How to make the engine break down. How to guarantee to kill a diesel engine (three ways). Status: Partially confirmed upon re-check

1. Disabling various parts, assemblies, systems and assemblies

Motor transport is the most mobile means of transportation and delivery of goods. Therefore, disruption of its normal functioning is among the main tasks solved by saboteurs. Cars, like any complex mechanisms, can be disabled in many ways:

Exception necessary details engine that are quickly removed, in particular the distributor cap or battery ignition;

Plugging the plug into exhaust pipe;

Unscrewing the kerma rod on a raised car;

Violation of various sections of the fuel pipeline;

Unscrewing bolts to create vibration and loosen the fastening of parts with the aim of destroying the entire mechanism;

Cutting the drive belt;

Installing a wrench in parts of the mechanisms that move;

Pouring sugar into the gas tank (sugar crystallizes in the fuel line and carburetor, clogging them);

Filling (in winter) water into the radiator with the previous drain of antifreeze (water freezes and the ice, expanding, breaks the cylinder block);

Tossing the car to the side using a lift;

Screwing caps and unscrewing nipples (for lowering wheels),

Merging brake fluid from hydraulic system brakes;

Unscrewing the wheel brake mechanism;

Removing the roller from engagement with the worm of the kerma mechanism;

Loosening (unscrewing) the wheel nuts;

Disabling a battery by switching its terminals for help

wrench etc.

It is clear that most of the damage can be easily repaired in a garage. Therefore, saboteurs are trying to make sure that the breakdown occurs already on the way, far beyond the boundaries of the enterprise. To some extent, this may be facilitated by the failure of the vehicle fault warning system sensors.

Special means of disabling cars.

On given time there are a large number special means, which are designed to disable cars.

These include, in particular, different designs"hedgehogs" for piercing car tires. The peculiarity of hedgehogs is that when installed (thrown on the ground) they always have one spine directed vertically upward.

Another type of sabotage includes disabling car batteries using a special liquid composition. To disable one battery section, one drop of the composition is enough, for large sections - two drops. The battery discharges in 4 hours or less.

Sometimes sabotage is carried out, the consequences of which do not disable the car immediately, but after a calculated (fixed) time in advance, some time after the start of movement or after a certain mileage. This option is used in case of predictable dragging of a car on a required section of the road in order to seize the cargo that is being transported or to drag certain persons in the car. For such sabotage, specially developed means are used.

Some of them are pumped to the engine oil lubrication system. The product circulates in the lubrication system and melts all parts of the engine that move: bearings, pistons and, as a result, the cylinder block. Full exit engine failure will occur approximately 30 minutes from the moment it is started. In addition to cars, this product can be used against aircraft engines, nimble boats, motorcycles and, in general, against any high-speed mechanisms that use oil lubrication.

Other means damage the engine fuel system. Among them are:

Products that clog the fuel filter and car radiator using special fibers different sizes, which expand in the flow of gasoline. The engine will not stop immediately, but will gradually begin to feel a lack of fuel and will finally cease approximately 1.5 km from the sabotage site;

Flame-explosive devices. The device contains an explosive and incendiary charge (with varying degrees of inflammation). When triggered, the device tears a hole in the gas tank and ignites the fuel.

Forced stopping of cars and other vehicles.

The methods of disabling cars, discussed in the previous section, using special means that damage various components and systems of the engine and force the vehicle to stop, are very

approximately determine the distance the car travels from the sabotage site to a complete stop. And this place may be inconvenient for surgery. Therefore, such funds have a rather limited application in operations related to hobbies.

Much more often used are methods in which for a forced stop they use external sources that obstruct passage.

One such method is to stretch a strong cable across the road. For this purpose, saboteurs unwind the cable and attach it to trees or poles (if any) on both sides of the road. The cable (painted to match the color of the road) is located at an angle (up to 45°) to the direction of movement of the car. After contact of the vehicle with a tight with a tight rope the first one forcibly deviates from the straight direction of movement and, moving along the cable, flies to the side of the road, where saboteurs are waiting for him. If the cable is pulled strictly perpendicular to the direction of movement of the car, then (if the cable is strong enough) the car may receive significant damage, which can lead to the death of passengers and damage to the cargo. Along the route of the vehicle, there may not be suitable places for attaching the cable. In this case, screw metal inventory anchors capable of withstanding a force of up to 10 tons can be used (in dense soils). These anchors are screwed into the soil by one to four saboteurs using lever keys. The cable is installed in sections of the road with limited visibility: around a bend, behind a sharp longitudinal bend in the road, so that the driver does not have time to react to an obstacle.

How to harm a car enthusiast


At first, my neighbor seemed like a good guy. When we met, we often discussed new products. automotive market and, sitting on a bench at the entrance, drinking beer. Our relationship deteriorated when the neighbor started parking his car in my place. Disdaining unspoken rules our yard, he began to occupy the area every day
under my window, which I staked out a few years ago. The situation was complicated by the fact that the neighbor quit his job, started drinking seriously and only went to the nearest store to buy vodka.

In order not to spend money on a whistle for a muffler and not to damage your own kettle, your enemy can do something simpler. Hammer, for example, a potato into the muffler. Then the car won't whistle - it just won't start. There is another sophisticated and simple way to joke with a muffler. For this, the villain will need several balls from the bearing, which he will forcefully roll into the exhaust pipe so that they fall into the muffler housing. When driving, the balls will roll between the partitions and make disgusting knocking noises that increase in proportion to the engine speed. You will have to at least remove and cut the muffler. A ball or small nut can also be placed under the wheel cap if
there is one, of course. When driving, foreign objects will make a very suspicious sound.

Some jokers like to tie a tin can somewhere under the body - dragging along the asphalt, it will rattle throughout the street. Someone can go even further and tie the car to a tree (and he will certainly attach the cable to the muffler) or to a garbage container. One of my friends had someone with maniacal consistency tear off the balancing weights from his wheels - probably an amateur fisherman.

One of the Autopilot editorial staff literally made me laugh to tears, remembering a joke that was unique in its simplicity and nastyness. It is especially applicable to
owners of domestic "eights" and "nines". The scheme is simple. At the hardware store, your tormentor buys one to four barn padlocks with the shackles as thick as possible. The number of locks depends
from his sense of humor and the number of doors on the hated car. Locks are hung on door handles and locked. In principle, you can ride with them (and
You won’t understand the full horror of the situation right away). Just imagine - huge locks will constantly bang against the doors. And what an idiotic look the car will have." You will have only two ways out of this situation - either cut the locks, or
disassemble the doors.

To cause you trouble in the distant future, attackers can unscrew one bolt from your wheels and replace them with their own secrets, tightening them “as hard as they can.” When you get a flat tire on the road and you decide to take it off, you will curse everything in the world. Therefore, take a closer look at own wheels and carry a sledgehammer and chisel in the trunk.
There are many more nasty things that can be done within a few seconds, but will cause you serious trouble. It’s worth starting with the most accessible one
parts of the car - body. First the monster will pour on Windshield And put a little sunflower oil on the wipers - in the rain you will drive all “greasy”. If he also turns out to be an expert on living creatures, things will be bad. The villain will attack your
favorite - soaked bread. Grateful crows and pigeons will not only stupidly peck at the roof with their beaks, but also smear fresh microscopic chips and cracks with their caustic droppings. Of course, the result of the birds’ work will not appear in one day, but the fact that you will cry is guaranteed.
In the fight, the enemy may not resort to the help of birds. Fate paint coating your beauty will be irrevocably solved as soon as it gets at least a little old paint remover, which is sold at any auto store. The paint in the contact areas will fade down to the metal, hanging on the car in large blobs. If the wash is sprayed all over your car, it will cost you at least $1,000 plus the loss of the car's presentation.
It is no less easy for a villain to walk past your car with a can of nitro enamel and leave a greasy streak on the side. In this case, you will have to, if not repaint the car, then polish it for a long time and tediously.
To destroy the body, especially if you park the car on the lawn, a couple of liters of sulfuric acid can be poured into the ground. The fumes will affect the bottom of the car, and within a few months it will rot. Acid can also be poured onto the car itself. In this case, it will also have to be repainted, but the new paint will not stick to the etched surface.
The fuel system is no less vulnerable. The oldest and most common remedy is to throw a few sugar cubes into the gas tank. Very soon you will have to change or flush the entire fuel system. In addition, such crap can easily jam the engine. If a piece of GOI paste gets into the gas tank, the engine will have a very short life span after several such procedures.

They can also work on the brakes. Spray, for example, from an oil can onto brake discs and drop some oil into brake drums. In this case, you risk becoming involved in an accident in your own yard. So check
brakes before you even hit the road. Since the oil is easy to notice, it can be replaced with silicone spray. If someone is seriously attacking you, he can easily cut you slightly with a blade brake hose- this is already very dangerous.
In winter, in severe frost, can fill the drums and discs with water. It will take a long time to defrost the car before driving.

To abuse the chassis and provide the car owner with expensive repairs, the villain will only need a suitable sharp object with which he will cut, for example, the boots of CV joints or ball joints. This will take less than a minute. Finally, some embittered pensioner may scatter nails curved in a three-dimensional "U" shape around the car, with which you will probably puncture the wheels. It’s especially unpleasant if you puncture everything at once - you won’t have anything to drive to the tire shop.

Be very careful.

If you talk on a cell phone while filling your car with gasoline, the gasoline may explode.

Status: Refuted

A working cell phone cannot cause an explosion, even if surrounded by gasoline vapor in a concentration sufficient to ignite.
The real risk is the discharge that can occur between the vehicle and the driver by frequently entering and exiting the vehicle,
thereby accumulating a static charge on your clothes.

If in hot car leave an aerosol can or cola bottle behind as it may explode.

Status: Refuted

Neither the aerosol can nor the cola bottle exploded after lying in the car in the sun for several hours. And the can and the cola really
explode, but at temperatures above 150 °C.

If the exhaust pipe of a car is plugged with anything, the engine will be damaged.

Status: Refuted

All objects used in the test immediately flew out of the pipe as soon as the engine was turned on.

Pour in liquid drain cleaner.

Status: Refuted

The engine didn't even stall.

The engine will fail if bleach is poured into the tank.

Status: Plausible

After pouring the bleach, the engine stalled, but did not fail during the experiment. The next morning the inside of the gas tank was covered

The engine will fail if you put sugar in the tank.

Status: Refuted

The engine worked better with sugar.

Adding mothballs to fuel will increase engine power.

Status: Plausible

The engine started, but soon began to run intermittently. When Jamie stepped up the gas, the engine started running steadily, and it sounded like...
power has increased.

If your radiator is dry, you can fill it with cola instead of coolant.

Status: Plausible

The engine was running with cola in the radiator, but this may cause problems.

If the radiator is leaking, you can stop the leak by breaking a raw egg into it.

Status: Plausible

Status: Refuted

They put a penny in the carburetor and after starting the engine there was a clunking noise but the engine ran fine.

The engine will fail if bleach is added to the oil.

Status: Confirmed

Without breaking the law, you can fool a police radar or laser locator by jingling a bunch of keys.

Status: Refuted

The keys had no effect on the radar.

Without breaking the law, you can fool a police radar or laser locator by hanging a mirror ball from the rearview mirror.

Status: Refuted

The mirror ball had no effect on . In addition, hanging large objects from the rearview mirror is illegal.

Without breaking the law, you can fool a police radar or laser locator by hanging a CD from the rearview mirror.

Status: Refuted

The discs had no effect, and besides, this is prohibited.

Without breaking the law, you can fool a police radar or laser locator by covering the caps with foil.

Status: Refuted

The foil had no effect on the radar.

Without breaking the law, you can fool a police radar or laser locator by covering the entire car with foil.

Status: Refuted

The foil acts as a powerful reflector of the waves emitted by the radar, and even makes it easier to determine the speed (the speed is slightly overestimated).

Without breaking the law, you can fool a police radar or laser locator by jamming the laser locator by installing front room LEDs.

Status: Refuted

LEDs are too weak to interfere with the locator.

Without breaking the law, you can fool a police radar or laser locator by jamming the laser locator and covering the entire car with LEDs.

Status: Not verified

Although the idea came up during a brainstorming session, it was decided that it was too impractical to cover a real car with LEDs.

Without breaking the law, you can fool a police radar or jam a laser locator using a microwave.

Status: Refuted

Carey's magnetron failed to jam the radar

Without breaking the law, you can fool a police radar or laser locator by shooting pieces of tin foil in front of the car, simulating dipoles.
anti-radar reflectors.

Status: Refuted

Too many different conditions must be met for the method to work at all (the wind especially interferes). The car is still detected
radar, and “anti-radar reflectors” do not interfere with its operation. In addition, the use of this method in practice is accompanied by severe clogging
routes, which threatens with a large fine.

Without breaking the law, you can fool a police radar or laser locator by attaching a mirror wheel to the roof that spins slower than the car is moving.

Status: Partially refuted

Tory's "Wheel of Death" actually caused the radar to think the car was going 3 km/h slower than it actually was, which of course it clearly was
not enough. The device itself turned out to be very impractical, although in the USA it is quite legal to install it on the roof of a car (unlike large
objects suspended from the rearview mirror).

Without breaking the law, you can fool police radar or laser locator by painting your car matte black to absorb the radar waves.

Status: Refuted

The paint was unable to absorb the radar waves.

Without breaking the law, you can fool a police radar or laser locator by covering your car with special paint made using stealth technology.

Status: Not verified

The special paint containing iron turned out to be so heavy that toy car, used in preliminary tests, was barely able to
move from place. On real car the myth has not been tested because paint is so expensive that it is cheaper to pay any fines.

When driving a car with the air conditioning on, it consumes less fuel than when driving with the windows open.

Status: Partially refuted

The check took place at different conditions(88 km/h versus the initial 72 km/h). When checking at 88 km/h, fuel consumption was not measured directly, but with
using a computer technique based on measuring air absorption, and the test showed that the air conditioner is more economical than an open window.
The test at 72 km/h consisted of driving the car until the petrol in the tank was completely depleted, and this test showed that
an open window is more economical.

Status: Partially confirmed upon re-check

The reason for the contradictory result of the first test was the choice of speed: just in the region of 72-88 km/h there is a point at which the resistance
air, and, therefore, the aerodynamics of the car, begins to significantly affect fuel consumption. If you drive slower than 80 km/h, it is more economical to open
windows in the car, but if you drive faster than 80 km/h, it is more effective to turn on the air conditioning.

Status: Refuted

Although they are more powerful, electric lifts are not up to the task.

A person can open a window by breaking the window with a bunch of keys.

Status: Refuted

The window glass is tempered, so it can easily withstand impacts from blunt objects. Keys won't help.

A person can open a window and break the glass with a cell phone.

Status: Refuted

The phone broke before the glass.

A person can open a window and break the glass with the heel of his shoe.

Status: Refuted

Boots won't help.

A person can open a window and break the glass with an emergency hammer.

Status: Confirmed

This device is specifically designed to break tempered glass. The glass is broken with one blow.

A person can open a window and break the glass with a punch

Status: Confirmed

The tip of the center punch can act like the tip of a hammer. The center punch is specifically used for marking glass. Using it, the glass broke from the first

Is it really a security camera? traffic does not “see” the car if a crystallized coating is used.

Status: Refuted

The coating crystals do not reflect enough light to “brighten” the camera, causing overexposure. Moreover, the legality of using such
coverage remains questionable.

Does the traffic safety camera really not see the license plate number if the license plate has a clear lens-shaped coating on it?

Status: Refuted

Although the coating was made in such a way that the license plate is distorted when viewed from an angle, all, or almost all, of the plate's characters were captured
camera during testing. The legality of using the lens is also questionable.

Is it true that the traffic safety camera cannot see the license plate number through the plastic packaging.

Status: Refuted

The packaging was ineffective.

Does the traffic safety camera really not see the license plate number of a car that has been sprayed with hairspray?

Status: Refuted

Coating the sign with varnish did nothing.

Does a traffic safety camera really not see a license plate sprayed with a commercial distortion spray?

Status: Refuted

Using an aerosol did nothing.

Is it really true that a traffic safety camera cannot capture a car moving at a high enough speed?

Status: Refuted

Neither the Dodge Neon nor the Lamborghini Murcielago LP640 were able to avoid the camera while driving as fast as possible (222 km/h). It should be noted, however, that on
British automobile transmission Top Gear the TVR Tuscan S was shown not being caught on camera at 274 km/h. However, Gatso cameras,
those used in Britain are different from those used in the USA.

Found jet car“The Beast”, which travels at speeds of over 450 km/h. At a speed of about 400 km/h, the camera was unable to take a photo. camera
slightly altered to accommodate these speeds, but again she was unable to capture “The Beast.” Despite the fact that the camera was defeated, the Destroyers
concluded that only specialized vehicle, which, of course, the authorities will easily find.

Can a road safety camera really capture a bird flying past?

Status: Confirmed

A traffic camera photographed two trained peregrine falcons flying past it at a speed of 64 km/h.

Is it really impossible for a traffic safety camera to capture a replacement license plate number in front of the camera?

Status: Refuted

The camera was unable to take a correct photo of the license plate, which is designed in such a way that it flips over before the camera takes a photo.
However, this method is illegal, and will most likely result in a much larger fine than regular speeding.

The thief, trying to break into the car, accidentally turned on the side airbag, and the master key flew out of the keyhole with force, breaking through his

Status: Refuted

Made for testing mechanical arm with a “head” made of ballistic gel. It was impossible to do anything with the airbag with a master key
(the auto mechanic explained that the airbag is not located inside the door, but under the inner lining). Kick with a mechanical leg (allegedly the crook couldn’t cope with
lock and kicked the car) - with neither human nor superhuman strength - also did not turn on the airbag. In addition, the deployed airbag could not
influence the master key. And to finally break through the mannequin’s skull, the master key was simply fired from an air gun.

Burst tire heavy vehicle capable of killing a person.

Status: Confirmed

The team first decided to find out whether a heavy-duty tire could burst. There was no explosion, but if high speed run over a hedgehog or
shoot out a tire, rubber scraps fly away at high speed. Although all the pieces flew past the dummy, it was possible to measure their speed. When alone
from such scraps were launched at the appropriate speed into the car door window, it broke through it and tore off the mannequin’s head - they considered it a myth

Driving in an “air bag” behind a tractor will help save fuel.

Status: Confirmed

A passenger car with a fuel consumption meter drove behind the tractor at different distances - from 50 to 0.5 meters. Fuel consumption 3 meters behind the tractor
was 40% lower. As the distance further decreased, the consumption increased - to keep the distance, the driver had to press and release the pedal
gas. The destroyers warned that the slipstream behind the tractor is extremely dangerous - the driver of the tractor cannot see you, and you will not be able to react if the tractor
stops unexpectedly.

To make turns high speed, the car can shoot a “cat” and attach itself to a nearby object.

Status: Refuted

A car previously used in the myth of truck tractor, was converted into a “Mythomobile” - a compressed nitrogen gun was installed on it,
fired an anchor. It was calculated that the cable should withstand about 3 tons. After several attempts, the anchor was hooked, but the cable broke when
the car was turning into a turn - the shock loads took its toll. When a 3-inch (75 mm) diameter cable was used, it came off at the attachment point. So
Thus, the loads on the cable clearly exceed 3 tons, and a thick, well-embedded cable will be required - with a corresponding anchor and gun.

If you hold the steering wheel correct position“ten to two” and the airbag will go off, your thumbs will be torn off (from the episode “Revenge of the Car”).

Status: Refuted

The team made a pair of arms out of ballistic gel. When the airbag deployed, the steering wheel was torn out of my hands, but my fingers remained intact. On the other side,
Incorrect hand positions (for example, palms on top of the steering wheel) are dangerous. Since the statement of the myth only includes the grip recommended by racers “without
ten two,” the myth was refuted.

If you freeze a can of shaving foam, open it, place it in a car and let it thaw, the foam will fill the entire car.

Status: Refuted

Shaving foam expands relatively poorly, and even 50 cans only left the seats dirty. Apparently, with no less success it was possible
spray the interior directly from the can. 100 liters of two-component foam (similar to polyurethane foam, but begins to expand after mixing the two
reagents) filled the interior with a volume of 2.5 m?, but the statement referred specifically to shaving foam.

You can remotely open the car by transmitting a signal from the alarm key fob using your mobile phone.

Status: Refuted

The alarm and telephone operate on different frequencies, so this is not possible.

If a dog drags a stick of dynamite under a jeep, the explosive will make such a hole in the ice that the car will sink.

Status: Refuted

The ice on the pond was 46 cm thick - enough for a heavy jeep to safely drive onto it. The dog brings the ball in 16 seconds - that is, her
the reaction is enough so that the 20-second cord does not have time to burn out. The explosion made a hole in the ice and tore loose parts from the car. To
To sink a jeep, it took 10 kg of explosives in the form of special bombs for a directed explosion.

If a collision with a moose is imminent, braking will only hurt.

Status: Refuted

It was assumed that when driving at high speed, the elk would fly over the car. Tests have shown the opposite: at high speeds a rubber scarecrow
crushed the roof, causing even more damage than when driving slowly. The only way to avoid colliding with the carcass at all is to drive a Formula 1 car at
150 km/h and above. Only then will the low silhouette and high speed allow you to slip under the belly before the elk falls on the car.

An angry driver uses more fuel.

Status: Confirmed

Tory and Grant were put through a test that included a reckless driver, an unyielding driver, an unexpected pedestrian, and maneuvering around a parking lot.
Relaxing factors (massage, playing with puppies, a good movie) resulted in fuel savings of 1/3 compared to stimulating factors (preventing walking
going to the toilet, excessive caffeine consumption, getting wet feet, falsely reporting that they were given a laxative). During the second run Tori generally
got lost, having covered 2/3 of the distance - and still used up more gas.

A car can fly up to 5 meters if you attach water hoses to it.

Status: Confirmed

The idea was fully confirmed on a car model and garden hoses. The destroyers could not lift into the air for a long time a real car- because of
high water consumption, the pressure in the water supply quickly dropped. But when the engine was removed from the car, it really took off to such a height. Quicker
In fact, that’s exactly what those filming this stunt did.

If you drive in a convertible at high speed in the rain with the roof down, the interior will get less wet if you begin to close the roof of the cabin.

Status: Plausible

First, the destroyers conducted a series of tests on a small scale, using a toy model of the machine in wind tunnel, and found that there were more
At high speeds, the amount of water entering the driver's seat is much less. The full-scale test used a real convertible and it was raining.
made using taps with sprinkler systems attached to them. In the control test, in the middle of the rain they started to close the roof, but the entire interior
managed to get wet. Then they drove through the rain at a speed of 110 km/h, and noticed that the interior of the car was less wet than in the control test. Then
They drove at a speed of 140 km/h and saw that the interior was virtually dry. Destroyers attributed this effect to the windshield, which creates some
like an air bubble. However, they declared that the myth is "plausible, but not recommended" because driving at high speed in bad conditions
road conditions are life-threatening.

A dirty car gets less mileage per liter of gasoline than a clean car due to its aerodynamic properties, like a golf ball.

Status: Refuted

Adam and Jamie covered the car in mud and measured its fuel consumption on the road, then did the same with a clean car. They saw that
average mileage per liter of gasoline dirty car 10 km/l when with a clean one this figure was slightly better and amounted to 11 km/l. After which they decided
go to the origins of the legend, namely golf balls. They found that a corrugated ball flies 2 times further than a smooth one. Corrugated surface of the ball
creates vortices around it, which reduces the force acting against the movement. After testing the models in the wind tunnel, Adam and Jamie
put a layer of clay on full size cars and made several runs - one with smooth surface, and the other with depressions made in the clay. As a result, we got figures of 11 and 12 km/l for smooth and surfaces with indentations. Although the myth itself was refuted, the theory behind it was correct, so the verdict was “Refuted, the idea is plausible.”

You can drive a big one along an unfamiliar route, on a dark night and without lights.

Status: Refuted

On fast speed You can't drive in the dark without crashing into something. Jesse and Grand collided with specially displayed objects, and Tory drove without accidents, but at low speed.

We have collected anti-tips for you. It's worth learning from other people's mistakes!

Drive with an empty tank

Everyone knows that the details fuel equipment Diesel engines are lubricated only with fuel.

Both the booster pump, the high-pressure fuel pump and the injectors, and especially the plunger pair of the high-pressure fuel pump, work under intense load. Metal parts rub against each other, and if there is not enough fuel, they rub dry. As a result, metal shavings are formed, which penetrate into the injection pump valves and injectors, and also pass through the fuel line and return to the tank. So it settles to the bottom and accumulates. When the tank is almost empty, the fuel priming pump, along with the remaining diesel fuel, takes these small chips and drives them along the fuel supply line back to the injectors.

The result is damaged injectors, filters clogged with chips, damage and rapid wear plunger pair. As a result, you will have to change the injection pump and injectors, flush the entire fuel line right up to the tank, and bleed the air vents (they are precisely what form when the fuel level is low and driving on uneven roads). In general, the whole range of expensive pleasures.

Trust the manufacturer

Oil change schedule every 15 thousand? Well, that's it, you can relax. Some manage to go for 20 or 25 thousand - after all, the manufacturer motor oil assures that its term is 1.5-2 times longer. Well, the dealer regulates: we change the engine oil every 15 thousand, but we don’t change the transmission oil at all.

And then you have to carry out major repairs, or even replace the engine. Overestimation of normal oil change intervals for diesel engines is especially harmful. Experts recommend changing the oil in them every 5-8 thousand km for our domestic realities (fuel quality, frosts, etc.). And be sure to change the filter along with the oil. Why? See first point.

And also engines manufactured after 2000, predisposed to "oil-guzzling". No, the conspiracy of the automakers has nothing to do with it.

They just started making the pistons smaller, the rings thinner, and the drainage holes got smaller too. As a result, even a short exposure of the oil will cause coking. piston rings. That is, the rings and parts of the engine combustion chamber will be covered with a nice, dense black soot. And there it’s not far from the capital.

Owners of turbocharged diesel engines are especially at risk in this regard, taking into account the constant oil overheating, they have a much greater chance of changing rings.

Well, when the oil is simply topped up and changed at the intervals specified by the dealer, the scenario is completely sad - burnt out valves, loss of compression, risk of detonation... Finish.

Save on consumables and spare parts

Perhaps, of all the “consumables” oil filter the most affordable. Are you sure that you want to save a couple of rubles even on this inexpensive part? It is very important that the filter contains high-quality shut-off (check) and bypass (bypass) valves. As a rule, in more expensive samples the quality of the filter element itself is higher. And the degree of purification and proper oil circulation directly depend on these parameters. Which, as we remember, acts as a lubricant. Bad or fake filter quite capable of causing oil starvation engine - and such cases do occur.

The same goes for air filters . Now it has become fashionable to install filters zero resistance- it facilitates the flow of air into the combustion chamber, has large resource, can be serviced. But its cost is high, and correct installation implies rearrangement of the intake tract or changes in engine compartment. What do “smart” car owners do? That's right, they are buying outright “China”. As a result, all the abrasive easily enters the cylinders or the turbine, and voila, minus one life.

We remember the regulations for replacing filters by manufacturers, right? 15 thousand for the average diesel internal combustion engine- too much. Well, let's not forget about fakes. They may be sold already damaged, not to mention the quality of the material and the number of filter fins. And if air filter breaks during operation, its particles fall into intake tract. As a result, the engine happily sucks in the ambrasive, as well as foreign inclusions in the oil. And the consequences are the same - disastrous.

ABOUT fuel quality and it's not worth talking about. Delicate, high-precision fuel systems Delphie, Denso and even the staunch Bosch fighter equally dislikes poorly cleaned diesel fuel. The injectors are the first to go, and changing and even repairing them is oh so expensive.

As for more serious repairs, parts of fuel equipment and spare parts for the engine and the quality of their workmanship (metal strength, suitable parameters, lubricant used in the production process, quality of plastic and rubber, etc.) - directly affects engine life resource. Trying to save money by choosing no name manufacturer or Chinese equivalent, can be costly later.

Therefore, choose proven ones original spare parts and “consumables” from well-known manufacturers.

IN as a last resort- no less well-known analogues. Do not buy consumables at car markets or from unverified sellers - there is a high risk of running into a cheap fake.

Learn to distinguish original spare parts from fakes. We told you how to do this using the Delphi valve as an example.

You will find quality spare parts for your diesel engine here