What kind of windshield wiper blades for Renault Logan. How long are the wipers on Renault Logan? Price comparison for original size wipers

The size of the Renault Logan windshield wiper blades becomes very important parameter in the event that you decide to replace standard wipers with more modern and advanced ones. The windshield cleaning system consists of the following structural elements:

  • cleaning brushes;
  • brush drive mechanism;
  • washing lines;
  • tank for storing washer fluid;
  • pump for supplying washer fluid.

For a number of reasons, installing new wipers on a Logan is one of the most common operations performed by the owners of this model immediately after purchasing it. Typically, new wipers do a much better job than standard wipers and have much longer period operation.

Reason for replacing windshield wipers

The main reason for replacing windshield wipers Renault Logan- their weird job, which has long been classified as a generic “disease” of cars of this brand.

The fact is that most modern cars are equipped with a windshield cleaning system in which the windshield wipers work synchronously with the glass washer.

When the Renault Logan windshield wipers are on, they do not start the washer to work; as a result, the glass is cleaned dry until the driver manually starts the device. Naturally, this creates certain inconveniences when driving, since the driver is distracted from the road, which can lead to the most disastrous consequences.

In addition, the design of standard wipers has another unpleasant feature - the blade sizes are the same for both the driver and the passenger. They are 55 cm. This length of the brushes does not allow them to completely clean the windshield of the car, since they simply do not capture the small part of it on which water accumulates. Fans of Renault Logan even gave this phenomenon a nickname, calling it pejoratively “snot.”

Car owners claim that the washer reservoir installed here is too small, as a result of which the washer fluid quickly runs out in bad weather. At the same time, removing the washer reservoir causes significant difficulties due to its inconvenient location.

Choosing new windshield wipers

You can get rid of the problems listed above by installing new wipers of a different size on Logan, as well as synchronizing the operation of the windshield wipers with the washer. Experienced car owners advise purchasing these accessories, the size of which will be 65 cm for the driver’s seat and 55 for the passenger seat. The shape, device, and method of attaching the wipers can be any, but remember that their size should be different in any case.

Which better windshield wipers for Logan, the issue is quite controversial, since each driver chooses a design for himself. So, some people like it when the brushes are more rigid, while others prefer designs that are equipped with shields. However, when choosing these accessories, you should always consider one point: for Renault Logan frame wipers have some problems during operation in winter. This is due to the fact that moisture can freeze between their rubber lining and the frame.

In this regard, when replacing wipers, it makes sense to purchase brushes of a frameless design. The fact is that the design, which does not have a frame, allows you to attach the cleaning surface to a rather complex structure with several support points, which is called a “yoke”. As a result, the blades do not freeze to the glass, ensuring that the windshield wiper is always ready to work.

In addition, frameless wipers are equipped with a wear indicator for their brushes. WITH technical point Visually, such an indicator is a strip that will change color as the brushes wear out.

Frameless brushes, as a rule, are small in size, pressed tightly against the glass and are equipped with spoilers that prevent them from being torn off by the incoming air flow.

Replacing windshield wiper blades on Renault Logan is quite easy. The fact is that there is a special latch on the rod of this device. By turning the brush in a special way, you can unlock the latch and remove it. Installation new brush produced in a similar way. Replacing windshield wiper blades of non-standard designs is easy, since their mounting point is no different from standard samples.

At the same time, the main “disease” of standard Logan windshield wipers, “snot,” can only be overcome by upgrading the trapezoidal rods, which will allow the blades to capture areas of the windshield that are inaccessible to the standard accessory. In this case, you will have to resort to welding work.

To do this, after dismantling the rod, 6 to 8 mm of metal is cut off from it between the rod fastening and its bend. Next, the remaining pieces are welded together, and the seam is cleaned of irregularities. After this, the thrust returns to its place.

In principle, these modifications are simple, and they can be done independently, unlike upgrading the glass washer system. For example, some craftsmen change the washer pump, increase the size of its reservoir, change nozzles, etc.

Synchronizing the washer with the wipers

Upgrading the washer system is a rather complicated procedure, so it is better not to do it yourself. So, for example, in this case it may be necessary to remove the washer reservoir or replace the washer nozzles. But it is quite possible to synchronize the operation of the system with the operation of the car’s wipers yourself. To do this, you just need to change the connection diagram of the windshield wipers and washer to the electrical wiring.

All terminals and connectors responsible for their operation are located in the area of ​​the steering column switches. Ideally, you need to connect the comfort block with the block responsible for the operation of the mudguard. The result should be 1 sweep of the wiper when you press the mudguard button, and with a long press - 3 sweeps.

If you want to somehow change the characteristics of the washer (for example, change the shape of the jet it produces), you will still have to carry out such a procedure as replacing the washer nozzles. By replacing the washer reservoir, you can significantly increase its volume, thereby allowing the glass cleaning system to work longer.

In any case, it is worth remembering that Renault Logan windshield wiper blades have their own service life and after its expiration they need to be serviced. mandatory change to prevent damage to the windshield.

Renault Logan cars in Russia are among the TOP 5 most popular models On the market. High reliability, economical and attractive appearance Our consumers are very impressed. As they say: Only those who do nothing make no mistakes! This allegory specifically applies to the manufacturers of Renault Logan.

A little - a lot, the problem lies in the basic windshield blades. Of course, during the first time of operation, few people pay attention to this annoying miscalculation, but over time it becomes an annoying problem for logan drivers.

Read below in our article to learn how to get rid of such defects and modernize the wiper system.

Problem with wiper blades

After some time from the start of operation, car enthusiasts notice a very unusual feature in the operation of their windshield wipers. The thing is that on most popular foreign cars they work simultaneously with the windshield washer, but on Logan everything turns out differently. When the wipers are turned on, no water is supplied. And this is not a problem in the pump, which is such a feature of the operation.

Of course, this type of work has its supporters, but the vast majority of Loganovods agree that such operation is inconvenient and requires improvements. Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem; all you need is instructions, a little experience and required amount electrical wiring.

Another unpleasant “surprise” for Renault Logan owners is the standard size of the windshield wiper blade. Its length is 55 centimeters, both on the driver and passenger sides.

Therefore, during operation, they capture only a small part of the glass surface, leaving other areas untouched. It may seem small problem, however, when precipitation falls, it is in such untouched areas that moisture drains from the glass, which in turn causes discomfort. Among car enthusiasts, this situation is nicknamed the “snot” effect.

This is what the result of standard wiper operation looks like.

And so with the modernization completed. As you can see, the triangle along which all the dirt flows has disappeared.

Which wipers to choose for Renault Logan?

Today on the Internet there are many open topics on the forums about the problem of windshield wiper blades on Renault Logan. One of the most popular answers to solve this problem is to replace the stock wipers with parts of a different size.

Ideal size wiper on driver's side 65 centimeters, and the passenger 55 cm.

Depending on the manufacturer, the size may vary slightly, but the pattern is the same, the length on the driver’s side should always be longer.

Step-by-step process for replacing wipers

Please note that when installing frameless brushes, a special adapter may be required (which in most cases is included in the kit).

We are modernizing the trapezoid traction

The process of changing the traction on the trapezoid is quite difficult process, which will take both your energy and time. But once all this work is done, the “snot” effect is guaranteed to disappear.

In order to carry out such manipulations you will need hand tool, welding machine, straight arms and strict adherence to our instructions.

  1. Open the hood and remove the plastic piston from the protective grille.

    Using a flat-head screwdriver, you need to carefully pry off the piston.

  2. Then remove the hood seal and the plastic grill covering the motor with the windshield wiper rod.

    With a little force, the plastic grill and seal will come out of place.

  3. After access to the brushes is opened, we remember the approximate location of the wipers in order to subsequently install them in their places. You can mark with marker.
  4. Unscrew the nuts and remove the washers from the wiper arms.

    To make it easier to remove the nut, you can pre-treat it with WD-40.

  5. To remove the leashes themselves, you need to swing them from side to side and pull them towards you.
  6. Remove the plastic cover and unscrew the nut and washer from the pin.

    Remove the plastic protection by prying it up from below using a screwdriver.

  7. Remove the power connector for the windshield wipers.

    It is better to disconnect the contact using a flat blade screwdriver.

  8. Unscrew the motor mounting bolt from the housing.

    The motor mounting screw can be easily unscrewed using socket head on 10".

  9. By pulling the lever towards you, we dismantle it.
  10. After the entire trapezoid has been dismantled, with passenger traction remove the nut and washer and release it.
  11. In order for the modernization to be successful, it is necessary to cut from 5 to 8 mm of metal from the rod, and then weld the ends together.

    It is best to cut off part of the rod using a hacksaw blade.

  12. After welding, we check everything for irregularities and grind them.

    This is what the draft looks like after the work has been completed.

  13. We assemble all the parts in the same order as removal, not forgetting to lubricate all friction points with lubricant.

After carrying out such work, you can be sure that the Renault Logan windshield wiper blades will wipe most of the glass without leaving unnecessary marks.

The process of removing the wiper motor with trapezoid (video)

Cars of the French concern Renault are among the top five among Russian buyers. Qualities such as reliability, low consumption gasoline and modern appearance attract many domestic car enthusiasts. However, the French manufacturer, like others, also sometimes makes mistakes. One of them is low-quality windshield wiper blades on the Logan model. Of course, few people pay attention to such a minor problem, but it is the wipers that over time become the No. 1 problem for Russian drivers.


After the first month of using Renault Logan, the first thing that catches the driver’s eye is a little strange. The fact is that on almost all foreign cars the washers work synchronously with the wipers. On Logan it’s the other way around. When the wipers are turned on, the washers do not start. Of course, this feature of the operation of windshield wiper blades has its supporters. However, most car owners consider this a major defect that is very annoying during the operation of a popular foreign car. Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem. Moreover, The manufacturer has equipped Logan with everything necessary to replace windshield wipers. The driver only needs instructions, wiring and skillful hands.

Another surprise for Renault buyers will be the size of the standard wiper blade. Standard sizes these parts are 55 cm each, for both the driver and the passenger. In this regard, the wipers wipe only a small part of the glass surface, and the rest remains unaffected. It would seem like a small thing, but during heavy rainfall a large amount of water flows from the parts of the glass that are “ignored” by the wipers. Fans of Renault Logan even dubbed this defect “snot”.

To protect your nervous system and get rid of such troubles, let's consider the most popular options for dealing with the ineffective operation of wipers.


Increasingly, the issue related to overcoming gaps in the operation of windshield wipers is being discussed on various Internet forums. One of the most effective solutions similar problem is the replacement of standard wipers with parts different sizes. The optimal windshield wiper blades are 65 cm long for the driver's seat and 55 cm for the passenger seat.

Depending on the manufacturer, the brush size may be larger or smaller. However required condition– the length of the wiper for the driver should be longer.

When choosing a windshield wiper blade, you also need to pay attention to such a parameter as the design of the parts. Frame wipers have performed poorly during winter operation. Owners of such parts often have to pick out ice from the holes between the rubber band and the frame of the part. If you do not do this regularly, the windshield wipers will skip through certain areas of the glass.

Things are a little different with frameless wipers. Manufacturers of such parts often complete their products special indicators, which notify the driver of wear. After replacing the standard wipers with frameless ones, the new parts must be removed protective films to see the indicators clearly. As they wear, the latter will change color.

Another important advantage frameless wiper blade is tightly pressed to the glass. Many models of such wipers have individual design features, allowing you to adapt to any windshield. Winter options frameless wipers equipped with special protective covers that prevent parts from icing.

An important nuance that you should not forget about when purchasing wipers is the presence of spoilers. Windshield wiper blades, complemented by spoilers, are perfectly held on the glass at any vehicle speed.


Refining the trapezius row is a rather labor-intensive process that will take up a lot of your time. But after doing this work, you will get rid of the “snot” once and for all. To modify trapezoid rods, you will need some tools and welding experience.

First, we pull out the parts that require improvement. To do this, we follow the following algorithm:

  1. Open the hood of the Renault Logan and remove the plastic cover, under which is the base of the windshield wiper blades.
  2. We dismantle the hood lid seal and the plastic grille.
  3. We see brushes in front of us. It is worth remembering their position so that you can later install them in place in the same way.
  4. We remove the wiper arms. To do this, carefully pull them towards you.
  5. We dismantle the plastic linings that are located under the leashes.
  6. A pin opened in front of us, from which we unscrew the nut and remove the washer.
  7. Disconnect the wiper motor unit and unscrew the bolt holding it in place.
  8. Unscrew the nut and washer on the windshield wiper arm.
  9. We dismantle the lever by slightly pulling it towards ourselves.

Next, we pull the rod out from the lever hinge and mark the cut location on it. In order for the windshield wiper blades to work more efficiently, it is better to cut off about 5-8 mm of metal between the bend of the rod and its fastening. After the cutting procedure, we weld the pieces of rod back together. We check the seams for unevenness and if there are any, we carefully remove them by sanding. After this, we assemble all the parts in reverse order.

After the work has been done, the Renault Logan wiper blades will completely wipe the windshield, regardless of the intensity of precipitation.

Wiper blades are consumables, which is subject to periodic replacement. The safety of the driver and passengers depends on the quality of glass cleaning, since it determines visibility road surface in bad weather. How to choose the right wipers for Renault Duster, sizes and basic information on selection are given below.

Brush sizes

If you decide to purchase brushes for Renault Duster, Fluence, Renault Sandero, Logan or the second Megane, then first of all you need to decide on the sizes.

It must be taken into account that the sizes of wipers differ depending on the vehicle model, as well as its year of manufacture.

For example, for the Sandero model standard sizes brushes are as follows:

  • the length of the driver's wiper is 51 cm;
  • passenger - also 51 cm;
  • The length of the rear wiper is allowed from 35 to 38 cm.

Cleaning the windshield with wipers

In Megan sedan models produced between 1996 and 2002, the dimensions of the front windshield wipers are 50 and 55 cm, respectively. As for cars produced from 2002 to 2009, then in this case brush sizes should be 60 and 45 cm. If your vehicle made in a hatchback, coupe or station wagon, the dimensions should be clarified in service book. In Renault Logan cars produced from 2004 to 2013, the dimensions of both brushes should be 50 cm.

Types of wipers

When buying windshield wipers for Renault Megane 2 or any other car, you should decide on the type of blades you want to use:

  1. Frame. This variety is considered traditional; these devices can be classified as economy class. Frame cleaners are divided into summer, all-season and winter. Also on sale you can find devices with a spoiler designed to prevent the rubberized element from tearing off the glass. The spoiler also allows for optimal fit of the rubber band.
  2. Frameless. Characterized by the presence of an elastic body. To ensure higher elasticity, in frameless versions the body is reinforced using a special spring. If the elastic band is of high quality, then the service life of frameless devices will be longer, since such structures do not use moving steel components. And they, in turn, are susceptible to corrosion. On this moment frameless cleaners are used as standard ones in most cars.
  3. Hybrid is a subtype of frameless cleaners. In this case, the frame component is hidden inside a plastic case, which also serves as a spoiler. In this case, it is possible to replace the rubberized blade, due to which their service life will be longer. Moreover, the frame installed in plastic is less susceptible to corrosion (the author of the video is the Renault Repair channel).

Basic faults

Let's briefly consider the main malfunctions typical of brushes:

  1. Poor fit of the brush to the glass. As a rule, this problem is caused by wear and tear of the rubberized elements, which can be replaced if necessary.
  2. No water flows onto the windshield, while the wipers operate in normal mode. In this case, there may be several reasons. First, it is necessary to check the functionality of the electric motor located in the expansion tank and supplying the washer fluid to the glass. If it fails, it must be replaced. Secondly, you need to diagnose the reservoir itself - perhaps it has burst or there is damage on it through which the washer comes out. Thirdly, you need to check the nozzles through which the liquid enters and disperses into windshield- sometimes they become clogged, so they should either be cleaned or replaced. Fourthly, it is necessary to check the rubber tube through which the water from expansion tank served on glass. It could become clogged, and damage is also possible.
  3. The wipers themselves do not work and do not respond when turned on. In this case, there may also be several faults. First you need to check the functionality of the fuse in mounting block- it could burn out, so this element needs to be changed if this is the case. Also, the reason may lie in the electric motor of the windshield wiper system itself - it may be inoperative, or the contact has come off the power circuit. If the problem is in the contact, then it must be cleaned and the device reconnected. In some cases, the reason lies in a non-working trapezoid - this component must also be replaced. If the wipers do not turn on due to a faulty steering column switch, then in this case you also need to first check the contact; if it is normal, then replace the device.

Price issue

When buying wipers, first of all you need to pay attention to the material from which they are made. The material must be as durable as possible, this will allow it to withstand the weight of ice and snow. The rubber bands should be as elastic as possible; some manufacturers treat them with graphite to prevent the rubber part from sticking to the glass.

Look interesting video on this topic

The article will analyze windshield wipers on Renault Logan:

  • frameless;
  • hybrid and frame;
  • premium and affordable options.

Bonus: price comparison and installation video. The selection includes only reliable European and American manufacturers.

Wipers are selected for two generations of cars. You will find recommendations for frameless and frame brushes. I included premium options - brushes with excellent value prices and quality, as well as inexpensive wipers.

Also, the articles will allow you to avoid compromises in the form of several centimeters in the length of the brushes - choose only what is made specifically for your car.

Logan first generation (2004-2013)


  1. The length of the “original” driver’s windshield wiper is 50 cm (20 inches).
  2. The length of the “native” passenger wiper is 50 cm (20″).
  3. Type of fastening - “hook” (in English hook).

Frameless wipers on Logan I

  • First of all, I recommend the kit frameless wipers premium Bosch Aerotwin AR 500 S (article - 3397009081). This is a set of two Belgian brushes 50 cm long with a “native” mount. Quiet and aerodynamic, they clean perfectly at any temperature and weather.
  • An excellent and more affordable option is the Kamoka kit (27E17) with wipers of the same size and also “original” mounts, no multi-adapters. These are frameless Polish wipers, quiet, reliable, and aerodynamic.
  • A good option is a pair of Champion Easyvision Retrofit wipers (ER50/B01). Please note that you need to buy two of them. These are high-quality American windshield wipers, for which the most important thing is excellent performance in the rain.

Hybrid wipers for first generation Logan

Therefore, they are more affordable than most frameless competitors. They look impressive, clean well, and are made in Korea.

Frame wipers on Logan 1st generation

  • Classic frame brushes Kamoka with article number 26500, sold individually.
  • A good one-piece option is Champion Easyvision Conventional E51 (E51/B01).
  • Perhaps the most affordable well-known branded frame wipers are the Bosch Eco 500C kit (3397005161).

“Non-native” sizes of wipers on Logan

Many owners install longer brushes to increase the cleaning area and get rid of residual smudges (“snot”).

Some even use longer brushes, but with modified leads.

If you want to experiment with the length of your windshield wipers, I recommend wipers at this length.

  • frameless brush Champion Easyvision Retrofit (ER51/B01),
  • frameless Rainblade (358349),
  • frame Valeo Silencio Blister (567774).
  • frameless Valeo Compact Revolution R53 (576077),
  • frameless Champion Easyvision Retrofit (ER53/B01),
  • frameless Bosch Aerotwin Retrofit AR 21 U (3397008536),
  • hybrid Denso (DUR-053L),
  • frame Champion Aerovantage (A53/B01),
  • frame with spoiler SWF Das Original 607 (116607),
  • frame Bosch Eco 53C (3397004671).

Windshield wipers for Logan II (since 2012)


  1. Years of production: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017.
  2. Driver's wiper length: 550 mm (22 in).
  3. Passenger wiper length: 500 mm (20″).
  4. The type of fastening from 2012 to 2015 is “big hook” (in English hook 9*4).
  5. Mounting type since 2015 - Bayonet arm.

Quick comparison for 2nd generation Logan with hook mount

Watch an interesting video on this topic