Cold antifreeze in a hot engine. How to add antifreeze to the cooling system. Topping up antifreeze in Kia Rio

The engine coolant level gradually decreases. Therefore, for many car owners, the question becomes relevant, is it possible to add coolant and how to do it correctly?

The engine coolant level gradually decreases. Therefore, for many car owners, the question becomes relevant, is it possible to add coolant and how to do it correctly? It should be noted right away that you can add coolant, but there are certain nuances. They relate directly to antifreeze, as well as the sequence of actions. The article will discuss issues related to the choice of antifreeze and the topping up process. As an example, one of the most popular Hyundai Solaris cars will be considered.

Before considering the procedure for replacing antifreeze, it is advisable to dwell on the functions of this fluid. The term antifreeze is commonly understood to mean a number of liquids that are designed to cool internal combustion power units. Also, the considered coolers are used in aviation systems for cleaning glass.

A feature of antifreeze is its resistance to low temperatures. The function of antifreeze is to prevent damage to parts caused by water freezing when the temperature drops.

Antifreezes demonstrate not only resistance to low temperatures, but also a minimum coefficient of expansion. For example, in the process of freezing, water increases its volume up to 9%, while antifreeze - up to 1.5%.

At the same time, topping up the coolant allows you to reduce the load on individual elements of the power unit. It reduces the likelihood of corrosive processes. This is due to the presence of special additives in the antifreeze.

Since the chiller is constantly circulating in the system, it loses its performance over time. The water evaporates and the cooler itself takes on a dark tint. This is due to the fact that additives lose their properties over time.

Every car owner needs to know that it is necessary to use only the fluid that the car manufacturer offers. Therefore, if the car owner is interested in what to add to the cooling system, it is necessary to look at the reference books, in particular, the car's manual. In the manual, you can find information on the use of certain brands of coolers. If we are talking about topping up, then you can only use the antifreeze that was used before. Ignoring this recommendation can lead to breakdowns in the vehicle cooling system.

Important: antifreezes are classified according to certain brands. The corresponding marking is applied to the packaging. The color of the coolant, contrary to popular belief, is not the main criterion for choosing.

The following types of coolant can be used for Hyundai Solaris:

  1. G-11;
  2. G-12;
  3. G-13.

The first composition from the above list refers to hybrid substances. The second group (G-12) is represented by carbosilicate fluids, and the third is represented by the most modern compositions.

Important: in cases where it is necessary to add more than 1/3 of the total volume of the coolant, experts recommend replacing the antifreeze completely.

Thus, in Hyundai Solaris, as well as in other car models, only certain types of coolant can be mixed. Antifreeze G-11 must be mixed with G-11 and so on. At the same time, some types of coolers can be mixed. For example, G12 + can be poured into the cooling system if it uses G11 antifreeze. In other cases, mixing of coolants is prohibited. The same goes for mixing antifreeze and antifreeze. These two substances differ significantly in technical characteristics.

If the car owner buys antifreeze at a retail outlet, then you need to know that the compositions can be sold in the form of a concentrate and ready-to-fill liquids. Do not pour the concentrate composition into the coolant system. This substance must be diluted according to the manufacturer's instructions. Typically, this information is printed directly on the packaging. In the absence of information, it is recommended to check with the seller for details.

The opinions of car owners about pouring water into the car's cooling system and, in particular, antifreeze, differ. Most motorists claim that water can be mixed with antifreeze. However, there are some nuances:

  1. the water must be distilled;
  2. a small amount of water can be added.

If the owner does not have the opportunity to fill in distilled water, then at least it should be well purified using a filtration system. Otherwise, the cooling system can become clogged. It is also possible that the elements contained in the untreated water will react with the additives of the cooling composition.

The cooling system can be filled with no more than 200 ml of water. It is quite obvious that the use of large volumes will dilute the coolant and lose its performance. In the summer, this does not play a big role, but in winter it can cause the liquid to freeze. It is allowed to add water to antifreeze only in extreme cases, for example, on the road.

It is possible that the amount of coolant has dropped to a critical level. In such a situation, you can use water, of course, if there is no antifreeze.

If you pour another class of coolant into the antifreeze tank, this will lead to a change in the ratio of additives. For this reason, it is not recommended to experiment by mixing different classes of refrigerants. In turn, a small amount of water does not impair the performance parameters of the coolant. Essentially, the water simply dilutes the antifreeze, reducing the additive volume. At the same time, their percentage does not change.

In some cases, adding water to antifreeze can lower the freezing point of the chiller. At first glance, this statement may seem illogical, since it contradicts the laws of physics. But there is one caveat. Typically, a decrease in the level of coolant in the system occurs as a result of the evaporation of water. Therefore, if a small amount of distilled or filtered water is added to the system, the technical parameters of the coolant will improve.

In the winter season, it is undesirable to dilute antifreeze. It is also worth noting that any cooler is approximately 3/4 of ordinary water.

  • the expansion tank valve is triggered;
  • the coolant level has dropped;
  • the coolant is not suitable for further use.

If a valve is periodically triggered on the expansion tank, this indicates that the antifreeze is not performing its functions. That is, the liquid is not able to absorb the required amount of heat.

Often, motorists notice that the coolant level in the system has dropped significantly. Sometimes this is due to water vaporization. In other cases, there is a banal leak. Most often, a leak occurs as a result of depressurization of pipes, a radiator and a number of connections. Much less often, a leak occurs as a result of damage to the expansion tank.

There are two marks on the expansion tank of any vehicle indicating the minimum and maximum allowable level of antifreeze.

The first letters of the words LOW and FULL are indicated on the Hyundai Solaris expansion tank. In the first case, the L mark indicates the minimum acceptable level. Accordingly, the F mark indicates that the maximum allowable amount of antifreeze is poured into the tank. Other vehicles may use completely different labels, such as minimum and maximum.

If the car owner recently poured coolant into the system, and the level has dropped significantly, then this indicates leaks. In this case, it is necessary to look for the leak.

As noted, the coolant loses its performance over time. The life of the chiller can vary from 2 to 5 years. Each manufacturer sets the life of antifreeze. For example, G-11 fluids are rated for 36 months. Some brands of coolant, such as G12 +, can be used for more than 60 months, that is, 5 years.

If the antifreeze does not fulfill its functions, then the replacement procedure must be performed more often, not focusing on the operating time. Sometimes the liquid not only darkens, but also acquires a thick consistency c. In such a situation, one should not wait: the replacement must be carried out immediately.

It should be noted that many car owners are trying to save money and buy counterfeit products. On some vehicles, a drop in the level of antifreeze is indicated by the corresponding icon located directly on the dashboard. Before adding or changing antifreeze in the expansion tank, the vehicle must be installed on a horizontal surface. Only in this way can a thorough check be carried out.

If there is not enough antifreeze in the expansion tank, then it is not able to absorb the required amount of heat. In addition, in this case, the coolant loses its technical characteristics much faster. As a result, the power unit overheats, the consumption of lubricants increases and other problems arise. Next, we will consider directly the process of adding coolant to the expansion tank.

As an example, let's take a Hyundai Solaris car. In any case, the procedure will be relevant for any brands and models of cars. The differences will affect only certain elements, for example, an expansion tank. Some Motorists are interested in when to add antifreeze: cold or hot? It is important to emphasize that topping up should only be done on a cold engine. The system must cool completely. This is due to elementary safety rules. Failure to do so may result in severe burns.

Directly on the Hyundai Solaris car, the expansion tank is located to the right of the power unit. The coolant top-up scheme is as follows:

  1. the vehicle is recommended to be installed on a slight slope. In this case, the upper part of the car should be slightly higher. This approach will speed up the unimpeded air exit. If a small amount of antifreeze needs to be poured into the system, then the car can be installed in any position;
  2. then you should open the lid of the plastic tank. This procedure must be carried out with care as there may be little pressure in the system. It is advisable to use a clean cloth;
  3. add antifreeze to the tank. The liquid must be topped up with a thin stream. This is necessary so that air gradually escapes from the system. That is, it is necessary to fill in antifreeze so that air bubbles do not form on the surface. Ignoring this recommendation can lead to the formation of a plug and the appearance of additional problems associated with the elimination of air;
  4. add coolant approximately 75% of the container volume. Experienced motorists recommend targeting the maximum mark. That is, pour liquid closer to the maximum mark;
  5. then you need to start the power unit and let it idle for 5 minutes. As a result, antifreeze will be distributed throughout the system and its level will slightly decrease;
  6. in cases where there is a significant decrease in the level of antifreeze, the procedure must be repeated. In this case, you need to add a small amount of liquid with a thin stream;
  7. then remove the remaining liquid from the surface of the tank with a clean rag and close the cap.

Even if it was necessary to pour out all the liquid from the canister, it is recommended not to throw away the container. The canister contains information about the brand of the cooler. Therefore, when you need to buy a new antifreeze, the car owner will be able to pick up a fluid of the appropriate brand.

If the refrigerant composition becomes cloudy or has acquired a thick consistency, it is recommended to replace it immediately. You should not focus on the period of use of antifreeze. It is possible that the purchase turned out to be a fake.

It is also recommended to perform a complete replacement of the composition if it is necessary to add more than 1/3 of the total volume. To do this, you will need to drain all the liquid, and then completely flush the system using filtered or distilled water. If possible, it is recommended to use special products that can be purchased at retail outlets.

Any motorist can easily add antifreeze to the expansion tank. This is a very simple procedure that does not require professional skills. The main thing is to follow the safety rules. It is only necessary to add antifreeze to a cold engine. In addition, it is imperative to select the correct coolant grade for the vehicle's requirements. In the process of performing work, the liquid must be topped up with a small stream to avoid the formation of an air lock. In the process of using the vehicle, you need to regularly pay attention to the expansion tank. As soon as necessary, you need to add antifreeze or replace it.

Is it possible to add antifreeze, and if possible, how to perform this procedure. It is this question that interests novice drivers when trying to eliminate problems with a decrease in the level of coolant (coolant). Let's immediately answer it - yes, you can add antifreeze, however, with some reservations regarding the type of antifreeze and the sequence of the procedure itself. Next, we will talk about these nuances, and how to choose the right coolant, how to top up it correctly, and also analyze the refilling process using the example of the Hyundai Solaris car, popular in our country.

Antifreeze functions

Before we go directly to the description of the procedure for replacing the coolant, I would like to dwell on the functions that it performs. This is necessary so that in the future it is clear the purpose of the operations performed by the car owner, as well as the factors that need to be feared.

So, the first and main task of antifreeze is cooling the power unit of the machine... However, in addition, the coolant reduces the load on individual engine parts, and also prevents the appearance of corrosion on their surfaces. This is ensured by the presence of special additives and additives in the fluid.

Due to the constant circulation in the system, antifreeze gradually loses its properties. More precisely, the additives included in its composition lose them, and water evaporates from the composition of the liquid. The composition itself becomes darker and loses its heat-absorbing properties.

Choosing replacement antifreeze

Before how to add antifreeze, you need to decide on its type. Remember, ideally, you should always use only that coolant that is recommended by your car manufacturer... You will find out detailed information in the manual or reference literature. In most cases, the use of coolants of different classes and brands is allowed. And when refilling, use only the one that was filled earlier. Failure to comply with this rule may result in a malfunction of the cooling system.

You only need to add and mix antifreezes belonging to the same class. They differ in labeling on the packaging, and not in color, as many people think!

As for the Hyundai Solaris car, the following types of antifreeze can be used for it:

  • G-11. Such formulations belong to the hybrid group - hybrid, hybrid coolants, HOAT (Hybrid Organic Acid Technology);
  • ... They belong to carboxylate formulations - Carboxylate coolants, OAT (Organic Acid Technology);
  • G-12 ++ and G-13. These are the most modern and technologically advanced fluids that belong to Lobrid antifreezes.

If it is necessary to add more than 30% of the total volume, then it is better not to add antifreeze, but completely fill in new fluid.

Accordingly, you can mix only hybrid with hybrid, carboxylate with carboxylate, and lobrid with lobrid. Mixing of different classes of antifreeze Absolutely forbidden... The only exception is G12 + antifreeze, which can be added to G11 and G12 fluids. Also you can not add domestic "Antifreeze" to antifreeze as their chemical compositions are very different.

Remember that antifreeze is sold in stores in two formulations - completely ready for pouring into the cooling system and as a concentrate. Pay attention to this as the pure concentrate must not be added to the coolant present in the vehicle system... Even if they belong to the same class. Therefore, if you bought a concentrated antifreeze, dilute it in accordance with the instructions on the package. The choice of the composition of the solution is usually dictated by the freezing point.

Directly for Hyundai Solaris, the manufacturer recommends using a coolant (antifreeze) based on ethylene glycol for aluminum radiators.

Is it possible to add water to antifreeze

There are many disputes and opinions about the possibility of adding water to antifreeze. Let's take the liberty of saying that it is possible to add water to the coolant, but there are a couple of important points.

First, the water must be distilled or at least well purified using filters. This is necessary so that the elements in the fluid do not clog the engine cooling system and do not enter into a chemical reaction with the additives and additives present in the antifreeze.

Secondly, water can be topped up quite a bit - 100 ... 200 ml... Otherwise, it will greatly dilute the "cooling", and the latter will lose its operational properties (critical in winter). Therefore, you can use water as a liquid for refilling only in extreme cases, when the level in the system has dropped to a critical level, and you do not have a similar antifreeze at hand.

Now let's take a closer look at the arguments that say that water can still be mixed with antifreeze:

  1. Water added to antifreeze will not impair its performance. Unlike coolants belonging to the other classes listed above. This statement can be made on the basis of the fact that the properties of antifreeze largely depend on volumetric ratios its constituent additives. If they are violated (which happens when mixing different types of "chills"), then the mentioned properties are reduced to nothing. Water proportionally reduces their volumetric amount, that is, their ratio remains the same.
  2. Contrary to popular belief, adding water to antifreeze will lower the freezing point coolant. This statement can be made on the basis that the decrease in the volume of the coolant in the system occurs mainly due to the evaporation of water. This process takes place when the safety valve on the expansion tank is opened. Water evaporates first, followed by ethylene glycol. Accordingly, if you add water, then the freezing point will be restored.

Remember that you can add only 100 ... 200 ml of water, because only this amount will not increase the freezing point, since it will be reduced by increasing the pressure in the system.

The advisability of adding water is also related to the fact that most antifreezes themselves are about 70% water. This is largely due to the evaporation of liquid in the summer. But remember that it is still not recommended to dilute antifreeze very strongly in winter.

When to top up antifreeze

Checking the coolant level

The next interesting question is how often to add antifreeze, and in what cases this procedure should be performed. Let's consider this information in more detail. There are several reasons for refilling. In particular:

  • A visible decrease in the level of antifreeze in the system... This phenomenon can occur at any time due to a leak on the expansion tank housing, radiator, pipes, connections, and so on. There are two marks on the expansion tank of the Hyundai Solaris car - L and F (respectively, LOW and FULL, low and high level). If the level has dropped below the L mark, then antifreeze must be topped up. On other machines, instead of the mentioned marks, there may be other marks, but their essence will be the same.

    If you have recently topped up coolant, but its level has become low again, you should look for a leak in the system.

  • Antifreeze has reached the end of its useful life... This can be identified in various ways. If we talk about the Hyundai Solaris car, then the liquid in its cooling system must be changed in accordance with the service life of the used "coolers". So, class G-11 antifreezes have a service life of 2 ... 3 years, class G12 - up to 5 years, G12 + - more than 5 years. However, the procedure can be performed more often if the antifreeze does not cope with its tasks, in particular, there is a regular overheating of the engine, and the liquid itself has turned black and thickened. This situation is possible if you bought a low-quality liquid or simply a fake.

    Some cars have a special badge on the dashboard that indicates a low level of antifreeze.

  • The safety relief valve on the expansion tank is periodically triggered... This indicates that the antifreeze is no longer working properly, and does not absorb the required amount of thermal energy.

Always check the coolant level with the machine on a horizontal surface.

Remember that with an insufficient amount of coolant, an additional load is imposed on it, with which, firstly, it is not always able to cope, and secondly, the properties of antifreeze in this case are lost much faster. In addition, in such a situation, the coolant may not fully cope with the tasks assigned to it, and, accordingly, the engine will overheat(this may increase oil consumption and other unpleasant consequences). This concludes the theoretical part of the material, and we move on to practice, that is, directly to the top-up.

How to properly add antifreeze

We will consider the procedure using the example of the aforementioned Hyundai Solaris car. However, most of the listed actions and reasoning will be true for most other machines. The differences concern only the location of individual units and mechanisms (in particular, the expansion tank).

Remember that it is only necessary to add antifreeze to a cold one, that is, with a cooled engine and cooling system. Otherwise, you risk getting burned!

So, in Hyundai Solaris, the expansion tank of the cooling system is located on the right side of the engine compartment, directly on the casing of the system fan. The procedure itself is performed according to the following algorithm:

Location of the coolant expansion tank for Hyundai Solaris

  1. It is advisable to install the machine on a slope so that the front is higher. This is done so that air can escape from the system without obstruction. However, if you plan to add a small amount of liquid, then this recommendation can be disregarded.
  2. It is necessary to take a rag, and covering the cover of the expansion tank with it, carefully unscrew it. This is necessary in order to protect clothing and skin from possible splashes in the event that there is excessive pressure in the system.
  3. Top up coolant directly. Remember that it is necessary to top up with a thin stream so that the air in it escapes from the system in parallel, and an air lock does not form. That is, so that air bubbles do not form on the surface of the liquid when refilling. Otherwise, you will need to, which is associated with additional problems.
  4. Add liquid to a level of approximately by ⅔ tank volume, closer to the maximum mark. Then start the engine and let it run for 3 ... 5 minutes. During this time, the antifreeze will spread through the system and its level in the tank may drop.
  5. If this happens, the top-up procedure must be repeated, and then restart the engine. This should be done until after the next engine start the fluid level remains at the same level (in most cases, if you need to add a small amount of fluid, one such cycle will be enough).
  6. After completing the procedure, use a rag to get rid of possible splashes of antifreeze on the surface of the tank or other elements in the engine compartment, and screw the tank cap back on.

Recommend you do not throw away the antifreeze canister... If there is still liquid left, you can add it again in the future. And if the canister remains empty, you will always have at hand information about which brand of coolant was used. Accordingly, in the future you will be able to buy a new, similar composition.

Flushing the system

The need to flush the vehicle cooling system may arise in such cases:

  • The antifreeze used is very black and / or thickened. In this case, it must be replaced completely, despite the specified period of its operation. This fact can be caused by two main reasons - either you forgot to change the fluid according to the regulations, or you bought a fake.
  • If it is necessary to add more than 30% of antifreeze to the existing volume. In this case, the existing "cooling" must be drained, and with the help of distilled or ordinary water, rinse the system. You can also use others for this, more.

How to flush the engine cooling system

You can flush the engine cooling system in at least 4 ways. One of them is rinsing the outer part of it with ordinary water, but inside it is better to rinse with a solution of citric acid or a special agent


Topping up coolant is a simple procedure, and even an inexperienced car owner can handle it. The main thing is to observe safety precautions (perform the procedure with a cold engine and cooling system), and also choose the right antifreeze that you plan to add. Try to do so that an air lock does not form during the refilling process. During vehicle operation, regularly monitor the coolant level and, if necessary, do not forget to add it or change it completely.

For the full existence of absolutely any car, a coolant in the form of antifreeze is needed. However, if the coolant level has dropped below the minimum mark, the question arises for young motorists, how to add antifreeze? You can and should do this yourself, but for this you need to have distilled water and antifreeze.

1. You should be aware that cold water should not be poured into a hot engine, as cracks may form in the cylinder block. It is not necessary to fill the cooling system with pure antifreeze, but diluted with distilled water in equal parts, that is, one part of antifreeze should fall on one part of distilled water. Antifreeze should be filled with the brand recommended by the car manufacturer. Better to pour cold antifreeze into a cooled engine.

2. Consider the frequency of all actions to add antifreeze to the car engine:

- first, reduce the pressure in the expansion tank, for which it is necessary to turn the tank cap one turn. Only then can you open the lid completely;

- having taken the required brand of antifreeze, it should be poured into the expansion tank. It is necessary to fill in so that the liquid level is between the minimum (min) and maximum (max) marks;

- after that, start the engine and let the car run for some time. Then you should re-check the level of antifreeze and, if necessary, top up to the required level;

- if the level of the coolant is lower, it must be topped up, after which the radiator cap can be screwed on.

Every car needs a fluid to cool its engine. Car owners will one day see that the amount of antifreeze has dropped to min. What to do, how to add antifreeze? You can go to the service station, or you can add it yourself. This topic is relevant for both beginners and experienced car enthusiasts.

be careful

Do not rush to pour in coolant while the engine is still hot. The consequences of this action are damage to the cylinder block. Make sure the engine is cold before adding coolant... If it is necessary to replenish the product level, and it is not possible to cool the engine, do it when it is warm.

Antifreeze must be added with the same brand of liquid. In order for the cooling of the system to be of high quality and correct, add antifreeze in combination with distilled water. We correlate liquids 1: 1.

Mixing different coolants can lead to premature repairs. During try not to spill liquid on other parts, this can lead to their deterioration. In case of contact, wipe the surface.

If the coolant level is often at the min mark, do not rush to think about how to add antifreeze. Contact the workshop workers or check the tightness of the cooling system yourself.

How to do it yourself

In order not to contact service station workers, you can find out how to properly add antifreeze. Follow the rules that are written above and follow the steps below.

  • We wrap our hand with a rag (put on gloves) and remove the cap of the expansion tank. Reduce the pressure by turning the cover one turn. As soon as it falls, remove the cover completely.
  • Add liquid to the tank to a medium level.
  • We drive the engine of the car. We give time to work. We pay attention to how much antifreeze is available. If necessary, fill the tank.
  • Antifreeze should be at the level of the lower end of the radiator filler neck.
  • We continue to add liquid. We do this carefully, without spilling.
  • We close the lid.

To perform this procedure, you must first prepare the cooler itself, distilled water with which you will dilute the cooler, a rag (gloves) and an expansion tank.

Water water strife

Some car owners believe that only water can be used to drive the tank in the summer. This is a misconception.

Antifreeze can be diluted with distilled water, but pure water will lead to rapid wear of parts. After using water, you will have to spend money on flushing the system from scale. But the cooler includes various necessary components to ensure correct operation.

Dear friends, today we would like to highlight the topic of automotive antifreeze. Without this tool, the car simply will not be able to function correctly. Antifreeze appeared to the automotive world as a worthy replacement, which was stopped on production cars years ago. Technological progress is moving forward with big and confident steps. To date, a certain type of this consumable is produced for each car model.

In this article, we will tell you how to properly replace antifreeze in your car. This article is a clear step-by-step guide for aspiring motorists. Why for beginners? Because such a process as replacing antifreeze is quite simple, and experienced car owners, most likely, will not experience any difficulties in performing this procedure.

What is antifreeze and what is its composition?

Is a non-freezing liquid with toxic properties, based on ethylene glycol (less often non-toxic, but more expensive propylene glycol is used) with the addition of water and various additives that ensure its special properties. The additive package may include corrosion inhibitors, compounds that prevent foaming and cavitation, and fluorescent dyes.

The physical characteristics of ethylene glycol come in handy for using it as a base for antifreeze. In addition to lowering the freezing point, it also raises the boiling point, which allows the system to be refilled, significantly expanding the temperature range of its application.

As discussed above, dyes are added to the anti-freeze liquid, signaling the basic properties of the liquid. They also play the role of a "litmus test" and, when additives are developed, lose their color intensity, informing in the future that the liquid is already unusable and requires replacement. Due to the cooling properties of antifreeze, you need some knowledge of how to fill it correctly. It is necessary to avoid all kinds of mistakes that can be made in car care.

To find out how much antifreeze to fill, refer to the vehicle manual. The best option, of course, would be to contact a car service. There they will conduct a high-quality inspection of the car's cooling system for you, as well as the correct replacement of antifreeze, followed by appropriate recommendations.

Preparing antifreeze for the bay

At first, antifreeze should be changed every 75,000 kilometers on average. If you do not travel such distances, then a complete coolant change should be carried out every two years. There are some criteria that contribute to premature replacement of antifreeze. They may depend on the operating period and technical condition of the vehicle. An unscheduled replacement of antifreeze is carried out if:

- antifreeze has darkened or dimmed;

The engine of your car has undergone a major overhaul, during which the coolant was drained;

Cooling system components are damaged due to antifreeze leakage.

Before you start replacing antifreeze, decide on the type and type that is suitable for your car model. We advise you not to re-invent things that have already been invented before you, and therefore refer to the manual of your vehicle, in which everything is clearly described. If store shelves do not have the model of antifreeze you need, consult a specialist who will select a coolant with similar properties that will ideally suit your car.

Draining antifreeze

So, the required model of antifreeze has already been purchased, which means that you should proceed to its direct replacement. Of course, the replacement of the coolant can be entrusted to qualified specialists by driving the car to a car service, but this can be done on your own, saving money. As we mentioned earlier, this is not difficult at all. Let's make a reservation right away that you should initially completely drain the antifreeze from the machine system, and then fill it with new consumables.

To get started, be sure to park your car on a level surface. This is necessary in order to clearly see the level of antifreeze in the cooling system. After that, drain the coolant, clearly guided by a certain algorithm of actions:

1. Prepare and place a container under the antifreeze drain;

2. Unscrew the antifreeze drain valves from the system. They should be opened carefully to prevent the spillage of antifreeze. Drain gradually;

3. After the main part of the coolant has been drained, unscrew the expansion tank cap.

Please note that taps and fittings can be located in different places, depending on the design features of your vehicle.

How to properly fill in antifreeze?

After the coolant draining process has been completed successfully, seal the cooling system by closing all pipes and taps. After that, you can finally start pouring new antifreeze. This is also done according to a certain algorithm:

1. To prevent antifreeze from spilling, it is necessary to install a watering can in an expansion tank or radiator;

2. Then add antifreeze. This should be done gradually, without pouring out all the antifreeze at once. If the pressure is too high, an air lock may form, which will prevent the car's cooling system from working correctly in the future;

3. Note that the expansion tank is marked with “minimum” and “maximum” marks. It is recommended to fill in liquid no higher than the minimum mark;

4. Screw the cap on the expansion tank tightly;

5. Start the engine and let the car stand for about 10 minutes, observing the condition of the coolant;

6. Add antifreeze to the minimum mark in the expansion tank.

That's all the action. Now you know how to properly fill in antifreeze. After all the above procedures, start the car and let it dial the desired temperature of the power unit. Check the condition of the cooling system and the level of antifreeze. In no case should the liquid fall below the minimum mark. Everything is fine? Sit behind the wheel calmly. It's important to know! Finally, we would like to warn you about a mistake that many beginners make: in no case open the expansion tank cap while the engine is running, because this threatens with antifreeze splashes, which can lead to burns on uncovered areas of the skin.