Interesting facts about motorists. Interesting facts about cars (11 photos). If cars could fly, how long would it take to get to the moon?

Car GAZ M-20 is the first mass-produced vehicle of the Soviet era. Few people know that its name could be "". After Stalin asked: “How much is your Motherland worth?”, they came up with another name - “Victory”.

The first car to exceed 100 km/h was an electric car. The vehicle appeared in 1899. The creator was racing driver Camille Genatzi from Belgium.

The first car with seat belts published in 1959. It was produced by Volvo.

Number plates they began to attach them to horse-drawn carriages. One of the first automobile plates appeared in Munich (Germany) in 1899. In Russia, they learned about the license plate in 1904 (Riga). It is known that alphabetic symbols on signs began to be used in 1901. This year, a Berlin resident received permission to use his wife's initials before the numbers on his license plate.

After completing the space flight Yuri Gagarin They gave me a black Volga. The number indicated 12-04 YUAG (date of sending into space and initials). The letter set was legally taken from the index of the Moscow region, according to which the star city of SA was located.

These days the most big plant largest automobile manufacturer in the world Toyota brand. In second position is General Motors. Next comes Volkswagen.

The most big car on this moment time is a dump truck released automobile plant"BelAZ". The model, whose weight is 810 tons, was named BelAZ-75710. Maximum speed An 8-wheel dump truck equals 64 km/h.

The Bugatti Type 57SC Atlantic is considered the most expensive antique car in the world. The cost is 40 million dollars. There are only three such machines in the world.

The 200 km traffic jam is considered the longest in the world. This event was recorded in 1980 between the cities of Leon and Paris (French motorway). Another, smaller, but longer traffic jam occurred within Hamburg in 1993. Its length turned out to be 180 km.

Cars of the Zhiguli brand in France can be bought under the name Lada, since this word is consonant with “gigolo”. The Lada Kalina car for residents of Finland is provided under the name Lada 119. If you translate “kalina” in Finnish, you get “roar or knock."

Exhaust sound adjustment Audi models RS4 was assigned to the staff of a professional record company. Produced gas sports cars guided by the tachometer needle. It looks like this: a deep bass at the bottom, a powerful tenor in the middle, and an eccentric soprano at the top. The Audi model is not the only contender for the best sound effects! British AC Cobra sports cars are distinguished by registered patents for their exhaust sound.

Henry Ford's first car, the ATV, spent a lot of time in the garage. The reason was not that the vehicle could not drive or start. The dimensions of the car were larger than the doorway of the barn where it was assembled. Ultimately, it was possible to get onto the roads, although Ford first had to destroy the wall.

An interesting study was conducted at the University of California (USA). The most safe colors The cars turned out to be blue, blue and yellow. Blue and cyan are clearly visible during the day, and yellow - in dark time days. Well, gray was recognized as the worst and most dangerous color.

We are thrilled with anticipation, choosing them on Internet sites, specialized markets or in luxury salons. We enjoy their speed, comfort and beauty and hate them when they break. We often spend more time with them than with our beloved family. What can I say - today we simply cannot imagine our life without them. We offer you a selection of facts about cars, many of which are very interesting.

Numbers, numbers, numbers...

1. There are currently 1 billion cars in use on Earth.

2. 165,000 cars are produced every day in the world.

3. The smell of a new car is made up of fifty volatile organic compounds.

4. It will take you no more than 6 months to travel by car to the Moon if you move at a speed of 95 km/h.

5. In chic the car will come in at least 19 young ladies.

6. An average car consists of 30,000 parts.

7. 75% of the cars Rolls-Royce has ever made are still on the road. different countries peace.

8. The average American spends 38 hours a year in traffic jams.

9. The chance of dying in a car accident is 1 in 5,000.

10. From 2008 to 2014 in Turkmenistan, drivers were given 120 liters of gasoline per month free of charge.

11. The car with the most high mileage traveled a total of 4,586,630 kilometers.

12. The most fast car in the world - Bugatti Veyron Super Sport at a speed of 431 km/h. We are, of course, talking about cars that are used on public roads.

13. Every car spends 95% of its life parked.

14. During an accident, 40% of drivers never press the brake pedal.

Facts, facts, facts...

1. While in prison, Hitler contacted the Mercedes representative office with a request for a loan to purchase a car.

2. The Volkswagen concern owns Audi, Bentley, Porsche, Bugatti, Ducati and Lamborghini.

3. The first car accident occurred in 1891 in Ohio, USA.

4. Foreigners are convinced that in Russia driving dirty car is considered a criminal offence.

5. Car accidents are the No. 1 cause of death for American youth under the age of 35.

6. In Los Angeles more cars than people.

7. The creator of cruise control was blind.

8. In 1941, Henry Ford made a car... from soybeans.

9. In New York, cars are prohibited from honking - except in extreme situations.

10. When a Volvo engineer developed three point belt security, the company decided to open a patent for this invention for general free use. This saves one life every 6 minutes.

11. In the early 20th century, horses caused so much pollution through their excrement that cars were considered an "eco-friendly" alternative.
12. Sunday lunch can be placed under the hood of the car, and if you drive long enough, it will have time to be fully prepared.

Interesting Facts about cars will help you take a different look at the usual means of transportation. Today city roads are filled with cars different brands, colors. They are comfortable and easy to operate. But this was not always the case. What were the first cars? What speed did you develop? Entertaining historical and modern facts about cars further.

In 1885, Karl Benz patented his invention - the first car with gasoline engine. It had three wheels, a T-shaped steering wheel and a 1.7 liter engine. Three years later, his wife made her first car trip between cities, the speed reached 16 km/h. At the same time, Karl began serial production cars.

The first license plates were issued to horse-drawn carriages. Car plate numbers appeared in 1899 in Germany (Munich).

The smallest car model was released in 2011. In Great Britain. She is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Pell P50 is 104 cm wide, 137 cm long, weighs 59 kg. This single-seater car reaches a speed of 80 km/h.

The most long car- this is a limousine. The length is 30 meters! The car has 26 wheels, folds in half and has two control cabins at both ends. Inside there is a swimming pool, a bed, and on the roof there is a helicopter pad.

There are many expensive cars, but the very best is the Ferrari 250 GTO, 1963. 36 of them came off the assembly line, the cost was $18,000, and they could only be purchased with the permission of the plant owner. The record was set in 2008, when the car was sold at auction for 15.7 million euros.

In Porsche cars, the ignition key is on the left of the steering wheel. In real cars, this is a tribute to a tradition that originates from the Le Mans race. This location of the key made it possible to start the car faster. After all, then the driver had to run to the car, jump into it and start it.

AC Cobra is confident that in addition to the original design, important feature sports cars– sound of operation exhaust pipe. Therefore, the company filed a patent for the sound exhaust system their sports cars.

Sound exhaust gases Aston Martin Vantage can be heard at a distance of 6,000 meters if the car is in afterburner mode. maximum speed engine (about 7000).

Hong Kong has more Rolls-Royce cars per resident than anywhere else. There is the legendary “Phantom”, which was released in 1934. This is what James Bond drove. The bulk of the machines are made exclusively for the customer. The cost of just one bumper badge is $5,000. Three-quarters of all the machines that have ever been built are still in good condition and in use.

SUV owners in the UK buy mud to cover the vehicle and justify its purpose.

Airbags in a car inflate at a speed of 2 km per second, the process takes 40 milliseconds. According to studies, airbags increase the chances of survival by 20-25%.

The mechanic Adolf Kegress worked for Emperor Nicholas II. He looked after the king's fleet and improved the cars. To improve cross-country ability snowy roads the inventor came up with half-track vehicles. Skis were added to the front wheels, and tracks were mounted instead of the rear wheels. In 1914, the designer patented his invention. The tracked Rolls-Royce was made according to Kegress's designs. V. Lenin rode it to Gorki. Now it is exhibited in the Lenin Hills Museum in Moscow.

You get used to good things quickly. Take a breeze through the countryside on weekends or get to work on weekdays. Arrange a shopping trip or order delivery of long-awaited new furniture to your home. In all these affairs and undertakings, the car is an indispensable assistant. And just some 250 years ago, the efforts of inventors to create this new type of transport caused bewilderment and laughter.

The first self-propelled vehicles

The prototype of a steam-powered car appeared with the Chinese Emperor in 1672. True, it was built like a toy. The mechanism was built not by a native inhabitant of the country, but by the Flemish Ferdinand Verbiest, a member of the Jesuit community in China.

Self-propelled four-wheeled strollers were also created in Russia. Back in 1752, on November 1, the serf peasant of the Vyatka province Leonty Shamshurenkov presented his invention to Mikhail Lomonosov in St. Petersburg. By the way, the first verstometer (a kind of speedometer) was invented by the same serf. Leonty Shamshurenkov also planned to build a self-propelled sled with a verstometer, but the sled was never built. Shamshurenkov also invented a design that was supposed to raise the Tsar Bell (and this mechanism remained on the drawings and was not brought to life).

Kulibina scooter

In 1791, Russian engineer and inventor Ivan Kulibin created a three-wheeled self-propelled carriage, containing almost all the main components of the future car. But this was not a car used as power plant engine, but the first velomobile, because it was set in motion by a servant who pressed on the pedals. In addition to such a curious mechanism, Kulibin pleased his contemporaries with other interesting inventions - he invented bridges, a navigable vessel that was powered by oxen (the ship was pulled by a rope to an anchor), a screw elevator that lifted the Empress on a chair to the floor above, an egg-shaped clock with a complex mechanism, spotlight-lantern, mechanical prosthetic leg. In Russia, the “automotive” developments of Kulibin and Shamshurenkov were not developed, since the state did not see potential in them; these vehicles were used as an attraction for the entertainment of the nobility.

Modern designed machines

From the first pioneering inventors to industrial production, the automobile has undergone no change. Steam-powered and electric vehicles have been replaced by engine-powered vehicles internal combustion. Before the first model by the Austrian Siegfried Marcus (1870), gas and hydrogen-oxygen mixtures were used as fuel. Marcus became the first person to use gasoline. Before the massive use of gasoline as a fuel, this petroleum product was considered useless to anyone and, after oil distillation, it was often poured into the river, retaining only kerosene; it was used in lighting fixtures.

Marcus' car

Inventor modern car German engineer Karl Benz is considered. He built his first model in Mannheim in 1885. The internal combustion engine was four-stroke, with a volume of 1.7 liters and was installed on rear wheels. T-bar and three huge wheels, similar to modern bicycle wheels, made it look like a self-propelled open carriage.

Karl Benz began serial production of cars with internal combustion engines in 1888 in Germany. At the same time, but under license from Benz, Emile Roger opened production in France. Cars at that time were seen as fashionable novelties, not as useful thing. Bertha Benz, the wife of the German inventor, still tried to show the suitability and usefulness of transport in everyday life. She was the first to carry out an intercity trip between Mannheim and Pforzheim. In 2008, the track was officially recognized as a monument to the German industrial history and became a tourist destination. This road is named after Bertha Benz.

Gradually, horse-drawn carriages on the streets began to be replaced by cars. The latter, by the way, at that time were considered environmentally clean look transport, compared to horse carriages (which had to be constantly cleaned up). Just like carts, cars were equipped with numbers. The first signs were issued in Munich in 1899. Moreover, alphabetic symbols on license plates also appeared in Germany in 1901. First in Russia car sign issued in Riga in 1904. Today in Western countries 12 letters and Latin alphabet are used in the designation of numbers. The first traffic rules were adopted in France on August 14, 1893.

Joke. The first tractor was brought to the Russian village. They gathered the peasants and told them how to use it. The whole day they explained about the engine, gearbox, control, maintenance, benefits of the new vehicle. At the end of the day, one of the peasants comes up and says: “We understand everything, nothing complicated, but we just can’t understand where to harness the horse.”

In 1914, a French engineer, then in the service of Emperor Nicholas II, proposed using tracks instead of wheels. rear axle. This greatly facilitated movement in the Russian winter. The invention was patented as the Kegress pendant. And it was this mechanism that was used on the Austin-Putilovets-Kegress armored vehicles, which were used by the warring parties in the Russian civil war.

Austin-Kegress armored car

Henry Ford made the car accessible to ordinary people through the introduction of the assembly line, but people who did monotonous work every day received a kind of nervous disorder, which is shown in one of Charlie Chaplin's comedies. For example, a person who has pressed one button at work all his life, in a conversation with another person, constantly wants to press the other person’s buttons.

Interesting information

Interesting facts about cars:


Road Safety Facts:

Speed ​​records

Car speed records:

Cars occupy an important place in the economy and everyday life. But don't forget that the best remedy movement is legs. After all, they can convey absolutely everywhere; there are no obstacles for them. And walking is very good for your health. So travel by car, but don’t forget about traveling on foot.

How cars will change in five years and why Tesla design is a thing of the past

Last week, Telsa Motors announced the imminent launch of a new model. The release of the budget Model 3 suggests that electric cars are becoming more affordable. But can we say that we are one step closer to a revolution in the industry? personal transport? Electric cars are still not very different from traditional cars in appearance and functionality. How will technology and new legislation affect the design of personal transport in the next 5-10 years?

1. The issue of ecology is important, but even more important is how our personal time is spent.

The original purpose of a car is to reduce travel time. Now you have to spend several hours just on the way to work and back. People used to dream of having a car, but now some are proud to walk.

There are many solutions to the problem, including public transport and bicycles, but this is a different level of comfort and freedom of movement. In addition, development public transport And road system do not completely relieve us of traffic jams.

It is worth looking at the situation at the ecosystem management level. This implies not only the widespread use of electric vehicles, but also changes in the principles of road traffic. Traffic lights, markings, signs and personal decisions of drivers will eventually be replaced by artificial intelligence, which will help manage traffic flow directly at the system level.

2. The industry is developing towards the most autonomous and environmentally friendly electric vehicles

Today on the roads there are electric cars of the second level of autonomy (level 2) or “hands off”. The system helps you control the car, but while you are driving, just like 100 years ago, you keep an eye on the road and the instruments.

Level 3 or “eyes off” allows you not to drive the car yourself.

A car of level 4-4+ (level 4-4+) or “mind off” is capable of moving without the presence of a person, but there are still control levers in the cabin.

Level 5 is an autonomous electric car without controls, where the “driver” is not you, but artificial intelligence.

3. The design of the car has not changed radically in the last 100 years. All we see today is one big restyling

After the steam boiler took the place of the horse in the carriage, there were only two significant changes in car design.

Transition to a spatial structure - the body is load-bearing and loads are distributed over it. And the transition to a monolithic body layout. When engines became more powerful in the 1930s, new design allowed to achieve better aerodynamics. All.

4. The electric car of the future is not a means of transportation, but rather an “office on wheels”

A car that does not need to be driven becomes a personal office or mobile home. The layout of the cabin will change towards a lounge or work space. This is a new user case that requires a different approach to design. And it seems to me that the market is moving in the direction.

Modern electric motors are compact cylinders, the size of a three-liter thermos. At the same time, they are capable of moving a two-ton car. The center of mass is now located not where the engine is, but where the battery is. This is the ideal location under the car's underbody between the front and rear axle. It is also no longer necessary to transmit torque from the engine to the wheels using an axle. Accordingly, we can make a completely flat floor and make the interior much more spacious.

5. New safety guidelines will change car design.

A vehicle's appearance and design are determined by how it behaves during a collision. Bumpers, protective systems in doors, and roof roll bars complicate and make the car heavier. Exterior styling is always designed to reduce the risk of injury to pedestrians in a collision. The contact points should be rounded, easily deformed, etc.

Today, even if you produce a car without an internal combustion engine, you cannot make it without a hood - the size of the crumple zone must comply with regulations. Therefore, Tesla's design is forced to repeat traditional cars, but this is the design of the past. A fully autonomous car, which will be controlled by AI and even hypothetically incapable of crashing into someone, gives great freedom to designers and constructors. As soon as changes are made to the legislation, we will be able to see many interesting cars.

There is also a strict set of rules for lighting cars. It determines the intensity of each light feature, its size, location, transparency, etc. So that a person does not confuse the brake light with the light side lights, the brake light must have a certain intensity, area, location. For each element there is a whole set of rules. IN autonomous cars the use of light signals will be kept to a minimum and machines will create less light pollution.

6. The scale of change in personal transport depends on the capabilities of the specific market

In some regions and states, for example, in California or Germany, the introduction of new technologies is supported and subsidized by the authorities. Large ecosystem projects and a new transport network are being developed together with automakers. In countries where this scheme does not work, automobile corporations adapt to market realities and create their own networks of gas stations, fuel centers, and so on. Both scenarios are possible and they are already developing, but for perfect solution problems of personal transport, the creation of a new type of infrastructure is required.

7. Switching to electric vehicles will not improve environmental situation straightaway

The number of cars is growing faster than new standards for the environmental friendliness of fuels and engines are being adopted. Electric cars are the way to go. But for now, the production, delivery, charging, and disposal of batteries requires energy from power plants running on fossil or nuclear fuel. Batteries are a separate important topic, and companies are working on more environmentally friendly options, to reduce their toxicity, weight, and energy consumption while driving.

The ideal option from an environmental point of view is a closed cycle, when the car can be 100% recycled, and no fossil or nuclear energy is used to create, use and recycle it. Many companies in the industry are striving for this because they understand that fossil fuels are finite. Given the current dynamics of car use, it will last, according to some data, for 50-70 years. Control traffic with the help of AI technologies will also help us reduce resource consumption by choosing the optimal path, speed, absence of accidents and traffic jams.

8. In the future, you will no longer need to go to the gas station.

There are different views on the evolution of gas stations. One of the most possible and elegant options is inductive charging of the car. Microwave filling panels can be built into the road surface in places public parking. With autonomous technology, the car will independently search for a parking space and charge itself. These technologies already exist, they have been tested in soon will be implemented on production vehicles.

A more futuristic option is when induction transmitters are built into the road surface, and the car charges while driving. The American University Oak Ridge National Laboratory is working on it. In this scenario, the car constantly receives small portions of energy, eliminating the need for static recharging and large toxic batteries. Then the weight of the electric vehicle can be reduced by almost 2 times, which again will allow for more economical energy consumption. I don't know how soon this technology will be introduced, perhaps in 10-15 years.

In the future, the road surface itself will change. Most likely, there will be no need for bumpers, curbs, signs, or markings. There are a lot of optimization possibilities and conceptual technologies, for example, roads from solar panels. The technology already exists.

9. In the next 3-4 years, electric cars will cease to be a niche product

In Germany, a bill is being discussed to end the use of cars with internal combustion engines from 2030. Transnational corporations producing traditional cars, are creating laboratories that are working on autonomous electric cars. The average development period for a car is 4 years, which means that in about 3-4 years we will see many new products in this area from the world's largest manufacturers. Startups such as Tesla, NIO, Faraday Future are creating competition and pushing the industry to change faster.

Automakers are making a huge impact on the artificial intelligence technology industry by investing in the development of new vehicle control systems. In addition, we are very much looking forward to new legislation on the use of autonomous cars. California will likely be the first place in the world where new regulations will be developed and implemented. According to rumors from the industry, this will happen in the next 2-3 years. Other countries will be guided by this set of rules and implement it in their own countries. That's when we will see the first caravans driverless cars on the road, and some of them will be visually and structurally significantly different from the electric cars we see today, not to mention traditional cars.