Effect of a speed limit sign on a highway. Speed ​​limit sign. Maximum speed limit (SRL). Conditions for motorways

The fine for speeding ranges from 500 to 5000 rubles. For a significant excess, deprivation is possible driver's license for a period from 4 months to 1 year.
If you exceed the speed of up to 20 km/h, there is no fine. IN soon it is possible to reduce this threshold to 10 km/h.

Exceeding the maximum permitted speed is the most common violation. There is a myth among drivers that it is allowed to exceed the speed limit by 20 km/h. This opinion is wrong. There is no fine for exceeding the speed limit by 20 km/h, but the rules prohibit exceeding the established speed limit.

After reading this article, you should not have any questions about the responsibility of drivers for exceeding maximum speed movements. Detailed description, text of the law, tables, information about the 50% discount, features of automatic recording of violations and visual infographics.

Monetary fines for speeding violations

The size of the fine for speeding depends on the difference between the maximum permitted speed and the recorded speed. The extent to which this calculation method is correct can be discussed separately. For example, for exceeding the speed limit by 40 km/h in a residential area and on a highway, the fine is the same - 500 rubles. In a residential area alone, the excess is almost 3 times the legal limit and poses a significantly greater danger than a barely noticeable excess on the motorway. A little distracted, let's move directly to the size of traffic police fines. First, let's look at the usual monetary fines that are relevant for most drivers, which are issued by the traffic police officer directly at the scene of the violation.

Please note again Exceeding the maximum speed by 20 km/h is a violation of the Rules traffic , for which there is no responsibility.

Revocation of license for speeding

Only a court can make a decision on deprivation of rights. Thus, if the driver faces the threat of being left without driver's license he has the opportunity to resolve this issue with the traffic police officers, either directly on the spot or later at the department. Traffic police officers are authorized to either issue a decree imposing a fine or refer the case to court.

The practice has developed that in case of conflict-free communication, drivers are prescribed the appropriate money penalty and it never comes to trial.

Amount of fine for automatic speed control

Peculiarities of administrative responsibility when recording violations of traffic rules in automatic mode:

  • Only a monetary fine can be imposed;
  • The amount of the fine is the minimum possible.

These provisions are regulated by part 3.1 of article 4.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

In the cases provided for in Part 3 of Article 28.6 of this Code, administrative punishment is imposed in the form of an administrative fine. In this case, the amount of the imposed administrative fine should be the smallest within the sanction of the applicable article or part of the article of the Special Part of this Code, and in cases where the sanction of the applied article or part of the article of the Special Part of this Code provides for administrative punishment in the form of deprivation of the right to drive vehicles or administrative arrest and does not provide for administrative punishment in the form of administrative fine, administrative punishment is imposed in the form of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles.

The table of fines for automatically recording violations looks more friendly to drivers.

Fines for speeding when the violation is automatically recorded
Excess by Amount of fine
Speeding by 20 km/h or less No fine
Speeding from 21 km/h to 40 km/h 500 ₽
Speeding from 41 km/h to 60 km/h 1000 ₽
Speeding from 61 km/h to 80 km/h 2000 ₽
Speeding over 80 km/h 5000 ₽

If a violation is automatically recorded, a fine will be issued to the owner of the vehicle.

Law that regulates speeding fines

As with other traffic police fines, liability is established in Chapter 12 of the Code of Administrative Offences. Article 12.9 is devoted to speed limit violations

Article 12.9. Excess set speed movement

  1. Lost power.
  2. Exceeding the established speed of a vehicle by more than 20, but not more than 40 kilometers per hour
    - entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.
  3. Exceeding the established speed of a vehicle by more than 40, but not more than 60 kilometers per hour
    - entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles.
  4. Exceeding the established speed of a vehicle by more than 60, but not more than 80 kilometers per hour
    - entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of two thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of four to six months.
  5. Exceeding the established speed of a vehicle by more than 80 kilometers per hour
    - entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of six months.
  6. Repeated commission of an administrative offense provided for in Part 3 of this article,
    - entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of two thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles.
  7. Repeated commission of an administrative offense provided for in parts 4 and 5 of this article,
    - entails deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one year, and in the event of an administrative offense being recorded by special devices operating in automatic mode technical means that have the functions of photography, filming, and video recording - the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles.


Download and print convenient reminders to quickly determine the amount of a fine for speeding in case you are suddenly stopped by traffic police officers.

Fines for speeding

How long does it take for a traffic violation to be considered a repeat violation?

The validity period of the first violation is 1 year from the date of entry into force of the resolution. This period is established by Article 4.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

A person who has been given an administrative penalty for committing an administrative offense is considered subject to this punishment from the date of entry into legal force appointment orders administrative punishment before the expiration of one year from the date of completion of execution of this resolution.

The resolution on an administrative offense comes into force:

  • within 10 days from the date of delivery or receipt of a copy (Article 30.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);
  • after 10 days, if a complaint is filed official(Part 1 of Article 30.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);
  • after 2 months, if the complaint is considered in court (part 1.1 of article 30.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);
  • within 24 hours, in case of administrative arrest (part 3 of article 30.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

The first settlement day starts from the next day.

50% discount on speeding fines

Since 2015, a law has been in force that allows you to pay traffic police fines with a 50% discount if payment is made within 20 days from the date of the decision. The law provides exceptions for some gross violations of the Traffic Rules, including some fines for speeding.

Every person who wants to become a driver must know the speed limit sign. In general, this topic is very important. Anyone who dreams of getting behind the wheel should learn it. It’s not for nothing that there are rules that require adherence to a certain speed limit; they are often found on the roads, so you should learn them. However, first things first.

What you need to learn

The first thing you need to remember is that the maximum permitted speed in Russian Federation is 130 kilometers per hour. But not everywhere. This maximum is only permissible on motorways. And these sections of the road themselves are very rare. And they always have a sign marked “130 km/h”.

On country roads you can drive at a maximum speed of 90 km/h. Naturally, it is not advisable to exceed. This is made clear road signs with comments. Within the city limits, it is allowed to drive at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour. And that's the maximum. However, it is not enough to know only these nuances. In fact important points much more, and it’s worth talking about them in more detail.


3.24 is the first and most important sign. A speed limit, and a maximum speed limit, is what he prescribes. And this sign is probably familiar to everyone. Even those people who were not going to get a license. It is round, has a white background and a red “edging”. It is categorically at a speed greater than the number indicated on it. It says 50? This means that the speedometer needle cannot rise above the 50 km/h mark.

But there is one interesting point that everyone should know about. Sometimes on country roads there is a sign indicating a maximum speed limit of 40 kilometers per hour. Although usually the number is thirty. At such moments, drivers passing by simply do not have time to slow down and, so to speak, slow down. And many traffic police officers, who, as a rule, are on duty there, take advantage of this.

In fact, the situation is ambiguous. Why? But because on country roads there should not be signs 3.24, and especially not marked “30 km/h”. This can be done, but subject to certain conditions. And they consist in the fact that in front of this sign at a distance of 150 meters there must be a 70 km/h sign, and then - 50 km/h.

End of restrictions

The speed limit sign, like all others, cannot be valid throughout the entire road. Naturally, there is also a “cancel” indicator. It is known by code 3.25. And this sign announces the end of the restriction. It is round, in a black frame, on a white background there is a number crossed out by several lines.

Sometimes they also put up other signs. This is permitted in numerous ways, and sometimes, to indicate an area of ​​any restrictions (including the maximum speed limit), they use a sign known as code 3.31 - a white circle with a black border, which is crossed out by several thin lines.

There is also a so-called speed limit addition. Usually this is plate 8.2.1., which defines the coverage area. It shows the length and arrows. If, for example, there is a sign “maximum speed 50 km/h” and under it a sign indicating the number 200, then this means that for two hundred meters the driver should not exceed 50 km/h. After the distance has been covered, you can return to normal speed mode.

Danger zone

It is logical to assume that the “Speed ​​Limit” sign is placed where the dangerous section begins. As you know, you need to move along these roads with extreme caution. And the dangers can be of any nature.

But how to determine the beginning and end of such a section? Visually. If it is indicated that for three kilometers you need to move at a speed of 40 km/h and the driver sees that there are holes, potholes, and the road is broken on his way, then you need to rely on your feelings. As soon as he feels that the road surface has become smooth again, he can return to the normal speed limit.

There are also such devices - odometers. This car device, which measures the mileage and distance traveled by the car. After the speed limit sign area has begun, it is worth looking at the odometer and calculating the readings that should be displayed on it upon completion of the dangerous section.

Crossroads and settlements

It is worth knowing that the coverage area of ​​the “Speed ​​Limit” sign is determined not only by signs that indicate meters and kilometers. Also, the sign, known as number 3.24, stops working after the driver enters the intersection. However, it is worth remembering the fact that leaving any adjacent territory or intersection (with forest or field roads) is not considered such. And since such places are not equated to intersections, then the effect of the signs is not canceled.

And finally, populated areas. The action of pointer 3.24 can be canceled by signs 5.23.2 and 5.23.1. This is the beginning of the settlement. The signs look like oblong rectangular plates, white background and black border. They can either have the name of the city written in black, or the silhouette of the locality can be drawn.

Signs 5.24.1 and 5.24.2 also provide cancellation. This is the end of the settlement. They look exactly the same as the previous two, only they are also crossed out with a red thick line. There is also a 5.25 sign. Blue background, white letters, crossed out with a red line - this is also the end of the settlement. Accordingly, it is not separated from the group of road signs that cancel a certain speed limit.

And the last pointer is 5.25. This is the beginning of the settlement. It does not cancel anything; on the contrary, it calls for moving at a maximum speed of 60 km/h. It looks like this: blue background, white letters that spell the name of the city.

Everyone knows that groups of road signs are numerous. So, in addition to prohibitions, there are also recommended ones. These include index 6.2. This is the one that should be observed on a specific road section. The coverage area also lasts until the first intersection.

The shape of such signs is square, with rounded corners. Characterized by a blue background and white numbers. It should be noted that these signs do not obligate motorists to anything. Whether to move at the specified speed or not is up to the driver to decide. But it’s not without reason that the sign was put there, so you should think about it.

Permissible minimum

It may seem strange to many, but there are signs that require compliance not only with the stated maximum, but also with the minimum. They are round and blue, with white numbers inside. And drivers are allowed to drive either at the posted speed or at a higher speed. That is, if the number “60” is visible on the sign, then you need to drive at least 60 km/h, but not less.

And the end of the zone in which this indicator operates is usually indicated by sign 4.7. The same round blue sign with a white number, only crossed out with a red line. This means that the stated minimum is canceled and may not be met.

It is interesting that if there is a 4.6 sign on the road section (that is, a minimum speed indicator), then the traffic police will not be able to stop the car only if the driver has violated the rules.

Fines for exceeding the speed limit

The speed limit on bridges, highways, and highways is marked for a reason. And if you break the rules, you can earn a fine. So, for example, you will have to pay 500 rubles per hour (but no more!). Now, as you know, if a motorist makes a payment in the near future, he is given a 50% discount.

If a motorist was driving at a speed of 60-80 km/h higher than the norm, then he will have to pay 2000-2500 rubles. Or he may be deprived of his driver's license for 4-6 months. This depends on the decision of the traffic police. If the case is taken to court, then it can be contested; violators often do this if it is easier for them to pay the specified amount than to be left without rights.

If the excess is more than 80 km/h, then you will have to say goodbye to either five thousand or your license for six months. But when a person violates this requirement repeatedly, he may be deprived of the opportunity to drive a vehicle for a year.

Other fines

Do not think that only for speeding can a fine be imposed. There is also a penalty for driving too slowly. If a marking or sign requires driving at the specified minimum speed, but the driver ignores this, a fine of 500 rubles is imposed. But this violation is not punished as seriously as in the previous situation described.

It’s worth being more focused on the roads, it’s not for nothing that they’re already doing it yellow signs speed limits that additionally attract attention.

There is no need to exceed the speed limit to astronomical levels, because it’s not even about the fine, but about the fact that the car is a means of transportation increased danger. And by “putting” the speedometer needle at 110, 130, 150 and above, a person puts the lives of many people at risk: himself, passengers, pedestrians, and other drivers. So think about whether it’s worth the haste.

Most people enjoy driving a car, and many enjoy driving high speed, especially on highways and highways. But for speeding in our country, fines are issued in accordance with current legislation. In particular, Article 12.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses imposes restrictions on freedom of movement and provides for the deprivation of a driver's license for violating the laws.

As for the speed limit, amendments and changes are regularly made to the legislation. Today, a speed of 20 km per hour is considered the lowest permissible speed limit, for this indicator Bye Administrative Code does not provide for any penalties. In order to issue a fine and admit an offense, it must be recorded. The traffic police can do this using radars or video cameras, which are recorded in special places.

Speeding: registration on the road with standard devices

CCTV cameras are installed in certain areas where rates of speed violations are highest. Typically, warning signs are installed on roads, this is done at a distance of 300 meters from the camera on highways and within 100 meters in urban areas. The cameras do not record speed violations up to 20 km per hour. By shooting videos and photos on the roads, you can identify the following violations:

  • speeding by more than 20 km per hour, as well as fixing up to three hundred kilometers per hour;
  • moving to oncoming lane and intersection of continuous markings;
  • failure to use seat belts;
  • moving to a dedicated lane.

Also today, cameras are placed between certain objects. These devices are connected to each other and record the time during which the car moves between specified points. The fixer program knows the distance, so the average speed of the vehicle is calculated automatically. If the movement occurred faster than 20 km per hour, then a resolution is formed.

Cameras can regulate the movement of cars on the highway. Moreover, the owner of the car can receive a fine not only for exceeding the speed limit, but also for insufficient speed. For example, if a vehicle moves slower than 40 km per hour or stops in the wrong place, then the law requires a fine of one thousand rubles.

Features of the government regulation on speeding

Each driver receives a notice of violation of the speed limit by mail, and it is recommended that the citizen carefully study the received paper. And if you find some discrepancy with reality, then you don’t have to pay the fine. The original document must include the following information:

  1. Speeding data (vehicle speed and the amount by which you exceeded it).
  2. Information about the registration device, its license plate and location address.
  3. Photo of a car with license plates.
  4. Excerpt from the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
  5. Address and time of registration of the violation.
  6. Receipt and the details indicated on it. Please note that the count must begin with the numbers 401 or 407.
  7. The envelope must have a special transparent window.

Features of speed violations

The driver can appeal the decision within ten days, and only if the driver was not the owner of the car. The driver could be a person driving the vehicle by proxy. An appeal is also allowed in situations where the car was stolen, and the owner had to accept necessary measures at the time of receipt of notice of the fine. You can appeal the decision only after submitting all the necessary documents.

Existing mobile speed detectors

Recording violations of the speed limit by traffic police officers can be carried out using radars. The legislation includes prescribed conditions that allow you to use the device. Only speeding by more than 20 km per hour is recorded. All other driver violations can be recorded visually by traffic police officers. The following devices are used today:

  • "Arena". It has a sighting range of one and a half kilometers and is placed at the edge of the roadway on a tripod. Using the device, you can actually record a speed violation and also take a photo of the car. The picture automatically shows the date with time and the speed of the car. Operation of the device is also possible at night;
  • "Spark". This model most common. Fixes the speed at a distance of 400-800 meters, the device can be adjusted manually. Very often, a radar is installed on a traffic police car;
  • "Visir". Films and records speed violations. It can be used in both mobile and stationary modes.

Controversial cases of speeding

When a speed violation of 20 km per hour or more is detected, a traffic police officer has the right to stop the vehicle and draw up a report. But in in this case There are some nuances that car owners should know. They concern not only drivers, but also traffic police officers themselves. All devices that record the speed of movement differ from each other not only in the distance of possible measurement, but also in the features of their operation in conditions multi-lane road. For example, the Iskra device can be used exclusively on roads with low traffic density. It is best to operate it in one lane where no more than three cars are moving. There should be no vehicles on the second lane.

If a traffic police officer presents you with readings from a device where the numbers recorded are greater than permissible excess speed, then you should familiarize yourself with the data provided.

Examples of violations

The radar can record the time that has already passed since the speed of movement was recorded, for example, 69 seconds. The duration of a complete stop of the car when driving at a speed of 60 km per hour is 4-6 seconds. Presentation of the ID by a traffic police officer and taking readings from the device takes another 25-30 seconds. Thus, it gets 31-36 seconds. The actual duration of the vehicle movement from the measurement period will be approximately 33 seconds.

Are there any possible exceptions in 2018-2019?

If you nevertheless exceeded the speed limit by 20 km per hour or more, and the registration was made in accordance with all the rules, then the traffic police officer must issue you a fine, which must be paid within sixty days. You can appeal the received decision in court and within the specified time frame if the inspectors committed any offenses against the owner of the vehicle.

In short, we propose limiting the speed limit in populated areas to 50 km/h. And on city highways that do not have intersections with pedestrian traffic, increase the speed to 80 km/h. At the same time, fines for speed violations begin with an excess of 3 km per hour (possible error modern radars).

Now more details.

From September 1, with the introduction of new fines, the permitted speed in cities increased from 60 km per hour to 80. Of course, officially there remained 60, but the fine for exceeding 20 km disappeared. That is, you can drive 80 and you won’t get anything for it. The author of this amendment is Deputy Lysakov. It was he who deprived many pedestrians of the chance of survival in an accident. After all, as you know, as speed increases, the chances of survival in a collision decrease greatly.

So, thanks to the efforts of Deputy Lysakov, in Russian cities you can now drive 80 km/h with impunity. Let's compare it with what we have in other countries of the world and figure out what consequences Lysakovism on the roads will lead to. It’s worth starting with the fact that in other countries they don’t suspect radar errors of 20 km/h, and they fine for any excess permissible speed. Because in reality, the radar error is 1-2 km/h.

On city streets (in residential areas) in Berlin The speed limit is from 30 km/h to 50 km/h. This is done not only to improve traffic safety, but also to reduce the impact on environment- there is less noise pollution and fewer emissions harmful substances into the environment. In exceptional cases, outside the residential area, in the absence pedestrian sidewalks, after additional justification, the permissible speed can be increased to 70 km/h - in practice there are very few such areas. Speeds of up to 80 km/h can be set on autobahns, that is, highways that do not have any intersections with pedestrian flows (no sidewalks, no crossings, no residential buildings around).

In Paris speed is limited from 20 km/h to 50 km/h. Moreover, the 30 km/h zone is expanding and already covers significant areas in the city center. Basically, in urban areas the limit is 50 km/h. On the Paris Ring Road, the limit is 80 km/h, but it has no intersections with pedestrian traffic, in the residential area it is routed by tunnels, and crossings through it are made by bridges.

In London The speed limit on regular streets is 48 km/h (not round numbers due to the fact that everything is indicated in miles). At the same time, in the city center, on a significant part of the streets, the limit is 20 miles/hour, that is, about 32 km/hour. In the suburbs, in low-rise residential areas, in some cases a speed of 64 km/h is allowed. On highways that do not have intersections with pedestrian traffic, the permissible speed is set to 96 km/h, while if such a highway passes near a residential area, the speed is reduced to 64 km/h. Let me emphasize that in any case this is mandatory in the absence of pedestrians, sidewalks, etc.

In Madrid- speed limit in residential areas, as in others European countries, - 50 km/h. On a city highway - completely separated from pedestrian traffic, the permitted speed is up to 80 km/h.

Thus, general rule- in city centers the speed is up to 30 km/h, in residential areas - the speed is up to 50 km/h. On a city highway that does not have any intersections with pedestrian flows, and does not have sidewalks, stops and other pedestrian facilities, when passing through a residential area, the limit is 65 km/h, in the case of a highway passing outside a residential area (that is, routed by a tunnel, or through a forest , or in the industrial zone) - 80 km/h.

Let me remind you once again that Deputy Lysakov allowed it on any street in a residential area. (UPD: for trick-or-treaters: everywhere in the post, “residential zone” is understood as “an area where there is residential development”, and not the “Residential zone” sign according to traffic rules) drive at a speed of 80 km/h. That is, any street with sidewalks, in a residential area where children play, in a bus stop area public transport, which are not protected by anything - any city ​​street in Russia, through the efforts of deputy Lysakov, the speed limit began to be equal to that of a highway outside a residential area.

Now let's look at the question of what will this lead to?

In Russia, about 27,000 people die in road accidents every year, the damage from all road accidents is about 2.5% of Russia's GNP, over 5 years the damage to the Russian economy amounted to 5.5 trillion rubles, which is comparable to all healthcare costs for the same period. In Russia, about 70 thousand collisions with pedestrians occur annually: every fourth accident (with injuries) is a collision with a pedestrian. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in major cities up to half of all road accidents are collisions with pedestrians, of which pedestrian crossings In cities, every third collision with a pedestrian occurs, including due to the fault of drivers - in 86% of cases. That is, road accidents cause serious economic damage to the country. By the way, in Europe there is a speed limit in residential buildings of 60 km/h only in three countries - the Russian Federation, Belarus and Ukraine. Throughout the rest of Europe, the maximum speed limit in residential areas is 50 km/h. Russia occupies a leading position in Europe in terms of the number of victims in road accidents.

Why exactly 50 km/h and not 80 km/h? Who cares? When driving speed increases from 50 km/h to 80 km/h braking distances doubles; in wet asphalt conditions, the car’s braking distance increases by an additional quarter.

In Australia, a comparison was made between the risks due to speeding with the risks due to blood alcohol levels. It was assumed that at 60 km/h and 0 ppm the relative risks are equal to one. An increase in speed to 80 km/h was equivalent to 2.1 ppm of alcohol in the blood. In urban conditions, associated with many additional factors, such as pedestrians, cyclists, intersections, the frequency of accidents increases significantly more than when driving on a suburban highway.

As speed increases, the severity of the consequences for pedestrians worsens significantly. The likelihood of a pedestrian dying in a traffic accident increases with the speed of the collision. In addition, as the speed increases, the driver's viewing angle decreases, which means the likelihood of his adequate reaction to emerging obstacles decreases. At a speed of 40 km/h, the driver's viewing angle is 100 degrees. This allows you to see obstacles on the road, as well as assess the situation to the right and left of the road. At a speed of 130 km/h, the viewing angle is 30 degrees or less, which significantly reduces the driver’s ability to assess potential danger.

In addition, an increase in flow rate is associated with additional negative consequences. With an increase in flow speed in urban conditions, the capacity of the road network decreases. The point is that on higher speed Drivers require a larger safe interval, so as speed increases, the flow is staggered. That is, the flow becomes more rarefied, which leads to a decrease bandwidth streets. Maximum throughput is at 50 km/h.

An increase in speed gives a slight gain in time in city conditions. An experiment was carried out in Toulouse. The subject of the study was travel time for speeds of 30 km/h and 50 km/h over a distance of 7.6 km with 28 traffic lights. Fast car covered this distance in 24 minutes, while the slow one took 29 minutes. That is, reducing the speed by almost 2 times increased travel time by only 13%.

Increasing the speed in a residential area leads to sharp decline comfort of the environment. Man is not used to observing fast moving objects, since they did not exist under normal natural conditions. The fastest object for a normal primate was a leopard attacking him... so being surrounded by fast objects reduces the sense of security and makes a person nervous. As part of studies carried out in the West, it was found that the speed of transport should not exceed average speed pedestrian more than 10 times. From this, the speed limit in urban areas was set at 50 km/h. That is, an increase in speed in cities will lead to a decrease in the comfort of the pedestrian environment, to a decrease in the number of pedestrian movements, and therefore to an increase in the number of trips by car - to an increase in traffic jams.

So there is whole line factors that indicate the need for a speed limit in a residential area at 50 km/h and no more. In Russia, at the initiative of Deputy Lysakov, the speed in residential areas has now been increased to 80 km/h. Previously, to put it mildly, we did not shine in terms of the safety of our cities, but now Deputy Lysakov decided to declare a real genocide of pedestrians in Russia. All the initiatives voiced by the authorities in the field of road safety, related to increasing fines or combating drunkenness, cannot be compared with the effectiveness of reducing the speed of cars in urban environments. However, for some reason our authorities are independently increasing the permissible speed, stimulating the growth of road accidents.

Increasing the permissible speed in residential buildings will lead to:
- to an increase in the number of road accidents and the severity of their consequences
- a decrease in the capacity of the road network, and an increase in the number and length of traffic jams
- increase in noise level
- reducing the quality of the urban environment, increasing stress for city residents,
which in total will result in economic and human losses for the entire state.

There is not a single reasonable argument in favor of the need to increase the permitted speed in urban areas. Increasing the speed is contrary to all world experience and all existing research on road safety.

Based on the above, I consider it necessary to organize a public initiative, through the appropriate website, in order to collect 100 thousand signatures in order to abolish Lysakovism on Russian roads, as well as to reduce the permissible speed of cars in a residential area to 50 km/h. I hope that in the near future we will be able to prepare and launch such an initiative with dignity.

First of all, you need to understand that speed limits can be:

A). Global;

b). Local;

V). Special.

Global speed limits.

Global speed limits apply to the entire country's road network. And you are well aware of these restrictions.

These are the notorious 60 km/h– on roads in populated areas.

This and 90 km/h– on roads outside populated areas.

This and 110 km/h– on highways.

Finally, these are known to everyone 20 km/h– the permitted speed limit in residential areas indicated by appropriate signs, as well as in any yard.

At the same time, on any section of any road, using signs or markings, you can enter

local restrictions ,

Moreover, both in the direction of decreasing and in the direction of increasing the permitted speed.

This is a section of road outside a populated area, and if it weren’t for the sign, you could drive at a speed of 90 km/h.

But the sign is there, and now, starting from the place where the sign is installed, the maximum permitted speed is 40 km/h.

This is the third Transport Ring in Moscow, and as in any populated area, the maximum permitted speed on this road is 60 km/h.

But in this section it was allowed with a sign 80 km/h.

On this section of the road, on right lane, normal speed limit – no more than 90 km/h.

But on the left lane the speed limit is unusual! Of course, like on any road outside a populated area - no more than 90 km/h.

But at the same time it is necessary - at least 50 km/h.

You were just driving at 90 km/h. But there are markings on the road, and from this place - maximum 60 km/h!

Special speed limits include the following cases.

First is towing.

In accordance with the Rules, the maximum permitted speed when towing motor vehicles is 50 km/h.

Moreover, this norm is valid on all roads (both in populated areas and outside settlements).

Secondly, this is driving with a trailer.

On roads outside populated areas, the trailer “takes away” from the global limits of 20 km/h.

This should be understood as follows:

When driving on the highway without a trailer - 110 km/h.

When driving on a highway with a trailer – 90 km/h.

When driving on other roads outside populated areas without a trailer - 90 km/h.

When driving on other roads outside populated areas with a trailer – 70 km/h.

In populated areas everyone vehicles(with or without a trailer) The rules set the same limit - 60 km/h.

Here's how they ask about it in the exam:

You can handle these tasks easily. But there are more difficult problems.

Which cars and in what cases are allowed to drive outside populated areas at a speed of no more than 90 km/h?

1. Passenger cars when towing a trailer on highways.

2. Passenger cars and trucks with a permit maximum weight no more than 3.5 tons on all roads except highways.

3. Everyone listed vehicles in the specified cases.

Comment on the task

This is a difficult question. But it is difficult not in itself, but because it was asked in such a way - it is not immediately possible to understand what is actually being asked.

And this is what they ask:

1. Did you know that a trailer “takes away” 20 km/h from you? And if so, what is the maximum speed we can drive on the highway in a car with a trailer? (Answer: 90 km/h).

2. Did you know that you can move at the same speed (90 km/h) along ordinary road outside the populated area (unless, of course, without a trailer).

3. Did you know that on cars and on trucks with a permissible maximum weight of not more than 3.5 tons, the same speed limits apply.

Now about motorcycles.

For motorcycles, the same restrictions are established as for cars of category “B”, namely:

– on highways –110 km/h;

– on other roads outside populated areas, the maximum permitted speed is –90 km/h;

– in populated areas –60 km/h.

And there is one problem about this:

Now about mopeds.

In general, mopeds have a strict limit everywhere - maximum50 km/h.

And they will also ask about this once:

In addition to the above restrictions, the Rules contain another very important requirement:

Rules. Section 10. Clause 10.1. The driver must drive the vehicle at a speed not exceeding the established limit, taking into account the intensity of traffic, the characteristics and condition of the vehicle and cargo, road and meteorological conditions, in particular visibility in the direction of travel.

Of course, when choosing a speed, the driver must take into account the visibility conditions at the moment.

In principle, the speed limit on this road is 90 km/h. But not now! If you now move at a speed of 90 km/h, then in addition to the fact that it is deadly, it is also a violation of the Rules, namely clause 10.1.

In all cases, the speed must be such that the stopping distance is less than the visual distance!

Visibility conditions are excellent now. But look at the condition road surface- this is a real skating rink!

And clause 10.1 obliges drivers to take into account road conditions when choosing safe speed movements.

And paragraph 10.1 obliges drivers to choose speed according to traffic intensity.

Now it doesn’t matter what the permitted speed is here. Now the driver is required to move at the speed of traffic without leaving his lane.

Concluding the conversation about speed, we cannot fail to mention another interesting requirement of the tenth section of the Rules.

The driver must not interfere with other vehicles by driving unnecessarily at too low a speed.

Please note – the Rules do not prohibit slow driving as such. The rules prohibit causing interference by moving too slowly.

Imagine that a driver is driving down this street for the first time and is looking for desired number Houses.

In this situation, moving slowly, the driver does not violate anything.

But now, moving slowly, the driver brown car interferes with other vehicles and, therefore, violates the Rules (namely, violates the requirements of paragraph 10.5).

And finally, last but not least.

Rules. Section 10. Clause 10.5. The driver is prohibited from suddenly braking unless it is necessary to prevent a traffic accident.

The rules do not contain any restrictions on the dynamics of acceleration. You can start as abruptly as you like, literally taking off from the spot.

But you are only allowed to brake smoothly. Any sudden braking is always a danger to traffic, and the Rules allow emergency braking only in in case of emergency. At the same time, by emergency, the Rules understand a situation when it is necessary to prevent an accident.