Can you drive with winter tires in the summer? Penalties provided for driving on winter and summer tires in the off-season Is it possible to drive on studded tires in summer

Russia is a country with a pronounced change of seasons, which, of course, affects driving in general and car tires in particular. On the eve of the winter season, we will tell you when it's time to change tires, what kind of fine threatens those who like to drive on tires out of season, and what prevents us from complying with the law?

○ Why don't car enthusiasts change tires?

Russians are known for their craving for fast driving, but not always safe. One of these risks is associated with the use of tires out of season. This happens for various reasons. Some are forced to save money by the crisis, others do not want to stand in the seasonal queues of tire shops, others simply do not plan to install a new set, being ready to throw away the old one.

Whatever reasons prompted you to leave tires out of season, there can be only one plus, and that is very conditional - savings on tire services. There will be many more cons, including material ones.

First and most main disadvantage out-of-season tires - a decrease in the controllability of the car, and thus the safety of the driver and passengers. At the first spring sun, the already soft winter tires begin to warm up from the warm asphalt. The rubber becomes viscous, and the controllability of the car decreases, with sudden braking, the car will easily be dragged forward, the consequences can be very unpleasant.

More tough summer rubber in winter gives reduced grip and the car simply “carries” on the road, which in itself is not safe.

The second problem is increased wear. GOST installed minimum height tread of a car in 1.6 mm, but you should not fall short of this, buying a new set already by 2 mm. Using tires out of season will bring the purchase costs closer.

At correct use a set of rubber will last up to three years, but if you do not change it, the wear rate will increase on average three times. Studded tires serve well in the cold season, but with the establishment of heat and complete cleaning of asphalt from ice, the studs simply fly out of it, forcing you to buy a new set for the next season. In addition, on summer road spikes lengthen braking distances creating the risk of an accident. But even non-studded winter tires, warmed up by the summer sun from their softness, wear out three times faster.

The reasons why you shouldn't skimp on a tire change are clear, so when is the right time to get it done?

○ Terms of transition to winter and summer tires.

Let's start with what this moment in Russia there is no full-fledged law that has come into force that obliges to change tires as such, or establishes the timing of such a replacement. In the US and Finland, shift dates are rigidly set. If the inspector notices the car “shod out of season”, the driver will be fined.

In Russia, there is a technical regulation on the safety of wheeled vehicles, which prohibits the use of:

  • Studded winter tires in June, July and August.
  • Summer tires on any vehicle wheel in December, January and February.

Of course, these are not exhaustive rules and it is necessary to focus on the climatic conditions of a particular region. Experts advise to install summer tires not earlier than the temperature is above +5 С / +7 С Before that, night frosts may occur, after which morning frost on the roads is possible. Usually this is March 10 - 15, but in the Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory on March 1, spring is in full swing, and in the Magadan Region they will hear about it only by April. This is one of the reasons why the Vehicle Safety Act governing tire replacement is still not working in full force, it is necessary to take into account regional peculiarities. At the moment, it spells out a ban on the use of winter studded tires from May 1 to September 30, and summer tires from December 1 to March 1. Winter non-studded tires can be left for the whole year.

As for winter tires, experts do not recommend delaying the change by more than November 15th. According to statistics, by this time in most regions of the country there is already a high probability of precipitation in the form of snow or ice.

Not prohibited by law all season tires, but when using it, it is important to take into account the climatic factor, if too low temperatures it will not be stable enough, and in too hot summer it will become excessively soft. In addition, it must be marked "M+S", "M&S" or "M S"

○ Penalty for driving with winter tires in summer.

Code of Administrative Offenses does not contain an article indicating the fine for using winter tires in summer, but the possibility of its introduction is already being discussed. The most likely fine at the moment is 500 r. But even in the future, only the use of studded tires will be liable.

But even now the traffic police inspector has the right to draw up a protocol, having found increased tread wear on your car or winter and summer tires on one axis.

Usage different types tires for cars is beneficial and convenient for motorists, reduces the likelihood of accidents, preserves the road surface. The legislation pays special attention to this.

General concepts

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It's fast and FOR FREE!

The difference between winter and summer tires is a continuation of the theme - how winter differs from summer. IN winter season you have to travel when the road surface is softer due to snowfall, and in summer the car drives on bare asphalt or hard ground.

We'll have to remember school physics lessons about the adhesion of different surfaces, the force of inertia and, as a result, the length of the stopping distance.

In addition, the temperature difference plays a role - in the summer the asphalt warms up, which affects the duration of tire use. In winter, such a negative effect on tires does not occur, so there is no need to reflect overheating protection in their design.

What it is

The main difference between the two types of rubber is the alloy from which they are made. When cold, rubber loses its flexibility, which can lead to its breakage. Therefore, the composition of winter tires includes a special additive that maintains the flexibility of the rubber product.

Giving the product elasticity and flexibility is maintained at large sub-zero temperatures. The composition of winter tires is developed for different temperatures. This plays a role in the purchase, because in different regions Russia temperature Range unequal.

Winter tires are available in two types:

  1. Studded.
  2. Without spikes - Velcro.

The presence of spikes guarantees maximum safety when driving on an ice-covered road. The studs provide a shorter braking distance, which is of great importance in non-standard driving situations.

The advantage of Velcro is that with the same short braking distance, it creates less noise and vibration.

Studded tires also have a more rigid compound, as they must hold the studs firmly.

The main task of any tires is to provide good grip on the road surface.
The use of winter tires is optimal up to a temperature of +5 °C.

As the temperature rises, the properties of rubber change. It becomes softer and more plastic. This reduces this important quality like sustainability.

The usual division of the year into four seasons in relation to the application car tires reduced to the division into winter and summer. The border between them is quite symbolic and depends on the region where vehicles are used.

Conventionally, it is considered that the transition to winter tires should be made on November 15, and on summer tires on March 15.

Is it possible to ride Velcro in summer

In the off-season, riding on any type of rubber is not a violation. However, the most interested person is the driver himself. He needs to monitor the state of the weather and change the tires on the wheels of his car in time.

If there are tight financial circumstances, then it makes sense to purchase Velcro, which is more durable than a spiked tire. And also, importantly, a cheaper option. When traveling in summer winter tires Velcro price will be minimal.

Winter tires are made of a softer alloy and are subject to rapid abrasion. With the onset of persistent positive temperatures, it is worth hurrying with the replacement of tires. Now exists big choice these products. When buying, if you have funds, you should give preference to well-known brands.

But even cheaper options can work well when traveling by car. The main thing is that the product has a certificate of conformity with the requirements for manufacturing.

Seasonal replacement requirements do not apply to northern regions with cold climates and permafrost. In such regions, you can drive on winter tires all year round.

What are the differences

The main differences between seasonal tires:

  • the composition of the material from which the tires are made;
  • tread pattern;
  • number of layers.

The main difference between winter and summer tires is the difference in their composition, which is calculated for seasonal operating temperatures. Its resource also depends on the rubber recipe. The time of using winter tires during summer operation is reduced by a third.

Usually, Winter tires have a larger tread width than summer tires. This increases their weight, which is also a disadvantage.

It happens that during operation, individual spikes fly out of their nest. Should not be inserted into free places new spikes. They will no longer be able to hold firmly on the shattered seat. Even more bad option is drilling new holes.

To avoid this problem, it is necessary to break in new tires. To do this, the first time you should not exceed the speed of 60 km / h, do not make sharp turns, move slowly and slow down as well.

Even if a few spikes are lost, the remaining ones will provide reliable grip. Particularly reliable is the fixation of the spikes in two layers. The lower layer, more rigid, holds the spikes well, and the upper elastic one performs the task of reliable adhesion of the tire to the road surface.

A feature of summer tires is that they fully retain dynamic characteristics car driving on a dry road. Due to the presence of a large number of deep grooves in the tread, the issue of aquaplaning is solved.

What is dangerous

Since there are winter tires with different amounts of additives to maintain flexibility and elasticity, it should be remembered that the more there are, the more dangerous they are to use in the summer.

The qualities of studless tires or Velcro are dependent on the composition of which it consists rubber compound and from the drawing of the projector. The presence of a large number of deep grooves on summer tires softens or completely solves the problem of aquaplaning.

The effect of hydroplaning occurs when the trip is made in bad weather - with heavy precipitation in the form of rain and hail. On a wet road with a lot of puddles, the car ceases to obey the driver and begins to float on the surface in a peculiar way.

Wheel grip with carriageway becomes minimal. Water must be drained through special grooves in the car tire tread. With a large layer of water on the road, the outflow of water through the grooves does not have time to make the movement safe.

Winter tires do not need to make so many grooves, so when driving in summer on winter tires in bad weather, it increases the likelihood of losing control of the car and causing an emergency.

Riding on summer tires winter is dangerous. Replacement is controlled by the presence of a sticker on rear glass the letters "SH", which means - studded. There is no similar sticker about changing to summer tires.

But the owner of the car must himself understand that the absence of a replacement is not only dangerous, but also economically unprofitable. On bare pavement, which is very hot, abrasion of a studded tire occurs much faster.

As a result, you will have to spend money on buying not summer tires that can be used for several more seasons, but on purchasing a new set of winter tires to replace the used ones.

The danger of traveling in the summer on wheels inconsistent with the season is as follows:

Indicators Description
The car will become difficult to control This is due to bad clutch road tires. Violations that occur are not always the fault of the driver, but can provoke an accident
Tire overheating due to the high temperature of the asphalt
Excessive tread wear after a few trips, winter tires will no longer be useful in any season
The effect of hydroplaning when the car begins to float during trips, its connection with the driver is lost. It may begin to deploy, which leads to a possible emergency.

Winter tires are made of softer material with deep grooves. This plays a positive role when driving on snow covered road. When a car is driven on asphalt on such tires, overheating occurs and an explosion can occur on especially hot days.

An increase in braking distance may lead to a collision. Other members traffic may not be adequate for the current situation. It will be difficult for a driver with such wheels to make a turn correctly and quickly.

With a sharp increase in speed, the car may skid to the side. When starting off, the driver will not be able to pick up speed quickly.

If you look at this problem with technical side, it can be noted that when using winter tires in summer, their characteristics change:

  • tire strength decreases;
  • the level of noise generated by the machine when driving increases;
  • increased wear;
  • spikes fly out;
  • complicates the management of vehicles;
  • reduced maneuverability;
  • increases the consumption of gasoline;
  • there is an increased risk of a lack of safe traffic on the road after or during heavy rainfall;
  • increases the grip area of ​​the tire with the road.

This will lead to a decrease in comfort when traveling, excessive stress on the driver of the car, and a decrease in speed. Driving safety is reduced. Vehicle chassis may be damaged. In addition, there is destruction pavement due to violation of its integrity by wheel spikes.

An important point is also that they can find fault with this Insurance companies and refuse compensation payments on this basis. If the protector is heavily worn, then this can cause difficulties in passing the technical inspection and filling out the diagnostic card.

What the law says

The Technical Regulations of the Customs Union can be considered a law on the possibility of using winter tires in summer. It regulates that winter period you can not drive on summer tires, and, accordingly, in the summer - on winter ones.

In this case, the months are considered the winter period - from December to February inclusive. The months from June to August are recognized as the summer period. Since there are zones with different climates in Russia, each region has the right to independently adjust these dates.

An important point is that the tires corresponding to the season must be on both axles of the car. If the replacement took place only on the front wheels or only on the rear, then this is regarded as a non-compliance with the Technical Regulations.

In 2019, it does not contain references to the main legislative document in this area - the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union. It follows from this that a fine for non-corresponding to the season of rubber on wheels cannot be imposed, since the legislation does not reflect whether it is possible to drive on winter tires without studs in summer.

However, it is possible to pay a fine for using winter tires that have already become worn out. It is 500 rubles. The fine may be replaced by a verbal warning.

Although there are no laws mandatory requirement before changing wheels, a penalty may be imposed if the requirements for the remaining tread depth after winter tire wear are violated. In the case when their depth is less than 4 mm, a fine may be imposed.

Although changing tires depending on the season is a recommendation, it is worth listening to it. This will not only be a warning possible accidents but also an economical solution for the car owner.

What is the penalty

There is no information in the Code of Administrative Offenses that a fine should be imposed for driving a car with wheels out of season. Such an initiative was planned, but has not yet been adopted.

However, the traffic police inspector has the right to impose a fine for the following:

For such violations, a fine of 500 rubles is imposed.


Important Aspects

When keeping winter tires on summer time it is a mistake to assume that material savings will occur. Eight tires R 14 will cost 18,000 rubles. At seasonal replacement service life will be 3 years. Without replacement, they can be used for 1 year. And still have to pay extra for the purchase of fuel.

As soon as the driving speed increases, the temperature of the tire rises sharply. The composition of winter tires is not designed for high temperatures the surface on which the vehicle is driven. It increases with a sharp turn or braking.

The greater the coefficient of friction between the wheel and the road, the more efficient machine dampens speed. Kinetic energy is reduced by friction, converting it into heat. Winter tires will run out of heat restrictions and the rubber will float.

Modern cars are equipped with anti-slip ABS elements and systems exchange rate stability. This changes the effect that the driver expects. ABS will not allow you to quickly reduce the speed when a situation arises in which it is necessary to do so.

Overheating will be quite strong due to the fact that the temperature on the road surface is higher than the air temperature. The temperature regime of winter tires is designed for a different time of the year. The length of the braking distance increases by 30-40%.

In the case of using winter tires in the hot season, it will be difficult to predict its behavior, since many factors influence this.

Many drivers are interested in the law on winter tires, the amount of fines in force in Russia for using summer tires in winter. Motorists in social networks, various forums, blogs ask: "What is the main innovation?".

Winter tire marking

The Winter Tire Act governs the operating permits for vehicles. The main innovation concerns the depth of the tire tread, if there is no wear indicator on the surface of the specified product. If there is a factory wear indicator, the degree of suitability of the products is set according to the indicator. The resolution indicates the marking of winter tires, a pictogram with a snowflake in the center is introduced. From specified documents the following general conclusions can be drawn:

  1. In summer, it is unacceptable to ride on studded tires. Winter studded products marked "M + S" are allowed to be used from the onset of autumn until the end of spring. Those. in June, July and August, you can only ride on summer, all-weather or Velcro without spikes.
  2. In winter, only winter tires are allowed. It is allowed to install studded, non-studded tires with the corresponding pictogram, marked "M + S", "M & S" or "M S". Agreed: non-studded products can be used all year round. The remaining tread depth must be at least 4mm.
  3. All-season tires are usually used all year round if they have markings on their surface: "M + S", "M & S" or "M S". Without the indicated designations, the products cannot be used in winter.
  4. The ability of local governments to extend the life of a certain type of tire is indicated. At the same time, reduce statutory the term of power of the regions can not.

The period when you need to change the rubber, see table 1.

Table 1. Seasonality various types tires.

The data in the table shows when to switch to new type tires, depending on the seasonality of the product.

Will there be fines for incorrect use of tires?


Under the Winter Tire Act, there is no penalty for using tires that are not suitable for the season. But there is a bill that provides for a certain measure of punishment for driving on summer tires in winter.

There is a fine that is imposed when using tires with a worn tread, it is five thousand rubles. The specified measure of punishment applies to a driver who uses tires with a tread height of less than 0.4 cm in winter. Please note: a fine is imposed if the machine is operated on a snowy or icy road surface.

Please note that there are no fines in 2017 for using tires that are not suitable for the season. But if a violation of the law on winter tires is proved by a driver who has become the culprit of an accident with a fatal outcome or causing grievous harm, there will be an aggravation of criminal liability, the penalties will be tougher. Thus, the law provides for liability for the use of unsuitable tires in the winter, so it is worth changing the tires on a car in a timely manner for your own safety.


The Winter Tire Act is designed to increase the safe use of motor vehicles, with its help the authorities are trying to restore order on the roads. Statistically, most accidents are not caused by traffic violations, but due to the use of worn or out-of-season tires.

A traffic police inspector without measuring the tread depth with the appropriate equipment cannot impose a fine for the use of worn tires. You can check the wear of tires at a diagnostic point that has the right to carry out such checks. The tread height can be practically measured during scheduled maintenance. In general, such a conclusion: there is a law, but there is no punishment for violation. But do not forget about your own safety, which is affected by the installation of a certain type of tire depending on the season. In everyday life, the driver must independently carry out the transition from one type of rubber to another.

Keep in mind: laws are developed for a reason, in the event of an accident, it will be difficult for the driver to prove his innocence if he used summer tires in winter or the tread was too worn out.

It would seem that a little more than a year has passed since the heated debate about the mandatory use of seasonal tires on cars and fines for driving on summer tires in winter. Now many drivers are looking for information about the so-called law on winter tires, according to which amendments are made to traffic rules.

Although Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 588, amending the Rules of the Road regarding the use of tires from January 1, 2015, was adopted on July 15, 2013 (“ Russian newspaper"- the official website where you can read the text of the amendments introduced by this resolution No. 588).


Many drivers ask a question: there was a rumor that from December 1, 2017, those who did not change summer tires to winter ones will be fined. Is it so?

For now, the answer is:

At the moment, the State Duma of the Russian Federation is considering a bill on the introduction of administrative fines in the amount of 2 thousand rubles for using car tires out of season. If it is adopted promptly from December 1, 2017, a driver who violates the rules for using seasonal tires may be fined.

But so far there are no grounds for bringing to administrative responsibility those drivers who did not have time to change their tires!

At the same time, I would like to advise car owners to show their experience and prudence: do not wait for a “command from above”, but “change shoes” on time - depending on climatic conditions your region.

Read more about the requirements for using tires by season.

We analyze the law on winter tires (which is the decision No. 588 and the technical regulation TR CU 018/2011)

Resolution No. 588 itself does not say a word about the need mandatory application seasonal tires. It only changes the conditions for admitting a vehicle to operation (the decree changes Appendix 5.1 to the main provisions for the admission of wheeled vehicles to operation from January 1, 2015).

The main innovation is the minimum tread depth for different types of tires on different vehicles in the absence of a factory wear indicator. When a wear indicator is provided on the tires, the fact of wear is established by it.

Yes, for cars the minimum tread depth of a summer tire is set to 1.6 mm.

However, the resolution introduced as the very concept of winter tires(marking "M + S", "M & S", "M S", as well as a pictogram in the form of a three-peak peak with a snowflake in the center), and the minimum tread depth for it is already 4 mm.

For other vehicles, the restrictions look like this:

  • Motorcycles, mopeds, ATVs, etc. (category L) - 0.8 mm;
  • Trucks, with a license maximum weight more than 3.5 tons (categories N2, N3, O3, O4) - 1 mm;
  • Passenger cars (categories M1, N1, O1, O2) - 1.6 mm;
  • Buses (categories M2, M3) - 2 mm.

In addition, the rubber should not have damage - various side cuts, rubbing to the cord or uneven wear. But the requirements for rims are a thing of the past - previously there should have been no cracks, traces of welding, damage, deformation on the rims mounting holes etc.

Extract from the list of malfunctions and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited (Appendix No. 3 to the SDA of the Russian Federation), taking into account the amendments introduced from January 1, 2015:

5. Wheels and tires

5.1. The remaining depth of the tire tread pattern (in the absence of wear indicators) is no more than:

for vehicles of categories N2, N3, O3, O4 - 1 mm;

for vehicles of categories M1, N1, O1, O2 - 1.6 mm;

for vehicles of categories M2, M3 - 2 mm.

Residual tread depth of winter tires intended for operation on icy or snowy road surfaces, marked with a sign in the form of a mountain peak with three peaks and a snowflake inside it, as well as marked with signs "M + S", "M & S", "M S" ( in the absence of wear indicators), during operation on the specified coating is no more than 4 mm.

Video - whether or not the Spikes sign was canceled, whether it needs to be glued in the fall of 2018:

Note. The designation of the vehicle category in this paragraph is established in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the technical regulation on the safety of wheeled vehicles, approved by a government decree Russian Federation of September 10, 2009 N 720.

5.2. Tires have external damage(breakdowns, cuts, breaks), exposing the cord, as well as delamination of the carcass, delamination of the tread and sidewall.

5.3. There is no mounting bolt (nut) or there are cracks in the disk and wheel rims, there are visible violations of the shape and size of the mounting holes.

5.4. Tires by size or permissible load do not match the vehicle model.

5.5. Tires are installed on one axle of the vehicle various sizes, designs (radial, diagonal, chamber, tubeless), models with different tread patterns, frost-resistant and non-frost-resistant, new and restored, new and with deep tread pattern. On vehicle studded and non-studded tires installed.

Tire Mismatch Penalty

The fine is set at 500 rubles (clause 1, article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Excerpt from the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

“Article 12.5. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited, or a vehicle on which an illegally installed identification mark"Disabled person"

1. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles to Operation and Responsibilities officials to ensure road safety, the operation of the vehicle is prohibited, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2 - 7 of this article - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative a fine of five hundred rubles

It must be understood that this is not a fine for driving in winter on summer tires (or vice versa), but to a greater extent for the discrepancy between the tire tread depth and their standard values ​​(until other amendments are made).

Tire seasonality

But in the document described above there is not a word about the seasonality of the rubber used, unless, of course, the very definition of winter tires is taken into account.

However, the requirements for the use of seasonal tires are indeed introduced from January 1, 2015 on the basis of technical regulations Customs Union TR TS 018/2011 "On the safety of wheeled vehicles" ().

Excerpt from the regulation:

5.4. Tires with anti-skid studs, if used, must be fitted to all wheels of the vehicle.

5.5. It is forbidden to operate vehicles equipped with tires with anti-skid spikes during the summer period (June, July, August).

It is forbidden to operate vehicles that are not equipped with winter tires that meet the requirements of paragraph 5.6.3 of this annex during the winter period (December, January, February). Winter tires are installed on all wheels of the vehicle.

The terms of the prohibition of operation can be changed upwards by the regional government bodies of the states - members of the Customs Union.

5.6. A tire is considered unusable when:

5.6.1. The appearance of one wear indicator (a protrusion along the bottom of the groove of the treadmill, designed to visual definition the degree of its wear, the depth of which corresponds to the minimum allowable depth tire tread pattern);

5.6.2. The remaining depth of the tire tread pattern (in the absence of wear indicators) is not more than:

for vehicles of categories L - 0.8 mm;

for vehicles of categories N2, N3, O3, O4 - 1.0 mm;

for vehicles of categories M1, N1, O1, O2 - 1.6 mm;

for vehicles of categories M2, M3 - 2.0 mm.

5.6.3. Residual tread depth of winter tires intended for use on icy or snowy road surfaces, marked with a sign in the form of a mountain peak with three peaks and a snowflake inside it (Figure 5.1), as well as marked with the signs "M + S", "M&S", " M S "(in the absence of wear indicators) during operation on the specified coating - no more than 4.0 mm;

This regulation establishes the need to use:

  • During the calendar winter (December-February inclusive) - winter tires;
  • In summer (June-August inclusive) - summer tires;
  • The rest of the time the tires used are not regulated.

Concepts all season tires, in the new regulation is simply not. However, they will be interpreted as summer in summer, and, accordingly, winter in winter.

But there are requirements, but there is no punishment for their non-fulfillment yet. Those. there is no penalty for driving in winter on summer tires (or vice versa) (yet).

What is this all for

Theoretically, legislators care about the safety of users road transport. The point is that, statistically, most traffic accidents associated with low-quality (worn out, out of season, etc.) rubber. Therefore, they are trying to restore order in this area.

However, in the end it turned out to be a rather mild innovation, which practically does not change the situation.

As for the destruction of the pavement by studded tires, the situation here is regulated through the rubber manufacturers themselves, where the factor of destruction of the pavement by studs is now regulated by standards. That's why the choice of studded or non-studded winter tires is up to the car owner.

Will there be a penalty for driving in winter on summer tires?

Considering that only half-measures have been taken, it should be assumed that in the future the requirements will be tightened. Already, news is coming from the State Duma of the Russian Federation that at the very soon a fine for driving in winter on summer tires in the amount of 2,000 rubles will be introduced. However, this bill is still being discussed and finalized, and when it will come into force is not yet known.

Difficulties in introduction are caused by different climatic zones, as well as the general unpredictability of the weather. It is also possible to introduce restrictions on the actual weather condition. At the same time, it is not clear how to behave if the path is long, through many climatic zones. Carry an extra set of tires with you?

But while all this is not there, it is pointless to argue. In the meantime, it is important to monitor the condition of the tires themselves, depending on their type.

Is the driver required to use seasonal tires?

Funny (ha-ha!), it would seem, the question! After all, it is well known that the technical regulation of the Customs Union (TR CU 018/2011), which came into force on the territory of the Russian Federation, requires the use of winter tires in the winter period (from December to February), and summer tires in the summer (from June to August).

In addition, there is the possibility of expanding this chronological framework. For example, if you need a more detailed account of regional climatic features. (Well, really, how can Murmansk and Krasnodar, for example, be put in the same row? How can one demand the same terms for winter tires for fundamentally different climatic zones).

And here the most natural driver's question arises: "And how will they punish those who ignore this requirement of the technical regulations?". We will answer boldly: “Not yet!”. That is, there is a requirement, but failure to comply with it will not lead to sanctions (for example, a fine). What will happen next, we do not know. Well, for now? As they say, go for a walk!

Another Russian paradox?

Immediately make a reservation: there is nothing paradoxical in this! The practice of the Russian legal field has the following examples:

  • "kenguryatniki" cannot be installed, and there are no fines for this;
  • it is obligatory to stick the “Beginner driver” sign, but the responsibility for non-performance this requirement absent;
  • the maximum speed of movement cannot be exceeded, but in reality it is possible by 20 km / h, etc., etc., etc.

Normal legal "collisions" and "gaps".

That is why the inspector's claim about the discrepancy between the "shoes" of your car and the notorious technical regulations can be culturally sent to ... this most paradoxical situation. Namely: the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation does not provide for punishment for violation of the norms of an international regulatory legal act - technical regulations.

And that's it! The conversation with the inspector can be completed with the following words: “Allow me, gr. Inspector, keep moving! Be healthy, you have more stars and shoulder straps in two gaps! (the last sentence is optional).

What are we, the drivers, worried about?

And yet the possibility of punishment associated with innovation is present. In the famous "List of faults ...", with which the operation of transport is prohibited, two adjustments were made - one insignificant and the second, on the contrary, important. And both changes affected only the first paragraph 5 of the section "List ...".

A minor change concerns the tread of summer tires. Now residual height The tread varies not by vehicle type - cars, trucks, etc. (as it was before), but by categories - L, M, N, O (in accordance with the notorious technical regulations).

For example, for cars (M1) and trucks with a GVW of not more than 3.5 tons (N1), the residual tread height should be at least 1.6 mm, for "real" trucks (N2, N3) - 1 mm, buses (M2, M3) - 2 mm, motorcycles and others like them (L) - 0.8 mm. As can be seen from the innovations, the form has changed, but not the content of the requirements.

But a significant innovation is the newly introduced requirements for winter tires. If the driver “changed” his car into winter tires with the appropriate marking (an abbreviation for “mud and snow” or an image of a three-peak mountain peak with a snowflake), then the minimum tread height must be no less than 4 mm. Indeed, there is an option special indicators wear and tear that should not be subject to mechanical damage from exploitation.

In case of violation of the 4 mm residual height of the tread, the driver’s responsibility should come, provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - a fine of 500 rubles. But there is a big “BUT” here too…

Who will control and punish the violation of the notorious 4 millimeters?

Here is the question! Let's ask it differently: can a traffic police inspector fine a driver if the residual height of the winter tread of his car's tires is less than 4 mm? Of course, he cannot, because the inspector does not have a special diagnostic equipment and related powers.

Only a diagnostic point that has the right to prevent the operation of a vehicle with such a tire malfunction will be able to prevent it. And then - only at the time of the passage of the periodic technical inspection. And who will punish? It turns out, no one? What a paradox!

It is quite possible that the situation will soon change, but at the moment it is the case in this way. And even if this norm is adjusted, then here the driver will have a chance to avoid liability.

The fact is that the insufficient residual height of the tire tread is a malfunction with which it is allowed to drive the vehicle to the place of repair or parking.

Therefore, a driver caught “red-handed” will always be able to fend off the inspector’s threats by going to a tire shop to replace a worn tire. There was a car in the garage, stood for itself, stood ... I decided to go, and the mice ate the tread. Direct road - to the tire service! Nobody took away this right from the driver.

We wanted the best, but it turned out ...

As always, there are more questions than answers: there are innovations, but the mechanism of their work is not spelled out and not regulated. Therefore, alarmed drivers can calmly exhale. But it doesn't seem to be for long.

And now about the serious. Is it worth the risk, moving on summer tires in winter, and on winter tires in summer? Answer this question for yourself. And be careful, prudent and careful! Live in harmony with the road and be healthy!

How best to behave as a motorist

First of all, use common sense, which excludes driving on summer tires in winter and on winter tires in summer. In addition, the tires must not be damaged, as well as wheel disks.


Despite the fact that the items about rims have been removed from the regulations, they should not be underestimated. This seemingly simple design directly affects safety.

Cracks are unacceptable (as well as their repair by welding), because. the integrity of the power structure of the part is violated. At emergency braking the disk can simply fall apart with the corresponding consequences.

And violation of the geometry of the mounting holes leads to uneven wear tires, together with additional vibrations and instability of the tire contact patch with the coating.

Summer tires in winter and winter tires in summer

The need to use seasonal tires is obvious. However, often individual drivers do not listen to common sense. If driving in winter on summer tires is still scary for most drivers (because summer tires simply harden at low temperatures), then driving on winter tires in summer is not.

Video with discussions about whether it is necessary to use winter tires in winter:

Car products compare by price and quality >>>

Can you drive with summer tires in winter? What can be a fine for this, the nuances of summer tires in winter and the main nuances. At the end of the article is a video about summer tires on ice.

The content of the article:

Today, many car owners will say that with the onset of the first cold weather, it is necessary to change shoes. iron horse". There are many reasons for this, in some latitudes the weather changes instantly and you can simply get snow or ice on the road. In other cases, this is required by laws, for the violation of which you will have to pay heavy fines.

Not for the first year there has been a dilemma whether it is possible to drive on summer tires in winter or whether the car needs to be changed. The opinion of the drivers was divided into those who are for and those who are against. There are many reasons for this, we will try to point out the main ones, and what the consequences may be.

Is it safe to drive with summer tires in winter?

You can drive on winter tires in winter, but the consequences can even be terrifying experienced drivers. If bad weather caught you on the road, then you can get to your destination and for this you can get a maximum warning. But it’s better not to drive constantly on summer tires in winter. Rubber manufacturers adapt a certain type of rubber to specific operating conditions. Most of all it concerns temperature conditions. It is usually recommended to change the shoes of a car when the average daily temperature is +5 Celsius or drops below.

As a rule, in winter, summer tires become stiff, and the tread features do not guarantee stability on the road. The first thing a driver of a car on summer tires may encounter is the stopping distance, on snow or ice, and even in cold weather, it will be at least twice as long as on winter tires. In this case, even with good experience, it is very difficult to calculate the stopping distance, which will lead to an accident and unpredictable consequences.

Secondly, summer tires become stiff in cold weather, this leads to rapid wear and the appearance of cracks on the tires. Given the tread pattern and stiffness, it will be difficult to break on ice or on snow, in such sliding movements they will simply tear the tires and wear will be significantly noticeable until the end of winter. According to experienced drivers, the 1:3 wear formula, one winter season of driving on summer tires, is equal to at least three years of driving in the summer.

In addition to these two main problems, in winter, a car on summer tires significantly loses its specifications especially in management. Some security systems also stop working, as they simply cannot recognize a skid or slip, and this is an inevitable accident. The conclusion is quite simple, before you start driving in winter on summer tires, you need to think a hundred times whether you can handle the road and whether it is worth it.

If you decide to go on summer tires in winter, then you should remember the basic rules. The speed should be minimal and optimal, so that at any moment they can react and make a maneuver. Do not forget to keep a large distance to the car in front, as the braking distance increases at least twice. Never do sudden movements steering, everything is doubly smooth, both turning the steering wheel and pressing the gas pedal.

When driving on summer tires in winter, it is worth keeping the average speed or slightly above average. On vehicles with automatic transmission gears, you need to be especially careful, since the automation adjusts the speed on its own, so it's better to switch to downshifts or even in manual mode. Regardless of the gearbox, corners must be entered smoothly, without unnecessary jerks. In the event of a skid, do not press the brake, it is better to release it altogether and turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid, and press the gas pedal jerkily. Auxiliary systems it is better to turn off the ABS and ESP types, otherwise the system will block the brakes, which will undoubtedly pull you into a skid.

Properties of summer tires in winter

As already mentioned, with the onset of cold weather, the summer tires of a car significantly change their properties. Each manufacturer decides in his own way which main components should be included in a particular type of rubber. Some manufacturers make a bias towards quality and strictly observe proportions, while others save money, resulting in a low-quality product.

Composition of automotive rubber

Car tires for the winter period have the main parameter - elasticity at the lowest temperatures. This allows you to not lose grip on the surface and fully control the control of the car. In addition, the manufacturer adds different fillers, vulcanizers, softeners and other components to adapt tires to different conditions. winter conditions. For the production of summer tires, the manufacturer, on the contrary, removes these components so that in hot weather the tire does not blur on the road, and the control is confident.

Those who drove on winter tires in the summer, especially in hot weather, can immediately say that driving such a car is quite difficult. The car can be thrown from side to side, and the wheels do not immediately respond to the actions of the steering wheel. Thus, the conclusion is that summer tires become hard in winter, which leads to loss of control.

Tread pattern on winter and summer tires

Not less than important role plays the tread pattern on winter and summer tires. As in the variant in terms of composition, the main task of the tread is reliable adhesion to the road surface. For summer tires, it is also important to quickly drain water to protect the car from hydroplaning. Therefore, the tread on summer tires has wider grooves throughout the tyre. Statistics show that in winter, the grip of summer tires is 60% worse than that of winter tires.

When driving in the snow on summer tires, such grooves instantly become clogged with snow, and the car will lose control, despite the presence of the most modern systems security. Some manufacturers make summer tires wider, and in winter this leads to poor movement, especially in heavy snow.

The final choice is up to the driver, but the induced data show that it is better to spend money on winter tires and change your car's shoes than to spend money on restoring it in the event of an accident.

What is the penalty for driving in winter on summer tires?

It's not a secret for anyone that a fine is provided for driving in winter on summer tires. These restrictions were introduced on January 1, 2015. The amount of the fine is 500 rubles, but this does not apply to the first days of winter, when the weather is still variable in some parts of Russia. Before receiving a fine, the driver is issued a warning about the need to change the car from summer tires to winter tires.

Traffic police officers refer to Article 12.5 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. But, since the amendments were made in a hurry, there are flaws, especially with regard to the depth of tread wear. On winter tires, the tread depth should be at least 4 mm, but for summer tires, the tread wear should be at least 1.6 mm. The main nuance is that nowhere is it strictly indicated from what period you need to drive on summer tires or winter tires, so the right to choose the gap lies with the car owner.

Until the end of 2017, they promised to finalize these inconsistencies in the law. Initially, they wanted to fine drivers for driving in winter on summer tires in the amount of 5,000 rubles. Then they lowered it to 2000 rubles, but as a result maximum amount the fine today is 500 rubles, although, according to lawyers, it will not be difficult to challenge such a protocol.

Driving with summer tires or changing shoes?

You can argue for a long time about changing summer tires to winter tires, and back at the end of winter. The first thing the car owner thinks about is the cost of winter tires, because you will need to buy at least 4, and even better 5 tires (the 5th for a spare tire). Similarly, you need to have 5 summer tires in stock. The second is where to store winter or summer tires. If you live in a private house and have your own garage, then this is not a problem, but if you live in an apartment and do not have your own garage, this is whole problem tire storage.

IN major cities there are special service centers, where for a certain monthly fee you are given a small box for storing winter or summer tires. But if the car is budget, such storage becomes unprofitable. Many drivers try to minimize trips in the winter, but if you really need to leave, then experienced drivers recommend buying a couple of special chains for wheels, they will help you get through snow and ice much better on summer tires.

The last decision remains with the owner if you are confident in your experience and will fully comply with necessary rules to drive in winter on summer tires, it is quite likely that you should not buy winter tires. In the case of long-distance trips or frequent trips out of town, it is better to get winter tires.

Video about summer tires on ice in winter: