doors remain open is not large. Usually 5–7 seconds. During this time, it is desirable to have time to enter the cabin. Adults are advised to enter first. This is due to the fact that most elevators are equipped with a load weighing device (hereinafter referred to as HVU), which begins to operate when loaded. from 15 kg and above, while the exposure time of the doors in open state increases automatically.

If you send a child ahead, then his weight may not be enough to trigger this device - the doors will begin to close, and this is already a stressful situation for everyone. In addition, a child left alone in an enclosed space in an elevator car will be more frightened than if left alone in a sufficiently large landing.

Before you let your child inside the cabin, you should make sure that everything is in order there. The same situation is with the exit from the cabin - let the child out first, and then get out yourself.

Here we must remember that all this is good when the elevator is fully operational. If you approached the elevator for the first time, do not rush to immediately enter the cabin - wait a couple of seconds until the doors open completely and stop in this position. It may happen that this particular elevator was ignored by electromechanics and the doors, not having time to open, will immediately begin to close. Report this to the telephone numbers indicated on the plates and decide on your own what to do next. Most likely, the door reverse of this elevator will not work either.

3. “When transporting prams, children need to be picked up. First, enter the elevator yourself, then roll in the stroller. When leaving, first roll out the stroller. This paragraph largely repeats the previous one for the same reasons. The difference is that it is necessary to pick up the child from the stroller in your arms. This must be done because in the event of any emergency, you will have neither time nor opportunity to get the child out of the stroller. Terrible examples of such situations hit the media with frightening regularity.

4. "When the cabin stops between floors, do not try to get out of it yourself and do not open the cabin doors and the shaft doors." It's really dangerous. Leaving the cabin on your own, located between floors, you risk falling into the elevator shaft, getting injured when you hit the elevator structure, which are not normally accessible to the passenger, being struck by electric current when touching wiring and live devices. In addition, the cabin can move and this is really unpleasant. Remember that elevator operators and electricians receive special training in the safe removal of passengers from the cab. Wait for their arrival.

5. For some passengers, the prohibition to smoke in the elevator, transport flammable and toxic substances causes a smile. But in vain. In addition to the fact that smoking in public places is prohibited, it can cause an elevator fire with all the ensuing consequences. The elevator car is a small enclosed space, often with only natural ventilation, it is instantly filled with the smell and smoke of tobacco, it becomes noticeably hotter even after smoking one cigarette. Have pity on yourself and the people who will use the cabin after you.

Due to tightness and stiffness, you can accidentally open, crush, drop containers with toxic and flammable substances, the air in the cabin will immediately be filled with them, and you will not be able to immediately leave it. As a result, the cabin can become a toxic trap not only for you.

6. Why is it forbidden for children to use the elevator car preschool age unaccompanied by parents? First of all, because the child does not yet know how to read and cannot read the Rules
and even more to follow them.

When a child is in the cabin, due to its low weight, the HVU may not work, which will lead to the closing of the doors, and since the automation decides that the cabin is empty, the light inside the cabin will be turned off. Don't put your child to the test
in a stuffy, dark, closed, cramped cabin.

We must take into account the curiosity of children at this age - an attempt to stick a wire
A command console clogged with electrical devices may result in electric shock. Trying to peek
into the elevator shaft can also end very badly. Without noticing the beginning of the closing of the doors of the mine, even with a workable reverse, the child risks being squeezed by them. When closing the door, they develop an effort up to 15 kg,
Not every child can handle it. The kinetic energy of closing doors is comparable to the energy of a weight in 1 kg, falling from a height at 1 m. If a child's head is between the wings, he cannot avoid a very strong blow. If the flaps close in the neck area, it can be even worse.

The fact is that on a fully serviceable elevator it is allowed to turn off the reverse
for 5 centimeters until the end of closing, about one centimeter more is allowed for a gap between the wings with an applied force in the direction of their opening. Now imagine the neck of a preschooler, which is affected by both the kinetic energy of the valves and the force to close. Deformation can reach the limit of turning off the reverse, the flaps can simply suffocate the child.

What else should be remembered while using the elevator? First of all, approaching the elevator, you must remember that this is an object heightened danger. Please, before entering the cabin wake up and focus on the ride. Twenty seconds of mindfulness can keep you healthy. Upon entering the cab, stand up straight with your feet slightly apart for greater stability, bend your knees slightly, firmly grasp the handrail with your hand.

No need to imposingly recline on the cabin wall, leaning on one leg, while straightening it as much as possible. This can result in a broken leg, ribs and concussion. In this case, we are not talking about some kind of catastrophe, but about the operation of devices designed to save your life.

We are talking about the operation of catchers and buffers. According to current regulations, the overload caused by the operation of these devices reaches two times as an average value and almost four times, for a time of no more than 0.04 seconds. This is equivalent to the fact that during emergency stop lift on your shoulders suddenly another you sits down.

It is from here that legends are born about elevators falling several floors and passengers miraculously escaping, then excitedly talking about their experiences in between demonstrations of bandaged limbs. If these people directed at least part of their energy to their own safety, then the worst thing that would await them in such an accident would be to do a full squat. Not everyone will enjoy it, but it's the lesser of the evils.

If the doors began to close, and you did not have time to enter the cabin and still intend to do so right now, do not try to stop the sashes with your hand- it's hard enough. Place your foot on the threshold of the door, in front of the sash itself, and firmly press the sole to the floor. Shoes will protect the foot from impact, and a tightly set foot is a much better barrier to the sash. Do not put your foot at the end of the closure, and if you are wearing open sandals or flip flops, you can get injured in the form of a bruise or cut.

Do not push the sashes in the direction of opening, often this leads to the release of the reverse mechanism for the working positions and the elevator stops. For the normal operation of the reverse mechanism, it is necessary to have an obstacle between the door leaves, and not a counter action. Do not insert your fingers between the door leaves. Their thickness may not be enough to prevent the locks of the doors of the mine and the cabin, as a result, the safety chain will be assembled, the leaves will be closed, the fingers will be clamped and the elevator will start to move.

Do not overload the elevator it leads to him premature wear, disruption of the HVU, overpassing exact stops and extreme positions, may cause landing on safety gear or a buffer.

Fighting, fussing, demonstrating elements of acrobatics in the cabin while the elevator is moving leads to the same result. Believe me, landing on the catchers will be unexpected for you, besides this, other people will no longer be able to use the elevator.

When cleaning in an elevator or landing area, do not dry sweep, use a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth. The elevator shaft works like a powerful hood, it sucks all the dust and debris from the floor areas into it, it’s especially bad when respectable housewives begin to sweep debris under the elevator doors or right into the cabin.
Unfortunately, there are many such hostesses.

What does this lead to? There are several "weak" points in elevators. Two of them are HLG and mine door locks. HLG is conventional scales. How do we use our home scales? That's right - carefully. Why, then, do we jump on the elevator scales, litter on them, overload them? Over time, the debris from the cabin begins to restrict the movement of the loading platform, the dust from the mine prevents the normal movement of the weighing mechanism levers under the cabin, as a result, the HVU stops working, and the elevator stops working normally with it.

The doors of the shaft are the first to take on the rubbish impact of the residents, since the garbage that has fallen into the shaft from one floor immediately settles on the underlying doors. And given that the gaps in the door mechanisms are adjustable from 0.1 mm to several millimeters, depending on the type of assembly, then an ordinary cigarette butt can cause the door to block and stop the elevator.

If we add to this a huge number of door opening-closing cycles, an infinite number of reverses, a large number of shaft doors themselves, as well as constant poking from passengers, it is not at all surprising that electricians have to spend almost all their working time adjusting doors.
Often there is simply no time left to service other nodes.

It has been calculated that an ordinary typical elevator in a nine-story building makes 60 thousand trips, produces almost 70 thousand cycles opening and closing doors, travels up to 10 thousand kilometers while on the move almost 1300 hours, and transports order
9 thousand tons of cargo and passengers. Huge load.

When you get on the elevator, be careful. At least once in a while, pay attention to how he behaves, what sounds accompany his work. If you find something suspicious, report it by the phone numbers mentioned earlier. Check the operation of the dispatcher call button, this is the "Call" or "Call" button. Do not be shy about the dispatcher's screams - this is your safety.

Check periodically the operation of the "Cancel", "Reverse", "Door" buttons - depending on which one is present in your elevator. Their action is very similar. And the "Cancel" button, in addition, allows you to forcibly stop the elevator on the next floor and open the doors. If any buttons do not work- Report this to the service organization.

Doors should open and close without jamming jerks are possible, but the occurrence of jamming, accompanied by a crunch or other metallic sounds, is a reason to invite an electromechanic. If during the movement the cabin begins to be thrown from side to side, sometimes blows are heard from the side of the doors, the cabin sometimes stops briefly before reaching the destination floor - it's time to change the shoe liners, check the shtihmas and adjust the mechanisms of the mine doors.

If when the cab stops, it continues to jump up and down for some time- there is reason to worry. True, it is possible that there was an uneven stretching of the cables, which, however, leads to their premature wear. But an inadequate option is also possible - not all cables are in place on your elevator.

When you see an electrician, tell him
about perceived shortcomings,
he will take note of it. Do not expect gratitude from him - although, unlike doctors, among electromechanics, the overwhelming majority of really high-class specialists who know their profession to the subtleties, otherwise they are very similar: they are not very talkative and slightly arrogant.

In the case of electricians, this can be understood - they are loaded from morning until evening. It is clear that it is bad for everyone. But someone has to take the first step towards each other in this protracted confrontation. Let's do it, we passengers. By starting to monitor our elevators, we will be able to demand an appropriate attitude towards them from other interested parties. And who knows, maybe the day will come when we will go into the elevator with joy!

In regulatory documents, the elevator is indicated as vehicle increased danger. He passes technical inspections, has his own passport, service life. For safe movement during operation, it is necessary to follow the rules for using the elevator, which will be discussed in this article.

General rules

Rules for using the elevator with automatic doors require strict adherence to certain requirements. First of all, to move between floors, you need to know how to call the elevator. It would seem that everything is simple - there is only one call button. However, you should be aware that after pressing it, the indicator light should light up. If this does not happen, then you need to repeat the call.

After the elevator has arrived and its doors have opened, you should make sure that the cabin has also been delivered. In extremely rare cases automatic doors open before the arrival of the elevator itself, the passenger runs the risk of being in the elevator shaft.

After entering the cabin, you should press the button for the desired floor, after which the doors will close on their own, and the elevator will go. If the means of transportation has not set in motion, it is necessary to press the button with the designation of the floor on which the passenger is located. this moment, or Stop. In this case, the doors will open.

Button designation

In addition to the elevator call button and floor indicators, there is another one in the cabin. required button- "Call" or "Call", which allows you to establish a connection with the technical staff. When it is held, the dispatcher answers, who needs to be informed detailed information about emergency: stuck elevator, malfunction system, emergency and so on.

The following buttons are not present in all elevators:

  • the “Doors” button (◄ ) allows you to open the doors and keep them open;
  • The stop button is used to emergency braking lift
  • the "Cancel" button causes the car to stop and open the doors on the nearest floor.
  • The rules for using the elevator, which are usually located on the stand in the cabin, assume the working condition of the systems. Contact numbers are also indicated there, which should be contacted in case of a malfunction, including when the buttons break.

    Transportation of children

    In the rules drawn up by the manufacturer, there is the following point: first, an adult must enter the elevator, then a child. This is due to the fact that many elevators are equipped with a load weighing device (HVU), the action of which is activated only when the load is above fifteen kilograms. At the same time, the time until automatic closing doors are increasing. If it comes in first Small child, then its weight may not be enough to trigger the system, and the cabin will close before the adult has time to enter. This situation can frighten the baby and even cause fear. closed space further.

    For the safety and peace of the child, parents must follow the rules for using the elevator. For preschool children, there are restrictions: they cannot use the elevator without an adult. The reason for this is the same HLG, which may not recognize the presence of a little man in the cockpit. This will cause the doors to close faster than usual, and the lights in the elevator room will go out as if there is no one in it.

    Moving with a stroller

    Young parents must also follow the rules for using the elevator. With the stroller in which the baby is located, you must move as follows:

  • get the child out of the stroller;
  • carry children's transport into the cabin;
  • get into the elevator.
  • When leaving, the stroller is first taken out, then an adult comes out with a child in his arms. Such a measure is binding rule safety when using the elevator, because in the event of an unforeseen situation, the parent will not have time to pull the baby out of the stroller.

    Service lift

    In order to provide the lifting mechanism smooth operation must follow the terms of use freight elevator:

  • the weight of the transported cargo should not exceed the specified norm;
  • all items must be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the cab;
  • transportation of people is prohibited in some freight elevators;
  • shipment can only be carried out with fully closed doors.
  • In addition, the use of a freight elevator is possible only in the presence of a responsible person with appropriate professional skills.

    What is forbidden to do in the elevator?

    Rules for the use of elevators in residential buildings do not allow actions that are listed below:

    • the cabin should be entered in order, starting with those who are closest to the doors;
    • the button of the required floor for himself and other passengers is pressed by the one who stands closer to the control panel;
    • to release the exiting person, you should leave the cabin, and not cling to the wall;
    • when touched or confronted, it is worth apologizing;
    • it is not customary to conduct a dialogue with acquaintances in the presence of strangers.

    You should not openly consider other passengers, as this may provoke a conflict or simply embarrass the person who has become the object of increased attention. It's not just in an elevator that rules of etiquette must be followed, but in such a tight space, respect for your companions is a must.

    Rules for using the passenger and freight elevator, safety tips

    In each booth of the lifting device there must be signs where the rules for using the elevator are prescribed. But it happens that there is no information or it is not enough. How to use the passenger and freight elevator? What to do if you get stuck in an elevator? You will find these and other recommendations and tips for extreme situations later in the article.

    A little about the design of the elevator and shaft

    Passenger and freight elevators consist of the cabin itself, the engine room and the shaft. The machine room, in turn, includes a control station, safety devices, a winch and a speed limiter.

    The shaft consists of a counterweight, a guide for the cabin, cables, electrical wiring, a cable and a lower level - a pit.

    It is located below landing pad on the first or ground floor. This section contains various devices maintenance of the elevator and security system. The most interesting element is the buffer, which serves for depreciation and emergency stop of the cab. Usually they are installed two per elevator. One for the forklift room itself, and the other for the counterweight. It is a mistake to assume that in the event of a breakdown, the cabin bounces on buffers to the upper floors. Its purpose is to soften the blow when falling - no more.

    Security system in modern elevators

    New generation elevators are equipped with almost everything necessary to ensure the comfort and safety of passengers during the movement. These are devices such as:

    • video cameras outside the cab and inside;
    • fire alarm;
    • button to call for help in case of emergency.
    • General terms of use

      Despite all the safety measures provided by the manufacturer and installers of lifting structures, you must follow the rules for using the elevator.

      What postulates are written on the signs in the booths and the entrance? Let's try to explain each point.

    • "You should not enter the elevator until you are sure that the car is opposite." It would seem, why write such obvious things? But there are times when the doors of the elevator shaft are open, but the cabin itself has not yet arrived or repairs are underway. If there are problems in brake system, then the cabin stops above or below required level. Inadvertently, you can either hit your head on the top or trip on the bottom of the cab.
    • "When stopping the car in case of a malfunction between floors, do not try to open the doors and get out yourself." Doing so may result in electric shock or falling down the elevator shaft. Be sure to contact the dispatcher and wait for the electrician.
    • "You can not smoke in the elevator cabin, as well as carry flammable and poisonous volatile substances." When smoking, the cabin quickly fills with smoke, the air heats up, the conditions of stay become unbearable, especially if there are non-smoking passengers nearby. Toxic substances carried in an elevator can be accidentally spilled, and a person will be in a death trap.
    • Rules for the use of elevators in residential buildings have been supplemented with instructions for using the "Call" button, the "Stop" button and buttons with floor numbers. Also, the plate must contain information about the organization serving the elevator, and its phone number.

      Rules for using the elevator for children

      The following rules are equally important.

      1. “Enter the cabin at once. Children accompanied by adults are the last to enter.

      The first sentence is understandable, because the doors can close, especially if a short delay time is set. According to the norms, it should not be lower than 5-7 seconds. Why should parents go first? The fact is that passenger elevators are equipped with a GVU system (cargo weighing device). It comes into action when loading from 15 kg and above and serves to delay the elevator for a while. If a child weighing less than 15 kg is allowed in first, the elevator doors may close before an adult enters. You need to leave the cabin first for a child, and then for an adult.

      2. “If you have a baby stroller, you need to take the child in your arms. The stroller should be brought in after the parent has entered the elevator, when exiting the stroller should be in front.

      This point after reading the previous one with the HLG system is already clear. But you need to take the child out of the stroller in your arms. This is simply necessary, because in the event of an unforeseen situation there will be no time, and maybe no opportunity to pull the child out of the stroller.

      First of all, this is due to the fact that the child often cannot read at this age and will not be able to read the instructions and rules. If it gets inside the cabin, it can stay there, and even without light, because the elevator system, due to its low weight, will not determine that there is someone in the cabin.

      Additional safety measures when using a passenger elevator

      If an elevator is installed in your house, then you must always remember that this is a device of increased danger. Before entering the cabin, you should be as careful as possible and remember the rules for using an elevator with automatic doors. How to behave inside the cab? What can happen during an emergency stop?

      The following rules for using the elevator will help maintain health:

    • Stand straight with your legs apart a little for stability, your knees can be slightly bent.
    • Hold on to the handrail.
    • It is impossible, leaning on the wall of the cabin, to lean on one leg. This can cause damage in the form of broken limbs and ribs. During an emergency stop, there is a large load on the body. If all safety measures are observed, then the maximum that threatens a person is to perform a full squat.
    • Rules to help maintain the life of the elevator

      The closing doors must not be blocked by hand. This happens when you enter the elevator late. AT last resort, you can put your foot in the boot in front of the flaps. The sole must be firmly pressed to the floor. If a person is shod in sandals, then this can lead to bruises and cuts.

    • Before leaving the guests, you do not need to continue communication at the elevator shaft, holding the doors. This can lead to a construction stop.
    • Do not overload the elevator.
    • Do not sweep debris down the elevator shaft.
    • Rules for using a freight elevator

      Freight elevator provides its own rules of use. Each booth has its own signs with information about the following content:

    • Permissible norm of cargo for transportation (for each model of a freight elevator it has its own).
    • Telephone numbers for repair services.
    • There may also be basic requirements for use:

    • do not overload the elevator;
    • it is better to distribute the load evenly throughout the cabin;
    • if the elevator does not have an internal control system, then the transportation of passengers is prohibited;
    • transportation of passengers and cargo must be carried out separately;
    • if the freight elevator was contaminated with flammable substances during transportation, it is immediately stopped and washed;
    • after use, do not leave the booth loaded.
    • The rules for using elevators are not fraught with any difficulties. You just need to remember about them and be careful when moving to avoid various troubles and damage to health.

      Using a Passenger Elevator to Lift Loads

      Lawyers Answers (9)

      And in connection with what the question arose? Who forbids it to be used to lift loads?

      Clarification of the client

      yes, I’m corny doing repairs in the apartment and, as usual, there are dissatisfied neighbors

      Have a question for a lawyer?

      In residential apartment building There is one passenger elevator at the entrance. Can it be used to lift loads? (naturally, provided that the carrying capacity is not exceeded and it is damaged). Need links to regulations. Thank you

      There is no prohibition on such use. If T ex.documentation for this elevator allows such and such maximum load capacity, then within its limits you can carry anything you want.

      Well, that's always the case. Take it easy, just keep it clean and that's it.

      Good afternoon. Yes, it is quite possible. The operation of passenger and freight elevators must comply with the requirements of the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Elevators, the Rules for the Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations, the Safety Rules for the Operation of Electrical Installations.

      Their use is allowed provided that the rated load capacity is observed: the mass of the load that the elevator is designed to carry.

      By the way, there are a number of GOSTs for elevators, for example:

      "GOST R 55964-2014. national standard Russian Federation. Elevators. General requirements operational safety"
      (approved and put into effect by the Order of Rosstandart dated 06.03.2014 N 93-st)

      5.1. To ensure the safety of the elevator during the designated service life, the following conditions must be met:
      - exclusion of the use of an elevator for transporting building materials and goods when performing construction and finishing works in the premises of buildings and structures without taking measures to prevent damage to the elevator equipment.

      Those. in the end - if you follow safety precautions and do not damage the elevator equipment, then there can be no questions for you.

      "GOST R 52941-2008 (ISO 4190-6:1984). Passenger lifts. Design of vertical transport systems in residential buildings "(approved by the Order of Rostekhregulirovanie dated July 21, 2008 N 144-st)

      4.1. Elevators in residential buildings must ensure the transportation of passengers with the given indicators of passenger traffic and transport comfort (interval), as well as such bulky goods as furniture, stretchers, etc.

      Then refer to:

      of September 27, 2003 N 170

      5.10. elevators
      5.10.1. Content, maintenance and technical Supervision behind the elevators should be carried out specialized organization in accordance with established requirements and carried out by linear electricians together with elevator operators (elevator maintenance) or (when elevators are connected to the control panel) by linear electricians together with dispatchers (operators) and electricians on duty ( comprehensive service). Elimination of failures in the operation of elevators in the evening, at night and on weekends should be carried out by an emergency service.
      5.10.2. The operating organization (the owner of the elevator - the owner of the building in which the elevators are located, as well as enterprises and organizations in whose economic jurisdiction or operational management the buildings are located, including condominiums, partnerships, associations of homeowners and other organizations) ensures that the elevator is maintained in good condition and its safe operation through proper maintenance and repair.
      For these purposes, the operating organization shall ensure:
      compliance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as regulatory technical documents in the field of industrial safety;
      staffing of employees associated with the operation of elevators;
      admission to work of persons who meet the relevant qualification requirements and do not have medical contraindications for the specified work;
      training and certification of employees in the field of industrial safety;
      availability of regulatory legal acts and regulatory technical documents establishing the rules for conducting work;
      production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements;
      carrying out technical diagnostics, inspection of elevators and decommissioning of elevators upon expiration of the established service life;
      preventing unauthorized persons from entering the elevator premises;
      compliance with the instructions of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia and its officials given by them in accordance with the powers;
      suspension of the operation of the elevator independently or by order of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia and officials in the event of a threat to people's lives;
      measures to localize and eliminate the consequences of accidents and accidents on the elevator, assist government agencies, participate in the technical investigation of the causes of accidents and accidents on the elevator, and also take measures to eliminate these causes and prevent them;
      analysis of the causes of the incident on the elevator, taking measures to eliminate these causes and prevent such incidents;
      measures to protect the life and health of workers associated with the operation of elevators; timely informing the relevant state authorities about the accident and the accident on the elevator;
      accounting of accidents, incidents and accidents on the elevator;
      submission to the Gosgortechnadzor of Russia of information on the number of accidents, incidents and accidents, their causes and measures taken;
      liability risk insurance for causing harm to life, health or property of other persons, in the event of an accident on the elevator, for the entire period of operation

      There is no prohibition in this part (using elevators to lift loads).

      Order of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of June 30, 1999 N 158 "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for organizing the operation of elevators in the Russian Federation"

      2.11. The owner of the elevators must ensure the safe operation of elevators in new buildings during the period of settlement.
      When accepting houses - new buildings without finishing work and using passenger elevators to transport building materials and garbage, the owner must take measures to preserve elevator equipment.
      The decorative trim of the compartment, floor, ceiling, shaft doors and elevator cabins must be protected from damage. In the process of using the elevator, it is not allowed to overload it.

      Thus, the analysis of both the above GOST and this document suggest the possibility of using a passenger elevator, subject to ensuring the integrity of the cabin, the safety of the elevator equipment and ensuring cleanliness, as well as ensuring the requirements for carrying capacity.

      Article 290. Common property of apartment owners in an apartment building
      The owners of apartments in an apartment building own the common premises of the house, the supporting structures of the house, mechanical, electrical, sanitary and other equipment outside or inside the apartment, serving more than one apartment, on the basis of common share ownership.

      You can also refer to the above article.

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      Rules for using elevators

      Dear residents and property owners!

      Take care of the entrance and the local area, maintain the proper condition of the places common use in the home and amenities.

      It is forbidden:

      - Leave garbage (household, construction) on the landings, near the garbage chute, etc. Take it to garbage cans and to specially equipped sites for the collection and temporary storage of production waste!

      - Dispose of construction, food waste, etc. into the sewerage system. Use the drainage system intended purpose— removal of liquid effluents.

      - Draw on the walls of stairwells and in elevator cabins.

      - Break the locks on the doors.

      — Beat the ceiling and unscrew the light bulbs.

      - Tear down announcements and break information boards.


      - take it immediately possible measures to eliminate the detected malfunctions of the dwelling or sanitary and other equipment located in it. If necessary, report them to the Management Company.

      Failure to comply with the rules of residence will create prolonged uncomfortable conditions for all residents of the house!

      Terms of use passenger elevators with automatic sliding doors.

      To call the booth, press the call button.

      - After the automatic opening of the doors, make sure that the elevator car is in front of you, entering the car, press the button for the floor you need, the doors will close automatically and the car will start moving.

      — If, when closing the doors, it was necessary to open them urgently, as well as if the doors were closed and the cabin did not move, press the button with the symbol of the door will automatically open to exit.

      — After pressing the button for the desired floor, to speed up the closing of the doors, press >||

      - To transport a child in a stroller, it is necessary to take the child in your arms before entering the cabin and enter the cabin with him, and then bring an empty stroller with you. When exiting the cab, first remove the empty stroller and then exit yourself with the baby in your arms.

      - When traveling with adults with children of preschool age, adults should enter the cabin first, then children, when leaving, children should leave first.

      - It is allowed to transport bulky goods only in the presence of service personnel.

      - When the cab stops between floors, press the Call dispatcher button, report the incident and follow his instructions.

      - Bring in or take out of the cabin a stroller with a child in it.

      - Use the elevator for children of preschool age without adult accompaniment.

      - Smoking in the cabin, transporting flammable substances and liquids in open containers.

      - Manually open the elevator shaft doors and enter the elevator shaft and pit.


      When stopping the cabin between floors, do not try to get out of it yourself - THIS IS DANGEROUS!

      - Take care of the elevator, do not damage the elevator property!

      - Report all malfunctions to the maintenance personnel or the operator on duty.

      Instructions for fire safety in apartment buildings

      1. General requirements

      1.1. One of the main responsibilities of owners and tenants of apartments in multi-apartment residential buildings (hereinafter referred to as residents) is to take care of the fire safety of their apartments, individual basements and common areas, knowledge of fire safety rules, understanding how to act in the event of a fire and if necessary, evacuation, the ability to use fire extinguishing equipment, knowledge of the location of these funds, and teaching this knowledge to children.

      1.2. Residents of houses must comply with the requirements of this instruction, as well as other regulatory requirements in the field of fire safety.

      1.3. The main risk factors that can lead to a fire in residential premises are:

      1.3.1. Failure by residents to comply with fire safety requirements or inattentive behavior, including children playing with fire;

      1.3.2. Failure to comply with safety requirements when using local heating systems (stoves, stoves, etc.), electrical appliances and devices;

      1.3.3. Storage Violation hazardous substances and materials, as well as during hot work;

      1.3.4. Intentional actions of residents to create conditions conducive to the emergence and spread of fire.

      1.4. It is the duty of the residents to prevent fires. Residents should not create conditions that could lead to a fire.

      1.5. Responsibilities of residents in the event of a fire:

      1.5.1. Report a fire immediately by calling 01 or mobile phone 010 , to the State Fire and Rescue Service, informing the address, the place of the fire, the name of the caller, as well as the available Additional information about the fire.

      1.5.2. If possible, start extinguishing the fire with the available fire extinguishing equipment, while ensuring personal safety and the safety of others, as well as informing others about the incident.

      1.5.3. Comply with the instructions of the head of fire extinguishing and rescue work.

      1.5.4. Inform the head of fire fighting and rescue operations about people who are or may be in the danger zone, about access routes and sources of water supply.

      1.6. If evacuation is necessary:

      1.6.1. If it is necessary to evacuate, follow the orders of the head of fire fighting and rescue operations;

      1.6.2. When evacuating, remain calm and do not create panic; if possible, take documents, money with you, turn off the electrical and gas equipment close windows and doors in the apartment;

      1.6.3. It is necessary to evacuate along the evacuation routes (corridors, stairwells), moving towards the exit to the outside. If these actions are not possible, stay in the apartment. Try by any means to inform rescuers and other people about your whereabouts. Take security measures so that you can hold out and survive in the apartment as long as possible.

      1.6.4. Never use the elevator during a fire.

      2.1. Roads and access roads to buildings, structures and water supplies must be maintained so as to provide access fire fighting equipment;

      2.2. It is forbidden to park own vehicles in such a way as to occupy the territory near a residential building, interfering with the access of fire equipment to buildings, structures or sources of water supply;

      2.3. Construction work in apartments and common areas: changes in the layout of the premises, fire hazardous work and other actions must be agreed with the management company and comply with the requirements established by construction legislation;

      2.4. In a residential building it is prohibited:

      2.4.1. Equip industrial premises in which explosive, flammable and combustible liquids are used;

      2.4.2. Use attics and basements, as well as technical premises, for purposes not provided for by the construction project;

      2.4.3. Equip storage areas for combustible materials and workshops that are not separated by fire barriers from other premises, escape routes and stairwells;

      2.4.4. Keep gas cylinders, as well as flammable and combustible liquids in basements, basements, attics, balconies and loggias;

      2.4.5. To clean the premises, use flammable liquids that are not intended for this;

      2.4.6. Pour flammable and combustible liquids into the sewer;

      2.4.7. Leave unattended combustible waste, flammable materials and rags used for cleaning;

      2.4.8. Use and store chemicals, materials and chemical products whose explosive and flammable properties are unknown;

      2.4.9. Store flammable substances and explosive materials in packaging or containers not specified by the manufacturer and specifications storage;

      2.4.10. Leave unattended equipment, stoves and fireplaces, if this is not allowed by the technical conditions, as well as electrical equipment connected to the network, if the operating instructions prohibit this;

      2.4.11. Use damaged heaters and chimneys, reheat stoves;

      2.4.12. Place combustible materials on heating systems and equipment, as well as closer than 0.5 meters from lighting fixtures;

      2.4.13. Warm up frozen pipelines with an open flame;

      2.4.14. Use equipment with open fire, not observing the rules of operation;

      2.4.15. Arbitrarily equip or use gas, electric heating or other equipment not intended for use in residential buildings and premises;

      2.4.16. Use faulty electrical devices and self-made heating equipment;

      2.4.17. Use uncalibrated or self-made electrical fuses;

      2.4.18. Use electrical wiring with broken insulation, as well as make connections that can cause transient resistance.

      2.5. On evacuation routes it is prohibited:

      2.5.1. Dismantle doors in the corridors, glaze or lay them with other building materials open areas in smoke-free stairwells;

      2.5.2. Place objects, furniture and equipment if this reduces the width of the escape route;

      2.5.3. Equip warehouses and pantries, as well as store various materials in stairwells;

      2.5.4. clutter with foreign objects evacuation or emergency doors, hatches on balconies or loggias, as well as transitions to adjacent sections and exits to external evacuation stairs;

      2.5.5. It is not allowed to dismantle or completely close (so that their use for evacuation is no longer possible) evacuation stairs, hatches, transitions on balconies and loggias;

      3. Engineering - technical systems and equipment

      3.1. Multi-storey residential buildings above 9 floors are equipped with automatic fire detection and alarm systems, stationary house control systems (smoke removal) and fire water supply;

      3.2. The management company ensures the maintenance of engineering systems and equipment in working order;

      3.3. Engineering and technical systems are operated in accordance with technical documentation(regulation) of the manufacturer;

      3.4. Residents need to take care of maintaining engineering and technical systems in working order and inform the building manager about malfunctions of systems and equipment;

      4.2. Persons permanently residing in the apartment are advised to provide for themselves by special means personal respiratory protection in case of fire and the need for evacuation.

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    In each booth of the lifting device there must be signs where the rules for using the elevator are prescribed. But it happens that there is no information or it is not enough. How to use the passenger and freight elevator? What to do if you get stuck in an elevator? You will find these and other recommendations and tips for extreme situations later in the article.

    A little about the design of the elevator and shaft

    Passenger and freight elevators consist of the cabin itself, the engine room and the shaft. The machine room, in turn, includes a control station, safety devices, a winch and a speed limiter.

    The shaft consists of a counterweight, a guide for the cabin, cables, electrical wiring, a cable and a lower level - a pit.

    It is located at the bottom of the landing area on the first or basement floor. This section houses various elevator maintenance devices and security systems. The most interesting element is the buffer, which serves for depreciation and emergency stop of the cab. Usually they are installed two per elevator. One for the forklift room itself, and the other for the counterweight. It is a mistake to assume that in the event of a breakdown, the cabin bounces on buffers to the upper floors. Its purpose is to soften the blow when falling - no more.

    Security system in modern elevators

    New generation elevators are equipped with almost everything necessary to ensure the comfort and safety of passengers during the movement. These are devices such as:

    • video cameras outside the cab and inside;
    • fire alarm;
    • button to call for help in case of emergency.

    General terms of use

    Despite all the safety measures provided by the manufacturer and installers of lifting structures, you must follow the rules for using the elevator.

    What postulates are written on the signs in the booths and the entrance? Let's try to explain each point.

    1. "You should not enter the elevator until you are sure that the car is opposite." It would seem, why write such obvious things? But there are times when the doors of the elevator shaft are open, but the cabin itself has not yet arrived or repairs are underway. If there is a problem with the brake system, the cabin stops above or below the required level. Inadvertently, you can either hit your head on the top or trip on the bottom of the cab.
    2. "When stopping the car in case of a malfunction between floors, do not try to open the doors and get out yourself." Doing so may result in electric shock or falling down the elevator shaft. Be sure to contact the dispatcher and wait for the electrician.
    3. "You can not smoke in the elevator cabin, as well as carry flammable and poisonous volatile substances." When smoking, the cabin quickly fills with smoke, the air heats up, the conditions of stay become unbearable, especially if there are non-smoking passengers nearby. Toxic substances carried in an elevator can be accidentally spilled, and a person will be in a death trap.

    Rules for the use of elevators in residential buildings have been supplemented with instructions for using the "Call" button, the "Stop" button and buttons with floor numbers. Also, the plate must contain information about the organization serving the elevator, and its phone number.

    Rules for using the elevator for children

    The following rules are equally important.

    1. “Enter the cabin at once. Children accompanied by adults are the last to enter.

    The first sentence is understandable, because the doors can close, especially if a short delay time is set. According to the norms, it should not be lower than 5-7 seconds. Why should parents go first? The fact is that passenger elevators are equipped with a GVU system (cargo weighing device). It comes into action when loading from 15 kg and above and serves to delay the elevator for a while. If a child weighing less than 15 kg is allowed in first, the elevator doors may close before an adult enters. You need to leave the cabin first for a child, and then for an adult.

    2. “If you have a baby stroller, you need to take the child in your arms. The stroller should be brought in after the parent has entered the elevator, when exiting the stroller should be in front.

    This point after reading the previous one with the HLG system is already clear. But you need to take the child out of the stroller in your arms. This is simply necessary, because in the event of an unforeseen situation there will be no time, and maybe no opportunity to pull the child out of the stroller.

    First of all, this is due to the fact that the child often cannot read at this age and will not be able to read the instructions and rules. If it gets inside the cabin, it can stay there, and even without light, because the elevator system, due to its low weight, will not determine that there is someone in the cabin.

    Additional safety measures when using a passenger elevator

    If an elevator is installed in your house, then you must always remember that this is a device of increased danger. Before entering the cabin, you should be as careful as possible and remember the rules for using an elevator with automatic doors. How to behave inside the cab? What can happen during an emergency stop?

    The following rules for using the elevator will help maintain health:

    1. Stand straight with your legs apart a little for stability, your knees can be slightly bent.
    2. Hold on to the handrail.
    3. It is impossible, leaning on the wall of the cabin, to lean on one leg. This can cause damage in the form of broken limbs and ribs. During an emergency stop, there is a large load on the body. If all safety measures are observed, then the maximum that threatens a person is to perform a full squat.

    Rules to help maintain the life of the elevator

    The closing doors must not be blocked by hand. This happens when you enter the elevator late. In extreme cases, you can put your foot in the boot in front of the flaps. The sole must be firmly pressed to the floor. If a person is shod in sandals, then this can lead to bruises and cuts.

    1. Before leaving the guests, you do not need to continue communication at the elevator shaft, holding the doors. This can lead to a construction stop.
    2. Do not overload the elevator.
    3. Do not sweep debris down the elevator shaft.

    Rules for using a freight elevator

    Freight elevator provides its own rules of use. Each booth has its own signs with information about the following content:

    1. Permissible norm of cargo for transportation (for each model of a freight elevator it has its own).
    2. Telephone numbers for repair services.

    There may also be basic requirements for use:

    • do not overload the elevator;
    • it is better to distribute the load evenly throughout the cabin;
    • if the elevator does not have an internal control system, then the transportation of passengers is prohibited;
    • transportation of passengers and cargo must be carried out separately;
    • if the freight elevator was contaminated with flammable substances during transportation, it is immediately stopped and washed;
    • after use, do not leave the booth loaded.

    The rules for using elevators are not fraught with any difficulties. You just need to remember about them and be careful when moving to avoid various troubles and damage to health.

    1. General provisions.

    1.1. To work as an elevator operator (conductor) are allowed persons at least 18 years of age who have passed the appropriate instruction and test of skills in operating the elevator.

    1.2. The lifter is obliged to pass at least once every 12 months re-check knowledge of the design and safe operation of the elevator.

    1.3. A trained and authorized lift operator must know:

    Appointment and device of the elevator;

    Appointment of elevator control devices and be able to use them;

    Purpose and location of safety and control devices.

    1.4. The lifter is prohibited from:

    Leave the included elevator unattended;

    Go down into the pit and climb onto the roof of the cabin (engine room), as well as store any items in these places.

    1.5. The elevator operator is obliged to inform the electrician of the service organization about all malfunctions in the operation of the elevator and in the cases provided for this manual, stop the operation of the elevator until the malfunction is eliminated, put up a sign "Do not turn on, people are working."

    1.6. The elevator operator, when inspecting the elevator or in the event of a malfunction, on all the doors of the mine, which can be opened from the platforms of the floors by random people, must hang a poster with the inscription "Do not turn on, people are working."

    1.7. Starting the operation of the elevator, after the elimination of the malfunction, the elevator operator can only carry out with the permission of the electrician who eliminated the malfunction, with a mandatory entry in the log of the acceptance and delivery of shifts about the eliminated malfunction.

    2. Before the lift starts.

    2.1. Before starting work, the lift operator must check:

    Serviceability of lighting of storey areas;

    The condition of the mine and cabin fencing;

    Serviceability of sound or light signaling devices;

    Availability of rules for using the elevator;

    Serviceability of automatic locks of mine doors.

    2.2. The elevator operator must make sure that the locks of the locks of the shaft doors on the floor are in good condition in the absence of an elevator cabin.

    2.3. In the event of a malfunction, the elevator operator must turn off the power to the elevator, put up a poster “Do not turn on, people are working” and call an electrician.

    2.4. After the elevator operator is convinced that the elevator is in good condition, he turns on the input device (circuit breaker) and begins to operate the elevator.

    3. Responsibilities during the operation of the elevator.

    3.1. The elevator operator during the operation of the elevator must:

    Always be at the site where the main work is carried out;

    Do not overload the elevator;

    Make sure the shaft doors are closed;

    Make sure that the weight of the load does not exceed the permissible load capacity;

    Monitor the correctness of the cabin call;

    Constantly monitor the operation of the elevator.

    3.2. The lifter is obliged to stop using the elevator, turn it off and inform the electrician in the following cases:

    If the car starts to move when the elevator is started with open doors mines;

    If the shaft door is opened from the outside in the absence of a cabin on this floor;

    If there was a spontaneous movement of the cab;

    If the cabin, instead of going up, goes down or vice versa;

    If the cabin does not automatically stop on the floor to which it was directed;

    If there are signs bad condition insulation of electrical wiring or elevator equipment: there is a smell of burning insulation, bare wires are visible;

    If the "Stop" button is faulty;

    If any other malfunctions of the elevator are noticed: unusual noise, knocking, jolts or jerks during the movement of the car, breakage of the ropes, inaccuracy of stopping the car at the landings;

    Malfunctions of the shaft or cabin guard.

    4. At the end of the lift.

    4.1. After the end of the elevator operation, the elevator operator must:

    Lower the elevator car to the level of the platform of the floor from which work begins;

    Make sure that there is no cargo in the cabin (it is forbidden to leave it with cargo);

    Turn off the input device (circuit breaker) and lighting;

    Record in the shift acceptance log about all violations and malfunctions in the operation of the elevator identified during the shift.

    Back forward

    Freight lift in the city of Birsk.

    A cargo lift was installed in Birsk. Now big retail store located on the second floor of the building. Delivers goods to the trading floor easily and comfortably. All electrical equipment of the lift is protected by IP54 temperature...

    Kazan project.

    Completed project in the city of Kazan. We developed, manufactured and installed a unique lift for a warehouse complex. Load capacity 2000 kilograms. The cabin can be loaded from three sides at the same time.

    Reloading hoist in the store.

    The installation of a cargo lift for handling operations and for the delivery of goods to the trading floor has been completed. The lift is designed in such a way that it does not exert pressure on the floor overlap.

    Replacing a freight elevator with a lift

    Another project has been completed in the city of Ufa to replace the old freight elevator with a new one. The decision to replace the elevator with a cargo hoist allowed the customer to significantly reduce the cost of purchasing and installing equipment...

    The safety of elevators will be improved.

    Tatyana Golikova, participating in the commission on the regulation of labor relations, said that the safety of elevators should be improved by introducing more stringent requirements for the qualifications of workers in the elevator industry.

    Elevator markings.

    It is likely that the Russian Federation will soon introduce mandatory labeling of elevators and elevator parts. The Ministry of Industry and Trade is ready to undertake the implementation of this innovation. With this method, the ministry plans to deal with counterfeit parts and forgery ...

    At the meeting of the Public Council under the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, Mr. Stepashin S.V., Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Fund

    Elevators. Demand exceeds supply.

    Demand for elevators in Russia continues to grow due to the growth of housing construction. Meanwhile, in the first last years elevator production has declined and elevator prices have risen.

    Elevators and escalators. Code of Administrative Offenses.

    Yesterday, on March 6, 2019, the President of the Russian Federation signed the Federal Law on Amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses. ( This law adopted by the Duma on February 21, 2019, approved by the Federation Council on February 27, 2019)

    Rules for organizing the operation of cargo lifts.

    More recently, in order to organize the correct operationcargo liftsin a store, warehouse or production, it was enough to refer to the "Rules for the design and safe operation of construction hoists" N 37 of June 25, 2002.

    But with the entry into force of the "Safety Rules for Hazardous Production Facilities Using Lifting Structures" No. 533, order dated November 12, 2013, the situation has changed.

    On the one hand, rather strict rules have appeared that regulate the installation, repair and operation of cargo lifts installed at hazardous production facilities, such as plants, factories and any other production facilities recognized as hazardous production facilities. On the other hand, at facilities that are not hazardous production facilities, such as shops, warehouses, etc., the organization of the operation of cargo lifts is not regulated in any way.

    In our opinion, in the absence of explicit legal regulation of this issue, it is necessary to be guided by the main provisions set forth in the "Safety Rules for Hazardous Production Facilities Using Lifting Structures" and manufacturers' instructions.

    We list the main and, in our opinion, important requirements that must be met to ensure the safe operation of cargo lifts.

    Requirements for organizations employees operating a cargo lift.

    An organization (individual entrepreneur) operating a cargo lift (without repair, reconstruction or modernization by its own services) (hereinafter referred to as the operating organization) must comply with the requirements of the operating manuals (instructions) available and comply with the following requirements:

    1. Maintain operated cargo lifts in working order, observing the schedules for the implementation of technical examinations, maintenance and scheduled preventive repairs, and not to exceed the service life (period of safe operation) declared by the manufacturer in the lift's passport, without the results of the survey with a conclusion on the possibility of its extension;

    2. Do not exceed the characteristics and do not violate the requirements set forth in the passport and manual (instructions) for the operation of the cargo lift (load capacity, mode classification group and other passport operation modes);

    3. Develop and approve by an administrative act of the operating organization instructions with official duties, as well as a list of names of persons responsible for the safe operation of a cargo lift in an organization from among its specialists:

    a) a specialist responsible for the implementation of production control during the operation of the cargo lift;

    b) a specialist responsible for maintaining the cargo lift in working condition;

    c) a specialist responsible for the safe performance of work using a cargo hoist.

    These specialists must be familiar with the operating instructions for the cargo lift.

    In organizations where the production of work with the application is carried out in one area (premises), it is allowed for one specialist to combine the duties of the person responsible for maintaining the cargo lift in working condition and for the safe production of work;

    Establish the procedure for admission to independent work of personnel in accordance with the developed instructions and monitor its observance;

    Ensure compliance with technological processes that exclude the presence of employees and third parties under the transported cargo and in hazardous areas.

    do not allow workers to be transported by cargo lifts, except for cases of installation or repair.

    Have weights available to test the hoist.

    If the operating organization additionally declares ensuring the performance of work on the repair, reconstruction of cargo lifts in its operation, it must include specialists with sufficient qualifications to carry out these works.

    When operating goods lifts, the operating organization is obliged to:

    1. Establish a procedure for training and periodic testing of knowledge of the rules and instructions by specialists and personnel working with a cargo lift, as well as documentary confirmation of compliance with the instructions and rules, taking into account the requirements of the operating manual (instruction);

    2. Ensure compliance with the technological process of transportation of goods and the suspension of the operation of the lift in the event of a threat of an emergency;

    3. If violations of the requirements for the operation of the lift are detected, take measures to eliminate and prevent them, including conducting an extraordinary examination of the knowledge of employees who have committed such violations.

    Employees directly involved in the operation of the cargo lift must meet the following requirements:

    a) be trained in the operation and safety instructions for working on a cargo lift, to confirm independent work in the relevant activities;

    b) know the performance criteria of the used cargo hoists, in accordance with the requirements of the manual (instruction) for the operation of the used cargo hoists, technological process cargo transportation;

    c) in the event of a threat of an emergency, inform your immediate supervisor about this;

    d) know the procedure for actions according to the instructions of the operating organization, in cases of accidents and incidents during the operation of the cargo lift, and also follow these instructions;

    e) to pass, in accordance with the established procedure, a test for knowledge of the operating instructions and safety instructions and not to violate them in the process of performing work.

    Operation of a cargo lift.

    Loading and unloading operations and storage of goods using cargo lifts at bases, warehouses, open areas must be carried out according to instructions developed in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer's operating instructions and safety instructions.

    Operation of cargo lifts with deviations from the requirements of the instructions is not allowed. Amendments to the instructions for loading and unloading operations and warehousing of goods using cargo lifts are carried out by the developer of these instructions.

    The operating organization must ensure that the following safety requirements are met:

    Ensure compliance with the industrial safety requirements of the mounted cargo hoists that are not in working condition, while the cargo hoists must be de-energized.

    Ensure performance checks of the safety devices of cargo lifts within the time limits established by their manuals (instructions) for operation;

    Establish the procedure for sealing and locking the control cabinet for cargo lifts ;

    Develop and issue instructions and schemes for warehousing goods, schemes for loading and unloading vehicles to the places of work.

    Familiarize (under signature) with the instructions of the specialists responsible for the safe performance of work on cargo lifts, loaders, operators.

    Provide loaders with tested and marked trolleys, devices and containers that correspond to the mass and nature of the goods being moved;

    Determine stationary sites and places for storing goods, provided for in the instructions, equip them with the necessary technological equipment and devices (cassettes, pyramids, racks, stairs, stands, linings, gaskets, etc.);

    Establish a procedure for bringing cargo lifts to a safe position in a non-working state, as well as determine the procedure for the actions of workers (including leaving danger zone) in case of emergencies at the facility with installed cargo lifts.

    Work on cargo lifts installed in the open air must be stopped at a temperature environment, below the maximum allowable temperature specified in the passport of the cargo lift.

    Starting the cargo lift into operation and registration

    The decision to put the freight hoist into operation is issued by the specialist responsible for the implementation of production control during the operation of the freight hoist, based on the positive results of the technical examination.

    a) before starting work;

    b) after installation, at a new location,

    c) after reconstruction;

    d) after repair of design elements or units of metal structures using welding.

    The specialist who issued the permit to start the work of the cargo lift must make a corresponding entry in his passport.

    The operating organization ensures the work of the commission consisting of:

    1. A specialist responsible for the implementation of production control during the operation of the cargo lift;

    2. A specialist responsible for maintaining the cargo lift in working condition;

    3. A specialist responsible for the safe performance of work using a cargo lift.

    The results of the commission's work are reflected in the act of commissioning the cargo lift.

    Prior to the commissioning of the cargo lift, the commission considers the following set of documents:

    a) the passport of the cargo lift;

    b) certificate (certificates of conformity);

    c) manual (instruction) for the operation of the cargo lift;

    d) an act of performing installation work in accordance with the operational documentation;

    e) the conclusion of the industrial safety expertise in the absence of a certificate of conformity, for example, on cargo lifts that were in use or manufactured for their own needs;

    cargo liftsare not subject to registration with the authorities Federal Service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision. Cargo lifts are registered with the organization that owns the cargo lift with the assignment of a registration number.

    Organization of safe operation of the cargo lift.

    Operating organizations are obliged to ensure that the cargo lifts are maintained in working condition and safe conditions their work by organizing proper supervision and maintenance, technical examination and repair.

    For these purposes, there must be:

    a) established the procedure for periodic inspections, technical services and repairs to ensure the maintenance of cargo lifts in working condition;

    b) secured established order training (specialists) and admission to independent work (staff)

    c) job descriptions for specialists and production instructions for personnel, magazines, programs for the implementation of preventive maintenance of the scheme for transporting goods, warehousing, have been developed;

    d) ensuring that specialists have job descriptions and guidelines for the safe operation of cargo lifts, and for personnel - production instructions;

    e) conditions have been created for the strict implementation of job descriptions by specialists, and by personnel - production instructions.

    The number of specialists of the operating organization should be determined by the administrative act of the operating organization, taking into account the number and actual operating conditions of cargo lifts.

    For the period of vacation, business trip, illness or in other cases of absence of responsible specialists, the fulfillment of their duties is assigned by the administrative act of the operating organization to employees replacing them in their position, having the appropriate qualifications, who have undergone training.

    Periodic verification of knowledge of job descriptions of specialists responsible for the implementation of production control during the operation of cargo lifts, specialists responsible for maintaining cargo lifts in working condition, and specialists responsible for the safe performance of work should be carried out in accordance with the administrative act of the operating organization and carried out commission.

    In order to ensure the safety requirements, the operating organization is obliged to provide the personnel with production instructions that define their duties, the procedure for the safe performance of work and responsibility. Production instructions to personnel must be issued against receipt before they are allowed to work.

    Maintenance and repair of cargo lifts is carried out taking into account the requirements of the manual (instruction) for the operation of cargo lifts. The operating organization is obliged to ensure timely elimination identified faults (defects and damages).

    Requirements for the process of operation, rejection and replacement of steel ropes and chains

    Steel ropes installed on cargo hoists when replacing previously installed ones must correspond in terms of brand, diameter and breaking force indicated in the passport of the cargo hoist, have a certificate of the company - the manufacturer of the rope. Steel ropes without specified documents are not allowed to be used.

    It is allowed to use ropes made according to international standards, if according to their purpose they correspond to the technology of using a cargo hoist, have a diameter equal to the diameter of the rope to be replaced, and breaking force is not lower than that indicated in the passport of the cargo hoist for the rope to be replaced.

    Replace steel ropes cross lay on one-sided lay ropes is prohibited.

    Violations of safety requirements, in whichthe operation of cargo lifts should be prohibited.

    The operator must not allow the goods hoist to operate if it has been established during verification that:

    a) maintenance of cargo lifts is carried out by untrained personnel;

    b) a specialist responsible for the implementation of production control during the operation of cargo lifts, a specialist responsible for maintaining cargo lifts in working order has not been appointed; a specialist responsible for the safe performance of work using cargo lifts;

    c) the period of technical examination of cargo lifts has expired.

    d) found on cargo lifts technical issues: cracks or residual deformations of metal structures (the latter are above permissible limits), loosening of fasteners in the joints of metal structures, inoperability of grounding hydraulic or electrical equipment, indicators, control systems, unacceptable wear of hooks, ropes, chains, elements of mechanisms and brakes;

    e) measures for the safe conduct of work and the requirements set forth in the production instructions have not been met;

    i) the passport of the cargo lift is missing or lost

    j) work with the use of cargo lifts is carried out with violations of production instructions, operating instructions, which can lead to an accident or a threat to people's lives.

    Actions in emergency situations for workers operating cargo lifts.

    At each enterprise operating cargo lifts, instructions should be developed and brought to the signature of each employee, defining the actions of employees in emergency situations.

    The instructions should include the following information for workers involved in the operation of goods lifts:

    a) operational actions to prevent and localize accidents;

    b) ways and methods of liquidation of accidents;

    c) evacuation schemes in the event of an explosion, fire, release of toxic substances in a room or on a site served by a cargo lift, if the emergency cannot be localized or eliminated;

    d) the procedure for using the fire extinguishing system in case of local fires of equipment in the immediate vicinity of the cargo lift;

    e) the procedure for bringing the cargo lift to safety and the procedure for evacuating the operator leaving the control post of the cargo lift;

    g) places for disconnecting the power supply inputs of cargo lifts;

    h) location of first aid kits;

    i) methods of providing first aid to workers who have fallen under electrical voltage, received burns, poisoned by combustion products;

    The responsibility for the availability of these instructions lies with the management of the enterprise operating the cargo lifts, and their implementation in emergency situations - with each employee of the enterprise.

    Utilization (liquidation) of cargo lifts.

    Utilization (liquidation) of cargo lifts must be carried out taking into account the requirements set forth in the relevant section of the Technical Regulations TR TS 010/2011, as well as the requirements set out in the manual (instruction) for the operation of the cargo lift.

    cargo liftsthat are subject to disposal (liquidation) must be dismantled and deregistered.