How to check battery - Methods and recommendations

Long exploitation of the car leads to the failure of some of its parts. The battery did not exceed this plan. Its replacement occurs with different periodicity, which depends on the conditions and frequency of operation of the car. But in front of the owners of the cars often the question arises how to check the battery? That is, for example, after four or five years of operation, in what condition it is. Will he fail at an inappropriate moment.

Ways to determine the technical status of the battery

If several ways to determine the status of the battery. Basically, special devices are used for this, which can not be in stock by the owner. Although these devices can be purchased at any store, and they are inexpensive. But what needs to be done first, it is to pay attention to the external state of the aggregate. He himself must be clean (or kept clean), the terminals should not be covered with a corrosive raid.

Simple ways

The easiest way is to monitor the temperature of the battery. If he is very hot, this means that partitions between sections are broken inside it. That is, the sections become closed. Nobody can fix it, so the right decision is to replace the old device new.

The second option is to create a load on the rechargeable battery, which will be equal to half the setproof installation. For example, a battery with a capacity of 60 amps, it means that it will be necessary to connect the load equal to about 30 amps or slightly higher. What can you use for this. Mass options, one of them is to connect in parallel with each other six or seven light bulbs. Each of them creates a load - 4.5 amps.

Now we attach this chain to the battery terminals, observing necessarily polarity. It is clear that the light bulbs will light up. In such a state, they must have a five minutes. If the chain giltness brightness does not change, it means that the battery device is in good condition. If they begin to gradually reduce the brightness, then charging at the battery is bad.

Dashing methods measurement

There are several devices with which you can measure the battery container. The first is a multimeter (tester). With it, the voltage between the terminals is measured.

Attention! Checking the battery Multimeter must be carried out in the morning, so to speak, on the cold device before running the engine. Mode is set to constant current.

After the measurement, you need to check the result. These are these, you may have the results:

  • If the tester check showed 12.6-12.9 volts, it means that your battery is charged one hundred percent. Its technical condition is beautiful.
  • If the readings vary in the range from 12.3 to 12.6 volts, the battery is charged by 75%.
  • If the multimeter shows 12.1-12.3 V, the container is half of the maximum level.
  • 11.8-12.1 V is just 25%.
  • 11.5-11.8 - This is a fully discharged battery.

Specialists note that checking the battery multimeter is an inaccurate definition of the state of the battery. Therefore, there are other more accurate ways.

First of all, the charging determines the density of the compound electrolyte. To verify this method, you need a carometer that is very similar to the alcoholometer. That is, it is such a float that is placed in the liquid, its level of immersion determines the density of the solution. For testing, you will need to merge from the battery into a small capacity of a bit of electrolyte and put a carometer in it. Pay attention to the fact that the batteries of different models have different electrolyte density, so before testing you need to get acquainted with the instructions.

So, that's what should happen during the verification process:

  • The electrolyte itself itself has a density of 1.26.
  • If measurements showed a value from 1.27 to 1.29, then it is a 100% charging.
  • 1.23-1.25 is charging by 70%.
  • 1.11-1.13 is zero.

And another device with which you can test the condition of the battery, this is a loading plug. In essence, this is a regular voltmeter with a load in the form of resistance.

Everything is very simple here. You must connect the ends of the fork to the battery terminals, observing the polarity of the connection. After that, the terminals serves a load. Its action should not exceed five seconds. At the end of the measurement is removed. If it is not less than 9 volts, then your battery is excellent. But note that the load fork is not worth making a check. Load equal to the start of the engine can reduce the capacity of the unit. And one more point - in the process of connecting the plug to the terminals, sparking may appear. There is nothing terrible in this, because, in essence. The load is immediately connected to the battery.

Conclusion on the topic

So, we tried in this article to answer the question, how to check the battery in different ways? Of course, what a way to choose, each decides itself. But it is better if the specialist will be engaged in this, who not only checks it, but, as needed, recaptures the device.

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