General issues and organization of rolling stock repairs. Check brackets, arms, bases, bushings, springs and other carriage parts. Parts must not have cracks, deformation, torn or worn threads, worn beyond the permissible holes according to

25. Preservation and restoration of proper technical condition rolling stock is provided through its maintenance and repair.

26. The purpose of maintenance is to: maintain the serviceability, readiness for work and good appearance of the rolling stock; reducing the wear rate of its parts, preventing malfunctions and extending the service life before repair; identifying any faults that have arisen in order to eliminate them in a timely manner.

27. Maintenance work is carried out strictly mandatory, i.e. forced upon completion of a certain mileage by a vehicle (trailer, semi-trailer).

28. Types of maintenance ( daily service EO, first technical maintenance TO-1, etc.), lists of operations performed for each type of maintenance, frequency (based on mileage) of maintenance, as well as standards for its labor intensity for planning purposes are established by the current regulations defining the procedure for maintenance and repair of automotive rolling stock transport.

29. The purpose of the repair is to eliminate faults that have arisen in the rolling stock.

30. Types of repairs (current and major), their characteristics and standards (for planning purposes) are established by the current regulations defining the procedure for maintenance and repair of rolling stock.

General principles for organizing maintenance and repair of rolling stock

31. Maintenance And Maintenance of rolling stock are carried out by motor transport enterprises (organizations) or service stations (centralized maintenance bases).

32. Overhaul of rolling stock and its units, as a rule, is carried out by automobile repair, aggregate repair plants and specialized enterprises (tire repair plants, battery repair shops, fuel equipment, electrical equipment, etc.).

33. Maintenance and repair of rolling stock in a motor transport enterprise (organization) is entrusted to the technical service, led by the chief engineer.

The structure of the production divisions of the technical service that perform maintenance and repair of rolling stock (shops, sections, etc.) is determined by the form of production organization adopted in the motor transport enterprise, and the number of workers and the number of teams within each division is determined production program and the required operating mode (shift).

Daily Maintenance (EO)

35. The list of EO works includes checking the rolling stock arriving from the line and released onto the line, external care for it during refueling operations.

36. To check the rolling stock arriving from the line and released onto the line, a control unit must be created in the motor transport enterprise (organization). technical point(KTP) with an inspection ditch (overpass, half overpass, lift) and a set necessary tools, fixtures and equipment.

37. Checking the rolling stock upon arrival from the line and upon release onto the line is the responsibility of the driver and department employees technical control(QC) of an enterprise (organization).

If a given enterprise (organization) does not have a quality control department, checking the rolling stock when returning from the line and releasing it onto the line is carried out by mechanics of the control point.

38. When checking rolling stock arriving from the line, the following is established:

  • time of arrival, distance meter readings and remaining fuel in the car tank;
  • completeness of rolling stock;
  • presence of malfunctions, breakdowns and damages;
  • need for ongoing repairs.

If necessary, an application for routine repairs is drawn up with a list of faults to be eliminated, and a report on damage to the rolling stock indicating the nature, causes of the breakdown and the persons responsible for it.

39. When released onto the line, it is checked appearance, completeness and technical condition of the rolling stock, as well as the completion of maintenance or repairs assigned to it the day before (according to external inspection and accounting documentation).

The check is carried out according to a specific list of operations compiled in a motor transport enterprise or organization, taking into account the design of the rolling stock used in this enterprise and its operating conditions. The list should provide for mandatory inspection of the serviceability of systems, assemblies, components and parts of rolling stock that affect traffic safety, including steering, brakes, suspension, wheels and tires, body and cabin, external lighting devices, light and sound alarms, and windshield wipers. Buses, taxis and all vehicles operating on mountain routes are subject to the most thorough inspection.

In the event of a change of drivers on the line, the technical condition of the rolling stock at the time of its transfer is checked jointly by the driver who completed the shift and the driver who starts work. The serviceability of the rolling stock is confirmed by the signatures of the driver in waybill indicating the transmission time and speedometer readings.

40. To perform external maintenance operations for rolling stock, consisting of cleaning the body and cabin, washing and wiping or drying, external maintenance posts or lines with washing installations and other necessary equipment must be created in a motor transport enterprise (organization).

The bodies of specialized vehicles for transporting food products must be subjected to sanitary treatment at external care stations, and the bodies of vehicles transporting chemical fertilizers, pesticides and radioactive substances must be neutralized in accordance with the requirements of the instructions defining the procedure for transporting such goods.

External maintenance posts and lines, which are characterized by high humidity and dirty workplaces, should be located separately from other rooms for maintenance and repair of rolling stock.

41. EO refueling operations - refueling cars, adding oil to the engine crankcase and coolant to the radiator - are carried out by drivers at the expense of the preparatory and final time provided for by their operating mode. Refueling is usually done at gas stations according to coupons, top up oil and water - at a motor transport company.

First and second technical services (TO-1 and TO-2)

42. TO-1 includes external maintenance of rolling stock in the scope of EO, as well as control, fastening, adjustment and lubrication operations, performed, as a rule, without removing from the rolling stock or partial development (opening) of the serviced devices, components and mechanisms. During TO-2, these same operations are performed in an expanded scope, and, if necessary, the serviced devices (components, mechanisms) are opened or removed from the rolling stock.

If the next maintenance-2 coincides with the transition from the spring-summer to the autumn-winter or, conversely, from the autumn-winter to the spring-summer period of operation, the list of work performed during this maintenance is supplemented with operations to prepare the rolling stock for the coming season (seasonal technical service).

43. Each motor transport enterprise (organization) must draw up monthly plans - schedules for the implementation of TO-1 and TO-2, taking into account the standard frequency of these types of maintenance and the planned average daily mileage of rolling stock.

44. The timing of putting rolling stock into service may be indicated in plans - schedules or total mileage from the start of operation according to the distance meter readings, or calendar dates. When using plans and schedules of the second type, they are subject to ongoing adjustments based on the actual mileage of the rolling stock.

TO-1 must be performed during the period of time between working shifts of rolling stock (during inter-shift time). To perform TO-2, rolling stock can be removed from service.

45. TO-1 and TO-2 of rolling stock can be carried out at single (dead-end) posts and on production lines consisting of several sequential posts.

It is advisable to introduce a continuous maintenance method with a homogeneous rolling stock and a daily program of units performing maintenance of at least twelve to fifteen TO-1 and five to six TO-2.


46. ​​Current repairs are considered to be those carried out to eliminate individual faults when the general condition of the vehicle (trailer, semi-trailer) or unit is satisfactory and they have sufficient service life for further operation.

Current repairs are carried out by carrying out disassembly - assembly, plumbing - fitting and other necessary work with replacement:

  • for the unit - individual worn or damaged parts, except for the basic ones (housing);
  • for a vehicle (trailer, semi-trailer) - individual components and assemblies requiring routine or major repairs.

47. The need for routine repairs can be identified during the operation of rolling stock on the line, when checking it upon arrival from the line and during regular maintenance.

48. Current repairs of vehicles (trailers, semi-trailers), as usual, are carried out at separate (dead-end) posts. If the volume of work required to eliminate malfunctions is small, it is allowed to carry them out at maintenance posts or lines, provided that this does not disrupt the rhythm of work established for them (the so-called “related” repairs).

49. Current repair operations, the need for which arises most often and regularly, can be included in the scope of TO-2 operations with the establishment of a repeatability coefficient “K” for each operation, which determines the need to perform it at each TO-2 or after one, two, three TOs -2 or more (in this case, “K” will be equal to 1.0 - 0.5 - 0.33, etc., respectively). First of all, the scope of TO-2 should include operations for routine repair of mechanisms and components that determine the safety of vehicles, and especially buses and passenger cars- taxi.

50. During the current repair of vehicles (trailers, semi-trailers), it is necessary to widely use the aggregate-node method, the essence of which is that the faulty unit (unit) is replaced by another, taken from the stock of circulating units and units motor transport enterprise(organization) or a centralized fund of a group of enterprises. The removed unit (unit) is repaired in the appropriate production department, after which it is supplied to replenish the stock of circulating units.

Maintenance and current repair of rolling stock operating separately from the motor transport enterprise (organization)

51. The service life of rolling stock sent to work away from a motor transport enterprise (deployment for harvesting, geological exploration expeditions, etc.) must guarantee the performance of transportation during the entire period of the assignment.

52. Each vehicle (road train) must have a set of driver’s tools, as well as spare parts and materials necessary to repair minor faults. Lists of items included in this kit are compiled by the motor transport enterprise (organization).

53. A team of repair and maintenance workers, headed by a foreman (mechanic), is assigned to a group (column) of rolling stock sent to work in isolation from a motor transport enterprise (organization), and mobile vehicles are assigned technical means(PARM type auto repair shop, fuel trucks, etc.) with sufficient quantity inventory, spare parts and materials allowing to carry out the full range of work on maintenance and routine repairs of the rolling stock of the group (column).

54. Maintenance and ongoing repairs of single vehicles (road trains) operating in isolation from the enterprise (organization) are provided by their drivers.

55. When organizing the maintenance and ongoing repair of vehicles (road trains) operating in isolation from the enterprise (organization), the maintenance regimes established by the current regulations defining the procedure for maintenance and repair of rolling stock must be strictly observed. Responsibility for the technical condition of rolling stock, timely and high-quality implementation its maintenance and repair are borne by the head of the group (column) and the foreman of the repair and maintenance workers, and in relation to single vehicles (road trains) - by their drivers.

56. During intercity transportation of goods and passengers, technical maintenance of rolling stock making trips with a length exceeding the established maintenance frequency is carried out at motor transport enterprises and service stations located along the transportation route on a contractual basis.

Major renovation

57. Major repairs are considered to be those carried out in the event of a general deterioration in the technical condition and exhaustion of the service life of a vehicle (trailer, semi-trailer) or unit, in order to restore the specified resource to values ​​that comply with established standards.

58. Overhaul consists of completely disassembling a vehicle (trailer, semi-trailer) into units, and units - into parts, performing plumbing, mechanical, welding, coppersmithing, wallpaper, painting and other necessary work with the replacement of all worn or damaged parts without exception with new or refurbished.

59. The need for major repairs is determined by a commission appointed by the head of the motor transport enterprise (organization). Units are considered to require major repairs when there is wear or damage to the base part and a general deterioration in technical condition due to wear of most other parts, and cars are considered to require major repairs of most units, as well as frames and cabs (trucks) or bodies (cars and buses).

60. Technical condition and completeness of rolling stock and its units upon delivery to major renovation at auto repair plants and acceptance from repair must comply with the current technical specifications for delivery of vehicles, their assemblies and assemblies for major repairs and release from major repairs.

Replacing the units, components and parts installed on them with others on vehicles (trailers, semi-trailers) being prepared for major repairs is strictly prohibited.

Quality control and accounting for maintenance and repair of rolling stock

61. Quality control of maintenance and ongoing repairs of rolling stock is the responsibility of the quality control department of a motor transport enterprise (organization) and drivers. In addition to assessing the quality of service based on the results of checking the rolling stock at the KTP, this control is carried out by QCD employees through direct observation of the maintenance and repair of rolling stock by the relevant production departments. At the same time, Quality Control Department employees are also required to monitor compliance with established frequencies and implementation of lists of maintenance operations.

62. The control carried out by the quality control department does not relieve employees of production departments performing maintenance and repair of rolling stock from responsibility for the quality of work performed and the release of faulty rolling stock onto the line.

63. The quality of major repairs of cars (trailers, semi-trailers) and their units is guaranteed by car repair enterprises.

64. Each motor transport enterprise (organization) must keep records of the maintenance and repair of rolling stock. Methods, means and forms of accounting are established by the enterprise in agreement with a higher organization. Accepted methods and forms of accounting must ensure the ability to:

  • prompt receipt at any time and timely notification to the operation service of a motor transport enterprise (organization) of information about the technical condition of each unit of rolling stock (suitable for production on the line, requires maintenance or repair, is under maintenance or repair, etc.);
  • analyzing the results of the activities of the technical service of a motor transport enterprise;
  • registration of maintenance and repair work for each unit of rolling stock performed over its entire service life, the number of units, components and parts consumed;
  • identifying workers personally responsible for the quality of maintenance and repair of rolling stock.


Types of electric locomotive maintenance and repair


To ensure the specified volumes of transportation of goods and passengers, the transport vehicle must be kept in technically sound condition; this condition depends on the following factors:

reliability of design;

competent operation;

proper organization of the system for technical maintenance and repair of the TPS.

Currently, to maintain the transport system in technically sound condition and in proper cultural condition, a planned preventative system for organizing maintenance and repair is used, approved by the instruction of Russian Railways OJSC No. 13284 dated July 24, 2001 and supplemented by the instruction of the head of the Trans-Baikal Railway No. 413/4 dated June 19 .2003

To maintain the TPS in technically sound condition, the following types of maintenance and repairs are performed:

TO-1 - performed by locomotive crews in the scope of service repairs.

TO-2 - is carried out at PTOL points, by mechanics of complex teams.

TO-3 - performed only for diesel locomotives and motor-car rolling stock.

TO-1 and TO-2 serve to prevent the occurrence of malfunctions, maintain electric locomotives in working order and in proper sanitary and hygienic condition, ensure uninterrupted trouble-free operation and fire safety.

TO-4 is carried out by specialized workers who turn the tires of wheel pairs without rolling them out from under the TPS in order to maintain the optimal rolled value and thickness of the tire flanges.

TO-5 - is performed in the process of preparing an electric locomotive for placement in the reserve of the Ministry of Railways and long-term maintenance in the reserve of the railway.

In the process of preparing an electric locomotive for operation after construction, repair at factories or other depots, in the process of preparing an electric locomotive for operation before issuing it from the Ministry of Railways stock, TO-5 is also performed.

TR and TRS - serve to identify faults and eliminate them in the depot, restore the main performance characteristics and performance of electric locomotives.

SR - dismantling is carried out with revision and modernization of individual components. It is carried out at the stalls of the home depot of electric locomotives by complex and specialized teams. Work is carried out on raising and lowering the body, repairing trolleys, assembling and disassembling wheel-motor units, and also inspecting and repairing parts and assemblies that require repair, but cannot be repaired in this type of technical repair.

KR - is the main means of improving the EPS and provides for the restoration of load-bearing structures of the body, complex repairs bogie frames, wheel pairs and gears, auxiliary machines, restoration geometric parameters parts to drawing dimensions, etc.

The KRP is designed to restore the operational characteristics, serviceability and complete restoration of the service life of all units, assemblies and parts, including basic ones, complete replacement wires and cables, as well as modernization of EPS.

Table 1

Norms between repair periods of TPS

Types and series of TPSStandards for periods between repairs, thousand kmMaintenanceCurrent repairMedium repairCapital. repairTO-2TO-3TRTRSTZSRKRPVL-80 v/i72 hours -242204406003000/ 2400VL-6548 hours -242006006002400VL-60TO-2TO-3TR-1TR-2TR-3KR-1-48-18180360720-

Duration of maintenance and repair of electric locomotive VL-80 2-section:

TO-2 - within 1 hour

TO-4 - 48 hours

TR - 34 hours

TRS - 2.5 days

TRZ - 7.5 days

SR - 8.5 days

Locomotives can be delivered to the depot for maintenance and repair with a mileage deviation of ±20%, judging by the technical condition of the TPS, based on this, monthly, quarterly and annual maintenance and repair plans are drawn up.

Repair points

Locomotive depots are divided into main and circulating depots. The main depots have an assigned fleet of locomotives for servicing freight and passenger trains for inspection and repair, equipment facilities, and repair shops.

The revolving depot produces TO-1 and TO-2, equipping locomotives and servicing trains. The turnover depot has workshops with stalls, which are equipped with: inspection ditches, equipped with lighting, increased level floors, elevated platforms.

The main depots are used for the production of TO-4, TO-5 and all types of repairs. They are carried out on special stalls, which are equipped similarly to maintenance shops of turnaround depots with the addition of various lifting and lowering and hoisting and transport mechanization equipment, as well as KZh-20M machines for the production of TO-4. The medium repair shop is located in a separate building and is designed for a repair program of up to 300 units per year.

Repair methods

Repair methods can be individual or aggregate.

The individual method is when equipment removed from an electric locomotive is installed on the same electric locomotive after repair. As the repair program increases, downtime rates increase, so the aggregate method becomes more profitable.

With the aggregate method, components and assemblies are removed from the locomotive and sent for repair to the appropriate departments or workshops of the depot, and in return they receive pre-repaired components and assemblies. The aggregate method makes it possible to reduce the downtime of locomotives for repairs, release locomotives from repairs on schedule, and increase the repair program in existing areas.

The main conditions of the aggregate method are: interchangeability of units, components, parts of locomotives and the availability of their working capital. The inclusion of large units in the working capital under TR-3: bogies, KMB, traction transformers and other large units led to significant downtime of locomotives, decreased repair time, and made it possible to increase throughput repair stalls The specialization and concentration of locomotive repairs when performing TR-3 and TRS allows for more efficient use of large-unit and in-line repair methods using production lines for the repair and assembly of components and assemblies. With the large-aggregate flow method, repairs of the body, electric carts and other components are organized along the flow, moving them to separate repair positions. With the large-aggregate method, individual components and assemblies are repaired in advance and assembled into a set; for example, a trolley frame is completely assembled and rolled under the body instead of being rolled out for repairs.

One of the most effective forms of organizing the repair of TPS is flow production, the essence of which is that the repaired units and parts move along a set route in accordance with the technological sequence of operations at a pre-calculated pace. As a rule, flow production is characterized by a high degree of mechanization, automation of technical equipment, its equipment transport devices, as well as job specialization.

electric locomotive railway locomotive electromagnetic contactor

Purpose, design and technical specifications assembly unit

The electromagnetic contactor is designed to control auxiliary and control circuits using interlocking contacts.

Electromagnetic contactors according to their design are divided into two groups: contactors with linear thrust contact system type MK-64, MK-69, MK-116, they are all similar in design, contactors of the second group with a rotary contact system type: MK-82, MK-85, MK-96 are also similar in design.

The contactor consists of three main components:

Electromagnetic drive

Electromagnetic arc extinguishing system of contact system

Locking device

The basis electromagnetic drive consists of a U-shaped bracket on which all components and parts of the apparatus are mounted: in the window of the bracket, an anchor is installed on a prism, held by special pads. The retractor coil is attached to the bracket with a bolt. The contactors are equipped with an electromagnetic arc extinguishing system, consisting of an arc extinguishing coil and an arc extinguishing chamber with poles. The entire system is mounted on an insulating base.

Fixed contact, moving contact, flexible shunt and busbar. The insulating bracket will switch the locking device using a rod. When the voltage is removed from the contactor coil, the armature will rotate under the action of the spring, the insulating bracket will move the movable contact, opening it with the stationary one. An arc arises between them, and by the magnetic flux of the arc extinguishing coil it is blown into the arc extinguishing chamber, where it is extinguished.

table 2

Technical characteristics of the electromagnetic contactor MK

Parameters MK 96 Rated voltage of the main circuit, V Rated current of the main circuit, A Rated voltage of the control circuit and auxiliary circuit, V Type and number of power contacts Contact break, mm Contact failure, mm Pressing KGS initial final Number and type of blocking contacts Blocking contact opening, mm Sink blocking contacts, mm Active resistance of the coil Ohm t 20 C380 150 50 1 closing 15±2 m 3±1 1.6±0.3 1.9±0.3 2 closing 6 3 43.78

Magnetic contactor MK 96 consists of:

U-shaped bracket (steel)

Anchor (steel)

Insulated strip (plastic)

Adjustment plates

Arcing chamber (asbestos-cement)

Fixed contact (copper)

Movable contact (copper)

Electrical lock

Adjusting washer

Switching coil (4300 turns, wire length 0.55 mm, PTTV)

Release spring (steel)

Working conditions of the assembly unit at the TPS, characteristic malfunctions

Electromagnetic contactors operate in harsh conditions, which are associated with significant mechanical problems arising due to shock, vibration, inertial force and impact electric current. Constant inclusions and switching off under load contribute to the occurrence of an arc, which leads to burning of contacts and burnout of the arc extinguishing chamber. Fever together with atmospheric influences, they extremely worsen the operating conditions of the contactor.

Table 3

Name of the malfunction Reasons for its occurrence 1. Contact wear Friction between contacts 2. Burnt contacts Electric arc, poor contact contacts, insufficient contact pressure 3. Burnout and melting of the working surface of the contacts Electric arc between the contacts 4. Arc extinguishing coil melting Electric arc5. Reverse arc blowing Incorrect activation. arc extinguishing coil6. Breakage of the switching coils Due to mechanical stress during maintenance and due to interturn and short circuits7. Interturn short circuit Impact is unacceptable high current, accelerated aging of insulation due to temperature and humidity8. Insulation breakdown on the housing Impact of high voltage, insulation aging, heat, humidity9. Loosening of cables and flexible shunt Vibration arising during operation10. Wiring of cable fastening and flexible shuntHigh temperature11. Wear and breakage of connecting shunts Cyclic loads12. The moving part touches the walls of the arc chute Incorrect installation of the contactor 13. Cracks on the wall of the arc chute Mechanical impact14. Carbon deposits on the walls and dein grilles of the arc-extinguishing chamber. Impact of an electric arc15. Burnout of the arc chamber walls Impact of an electric arc16. Unclear connection Incorrect polarity when connecting17. Cracks and fracture of insulating strips Static loads and the impact of dynamic forces18. Improper fit of the armature. Wear and deformation of the hinges that occurs during operation19. Insufficient contact pressure Loss of spring elasticity 20. The solution does not meet the standard Contact wear, incorrect adjustment contactor21. The failure does not correspond to the norm. Contact wear, incorrect adjustment22. Loss of elasticity in springs Metal aging (fatigue), cracks in springs 23. Burnt auxiliary contactsElectric arc that occurs between the contacts24. Entry of foreign objects under the anchor Due to vibration25. The armature does not fit correctly to the core Incorrect installation

Characteristics of work during maintenance and routine repairs of an assembly unit

During TO-2, the contactor is inspected directly at the TPS. For this type of maintenance, you need to inspect the contactor for any damage. Check the components of fasteners, the reliability of fastening of shunts, wires and contact parts. Pay attention to the operation of the moving parts; they must move freely, without distortions or jams. Check the status of the contacts. Drop-shaped deposits and foreign inclusions are not allowed on the contact surfaces; breaks or cracks that reduce mechanical strength are not allowed on the contact plates. Contacts containing silver do not require stripping. Deposits and drops of metal are eliminated on copper contact surfaces. Check the smooth operation of the device; when voltage is applied to the switching coil, the contactor should operate clearly without jamming.

At the TR it is necessary to perform work in the scope of TO-2. Remove dust and dirt from contactor parts. Check the condition of the contacts and make sure there is no mechanical damage to the insulation. Wipe the surface of the insulators with a cloth moistened with kerosene and then wipe dry. Inspect flexible connections and prismatic supports. Replace flexible shunts with traces of excessive heating - solder melting, faulty tips, broken wires of more than 20% of the cross-sectional area. Check that the device parts comply with the standards.

At the TRS, it is necessary to carry out the volume of work of the TR and additionally remove the arc extinguishing chambers, inspect them, paying attention to the condition of the dein gratings and the internal walls of the chamber, and clean them of soot and soot. Burnout fractures and cracks in the walls are not allowed. When installing arc chutes, check that the moving parts of the contactor do not jam against the walls of the arc chute. The poles of the arc chute must be in close contact with the poles of the arc suppressor coil.

Check the condition and fastenings of power contacts and shunts. If there are burns and melting, the contacts are cleaned. Check and adjust the solution, mixing failure and pressing of power contacts. Check the condition and fastening of the arc extinguishing coils and switching coils. The loosening of the coil is fixed. Small cracks in the insulation are painted over with insulating enamel. Check the condition of the arc extinguishing coil core. The weakened poles are fixed. Worn contacts and sagging springs are replaced. Regulates the breaking and failure of auxiliary contacts.

It is necessary to perform all TRS work on the CP. The contactor is repaired in the depot's hardware shop with complete disassembly (if necessary). A switching coil with damaged insulation, broken turns or interturn short circuit and with active resistance exceeding the nominal by more than 16% is repaired or replaced. The armature, core and magnetic circuit are galvanized if necessary. Repair or replace parts of prismatic supports, fasteners, flexible shunts, wires, tips and springs. The arc chute is disassembled and repaired. Contacts with minor wear are filed and ground, and in case of significant wear and melting, they are restored or replaced with new ones. After making sure that all parts are in good condition, the contactor is assembled. The adjustment of the contacts is checked simultaneously with checking the correctness of their assembly.

All SR work is performed at the KR. And they restore operational characteristics, serviceability and resources.

At the control panel, the operational characteristics, serviceability and full service life of the contactor are restored.

Table 4

Maximum permissible (installation, overall, geometric) dimensions and operating parameters of parts and assembly units

Name of dimensions of parameters Types of repairs drawing KRSR/TRZTRSTR1. Thickness of main contacts without covers: movable, mm fixed, mm 8 6 7-8.2 4.5-6 6-8.2 3.5-6 6-5 3.5-3 less than 5 less than 32. Contact height, measured from the middle of the surface to the base 23 23 20-23 19-20 less than 183. Opening of the main contacts, mm15±215-1913-1715-19 less than 13 more than 204. Size controlling the failure of the main contacts, mm 3 +13-4 2-4 1-2 less than 15. Maximum lateral displacement of contacts, mm-122.5 more than 26. Line of contact of the main contact not less than %80808080 less than 807. Thickness of auxiliary contact linings 1,2 -0,150.8-1.20.5-1.20.1-1less than 0.18. Auxiliary contact solution4 +14,54,55less than 4 more than 69. Failure of auxiliary contacts2 +12-32-32less than 210. Stroke of locking rod6 +0,56-6,56-76less than 611. Free movement locking rod approx. contactor less than 1 1-2 1-3 1-4 less than 1 more than 412. Wear of arc chamber struts-102535 more than 50

Methods and technology for repairing an assembly unit

With SR, the magnetic contactor is removed from the TPS and sent for repair to the hardware shop. There the contactor is disassembled and each part is repaired separately.

Contacts are inspected for surface wear, scorching, melting, insufficient area or line of contact. Darkened contacts are a sign of weakening of their fastening, insufficient area of ​​contact. Contacts with a thickness of the working part less than the norm are replaced. Burns and melting are removed from the power contacts with a velvet file, and from the blocking contacts with a chrome-plated or silver-plated steel plate. Nagars with silver contacts remove with a napkin soaked in gasoline, and then wipe them dry.

If the working surfaces of the power contact have defects or uneven wear, and its thickness does not correspond acceptable standards, then the surface of the contacts is restored by soldering copper plates of grade M1 with brass solder L62. After removing burns and melting or after soldering, the surfaces of the contacts are tightened according to a template corresponding to the profile of the given contact. At the same time, ensure that the radii of rounding the corners are at least 3 mm, and the contact area is controlled at least 80% of their surface. The contact area is controlled by the mark on the polishing paper on the white stripe. Paper is placed between the contacts before they are closed. Lateral displacement of movable power contacts relative to fixed ones is allowed no more than 2 mm.

Bolted connections.

Traces of excessive heating or weakening are dismantled. Check the condition of bolts, nuts, plain and spring washers. Faulty washers, nuts and bolts with cracks or broken threads, spring washers that have lost elasticity or burst are not recommended to be restored, but replaced with new ones. The tightness of bolted connections is checked using a wrench.

When tightening or removing bolts, using a chisel, a wrench of the wrong size, or extending the wrench with other wrenches is strictly prohibited.

Connecting wires.

If more than 10% of the wires at the entrance to the tip are damaged, they are remelted along the “healthy” section, if the length of the wire allows the damaged area to be removed. If this wire is not long enough or if it breaks internal cores replace the wire. Remove the insulation from the end of the wire for installing the tip and solder it with pos-40 solder. The length of the bare wire should be such that after installing the tip, the distance between the cut of the insulation and the end of the tip is about 15 mm.

Inspection and defectiveness of the coil. They are carried out to identify both visible defects: burnouts, mechanical damage to the outer insulation, damage to the leads and tips of the coil, and invisible defects - winding breakage, interturn short circuit. To identify breakdowns, measure the active resistance of the coil using a megameter. It should not deviate from the established one by more than 8% upward or 5% downward. Increased over permissible value coil resistance for a possible internal break of the coil or for deterioration of contact between the core of the winding output and the tip. A possible interturn short circuit is detected using a two-rod transformer. If the coil being tested is working properly, then when installing and removing the reference coil, the current measured by the ammeter and the reading of the voltmeters should remain unchanged or change with a deviation of ±5%. If the deviations are greater, this indicates the presence of an interturn short circuit. You should not check coils with interturn short circuits on the IU-57 or VI-3 pulse installation.

Repair of coils.

Repair of coils with complete disassembly is carried out in the presence of broken conductors or an interturn short circuit. If the coil insulation is damaged, then repairs are limited to only partial disassembly or replacement of the insulation. For interturn coils, two winding breaks are allowed. The ends of the winding wires at break points are cleaned, twisted and soldered with POS-40 solder. A megohmmeter measures the insulation resistance of the coil in relation to the core. It must be at least 500 Kom. Coils with lower insulation resistance are impregnated.

The faulty coil frame is replaced with a new one, made of plastic or assembled from separate parts.

Impregnation of coils.

Impregnation of the coils is necessary to restore the electrical strength of the insulation, its moisture resistance and thermal conductivity. Before impregnation, the coil is dried to remove moisture at a temperature of 100-110 0C for 3 hours. After the coil has cooled to a temperature of 50-60 0C is immersed in a tank with varnish No. 447. The coil is held until all the air is removed from them. The coil is then held over the tank until the dripping stops. After this, they are again placed in the oven and at a temperature of 100-110 0C is kept until completely dry. The dried coils are coated with BT-99 varnish and dried in air for 3-4 hours.

Double rod transformer

If there is an interturn short circuit in coil 2 being tested, the current in reference coil 1 and the readings of voltmeters V1, V2 at the time of installation and removal of the reference coil will change noticeably.

Installing the lug on the connecting wire

Arc chambers

The arcing chamber is removed from the contactor and purged with compressed air, cleaned of soot and dirt, scorch marks and metal splashes, and disassembled. Asbestos-cement walls, partitions and dein gratings are cleaned on a chipping machine table. Walls with a thickness of less than 4 mm, with chips, cracks and burnouts with a depth of more than 25% and thickness, are replaced. Places of less deep burns and cracks are cut out, thoroughly cleaned with a file or coarse sandpaper, cleaned of dust and sand and sealed with special putty or epoxy resin.

Asbestos cement powder diluted with a liquid glass solution is used as putty. The putty is applied so that its level is slightly higher than the surface to be repaired, since as it hardens it produces sediment. Dry at a temperature of 25-30 0From (room) for 7-8 hours. Through burns and cracks can be removed with special putty. Apply the putty immediately after preparing it, as it hardens quickly.

Unusable copper and steel partitions of dein gratings are replaced. Arcing plates with small melts are cleaned and reused. Arc horns with melts more than 3 mm deep are fused or soldered with copper-tungsten tips.

Electromagnetic drive.

Possible malfunctions of this drive may be slow movement of the armature due to damage or loss of deomagnetic plates, increased wear or bottoming of prismatic supports, etc. Wear of prismatic anchor supports of more than 2 mm is eliminated by surfacing at an angle of 45 0and in side cutouts at an angle of 30 0. The faulty deomagnetic gasket is replaced or two copper rivets are installed at the end of the core. The heads of the rivets should protrude 0.3-0.6 mm above the end of the coil core.

Coil springs.

Springs with kinks and cracks are replaced with new ones. Stretched or sagging springs, but without mechanical damage, are restored. To do this, the spring is heated to a temperature of 920-980 0C, compress or stretch to required sizes and is subjected to hardening to impart the necessary elasticity. The spring after restoration must have the characteristics corresponding to the drawing. They check it on a special device. On it, the spring is compressed under the action of a load of the required mass and its subsidence is determined using a ruler. Deviation from the drawing dimensions is allowed no more than ±8%. It is not permitted to install springs on the device with a number of turns and a diameter that does not correspond to the drawings.

Checking the correct activation of the arc suppression coil

According to the left-hand rule, the direction of movement of the arc 3 is from its interaction as a conductor with current 1 with the magnetic field 2 of the coil at the indicated polarity of the terminals.

Also check that the arc is blowing correctly; a current of 75 V is supplied to the contactor. The plus of the power source is connected to the positive terminal of the contactor. The contacts are manually closed and opened, visually determining the direction of arc movement. If it moves inside the contactor, then the polarity at the arc extinguishing coil terminals should be reversed.

Technical equipment and equipment used in the repair of an assembly unit. Purpose and technical characteristics

Name Type (brand) Purpose Stand for testing the electrical strength of insulation A 1299 TU 32 TsT632-74 For testing the electrical strength of the insulation of switching coils Electrical bath for soldering tips For soldering tips Device for testing contacts PR-2192 For determining the moment of switching on and off Drying oven PAP-32 For drying the coil from moisture and insulating varnish Megaohm meter to detect a break and interturn short circuit Two-rod transformer To detect interturn short circuit Workbench For ease of repair Bath with varnish For coil impregnation Cabinet for drying and cooling coils A 298.02.00 TU 32 TsT 138-70 For drying parts Template For checking the working surface of contacts after soldering Dynamometer To determine contact pressure Blowing chamber PR 1969.01 .00For cleaning contactor parts from dust and dirtRulerFor measuring the performance characteristics of the contactor Wrench For operations with bolted connections Screwdriver For operations with screw connections File For fitting and processing parts

Safety precautions

During maintenance and technical repairs, technical repairs that are carried out directly at the TPS, when moving in the depot workshops, be careful when passing the paths and paths of movement of vehicles, because moving cars or locomotives when entering and leaving depot workshops is one of the main dangerous harmful factors.

Directly in the hardware shop, when performing SR, you need to ensure that the device or tool does not fall and cause injury. Harmful factors are also insufficient lighting, dust and gas pollution in the workplace. Prolonged exposure to harmful factors makes them dangerous.

When testing electrical strength, the presence of unauthorized persons in the premises is not allowed. Testing by one person is prohibited; at least two people must be present during testing. Workers conducting tests must wear rubber gloves and stand on rubber mats or wooden flooring. It is prohibited to short-circuit interlocks and safety contact blocks, as well as to carry out assembly electrical circuits or switching individual conductors in the presence of voltage on a breakdown transformer.

The insulating rods of the contacts for sample testing are installed in a special device - a metal casing or box.

Epoxy resins and ointments are toxic. Therefore, all work with them should be performed with rubber gloves, safety glasses and in rooms with good ventilation. If glue gets on your skin, it should be washed off immediately with alcohol, soapy water or a weak solution of baking soda.

Workbenches must have a rigid and durable structure. The top shield of the workbench is covered with iron. The width of the workbench must be at least 0.75 meters.

To protect against flying metal particles, safety small nets (with a mesh size of no more than 3 mm) or shields with a height of at least 1 meter are installed on workbenches. The distance between workbenches must be at least 900 mm.

Files must be inserted into serviceable handles without cracks, knocked down areas or other defects. Metal rings are attached to the ends of the handles where they are attached.

Wrenches must match the dimensions of the nuts and bolt heads and must not have cracks or nicks; the jaws of the keys must be parallel. Extend wrenches with other wrenches and pipes. It is also not allowed to use spacers between the nut and the key.

The influence of the technical condition of the assembly unit on traffic safety

The reliability and trouble-free operation of the TPS depends on the serviceability and accuracy of the contactors. Therefore, all contactors must provide good contact, accurate operation of the arc extinguishing system and drive, be securely fastened and protected from the penetration of dust and dirt and have insulation of the required quality.

The operation of the phase splitter, and therefore all auxiliary machines powered by 3-phase alternating current (voltage 380V), will depend on the serviceability of the magnetic contactor MK-96. This means that the electric locomotive will completely fail and its further movement along the stretch will cease, and if it was sent due to a failure of signaling and communication means, then the following train may crash into the tail of the train, which will lead to inevitable large financial costs and disruption of traffic on this section ways. The condition of the magnetic contactor directly affects the performance of the TPS and can only indirectly cause a train crash.

Train traffic safety is one of the main responsibilities of railway transport workers and to ensure high level safety during the transportation of goods and passengers, railway transport workers, in particular workers involved in the maintenance and repair of rolling stock and special self-propelled rolling stock Special attention When carrying out maintenance and repairs, pay attention to components and assemblies on which the traffic safety of the vehicle directly depends (i.e. wheel pairs, axle boxes, spring and cradle suspension), and to components and assemblies on which traffic safety only indirectly depends, i.e. magnetic contactors and other devices.

List of used literature

1.Directive of JSC Russian Railways No. 13284 dated July 24, 2008.

2.Directive of the head of the Transbaikal Railway No. 413/4 dated June 19, 2003.

For turning tires of wheel sets without rolling them out from under the electric locomotive when reaching optimal or limiting values ​​for a given area of ​​operation...
The repair cycle includes sequentially repeated types of maintenance and repair.

Purpose, design and technical characteristics of the electric locomotive bogie frame...

These documents establish the following types of maintenance - TO-1, TO-2, TO-3, TO-4...
...from an electric locomotive, after repair they are installed on the same electric locomotive with a certain increase in the repair program and a reduction in downtime by more...

2.1. The system of maintenance and repair of locomotives of JSC Russian Railways provides for the following types of scheduled maintenance and repair:

technical maintenance TO-1;
technical maintenance TO-2;
technical maintenance TO-3;
technical maintenance TO-4;
maintenance of TO-5a;
technical maintenance TO-5b;
technical maintenance TO-5v;
technical maintenance TO-5g;
current repair of TR-1;
current repair of TR-2;
current repair of TR-3;
medium repair of SR;
major repairs of the Kyrgyz Republic.

2.2. Maintenance is a set of operations to maintain the operability and serviceability of the locomotive *.

Maintenance of TO-1, TO-2 and TO-3 is periodic and is intended to monitor the technical condition of components and systems of the locomotive in order to prevent operational failures. The placement of locomotives for maintenance of TO-4, TO-5a, TO-5b, TO-5v, TO-5g is planned as necessary.

Note: definitions marked with an asterisk (*) are given based on the definitions specified in OST 32.109‑97 “Tractive rolling stock (TPS). Maintenance and repair system. Terms and Definitions".

2.3. When performing technical maintenance TO-1, as well as when performing technical maintenance TO-2 (within established duration standards), locomotives are taken into account in the operating fleet. Locomotives delivered for other types of maintenance and repair are excluded from the operating fleet and are recorded as faulty.

2.4. Maintenance of TO-1 is carried out by the locomotive crew during acceptance, delivery and equipping of the locomotive, and during stops at railway stations. Maintenance of TO-2 is carried out, as a rule, by employees of locomotive maintenance points (PTOL). The basic requirements for organizing and conducting maintenance of TO-1 and TO-2 locomotives are established by the Instruction for the maintenance of electric and diesel locomotives in operation, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on September 27, 1999 No. TsT-685.

2.5. Maintenance of TO-3 is carried out, as a rule, at the locomotive depot where the locomotive is registered.

2.6. Maintenance of TO-4 is carried out in order to maintain the profile of tires of wheel sets within the limits established by the Instructions for the formation, repair and maintenance of wheel pairs of traction rolling stock of 1520 mm gauge railways, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on June 14, 1995 No. TsT‑329. During maintenance of TO-4, the tires of wheel sets are turned around without rolling out from under the locomotive. A locomotive is enrolled in TO-4 maintenance if no other maintenance and repair operations are performed on the locomotive, except for turning wheel pair tires.

If turning of wheel set tires is combined with operations for maintenance TO-3, current repair of TR-1 or TR-2, the locomotive is not included in the maintenance of TO-4, but is accounted for as being under maintenance TO-3 (current repair of TR-3 1, TR‑2) with turning.

2.7. Maintenance of TO-5a is carried out with the aim of preparing the locomotive for placement in the reserve or reserve of the railway. Maintenance of TO-5b is carried out in order to prepare the locomotive for dispatch in an inoperative state. Maintenance of TO-5v is carried out in order to prepare for operation a locomotive that arrived in an inoperative state, after construction, after repairs outside the locomotive home depot, or after relocation. Maintenance of TO-5g is carried out in order to prepare the locomotive for operation after being kept in reserve (railroad reserve).

2.8. Repair is a set of operations to restore the serviceability, performance and service life of a locomotive *.

2.9. Routine repair of a locomotive is a repair performed to ensure or restore the operability of the locomotive and consists of replacing and restoring individual components and systems *.

Current repairs of TR-1 are carried out, as a rule, in locomotive depots where locomotives are registered. Current repairs of TR-2 are carried out, as a rule, in specialized locomotive depots of the railways where the locomotives are registered. Current repairs of TR-3 are carried out in specialized locomotive depots of railways (base locomotive depots).

2.10. Medium repair of a locomotive (SR) - repairs performed to restore serviceability and partially restore the resource of the locomotive *.

Medium repairs of locomotives are carried out at basic locomotive depots, at locomotive repair plants of JSC Russian Railways or at third-party organizations that repair locomotives.

2.11. Overhaul of a locomotive (CR) - repairs performed to restore the operational characteristics, serviceability of the locomotive and its service life close to full *. Major repairs of locomotives are carried out at the locomotive repair plants of JSC Russian Railways or in third-party organizations that repair locomotives.

2.12. The volumes and procedure for performing mandatory work during scheduled maintenance and repair, rejection criteria and acceptable methods for restoring parts and assembly units are determined by the current operational and repair documentation, agreed upon and approved in the prescribed manner.

2.13. The average norms for the frequency of maintenance and repair of locomotives for JSC Russian Railways are given in Tables 1 - 3.

The frequency of maintenance of TO-2 is calculated by the time the locomotive is in the operating fleet.

Maintenance frequency TO-3 and scheduled repairs for locomotives indicated in tables 1 and 2, it is calculated by the linear mileage of the locomotive.

The frequency of maintenance of TO-3, current and average repairs for the locomotives listed in Table 3 is calculated by the time the locomotive is in the operating fleet. The frequency of overhauls for locomotives listed in Table 3 is calculated in full calendar time from construction or previous repairs during which the electrical wiring and insulation of electrical machines.

branches regarding repairs mobile composition Requirements: higher education in the field of knowledge of repair technology mobile composition... the largest specialized railway operator in Russia and the CIS countries mobile composition, intended for transportation...

Mechanic (release of rolling stock onto the line)

Mosgortrans, State Unitary Enterprise - Moscow 26,000 rub. per month

Responsibilities: Ensures daily, timely scheduled releases mobile composition to the line in accordance with the release order... mobile composition on the line and receives mobile composition upon returning to the branch: Checks the sanitary and technical condition and...

Mechanic repairing rolling stock


and assembly of main components mobile composition; - Manufacturing, repair and determining the quality of parts; - Testing and delivery of the repaired... - Man. Age from 18; - Citizenship of the Russian Federation; - Secondary education; - Conscientiousness, diligence. Responsibilities: - Disassembly, repair...

Rolling stock repairman


strong Responsibilities: /strong - Repair, installation, dismantling, testing, regulation and adjustment of equipment, units, machines; - Disassembly... and repair, assembly of units and equipment. - Carrying out routine maintenance units and mechanisms in special cars. strong Requirements...

Technologist (IT, category 1)

Russian railways - Moscow

repair mobile composition mobile composition

Leading technologist (information security)

Russian Railways - Moscow

; provision of infrastructure services; provision of services locomotive traction; repair mobile composition; construction of infrastructure facilities... capital construction; branches in the field of repair mobile composition; branches in the field of track facilities; branches in the field of informatization...

Financial Controller / Economist

MVPS-Service - Moscow 75,000 rub. per month

The carrier company and the Central Directorate of the multiple unit mobile composition PJSC Russian Railways. The Company is currently developing..., such as the acceptance of electric trains at the 15th depot of the Moscow Railway; small body repair electric trains at 20 points of the Moscow hub, including 9 metropolitan...

Chief Business Process Optimization Specialist

- Moscow

mobile composition repair and service...

Vehicle production mechanic

Crossroads - Moscow 60,000-72,000 rub. per month

imagine without this person. Your tasks: ensuring good condition mobile composition convoys and releasing it onto the line in accordance with... maintenance, repair, washing mobile composition convoys and control over the quality and timeliness of work; conducting training...

Team lead development of 1C (economic planning and analysis systems)

TransMashHolding, Group of companies - Moscow

. "Transmashholding" - largest supplier mobile composition for the world's largest transport company– JSC Russian Railways. Products... parts; repair and service...

Team lead developed by 1C (personnel management system based on 1C ZUP KORP)

TransMashHolding, Group of companies - Moscow

mechanical engineering by physical production volumes. Transmashholding is the largest supplier mobile composition for the world's largest transport...; automobile municipal equipment; spare parts; repair and service...


Ecotol Service - Moscow 60,900 rub. per month

locomotives, tram and other motor cars and mobile composition, including: repair and work on service environmentally friendly...

Rolling stock maintenance- organizational and technical measures designed to maintain rolling stock in good condition during the period of operation between scheduled types of maintenance. During maintenance (MOT), a set of works is carried out to ensure traffic safety, operability of all components and equipment, fire safety, as well as the proper sanitary and hygienic condition of the rolling stock.
Maintenance of locomotives includes monitoring the technical condition, cleaning, lubrication, replacement of parts. parts or their adjustment in order to prevent damage, as well as part of the work to eliminate damage and their consequences. There are four types of maintenance. TO-1 is performed by the locomotive crew upon acceptance and delivery of the locomotive on the main and return depot tracks, at change points locomotive crews, when stopping at intermediate stations, along the way, when putting the locomotive in reserve, waiting for work and commissioning, when equipping the locomotive (the scope of work includes inspection, fastening and cleaning of critical units, components and parts). TO-2 is produced by highly qualified specialists. by specialists at locomotive maintenance points in specially equipped inspection ditches (the scope of work includes inspection of the chassis, brake system, traction motors, auxiliary machines, transformers and electrical apparatus). TO-3 is performed by specialized teams at the main locomotive depots (except for electric locomotives alternating current) on specialized repair stands equipped with an inspection ditch (the list of works includes the procedure and test modes brake equipment, automatic couplers, speed meters, automatic locomotive signaling, wheel sets, etc.). Before being placed at TO-3, each locomotive, electric train and diesel train is cleaned of the body and undercarriage, purged of all electrical machines and devices using small-scale mechanization means. TO-4 is carried out in locomotive depots equipped with machines for turning wheelsets without rolling them out from under the locomotive (in order to maintain the rolling value and thickness of the tire flanges of the wheel pairs). The volume of work during maintenance, its frequency and average network norms for rolling stock downtime during the execution of work are established by the current regulatory and technical documents.
For the uninterrupted operation of freight cars, a maintenance and repair system has been installed, which includes three types of maintenance: maintenance of cars located in trains or transit trains, as well as empty cars in preparation for loading without uncoupling them from a train or group of cars; TR-1 - current repair of empty cars in preparation for transportation with uncoupling from a train or group of cars and delivery to a specialized track; TR-2 - current repair of cars with uncoupling from transit and arriving trains or from formations. compositions. Specialist. Types of maintenance of autonomous refrigerated cars are carried out at loading stations, along the route at unloading stations, as well as at maintenance points to maintain the working condition of energy, refrigeration and auxiliary equipment. In addition, depot repairs (DR) are carried out in wagon depots and major repairs (CR-1 and CR-2) are carried out at factories.
The following types of maintenance are distinguished: passenger cars: TO-1 in trains before each departure, as well as in trains en route and at intermediate stations; TO-2 before the start of summer and winter transportation, performed at train formation points; TO-3 - a unified audit of the main components and cars, performed 6 months after construction or scheduled repairs on specialized tracks with the uncoupling of cars from the trains; current repairs with uncoupling of cars from trains or trains with delivery on a specialized track. Maintenance of wagons is carried out at the points where wagons are prepared for transportation and at maintenance points that are part of the wagon depots. Based on the type of train maintenance, technical maintenance points (MSPs) are divided into freight, passenger, and mixed (servicing freight and passenger trains). Based on the nature of the work and the type of maintenance performed, a distinction is made between maintenance points, inspection and maintenance points, technical transfer cars, brake testing stations, control points.
Maintenance of car brakes is carried out at freight cars located in trains or transit trains, as well as on empty cars when preparing them for loading without uncoupling from the train; on passengers, wagons when preparing trains for a trip, at points where trains and transit PTOs are put into circulation. Maintenance of brakes is carried out in the process of carrying out maintenance of cars, during which a complex of works is carried out to maintain the brake equipment of cars in working order and in good condition, ensuring non-stop movement of cars on the site. At the same time, they carefully inspect the equipment, identify and replace faulty brake pads, air distributors and electronic air distributors, auto modes, automatic linkage regulators, end and disconnectors, taps, connectors, hoses, non-standard and non-standard washers and cotter pins, brake shoes, protectors, and supporting brackets; adjust the brake lever transmission, rod output brake cylinder; eliminate leaks compressed air, and also carry out abbreviated or full testing auto brakes with density check brake line trains and action braking devices each car separately from the stationary air network of the technical service point or from compressor unit locomotive The completion of brake testing is recorded in writing by a certificate, which is issued to the locomotive driver and indicates that the train is safe by pressing the brake. Maintenance of brake equipment is carried out in accordance with standard technical standards. process of operation of the technical equipment and the current Instructions for the operation of rolling stock brakes.
The maintenance system on the metro includes three types technical inspection, three types of current repairs and two types of factory repairs. The frequency of inspections and repairs and their scope are determined by orders of the Ministry of Railways in accordance with the design of the rolling stock and its operating conditions. The main difference between the organization of maintenance of metro rolling stock and main roads is that technical inspections and current repairs of the first volume are carried out without removing the rolling stock from service during the standstill between peak hours. Daily technical inspection of the first volume is carried out both in the electrical depot and in a special tunnel. technical inspection points operating around the clock and having necessary equipment. During inspections, simple repairs or replacement of parts are carried out. devices. If it is necessary to carry out a larger volume of work, the train is supplied to the electric depot and the faulty car is sent for repair and replaced with a reserve one.