Homemade anti-theft devices for the VAZ 2110. How to make a cheap do-it-yourself anti-theft device for a car. Here is his diagram

Before using homemade anti-theft products to protect cars, you need to remember that one hundred percent security cannot be achieved.

It doesn't matter what these funds are - factory, professional, or handicraft production, scammers will eventually pick up their "keys" to them.

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Still, it is interesting to know how motorists today manage to block their ignition key, doors, steering wheel, etc., in order to prevent unwanted opening of the car.

A few examples of homemade protection

Practical application of factory and professional tools anti-theft protection The car did not perform well.

Even if, for example, an alarm system is sold on the auto tuning market under a popular and promoted brand, it turns out that it is not always able to protect a car from theft.

If the hijacker is the owner of skillful hands and ingenuity, then it will not be difficult for them to bypass the grabber code.

Especially under big risk hacking are those tools that were made in the factories of the most famous manufacturers of anti-theft devices.

Because criminals have long chosen hacking schemes for them. Experts everywhere began to advise motorists not to buy famous brands anti-theft, and choose them from still unknown, but already proven manufacturers.

This will puzzle the hijacker, who will not expect to encounter an unknown system.

The protection systems used in the total mass road transport subdivided into the following types, indicated in a special table.

Types of auto theft protection mechanisms vehicle:

System name abbreviation Type of mechanism according to the principle of operation Anti-theft examples Is self-assembly legally possible?
MPS Mechanical anti-theft system Clamps, locks of the steering wheel ("poker"), pedals ("traps"), hood, gearboxes. Yes
EPS Electronics Immobilizers, alarms, toggle switches, "secrets" (pushbutton switches) Yes
THX Satellite installations "Bugs" mounted in the seats, headrests. Not
RPM Radio controlled and tracking devices The device makes it possible to track the location of a stolen car, but only within the range of the bearing station. Not
BMPS Biometrics Using a fingerprint or owner's voice to start the car. Not
TPPS transponder installation Verification of the installation with the microchip on the car owner's key Not

Today, you also have to resort to devices made by yourself. But not every home-made anti-theft auto-protection is proven to be put into practice.

In addition, it is quite difficult to find information on the Internet about the effectiveness and existence of various automotive know-hows.

And rightly so, because home-made car anti-theft sites are read not only by car owners, but also by individuals interested in car theft.

And yet there are several options that motorists have already tried and were satisfied with, as well as for which anti-burglary methods have not yet been found by scammers.

Consider a few examples of effective tools that you can do yourself.

Example 1. "Secret"

The secret is secret button, which blocks the ignition system and engine operation.

The system can be made from the following configurations:

  • a lock arranged under the hood;
  • wires - 2 pieces;
  • toggle switch - in fact, the button itself.

You can put the chain on 1, 2 or 3 buttons. Place the buttons themselves in different parts of the machine. The button switch itself should be hidden in the cabin, but in such a way that the criminal can see it.

Most often, thieves press a switch and, thereby, activate the engine blocking system and other systems.

Example 2. Blocker on the door

It is installed specifically on the lower part of the door and is a latch in the form of a pin, which is triggered when a thief tries to open the door and enter the car interior.

There is one drawback from such an installation - this is a violation of the integrity of the door frame during the installation process.

In addition, if you put such a hidden and impromptu “lock” on each door, then this will be quite an impressive cash flow.

Example 3. Steering wheel lock

In general, machines can lock, but also pedals, as well as a gearbox.

Such mechanical systems There are different configurations, designs, but they all have the same function - to block the action of one or another mechanism in the car.

Such a lock does not allow stealing a car, especially if you use several clamps at the same time - on the steering wheel, on the pedals or on the gearbox.

Even if scammers break the lock, then at least they will have to tinker a lot. It turns out that this method simply gives the owner of the car property time to win.

Example 4: Hood lock

The lock for the hood can be made and installed additionally. A big plus of such devices is that the hijackers, as a rule, do not have any master keys to them.

Therefore, picking up keys for such locks will be an extremely difficult task for criminals.

Also, such locks do not depend on the electricity of the machine, which gives great advantage system - it will work at any time as long as it is alerted using a hidden button on the control panel in the car.

The meaning of her work is to block the hood, and because of this blocking, the engine will not start.

Example 5 Blocking Gas Exhaust in a Pipe

A small hole is drilled in the exhaust pipe, where a metal cylinder is inserted. In the cylinder, too, the same hole is drilled in its center.

Schematically it looks like this:

The principle of using the device is as follows:

  • inside exhaust pipe the cylinder is inserted;
  • the cylinder must be rotated so that it becomes a deaf part of it towards the exhaust gas flow;
  • The car won't start because the gases aren't escaping.

The car will start when the cylinder is turned with the through side in the direction of the gas flow. You can rotate the cylinder using a special pin.

It turns out that such a system is very much like an ordinary rotary valve, which we see in the plumbing system.

Example 6. Fake markings from stickers and stencils

Marking, which is not real, is applied to glass, to any other parts that are visible or invisible to the naked eye.

Marking is personal code car that supposedly matches the real VIN.

It is understood that cars with markings are the easiest to find, and it will be more difficult for the hijackers themselves to sell such cars, they will have to spend a lot on glass replacement. The reliability tool is considered to be 75% effective.

Example 7: Chain and padlock

This method, of course, looks naive, although it is used here. homemade device. But, nevertheless, it serves as a good distraction.

Distracting from all other anti-theft systems installed on the car.

Example 8 Primitive Pedal Lock

You can simply use a heavy metal shackle as a lock base, there should be appropriate holes on the shackle body.

In the store, you can buy a lock of any suitable modification and use it to lock with a bracket.

The method works as a 50% protection, but as an addition, it will serve as another means to buy time when the criminal has to tinker with the pedal.

All of the above systems can be made entirely on their own, and can be made by 70% with their own hands, or simply independently installed in a car.

approximate cost

The approximate cost of installing one or another mechanism with your own hands or using special simple means for car anti-theft protection is presented in the table.

You can choose to buy a semi-finished system and install it yourself, or you can buy for parts and do everything with your own hands with the installation:

What is more reliable, contact a specialist or do it yourself

What system of anti-burglary automotive equipment to use, where to put it, on the door, the steering wheel or on some other element of the car structure - it is up to the owner of the car to choose.

Among the motorists themselves, there are two opposing opinions about the use of homemade anti-theft devices - some believe that it is better to install the device on their own, while others say that it is best to turn to a specialist technician who will be able to masterfully manufacture and install the system.

But most drivers will agree that purchased devices are best combined with homemade ones.

To use handicraft anti-theft devices or install any home-made blocker on your car, you can listen to some recommendations from experts.

Do-it-yourself anti-burglary device for cars must be carried out according to certain rules, and the device itself must meet the following characteristics:

  1. The design should be thought out in advance, a drawing should be made, a sketch with the applied parameters and dimensions of the equipment.
  2. It is necessary to have a clear idea of ​​where exactly the device will be installed, whether it will adversely affect the operation of the unit, the mechanism of the car.
  3. There should be several devices - only in this way, in combination, they can protect the car from theft.
  4. The principles of operation of the protections should be different if they are used in the car at the same time.
  5. Can be combined mechanical protection with digital or electronic, radio-controlled or automatic.

by the most the best option For the time being the following combination of protective devices is considered:

  • purchased alarm (after all, you can’t do without it!);
  • steering lock on the mechanics;
  • blocker of high-speed switches;
  • “secret” - a “secret” button that shuts off the fuel supply and blocks the ignition system at the same time.

The versatile function of self-made anti-theft devices will help to win a lot of time, delay the hijacker, or even completely kill his desire to continue his criminal business.

Simple but effective anti-theft device with your own hands. Such a device can be made quite quickly and simply. Complex and expensive parts are not required, but despite this, the device can be very useful in protecting your beloved “horse”. Currently, anti-theft devices have taken the path of complication, and even space technologies are already present in their manufacture, but despite this, car security is still relevant. Hijackers are also evolving and using the same modern technologies.
Perhaps this simple device will be the tool that will confuse the kidnapper, who expects that “cool” anti-theft ones are everywhere.
The scheme works like this: anti-theft is on. The attacker opens the door, turns on the ignition, starts the engine and rejoices that he succeeded. But suddenly the engine stalls. He starts it again, but after 5 - 15 seconds (depending on how you adjusted the anti-theft device), the engine stops again and there is a feeling that there are problems with fuel system. But he will not find a malfunction, since the time relay blocks the engine ignition system with a delay in the blocking time, and not the fuel one.
The proposed anti-theft device, in fact, is a relay with a time delay to turn on.

Here is his diagram

Parts are used for this device.

  • Chip D1 - K176LA7 or her imported analogue CD4011.
  • Transistor VT1 - KT315 with any letter or import 2SC634, 2SC633, BFP722, 2N2712, BFP720, BFP721, BFP719.
  • Transistor VT2 - KT815 or BD 135, BD 139, BD 137.
  • Capacitor C1 - 33 uF 25 volts.
  • Capacitor C2 - 10 - 20 uF 25 volts. This capacitor is the time setting, which means that the value of the time delay before the relay is turned on depends on its capacitance. With a 10 uF capacitor, the time is about 7 seconds, and 20 uF, about 15 seconds, but it also depends on the resistor R1, which is also a component of the timing chain - R1 - C2 and the time also depends on its resistance.
  • R1 is about 300 kΩ, but I set the potentiometer to 680 kΩ in order to be able to demonstrate the change in the time delay before switching on the Rel1 relay, depending on the value of its resistance. In the finished device, when you have decided what time delay suits you, the potentiometer can be replaced with a constant resistance, equal to resistance potentiometer.
  • R2 - 100 Ohm.
  • S1 - any toggle switch that you like. It will be securely hidden in the car.
  • A toggle switch is connected to terminal 1, and the toggle switch is connected to a wire that receives power after the ignition switch is turned on.
  • Terminal 2 is connected to the ignition switch wire. When the device is turned on, the anti-theft relay contact will close the breaker wire to ground and thereby turn off the engine.
  • Terminal 3 is connected to ground.
  • It is better to make a device on a breadboard, it will be easier and faster.

Device Assembly

We solder the wires to the toggle switch and the potentiometer and connect them to the circuit.

domestic producers cars they try to keep up with modern trends in the automotive industry and use advances in the field of electronics for this. One of the areas of use of electronics in the car - anti-theft systems. In this material, the author introduces readers to standard anti-theft systems - immobilizers, which are equipped with modern cars VAZ.

The principle of operation of the immobilizer

Currently, cars equipped with an anti-theft device (hereinafter referred to as the immobilizer) of the APS-4 and APS-6 types are leaving the AvtoVAZ conveyor. Most cars (VAZ 2123 " Chevrolet Niva", VAZ 11183 "Kalina" and all modifications of the VAZ 2110) are equipped with latest model- APS-6.

The immobilizer is a regular anti-theft device and is a the electronic unit to prevent unauthorized starting of the engine without using the ignition key. To do this, an electronic coded key is built into the housing of the mechanical ignition key. When you try to start the engine without using the original ignition key, the immobilizer blocks the engine from starting by sending certain commands to the electronic control unit (ECU) of the engine.

The vehicle is armed automatically, immediately after the ignition is turned off. Disarming occurs after the ignition is turned on, and the driver does not need to perform additional operations.

Using the example of an anti-theft device of the APS-6 type, we will get acquainted with the principle of its operation.

When the ignition is switched on, the device reads the code from electronic key built into the head of the mechanical ignition key. After reading and matching the key code with the code stored in the ECU memory, the engine is allowed to start. If the codes do not match, then the engine start is blocked.

2.5 ... 3 seconds after the ignition is turned on, the immobilizer turns on self-diagnosis, accompanied by the indication of a signal lamp located on dashboard.

If the engine starts, signal lamp glows constantly. At failed attempt start the engine (when the device is disabled for disarming), after a while, the signal lamp will flash with a second interval. At the same time, the device will sound a warning that a reading error or malfunction has occurred.

In the event of a malfunction, the immobilizer can automatically determine its type, simultaneously accompanied by a sound indication.

Some common faults are defined as follows:

1 beep - there is no reading of codes from the electronic key (as a rule, this fault indicates a malfunction of the encoder in the key);

2 beeps - electronic communication between the immo-bilizer and the engine control controller is broken, which is in a faulty state;

3 beeps - the electronic key code is not in the immobilizer memory buffer (this malfunction can be caused when using a "foreign" key);

4 beeps - the engine control controller does not confirm permission to start the engine. Such a failure can be caused by improper operation of the device, namely, by teaching the immobilizer a "foreign" key.

The APS-6 immobilizer consists of a control unit, a communication coil (experts also call it an antenna, it is located directly in the ignition lock), training and working keys and a signal lamp.

Immobilizer A learning procedure P S-6

The description of the immobilizer training (setting) procedure shows in detail the specific steps for carrying out this work. The reliability of its operation depends on the quality of the work carried out to set up the device.

Before starting work on training the immobilizer, you should study in detail the instructions of the vehicle manufacturer.

The learning procedure can be carried out when the ECU and the immobilizer are in one of the following states:

The immobilization function is disabled (the controller and the immobilizer are not trained), given state engine start is allowed;

The immobilizer function is enabled (the controller and the immobilizer are trained), while starting the engine is possible only upon receipt of the ECU correct code from the device.

The immobilizer training procedure is carried out in the following cases:

Erasing old and learning new working keys;

Learning working keys after replacing a faulty immobilizer;

Replacing the access password.

The immobilizer training procedure is performed in the following sequence:

1. Close all doors of the vehicle, turn on the ignition with the learning key for about 6 seconds.

2. Turn off the ignition, control lamp on the dashboard should start flashing, it indicates the correctness of the training procedure. If the indicator light stops flashing, it means that the learning procedure has not been carried out correctly.

3. While the control lamp is flashing, insert the working key into the lock and turn on the ignition. If the training is correct, it will be confirmed by a beep. If the sound signal does not sound and the indicator lamp stops flashing, the immobilizer learning procedure should be repeated.

Rice. 1. Scheme of connecting the APS-6 immobilizer to the electrical equipment of the car

4. Turn off the ignition.

5. When learning the second working key, repeat the learning procedure, using the second learning working key to turn on the ignition.

6. 6 seconds after sound signal turn on the ignition with the learning key, and after 2-3 seconds, turn off the ignition. After a while, turn on the ignition, after turning on the device will give three beeps, and the control lamp will stop flashing. After the procedure, the immobilizer will give permission to start the engine.

Additional functions of immobilizer A P S-6

APS-6 immobilizer, except for the regular one anti-theft function It has additional functions that improve the consumer characteristics of the car. Let's bring them:

Delayed switching on of the interior lighting for several minutes after closing the car doors;

Switching off the rear fog lights. The lights are switched on by pressing the button of the rear fog lights switch once;

Warning about the left key in the ignition (if the ignition is off);

Warning about the side lights left on (if the ignition is off);

Controlling the operation of power windows with the ignition on and off (if the vehicle doors were not opened with the ignition key removed. If the door is opened, the power window control is automatically disabled).

Abnormal problems arising during the operation of the immobilizer and their solution

Lost working key

If you lose a working key, you should purchase a new working key, in whose memory the learning key code is not recorded. For further use of the key, you must complete the learning procedure (see above).

Lost learning key

If the learning key is lost, it is impossible to implement the procedure for learning working keys. The operation of the vehicle with trained working keys can be continued, however, in the event of a malfunction of the controller or the immobilizer itself, both the immobilizer and the controller (ECU) will have to be replaced.

Replacing a faulty immobilizer

After replacing a faulty immobilizer with a new one, the system training procedure should be carried out, while the old training and working keys can be used.

In the event of a sudden failure of the immobilizer, the controller in emergency mode allows the engine to be started if the function is activated in advance and the password is entered. Activation of the password entry (as a rule, the password consists of 6 digits) is made by pressing the gas pedal.

On VAZ 1118 "Kalina" cars, replacing the immobilizer can lead to incomplete operation of the regular central lock (this violation can also happen with improper training). AT this case ECU non-volatile memory should be completely cleared. To do this, disconnect the standard connector from the immobilizer and install a jumper between connector pins 9 and 18. After the work is done, the jumper is removed, the connector is connected to the immobilizer and the system is trained.

Replacing a faulty controller (ECU)

When replacing a faulty ECU, you must use a controller with a clean non-volatile memory. In this case, the new ECU will allow the engine to start regardless of the immobilizer. To start the work of the immobilizer, it is necessary to carry out the training procedure with a regular training key. It is allowed to replace a faulty controller with another one in which the anti-theft system is already activated, if you use the learning key with which it was trained. Before replacing the controller, determine the type and brand installed device, the manufacturer completes cars with controllers different manufacturers- Bosch, January, VS.1 and their modifications.

Pin assignment of the APS-6 immobilizer connector

contact no.

Loop wire color


To the antenna coil, in the ignition switch

Additional relay wiper power supply

Not used


From the headlight switch


Permanent plus (from battery), APS-6 power supply

Permanent plus (from battery)

Ground connection (negative) with rear fog lights on


K-Line (to terminal 7 of the diagnostic block, terminal 8 of the electric power steering control unit)


From passenger door limit switches

To the communication coil (antenna) in the ignition switch


From the driver's door switch


From overall lighting


To terminal 15 of the control unit of the electrical package "NORMA"


To the rear fog lights

Permanent plus, from the battery


K-Line (terminal 71 of the computer connector, terminal 3 of the NORM block)


To the APS operation indicator on the instrument cluster, terminal 8 of the NORMA electrical package


Terminal 15 ignition switch

To control the operation of the immobilizer, you can use specialized diagnostic testers that work according to the KWP 2000 protocol.

Connection diagram and pin assignment of the APS-6 immobilizer

On fig. 1 shows the connection diagram of the APS-6 immobilizer to wiring diagram car, and in the table - the appointment of the contacts of the immobilizer connector.

I would especially like to dwell on the NORMA power package control system, which is connected to the APS-6 unit.

System remote control(SDU) electropackage "NORMA" consists of a control unit and a remote control (RC), it is also an ignition lock.

The operation of the CDS system ensures the blocking of door locks, the activation of the security mode. The CDS is controlled by pressing the corresponding control buttons located on the remote control, accompanied by an indication. The remote control is powered by two rechargeable batteries type CR20S2 with a voltage of 1.5 V each.

When operating the remote control system, the following should be taken into account: if the operating mode indicator is absent or weakly lit when pressing the control buttons on the remote control, the batteries should be replaced. It should also be taken into account that the SDU device has protection against repeated (within 4...6 seconds) pressing of the remote control buttons, as a result of which the door locks are blocked. For stable operation It is desirable that there are no metal keys or other objects on the remote control key fob.

Rice. 2. Diagram of electrical connections of the APS-6 immobilizer and the remote control system for the NORMA electric package on a VAZ 1118 car

On fig. 2 shows a fragment of the electrical circuit diagram of the VAZ 11183 "Kalina" car, which includes an immobilizer and a CDS with an electrical package "NORMA".

Designations in fig. 2:

1 - contacts of 33-pin blocks front harness and instrument panel harness;

2 - contacts of 3-pin blocks of the front harness and instrument panel harness;

3 - light lamp switch reversing;

4 - right direction indicator;

5 - left direction indicator;

6 - contacts of 9-pin blocks of the harness of the air intake box and the harness of the instrument panel;

7 - engine compartment lamp switch;

8 - controller (ECU);

9 - diagnostic block;

10 - contacts of 16-pin blocks of the ignition system harness and instrument panel harness;

11 - lighting control module;

12 - sound signal switch;

13 - mounting block;

14 - ignition switch;

15 - APS-6 control unit;

16 - immobilizer signaling device in the instrument cluster;

17 - contacts of 33-pin blocks of the instrument panel harness and rear harness;

18 - power pack control unit "NORMA";

19 - side direction indicator, right;

20 - right lamp;

21 - left side direction indicator;

22 - left lamp;

23 - contacts of the 30-pin blocks of the rear harness and rear additional harness (right front door);

24 - contacts of 9-pin blocks of the rear harness and rear additional harness (right tailgate);

25 - ceiling lighting interior;

26 - contacts of the 9-pin blocks of the rear harness and rear additional harness;

27 - heating element rear window;

28 - contacts of the 9-pin blocks of the rear harness and rear additional harness (left rear door);

29 - right front lock;

30 - right rear lock;

31 - door lock switch in the switch block;

32 - gear motor for locking the trunk;

33 - signaling device in the trunk lock;

34 - left rear lock;

35 - contact of the 9-pin pads of the rear additional harness (left front door) to the switch block;

36 - contacts of the 9-pin pads of the rear additional harness (left front door) to the switch block;

37 - left front lock;

38 - contacts of 30-pin blocks of the rear harness and rear auxiliary harness (left front door).

Relay mounting block:

K2 - horn relay;

K4 - power window relay;

K6 - additional relay.

To be continued...

One of the most common cars today are representatives of the "classic" VAZ family, as well as all their modifications. Despite the fact that such machines cannot boast modern design, and stand on secondary market relatively cheap, it is the “classic” that for many years in a row has been in the lead in the rankings of the most stolen cars. Why?

Such unenviable demand among malefactors "classic" uses due to very low passive safety and the complete absence of active. Even an absolutely unprepared person can open a Zhiguli in a couple of minutes in order to pull something out of the passenger compartment or remove the battery. Such weak protection is explained by the fact that the machine was developed more than half a century ago and little has changed since then. However, the situation can be very easily corrected.

Initially there is the following:

1. Active elements of protection.

In the factory configuration, cars of the “classic” family are not equipped with any elements of active protection at all, not only are there no car alarms, but even connectors for connecting it, hood and trunk limit switches. That is why installing an alarm on a VAZ is a rather difficult task, since it is necessary to lay the wiring in a new way, drill places for sensors, and place a car alarm unit. Accordingly, the price of installing an alarm on a car domestic production may be somewhat higher than for foreign cars already prepared for this.

2. Passive elements of protection.

Degree of burglar resistance door locks and the trunk - ridiculous. Doors, by simple manipulations, can be opened with a long ruler, the larvae can be rolled up with ordinary scissors. The hood is just as easy to open from the outside, just bend its edge and pull the cable with a wire hook or even reach the lock through the air intake grille.

The ignition lock and built-in steering wheel lock will also not be able to detain the criminal for more than a dozen seconds. They didn’t even hear about the immobilizer and other devices during the design years of the car, so they don’t exist, respectively.

Protecting classics from theft

A set of necessary measures aimed at protecting the "classics" from theft:

1. Install a car alarm.

As for the choice of signaling, the need to buy an expensive security complex that stands like the floor of a car, no. In addition, the price of installing a car alarm with auto start is sometimes very high. Enough quality two-way car alarm eminent company with a decent key fob coverage area and, most importantly, a high degree of protection against interception. It is recommended to install alarms that work in interactive mode.

It should be noted that due to the fact that the gas tank hatch is not protected by anything and any passer-by can drain the fuel without any problems, without fail care should be taken to ensure that an additional limit switch is installed on the hatch complete with the car signaling.

In addition, it is advisable to choose a siren that has a built-in battery, because you can turn off the main battery of the car, which means completely de-energize the car alarm, even from the outside, reaching for the terminals from below or removing the right headlight.

2. Install immobilizer.

It is desirable that the immobilizer and the alarm system work independently of each other. Even the simplest immobilizer paired with a car alarm will more reliably protect a car than even the most sophisticated alarm alone.

3. Install an additional hood lock.

It makes no sense to purchase an expensive universal electromechanical device with a high degree of protection. At present, many well-known domestic producers they produce simple, but at the same time quite reliable, mechanical locks specifically for the classics, they do their job perfectly well. If desired, a similar mechanism that counteracts the opening of the hood can be made independently.

4. Install the gearbox lock.

It is not necessary to purchase electromechanical or contactless blockers; it is quite possible to get by with a high-quality mechanical lock.

Upon completion of the work, the following picture is obtained:

  • the car alarm performs the functions of active protection, triggering when the doors, gas tank hatch, trunk, and, if the attackers use brute force, the hood are opened. In addition, the siren will work if, for example, criminals manage to get to the battery and remove the terminals.
  • hood lock will prevent thieves from gaining access to the elements engine compartment to, for example, unlock the immobilizer.
  • immobilizer and checkpoint blocker will play important role, preventing criminals from hijacking if they manage to pick up the signaling code or otherwise neutralize it.

Summing up, it should be noted that it is preferable to install as many different means of protection as possible than to purchase one, even the most functional and reliable, security device.

Our guest will remain incognito. I just had the opportunity to have a frank conversation with a professional car thief. After a two-hour telephone conversation, I learned a lot of things that you, dear readers, will certainly be interested in. IN many respects…
“... I prefer to steal from garages. Especially protected"
— So, your profession is a car thief.
- Not! In our circles, the word "thief" means something else - status. And I… a thief.
- I'll start with the question that is spinning on the tongue: what kind of alarm system is the most reliable in your opinion?
- Yes, they are all about the same. In a few hours, you can steal almost any car. This is not bravado… Just now the whole world is striving for unification. Manufacturers assemble "anti-theft" from the same components. In car centers, the installation of alarms is put on stream - everything is done according to the primitive. You know how the installer delivers the work to the client. The lock is opened and closed, the siren works. Everything suits me? Next! .. In general, the most reliable homemade anti-theft. Which some "Kulibin" collected with wisdom.

- It turns out that a home-grown alarm system for a couple of hundred "bucks" can be more reliable than some system for a few thousand?
- Exactly! Once we were engaged in "Pajero". Looks like they did everything right. medium scall neutralized. Control lights on the panel are on. But the engine does not start, even if you crack! They began to check the on-board electrical network for "extra" wires - there are none ... It turned out that a big trickster set up the system. He used "unnecessary" factory wiring. I'll explain now. Car manufacturers, for some technological reasons, put an electrical network into the car under maximum configuration. Let's say the windows are opened with "twists", and there is wiring for electric lifts. Or the chairs need to be moved manually, but the cables for the servos are laid. Here is the installer and used them for additional protection. If we had less time, the owner would have stayed with his Pajero ... In short, if the system was installed with an individual approach, you can hardly worry about the car.
- With the "anti-theft" that must be installed, we figured it out. But now many manufacturers initially complete their cars with complex systems, immobilizers ...
- Again, unification harms their reliability. For example, there are dozens of automakers in Europe, and almost only three companies supply immobilizers for them - Bosch, Siemens and VDO. Need more explanation?

Then "their" alarms are calculated according to "their" stealers. What is, say, a German hijacker? This is a pedant, he knows a lot about electronics, he won’t budge until everything “rings” with a tester ... But the creators of anti-theft do not think about the “Russian pick”. For example, in the 140th Mercedes, there is so much protection around the power grid - damn it! After all, there the battery is installed in the trunk and, it seems, there is no source of energy near the motor. What does a Russian hijacker do? Pulls the cable from the battery from the trunk to the passenger compartment and "throws" it through the front window under the hood. Let's go!.. A German car thief would never think of such a thing.

By the way, the reliability of the factory system depends on which country the car was made for. For example, cars taken out of the Emirates are very poorly protected. Or, say, the Volvo S90 is much easier for the United States to steal than the same model made for Europe. The Americans themselves were complete ignoramuses in this matter a few years ago. "Grand Cherokee" until the 96th year of release is generally stolen with scissors. I used to always carry them in the "glove box" - just in case. Suddenly a good "Grand" will turn up? With the cops, if they check my car, there are no problems either. Stopped searched. Why, they ask, scissors? Yes, I cut paper with them when I stand at traffic lights! Well, this is not a “twisting” or some other special tool ...

- It turns out that the most reliable “anti-theft” is a person? Security guard?
— How to look. Secure parking is fine. But a garage, especially a multi-storey one, is the same for a hijacker as a chicken coop is for a fox. I disarm the alarm - and they guard me. You can work all night long. He got the car out, locked the garage doors behind him, and through the fire exit. He is often not even visible to the guards. From the street, from under the windows, a car with a fancy alarm is much more difficult to steal. Does anyone have insomnia? Or someone took the dog for a walk? Problems…
- But, probably, it is more difficult to track down a car in a garage cooperative? She dived under the barrier - go and find her among hundreds of boxes.

There's no point in following. Just in the evening, when everyone has gathered, you climb onto the territory of the cooperative and look to see which garage which tracks lead to. A professional should be able to distinguish tire marks. I see the prints of the Taganka go under the garage door - that means some domestic car or an old foreign car. But the Pirellis are brand new, wide, "225" size - for sure nice car. Tire marks of imported SUVs, you know, even a schoolboy will recognize.
- What can you say about systems like " Lo Jack“who follow the car through a radio signal?
- This is the most reliable option against theft. It's much harder for us to work. You have to put the car in "quarantine" if it is expensive and can potentially be equipped with " lo jack". You immediately take it far out of the city, disguise it somewhere in the forest and turn off the battery. Then you need to wait a few days until the internal battery of the transmitter itself runs out, which may not exist at all. When the car has settled, then, without starting the engine, it is taken to the workshop in tow. And already there, if there is a transmitter, our specialists will definitely find it.
“... In our business, the usual laws of business apply”

- You mentioned "special tool", your workshops... I understand that the lone hijacker died out as a class. Is it possible to work only in a team now?
- Of course. As in any business. The usual laws apply here: you invest a lot, wisely - then you get a good profit. For example, a few years ago, some serious people immediately invested half a million dollars ...

“Half a million?!
- Yes. The task was to steal 25 Lexus from Canada and bring them here. To get the cars here, each had to spend about $20,000 - just "half a lemon" comes out. Come on, remember how much a new Lexus cost in the mid-90s?

- Thousand ninety ...
- You can estimate the profit yourself ... Of course, the investments of the "average" car thief are more modest. For example, on services official dealers there are "electronic suitcases" such as a portable computer. With it, you can start the car without a key. Such a device costs about $15,000. Stole a few cars — it justified itself. Then came the profit. By the way, it may depend on the brand of the car. I mean the cost of reworking it before paperwork. Let's say on " Land cruiser 100" you need to kill the numbers on the frame, engine and plate with the VIN number. It costs about $2,000. There are more than a dozen places in Mercedes SUVs from where the true Vehicle VIN can be calculated. These are ABS, an electronic engine control unit, steering parts and even an audio system - the number is "sewn" into it in in electronic format. Therefore, the alteration of the Mercedes is much more expensive. Three times more than the Cruiser.

“So, the first link in the chain is the hijacker. Then "interrupters". Who's next?
- Accountants. These are civil servants who draw up documents for a stolen car. For one order of five thousand "bucks" you have to pay. The last link is the huckster. He resells the car.

"...I once stole four cars in a day"
- When did it all start? When did you steal your first car?
- Back in the seventies, I was thirteen years old. They took a GAZ-51 with a friend from a vegetable warehouse. As usual, they rode and left ... Then I worked on the Zhiguli for a long time - after all, there was nothing else. He filled his hand so much that he once stole four cars in a day.
- Stealing a Zhiguli is easy. Then there were no alarms - only locks. Perhaps you still had some tricks?

- What tricks are there ... You stand near the theater, you look behind the parking lot. A "six" drives up - then the most prestigious model was - an uncle and a lady come out, go to the box office. As soon as they passed the usher, I went to the car. Once, in such Zhiguli, the cops took me. I did. When he came out, foreign cars had already appeared. Work has become much more interesting, otherwise I was already sick of the Zhiguli ...

The first anti-theft began to put. I remember there was a cool Chita alarm system. Three hundred "bucks" then cost. It was even installed on the "six hundredths". By now, just stone Age. The key fob gave only one signal-code: open-close, open-close ... The funny thing is that the signal could be recorded on the video camera if you get closer to the owner. Then you roll the tape backwards, turn on playback with sound - and the machine is open.

Then they began to install anti-theft with two signals - one for closing, the other for opening. After that, “floating codes” appeared, ...
“... As in any profession: the main thing is not to stand still”
Let's say you get an order for a car. Where do you look desired car? How do you track?

- No way. I practically do not work under the order. This is again a matter of business - unprofitable. For example, a person comes to me and says: “I have documents for a silver BMW 540i of such and such a year of manufacture. Make me a car for them." I refuse. It's such a mess. seek out specific car, then interrupt the entire VIN on it instead of a few digits. It turns out troublesome for me, expensive for a person. I'd rather steal some "Land Cruiser 100" and always get my $15,000 for it.
- This "Cruiser" is worth so much in the heat of the heat. How much do other models pay?

- Now the most expensive - "Mercedes". New S-class or "G500" cost at least $20,000. "Toyota Prado" about ten thousand. The Mercedes E-class is out of fashion. Now they give him a maximum of $3,000-4,000.
- Three or four thousand for the "big-eyed"? "Zhiguli" then probably cost a penny in general.
- Not so pennies. The new "eight" - about a thousand dollars. "Nine" hundreds of two more expensive. The most expensive "ninety-ninth" - you can sell it for one and a half thousand ... Although I can't vouch for accuracy here. I don't do Zhiguli.
— Hierarchy of a kind is obtained. Those who are simpler steal domestic cars. More serious people are engaged in foreign cars.
- Not a hierarchy. Rather, the stages of development. "Zhiguli" is easy to take away. You don't need an expensive tool. You take the whole ignition system with you to work - a coil, an electronic unit, the necessary wires. You also bring your own power system - Zhiguli with gasoline, fuel pump. You quickly install all this economy on the motor, bypassing all the alarms - and you're done! Of course, those who are engaged in Zhiguli live more quietly, but they also have less money.
How much does he earn per month?
“Two or three thousand dollars, I think.
— And the one who steals foreign cars?
— If a person is serious about his work, then he earns about $5,000-7,000 a month… It's not just about money. It can just turn out to be undignified: you are already over forty, and you are like a twenty-year-old kid still dragging a Zhiguli from garages. In our business, as in any profession: the main thing is not to stand still. You need to develop all the time. Otherwise, one day you will meet a car that you simply cannot start. Right now I can’t work for a number of reasons, but itching in my hands - the BMW X5 has appeared. What's the protection there? How long can I turn it off?
"So you're not going to tie?"
- Not. Theft is a kind of drug. I understand the meaning of the word "kleptomania" very well ...
P.S. from the author: "... in Russia they will steal cars for a long time"
DURING the preparation of the material, I happened to rotate in different areas. The final impression is sad - in Russia, cars will be stolen for a long time to come. It's about the people and the laws that reign in our country. Although the interviewer incognito, according to him, does not work on order, in fact, they can easily order your car - in exactly this color, with this particular engine. After all, it is very easy to acquire traffic police databases now. Here I have a fax on my desk, which someone anonymous sent to our editorial office and offers "...computer CD-ROM disks for cash ... The" Cars-2000 "disc - information about the owner of the vehicle and his car (including full name, telephone, address, passport details, etc.) for Moscow. Data up to December 2000. Price: 1.000 rub.” This is followed by an Internet address where you must leave your name and telephone number. After a meeting reminiscent of a contact between two underground fighters, you become the owner of confidential information that the traffic police seemed to be keeping secret.

It's still "seeds"! Any serious group of hijackers has an informant in the traffic police. Therefore, if they liked your car, then the VIN number is easily found out by the registration number. Now, again, having your person in the authorized dealer center, it is not difficult to recognize the design and components of the factory anti-theft system from it.

The “quarantine” described in the interview in case of installation of “ Lo Jack» - for hijackers, this is not the most effective method protect yourself from the punishment of the law. There is a simpler and more reliable method, where “your” person again comes to the fore. The car is stolen and dumped. Then a call to the informant: “Is such and such a car listed as wanted by Lo-Jack?” If “yes”, she is no longer approached. If "no", the car goes to the "interrupters" and further along the chain.

Increasingly, employees of state structures become clients of hijackers. Who will check the car with "special" numbers and "special" person behind the wheel? And the words of a seasoned criminal from some recent TV detective begin to seem true: “Thieves are slowly becoming businessmen, and cops are becoming thieves ...”
The fact that foreign cars are quoted higher among Russian thieves domestic cars, is not surprising. But even abroad, criminals seem to prefer to steal imported cars.
FOR EXAMPLE, in Central Europe, according to the All-German Association of Insurance Companies, “ Volkswagen Golf TDI" latest generation takes only second place in the list of thieves' sympathies, and the first is the Japanese " Toyota Land Cruiser" with diesel engine. The honorable third position is held by the overseas Jeep Cherokee.

At the same time, which is curious, German Porsches, BMW-Sevens, Mercedes of the most prestigious models and Audi A8, stolen ... in other European countries. By the way, in order not to arouse suspicion among buyers, thieves sell these cars, equipped with high-quality fake documents, at very considerable prices. The Berlin police recently arrested several members of the gang, which managed to amass about a million marks in this way. However, according to a Justice Department spokesman, "this is just the tip of the iceberg."

For their own needs, Western European bandits steal powerful and maneuverable cars that can easily escape from the chase. The most popular in this regard are Mitsubishi Evolution VI" and " Subaru Impreza Turbo. It got to the point that the Yorkshire police (Great Britain), trying to prevent hijackings, began to send warnings to the owners of such cars about the possible manifestation of “unhealthy interest” in them. In particular, if a “tail” is found, car owners are invited to immediately go to the nearest police station and tell the officer on duty the number of the pursuing car ...

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