Driver's license d. Driver's license categories. Deciphering the categories of driver's licenses in Russia. What do you need to get a driver's license

The concept of "driving category" refers to vehicles that are allowed to drive the driver. Each car belongs to a certain category. Driver with registered category B ( passenger cars) cannot drive a bus classified as category D. Let's figure out which categories driving license exist in 2016.

  1. A - motorcycles (A1 - lightweight motorcycles).
  2. B - "light" cars (B1 - tricycles, BE - lightweight cars with an attached trailer).
  3. C - trucks (C1 - light trucks, CE - "heavy trucks" with a trailer, C1E - light trucks with a "wagon").
  4. D - bus vehicles (D1 - small buses, DE - bus vehicles with a "carriage", D1E - minibuses with a trailer).
  5. M - mopeds.
  6. Tm - trams.
  7. Tb - trolleybuses.

The driver is allowed to drive only the transport that is indicated in his documents required category. Otherwise, a fine of 5-15 thousand rubles is threatened for the absence of the required category.

Category A driving license: how old and how to get it

A driver's license with this mark gives the right to drive any motorcycle, even with a sidecar. It also allows you to drive such a rare type of transport in modern traffic as a motorized stroller.

By definition of traffic rules, a motorcycle is a two-wheeled vehicle that may or may not have a "cradle" on the side. Category A licenses are also issued to drivers of three-wheeled and four-wheeled motorcycles weighing no more than 400 kg (in running order).

  • Subcategory A1. To this species include motorcycles with certain parameters - engine volume (up to 125 cm³) and power (up to 11 kW). A driver with category A automatically gets the right to drive a motorcycle of subcategory A1.

License category B: cars, quads and tricycles

It includes vehicles with the following characteristics:

  • mass of transport - up to 3.5 tons;
  • number of seats for passengers - up to 8 ( driver's seat does not count);
  • a car with a trailer, the permissible mass of which is up to 750 kg (and does not exceed the mass of the vehicle itself without cargo), and the total authorized mass of the entire “structure” is not higher than 3.5 tons.

These requirements, in addition to cars some buses, small trucks, jeeps and sidecars are also responsible.

Subcategory B1

These rights are intended for persons wishing to "ride" tricycles and quadricycles. "Quad" should not be confused with "quad". Therefore, other driver's documents are needed.

A quadricycle is a motorcycle with 4 wheels and has the following design features:

  • developing a minimum speed of up to 25 km / h;
  • the most big power engine - 15 kW;
  • weight with luggage - up to 400 kg (for models intended for the carriage of luggage - up to 500 kg).

A tricycle is a vehicle on three wheels (trikes, cars, bicycles).

Subcategory BE

If the car has a heavy trailer, then a BE subcategory driver's document will be required. It refers to a machine with the following parameters:

  • a car with a heavy "carriage", the mass of which is lighter than 750 kg and exceeds the mass of the car itself without load;
  • a car with a trailer, the mass of which is less than 750 kg, and the permissible total mass of the entire structure is more than 3.5 tons.

They teach driving a car with a heavy "trailer" from the age of 18. The process takes 1.5 months.

Category C: trucks of all kinds

These are trucks of different weights (excluding category D vehicles). These include:

  • cars with a permissible weight exceeding the limit of 3.5 tons;
  • trucks with a trailed structure, the authorized mass of which is lighter than 750 kg.

Subcategory CE

If the truck trailer is heavier than 750 kg, then a CE subcategory license will be required. They allow you to drive a vehicle with a "cart" heavier than the specified mark.

Subcategory C1

This caste includes trucks in the mass range of 3.5-7.5 tons, plus vehicles with a trailer (C1) not heavier than 750 kg.

Subcategory C1E

It allows you to drive a category C1 truck, but with a weighty "trailer" (more than 750 kg). AT this case the total mass of such a "train" should not go beyond the mark of 12 tons.

If you have CE rights, they allow you to drive C1E vehicles.

Category D: buses

These are cars designed to transport people with the following parameters:

  • buses with more "human" 8 seats (excluding the driver's seat);
  • buses with the same number of seats and with a trailer that is lighter than 750 kg.
  • The document allows the management of buses, regardless of its mass. You can get them after 7 months of training at the age of 21.

Subcategory DE

If the bus has a heavier trailer, then you will have to get a DE category. Again, we are talking about a permissible mass of over 750 kg.

Subcategory D1

These are minibuses with seats from 9 to 16 (including the driver's seat), as well as D1 vehicles with a trailer lighter than 750 kg.

Subcategory D1E

If D1 vehicles have a heavy "carriage" (more than 750 kg), which is in no way suitable for transporting fellow travelers, then category D1E will be required. At the same time, the total permissible mass of such a bus with a “trailer” is up to 12 tons.

Category M

It includes various mopeds and quadricycles (non-heavy). This category was introduced only in 2013. Its trick is that persons who do not have category M, but who have other rights, can manage these funds.

You can get an M license at the age of 16.

Category Tm and Tb

Previously, trolleybuses and trams did not represent a separate caste. They were designated by special marks in the document. Now they have been categorized.

Learn to be a driver public transport You can in six months if you are 21.

How to get a driver's license in 2016

To obtain the rights of any category in our country, it is possible only after a training course at a driving school and successfully passing the exam part. The algorithm is this:

  1. Apply for driving lessons.
  2. Get trained by following internal rules educational institution.
  3. Pass an exam divided into theory and practice. The examiner from the traffic police will have to prove his driving viability in the conditions of the training ground and on the streets of the city.
  4. If the exam tests are successfully overcome, you need to pay the state fee and take a picture for the rights in the traffic police.
  5. The resulting driving license is valid for 10 years.


Before enrolling in a specific category of training, you should decide which one you need and immediately choose suitable option, guided by your plans for the future (will you have a big family car or trailer). This will save money, time and nerve cells.

How and when to get new rights?

New categories and subcategories in driving licenses

Since November 5, 2013 the law "On security traffic» divided existing vehicles into more sub-categories than previously. Those. Since 2013, there have been more categories of driver's licenses.

Recall that the rights of a new sample with a pink-blue background in Russia began to operate from March 1, 2011. Here's what they look like.

Subcategories in a driver's license in 2018

The usual division of motor vehicles into four main categories: "A", "B", "C", "D" remained unchanged, but now each of them has SUBCATEGORIES: "A1", "B1", "C1", "D1". These subcategories allow for lighter transport than the main category.

Brief description of categories and new subcategories t.s. in a driver's license as of 2015:

Federal Law of December 10, 1995 N 196-FZ "On road safety
movement". Latest .

Topical issues on new rights for drivers

When to change old rights to new ones?

All driving licenses issued before November 2013 are valid until the expiration date specified on them.

But if you're itching to get a new ID ahead of time, then there is no problem. You go to the MREO traffic police, introduce yourself, hand over your old rights, pay a receipt, take a picture and get the desired document.

By the way, those who wear glasses can be photographed both with them and without them. Of course, it's not about sunglasses :)

When exchanging rights, drivers are given the same categories that they had originally opened, as well as the corresponding new subcategories.

What category will be put down in the new rights instead of category “E” (trailers)?

The new driver's license will open those categories for which you actually studied and passed the exam. The restrictions indicated in the medical certificate will also be taken into account.

For example, in the old rights you had categories: “B”, “C”, “E”. When replacing a certificate, if you actually took the exam only on a truck with a trailer, you will be given: “B”, “C”, “CE”. Category "BE" in this case will not be open.

* - You can get acquainted with the nuances of opening category "E" in 34 and 40 articles "Instructions on the procedure for organizing work on taking qualification exams and issuing driver's licenses"

Do our new national rights work abroad?

The new driving license of the 2011-2014 model in pink and blue fully complies with international requirements and is valid in all countries that have signed the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic of 1968.

By and large, the transition to new rights occurred precisely because of the appearance of amendments to this international document.

There are no restrictions on the terms of the exchange. That is, if you do not use the rights, and they have long expired, then you can change them to new ones at any time, even after several years from the date of their cancellation.

Or vice versa, as we have already mentioned, in advance of the expiration date, go and exchange the old rights for new ones. For example, if the existing certificate expires in a month.

Where to change?

You can change your driver's license at any traffic police department * that issues them, but only within the boundaries of the region of residence.

In other words, a Muscovite can apply to any subdivision of Moscow. A resident of the Moscow region - to any subdivision of the Moscow region. Rostovchanin - to any subdivision of the Rostov region.

If the place of actual residence differs from the place of registration,

According to paragraphs 12 and 13 of the Rules for passing qualifying exams:

Taking exams from citizens, issuing and replacement them driving licenses carried out by the State Inspectorate on the territory of that subject Russian Federation where the citizen is registered at the place of residence or at the place of stay. Or at the place of actual residence.

This means that the traffic police department where you are going to take the exam is selected at the place of registration or temporary registration. In any case, you will need to present documentary evidence of registration of your place of residence (stay) to the traffic police.


The driver's license must be replaced on the day of application. But in some cases - for example, when submitting documents that raise doubts about their authenticity, or if there is a suspicion that the driver is deprived of the right to drive vehicles - an appropriate request will be sent. During the inspection, you may be issued a temporary permit for up to 2 months.

To avoid such delays, it is better to undergo a medical examination in the region of registration. And if this is difficult, then when passing it, ask for a copy of the license of the medical organization that conducted the examination.

Also, do not forget to pay unpaid fines, information on which can be obtained from your traffic police department or “break through” through the base at any post or even through some sites. Usually, when checking documents with a driver, traffic cops check this information themselves, but you can purposefully drive up to them with such a request. A small reward in such cases, of course, is welcome :)

* - Find nearest address MREO for exchange/issuance of rights to

List of documents required when replacing a driver's license:

Statement for receipt and form receipts payment of the state duty will be issued on the spot. It is also advisable to take with you international passport for the identical spelling of the transcription of your data in the new rights.

You can also take your driver's card (if you have one) with you, but today all necessary information available in traffic police computer databases. The "driver's card" is already obsolete and the traffic police do not require it.

You will be photographed for new rights in the MREO itself. You can dress up in advance :)

* - If you applied to the traffic police department not at the place of registration, then you will additionally be required to provide documents confirming your registration (registration).

Valid driver's licenses

The first type (sample No. 1) is a laminated paper form, the size of a passport. The production cost was 400 rubles.

The second type (sample No. 2) is plastic, the size of a credit card. The state duty for their manufacture was 800 rubles.

(!) Driver's licenses of the old type are valid until the end of the validity period specified in them.(!)


Many drivers who apply to the traffic police with an application to replace the old plastic with a new type of driver's license, which came into effect in 2017, drew attention to a number external changes in new rights. Changes in the current rules governing the form of the Russian driving license, were caused by the desire to bring the VU of the national sample in line with the requirements of the Vienna Convention "On Road Traffic" of November 8, 1968.

Now, according to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1097 “On admission to drive vehicles” (together with the “Rules for conducting exams for the right to drive vehicles and issuing driver’s licenses”) dated October 24, 2014, the new driver’s license contains subcategories of vehicles that were not previously used, or rather combined with larger categories.

Driver's license of a new sample - changes and differences

Given the fact that the new Russian driver's license began to look different, many drivers have a question about changing the document. But do not worry - you do not need to change the old rights to the new ones. The rules state that lost documents (theft, loss) or those that have lost their legal force are subject to replacement with new documents. As before, the new driver's license will be valid for ten years. If the car owner can confirm the fact that he studied at a driving school and passed all stages of the exams, then when issuing new rights, you will not need to take additional exams.

Categories and subcategories in the new driver's license

If you are driving a moped, then you should get a new type of driver's license, where there will be a corresponding mark - new types of categories and subcategories of vehicles are announced in the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 6 of 01/09/2014. The law establishes that the moped belongs to the vehicle category "M". If you turn the driver's license over, then the grid contains the following new categories: Tb - trolleybuses, and Tm - trams.

Photo: Maxim Blinov / RIA Novosti
  • A - motorcycles;
  • A1 - light motorcycles with engine displacement from 50 to 125 cc. mass media maximum power up to 11 kW;
  • B - cars, permitted maximum weight which does not exceed 3.5 tons and the number of seats, in addition to the driver's seat, does not exceed eight;
  • B1 - tricycles and quads, in column 12, in this case, the mark "AS" is additionally put (with car system control) - if the category "A" and "MS" (with a motorcycle control system) are not open - if the category "B" is not open;
  • BE - vehicles of category B with a trailer with a maximum authorized mass exceeding 750 kilograms;
  • C - cars with a maximum authorized mass of more than 3.5 tons, including those with a trailer up to 750 kg;
  • C1 - includes cars with a maximum permitted weight of 3.5 to 7.5 tons;
  • CE - motor vehicles of category C with a trailer with a maximum authorized mass exceeding 750 kilograms;
  • C1E - cars of the CE category, the permissible maximum mass of which exceeds 3.5 tons but does not exceed 7.5 tons;
  • D - cars designed for the carriage of passengers and having more than eight seats, in addition to the driver's seat, including those with a trailer up to 750 kg;
  • D1 - cars equipped with 9-16 seats except for the driver;
  • DE - a motor vehicle of category D coupled to a trailer whose maximum authorized mass exceeds 750 kg but does not exceed 3.5 tons;
  • D1E - cars of category DE, the permissible maximum mass of which exceeds 3.5 tons but does not exceed 7.5 tons;
  • M - mopeds, scooters, as well as light quadricycles with an engine capacity of up to 50 cubic meters. cm;
  • Tm - trams;
  • Tb - trolleybuses.

Additional marks in the driver's license of the new sample

The driver's license of the new type (on the back of the license, at the very bottom) now contains the mark "AT", which means that the driver has the right to drive only those vehicle in which there is an automatic transmission. And if he decided to get behind the wheel of a car with a manual gearbox, then he needs to take additional exams at the traffic police. In connection with the introduced changes, the procedure for training drivers in driving schools has become different. If earlier the driver had to know in theory and in practice how the speeds of a mechanical box are switched, now this is no longer necessary.

Today, many car owners buy their cars exclusively with automatic transmission gears, therefore, training is provided for them on cars with a machine gun, which will be indicated in the driver’s license of the new sample by the corresponding mark “AT”. The “AT” mark also applies to restrictions for the driver, and the one who has this category in the rights does not have the right to drive a car with manual mechanical box gears.

Another limitation is a specially designed vehicle designed for drivers with physical disabilities, as a result of which they are not able to drive a normal car.

For example, the driver has a disability (missing one or both legs), then he may be required to drive a car that is equipped with a full manual control car without pedals.

Although the corresponding changes have already been made at the legislative level, their implementation in practice is taking place gradually. This is due to the fact that in order to specify the scheme for training drivers in the framework of driving vehicles of new categories, the adoption of clarifying and explanatory documents is required. Driving schools will have to be modernized to meet the new legal requirements.

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  • Those who receive a driver's license (VU) for the first time are interested in the question: what does the AS mark on a driver's license mean? Such questions are quite legitimate, since the new type of VU contains a number of incomprehensible designations. Let's say right away that this is due to the fact that the legislation has undergone some changes due to the appearance of certain categories that were not previously used at all in Russia.

    So, latest edition order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 365 (came into force in January 2014) made such changes to the VU that changed the document almost beyond recognition. New rights are now plastic, which fully complies with the requirements international standards, as well as significantly enhanced the protection of the document itself. In addition, the list of categories has been expanded and the VU now contains many marks that are unfamiliar to our drivers.

    Of course, it is not difficult to understand these innovations, however, such marks as AS are not very clear to our drivers.

    How does AS stands for driver's license?

    Translated from English, the abbreviation AS (automotive steering) means "automotive steering".

    AS at 12 point driving license

    So you can interpret what AS means in paragraph 12 of a driver's license (VU): control is carried out by a vehicle (vehicle) of an automobile type, where the steering wheel is round and the seat is car. We interpret it this way: the steering wheel is an ordinary round one, and a car seat with a back.

    The VU has a corresponding mark if the driver has category “A” or “B” open. In the case when two of these categories are open at once, the mark in the document is not affixed.

    Article 25, clause 7 of the Federal Law "On Road Safety" contains detailed explanations about the marks in the driver's license:

    Let's take a closer look at what the letters AS mean in a driver's license for the driver himself. For example, in the case when category “A” is not open in his rights, but he drives an ATV, then, if he has an AS mark, he can do it legally. Whereas earlier it was necessary to present special documents that allow you to drive an ATV / tricycle. Now it becomes clear what AS is in a driver's license. However, some mistakenly believe that such a mark gives the right to drive a vehicle with automatic transmission. This is not so: you can control the vehicle with car steering wheel and landing, but the automatic transmission has nothing to do with the AS mark in paragraph 12 in the rights.

    Such a violation will entail a fine, the amount of which varies in the range of 5000-15000 rubles (depending on the situation). At the same time, the traffic police officer has the right to send the vehicle to the impound lot (you also need to pay for the stay). So, due to their own inattention and negligence, the driver can lose a fairly large amount of money. To prevent this from happening, you should carefully study the rights of the new sample and clearly know what they indicate and what each new designation means.

    AS mark for subcategory "B1"

    So, rights with an open category “B1” are obtained by persons who have undergone special training and who are already 18 years old. The rights make it possible to drive such vehicles:

    1. Light quadricycles (weight less than 350kg), maximum speed which are not more than 50 km / h;
    2. Tricycles with an engine capacity of not more than 50 cm3, which can accelerate to a speed of 50 km / h and above;
    3. Quadricycles, the weight of which does not exceed 400 kg, equipped with power unit up to 15kW. In a relationship cargo models the restriction is stipulated - weight no more than 550 kg.

    Regarding these types of vehicles, we can say that they are quite new, and most older drivers simply have not had to deal with them. At the same time, the popularity of quads and tricycles in last years has grown significantly, so the introduction of category B1 is a completely reasonable and correct step. These vehicles are often used by young people. At the same time, their presence special training and permit document, can significantly reduce the number of emergencies on the roads of the country.

    Although a new type of VU has been issued in the Russian Federation for more than a year, discussions of the document itself have not subsided so far. So, many drivers have suffered from their own inattention and ignorance of all the nuances. It is important not to confuse the label AS (serves to indicate special kind motorcycles) marked AT (prohibits driving with manual transmission). Such shortcomings in the knowledge of the driver can lead to the fact that he will be fined by the traffic police inspector.

    The driver's license is considered the most important document for car owners around the world. This is a universal document that is able to confirm your identity, like a passport. Also, a driver's license indicates that the bearer has legal grounds for driving a vehicle specified in the document itself.

    Driving licenses are established by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 365 (On the introduction of a driver's license). In January 2014, the Order was amended to introduce a new model of a driver's license into circulation.

    According to these amendments, from the beginning of April 2016, unfamiliar marks appeared in the rights familiar to experienced car owners.

    The changes affected such graphs as item #12 and #14. These cells are labeled AS and GCL.

    The article demonstrates the decoding of the points of the driver's license and the meaning of the newly introduced labels for.

    What do the special marks AS mean in paragraph 12 of the driver's license

    The twelfth paragraph of the rights now reflects restrictions on the management of vehicles of various categories. The approved designations that have appeared in the rights will affect such a type of restriction as a type of transport transmission. To avoid getting into unpleasant situation, you need to figure out for yourself what AS means in terms of rights, and for whom the new requirements are relevant.

    In 2019, in the driver's license of the new sample, AS stands for Automotive Steering, that is, as an automobile steering. This label is affixed in column 12 of the driver's license.

    It is related to the steering of the vehicle and is deciphered in translation from English accordingly - automotive type steering. This implies the presence of a steering wheel and an automobile landing, that is, a chair.

    To find out who will have this mark in the certificate of the updated sample, you must first study the list of situations in which it is necessary to make changes to the VU. At the moment, this designation is affixed to those citizens who:

    • have the ability to drive a car with a mass, not exceeding three and a half tons;
    • number of seats in the passenger compartment limited to eight seats;
    • the driver has the ability to drive a vehicle with a trailer, whose mass reaches 750 kg;
    • the driver has no reason to drive a motorcycle.

    Summary: if the driver has a vehicle open categories A and B will not be labeled AS in the new sample document.

    We also draw attention to the fact that there has also been an expansion of categories of rights. For drivers who:

    • have a permit to drive a vehicle with a mass excluding cargo - 550 kg;
    • maximum speed - 50 km / h;
    • engine capacity - 50 cm 3.

    Special marks in column 12

    MS (motorcycle steering)- the marks on the driver's license of the new sample are affixed to drivers with category A:

    • driving a motorcycle with or without a side trailer;
    • the mass of the vehicle is not more than 400 kg;
    • the vehicle is equipped with two, three or four wheels.

    At the same time, the driver does not have category B. He does not have the ability to drive a vehicle with car wheel or landing. MS labels on the rights will be affixed in category B1, which will mean the ability to drive a vehicle with a motorcycle seat and steering wheel.

    For citizens who have a permit to drive mopeds and scooters, there are labels on the rights of drivers - ML. Now, in order to calmly drive with category M, you need to provide a medical certificate in advance of the absence of medical contraindications to driving this type of transport.

    Otherwise, the label will not provide such an opportunity.

    • the AS label limits the ability to drive a car with a motorcycle steering wheel and landing;
    • the MS label limits the ability to control vehicles with a car steering wheel and landing;
    • the ML label does not allow driving mopeds and scooters.

    GCL in the 14th paragraph of the driver's license

    The fourteenth column contains general labels for all categories and subcategories:

    • the dates when the rights were previously issued, together with this, the length of service of the car owner is taken into account;
    • medical contraindications to driving a motor vehicle;
    • general information about the driver.

    One of the new labels that can be found in the fourteenth paragraph of the new rights is the GCL. Must wear glasses or contact lenses- deciphering this mark indicates the need to wear glasses or contact lenses.

    Introduction this designation made life easier for many people with visual impairments. The mark in the GCL rights informs that the driver is legally able to drive a car in any optical device for vision correction. Previously, this item was strictly limited. Only glasses or only lenses were noted on the certificate.

    Other designations that are entered in column 14:

    • MS mark(manual control only) is set for those car owners who must drive vehicles using manual control.
    • With AT mark(automatic transmission) the car owner has the right to drive a car only with an automatic transmission. This mark will appear for those who passed the driving test in a car with an automatic transmission. For those citizens who received a driving category with a manual transmission, there are no restrictions on driving.
    • APS designation(acoustic parking system only) is affixed for those drivers who, for medical reasons, require an acoustic parking system.
    • HA or CF labels(must wear hearing aid / communication aid) are made to those citizens who need medical devices while driving to compensate for hearing loss. These devices include hearing aids.

    additional information

    With the introduction of changes, the question arose of changing the certificate to a new sample format. About mandatory replacement speech is not. You can change the old rights to new ones at will or after the expiration of the old rights.

    To obtain a new type of document, you will need to collect medical certificates and documents confirming the passing of the exam, which are routinely requested by the traffic police. Note that the new certificate already new categories and marks will be added according to all provided documents.

    Previously, driver's rights were intended for use not only on the territory of the Russian Federation. For this, the surname and name of the owner of the document were written in transliteration. Now, in order to use a driver's license abroad, you need to make an international driving license.

    We invite you to watch a short and useful video.