Device steering rack

The steering rail is the power knot of the steering system, thanks to which the driver of the vehicle is easier to rotate the steering wheel.

Scheme of the steering rack:

  • fig. 1 - without a hydraulic device (mechanical);
  • fig. 2 - with hydraulic amplifier (with gur);
  • fig. 3 - with an electric amplifier (with EUR).

The resource of the steering rail is influenced by:

  • degree of wear of other elements of the steering system (anthers, tank gur), brake pads, car suspension, etc.;
  • the condition and type of road surface (the presence of chosel, riding through the rails, on a blocking, etc.);
  • driving style (sharp braking, incorrect gear shift);
  • the quality of the working fluid in the GUR system.

The principle of operation of the steering rack of a mechanical type. When the driver rotates the steering wheel in any side, the rail is simultaneously moving. The rotation of the car driven wheels is carried out through the steering of the steering drive attached from both sides to the rush mechanism.

The mechanical rail has been widely used in passenger cars due to such characteristics as:

  • simple device;
  • low weight and cost;
  • high efficiency;
  • small number of thrust and hinges;
  • high response with sharp maneuvers.

It is also important that the distribution steering mechanism is located perpendicular to the car, which saves the space of the engine compartment for comfortable placement of the engine and other vehicle units.

Although the principle of action of the steering rack is simple, she has its drawbacks:

  • super sensitivity when driving on the wells and protruding elements of the roadway with the transmission of vibration to the steering wheel;
  • installation on passenger cars only with independent suspension controlled wheels.

Work of the steering rack with a hydraulic

The hydraulicel is designed to facilitate the driver's effort when the steering wheel is rotated. It consists of a pump, a tank for storing a hydraulic fluid and an ATF oil pressure regulator in the system.

The principle of operation of the steering rack with a hydraulic agent. When the vehicle is in a fixed state or makes movement in a straight line, the steering rack is not involved. At this time, ATF oil rests in a gur tank, and not in its dosing systems. If the driver rotates the steering wheel, the driven wheels have resistance, in the process of which the torsion is tightered, the distributor channels open, the working fluid is fed to the steering rail and leads it in motion.

The principle of operation of the hydraulic steering rack has a disadvantage: with a strong acceleration, the car steering turns out to be non-informative, which can trigger onto the sorting of vehicles even with small shelter rotation amplitudes. In short, the risk of accidents increases.

Steering rack with eur

The first electric power steering was installed back in 1986, but the steering system with EUR has not yet become dominant due to its maintenance features.

For three decades, the EUR design has become less cumbersome and now it is installed right on the steering rake.

The principle of operation of the rail with an electric powerlier is similar to the principle of operation of the steering rack with GUR, only the increase in management is carried out at the expense of the electric motor.

Advantages of the steering mechanism with EUR:

  • Lack of hydraulic oil in the system. Due to the absence of hoses, nozzles and other elements of the gur of the node more compact and responds to European ecostandarts. The noise level has decreased.
  • High informativeness. This is facilitated by the function of the active return of the wheels and the steering wheel, the smooth response of the amplifier to the driver commands.
  • Reducing the efforts attached by the driver. In the process of parking, the steering wheel turns greatly, and the speed of movement is almost zero. As a result, the amplifier computer transmits a signal to enhance the steering. This property of the EUR helps to increase the life of spare parts and reduces the cost of driver forces.
  • Support for the resistance of the car on the open highway. If during the movement of the car along the direct path blows the side wind or resistance from the slope of the road section, the EUR has a stabilizing effect of the vehicle, freeing the driver from additional effort.

In the device of three types of steering mechanisms, much in common.

According to quality indicators, endurance and maintenance, the championship takes the steering rack with Gurom. Its advantages over the mechanics are a decrease in the effort attached to the rotation of the steering wheel, as well as quenching the jackets entering the steering wheel when the car is moving along a bumpy road. In comparison with the rail with EUR, hydraulic is more accessible by maintenance.

Regardless of the type of steering mechanism, it is necessary to monitor its health, to go through the replacement of worn components in a timely manner.

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