Creative airbrush on cars. Airbrushing on cars: original ideas. Options for possible applied airbrushing

Any color of the car is suitable for painting; the image looks especially impressive on black.

Photos of airbrushing on cars:

When working on white or silver car There are some features that, if adhered to, also turn out amazing.

Most often, the front and rear door, plus rear wing -

rear fenders with trunk door,

trunk door

This is the most practical combination - you can successfully position the picture and, unlike hoods and front fenders on most car models, these elements are less susceptible to chipping.

The drawing can be anything, the most important thing is that first of all you like it and suit your tastes, and then it is appreciated by your friends, friends and acquaintances.

You need to carry out this task together with the artist, trusting his skill and talent, in which case you can count on a good result.

It is impossible to fully estimate the time it takes to complete creative work - maybe earlier than the estimated time, when inspiration strikes, or maybe later - until better thoughts appear.

The question often arises: what to do if a painted element is damaged? This can be fixed. See examples in the section “Restoring airbrush”

High-quality airbrushing will be remembered and will make your car recognizable. Due to these factors, the image on the car is an excellent anti-theft - after all, in the presence of cameras, and a large number of random people who remember your vehicle, hijacking it is pure madness. In addition, with characteristic and individual features you cannot sell it - they will be caught right away, and repainting it is not economically profitable. Plus, again, extra witnesses.

Another advantage of a painted car is when applying for CASCO Insurance companies They will gladly give a discount or you can exclude theft insurance altogether, which will significantly reduce the cost of the policy.

If the car body is painted more than 60%, then the PTS will have to be changed and it will indicate: color - multicolor, special marks: airbrushing. This is done quickly and costs 500 rubles. (at the time of writing)

All this applies to expressive, stylish, bright and, most importantly, quality work. Choose a specialist carefully. Study his portfolio, style, compare with your wishes and ideas. Don't hesitate to ask questions. And make your wishes come true!

There is hardly a person who likes the look of a car with a rusty body, a burned-out muffler and a cracked windshield. Such a machine can attract attention only by howling and grinding. How else can you stand out without running your car into such a deplorable state?

Of course, you can buy a very expensive one rare car, but it is worth understanding that public roads Most drivers drive simple cars, and a car costing over $50,000 remains just a dream for most drivers. But don’t be upset, you can stand out by a simple car. With the help of tuning, domestic Zhiguli and Volga cars make passers-by catch the eye of more expensive foreign cars.

One of the areas of tuning is car airbrushing. Airbrushing is the application of a pattern to the body or other parts of a car, and the pattern is applied not with a brush, but with a special device - an airbrush. The complexity of the drawing is determined only by the financial viability of the customer and the qualifications of the artist. An experienced specialist will be able to completely paint the car, not only the body, but even the engine and rims.

The pattern gives the car a unique look - it may create some difficulties, but it can also save your car. For example, if in the event of an accident any of the body elements were damaged, in addition to repairing or replacing the body panel, as well as painting it, a drawing will be required. But if your car is taken by an attacker, the chances of returning a car with airbrushing on the body increase significantly, because such a car is one hundred percent recognizable - this is especially important if you have a car of a common model. Depending on the complexity of the design, airbrushing can take from several hours to several months.

If in the past our customers were more interested in Western or Eastern motifs in images on cars, today a significant part of customers are interested in drawings depicting our heroes, warriors, or folklore characters. For example, Baba Yaga sitting on a broom looks very interesting on a BMW X5, Pobeda owners like to paint images of Soviet soldiers on the back of their GAZ 20, owners of “kopecks” paint an image of a coin. Perhaps the last two drawings have already become somewhat stereotypical, but the depicted “Kopeyka” and “Victory” actually look very interesting.

How to paint your car yourself?

If there is no money for a specialist’s work, but you have an airbrush, you can apply a simple drawing yourself. To do this, you will need mounting tape, which can be used to make the outline of the future drawing. Even a simple painting will give the car some originality and uniqueness. Of course, only car paint is used to apply the design, a liter of which costs five times more than regular metal paint. Before starting work, you should understand the airbrush; it regulates the supply of air and paint. If you apply too much paint, drips are possible, and if there is too much air, a matte effect is possible, which, however, is liked by many people and some specifically try to achieve it. Before drawing, body element degreased so that the paint adheres as firmly as possible.

Airbrushing should only be applied to a high-quality painted body element, because if the body already has chips, scratches or rust, it will be a waste of money. Just imagine what airbrushing looks like with rust showing underneath the design. Of course, the body should not have dents or a thick layer of putty, which may simply fall off after unprofessional application. It is not very difficult to imagine what a drawing with a fallen element will look like, and the customer is also unlikely to like it. Therefore, before starting to draw a picture, you should definitely check full order car body.

Video - do-it-yourself airbrush on a car:

Some car owners like to put an image of the engine on the hood - this emphasizes the power of the car. It is better to apply airbrushing to a galvanized body, as it is much less susceptible to rust, which means the design will retain its original appearance longer.

Video - airbrushing on the hood of Mazda 3:

Photos of airbrushing on cars:

Airbrushing itself is a technique of applying a specific design to a car by spraying powder or liquid dye. This process is carried out using compressed air. This process is carried out on the hood of the vehicle, on its doors, as well as over the entire surface of its body. This article will describe in as much detail as possible the process of airbrushing on a white car.

Features of the white car

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A car in its former color always looks very formal. It is worth understanding that a car of this color is very easily soiled, which mandatory must be taken into account during the sketching process. There is no need to allow a persistent staining effect, since any color applied to a white background will appear an order of magnitude darker.

The consumer is offered a varied palette of white car paint. For this reason, even if it turns out to find out everything exact indicators paint, its index, it is not always possible to obtain and select the required shade. All this suggests that all painting processes that are carried out on a white vehicle must be carried out as competently and accurately as possible.

Airbrushes that look like photographs look especially good on a white car. Against this background, different monochrome drawings made in blue or gray color and some cheerful, bright images.

Required tools and materials

To apply airbrushing, the technician will need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • An airbrush, that is, a spray gun or paint sprayer;
  • Compressor for supplying air to the airbrush;
  • A special hose for a high-quality connection between the compressor and the airbrush itself. It is worth paying attention that its length should be 3-5 mm, and the ability to withstand pressure of 2-3 Bar is also important;
  • Special quick releases and connectors that are designed to secure the hose to the equipment used;
  • It is recommended to purchase a special respirator equipped with filters. They are intended for effective protection from various fumes.

Don't neglect your purchase of this device, since the efficiency of work and a person’s well-being directly depend on its qualities.

  • Tools such as screwdrivers, ratchets and sockets will be required to dismantle the car body;
  • If you prepare equipment such as infrared drying, you can significantly speed up the drying process of the applied airbrush. This is required to prevent such a process as dust settling on the drawing. It is known that to eliminate this problem it will be necessary to polish;
  • You will need to dissolve it, preferably number 646, as well as a special varnish for finishing;
  • If you have no experience in drawing, you will definitely need to prepare special stencils or patterns, perhaps some special geometric shapes. All this can be done on your own if necessary.

Preparatory work

In the process of certain preparatory work The following processes will need to be performed:

  1. Prepare a modern grinding machine, which will be needed to matt and level the surface of the car.
  2. It is necessary to remove dust after sanding. A special blow gun is suitable for this purpose.
  3. By using special pastes that are used during the polishing process, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the working area. In addition, you will need special polishing cloths and sanding sheets.

Don't forget to carefully cover those areas of the car that will not be painted. For this purpose, you can use special masking tape and the covering material itself, which can be paper or newspapers.

Features of choosing the first airbrush

To apply high-quality airbrushing, you will need to carefully select the device itself. It is better to purchase a dual-action airbrush that will effectively control such two important processes, such as air supply, as well as paint supply. The most the best option You will be purchasing a device that is equipped with an internal mixer.

When choosing an airbrush, you may encounter certain problems. It is worth knowing that such devices differ in the method of supplying the paint composition. There are two main types:

  1. With a cylinder located on the side. This design is characterized by a certain instability, and during operation the hand is strongly pulled to the side.
  2. With a cylinder located below. The device makes it possible to change vessels filled with beauty, but at the same time use a more powerful compressor.
  3. If the airbrush has a cylinder located on top, the paint is supplied by gravity.

You should not save on this equipment and purchase it from unknown companies. Chinese manufacturers. Such devices fail quite quickly, moreover, it is simply impossible to purchase spare parts for them.

Options for possible applied airbrushing

On a white car you can apply the most different types and airbrush categories. The choice of a particular type directly depends on personal preferences and the skills present.
The most common on this moment The following image options are available:

  • Vinyl or classic, which is applied with an airbrush. In this way, you can apply any design you like, from the most stylish images, which can visually change the overall geometry of the body to real paintings;
  • Glowing airbrush, which has the property of glowing in the dark;
  • Typography, that is, the use of special vinyl stickers on a vehicle.

For those who have no experience in drawing at all, this option will be the most optimal. Such a film ideally masks coating defects and is also able to protect against the appearance of new ones. If necessary, such a film can be quickly removed without damaging the coating, which is very important and advantageous for a white car.

  • Special volumetric airbrush or 3D airbrush is popular. This is a complete imitation of reality. Some enhance it by adding certain volumetric parts, which can be made of high-quality fiberglass.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the scope for flight of fancy when implementing this process is quite wide. You can apply just such a design that will most advantageously emphasize the individuality of the car owner.

Airbrush is a method of applying images to a surface, such as the hood of a car, using air pressure and powder dye. This great way personalize your car and make it stand out among hundreds of similar ones. The artists claim that each drawing is a demonstration of character, preferences and inner world owner.

Conventionally, airbrushing on a car can be divided into 2 groups:

  • Commercial - various inscriptions, logos, slogans, coats of arms, brands, etc.
  • Non-commercial - drawings of any style (from floristry to military or abstraction).

Most often, drawings are applied to the trunk, hood, doors and fenders. You can paint the whole car “Khokhloma”, but the price of pleasure will be high.

What you need to know about airbrushing?

  • The pattern lasts a long time, just like regular body paint. You can care for it using special polishes.
  • Choose a professional carefully, since the airbrush technique must be followed to the smallest detail: from surface preparation to drying and polishing.
  • At any time, the drawing can be updated or changed by the master. It is not recommended to touch up or repair scratches yourself.
  • Airbrushing can be permanent or temporary. Temporary is applied with paints that can be washed off. If the drawing is indelible, you will have to repaint the car or cover it with film.
  • It is not advisable to occupy more than 50% of the area for the drawing paint coating, otherwise, when selling, you will have to re-issue the documents, because, in fact, the color has been changed.
  • It is prohibited to copy the symbols or coloring of departmental vehicles.
  • You can insure the drawing, it will cost more than a regular policy, but in the event of an accident, insurers will also handle the restoration of the airbrush.

Pros and cons of airbrushing on cars


  • The opportunity to make your vehicle individual and attractive.
  • Using airbrushing you can hide minor body defects.
  • The risk that the car will be stolen is reduced - such “ identification mark"is too noticeable, and repainting the car is an additional expense.


  • The high cost of airbrushing (if, of course, the drawing is carried out by a master according to all the canons).
  • Difficulties with selling vehicles (as they say, drawings are a matter of taste, not everyone likes them).

Car airbrushing: interesting ideas

In the animal world. Many drivers love animalistic themes and happily agree to depict a leopard or wolf on their car. If you don't like predators, you can make a drawing of a graceful horse, a funny elephant, or even your pet!

Architecture and landmarks. Recently, urban motifs have gained particular popularity. The Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, New York at night or the drawbridges of St. Petersburg - the topics are very diverse.

Natural landscapes. Sunrise, the sea coast, unruly mountain peaks, sunrise in a village - all this can be displayed on your car.

Prints and patterns. Simple and uncomplicated stripes and polka dots are in fashion, but for lovers of intricate prints we can recommend ethnic patterns, flowers, animal prints (“zebra”, “leopard”) and so on.

Computer graphics and abstraction. This topic will be popular among creative and original people; it can be a reflection of not only tastes, but also hobbies.

Successful airbrushing on cars with your own hands is a source of special pride. The technique is in demand wherever you need to evenly apply color in thin layers to a surface. The paint is pressurized from a spray nozzle, which is why the method itself is called “air brush painting.”

Non-absorbent surfaces are sprayed with appropriate paint; sometimes the surfaces themselves must be prepared for finishing with a special primer.

This primarily includes airbrushing on cars, motor vehicles, water transport and other metal and composite objects.

Types of airbrushing

Idea! If you don’t have enough experience to fully implement the idea - enhance the contrasts, work out the nuances... You can complete the work to an affordable extent, then invite a professional to finalize it.

Tools needed for airbrushing

The most convenient gravity feed sprayer. The paint reservoir in such a device is located on top. You need to choose a spray gun with a double setting, which allows you to control the air supply and paint flow, that is, with pressure adjustment on the pneumatic device itself.


Sold in departments with goods for creativity, nozzle thickness 0.3 mm, intended for drawing strokes and lines.

Mini spray gun

Sold in departments with goods for cars, nozzle thickness 0.8 mm, for creating backgrounds and gradients that do not require detailed drawing.


Sources of compressed air are a compressor for an airbrush and a hose with corresponding connectors at the ends:

  • spraying is most often carried out at a pressure of 2–2.5 atm, which means that the compressor must provide this mode;
  • The hose for the compressor is included in the kit, but if you need a longer one, you can always buy it separately.

Acceptable phase - the workshop capabilities must match the compressor settings; three-phase equipment will not operate from a two-phase current source.

Important! Oil and moisture eliminators will come in handy for the job.


You will need: painting glasses, a mask with carbon filters, a cap or bandana to cover your hair, and gloves.


The worktop is equipped with a hinged protective box in which the hood is mounted. If there is no such device, then you will have to work in a cloud of paint. Additionally, an external air supply system is connected to the room.

For one-time work, you can consider the option of renting. A suitable object would be furniture production, carpentry ( where frames are made and painted) or art workshop.

Basic paints

There are car enamels on sale on different bases. Recently, a large assortment of acrylic ones has appeared. But it will be easier for a beginner to get his first experience with alkyds. They are more docile due to their plasticity and high covering ability.

Good choices would be the brands MOBIHEL and COLOMIX.

Colors and toners

There are three ways to get an assortment of paint:

  1. The most reliable. Buy a set of airbrush paints or buy cans of colors that you need a lot of. Then go to a store where car paints are tinted and purchase the necessary ready-made colors, 50–100 ml each. Their basics must be the same.
  2. Not for beginners.
  3. Buy basic colors - white, yellow, red, black and blue. Then mix as needed. Ready-made mixtures can be stored in plastic bottles for some time.

The most difficult. Add universal colors to the primary colors. Such compositions must be carefully filtered.


Work performed on a car is covered with a two-component auto varnish, which consists of a base and a hardener. These varnishes are sold as a set and are accompanied by instructions with recommended mixing proportions. For mixing accuracy, you can use disposable syringes.

Important! Varnish mixed with hardener cannot be stored. After application, you must immediately disassemble and thoroughly rinse the spray gun with solvent, then keep it in acetone for some time.

Solvents There are special solvents for car enamels, they are sold in the same tin cans

, like the paints themselves.

Universal solvents for alkyd enamels are No. 645 and 650; they are also used to wash the spray bottle when changing color. Solvent No. 646 also does the job, but it is still intended for nitro enamels. Car enamels mixed with No. 646 will fly “drier” and apply “harder”.

Stencils and patterns

can be done by laminating a disposable one.

Airbrushing on cars. Video lesson for beginners:

  1. How to attach the stencil? A strip of masking tape is applied in the middle to the edge of the stencil and the edges of the tape are folded inward. Nevertheless, when painting, such a stencil is pressed with your hand, because the air from the sprayer blows it.
  2. Disposable adhesive film will ensure high quality. This stencil is indispensable when you need airbrushing on motorcycles, and there is a little trick to position it as accurately as possible. The surface should be sprayed with water from a spray bottle, a stencil should be applied and straightened as required. Then use a napkin to remove the water, smoothing the stencil from the middle to the edges.

Painting stages


If necessary, the surface is sanded with a machine or sanded by hand with the addition of polishing pastes, napkins and other auxiliary things, then primed. You can degrease the surface before painting with alcohol or an alkaline solution.

Preparing the Paint

Pigments that provide density and opacity settle to the bottom of the jar. Therefore, any paint must be mixed. It is convenient to do this with a drill at low speeds with a long drill bit or a thick wooden skewer.

Applying paint

If the surface needs to be primed, then this is done from a distance of 25–30 cm, so that the paint is applied perpendicularly. For gradient and artistic works, the angle of paint application changes.

Each master adjusts the pressure differently. Some people can paint evenly with low pressure at close range. Others find it convenient the other way around.

The part to be painted should be positioned horizontally

The basic application of paint is carried out in 1–2 layers, then the surface must dry.

Drying time depends on conditions including the specifications of the paint itself and can take up to 12 hours.

Ideal when the paint does not stick at all. If you continue to work on wet paint, a new layer, especially a different color, will mix with the bottom one. The result will be a pale or muddy color.

Local pattern - here the layers dry quickly, in 10–15 minutes.


The paint is applied in layers starting from light colors. You can highlight details in the finished drawing. If the work involves bright White color, then it is better to protect the desired area with a mask made of adhesive film or masking tape.

For example, the sequence of performing work in blue tones is structured like this:

White zones, then light blue or light gray, dark blue, blue, dark blue ( for this purpose black is added to blue) and, if necessary, black zones.

How do you get vibrant color?

Multicolor work also done from light to dark, taking into account colors. Task: we need fire. Sequence: white, light yellow, yellow, yellow with a drop of red, orange, red, dark red, brown, black.

Each subsequent layer is applied to a smaller area. The spray angle is varied to achieve different effects, including "transparency".

Attention! To apply an even layer, you need to move your hand smoothly without stopping!

In this case, spraying should begin following the area of ​​the surface to be painted and also finish by moving the airbrush to the side. Otherwise, at the beginning of spraying, the paint will form a spot.

Applying varnish

It is important to dilute the varnish correctly. Since there are no exact recipes, you will have to select the “right” consistency by gradually adjusting the pressure and adding solvent. Be sure to try it on a test surface.

The varnish is applied perpendicularly. If the varnish “floods” the surface, most likely it is too liquid. When it appears in spots, it means it is too thick or there is too much pressure on the feed.

Cleaning when color changes

The procedure is quite simple. You need to wash the tank with a wire brush and solvent and wipe with a rag. Then add solvent and spray until the airbrush is thoroughly cleaned. When using dark and light colors, consider two or more airbrushes to prevent cross-contamination of colors.

Having finished working and washed the airbrush and spray gun, you can pour a little solvent into them and leave it until the next session.


Usually they relate to the proportions of paint or varnish and thinner:

  • An excessively diluted composition will form streaks;
  • not enough - a rough surface layer, an effect called “shagreen”.

“Shagreen” tends to form with other errors:

Necessarily! There should be a test surface for test spraying. It can be a sheet of cardboard or even a wall.


Airbrushing is characterized by some blurriness. If the drawing requires particularly detailed precision, this is achieved by drawing with oil paint and a thin brush. The disadvantage of oil is long-term drying - up to two weeks or 4–5 days in a drying chamber with a temperature of 60 ° C.

A solvent mixture will help speed up the process ( №646 ) and drops of vegetable oil added to the paint. This technique will ensure quick drying within a day or two.

Important! When painting with oils, you should avoid using white; they dry longer than all other colors. Black colors dry the fastest.

Painting your car with auto enamel from a can is a bad idea. If only because the pressure can be anything, including very low. Considering that it is not adjustable, the result will be wasted money or large drops of paint on the element.