How to prepare for a long road trip. Car travel: how to prepare for a successful vacation. Preparing your car for a long trip

What is it like to travel around Russia by car? In this report, I will share my experience of independent road trips. Which car to choose? What to take on a trip? How to prepare the car? What can be done to ensure safe travel? My personal experience and advice from avid autotourists.

I like traveling very much! And every time I try to bring novelty to this business: new style, new format, new routes.

  • I have already traveled by bike through the Sahara desert, the Mediterranean coast and the Atlantic Ocean in.
  • Organized a solo trip.
  • I properly rode on rented bikes on the islands of Penang and Borneo, along and.
  • Hitting and flying on planes, too, be healthy!

And now it's time to try something new. I decided to buy a super passable and roomy car - UAZ "Patriot" to discover a new style of travel with it. My first car, first time driving. I trained for three months, riding around the immediate surroundings, equipped a car, bought all the necessary travel equipment - and on the first day of autumn 2016, I got behind the wheel and set off on a road several thousand kilometers long to see the Caucasus.

By car, I have traveled only in Russia so far ( read:), and my advice will primarily be useful to those who are preparing for a trip within the country. But also my recommendations on preparing the car, collecting things and safety issues will be useful to those who are planning independent travel by car to Europe or other places abroad. Most of the tips are universal.

Why did I choose UAZ "Patriot" for traveling around Russia?

I chose a car for a long time, compared all possible options, the pros and cons of each option. Finally came to the conclusion that the best option for me, taking into account my needs, it will be "Patriot".

What pros car UAZ "Patriot" for long-distance travel across Russia?

  1. patency. In this car, I drove through terrible mud, drove into very steep slopes, rode on huge cobblestones off-road in the mountains, rode along the bed of mountain rivers. The car coped with all the difficulties. I am a fan of climbing into remote and hard-to-reach places, so the patency of the car is very important to me.
  2. capacity. No matter how much equipment you have, personal belongings, equipment for shooting and work, supplies of provisions and water - all this will fit perfectly in the trunk and car interior. Another bonus: in the cabin with folded rear seats two people can sleep (I made a simple construction of plywood in the form of a raised floor, and laid a cotton mattress on top - the bed is ready). So UAZ "Patriot" is practically a motor home.
  3. Repaired in any village in the most remote corners of the country. If, while traveling in Russia far from civilization (for example, in Altai or the Caucasus), a car breaks down, then it will be easy to find the necessary replacement parts and a craftsman who can fix everything (after all, only UAZs are driven there). If you are traveling around Russia in a foreign car and a breakdown happens in some wilderness, then you will have a hard time.

But, of course, there are minuses:

  1. High consumption of gasoline: about 13 l / 100 km on the highway, off-road it can be all 40-50.
  2. Shaking, noisy, vibrating. On long trips on the Patriot, when you drive about 1000 km a day, it is exhausting. But what can you do? it Russian auto industry! This is UAZ! We'll have to be patient.
  3. Over 120 km / h you will not go, no matter how hard you try. More precisely, even after 100-110 km / h it already becomes extremely uncomfortable - the engine roars, the car sausages.

Also, the UAZ "Patriot" is quite suitable for trips to the CIS countries, but it's better to travel around Europe by another car - otherwise you will have to drag a trailer of parts and spare parts.

Preparing for a long road trip

I’ll make a reservation right away, I don’t give advice on preparing and equipping a car for large-scale and long trips to the utter wilderness, to the taiga, to the mountains, hundreds of kilometers from the nearest settlement. Such extreme expeditions will require training of a completely different level, as well as confident knowledge in mechanics, the ability to diagnose and fix breakdowns. I don't have those skills, and most people, I suppose, don't either. Therefore, my lists and tips are intended exclusively for autotourists who want to go on vacation in their car, and not recover to conquer the virgin expanses of taiga, tundra or inaccessible plateaus and mountain passes.

On a note. To travel by car, it is not necessary to have personal transport or ride it from home. You can rent a car at the location where you are going. Find a car desired brand and class by best price you can use the convenient Skyscanner Car Hire service, which compares the offers of all the most popular car rental companies. Especially convenient if you are planning a trip to Europe, Asia or America.

What to do before leaving?

So, what should be done before you go on an independent road trip in Russia or abroad?

  1. Pass the technical inspection, change oil, filters, worn parts - in general, check everything and bring the car to the best condition.
  2. equip, equip car with everything you need. If you are going to drive off-road, it is worth putting fuel tank guards, tie rod guards and transfer cases. Equip sleeping place if you plan to spend the night in the car. Organize the storage of things (they are in great journey there is a lot - you need to put everything correctly).
  3. Think over nutrition and stock up on food and water. It is always better to have something edible for a snack on the way, as well as a reserve for a rainy day (more precisely, a few days).
  4. Think over the route and places of overnight stays. Calculate how far you will travel per day, and, based on this, decide where you will spend the night so as not to end up in an open field at night. It's a matter of security and peace of mind.
  5. Find out about work cellular communication and availability Internet access along the route of travel and at the destination.

What to take on a trip by car?

Listed below are all the things that I take with me on long and long road trips. Based on my list, make your own, including the things that you will need on the trip. Print it out and use it at your collection so you don't forget anything.

Mandatory set of a motorist. , fire extinguisher, compressor, jack, tool kit, spare tire, cable, starting wires. I also have: a shovel, rubber boots, an axe, a saw, boards for a jack, rags, funnels, a washer, antifreeze, brake fluid, gloves, a canister with a supply of water, ropes, luggage rubber bands with hooks, a set of fuses, clamps.

Electronics. Inverter (voltage converter to 220 volts). A very important thing when traveling! It makes it possible to charge equipment and connect any not too powerful electrical appliances. Grab spare fuses for it. Also very useful: navigator, DVR, radar detector, phones with GPS, and maps (OSM, Yandex, Google). Other electronics: laptop, camera, player, usb-speakers (they are convenient to watch movies in the evenings, listen to music in a hotel room). SIM cards of different (best) operators.

Hiking life. Wet wipes, paper napkins, a raincoat, sleeping bags, a tent, tourist rugs, sheets, pillows, pillowcases, towels, a blanket, garbage bags, camping folding chairs, a folding table (think how much you need it, as it takes up a lot of space), a thermal bag , toilet paper, soap, shampoo, personal care products, matches, lighters, flashlight and batteries, fumigators and insect sprays, alcohol or chlorhexidine for disinfection.

Cooking and eating. Gas burner and cylinders, kettles, frying pan, cutlery, mugs, thermos, containers, corkscrew, can opener, knives, small camp kettle or kettle, geyser coffee maker or Turk, cutting board, washing sponges, detergent, barbecue, skewers.

Nutrition. Everyone himself forms his own stocks of edibles, I will list only the main ones. Salt, sugar, tea, coffee, sunflower oil, nuts and muesli for a snack on the way. What can you eat while traveling? Suitable Products, in my opinion: cereals, pasta, canned meat, vegetables and fish, couscous (I highly recommend), bread or crackers. Decent stock drinking water- necessarily!

Cash different denominations, especially small ones (50, 100). Far from major cities you won’t pay with a card, and you won’t always find an ATM (for example, once in Morocco, in a tiny, completely non-tourist village in the Sahara desert, we found ourselves without cash in local currency, we had to look for people who wanted to exchange money). Traveling alone in Russia by car, there is always a chance to break down, and then you will need to resort to someone's help - cash will come in handy.

Cloth. Going on a long trip by car, think over this question carefully. Choose clothes and shoes based on the route and season. If you spend the night in a tent or car, take care of the presence of warm clothes (for example, in the Caucasus in September-October we were very cold at night). Thermal underwear and fleece clothing will never be superfluous. Choose the best shoes different kind: something light (flip flops, sandals), waterproof (boots, boots), casual shoes for the city or nature. I can recommend the Asics trail running shoes - they are great shoes! In these wonderful sneakers, we walked in the mountains over 20 km a day with a climb of more than a kilometer, and at -20 ° C we did not freeze, and at + 30 ° C our legs did not boil in them, and drive for 15 hours a day. comfortable day in them.

Other: books, sunglasses, adhesive tape, pins, sewing needles and threads, cotton pads, glue, umbrella, hammock.

Travel safety

Safety tips from experienced auto travelers to keep in mind:

  1. Think about the safety of the overnight stay. It's better to sleep in the car. All valuables should also be inside. driver's seat do not fold and leave free to be able to quickly get behind the wheel and drive away. The nose of the car should not rest against an obstacle (tree, ravine, pond, etc.).
  2. Keep self-defense equipment handy. For example, pepper spray. Experienced travelers recommend having a powerful flashlight or searchlight on hand (to blind the enemy). In the face of the aggressor, you can also take a shot some household spray (for example, WD-40, glass cleaner, etc.).
  3. Inform your loved ones about where you are, stopping for the night, as well as during the journey.
  4. Find out and write phone numbers tow trucks and service centers for your vehicle in the regions you will be passing through.
  5. Keep track of fuel. Refuel early full tank. Ideally, carry a canister of gasoline.
  6. Good to have satellite phone.
  7. A few points in favor of your safety will be given by the fact that you have press documents Or at least badges. It’s good if you have the opportunity to create a special page on the Internet that will tell about your trip and create the appearance that you are a member of a major travel project and the whole country knows about you. You can also decorate the car with stickers about your participation in the expedition. These measures will give you special status and make law enforcement more soft and fair in dealing with you (the likelihood of raids and rudeness will decrease).

Safety issues that should always be considered by any traveler (not just a motorist):

  • Money. Anticipate ALL possible financial difficulties and find ways to solve them. It is worth having several cards of different banks, storing them in different places (the same applies to cash). Have a reserve - the amount for unforeseen expenses.
  • The documents. Scan or take a photo of your documents, save them on a flash drive and keep them with you.

The list of things on the road and tips on safety and comfort will be gradually supplemented and adjusted as new experience accumulates. Your advice and comments will be glad! Share your experience in the comments - we will form a note for an autotraveller together.

So, you have decided to go on a journey on your trusty iron horse! Of course, your car is reliable and has been driving regularly for months/weeks/years through the streets of your beloved city and its environs. Can anything happen far from your own cozy nest? Only new impressions, new acquaintances, drive! But… is everything really so great?

So that there are no surprises, and troubles do not interfere with a pleasant pastime, car to long trip need to prepare! It never hurts to at least check something and stock up on something.

By the way, in our country it is customary to travel by car (in winter, you won’t go far on a bicycle, but if you want to see Lake Baikal or the Pacific Ocean?).

Check the simplest things first: whether the rear-view mirror is working properly (you will need it for any desired maneuver - do not forget to look into it every time you are going to do something) and brake lights, adjust the headlights. Or maybe it's time to install foglights? In the city, this seems like a trifle, but on the highway, and even at night, it can lead to an accident.

Replace expendable materials: motor oil, brake fluid, filters, candles, belts, brake pads. Even if you changed everything six months ago and nothing creaks or whistles. It would be nice to check the level of fluids that are in your car - antifreeze, oil, brake fluid - and grab a reserve supply, since situations can be different, everything will come in handy.

You can not save on yourself, especially on your safety. An extra 500 rubles won't do you any good, and the prospect of messing around with the car on the highway hardly looks tempting, especially in winter time year, you can quickly turn into a Bigfoot.

Also, do not be stingy with wheel alignment, so as not to inadvertently lead into a ditch on the road. And pay attention to the tires. All of a sudden she's very worn out. Then it should be replaced.
Pay special attention to brake system. cracked brake hoses replace with new ones, eliminate brake fluid leaks, check brake discs and pads.
Make sure the suspension components and running gear are in in perfect order, including rubber boots and covers, whether it is necessary to replace shock absorbers, springs, silent blocks of front levers, ball, rear suspension levers.

The "brain" of the car is the engine. Adjust everything that is subject to adjustment and is regulated during operation (clearances in valve mechanism, belt and chain tension, ignition timing, carburetor, radiator, cooling fans).

If possible - both financially and in time - drive the car into a service and give it to the caring hands of specialists. Travel is a serious test for your iron friend, so all his "horseshoes" should be in a state as close to ideal as possible.

All fixed, checked? Wonderful. But this is not a guarantee that everything will be in order. What you need to take with you "just in case of a fire". It all depends on which of you is a specialist in the field of auto mechanics.

If you know little, then enough "classic" set: first aid kit (check the expiration dates of medicines!), rope, sign emergency stop, fire extinguisher and canister. If you are able to fix the car yourself on occasion, then the list will be long. The tool is always useful. We take keys and heads from 8 to 24 mm, the car is full of all kinds of bolts and screws - you never know what you need to unscrew and screw. candle key, screwdrivers, pliers, a jack, a pump, files, sandpaper will also not be superfluous - suddenly something ... And it is important that all this is not scattered all over the trunk and the car as a whole. and neatly folded into a small bag or plastic box.

Do not forget to bring atlases and maps with you. With their help, develop optimal route- Pre-calculate the consumption of gasoline. In addition, you can immediately highlight for yourself some priority places that you definitely need to visit. Calculate the speed of movement and consider the places of the proposed stops. It is better to choose them closer to settlements or traffic police posts. Just in case. Better yet, install a navigation system in your car. GPS system. For such a trip, this is the most indispensable thing. If you can still contemptuously brush aside in the city - this is for people suffering from topographic cretinism, who cannot distinguish Polyanka Street from Yakimanka Street - then you cannot do without a navigator on a trip. And if you are a solid person, and a simple navigator does not suit you, you can install a real computer in the car (What? A smart idea!). This is a DVD, and MP3, and a connection with the whole world!

Continuing the conversation about electronics in the car - think about how you will communicate mobile phone ! The mobile phone in the hands of the driver is a potential cause of the accident. At speeds over 100 km/h, the slightest inattention can cost you and your companions their lives. Use wireless hands-free and speakerphone.

Does your car have a device for powering chargers, razors, laptops? There are a huge number of them on the market. Choose the one that suits you best and install it in your car.

Of course, in addition to the "smart" and necessary equipment, you can also install in the car ... for example, a portable coffee maker, a refrigerator, a massager in the driver's seat and much more. Although ... everyone decides for himself. It is much more pleasant to stop on the highway and drink coffee from a thermos, looking at the cars passing by. And don't forget that every extra kilogram in the car, albeit not by much, but still will increase fuel consumption, which, given the long distances, can eventually result in a tidy sum.

Pay attention to which roads you have to go: asphalt or dirt road. It is important to be ready to change pavement, although winter blizzards more often "level" it.
Gasoline, of course, fill the full tank.

All things for the journey must be collected a day before your departure. When gathering in a hurry, you run the risk of forgetting something. Therefore, there will be time to remember and double-check everything.
Before the trip, the driver needs to get enough sleep. At least 9 - 10 hours. The road takes a lot of energy, which should be stocked up in advance.

And do not forget to turn to heaven before the trip (so did all our ancestors and contemporaries, by the way, too).

It is better to leave in the pre-dawn twilight so that you can travel as far as possible during the day, and stop for the night in the evening.

The most dangerous time of day for movement is sunset and dawn. Be ready, do not make rash actions. Stops should be made at least every 400 - 500 kilometers. By the way, if several people are traveling in a car, it is recommended to change the driver also every 400 - 500 kilometers.

And don't forget to follow the rules. traffic- Your life and health and your passengers depend on it. Road markings make life easier. Now all over Russia, and even more so in European countries, the markings can be seen perfectly even in winter. Believe me, it was not drawn for beauty, it is necessary for you - travelers.

If you follow these simple rules, any trip will give you real pleasure!

Happy journey and new bright impressions!

The easiest option is when you eat not very far away and only the two of you. But when you eat already with children, then of course it becomes more difficult. Especially if the child is small, for example, like our Nikita - 2.5 years. We were very worried that it would be difficult for him on the road.

It turned out to be hard for parents, and only joy and delight for the child. In the end, it's all for the sake of the children.

We have been traveling by car for more than a year, and when we went this year, we remembered all the nuances well. Of course, we will share with you the most important, perhaps it will be very useful to you. And I want to note that it is best to travel around our country by car, if possible.

Traveling by car is even cheaper than by train or plane. But of course, depending on the brand of car and the final destination of the trip. Although almost all modern cars economical enough.

The first tip is to decide in advance on the travel route and determine the approximate cost of a trip by plane or train.

Another huge plus of auto-travel is to admire the beauties of our country. It is really huge and a lot of interesting things you can meet, see, feel. We ourselves went to the WTO from Perm to the Crimea and back. There were different routes there and back. Initially, the navigator did this, but they did not change the route, saying that it would still lead somewhere. And it was very interesting.

We even met the Spaniards on the way, who were traveling to Ekaterinburg from Spain to the World Cup, to cheer for their team. At the same time, they knew neither Russian nor English. And they met at a gas station, where they tried to show the seller by gestures what kind of coffee they needed. Just imagine what brave people they are, not only through Europe, but also through half of Russia, and even knowing only their own language.

A little off topic, it's time to start our advice.

Be sure to plan your itinerary. This must be done in advance at least one month before departure. In a close family circle, discuss the places you want to visit.

Travel by car in modern world is getting easier, mostly thanks to the internet and other useful gadgets. For example, there is a website:, where you can roughly see the route and even calculate the distance and fare. Helps a lot.

Travel planning, for example, to the Crimea, as we are this summer

Get directions in the navigator, having previously installed new up-to-date maps. If you yourself cannot, then there are services in which they will help you quickly and not expensively. Maybe friends will help. But then check the route yourself, whether the navigator laid the route for you.

In addition, find out on the Internet or from friends who have already traveled along this route, whether the road is normal, whether it is heavily loaded, whether there are enough gas stations, and so on.

When planning a trip, look at the weather in advance, in those places where you will rest, at different sources. Also think about the things you will take with you. There should not be many of them, well, we’ll talk about this anyway below.

Let a small plan already be on paper. At the same time, a car trip may change a little, go not according to plan. So leave 3-4 days extra in reserve. Few things can happen. Maybe you want to go somewhere else or, God forbid, the car breaks down and it takes a long time to repair. So leave a supply by the day. It’s better to just come home and spend them calmly than frantically fly along the highway in order to be in time somewhere.

It must be remembered that breakdowns are not accidental. There are moments, malfunctions that you might not notice. So before the trip, be sure to go through MOT, let the whole car be inspected, pulled, checked. But there will be no surprises along the way.

Be sure to take oil with you for topping up, antifreeze, brake fluid, dipped and high beam, as well as lamp dimensions. It won’t take up a lot of space in the trunk, but if anything, you can handle it on your own.

And of course, take a small set of tools with you. Just God forbid…. I have a friend who boasted that he bought new car, a foreign car, now it doesn’t carry anything from the tools with the wallpaper, and so on. This, he says, is a foreign car, nothing will happen to it (before that, I drove a VAZ 2110).

As a result, the trip was not sweet, when a small breakdown turned into a round sum (the tow truck took away from the highway, and service services).

In addition to all this, do not forget the first aid kit, fire extinguisher, warning triangle and reflective vests(according to the new rules). It is better to take 4 vests. They are not expensive, but suddenly at night more than one driver will have to get out of the car, but they really save lives.

It is better to complete the first-aid kit with bandages and plasters. In the standard, there is little of something worthwhile. That even put normal scissors and disposable medical gloves.

DVR on the go - an important element

The most important thing is to install a video recorder in the car. Traveling by car in the modern world will not do without it. Firstly, if something happens, then the traffic police officers can prove your innocence.

Secondly, very interesting moments sometimes happen on the road, and unexpectedly. So the registrar will film it, it will remain in the family archive and it will be very interesting.

Also be sure to check the tires, spare tire. Also check the pressure, if something is wrong, repair the wheels immediately.

Also, adjust your headlights correctly. If you wake up to move at night, then the road will be better illuminated and you will not blind oncoming traffic. It is just as important to respect all road users.

Driver training.

And possibly drivers, if suddenly both have rights. This is pretty convenient. On the way, you can change and then you travel a greater distance per day than one driver travels all the way. That's how before, when I was little, my parents and I went to the sea from Yakutia. Only my father was driving. As a result, approximately 7,000 km drove for about a week.

Therefore, remember that it’s hard for one driver to drive for a long time and plan to stop more often in interesting places to relax, for example, and sleep peacefully. After all, a very tired driver is equated to a drunk one, remember this!

Driving a car requires maximum concentration of the driver's attention. So repeat the traffic rules, see the current changes, even take the exam online several times. Helps a lot.

Repeat the rules for dealing with police officers. Better yet, install on your phone SDA application. If the traffic police suddenly stop and start throwing incomprehensible articles, you can quickly look and answer correctly.

Read about the different tricks of traffic police officers on the Internet, so you will know what can happen on the road and get ready.

Be sure to keep your distance when traveling. And yes, please follow traffic rules, it's really important.

Try to help people on the road if they are in trouble. I've heard a lot of conflicting opinions about this. But now is not the right time. I once needed help. Well, the timing belt broke in my “four”, it happens that I stood on the road for more than 4 hours. We were traveling with my pregnant wife, and not far from the city.

There were no tow truck phones, the Internet did not work, and he was stupid himself, he had to call 112 and that's it. As a result, one man stopped and dragged me to the service station, damn it, I will never forget. And the cars on that highway go all the time, it is loaded and alone Cars. The long-range striker might still have stopped.

Here's another note, if anything, write the numbers emergency services in a notebook, it in the glove compartment. If possible, write down the numbers of the tow trucks in the place where you are passing. Yes, just in case.

Getting gadgets ready for the road.

This is also important when you are going on a trip by car, especially far. Here is the navigator, generally an indispensable thing, we have already discussed above. The DVR in the car is the same.

I also recommend buying a cigarette lighter splitter in a car and chargers for phones. They have been producing automobiles for a long time. charging device for cars with usb outputs, you need voltage to charge almost any gadget.

Pay attention to phones. When you already know where to go, decide on a tariff plan so that it would not be expensive to use communications and the Internet. For example, we went to the Crimea this summer. It's already 2018, and there are no Russian mobile operators there, only local ones cellular operators. So no matter what kind of unlimited they connect, it's expensive anyway.

I hope this will be fixed soon, but when connecting the tariff, pay attention to the territories in which this tariff is valid. Usually they write, for example, "with the exception of the Crimea and Sevastopol."

I also advise everyone to install Yandex.Navigator in addition. I really liked him. In advance, you can download maps of the areas where you will pass and use it online (if the smartphone has a gps function). And if the Internet is connected additionally, then with downloaded maps, traffic is little used.

At the same time, if you get into a traffic jam, it will optimally show the detour route. At the same time, “optimal” really works. It will also help you find the nearest gas stations or cafes, well, almost anything.

Packing suitcases for the whole family.

When you go on a trip by car for the first time and not far, then nothing is easier. You take according to the weather and not much. But when the road is long, and even with children, it seems that you need to take everything. The girls will probably understand.

But it turns out that it is not worth bothering too much either. Decide on the places where you will rest, find out the approximate weather and take almost the minimum. Do not forget that on vacation there will be purchases and the volume of the suitcase, and possibly their number, will increase.

Here it is also necessary to look at the car, more precisely by the volume of the trunk. Estimate how many suitcases will be and how approximately to place them. Sometimes, you can put something in the salon on the floor or scatter on the shelves. But only so that nothing interferes.

The documents.

The main thing on your list is passports and money. Everything else can be bought, but without a passport or money, the vacation will be hopelessly ruined.

Without documents, your vacation can be covered with a copper basin already at the airport, so passports and money should always be in your attention not only during the preparations, but throughout the entire vacation. So let's start with this:

  • Passports;
  • Photocopies of documents (in case of loss and not to carry the originals with you);
  • Vouchers (an agreement with a travel agency, if any);
  • Driving license (for those who have);
  • Documents for the car (in advance we enter in the insurance of those who can go);
  • Bank cards and money;
  • Bank access (pin generator, password card, etc.)
  • Medical insurance, compulsory medical insurance policy;

It is better to break the money into several parts and divide between family members, and one bank card can be put in luggage. In this case, if you lose your wallet, you will not be left penniless in your pocket.


The hardest part of packing a suitcase is picking out clothes. Even when going on a road trip. We like to take with us the entire wardrobe and by any means we convince ourselves that everything will definitely come in handy. In fact, apart from your other half, no one will appreciate your outfits. Therefore, we recommend taking clothes at the rate of one outfit for 2 days.

When choosing clothes, preference should be given to light fabrics made from natural threads, or linen, and preferably cotton. In such clothes you will feel comfortable in a hot climate.

On the road, put on separate things, light and simple. The fact that it is not a pity to get dirty and that it was not hot in it on the road. Of course, it is good if the car has air conditioning. If not, then the heat will be tight.

For a child, always take a little more clothes. After all, they can easily get dirty quickly. Thank God in the modern world, you can wash your clothes everywhere, without problems and not expensive. Most importantly, take your child a couple of cotton items with long sleeves. In case the child burns a little, you need to protect the whole body from the sun.

Do not forget in this case, and hats. This is also very important!

Hygiene products.

In principle, there is not much to describe here. We take everything you need in personal hygiene. If anything, you can buy on the road.

But if the train lasts more than 1 day, with an overnight stay for example, then better means hygiene, fold somewhere on the surface of the suitcases, so that in case of something it is easy to get it. Also in the trunk should be one 5-liter bottle of water, in case of washing hands or washing.

First aid kit.

Except for herself car first aid kit it is better to collect another one - marching, as we call it. In the car, mostly only bandages and plasters, but on a trip, a lot can happen. So traveling by car requires you to have the necessary minimum of medicines with you. We will not write the names, here at your discretion:

  • thermometer;
  • painkillers;
  • from poisoning;
  • antipyretic;
  • against burns (solar primarily);
  • anti-allergens;
  • from thrush;
  • patch with iodine;
  • throat suckers;
  • antibiotics;
  • cold powders.

Other equipment and things.

In the bustle of collecting clothes, cosmetics and hygiene, do not forget about the most important thing - a camera or a smartphone with a camera. After all, thanks to these technical creations, then there will be something to remember and show to friends at work.

  • Plastic box for food (you can take a snack in the car and carry fresh fruit to the beach);
  • Spare car keys;
  • Penknife (never superfluous);
  • Children's toys for the beach (you can always buy on the spot);
  • Camera or camera (both are possible);
  • Monopod (stick) for selfie (if needed);
  • Charger for the camera (camera);
  • power banks;
  • Mobile phones;
  • Chargers for them, preferably one spare;
  • Memory card (one more, suddenly not enough);
  • A flash drive, preferably 16 or 32 GB (more), or you can use an external hard drive;
  • Laptop, netbook or tablet;
  • Mp-3 player;
  • Small kettle (if the hotel is not all inclusive)
  • Hairdryer (if not provided in the hotel room);
  • Tourist SIM card or switch tariff;
  • Repellent for mosquitoes and other insects;
  • Multicooker (if you plan to cook on your own or have special indications for nutrition).

Well, something like this. Try to pack things economically. From the list above, not everything is required to be taken, but perhaps something else will be taken. The main thing is to think about whether any thing is really useful. Do not take useless things that take up a lot of space.

Once again, look at everything carefully, walk around the house, look around. The main documents and money. The rest can be bought.

It is advisable to collect some homemade food on the road, so that you can have a little snack. Ah, I forgot. If you eat with a small child, then take the pot with you (if he goes to him). You can pee or poop right on the road. We did it, it's convenient)))

Traveling by car is very exciting. I am my own master, where I want, I stop there, as much as I want, I stand for as long.

Many drivers prefer to travel at night, as the roads are usually less busy at this time of the day. Regardless of the time of departure, you need to get enough sleep. It is much easier if two drivers drive at once in the car to replace each other at the wheel. If this is not the case, then fatigue cannot be overcome. It is very dangerous! It is better to choose a motel with a cafe and guarded parking. On a good place for rest, a cluster of truckers will indicate.

But you can just drive off the road to some nook and have a good rest. But do not stop for a long time on the side of the road. This is also dangerous.

It is important to monitor the fuel level while driving. On major highways car filling stations are quite common, which cannot be said about small country roads. You can already at the planning stage of the route to identify places for refueling. To avoid trouble, you should choose gas stations of familiar brands. Gasoline in them usually costs a little more than at local provincial gas stations, but there is no doubt about its quality.

It was just a real case when I refueled at a seemingly ordinary gas station, a village one, and the check engine light immediately lit up. I thought everything, kopets, and the engine began to work badly. I drove to the station, it turned out to be a problem with the quality of gasoline. Thank God nothing happened and everything fell into place. But locksmiths cited cases when such fuel led to breakdowns.

Many drivers are afraid of traffic police services. Such sentiments are unfounded. Traffic police officers are called upon to keep order on the road, and have no complaints against those who follow the rules of the road. Almost, so protect yourself, as described above. Refresh your memory on traffic rules, download the app on traffic rules and follow these rules.

Do not rush on the road or be nervous. Give way, keep your distance and speed mode. Usually road repairs begin in the summer, be vigilant, sometimes they block part of the route and send them along bypass roads, so pay close attention to the signs, even if you use the navigator.

When you stop to eat at a cafe, stop where there are a lot of trucks. Truckers always know where you can eat deliciously and without risk to health.

Very dangerous situations:

  • If a dog jumped out onto the road or some animal - shoot down! Of course it's a pity, but people's lives are more precious. Very often, when trying to go around an obstacle, accidents happen, terrible.
  • If a car suddenly jumped out towards the “forehead”, go to the right. The oncoming car, most likely, will also go to its side.
  • If you are overtaken by a car and it does not have time, a car is already visible in the oncoming one, then do not slow down in any case. Move at the same speed. The car overtaking you will also slow down to return to its lane.

In general, there are many cases and each should be decided according to the circumstances. Be polite on the road.

Getting ready for your first car trip is always exciting. So many things need to be taken into account and foreseen: to put the car in order, decide on a place of rest and plan a route, and finally, do not forget to entrust the care of the relatives of your beloved cat. However, all these worries and efforts fade against the background of impressions that can be experienced during your first car trip.

We wish you all a good journey and a happy holiday. That's all for now, everyone for now.

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Traveling by car - tips for beginners on how to prepare and what to take. updated: July 6, 2018 by: Subbotin Pavel

Long-distance travel with the whole family or a business trip to remote places. An ordinary car enthusiast does not accept such trips on a mode of transport other than his own or company car. The desire is understandable - it is comfortable and convenient. back side medals - the load on the driver and the components of the car. First in long road experience will help, the second - careful preparation. Yes, the latter is indispensable. Excuses in the form of “yes, everything is fine with me” are not accepted.

Mechanic visit or how to prepare any car for a long trip in summer: technical aspects

The classic preparation process starts with the simplest - tire pressure analysis. For this procedure, it would be nice to have a compressor with a pressure gauge in order to quickly restore the required values. A few words about the latter: the number of Bar can be found in the instruction manual. Too lazy to rummage - look under the gas tank hatch or inspect the middle pillar of the body for informative stickers. And continue to try to control the parameter in all 4 tires after a long parking.

Wheel inspection

Careful preparation of the car for a long trip in the summer does not accept a mediocre attitude. While pumping the wheels, inspect the tires for wear. By its nature, one can judge the correct suspension geometry setting. Heavily worn tires - scrap, drifts and drifts on a wet road are classified as undesirable and completely dangerous phenomena.

No one forces you to measure the critical value of 1.6 mm - focus on the marks that contain all modern and winter too. There were vibrations in the steering wheel high speeds- balance the wheels. Even if there were no such symptoms, it is better to play it safe - the bearings will say thank you.


Whoever carried out scheduled maintenance on time, it’s easier for him. If the car is not under warranty, take care of it with redoubled perseverance. It is highly recommended to replace critical parts and fluids such as:

  1. Worn brake pads.
  2. timing belts and attachments that are over 3-4 years old.
  3. Brake "slurry", which is more than 2 years old.

It will not be superfluous to analyze the state engine oil. If the car was operated mainly in the city, and its mileage since last replacement lubrication is approaching 7,500 km, there is only one verdict - change oily liquid along with the filter. Not necessary this procedure produce at the service station. If you don’t want to get dirty, take your canister and filter element with you - save.

Gear oil also loses its properties. Not as intensive as motor, but still requires replacement every two to three years or after 40-50 thousand km. You can’t neglect it - repairing the box is only a little cheaper than its capital.

Air conditioning

Climate control is far from the last place in the process of how to prepare a car for a long trip in the summer, as it significantly affects the comfort of the crew. And yours climate system ready for the southern heat? Definitely better to check at the service station and refuel with refrigerant. Change to extreme cabin filter and clean the evaporator from germs - take a step towards maintaining health.

Cooling system

The classic trick is to open the hood and look at the coolant level in expansion tank. It should be between Min and Max risks. It will not be superfluous to diagnose the following elements:

  • Temperature sensor.
  • Thermostat.
  • Fan.

By the way, the radiator should also be cleaned. It is also possible inside, using a technique that describes, with your own hands. When washing outside, it is important to choose the right jet pressure so as not to injure the pliable honeycombs.

What else to check

So, the key units have been checked, serviced, and working capacity has been restored. In a word, you can go. But wait, the main criteria are not met - the driver did not make sure that the vehicle is visible and safe on the road. You need to do the following:

  • Check the operation of all lighting and warning lamps for road users.
  • Top up the level in the windshield washer reservoir.
  • Replace wipers.

What is the preparation of any car for a long trip in the summer: what to take with you

Cleanliness reigns inside, and wax sparkles on the outside. Everything - the car is ready to travel, but not completely. A package of auxiliary tools has not been formed. It is impossible to deny its presence - you never know what can happen on the road. Spare parts must also be available - it is impossible to predict the place of failure. There is a mechanic, but there is no shop - you must admit, an unfortunate situation.

As a result of preparing a personal car for a long trip in the summer, the trunk should contain:

  • Spare wheel, balloon and jack.
  • Set for self-elimination punctures in tires.
  • Bulbs, long wires of a small section, fuses of various ratings.
  • Plastic clamps and heat-resistant tape, which are useful for repairing a broken hose or breaking through a muffler.
  • Alternator and timing belts, filters, spark plugs.
  • Cable.
  • Set of auto mechanic in the form of keys, pliers, screwdrivers and side cutters.

If you set off on a journey in winter, take the same, but do not forget a shovel and light wires. Snow chains can also come in handy. In general, at any time of the year it would be nice to have one can of gasoline, a liter of engine oil, a prepared washer, an octane booster with you.


There is nothing difficult in preparing a car for a long trip. It is enough to carry out unscheduled maintenance of units and assemblies, if necessary, change the oil and filter, and also fulfill a number of conditions:

  • Inspect wheels for wear and proper pressure.
  • Change consumables whose resource is coming to an end.
  • Check the air conditioner.
  • Run diagnostics on the cooling system.
  • Make sure that the lights and lighting are working properly.
  • Change wipers.
  • Top up washer.

Be sure to bring along minimum set tools and spare parts. The essentials also include maps and a navigator, a smartphone charger and a pocket trigger. To the place and a small first aid kit containing a set of effective drugs.

Traveling is not only pleasant moments, but also additional chores. Preparing a car for a long journey is one of the key points, because it depends on how easy and comfortable your trip will be. We hope that the suggested tips will be useful to you.

How to start preparing the car for vacation?

  • Car wash. The car must be completely clean: inside and out, then it will be more comfortable to move around on it. In addition, clean windows are also a relief to the driver, you don’t have to strain your eyes trying to see something through the “age-old dirt”;

  • General inspection. It would be nice to replace the headlight bulbs before the trip, carefully check the presence of liquids and oils: in the checkpoint, brake mechanism, rear axle, power steering, antifreeze. There should be no leaks anywhere - otherwise, the car may refuse to serve on the road, and you will spend the night in the open air - believe me, this is far from always romantic, and sometimes fraught with fines. If the car has air conditioning, check its operation and replace the filter;
  • Useful to have. Except compulsory recruitment like a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit, it would be nice to take a set of screwdrivers, flashlights, cigarette lighters, a compressor, a wrench for wheels and a cylinder, a cable, brakes, turn signals, a jack, spare lamps with you - there are no extra spare parts on the road, experienced drivers it will be confirmed;

  • Chassis. It is better to play it safe and shortly before the trip go to the service station and check undercarriage. AT summer season there are often queues in auto repair shops, so reserve your place in advance;
  • Motor oil. It is mandatory to change it before the trip, because on the road the engine works in enhanced mode. Be sure to take a supply with you - 1-2 liters of a car will not burden you, but they can bring real benefits;
  • wheels . Assess the condition of the discs and rubber: there should be no detachments, bumps or other defects. If this is still acceptable within the city, then on a long trip a car can let you down. Check the pressure - probably yours vehicle will be overloaded more than usual, so it makes sense to pump up tires.

Rules for the carriage of goods while traveling by car

When going on vacation, many people take a bunch of things with them - a tent, a boat, suitcases, and so on. It is recommended to place the heaviest luggage on the bottom luggage compartment as close as possible to the rear passenger seats. If you have a station wagon, it makes sense to separate the cabin and the cargo compartment with special crossbars or a net - then things will remain in their places and will not “roam” around the cabin.

As for the roof of the car, it is worth remembering that overloading can come back to haunt a shift in the center of gravity, and extreme caution must be exercised when driving. Also, with a large load increases braking distances- this must be taken into account. It is convenient to transport bicycles with the help of special mounts - they can be purchased at car dealerships and dealer centers. Small items are securely transported in the storage compartments and under the boot floor. Safety vests, warning triangle, tools and spare parts must be stored in an easily accessible place, otherwise you will have to shift all things to find what you are looking for - believe me, not the most pleasant experience.