Tips from experienced motorists for the winter. Winter tips for car enthusiasts. Correct operation of the car in winter. We go down the hill correctly

Ours invites you to separate the facts from the myths that are common among car enthusiasts. When winter comes, many car enthusiasts share various knowledge with each other. Unfortunately, many motorist tips are overgrown with myths and rumors, as a result of which many of us do not know whether it is fact or fiction. We decided to tell you about the ten most common myths associated with winter driving.

When winter comes, we all begin to spend a lot more time on our activities. Each of us must winter time pay a lot more attention to the car. For example, to drive a car, you must first clear it of ice or snow. You should also make sure that the car's headlights are clean and that the windshield wipers are able to handle dirt and snow.

There are many myths about how you need to look after your car in winter. Unfortunately, many tips, on the contrary, can cause harm to your car, which will ultimately result in significant expenses for your wallet.

The worst thing is that following many tips, your car may break down at the most inopportune moment. For example, in severe frost, far from the city, where it will be difficult to find someone’s help.

That is why we decided in our article to dispel many myths associated with car maintenance in winter. Thanks to you you will be able to properly monitor your car in winter.

1) Cleaning a car windshield in winter

There is often advice online that supposedly helps you cleanse with boiling water. Never do this, because temperature changes can cause any glass to crack. In order to protect the glass from ice formation, it is better to use various de-icing agents that are sold in car dealerships in the evening. By treating the glass with a special composition, you will protect it from freezing.

2) Tire pressure

Another common myth is that many people mistakenly believe that lowering the tire pressure increases the vehicle's traction in snow or ice. In fact, on the contrary, it can worsen road grip. We advise you to check your tire pressure every day before setting off. To do this, use a pressure gauge and. Keep tire pressure at the maximum allowed level.

3) Open frozen windows

If you try to open the side windows in your car, be aware that you may damage the electric window motor. Many on the Internet advise treating frozen windows with an anti-icing agent so that you can safely open them. side windows. But remember that no product gives you a 100 percent guarantee that the windows will open immediately.

It is quite possible that the product will not melt everything, and you will break the window regulators. Even if in the evening you treat the glass and rubber seals, under no circumstances open the car windows as soon as you start the engine. It is better to do this at least 30 minutes after the machine has reached operating temperature.

4) Replace wiper blades

If the windshield wiper blades of your car are worn out, then don’t listen to anyone, just replace them with new ones. A lot of advice on the Internet will not help you. For example, car enthusiasts often advise treating old wipers with vinegar. But this will not help if the brushes have become unusable. For winter, choose high-quality silicone wide brushes, which are sold in many stores. Don't skimp on the cost of brushes. remember, that good wipers can't be cheap.

5) Clear the car of snow

We all know that traffic police officers can fine us for dirty or dirty numbers. Before you drive your car, make sure your license plates are easy to read. If the rooms are dirty or covered in snow, clean them. Don’t listen to those people who tell you that in winter, traffic police officers do not fine drivers for snowy car or for dirty rooms. There are quite a few examples where drivers are issued fines. To clean the machine, use a special scraper and a long brush.

6) Winter tires

Many people mistakenly believe that they are only needed for snowy or icy roads. But actually Winter tires designed for operation at subzero temperatures. Unlike summer or all-season tires, winter tires do not harden in the cold. In addition, the special tread of winter tires allows snow and water to be removed more efficiently. Thanks to this, the grip of winter tires in cold weather is much better.

7) Rear wheel drive

If you are the owner, then when going out of town or far from the city, take with you special chains that are installed on the wheels. You should install them on the drive wheels if necessary in order to increase traction. Many of us mistakenly believe that there is no need to use wheel chains on front-wheel drive vehicles. But in fact, no one has canceled the laws of physics. Whatever systems your car is equipped with, in case of bad weather conditions, chains on the wheels can be your only salvation.

8) Don't dazzle oncoming drivers

Remember that driving with additional lighting does not always help in snowy conditions. Of course, fog lights can be used when limited visibility on road. But under normal use conditions fog lights may be redundant.

Remember that if it is snowing outside, using fog lights can blind drivers who are moving in the opposite direction. Many people online advise buying brighter bulbs for low beams or fog lights. Don't do this, as brighter headlights in winter can cause oncoming cars to swerve into the oncoming lane.

9) Disconnect the battery

Many drivers, when leaving their car in the cold overnight, disconnect the battery terminal, believing that this way they save battery power. But this is not necessarily the case. In fact, it may do more harm than good. For example, by disconnecting the battery terminal, and also resetting all settings electronic systems vehicle(radio, climate control, etc.)

10) Avoid empty roads

Try not to drive in bad ones winter conditions empty, especially if you are traveling far from the city. Stay large so as not to find yourself alone on a deserted road in severe frost or snowfall. This is necessary so that in case of problems there is someone to turn to for help.

Also you must have Charger to your phone, which should always be charged during your trip. This way, you will always remain in touch and in case of a car breakdown you will be able to call for help. In addition, when traveling far from home, you must take a satellite navigator with you (or you must have a corresponding application on your smartphone). With it, you will always determine your location and, in the event of a car breakdown, you will be able to tell the place where you need to drive up to help you.

If you are a novice car enthusiast and this is your first winter on wheels, read the article to the end. This will definitely come in handy.

Operating a car in the cold season has its own characteristics: how cold it is, how wet it is, etc. For modern cars This is nothing, but it is still necessary to carry out a minimum set of preparatory measures.

Preparing your car for winter

Practical preparation tips car battery for winter in next video.

  • Fill with anti-freeze into the windshield washer reservoir.
  • Change your car to winter tires(what wheel size is suitable for Chevrolet Aveo). They are made of rubber, which remains elastic when cold, frosty weather, which maintains good grip on the road surface.

It is advisable to purchase and carry in the trunk in winter

  1. Scraper-brush for cleaning glass from frozen ice or snow.
  2. A snow shovel (useful in case of heavy snowfalls).
  3. Liquid for defrosting locks and glass.
  4. Canister with fuel.
  5. Matches or lighter.
  6. Wires for “lighting” the battery.
  7. Tow rope.
  8. An additional set of warm clothes will not be superfluous.

What to do, if…

The doors are frozen

Try to get into the car through other doors, maybe one of them will open and you will get inside the car and start the engine to warm up.

To protect doors from freezing, lubricate the seals silicone grease, glycerin or sprinkle with baby powder (talcum powder).

The castles are frozen

Use lock defrosting liquid or regular vodka., inserting it into the lock using a syringe.

As an option, heat the key with a lighter, insert it into the keyhole and wait until the ice melts.

When opening doors, never use excessive force; do it carefully so as not to tear off the seals.

The car won't start

In winter, before starting the engine “warm up” the battery by turning it on for a few minutes high beam.

Start the engine in cold weather you can using a regular hair dryer. It is enough to direct a stream of hot air into air filter and the car will start.

To avoid crystallization of water vapor in frost fuel tank , make sure it is at least 50% full.

If the car does not start in the cold after several attempts (3-5 times), then remove the battery and take it for 30 minutes in a warm room. Then try again.

Never leave your car with a dead battery. This will lead to a decrease in the density of the electrolyte. As a result, the battery will freeze and rupture lead plates and it will become unusable.

In winter, in a car with automatic transmission along with the engine the box should also be warmed up. To do this, set the automatic transmission lever to position “D” and use the brake pedal to hold the car in place.

Glass frozen

Glass will thaw faster if you spray it with defrosting liquid or any other alcohol-containing liquid.

Anti-freeze recipe: mix one liter of denatured alcohol (fuel for Primus stoves, sold in hardware stores) and a glass of water (you can also add a couple of spoons detergent). This solution will not freeze down to -37°C.

To prevent windshield wipers from freezing, lubricate them with silicone grease.

When leaving the car during snowfall, press the wipers away from the glass (after driving, the windshield is warm and the melted snow will freeze the wipers to the glass).

The fluid in the windshield washer reservoir is frozen

If in the washer reservoir the water is frozen, then the car follows put in warm box . If this is not possible, then pour it into the tank hot water. Then drain the thawed water (use a flexible tube). Instead of water you can pour heated alcohol liquid(vodka, alcohol, moonshine). In order for hoses and sprayers to thaw, thoroughly warm up the engine(use a hair dryer to speed up the process).

  • After washing the car, dry the interior, turning on the stove to maximum. In this case, use different modes airflow by opening doors and windows.
  • When leaving the car for a long time, make sure that the front wheels were in the straight position. This is necessary so that the liquid in the working cavity of the steering rack does not squeeze out the seal collars. Otherwise, when starting the engine, with the wheels turned to the side, the power steering pump will supply fluid inside the system under high pressure.
  • Also, when leaving the car for a long time, do not use hand brake . This may cause the brake pads to freeze.
  • Before getting out of the car, open the doors for a minute or two to release warm air and reduce its humidity. This will reduce the likelihood of doors freezing, as well as glass frosting from inside the car.

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We all love in the summer, when it’s warm, dry and comfortable, when the asphalt is not covered with ice and snow, to rush along an empty road “with the breeze.” However, in winter, when snow falls and ice sets in, driving becomes much more difficult and dangerous. It is in winter, especially with our winters, that a car enthusiast needs to pay more attention to the road situation; an increased concentration of strength and skill is required to safe management vehicle. And yet, none of us is immune from getting into a difficult situation. And winter greets you with difficult weather conditions, icy roads, snow drifts, heavy snowfalls and fog. In order to get into difficult situations as little as possible, you need to adhere to some rules.

First of all, before the onset of cold weather, inspect and diagnose your car and prepare it for winter. You will spend no more than two or three days on all these actions. Replace on your machine summer tires for winter ones and slightly reduce the tire pressure. It would be useful to check the serviceability brake system, level and compliance weather conditions engine oils. During severe frosts it is better to use synthetic engine oil, since it is less viscous. Needs to be filled winter liquid into the windshield washer reservoir. Special attention must be paid to antifreeze. It should be transparent and bright green, bright blue or hot pink.

Front and tail lights, direction indicators, parking lights must be in working order. For the winter it is best to buy for the salon rubber mats with high sides, they will protect the interior and body of your car from moisture and chemicals that are added to road surfacing materials. You should also not park the car on parking brake, as it may freeze and create additional troubles. Also, in cold weather, you don’t need to wash your car too often - the locks may freeze and no newfangled products will help you. If this happens, use a mug of hot water or a hairdryer. Be sure to check availability tow rope and sign emergency stop. Make sure your car is fully prepared for winter; this will help you avoid many unpleasant moments and give you confidence in driving your car in difficult winter conditions.

According to statistics, the largest number of road accidents occur in the first days of winter, when there is snow on the street and the first ice covers the roads. Therefore, the speed of movement in winter should be at least fifteen kilometers per hour lower than in summer. Moreover, you should not accelerate or brake sharply, and you should change gears especially smoothly. The distance with the car in front must be tripled compared to the summer.

Most major problems For a car enthusiast, which promises big trouble is the car skidding on ice and drifting into a snowdrift. Most effective way to avoid such a situation - to identify such situations in advance problem areas and try to make a route around them. Experts advise drivers whose work involves daily car trips in winter to take courses extreme driving. In these courses, professional instructors will teach you how to cope with skidding without any problems. And after some time, you will gain the necessary experience, and you will feel much more confident behind the wheel, even during icy conditions. At the moment, there are more than enough such courses in our country.

What to do if you drive into a snowdrift?

First of all, don't panic. In this situation, you should not press hard on the gas. A freely sliding wheel will only contribute to the melting of snow, and, accordingly, additional sliding. The most effective way in this situation is the so-called swing. Using the gas and clutch, you need to rock the car until it completely leaves the snowdrift. If necessary, place rubber mats from the interior under the wheels. And try not to forget them when you get out of the snowdrift. In order to get out of a rut, you need to slow down, since the most dangerous this maneuver- moment of departure. On high speed The wheels may lock and the car may skid. Therefore, before the maneuver itself, slow down and be prepared to maneuver during a skid.

Actions during a skid

If the car goes into a skid, adhere to the main rule - do not sudden movements steering wheel, and especially not to brake sharply. Steering wheel it is necessary to turn in the direction of the skid, and also try to direct the car to the intended stopping place. If you have a car with rear wheel drive, then you need to sharply press and release the brake pedal, and on a car with front-wheel drive, you need to add a little gas. After getting out of a skid, you need to straighten the steering wheel. And most importantly, there is no need to panic or be nervous. Calmly carry out all the necessary maneuvers, and you will easily cope with this extreme situation.

We go down the hill correctly

In winter, while driving downhill, it is strictly forbidden to switch off the gear and move at neutral speed. The safest thing to do would be to enable downshift, this will improve traction on icy and snowy roads. Just before the descent, it is necessary to use the intermittent braking method - infrequently pressing the brake pedal.

Let's move downhill correctly

It should be understood that any movement downhill requires acceleration. Otherwise, the car will not be able to overcome the climb and will stall, because at a certain moment it will not have enough grip. If, even after accelerating, you were unable to overcome the slippery slope, you can try to climb up it backwards. However, such a maneuver is only possible if your vehicle has front-wheel drive.

Let's start moving

On a road covered with ice or snow, you need to move off as smoothly as possible and preferably from second speed. However, the theory is good, but practice is no less necessary, so try to practice the exercise on an area away from the road. Also try emergency braking and leveling the car after a skid, etc. While driving, strictly follow traffic rules and be sure to wear your seat belt. seat belt yourself and force your passengers to do it. Be extremely attentive and careful on the road at any time of the year and in any weather!

In winter, many car owners, especially those whose car sleeps “under the window,” experience certain difficulties and inconveniences when operating it. Either the door locks freeze, or the windows don’t roll down... Windshield covered with frost, which is so firmly frozen to the glass that you can’t immediately clean it off. Perhaps these simple and easy to follow tips will help you.

How to protect doors from freezing?

Rub baby powder (talc, sold in pharmacies) or glycerin into the rubber gaskets. This will make the gaskets waterproof and will not damage the rubber. This treatment is especially recommended before washing your car in winter.

If the locks are frozen

You need to heat the key over the fire of a match or lighter. When opening the door, never use excessive force; carefully turn the key in the lock. To avoid such situations, protect the lock from moisture penetration, especially when washing the car.

If the car won't start

On cold days, you can start the car using an ordinary hair dryer. To do this, direct the hot jet from the hairdryer into the air filter. As practice shows, in most cases the car will start.

To keep the windshield from freezing

On cold winter nights, you can cover the windshield with foil. Do this in the evening, then in the morning you will not have to clear the glass of ice.

How to prepare anti-freeze liquid for your car?

When traveling far out of town, you don’t always think to take with you required amount anti-freeze. And there is nowhere to buy it in “rural” conditions. But you can do it yourself. To do this, you need to mix a liter of denatured alcohol (sold in hardware stores as fuel for Primus stoves), a mug of water and two tablespoons of liquid detergent. The resulting liquid does not freeze down to -37°C. IN as a last resort you can use vodka, the cheapest one, or moonshine.

After washing

In winter, after washing your car, do not rush to park it. (Read also:) Moisture accumulated in cavities and cracks can freeze and play a cruel joke on you. After washing, turn on the heater full power(of course, without turning off the engine) and sequentially switch it to all blowing modes. Don't forget to open the windows or doors a little. This will dry the car.

If you accidentally did not fill the washer reservoir with antifreeze liquid, and frost hits at night, the tank, as a rule, turns into a piece of ice in a plastic shell. Almost the only way to restore the washer system is to drive the car into a warm box and wait until it thaws. But this is not always possible. You can defrost the tank in another way. To do this, you will need several liters of hot water and a small piece of cambric (plastic tube). Having poured hot water into the tank, wait for some of the ice to thaw and drain the water using a tube. Fill with water again and drain again. This way we free the entire tank from ice. At the same time, both the washer pumps and part of the tubes leading to the sprayer nozzles warm up. We fill the tank with clean, undiluted anti-freeze and try to “break through” the frozen hoses by briefly turning on the pumps. As a rule, this is possible after a few minutes. If possible, you can use a home hair dryer to warm them up, or just wait a little, closing the hood and warming up the engine. On standing car engine compartment warms up quite quickly.

Engine starting

In winter, the engine oil, even the best, noticeably thickens and it is much more difficult for the starter to crank the engine than in summer. In addition, the battery in the cold significantly deteriorates its performance in terms of output electrical power. (This is natural, since the colder it is, the slower the chemical reactions in the battery).

Therefore, it is very useful to warm up the battery a little before starting the engine by turning on the high beams for a minute or two.

If the car is severe frost If it doesn't start after the 3-5th try, don't try to start it further. It's just a waste of time to completely drain the battery. It is better to remove the battery and take it to a warm room for half an hour. After it warms up, quickly replace it and the car will probably start the first time.