Low profile tires r16. What is low profile tyre? Advantages and disadvantages! Pros and cons of low profile tires

One of the fashion trends in recent years has been the focus on low profile tires. This is especially true during sales. summer tires. About, how to treat a low profile tire, what features of operation it has, will be described below.

What is low profile tyre?

IN modern world A low profile tire is one that has a profile height (tire height) to width ratio of 55% or less. Thus, low profile tires include, for example, the following dimensions:

Considering modern tendencies development of tire sizes and the emergence of new cars, it can be said that the 55th series as the border between standard profile and low profile in soon cease to be considered as such. In reality, this has already happened and among those who are deliberately looking for a tire with a narrow sidewall, the size 205/55 R16 is not considered low profile. And if we turn to history, then at the dawn of the appearance of low-profile tires, the parameter separating them from standard tires was generally 70%! And, for example, the size 195/70 R14 was already considered low profile.

The first low profile tires were produced by Michelin in 1937. However, the condition of the roads and facilities mass car did not allow the widespread use of such tires and they were installed exclusively on racing cars.

The lack of necessary depreciation can lead to more unfortunate consequences than the loss of comfort, as, for example, the load on the car's suspension increases. It is also worth remembering that the transition to low-profile tires is always accompanied by an increase in the landing diameter of the disks, which means that a purchase is necessary. In addition, low-profile tires themselves tend to cost more.

How to choose?

Choose low profile tires costs in accordance with the recommendations of the automaker. As a rule, a car manufacturer offers 3-4 sizes for each model, among which there will be low-profile ones. Below is an example of tire selection for ford car Focus:

Tire profile

MICHELIN tire model


Changing tires on a car is a common thing for motorists. At the same time, some drivers (conservatives) prefer classic tires, while others prefer low-profile tires.

How justified is this type of tuning? What is low profile tyre? Should it be installed on the car? These and other questions are worth considering.

What are low profile tires?

Let's remember the main parameters of the bus. There are three of them - the width and height of the profile, the diameter of the disk. They are interrelated, which complicates the process of choosing and . By changing one parameter, you have to change others.

The profile height parameter is equal to the ratio of the height and width of the tire.

The rubber profile is calculated using the following formula:

Tire Profile = Height/Width* 100%.

The resulting value is not absolute, but only guarantees the relationship of two parameters - height and width. So, for rubber with a parameter of 205/55 R16, the height of the side part is lower than that of 225/55 R16.

So what exactly is a low profile tire? This is a product (tire, tire), the height of the side part of which (when measured from the road to the disk) is minimal in relation to the width of the tire.

This rubber is installed in basic configuration on some machines upper class with a "sports edge".

Low-profile tires are in demand among tuning enthusiasts who dream of changing the car, distinguishing it from the “gray mass”, and achieving better sports performance.

It is worth noting that the concept of "low profile" has changed over the years. The tire market is regularly updated, new models with better performance appear.

In the 70s, tires with a profile up to 80 were considered low-profile. Today, attitudes have changed. Low profile tires are up to 45-55.

So, in Europe, among motorists, the size 205/55 R16 is in demand.

The difference between the tire is the absence of a rib that would protect the disk. Therefore, it is impossible to consider such rubber as low-profile.

185/55 R15 is more suitable for the new concept.

But height is not the only hallmark. Another criterion is the presence of a protective edge of the disk.

If we talk about the minimum parameters of such tires, then it is worth mentioning the ETRTO standards.

Since 2009, the European Wheel and Tire Society has ruled that a low profile tire is one with a size 20 (example is 375/20 R21).

But this is not the limit.

Kumho and Nexen surprised the world with low profile tires in sizes 385/15 ZR 22 and 365/15 ZR 24 respectively (models Ecsta SPT KU31 and N3000).


It is believed that low-profile tires are only for show-off. But it's not.

With the growth of the speed characteristics of new cars, the requirements for rubber and its braking characteristics also increase. The last parameter depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "spot" of the tire with the road.

To reduce the braking distance, manufacturers go to increase the diameter of the disc, which leads to the need to reduce the height of the profile.

The speed index for modern low-profile tires is from 210 km / h or more (series "H", "V" and higher).

In addition, a car on a low-profile tire does not sway as much in corners, which gives it a "sporty" and handling.

What should be the pressure?

The logical question concerns pressure requirements. In the case of low profile tires, this parameter is important. If you pump the tire, then the level of comfort decreases and each bump is given by a knock in the teeth.

With a decrease in pressure in the rubber, the risk of overheating increases and the service life of the product decreases (high risk of damage).

To avoid problems, you should follow the recommendations of machine manufacturers. Some of them advise to slightly increase the pressure for such rubber (somewhere by 0.15-0.2 bar), but this condition is not necessary.

Advantages and disadvantages

To understand the relevance of buying low-profile tires, you should know their pros and cons.

We will pay special attention to each of the points:

1. Positive qualities:

2. Negative qualities:

  • Requirements for road surfaces. The benefits described above low profile rubber are leveled when driving on rough roads. It is believed that there is a direct relationship between the surface of the road surface and the ride quality on low-profile tires;
  • Short service life. Because of bad roads, tires with a low profile "live" less than "brothers";
  • Risk of deformation during prolonged parking. If the car is not used for a long period, then an unevenness (defect) occurs at the point where the tire touches the ground. This problem is noticeable immediately after leaving the garage and manifests itself in the form of steering wheel vibration and beats. You should not worry - in 99% of cases the problem goes away after 3-5 kilometers after the rubber is heated, but the fact itself is already unpleasant. But in 1% of cases (with extremely long-term parking) rubber has to be thrown away due to unsuitability for use;
  • Bad depreciation. Low-profile rubber does not differ in the quality of cushioning. This means that jumps and bumps are inevitably transmitted to the driver's body. So, choosing such tires, you should be prepared for a decrease in comfort;
  • - a disadvantage, which is explained by the increased area of ​​\u200b\u200btouching the product to the road;
  • Non-compliance with factory requirements. The design of tires makes drivers "puzzle" over buying wheels;
  • Decreased stability on wet roads. Due to the special tread and the use of soft rubber, low profile tires are unstable on wet roads;
  • Difficulty of installation. Self installation low profile rubber is not possible. Moreover, not all service stations can boast of the equipment necessary to solve such problems.

How does low profile rubber affect suspension?

A popular question that buyers ask is related to the effect these tires have on the suspension. vehicle.

There are two options here:

wear problem.

Each tire is manufactured in such a way as to guarantee stability and compliance with the main indexes (speed, load).

In theory, a low-profile tire lasts as long as a classic tire. But this is only in theory.

Aggressive driving, curbing, potholes, high speed driving, curb impacts are factors that reduce the life of the product.

We must not forget that low profile tires - sports option, therefore, the resource is appropriate, they wear out faster.

Manufacturers and model examples

Manufacturers classify tires as low profile if their height is 40-50 mm or less.

TO famous brands, which are engaged in the production of low-profile rubber, should include:

  1. BFGoodrich is an American manufacturer that has been making tires since 1910. Differs in a wide range of products, focus on quality and production of tires for extreme conditions operation. Popular Models low profile tires - BFGoodrich G-Force Winter(product parameters - 215/45 R17 91H XL), BFGoodrich G-Grip (tire parameters - 255/35 ZR19 96Y) and others;
  2. Bridgestone is a brand with a worldwide reputation. Producing countries - France, Poland, Japan, Germany, Spain and others. The company has been operating since 1931. She is considered a pioneer in the production of radial rubber, has earned credibility thanks to the production of tires for sports cars. Popular tires low profile - Bridgestone A001, Bridgestone B280. Also worth highlighting following models— Bridgestone B330, Bridgestone B330 EVO and others;

  3. Continental is a tire manufacturer from Germany. Today the company occupies a leading position in Europe. The company's factories are located in Sweden, Portugal, France, Chile, Belgium, Turkey and other countries. "Representatives" of low-profile tires - Continental ExtremeContact (parameters - DW - 245/35 ZR20 95Y), Continental ContiWinterContact (characteristics - TS 850 - 245/40 ZR18 97W XL FR) and others;

  4. Goodyear is a company that started operations back in 1989. Already in 1926 recognized largest manufacturer in a world that retains its position today. Examples of low profile tires - Goodyear Wrangler F1 - 275/40 ZR20 102W, Goodyear Ultra Grip Ice Navi Zea (specs - 245/45 R19 98Q), Goodyear Wrangler F1 - 275/40 ZR20 102W;

  5. Pirelli is an Italian tire manufacturer headquartered in Milan. Tire production by the brand began in 1972. Today, the Pirelli company is more than two dozen factories operating in 13 countries around the world. The company produces tires for all types of cars - SUVs, special equipment, vans, cars and other technology. Examples - Pirelli Winter SottoZero serie III (parameters -245/45 R17 99V XL), Pirelli Winter SottoZero serie III - 225/45 R17 91H and others.

Recently, the so-called low-profile tires have been especially popular among domestic motorists in the spring-summer season. Let's try to figure out what are the advantages of tires of this type compared to classic tires.

What is a low profile tire

A low-profile tire is considered to be a tire whose profile height in relation to its width is less than 60%. For example, a tire with a dimension of 215/60 R16 is ordinary, but 215/50 R16 is already a low-profile tire. This ratio is called the tire series. In general, it can be argued that if there is a 55 series tire and below, this tire can be classified as a low-profile tire.

You can not bother yourself with complex arithmetic calculations, but just look at the markings of the tire you like. There are standard (standard), low profile (performance) and sports ( high performance) rubber. Most easy way tire selection - take a look at the markings above and choose the most suitable type of tires.

The main advantage of low profile tires is that they are better than standard tires. speed characteristics. However, the choice of such a profile is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. When wrong selection this type of tire is likely to deform the alloy wheel even in the smallest pothole on the road.

And the history of low profile tires

Michelin is considered the pioneer of low profile tires. The first rubber of this type had a series of 88 and, regardless of the speed characteristics of the car, was installed on all racing cars of that time. Tires in a short period of time won the respect and trust of the pilots of such cars. Only after almost 40 years, or rather, in 1978, the Italian Pirelli company launch of low profile tyres. Tires received a series of P6 and P7.

Cars with such tires have become very popular all over the world. As a result, almost all leading tire companies have launched the production of such products at their plants.

The faster, more powerful and more perfect cars became, the higher the requirements began to be placed on car tires. In particular, it was required to take to a completely different level braking performance, grip characteristics and, of course, the speed characteristics of tires.

Modern low profile tires

Modern low profile tires are characterized by high rate speeds - H (up to 210 km / h) and V (up to 240 km / h), and for high performance sports tires this indicator can be an order of magnitude higher - W, Y, Z. For example, standard tires for the most part have an indicator speed T (up to 190 km/h). For modern cars tire braking performance is very important.

Automotive brake disk is the wheel rim size limiter. Since it is impossible to increase the diameter of the rim without increasing the diameter of the tire due to insufficient air volume, a decrease in the profile of the tire should entail an increase in its width. As a result, the number of points of contact between the tire and the road surface increases and the vehicle's grip on the road improves.

Of course, each road surface is ideally suited to its tread pattern. For high-speed cars, which, in fact, provide for the installation of low-profile tires, the tread pattern is made in the image of tires racing cars. The optimal profile pattern has been formed over many years. As a result, low-profile tires, unlike standard tires, have improved speed, braking, and road grip (especially when passing long and sharp turns on high speed). An important role in this is played by the carcass of the tire itself, which is made of ultra-soft and at the same time durable rubber grades. The car becomes more docile in control, less prone to buildup and more resistant to skidding.

Pros and cons of low profile tires

Like any product, low-profile tires, in addition to undoubted advantages, also have no less obvious disadvantages. Considering the extreme loads that such tires are subjected to, their service life is significantly lower than that of standard tires. This is especially felt on Russian roads. Also, do not forget about the increased load on the suspension and chassis of your car. The reason is simple - the car will be much more sensitive to all the bumps in our roads, shock absorption will be practically absent. In general, you will have to say goodbye to comfort for the thrill of high-speed trips.

The lower the tire series, the more noticeable the discomfort will be when passing sections with poor road surfaces. And the more sensitive the suspension of your " iron horse» will respond to all road imperfections. Also, do not be surprised at the increased noise level in the car. Don't worry, the noise isolation has remained the same (however high it may be), but the use of low-profile tires significantly increases the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe car's grip on the road. Hence the noticeably increased tire noise when driving at high speeds. Also, the steering system of the car will experience much higher loads. Accordingly, the duration of its operation will also be reduced - repairs will be required much earlier than planned.

All of the above disadvantages apply, first of all, to machines for which the manufacturer did not provide for the installation of low-profile tires. In this case, all systems responsible for driving performance machines will experience increased loads and as a result, the replacement of elements of these systems will occur ahead of schedule.

If all these troubles do not frighten you and you still firmly intend to install low-profile tires on your car, let's dwell a little on the rules that must be considered when choosing such rubber.

How to choose low profile tires

First, consider the area where the machine is to be used. If this is the outback of our country, where roads are of little use for movement even in dry weather, then the use of low-profile tires is simply unacceptable here. If the machine is mainly used for long-distance road trips good quality and you need the speed and handling of the car, then your choice is clearly for low-profile tires.

But when moving in urban areas, where potholes, bumps and other irregularities come across every now and then, it is better to use standard tires. After all high speeds in the city are unacceptable, and the possibility of damage to expensive low-profile tires is quite high. Repair of such rubber significantly reduces its speed and braking characteristics. As a matter of fact, the advantages of using low-profile tires are leveled, there are continuous disadvantages.

Is it possible to use Winter tires all year round

The next disadvantage is the difficulty of mounting a low-profile tire. Not all auto repair shops are equipped with machines latest generations which can easily cope with the features of high-speed wheels.

Another inconvenience may be the need to purchase discs with a larger radius while maintaining mounting sockets for mounting bolts, as the height of the tire profile will decrease. This will irreversibly increase the load on the vehicle's suspension. Once again, make sure that you can install low-profile tires on your car, because often manufacturers of small cars categorically do not recommend the use of this type of tires on their brainchildren.

When operating low-profile tires, regular checks of the pressure indicator in them are more important than ever. Moreover, tires that are not warmed up from the trip, as well as after long movements, are subject to control. This is due to the fact that the rubber photographically remembers its position before the start of the trip, and after the movement stops, the points of contact with the road may be in a crushed position. The process of cooling tires occurs in this position, which causes bald spots of rubber. Due to the design features rim, insufficient pressure in the tire can cause deformation of the side of the rim. This leads to increased wear the tire itself and, as a result, to a decrease in the running performance of rubber. Increased risk of loss of vehicle control.

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Note that there are also winter low-profile tires. And this type of tires, like summer tires, has its own advantages and disadvantages. On snow-covered roads, low-profile tires proved to be the best side. Its stability and handling performance even surpassed those of standard tires in many ways. Cars with low-profile tires in such conditions feel very confident, skid a little and are not subject to skidding.

The disadvantages include poor handling and too long braking distances on wet roads. The performance was not much better even on dry sections of the road at negative air temperatures.

In conclusion, we note that low-profile tires are the individual choice of each motorist. And whether it is worth installing them on your car, everyone should decide for themselves, based on own experience or professional advice.

Manufacturers of tires in a competitive environment are constantly improving their products, producing products with various properties, characteristics, dimensions. One of these inventions was low-profile tires, let's see what low-profile tires mean, what advantages such tires have.

What tires are considered low profile? You can distinguish a low-profile tire from a simple tire by the appropriate marking on the side of the product. Having deciphered the marking of tires, we can conclude what is the height of the tire profile and whether the rubber is low-profile. For example, the decoding of the rubber marking with the designation 225 / 40R16 is as follows:

  • 225 - tire width, is 225 mm;
  • 40 - expresses percentage between the height and width of the rubber, we get the height of the tire profile 225 * 0.4 = 90 mm;
  • R - type of tire, in our case a radial tire;
  • 16 - the inner diameter of the tire or the outer diameter of the disk.

Previously, tires with a width-to-height ratio of no more than 0.8 were considered low-profile tires. Nowadays, very low profile tires have a specified size ratio of less than 0.55. It is clear from the 225/40R16 marking that the tire has a very low profile, with a width to height ratio of 40% or 0.4.

Low profile tires

If we compare tires marked, for example, 195 / 45R15 with 205 / 45R15, then the first tires will be lower (195 * 0.45 = 87.75 mm), in the second case (205 * 0.45 = 92.25 mm ). In the first variant, the profile height is less. The minimum allowable profile is the ratio of the width and height of the tire at the level of 0.2.

Another difference between low-profile tires and standard tires is the speed index, for low-profile tires it is more than 210 km / h, while for standard tires this parameter is 190 km / h. In addition, low-profile rubber has a special stiffener to protect the disc from damage. Products without the specified rib cannot be considered low profile.


Low profile rubber has the following advantages:

  • improves the speed characteristics of the car;
  • provides fast braking;
  • makes the car directional stable even on high speed movement of the vehicle;
  • provides the desired contact patch of tires with the road;
  • dynamic acceleration of the vehicle;
  • does appearance car more attractive;
  • the car is stable during corner entry.
  1. The described advantages of the specified type of rubber are present when moving the car on a flat pavement, the quality of the ride is directly proportional to the quality of the road.
  2. Reduced tire life. When using low profile tires on poor quality roads, the possibility of tire puncture and wheel deformation increases.
  3. Deformation of the tire during a long idle time of the car. While the car is idle, the tire comes into contact with the road surface, and the shape of the tire changes at the point of contact. These changes are felt when the vehicle leaves in the form of vibration of the steering wheel and, as a rule, disappear after 4-5 km of run.
  4. Reducing the depreciation of the car, the driver and passengers feel the bumps in the road while driving.
  5. Decreased driving comfort. An increase in the contact patch of tire contact with the road leads to an increase in noise, which affects driving comfort.
  6. The high cost of not only rubber, but also the installation work.
  7. Even a slight deviation in tire pressure from the norm can lead to negative consequences. Therefore, there is a need to conduct enhanced control of this parameter.
  8. Increased hydroplaning effect. It is difficult to drain water from the contact patch of the tire with the road surface, due to the increase in the width of the tire.

The main problems that motorists have to solve when wanting to install low profile tires, there is a load on the suspension due to the increase in the width of the rim and the mounting of the wheels. The first problem is solved by purchasing alloy wheels, the second is more complicated, not every service station can handle it. Therefore, before purchasing low-profile rubber, you need to try on a disk on the suspension, find out if the mounted wheel will not catch on the body elements.

When choosing tires with a low profile, one must be guided not only by the recommendations of the car manufacturer, indicating the sizes of the required tires and the operating conditions of the vehicle, but also take into account the tire manufacturer. The quality of low profile tires depends on the manufacturer that made the specified tires. By purchasing fake or low-quality products, you can become the culprit of an accident, the car may lose control. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the types of low-profile tires of well-known brands.


summer tire American manufacturer, intended for cars. Advantages:

  • security exchange rate stability using a special central rib placed on the tire tread;
  • the presence of special self-locking lamellas ensures vehicle braking on any road surface;
  • reinforced shoulder blocks provide directional stability of the car;
  • good drainage of water from the contact patch of the tire with the road.

Cons: Tires are a bit noisy.

Tire Pirelli Winter SottoZero serie III — 225/45 R17 91H

Winter tires of the Italian manufacturer, designed for powerful and high-speed passenger cars. Advantages:

  • symmetrical tread pattern provides good grip on the road;
  • good vehicle stability;
  • high speed characteristics;
  • due to the presence of special 3D lamellas, the absence of spikes is compensated;
  • products have a long operational period thanks to the use of a special rubber compound.

Disadvantages: Tires are designed for mild winter conditions.

Tires Goodyear Wrangler F1 - 275/40 ZR20 102W

Rubber of the American manufacturer, designed for SUVs and crossovers. Advantages:

  • special blocks of the tread layer increase traction;
  • good stability and controllability of the machine;
  • provide fast acceleration;
  • little noise;
  • suitable for urban use.

Disadvantages: give in to punctures.

Continental ContiWinterContact TS 850 - 245/40 ZR18 97W XL FR
  • the tread layer contains many blocks, thanks to which it is provided good cross cars;
  • dense placement of lamellas ensures vehicle stability on slippery roads;
  • the design of the sidewalls allows you to maneuver the car, while providing good stability and manageability;
  • fast braking.

Disadvantages: high cost.


Low-profile tires are available in various sizes, it is possible to install these tires on almost all types of cars, sizes are available from R13-14 to R17-24. If you want to install low profile tires on the car, evaluate the operating conditions of the vehicle, these tires behave ideally on good road surfaces. Follow the machine manufacturer's recommendations. Excessively lowering the height of the tire profile can lead to negative consequences: reduced comfort and safety, premature wear running gear parts.

What are the expectations of most car owners in relation to car tires?

I want to enjoy fast driving so that grip and handling are at a decent level. And it is desirable that the wheel is not only a functional part of the car, but also an element of tuning.

That is why today more and more car owners prefer to buy low-profile tires R16 and other sizes. Fortunately, they are now on the market a wide range of. You will find many models on the Samohodoff website.

Why buy a low profile?

The characteristic dimensions of low-profile R16 rubber, such as sidewall height, width and tread pattern, entail some features:

  1. The wide tread is a large contact patch. And that means more confident grip with the road and increased cornering control during high-speed driving.
  2. sidewall regular tires more prone to warping, especially when you're cornering. What can not be said about the low profile.
  3. The tread of low profile models has a specific pattern that helps the wheel behave perfectly at high speeds.
  4. The reduced height of the profile contributes to the rapid release of heat, the wheel overheats less.
  5. The wide bore allows you to install a more powerful brake system on the car.

Is there really no fly in the ointment at all?

Of course I have. Therefore, low-profile models did not become widespread in 1937, when they had just appeared on the market. Low profile easily loses contact with the road in puddles. However, on winter models this shortcoming has been partially eliminated.

Thin wheels are hard wheels. Remember that with them you get higher speed performance, sacrificing your comfort during trips.

Many drivers are interested in the question of how much low-profile tires cost. Indeed, its price is often higher than that of the usual one. But its features are worth it.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the prices and photos of low-profile tires for sale in our catalog.