Where to sculpt the thorn sign. "Spikes" sign and traffic rules - what should every driver know? Installation rules and dimensions according to standards

On April 4, 2017 entered into new law, or rather changes in traffic rules. In particular, these additions state that identification marks must be installed on the vehicle and one of such signs is “spikes”. This icon is a triangle white with a red border, the letter "Ш" is written in the center.

Moreover, there are certain parameters for this sign. The side of the triangle is at least 20 cm, and the width of the border is 1/2 of the side. And the sticker should be on the back vehicle. It doesn’t say where exactly to glue it. But it is clear that it is convenient to glue on rear window.

The fine for the absence of such a sign is 500 rubles.

Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation says:

“Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles to Operation and Responsibilities officials on security traffic operation of the vehicle is prohibited, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2 - 7 of this article, entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles."

Just one of the tolerances is the presence of a warning sign "Ш".

In the summer, and at a time when there is simply no need to put studded tires on a car, it is not necessary to hang this badge.

In addition, there have been such changes in the law that a novice driver with up to 2 years of driving experience is required to warn about this and put up a corresponding sign in the form exclamation point"!" People call it "Teapot".

And for the absence of such a “kettle” sign, the driver has the right to impose a fine of 500 rubles.

Convenient to glue on Windshield. And this sign, from April 4, 2017, is mandatory at the time of year when you need to use winter tires

The "Kettle" sign, which must be installed by a driver with less than two years of driving experience

Due to changes in the law on April 4, 2017, this article has lost its relevance. Punishment for the absence of a sign “Spikes”, “Beginner driver”, etc. now there is a warning or a fine of 500 rubles. Read more about these signs

Increasingly, similar questions like " Today I was fined for not having a "Spikes" sign. Is this legal?". Indeed, if a car is equipped with winter studded tires, then the traffic rules make it mandatory to have a “Spikes” sticker on the rear of the car, as stated in the appendix to the Road Traffic Rules in its 8th paragraph. And for 2019 it reads as follows:

8. The following identification marks must be installed on vehicles:

"Spikes" - in the form of an equilateral triangle of white color with the top up with a red border, into which the letter "Ш" is inscribed in black (the side of the triangle is at least 200 mm, the width of the border is 1/10 of the side) - on the back of motor vehicles with studded tires tires;

In general, this measure is aimed at warning drivers of cars moving behind so that they can increase the distance to the car in front of them in order to avoid colliding with it in the event emergency braking. By the way, if you don’t have this sign, then you won’t get anything for it - at least, there shouldn’t be anything according to the law, since sanctions for the absence of the “Spikes” sign on a car are simply not provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses according to the data, relevant also for 2019 - no “November innovations” or new changes to laws were made during the year. However, traffic police officers continue to fine legally illiterate drivers for this sign.

But how do they fine for this if no sanctions are provided - after all, the resolution must indicate the article, which, by the way, also determines the amount of the fine for the absence of the “Spikes” sign?! It's simple - inspectors successfully replace another article, passing it off as desirable and legal. Let's take a closer look - there is such an article in the Administrative Code under number 12.5, paragraph 1 of which tells us the following:

Article 12.5. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited.

1. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, operation of the vehicle is prohibited, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2 - 7 of this article - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

We now know what fine is imposed under what circumstances. Meanwhile, the section of the Rules where the “Spikes” sign is indicated is called “ Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety".

But in the traffic rules there is also a note called " Application. List of faults and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited". And, if you carefully read the last three paragraphs, then you probably understood what the catch is and why you cannot be fined for the absence of the “Spikes” sign.

Let us explain: Article 12.5 and its first part refer in their direct text specifically to Note to the Traffic Rules, and therefore applies exclusively to violations of those traffic rules points, which are indicated in this Note - in particular, there is information about prohibiting driving in the event of a faulty

If a person does not want to make a symbol himself, he has the right to visit specialized organizations, engaged in the production of custom stickers. In this case, experts advise reminding the manufacturer of the requirements that the law places on the symbol. The use of the “Ш” sign is mandatory today. Driving on tires with studs without one will result in a fine of 500 rubles. You can purchase the sticker at any auto supply store. However, due to the increasing hype, the symbol is not always on sale. A citizen has the right to independently make the “Ш” sign.

Correct installation of the spike sign according to the traffic rules

Therefore, the main purpose of the “Ш” sign is to inform drivers that the car’s braking distance is shorter under the specified conditions. Drivers driving behind need to keep a sufficient distance so as not to provoke an accident when the car driving in front of them suddenly brakes.
Size of the sign The size of the “Spikes” sign according to GOST 2018 must be such that the length of each side is at least 20 centimeters. A sign that meets the requirements of the regulations has the shape of a triangle with its apex facing up, a red border, 2 cm thick, and the letter “W” indicated in black on a white background.

Location of the sign The place where the “Spikes” sign should be located is selected in the rear of the car. Usually this is the top or bottom corner rear window. If a sign interferes with visibility, it can be placed on the bumper or trunk of a car.

Spikes sign: mandatory or not in 2018?

It would seem that today in winter everyone “changes their shoes” to such tires, and the need for a sticker has disappeared, but this is not so. We are sure that you will find the information about the receipt procedure and validity periods useful. diagnostic card for OSAGO.


Is the stud sign mandatory or not? Despite the fact that studded tires are no longer exotic and are found on almost everyone, especially in the summer, the sign itself is stuck on by about half of car owners. However, this violates the “Basic provisions for the approval of vehicles for operation,” or more precisely, paragraph 8: the “Spikes” sign must be installed on a car with studded tires.

Paragraph 2.3.1 of the traffic rules is also violated, according to which the driver is obliged to ensure appropriate “ General provisions» car condition. Since 2018, the absence of a sticker is a reason for a ban on using a car.

Sign "sh" - spikes

  • The red border must be at least 2 cm or 10% of the entire length of the sides.
  • The letter “Ш” should be black, the main background should be white.
  • It is better to choose thicker paper so that the sign will last longer.
  • The black and white version must be colored: the edging must be made bright enough to attract attention.
  • Where to put the spike sign according to the rules. It must hang on the back of the car and be visible to other road users - this is the only requirement of the rules. In addition, the following conditions must be met:
  1. You can attach it to glass from the inside, outside (if the glass is tinted), to an awning, body, bumper or any other place.
    It is advisable to choose a higher place so that the sticker is visible to everyone.

Installation of the “spikes” sign in accordance with the traffic regulations


The traffic rules do not clearly state where exactly the “Spikes” sign should be installed. Only one thing is clear - the sign must be installed in the rear of the car so that other road users can see it, that is why it exists.

Most often, the “Spikes” sign is glued to the rear window of a car. However, the “Spikes” sign, which complies with GOST, has enough big sizes and may impair the driver's visibility or be in the range of the rear wiper.

According to the traffic rules, where is the spike sign (“sh”) placed?

Please note: if in the summer the driver “changes his shoes” to non-studded tires, the sign will have to be removed. Dimensions of the spike sign according to GOST Like most stickers, this one will not ruin the owner: purchasing it at any auto store will cost 20-200 rubles.

They can be double-sided or with a suction cup. It is not necessary to buy a ready-made sticker - you can make it yourself or print it, observing the basic requirements of GOST. GOST presents following rules to the sign:

  1. It should be an equilateral triangle with rounded edges.
  2. The length of each side is at least 20 cm; Please note: the size requirements for the sign should be taken into account when purchasing it - if it is smaller than the declared size, it will be considered that it does not exist.

“Spikes” sign in summer: to remove or not?

Let's take a closer look at how to make the “Spikes” sign yourself:

  1. Open Word or any other graphic editor, you can even use the online version;
  2. Go to the “Insert” tab;
  3. Select "Shapes";
  4. Drag the triangle onto the sheet, taking into account its required dimensions according to GOST (The sheet must be in a horizontal orientation);
  5. Drag the second triangle and place it inside the first. To do this, left-click on the geometric figure icon, then position the cursor in the desired location and stretch the triangle to the desired size.

For change vertical marking pages to horizontal, use the “Page Layout” tab.
Next, in the “Orientation” item, select the “Landscape” tab. To send a document for printing, click on the circle with the program logo located in the upper left corner.
The main requirement is the visibility of the sign so that the driver is not stopped again by traffic police officers. This installation of the “Spikes” sign according to the traffic rules is the most optimal.
Where can I get the sign? An indicator indicating the presence of studded wheels on a car can be purchased in 2 ways:

  1. Buy at an office supply store or at specialized places that service cars;
  2. Do it yourself.

The cost of a sign in stores varies from 20 to 100 rubles. And if you don’t really want to buy it, you can use a red marker, a sheet of A4 paper and a printer. To print the “Spikes” sign according to GOST, you can download it from the Internet or make it yourself using the “Insert” item in the Word program.

Is the spike sign required or not: where to glue it and when to remove it, dimensions according to GOST

TS. Where should such a Spikes sign be attached, what is the reason for such an innovation, and what fines can a vehicle owner expect if he ignores this, which has already come into effect? mandatory requirement? Download and print the “Spikes” sign according to GOST Reasons for installation Why do you need the “Studded tires” sticker? Installing a sign on a machine performs the following tasks and functions:

  • Providing information to road users that the vehicle in front of them is equipped with studded tires;
  • Possibility to undergo technical inspection;
  • No unwanted stops or document checks in winter time.

Where to place it So, having figured out the answer to the question “is the spike sign required or not,” it’s worth finding out where to put it according to the rules, so that neither the persons carrying out the maintenance nor the traffic police officers have any complaints against you.

Traffic regulations change periodically and in order not to become guilty of administrative offense, it is necessary to follow these innovations. Is it possible to drive onto a road without a “Spikes” sign?


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Changes regarding mandatory installation sign "Ш" came into force only on April 4, 2019. Some drivers still do not know whether this requirement a mere formality, or is it required condition to enter the highway.

To the question “Is it possible to drive like this?” The answer is clear: no. According to , it is mandatory to place this warning sign on your vehicle.

Besides legal requirements, there are at least two reasons for this:

  • installing such tires reduces the braking distance;
  • The windshield behind moving vehicles may be damaged.

During the winter season, the quality and condition of the road surface changes significantly. The car sometimes becomes almost uncontrollable. To protect themselves and their loved ones, drivers should install winter studded tires.

Its presence significantly reduces the braking distance. This means that even in conditions slippery road the driver will be able to stop very quickly.

Thus, the presence of studded tires for drivers following behind means that it is necessary to maintain a distance.

Installing the “Ш” sign serves as a reliable warning to the following motorists.
There is another reason why it is necessary to install the “Ш” sign. The fact is that studded tires are not always of the best quality.

This means that pieces of this coating may fly out from under the wheels.

When cars are moving high speed, getting hit by such a piece of rubber can lead to the same thing as hitting a pebble on glass.

There are known cases when a driver who was guilty of an accident due to failure to keep a safe distance sued the innocent driver only because he did not place a warning sign about a sudden stop on his rear window. There is also a high risk that Insurance Company may refuse legitimate payment.

Other signs on the rear window

Many drivers don't like having to use stickers with signs that are difficult to remove. In fact, the “Ш” sign is not the only one that is required to be placed on a car.

According to the traffic rules, article 8 of the main provisions, to mandatory signs There are 11 designations:

  1. Road train. Must be installed on trucks and tractors, as well as on buses and trolleybuses that are interconnected.
  2. Spikes. A white triangle with a red border, inside of which there is the letter “W”. Installed on the rear window of vehicles with studded tires.

  3. Transportation of children. Installed in specified cases. It can be removable, or it can be permanent if it is, for example, a bus engaged in such transportation.

  4. Training vehicle. The sign is installed on the window of the car the student is driving. Mandatory for vehicles used for training.

  5. Speed ​​Limit. Signs are used for vehicles subject to speed limits. This may apply to cars carrying children and to those vehicles that have such a restriction due to technical features.

  6. Dangerous cargo. The identification mark has several types. It may vary depending on what type of cargo is being transported.

  7. Large cargo. The sign is covered with a reflective surface.

  8. Slow moving vehicle. Installed on vehicles for which it was originally permissible speed does not exceed 30 km/h.

  9. Long vehicle. Installed on vehicles longer than 20 meters.

  10. Novice driver. Installed on cars driven by drivers with less than two years of experience.

  11. Signs “Doctor” and “Disabled” are installed at will.

    Installation rules and dimensions according to standards

    As has already become clear, installing the “Spikes” sign on the rear window of cars is mandatory. It is noteworthy that the same paragraph of the rules also stipulates what size the sign should be.

    To avoid troubles when communicating with traffic police representatives, it is worth considering all the rules from the beginning:

    • the “Spikes” sign must be presented in the form of an equilateral triangle with a side of at least 20 cm;
    • the width of the red outline should be at least 10% of the length of the side, this means that with a side of 20 cm, the thickness of the border should be 2 cm;
    • the background for this warning sign must be white;
    • the sign must be so distinct that it can be recognized from a distance of 20 meters;
    • it is important to take into account that the sign can be read in dark time days.

    All these provisions are spelled out in the second paragraph. The Road Traffic Regulations do not clearly state where exactly this identification mark needs to be affixed. The requirements include only a note that it should be “at the back”.

    Although many drivers advise sticking the identification tag in the upper left corner of the rear window, it is worth considering that on some models the light will glare and the sign will not be visible.

    It is very important that any stickers do not interfere with the driver of the car.

    There is no consensus on whether it is necessary to remove the sign when studded tires are not in use. Since the rules do not say anything about this, each driver decides for himself whether to remove this sign or not.

    It is worth considering the periods when the use of studded tires itself is permitted and even mandatory, or, conversely, prohibited.

    enjoy winter set Mandatory from December to February. This is prohibited during the summer months, that is, from June to August.

    The Rules say nothing regarding the off-season. Therefore, each driver decides for himself which tires to use depending on weather conditions.

    Is it possible to glue the “Spikes” sign under the tint?

    Tinting may vary in light transmission ability. For example, with a light transmittance of 5%, nothing will be visible, so installing the “Ш” sign from the inside is prohibited - it will have to be placed outside.

    In fact, where to place the sign is up to the driver to decide for himself. He must only take into account the visibility of this sign from the outside at a distance of 20 meters.

    Visibility under different film percentages

    The driver must take into account the film density:

    1. When tinted at 50% percent, the “Spikes” sign placed underneath it will most likely not be visible. The film density can be seen in the photo.

    2. The following image schematically shows how dense the tint can be.

    3. As you can see, with 65 or 70% tinting, the “Spikes” sign will not be visible. Therefore, it will have to be placed outside.
    4. If, for example, the density of the tint film is only 15%, this is a completely normal level for gluing an identification card from the inside.
    5. The driver can independently decide whether to use the signs on the inside with Velcro or place it on suction cups. It does not matter.

      The main thing is that the sign is clearly visible from a distance. Some car enthusiasts have built an illuminated sign and use it even with a high degree of tinting.

      If the driver does not want to spoil paintwork car, you can use removable signs on magnets.

      Such devices:

    • do not come off when driving even at high speed;
    • do not spoil the appearance;
    • easy to remove;
    • can be used for more than one year;
    • easy to clean;
    • do not deteriorate due to exposure to weather conditions.

    These signs are made from magnetic vinyl and laminated for greater brightness.

    Punishment and fines for absence

    The absence of a “Spikes” warning sign is a violation and is subject to administrative penalties (see table).

    Nowhere in the law does it say that the driver is obliged to remove the sign if the car no longer has studded tires. This means that there is no fine for the presence of an identification mark in the absence of tires with spikes.


    Drivers who do not want to install "Spike" warning signs on the rear window can place stickers or magnetic signs on the trunk or any other place on this part of the car.

    The only condition is that the sign must not cover the license plates and headlights. Then the requirement for a clearly legible "Spikes" sign will still be met.

    Is it possible to make it yourself?

    In some regions, the cost of a “Spikes” sign exceeds the fine for its absence. Since all the basic provisions regarding what size and color it should be are defined in the rules, you can think about self-production identifier. There are several ways to do this.

    You can involve children in the process of making a warning sign with your own hands. This will be an interesting joint activity and part of the learning process.

    One of the ways to make your own sign warning about studded tires is to find a ready-made image, set the required image dimensions and print it using a color printer.

    If the printer in your house is only black and white, this is also not a problem. You can use a template, such as the one in the illustration below.

    The sign should also be printed on a printer and then colored using paints, felt-tip pens or bright pencils. To prevent the identification card from deteriorating under the influence of steam, it should be laminated.

    This can be done using a special device at home or in a photo studio, or you can glue all its sections with tape.

    You can make a “Spikes” warning sign using colored paper:

    • it is necessary to prepare sheets of white, red and black paper;
    • cut out equal triangles with a side of 20 cm;
    • cut a border from a red leaf, 2 cm thick;
    • cut out the letter “Ш” from black paper;
    • place the details in correct sequence and secure with glue or double-sided tape;
    • round the corners with scissors.

    So in a simple way You can protect yourself from traffic fines. Although the product will be homemade, it will fully satisfy the requirements of the law, which means no one will be able to bring charges.

    With the onset of winter, it is time for drivers to be especially careful on the roads. As a rule, in winter there is a lot of precipitation in the form of snow or rain, and this, after a slight frost, turns the road into a real skating rink. Because of the ice crust, the grip of tire tires on cars on asphalt, concrete or dirt roads is reduced. This interferes with braking efficiency, so cars often skid.

    Is it mandatory to install a “Spikes” sign?

    With the aim of safe driving in icy conditions motor vehicle, many drivers use emergency studs to equip their vehicles. They control the passage of the car on slippery road surfaces. But, such an installation somewhat changes the driving parameters of the car. In order for other drivers to be able to navigate and protect their driving on the road, a corresponding sign must be installed on a car with studded tires. A pictogram is installed on the rear window to warn those driving behind.

    In practice, less than half of drivers use this necessary measure and ignore the installation of the “Spikes” sign. This is fundamentally wrong. The traffic rules clearly state that it is mandatory to install this identification mark .

    The law requires mandatory installation, since studded wheels can lead to road accidents. traffic accident. How it happens in practice:

    • A car with studded tires has a distance traveled by brakes that is several times shorter than an equally equipped vehicle of the same model, but with standard wheels. Considering that the driver on regular tires is driving behind and is counting on the average braking distance, then if a car with a studded tire without a sign suddenly stops suddenly, a collision may occur. Even despite the sufficient distance between the vehicles. If a sticker is attached to the car, the driver behind will already provide possible options and avoid an accident, guided by the required and safer distance.
    • Studded tires are often of poor quality. Often the spikes fly right out from under the wheels. If several match negative factors, there are quite a few of them high speed a car with studs, the proximity of another vehicle, the desired trajectory of a spike jumping out of the wheel, all this leads to damage to the glass of nearby cars. In addition to spikes flying out, often from under the wheels of a reinforced car, stones quickly fly out, which, in turn, also serve as a source of damage to neighboring vehicles.

    All these reasons are why it is necessary to install a sign that warns drivers, “there is a modernized car nearby, be careful!” This designation is designed for visibility from a long distance, about 20 meters. If the car has tinted windows, you should attach the “SPIKES” sign on the outside of the glass.

    There are such “drivers” who ignore legal requirements, without realizing that you will have to pay for your “shoals”. And it's not about fines at all.

    Let's imagine a situation in which an accident occurred. A car with ordinary wheels crashed into a fancy car with spikes. If we go through the formalities, then he is the culprit of the collision, but if you look into the situation, then he may well go to court against another motorist for carelessness and the absence of a sticker indicating spikes.

    From judicial practice it is clear that in such cases responsibility is divided in half, and this is very important point related to vehicle insurance. When settling with the insurance company, drivers make repairs to their cars themselves.

    By respecting yourself and others on the road, you will avoid unpleasant collisions that can not only damage your vehicle, but also pose a threat to people's health and lives.

    Does the absence of a sign affect seasonality?

    Spring has come, and you have changed the “shoes” on your car, but the sign remains in its place on your AC, this fact is not scary. It is not an offence. Of course, if the tires have been replaced with summer option, the sign is somewhat inappropriate; here the owner of the car decides whether to remove the warning or not.

    Government Decree No. 333 on amendments to the Traffic Rules!

    If we briefly review the document issued by the government, the situation will be as follows:

    • The rights of drivers with less than two years of experience have been somewhat limited. They do not have the right to tow other mechanical vehicles with their car. They also cannot transport people on their motorcycle with categories A, A1, and it is prohibited to transport people on a moped, regardless of the category.
    • Those who are new to the road and have only recently received a license are strictly prohibited from driving onto the road without a “Beginner Driver” sign, so as not to cause emergency situation. If the driver nevertheless, despite the ban, went to roadway without a sign, he may be subject to a fine or administrative liability. It is not necessary to place such a designation only on mopeds, motorcycles, self-propelled vehicles and tractors. All these necessary measures, according to the Russian government, are aimed at reducing the number of accidents on the roads, in which newcomers are often to blame.
    • The traffic rules prohibit motorcyclists from traveling on the highway at a speed of more than 110 km/h; on other roads the speed should be no more than 90 km/h. Changes occurred to the maximum speed limit, previously the speed was limited everywhere to 90 km/h.

    Here, briefly about the changes that were the main ones and were introduced into the traffic rules in the spring of 2017.

    Dimensions of signs for self-production

    Any driver who has studded his wheels can purchase a sign at an auto store, but you can also make it yourself. When making your own, you need to take into account the necessary conditions:

    • It must be triangular in shape, in the middle with the letter Ш written in black on a white background.
    • In order for the sign to be visible at a fairly large distance, its parameters must be 20 cm or more. The sides of the figure are equal to each other.
    • The red border around the edges of the triangular background is at least 10% of the side length.

    There are special regulations for making a sign yourself, which stipulates the size. It is regulated by traffic rules. A4 size sheet is ideal for one length of 20 cm.

    Making Tips:

    If you decide not to do “handicrafts”, but to buy a ready-made identification sign, consider the following:

    Pictograms in finished form often do not correspond to the established sizes. If you install a sign that does not comply with the requirements, you may find yourself in unpleasant situation. After all, a small pictogram will not be legally counted, and you will be fined.

    Where to install the sign

    Following what is stated in paragraph 8 of the main rules, you can understand that the main requirement for installing a pictogram is to attach it to the rear of the car, so that everyone driving behind can clearly see it.

    There is no other information on this issue. Therefore, each driver can, after driving around his vehicle, think about where the best location for an important notification will be. This could be a rear window with outer or inside, some part luggage compartment, rear side of the body, awning or bumper. The main thing is that there is enough space for the identification badge and its mounting.

    Fine for missing the "Ш" sign

    From April 4, 2017, not having a sticker began to be equated with breakdowns or other malfunctions of the vehicle. Considering that if a vehicle has malfunctions or other actual conditions prohibiting its operation, penalties are imposed when driving onto the roadway, which means that the absence of a sign is also subject to penalties.

    Traffic police officers may be issued according to:

    Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Article 12.5. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited, or a vehicle on which the identification sign “Disabled” is illegally installed

    1. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, operation of the vehicle is prohibited, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2 - 7 of this article, -
    entails a warning or administrative penalty a fine of five hundred rubles.

    Penalties for non-conforming tires

    It is clear that as soon as the tires have been “re-shoeed”, the badge must be glued on immediately. Drivers usually change tires according to weather conditions your region. Conditions are different everywhere. The legislation provides for a reduction in fines for tires not matching the season from five to two thousand rubles and gives the right to constituent entities of the Russian Federation to determine the seasonality and the number of summer and winter months themselves.

    There were several bills that decided which months to limit summer tires. For studded tires, the period was assumed to be from November 1 to March 31. For non-studded wheels, it was proposed to remove the restriction altogether. If the draft law was violated, drivers should have been fined from 1 to 5 thousand rubles. It also provided for regional solutions to their own bans. This policy has caused controversy and disagreement.

    Now in force new project since 2015, which applies to all countries participating in the Customs Union. Based on this law, it is prohibited to operate vehicles in winter period not equipped with season-appropriate wheels. The ban on studded wheels applies from June to August.

    On this moment there is no specific answer to the question, since legislators cannot decide at what time of the year which tires should be changed, how much to fine poor drivers, and meanwhile, every traffic police officer is free to do whatever they want and inflict their own punishment on the road. You often hear complaints from motorists that they find fault with trifles, they say, you put the sticker in the wrong place, but you put it over it, again nit-picking and sometimes fines.

    One was fined one thousand rubles, the other two, is it really so difficult to solve such a simple and obvious issue, and finally start repairing roads on which you can leave not only spikes, but also wheels.

    Passing a technical inspection without the “Ш” sign

    Intention to pass technical inspection having studded wheels without the “Spikes” identification mark will fail. Without it, you should not even try to obtain a permit to operate the vehicle. Since there is a fine for a car malfunction, and the absence of a sign is a malfunction, the driver will urgently have to run to the store and purchase a sign.

    There is an option to undergo inspection on other tires. Let’s skip this: before checking the vehicle’s readiness for operation, you changed the wheels and installed regular ones. Winter tires, and for the duration of the inspection, but “the skin is not worth the candle.” A sign in a store will cost 100 rubles, and replacing wheels is much more expensive. So, do not neglect the advice on purchasing this sign, if you are determined to drive in bad weather on studded tires, take care of compliance with traffic rules.

    Bottom line

    Mutual respect and mutual concessions are a necessity on the roads. Part of being respectful of others is installing an important and warning sticker on the side of your motor vehicle, like the "SPIKES" sign. It will help avoid conflicts on the highway and negative situations between drivers.