Adjusting the starter VAZ. Repair starter by car VAZ do it yourself. Strong noise of starter

This article will talk about cardinal repair of the starter VAZ-2107, with the replacement of brushes, bushings, replacing the retractor relay and other dances with a tambourine. Signs faulty starter The following - the engine is very tightly, suspicion of the development of the starter bushings, not starting with some provisions - brushes and in extremely launched cases come to suspicion. It may not work the retractor - there is no characteristic click when turning the key to the "start" position and, accordingly, the starter does not twist.

In this manual we will look at skille repair starter VAZ-2107 With the full bulkhead of it and at once all the faults. Another important note is if the starter is tight or badly turns the engine - check the state of the battery, it can be discharged or faulty. Just making sure the battery is proper repair starter.

I will say right away - if the problem was in the winding, I would not mess around - repair at the cost of "got up" would in the amount equal to the new one. Important note - before work Before Turn off the battery! So I did not photograph the moment of removal, I just will describe him if the starter was already filmed at least once - then he usually be screwed into the place with two bolts instead of three (any sensible man is so screwed it, if at least once in his life he had to unscrew the third ). Both of these bolts (in contrast to the third, which are screwed at the factory) can not be unscrewed under the machine, but directly from the boost space. They screw the starter to the "bell" box. After these two bolts are unscrewed by applying the starter to the right and unscrew the terminal running to the accumulator from the battery and take out of the same retractor the second thinner wire (it goes from the ignition lock) :) Now the starter is free and non-good televisions pull it out. We proceed to the disaster and cleaning it from the dirt. So we unscrew the three nuts that hold the retractor, they are screwed into three studs, and unscrew the thick short wire from the retractor outgoing starter, remove the retractor. Next, unscrew the nuts of two studs that are on the back of the starter. They died with hairpins. Remove the back cover along with the middle of the starter with the winding. We have an anchor, which is simply not taken out of the front cover, like that of it:

In order to remove anchor with the Bendix from the front cover, we need to knock out this one's stopper (collapsed in red) by relying the pin that it is fixed so as not to fly out:

After I took out a pin, I knocked out this stopper of that khrenovina that in the previous photo circled blue;) Next, we calmly take an anchor with Bendix and get such a disassembled version:

As can be seen in the photo wear of one of the brushes 100% of two percent 80 and one miracle is preserved in a more or less decent state. Next, we remove the protective case from the back cover (it is made there by the type of clamp) and we get access to the brushes:

We unscrew the bolts that the brushes contacts are screwed and then tighten the spring with a pressing brush and take it out. And so all four in turn. Now you can separate the back cover from the middle of the starter. Here is her appearance after I walked on it with a metal brush:

Pay attention to the small lid - it needs to be removed in order to knock out the old sleeve and score a new one. I pushed her simply - I picked up the commemorate of a suitable diameter and screwed it into the old sleeve, thus squeezing (circled red), like this:

We also see the detail circled blue, as I later learned this brake disc cover. I had a split and was decided to replace it. I decided to replace the sleeves too, for they were somewhat broken :) to knock out the sleeve did not make any problems, easily come out. So here are new spare parts for replacement - two bushings, four brushes and stoppers:

Immediately make a reservation about the quality of spare parts. Find quality sleeves turned out to be not easy, at least with us. The first sleeves I took for because the outer diameter was an order of magnitude more, and my advice to you - if you get such bushings and now they are neuroded in the market - do not think of them to press them - chop the starter, the starter will burst. Take them back, take the old with you, pick up on them. And remember - branded (read factory bushings) are impregnated with oil (visually it is not visible, but if you will warm them, you will see how it stands out) and they will be pressed with a bang, they can simply gently score with the hammer. Starter details (cover) I recommend to clean the outside and inside with a metal brush before pressing the sleeves. Here are already purified parts with stoves pressed before assembling the starter:

Next, we collect everything in the reverse order, do not forget to have a stopper that keeps the plug in the front of the starter. The retractor I decided to change, because the new one was bought for a long time ago, and the old one sometimes did it, apparently burned the contacts, took the Bulgarian retractor, one to one as my old:

Sobly after the assembly install the starter in place and enjoy its workability. Personally, he began to twist just fine, which I wish. If you have questions - ask on the forum in the club of lovers of VAZ classics! Good luck to everyone and smaller breakdowns.

As you know, to ride a car, you need it to start. And with a broken starter it is extremely difficult to do this, so the question of repairing the starter on VAZ 2106 cars is often becoming.
What could be the causes of the non-workable state of the VAZ 2106 starter? How do you repair it with your own hands?
This repair instruction will give answers to these and other questions and everything will immediately be in place!

Signs of starter malfunction and possible causes

Let's look at some signs of a broken starter, and what could be the cause of the breakdown at this feature.

  • When the ignition key turns, no starter movement occurs. Such a sign can characterize both a batch battery and a non-working starter.
    If all the car's electronics works, but it does not start - the starter is.
  • In this case, it means that contacts in the retracting relay are singing and do not work.
  • Another sign - the starter twists, but does not start. The cause of this malfunction can be a significant wear of the starter brushes.
  • Another point - when turning the ignition key, a click is distributed, and nothing happens. Again, this indicates that the relay is not properly retracting.
  • When trying to start the engine, repeated clicks from under the capacitor space. This is a sign that the Bendix has failed - a gearbox with a flywheel.
  • Starter "Clinical". This is already more serious, because in this case, it may be caused by the launch of the starter or in the building - there is a breakdown and a teeth catch the wedge.
    There may be another option - defective bearings. It is better and cheaper!

Here are some starter faults that can happen to your car. If you find one of them, it means that it requires repair as soon as possible.
Now to business.

Starter repair tools

What will be needed to remove and repair the starter:

  • Keys on 8, 10 and at 13
  • Screwdriver (2 pieces)
  • Calipers

  • Multimeter

  • Passatii
  • A hammer
  • Mandrels for bearings
  • Lubricant
  • Sandpaper

Starter repair on VAZ 2106

A malfunction and possible reason for it was determined, the tool was prepared, prayed (not necessarily, but it is possible) and you can begin to!

Removing starter

To repair the starter, it must be removed from the car.
Let's proceed:

Note! Be sure to remove the minus terminal with the battery. Otherwise, it threatens closer chains when removing the starter.

  • Before starting withdrawal, it is necessary to ensure good access to the starter.
  • To do this, you need to remove the case.
  • To remove, unscrew the three starter mounting bolts to the PPC case.
  • To do this, take the key to 13 and unscrew the 2 top bolts first, and then the bottom.
  • Cell down the wires from the starter, and then remove it.

Council. Work when removing the starter in gloves, so as not to burn about the collector or knock down.

So, the starter was removed. Now you can start disassembly.

Disassembly of the starter

Tip! When disassembling the starter, be careful not to lose one of the small details that there are many.


  • We are starting disassembling the starter VAZ 2106 with the removal of the retractor relay. This is done as follows.
  • First you need to disconnect the wires - the output of the windings from the starter. We unscrew the fastening nut on 13 and remove the wire and washers.

  • Next, we unscrew the three screws of the attachment of the retractor relay.
  • The relay will stretch. Then remove the anchor of the retractor relay, removing the spring and gives out a little bit up and to the side.
  • Now go to the starter and remove the upper defense.
  • Unscrew the two screws of the protective casing and remove it.
  • For the next step, we need screwdrivers. With their help, we seem to the Rotor's stop ring and remove it along with the washer.

  • Fix closure on the body. How to do it can be seen in the photo.
  • Now we take the key to 10 and unscrew the two bolts of the fastening of the cover from the case.
  • Next, screwdriver turning the screws of the fastening of the wire connecting and starting windings.

  • Now you should disconnect the housing and the starter cover.
  • Take off the brushes to the springs. To do this, simply refress them with a screwdriver.
  • We take a pre-prepared mandrel under the bearing and press the rear bearing of the starter. Be careful - do not break the housing!
  • We take out a pin with a screwdriver and passage.
  • Next, you need to remove the rubber plug, and then anchor with a fork.
  • We repress the second bearing.
  • Now we will remove the Bendinx - the gear for engagement with the flywheel.
  • To do this, move the washer and with two screwdrivers remove the locking ring.

Be careful! The retaining ring usually flies into an unknown corner of the garage. Therefore, substitute anything so that it does not flew away.

  • After that, just hand removing the Bendix.

On this, the entire starter is disassembled.

Defecting starter

So, now, by the state of details, it is necessary to determine which one came into disrepair and what will need to be changed:

  • Brushes.
    With the help of the calipers, it is necessary to measure the height of the brushes. It must be at least 12 mm. If this is not the case, but the brushes will have to change.
  • Starter winding.
    They should not be burnt. Also, they should not be seen traces of damage to isolation, cracks or more serious mechanical damage.
  • Anchor starter.
    Check out the end of the shaft end and the bottom of the starter. The backlash must be minimal. If the landing hole or the shaft surface was worn out, then the replacement is necessary (best).
  • The axial clearance should not be greater than 0.5 mm.
  • If the surface of the anchor has burned, then you need to clean it with the help of sandpaper.

  • Bearings.
    Check the axial backlash bearing. Take for the inner clip, and with the other hand, shake outdoor. If necessary, change them.
  • If necessary, replace the retractor relay (signs of its inoperability see above)
  • Bendix. The gear teeth should not be worn and it should not be turned into two sides.
  • The plug of the retractor cylinder also should not have obvious damage - cracks, chipping and traces of wear.

If you need to replace something, it will not be much difficulty. Especially considering the fact that the price of the starter details is not so big.

Assembling starter

After all defective parts were found, the reasons were eliminated and replaced all the necessary parts can be seized. The order of assembling the reverse order of disassembly, so we will not specifically deepen into this process.
Pay attention only to some points:

  • Before assembly, be sure to smear all the bearings, the anchor shaft, as well as the drive gear (Bendix).
  • Do not forget to install anything - remember that there should be no extra details.
  • Install the starter brushes correctly.
  • Tighten all fasteners with satisfactory effort.

After assembling the starter, you should install it on the car. All the same way.
Breppy starter, connect wires, put the air filter back and connect the battery.


Article VAZ 2106 Starter repair + video to her will help you more clearly imagine how to carry out your hands repair starter for your favorite six. We hope that these tips, additional information, as well as photos will help you implement the starter repair.
If after repairing the starter still remained some kind of malfunction, then you can repeat the operation - perhaps you missed something. Or contact the masters on the nearest one hundred.

Hello, dear car enthusiasts! We continue to master the features of operation, diagnosis and repair of the main nodes of domestic cars. Those who are in service foreign cars, in principle, also suits this material. At a minimum for understanding the essence of the problems.

Of course, a low battery charge cannot be the only reason for the unsatisfactory work of the starter. So, for example, an anchor of the starter will not rotate at highly oxidized pole conclusions of the battery and the tips of the wires. Clean them and squeeze the vaseline. And if the tips are weakly tightened - tighten them stronger.

If there was an intersensional closure on the relay with the relay or a breakdown, you will have to change the relay - it will not be possible to change the situation in another way.

To exclude the breakfasts in the relay power circuit and in the power relay winding circuit, check the wire connections in the chain.

Sometimes, when the starter is enabled, the anchor either does not rotate at all or rotates very slowly. In this case, it is possible that the symptoms of the regeneration of the collector, which will be sufficient enough.

The reason for the occurrence of such a situation may also serve wear or brushes. In this case, the brushes are subject to replacement.

It happens that after turning on the starter, only anchor rotates, while the flywheel remains motionless. Provice such a breakdown can slip in the movement of the sleeve clutch, the rupture of the coupling ring or slipper along the axis of the clutch turning lever. In such cases, the coupling and inclusion lever are subject to replacement.

An uncharacteristic sound published by the starter when rotating an anchor can talk about a weakened starter attachment, fixing it with distortion, damage to the teeth gears of the flywheel drive or wear of the bearing sleeves.

How to check the VAZ 2107 starter independently?

It can not be that you are not interested in the question of how to check the older VAZ 2107 independently, without resorting to the help of specialists from the service center?

We offer to familiarize yourself with the consistent technique following which you can get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe car VAZ 2107:

  • Remove the starter from the car and clean the contamination of its outdoor surface.
  • Connect the conclusions of the retractor relay and the battery (at the same time, the starter housing must be connected to its negative output)
  • In order to check the anchors and stator windings, remove the rear axle cover and disconnect the brush knot.
  • Using an ohmmeter, check the absence of the windings to the housing. If there is no closure, the minimum instrument readings will be 10k
  • Check the winding on the break. To do this, connect the apposals of the ohmmeter to the outputs of the windings. If you notice the desire of an ohmmeter indicators to infinity, regard it as a cliff of the winding.
  • Exclude the absence of an anchor of anchor "for mass" - attach the dipstick of the ohmmeter to the case, and the second alternately connect to the contact plates. If there is no closure, the emmeter readings will be at least 10k.

Only at first glance, the work associated with the starter repair may seem complex. But having done it at least once, you can easily diagnose and eliminate most breakdowns of the star of the Zhuguli seventh model.

The article is very detailed with the photo of the accompaniment described the starter repair process by car VAZ 2110.

The new car breakdowns and problems at the starter rarely happen. But if the machine has served for more than 5 years, then problems may arise. To determine the fault of the starter can also own the car owner - the machine does not start, uncharacteristic sounds during the engine start, the starter turns off the starter.

But many motorists do not pay attention to such signals of the machine. And they bring the situation to the point that the starter is already impossible. But an experienced motorist who watches his car immediately, by the sound of a working machine, will determine the malfunction of this part. So how to repair the starter? Its repair occurs in several dozen stages of the described below.

Starter repair procedure:

1. First, you need to produce from the machine. Now proceed to the disassembly of the part.

2. You need to unscrew the nut.

3. Disconnect the trailer switch from the contact bolt.

4. Carefully unscrew the two bolts that hold the traction relay.

5. The traction relay must be removed from the starter.

6. Set aside the starter itself and remove the anchor from the trailer relay. To do this, lift it up, and the armature loop starred from the lever.

7. Now we return to the starter itself. Remove the nuts of the tie spills.

8. Remove the cover from the drive side with the gearbox and the same detail assembly.

9. The cover must be removed from the manifold side with brushes and briefs.

10. Then remove the gear from the anchor shaft.

11. Pull out the anchor himself from the starter.

12. On an anchor shaft, a washer is installed on the drive side (pay for this special attention).

13. Using a screwdriver or other thin item, remove the anchor shaft support.

14. Then a small hole pull out two tie studs from the starter cover. In general, it is not necessary to remove them if you are in a hurry, you can leave them, but remove the drive and the gearbox is more convenient without these studs.

15. After that, remove the three gear gears. The breakdown of the starter can be in the fact that these gears are damaged, teeth brooms or needle bearings close-up in the gears. If this disadvantage is present, then replace the items, and the starter will start again.

16. But if the gears are in order, then continue to disassemble and check on the starter breakdown on. From the lid you need to remove the gearbox with the drive, after pressing the starter drive gear.

17. Support with the seal must be removed from the lever.

18. Then pull the support from the seal. Watch support. The plastic part should not be damaged or strongly worn. If you see that the support is deformed or a rubber gasket hardened, replace them.

19. Roll off the restrictive ring with a proper mandrel with a stop ring.

20. Gently remove the lock ring first, and then restrictive.

21. From the drive shaft, remove the drive assembly.

22. Unscrew the locking ring of the lever.

23. Then remove the lever with the washer and the leash.

24. Unsubscribe unscrew the lever spring.

25. Now you can remove the lever from the eyeliner, and disconnect the halves of the lever.

26. Remove the retaining ring with gear inside.

27. Then disassemble the gear with the inner gearing and remove the drive of the drive shaft from the shaft.

28. Gently remove the sealing ring from the pore. Carefully inspect it. A damaged, deformed, hardened ring badly affects the work of the entire starter. It must be replaced.

29. Remove the insert from the support next step.

30. From the side of the collector, turn the two screws and remove the brief holder.

31. With the help of a screwdriver, you will find the brush locks.

32. Then remove these clamps and their clamping springs. Again, deformed or spoiled parts, strongly compressed or curved, sprown springs replace.

33. From the guides, pull the brush themselves.

34. Uninsulated brushes need to be removed.

35. Then remove the cardboard insulating gasket. If it is damaged, compressed, torn, change it to a new one.

36. Remove isolated brushes with connecting tires.

37. Carefully and detail an anchor. Pay attention to the collector.

  • 1. If the item is contaminated, smoked, stabbing it with glass shallow skin. If the traces of considerable roughness are visible on it or dried strongly, crush the part on the lathe and then stratum the collector shallow skin.
  • 2. If the traces of yellow bearing from the bearing are visible, then clean it with glass shallow skin, because subsequently it can lead to the gross gear. If there are potholes or fears on the surfaces of such parts as the TACF and the shaft slot, then replace the entire anchor. Pay attention and winding on the ends of the anchor. If you saw some shortcomings there, replace the anchor.
  • 3. Check the reliability of soldering outlets of the anchor winding to the collector plates.

38. Using a control lamp that feeds the AC voltage of 220 V, check the condition of the anchor winding. Lamp voltage swipe to the collector plate and the anchor core. If everything is in order, the lamp should not burn. If it is burning, it means that the anchor winding has occurred. In this case, just replace the anchor of the starter new.

39. Holding the overtook coupling, starter gear in both directions: clockwise the gear should walk absolutely freely, and it should not be rotated against the clockwise at all. If something is broken, replace the drive.

40. Then the starter drive is put on the drive shaft. If everything is in order, then it should be freely, without hots and stops to move along the slots of the shaft.

41. If you see that the drive details are very worn, deformed, damaged, replace the drive. If you find a fever on the crushing of the gear, stabbing their fine-grained emery circle. Choose a small diameter circle.

42. Inspect the bushings in which the shafts rotate. They are installed in the starter cover from the drive side, from the reservoir, the support tree of the anchor and the drive. If the sleeves are deformed or there are jackets, replace the lids or supports with broken sleeves. Also should replace the cracked lids and supports.

43. Carefully inspect the starter itself, and if there are traces of anchor hide on it, change the lid and intermediate support to the new one.

44. Worn brushes to size between the working surface and the output of less than 3.5 mm, replace.

45. Brushes must move freely towards the brief holder. And the brush holder should not have cracks, chips, disadvantages. Check if it is. If everything is in order, then proceed to the next stage of repair. If there are flaws, replace the items.

46. \u200b\u200bStart examining the drive shaft. Its elements should not have traces of damage, strong wear and deformation. If there is a tax, remove it with glass shallow skin. Work carefully so as not to damage the items.

47. Using an ohmmeter, check if the contact plate of the traction relay contact bolts are closed. If they do not get closed, replace parts or simply repair the relay.

48. To repair the relay:
  • 1. Unscrew the two screws.
  • 2. Sweep the windings of the relay and conclusions.
  • 3. Then remove the lid, and clean the contacts and heads of the bolts with a skin. Collect the relay should be in reverse order.
49. Now proceed to assembling the starter. Before you start, lubricate the teeth gears with engine oil. Collect starter in reverse sequence.

50. Install the porter to the starter separately from the cover from the collector. To collect and install this item, use the sleeve, the diameter of which (marker 1) is equal to the diameter of the collector (about 30 millimeters).

51. The collected brief holder, set the starter to the starter housing until you stop, then remove the bushing and set the header from the reservoir side. Repair completed.

And your starter on the car VAZ is again like a new one!

Violations (malfunctions) of the working capacity of the new car starter - the thing is quite rare, incidentally, in two cases: violations of the rules of operation of the vehicle or the presence of a factory marriage. Nevertheless, do not think that it will always be so. Even a five-year-old car is not insured against malfunctions, but, then the failure of this most important aggregate.

Signs of starter malfunction

The motorist must remember that the starter almost never "dies suspiciously." Before this sad finals, he "signals" the owner of the car, but not always these symptoms are noticed on time and necessary measures are taken on them. But they are simple enough: the start does not happen from the first time, spontaneous shutdowns of the starter when starting, uncharacteristic sounds and extraneous noises during the start process. After a timely noticing and responding to such a signal, you can maximally reduce both temporary and financial losses. After repairing the starter "VAZ" with your own hands.

The main goal offered to your attention is the article - several practical advice on the implementation of repair and restoration work of the starter of the car of the VAZ family. Naturally, before the production of directly repair, it is necessary to dismantle the starter from the vehicle. About, we already wrote. The next step will be the disassembly of the unit.

How to disassemble the starter for repair

  • After reloading the fastening bolts of the retractor relay (hereinafter referred to as the Text of BP), remove it from the aggregate.
  • By revealing the nuts of tightening spills, remove the cover located on the side of the collector, along with the gearbox.

  • We take out the gear of an anchor shaft, after which they dismantle the anchor himself.
  • Taking out an anchor tree support from the housing, we liberate gear gears, which should be three. We examine the technical condition of the gears teeth, since they are often the cause of malfunctions, due to mechanical damage.
  • Making sure the integrity of the teeth, dismantle the drive lever support together with the seal. This action will allow us to free the gearbox and drive. Inspect the support on the subject of deformation and increased wear.
  • Make sure its performance, dismantle the restrictive ring and unscrew the drive assembly assembly.

  • Unscrew the lever with screwdriver with screwdriver. Perform control of the internal gear gear, then remove the drive support from the shaft. Remove and inspect the reference ring. The presence of even minor defects is a direct indication of its replacement.
  • We dismantle the support liner by repeating the control procedure.
  • We unscrew the two screws located on the head side, which will allow you to remove the brush holder.
  • Remove the brushes from the guides, pushing the screwdriver, and control their condition.

  • Perform the control of the technical condition of the anchor by emphasizing the collector inspection. Pollution is removed by means of fine-grained skins, and the presence of small damage will require a groove on the lathe with subsequent Okurivation. In case of detection, chosel on the surfaces of the shaft or pinch slot, you will have to replace this item new. The next step of controlling the state of the anchor will be the verification of the reliability of soldering the conclusions of the windings to the plates. Now check the condition of the anchor windings for integrity. To do this, you need an ordinary electrolympa. Turn it into the chain, closed between the anchor core and one of the collector plates, and serve the appropriate voltage. Lamps lighting - Winding closure certificate and guide to replace the anchor.
  • Inspect the bearing. The presence of a yellow plaque is a manual for its processing of fine-grained emery. Neglecting this event can cause the shaft gear.
  • Next, monitoring the status of the starter directly. Workable brush holders do not have chips and cracks, moreover, do not interfere with the easy rotation of the brushes in their direction. The drive shaft and its elements having even minor signs of wear or damage are subject to immediate replacement. Place remove with small grain sandpaper.

Video - repair of the classics starter do it yourself