Shell or Lukoil gasoline comparison. Shell gasoline: reviews and specifications. It's all about detergents

Comfort is one of the main requirements put forward by motorists. Many parameters are responsible for a comfortable ride, not the least of which is the quality of fuel. Modern market oil and gas products has hundreds of offers from various suppliers. However, it is this factor that makes it difficult to decide on the most optimal choice. This paper describes the criteria for self-determination which gas station has the best gas.

There are frequent cases when, when changing the grade or brand of fuel, the driver encounters behavior unusual for his car: the engine starts and stalls for a long time, tapping is heard while driving, and the car itself moves in jerks, as if the fuel gauge needle was approaching zero. If before similar problems did not bother, but made themselves felt along with the change of the oil product, this may indicate both the low quality of the latter and its inconsistency with the passport of a particular vehicle. Below is the relationship between fuel characteristics and their direct impact on engine performance.

The octane number is a comparative indicator that determines the degree of resistance of a particular grade of commercial gasoline to detonation. In this case, detonation should be understood as self-ignition of fuel as a result of a thermal explosion during compression. fuel mixture. This process is typical when octane number, and hence the detonation resistance, have a low index. In this case, the following signs are noted:

  • power drawdowns;
  • sharp sound;
  • increased opacity of exhaust;
  • rapid combustion of fuel.

When the use of low-octane fuel that does not meet the requirements of a car is systemic, it is possible local destruction of the engine. In particular, they can burn out exhaust valves as the mixture detonates before they can close. This process can be recognized by the characteristic metallic sound. In addition, pistons and cylinder head gaskets may be damaged.

Advice! If in doubt about which gasoline to fill up, you should look at inner part doors fuel tank- often the information is duplicated there.

The use of high-octane gasoline allows you to achieve an increase in engine power in the usual mode of operation. However, not all vehicles are “sharpened” for this type of fuel. During refueling high octane gasoline a car whose engine is designed to use fuel with a low octane number, there is a kind of reconfiguration of work fuel system. Fuel combustion occurs with a "delay", which ultimately leads to a significant decrease in the power characteristics of the motor, instead of the expected improvement. It also threatens wear of the cylinder-piston group due to the increase in temperature.

When the indicator of the amount of actual resins goes beyond the norm, they settle on the elements of the combustion chamber. Over time, the nozzles become clogged, and soot forms on the candles. Among other things, this can lead to the so-called pre-ignition, which starts an uncontrolled combustion process. Due to pre-ignition, the pressure and temperature in the cylinders rise. Because of this, ignition occurs earlier with each cycle, until one of the parts fails.

The glow ignition is accompanied by a dull tapping sound. However, even an experienced driver cannot always distinguish it by ear. Therefore, you should carefully monitor the power: at high frequency rotation there are drawdowns in power up to 15%. This can be seen when throttle valve fully open.

Due to the increased sulfur content in gasoline, oxides are formed during combustion - compounds of minerals with oxygen, which, under the influence of high temperatures can cause corrosion, and when interacting with moisture, form sulfuric acid, which further enhances corrosion. This leads to wear of the exhaust system, as well as lead-bronze bearings, up to their destruction.


Another factor leading to the development of corrosive activity, is hyperacidity. Because of this, the tendency of gasoline to form deposits in the combustion chamber and the fuel system as a whole increases. According to GOST, the acidity index for different brands gasoline is:

  • AI-91: 3.0 mg KOH;
  • AI-93: 0.8 mg KOH;
  • AI-95: 2.0 mg KOH.

The specified norms correspond to 100 ml of gasoline. It's interesting that during storage of fuel, its acidity increases, but still rarely reaches critical values.

Advice! There is a direct relationship between the tar content of gasoline and its acid number- the more resins, the higher the acidity. In this case, the octane number decreases. This must be taken into account when choosing fuel.

Methods for determining quality fuel

If the driver has doubts about the quality of gasoline, there are two options for checking it: in the laboratory and at home. In the first case, it gives official document, containing all the test data, as well as a general conclusion. If the examination reveals that fuel indicators do not meet the standard, this may be a reason to go to court at the gas station where the sample was purchased. In this case, all costs are borne by the oil refinery.

If the results are within allowable rate, then there is no question of compensation and the client will have to pay for the services of the laboratory himself, and this is not always cheap. Therefore, the following are the basic methods for self check gasoline.

Method #1: Color Check

The practice of coloring gasoline was still in effect in the Soviet Union, when a red pigment was added to fuel containing the poisonous additive tetraethyl lead. Such labeling was necessary to visually highlight more toxic fuels. On this moment in Russia, according to GOST, unleaded gasoline must be transparent. However, some companies, in particular Lukoil, tint gasoline grades in different colour so that they can be visually distinguished. So, in 2001, at Lukoil gas stations, it was possible to purchase a red A-80 and a bluish A-92. However, due to the increase in the number of fakes that gave out the color of gasoline as its brand name, the management decided to curtail the campaign.

Interesting! The Ukrainian oil refinery WOG still produces colored fuel. So, the Mustang brand has a green tint, which is its hallmark.

In connection with the foregoing, it is better to refuel at those gas stations where uncolored gasoline is sold without turbidity and sediment. At the same time, it is worth noting that quality fuel may have a pale yellow tint, but by no means saturated tones.

Method #2: Test for dilution with water

There is another way to determine quality by color. However, this time you will have to "conjure". For the experiment, you will need a transparent container and the usual undiluted potassium permanganate. If, upon contact with gasoline, it begins to manifest pinkish tint, this directly indicates the water content in the fuel. At the same time, it is important to remember the ratio of reagents: if you add too much manganese, then even gasoline can turn pink. Therefore, it is recommended to calculate the proportions based on the ratio of gasoline and reagent 20:1.

Method #3: Checking for Resins and Oils

Establishing the presence of oil in the fuel is simple: just blot the paper in the test specimen and let it dry. If, after drying, a greasy trace remains on it, then oil is present in the composition. Some experimenters apply a drop of the sample to the skin, however this method categorically not recommended, because in addition to degreasing, you can earn dermatitis and even eczema.

As for sulfur, it is better to check its content in gasoline in the open air, away from flammable objects. To conduct an experiment, you need to stock up on a glass slide. Drop some fuel on it and set it on fire. If the gasoline is of good quality, then the glass surface will leave a white mark. But tarry gasoline is characterized by stains from yellowish to rich brown shades.

TOP 10 gas stations by gasoline quality

Car owners are constantly busy with the question of which gas station is better for gasoline. Most drivers have already determined their favorites by experience. And for those who are still looking for a reference fuel, the following rating of gas stations is offered in terms of the quality of services provided. The following indicators were used for comparison:

  • quality of petroleum products and compliance specifications or GOST;
  • service;
  • price;
  • availability of additional services;
  • client programs and promotions.

In order to test filling stations and determine the most profitable among them, we took as a basis weighted average prices for AI-95 fuel in Moscow and regions(for gas station chains not represented in Moscow and the region). AI-98 gasoline participated in the check for compliance with the actual octane number.

Brand Name Filling station network Price Octane number AI-98 (laboratory examination) Fuel standard Client program Customer Reviews

(max. 5)

Rosneft >2800 45.30 98.2 Euro 5, Euro 6 :

- 1 point for 2 liters of fuel;

- 1 point for 20 r of other purchases;

- 1 point = 1 ruble

- registration is free.

>2600 46.35 100 Euro 5 :

- 1 point for 50 r on fuel and other purchases;

- 1 point = 1 ruble;

- registration is free.

Gazprom Neft >1200 45.80 98.6 Euro 5 :

- "Silver" status: 3 b for 100 r;

- "Gold" status: 4 b for 100 r;

- "Platinum status": 5 b for 100 r;

- 1 point = 1 ruble;

- registration is free.

TNK >600 45.80 98.2 Euro 5 See PL terms for Rosneft clients. 4.2
Tatneft >550 44.89 98.6 Euro 5 :

- 500 - 1999 p \u003d 1.5% discount;

- 2000 - 4999 r = 3% discount;

— >5000 = 4.5% discount;

- 1 point = 1 ruble;

– registration: for a fee (depending on the region).

Shell >250 46.29 98.6 Euro 5 Several species with different conditions. 4.5
BP >100 45.89 98.4 Euro 5 BP Club:

- Status "Green": 1 b for 100 r of fuel;

— Status "Gold": 2 b for 100 r;

— Platinum status: 3 b for 100 r;

- when buying in cafes and shops, points are doubled, taking into account the status;

- 1 point = 1 ruble;

- registration is free.

Bashneft >500 43.65 98.8 Euro 5 Some . 4.4
track >50 46.99 98.4 Euro 5 Mobile loyalty program:

— 2% cashback from purchases immediately after checkout;

— 3% cashback from all purchases for 50,000 rubles;

— 4% cashback for 200,000 rubles;

— 5% cashback for 1,000,000 rubles;

- 1 point = 1 ruble;

- registration is free.

Gazprom >400 45.99 98.2 Euro 5 "Movement to the Future":

— starting discount 2%;

- 1 liter of gasoline = 1 point;

- 2 l of diesel fuel = 1 point;

- 1 point = 1 ruble;

- 1000 b = 2.5% discount;

- 2500 b \u003d 3%;

- 5000 b = 3.5%;

- 10,000 b \u003d 4%;

- 20,000 b = 4.5%;

- 50,000 b \u003d 5%;

— registration: 250 r.


Based on the data presented, the reader is advised to determine for himself best network Gas stations, based on personal priorities. It should be noted that all applicants who took part in the formation of the rating, the quality of gasoline meets modern standards.

Brands such as Rosneft, Lukoil and Shell deserve special attention, since so far they are the only ones working to improve the quality of fuel and the final transition to the Euro-6 standard. However, for those who do not know who to give preference to - Rosneft or Lukoil, or, perhaps, it is difficult to decide between Shell or Lukoil - there is only one piece of advice: pay attention to the octane number.

Important! If the octane number is significantly higher than the norm, this may indicate the presence of harmful additives for its artificial increase, which in the future will negatively affect the operation of the engine.

Interestingly, the most transparent gasoline is found at Rosneft and Shell filling stations, while the most “bright” (dark yellow) - to Lukoil. Nevertheless, according to surveys, this particular brand is preferred by more than 40% of car owners in Russia.

Reasons for the appearance of low-quality fuel at gas stations

First of all, it should be remembered that there are companies that independently extract raw materials (Gazpromneft and Rosneft), and there are those that buy it from them. There is also such a thing as "subsidiaries", operating under the license of a holding company. The latter include, for example, TNK, BP and Bashneft owned by Rosneft. Therefore, it is not surprising that under nominally different brands you can buy fuel of the same quality. It can differ only in brand name and cost. Sometimes - additives.

As for multinational companies operating in the Russian Federation, one should not hope that Shell or British Petroleum will be the same as in Europe or America. Least, raw materials for fuel of these brands are purchased from domestic refineries. For example, Shell does not have its own carriers at all, so in Russia its duties are performed by AVTEK, which receives gasoline in Ufa, Kapotnya, Yaroslavl, and also Ryazan.

Moreover, at the same gas station each time there can be fuel from different places. They transport it in the same fuel trucks, as a result of which a new batch may come with traces of the previous one. And it is not necessary that it will be the same brand of gasoline. Although company employees exclude the possibility of mixing samples, arguing that there is a special sensor inside the container, this risk cannot be dismissed.

Considering all of the above, it remains to focus the attention of motorists on the above data and recommend purchasing gasoline at gas stations of oil producing companies that have taken a course towards improving fuel quality and are interested in the constancy of customers. This will be indirect evidence of good gasoline and high service.

As a decent man, I love cars, and I don’t live in peace, I decided to check the quality of gasoline at gas stations in Moscow. Rosneft, Lukoil, Gazprom, BP and others tremble!

Car shops sell various test strips to check the quality of gasoline. But, it is clear that they cannot give complete data on the composition of gasoline and determine its compliance with all standards. Did this test not too long ago. macos . The experiment seemed interesting to me, but I decided to act for sure and went to a real testing laboratory for fuels and lubricants.

The first surprise was the search for a laboratory that can test gasoline. It turned out that there are not many such people in Moscow. I googled only two (Shell and Neftmagistral) suitable laboratories to which a private person can take gasoline for analysis without problems. Other laboratories either analyze oils, or are not close, or the analysis is unreasonably expensive, or cooperation with individuals is problematic. By the way, maybe someone knows why such laboratories do not like private individuals?

The choice fell on the Oil pipeline. In fact, I chose them because of the price (it turned out to be not the cheapest pleasure), and they are located quite close to Moscow (Vnukovo).

Having traveled along the Moscow Ring Road from Yaroslavka to Kievskoye Highway, I stopped at the following gas stations: Rosneft, Lukoil, BP, Neftmagistral, Gazpromneft. Poured gasoline into plastic cans specially designed for gasoline. For testing, standard 95th gasoline was taken.

I post checks for gasoline for comparison - (price per liter / rubles): Neftmagistral - 33.20, Gazpromneft - 34.05, Rosneft - 34.10, Lukoil - 34.52, BP - 34.59. I could not resist on BP, I bought mineral water-). Main question- how does cheaper gasoline differ and does it differ from expensive one, is it more useful to feed cars and is there any difference than to feed?

To make everything as independent as possible, I gave gasoline samples anonymously - under numbers. Although, looking ahead, I’ll say that after the analysis, we got into a conversation with a person who works there and, looking at the composition, he himself compared and named the brands of three probes. At that moment, I felt real respect for a person who knows the market so well and knows the compositions and differences of gasoline of different brands.

The laboratory is equipped with last word technology. I wouldn't call it big, but the equipment is amazing. The following fuel parameters were analyzed: octane number, fractional composition, content of sulfur and aromatic compounds. Like it or not, these gasoline test strips cannot be detected in any way. A good gasoline- this is not only excellent running and accelerating characteristics of the car, but also a guarantee of its uninterrupted operation and correctness. I think that those who are under warranty and call in for MOT have heard sighs from the masters many times about dirty candles and bad gasoline.

Let's take a closer look at a few devices. Below UIT-85M. The device was made in Russia at the Savelovsky Machine-Building Plant. This unit determines the octane number. The device simulates the operation of the engine using only one cylinder, then the installation compares the standard with the gasoline received for research.

With an octane number, all brands turned out to be in order. Everything is within the normal range.
We test further. The sulfur content of gasoline helps determine the spectrometer. Active sulfur compounds contained in gasoline cause severe corrosion of the fuel system and transport containers. Inactive sulfur compounds do not lead to corrosion, but the gases formed during their combustion cause rapid abrasive wear of engine parts, reduce power and worsen the environmental situation.

And this device for determining the chemical composition. In a few seconds, it gives a detailed analysis of the composition.

An apparatus that determines the fractional composition of gasoline.

Apparatus for determining the density of an oil product

Apparatus for determining the pressure of saturated vapors

Analysis equipment diesel fuel is significantly different. But I didn’t have diesel fuel with me, so I couldn’t see exactly how the device works, but I managed to capture it:

Apparatus for determining actual resins

But the most important thing is the final results, it was for them that I came to the laboratory. In fact, the results were unexpected. I was sure that at least half of the grades would turn out to be unusable, but ... almost all gasoline turned out to be within the standards, the only thing was that Lukoil "let down".

Lukoil AI-95 gasoline does not comply with GOST R 51866-2002 in terms of a number of fractional composition indicators. The first discrepancy: the end of boiling (this indicator should not be higher than 210C, for Lukoil it is 215.7C). Consequences: increased fuel consumption and carbon formation in the combustion chamber of the engine cylinder. The second discrepancy: by the share of aromatic hydrocarbons. Consequences: soot on candles during the passage of the next MOT. All this can be seen in the test report. That is, this gasoline will not only increase fuel consumption, but also significantly increase engine wear.

The indicators of the fractional composition and the compliance of these parameters with the norm are one of the main ones, since they can be used to determine the engine warm-up rate, its throttle response, starting qualities, and the uniformity of the engine operation at idling. To decipher all the indicators, you can use this "dictionary".

By the way, Gazprom stood out in terms of sulfur content, but according to this indicator, everything is within the normal range for all brands.
Lukoil and Gazprom turned out to have the lowest octane numbers, the higher it is, the better gasoline resists detonation) - 95.4, BP has a little higher - 95.5, but still not the maximum, although I repeat that everything is within the normal range, but without much effort.

Other protocols can be found here

Oil pipeline:


In general, I am surprised, I still expected more violations-) Perhaps the fact is that gasoline was taken in Moscow, we apparently undergo constant checks. It would be interesting if someone living in the region would take the baton and conduct similar analyses.

Question to the studio, is it worth overpaying for a brand, if in the end the quality is the same for everyone, and some expensive brands also cheat a little? Have you personally come across low-quality gasoline? Tried to somehow prove the manufacturer of his guilt? Have you contacted such laboratories? And, in fact, what are you guided by when choosing a gas station, because, as it turned out, a high price is not always a guarantee of quality ...

To be honest, in ten years of conducting fuel examinations, my colleagues and I came across crappy gasoline only once. We found a place on the Kaluzhskoye Highway, where on one side there was a "Lukoil" gas station, and on the right, almost the same, but already "Likoylovskaya". The difference is one letter and ten missing octane units. And also in the insane stench of the drug sold there, which, by the way, was three rubles per liter cheaper than the neighbors across the street. The laboratory then said unequivocally: “This is not gasoline!” And soon after the publication, the curious sign from the track disappeared.

But what to expect from obviously expensive gas stations?

It so happened that on duty we ended up at the Shell oil depot near Podolsk. In fact, we were supposed to be shown an exemplary fuel truck - and they really did. But how can one resist sarcastic questions on other fuel topics?

What is my attitude to the network Shell gas stations? Neutral. Among the advantages:

  • Here you are first filled, and then you pay.
  • There is always a toilet and you can wash your hands.
  • This is a branded gas station with a big name, and therefore, in the process of refueling, you seem to involuntarily rise in your own eyes.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • It's more expensive than most of the others.
  • The network of Shell's gas stations is poorly developed - it takes a long time to look for them.
  • In our Zarulev examinations, Shell has never shone.

So what about the neutral, I, perhaps, turned down - for me the cons outweigh, so I personally prefer VR. Sometimes Neste. IN last resort- Lukoil. Why in the extreme? Because they never learned how to humanly manage full tank. Yes, and the operator near the column is either present or not.

But today we're going to Shell.

What I like about Shell is the signature coloring. And I still remember how a few years ago I had a chance to participate in a conversation with the vice president of the company, David Pirret. Educated intelligent man - it was nice to talk. Moreover, I immediately went from him to a meeting with the then VAZ temporary worker. I don’t want to remember him, I can only say that the difference was crazy.

We are met at the entrance. Pretty fuel trucks and even prettier employees. Well, business men, of course ... We begin to communicate. Where does Shell get its gasoline? Not in Holland, of course: far and expensive. The carrier, the company AVTEK, with whose representatives we are talking, receives gasoline in the capital Kapotnya, Ryazan, Ufa or Yaroslavl. Subsequently, they serve Moscow, Tula, Smolensk, Bryansk and Lipetsk.

Then a small performance begins. The manager says: the company buys Russian fuel, after which its quality ... increases! Well, it's not even funny: why on earth? Agreed that Shell does not degrade the quality Russian fuel during transportation and storage. You can still believe it. However, the manager did not believe it: it seems that he really thinks differently.

Do they buy good fuel in dense Russia? The Shellovtsy nod - they say, it fully complies with Russian GOSTs, and the company's oil depot carries out its input control. By what parameters, they did not specify. The question about the octane number was turned into a joke: they say, well, this is obvious. I had to be reminded that technical regulation does not impose exact requirements on this number: they say, not lower than 80 - and all right. They do not argue with us, but they are in a hurry to show the fuel truck.

There are no questions for fuel trucks - take a look at the photo. They are hung with cameras and antennas so that no one cheats. Fuel - in expensive aluminum containers, born abroad. I was pleased with a cheerful picture on the right door - especially for those kind people behind the wheel who, in traffic jams, strive to climb a fuel truck almost under the bumper.

Shell does not have its own carriers - neither in Russia, nor in the world. Is it good or bad? Here everyone is free to do as he pleases, the consumer needs good fuel and nothing more.

The oil depot is clean. Shooting and talking on mobile phones near the gas station are prohibited: there are known cases of unauthorized sparking of built-in batteries. Yes, on lithium batteries lately they often run into: sometimes they really behave aggressively.

And I again - about bad gasoline. Where does it come from?

Engine oils - essential element protect engines from wear. One of the most popular in the car market now are Lukoil oils And Shell Helix. Often, car owners are interested in which engine oil is better, Shell or Lukoil, since a number of their characteristics are identical, but the prices are different. Let's try to figure it out.

Domestic manufacturer Lukoil

Lukoil oil has been produced in Russia since 1991 and is made on several basic bases:

  • mineral water;
  • Semi-synthetic;
  • Synthetics.

The scope of its use is wide, which makes it possible to use motor oils in vehicles with diesel and gasoline engines. All lines from the manufacturer are adapted to work in the difficult Russian climate, resistant to freezing and temperature extremes. It is this feature that is called as the most important advantage of the product.

Properties and characteristics of Lukoil oils

Indicators dynamic viscosity motor oil at -40 Celsius is not more than 1,500, and the maximum value reaches 1,800. Accordingly, its use leads to minimization of energy losses in hydraulic system, which has a positive effect on fuel consumption.

In addition, the advantages of Lukoil oil include:

  • Even with prolonged use power unit wears out slightly;
  • Purification from combustion products;
  • The unique composition does not allow sediment to form.

Another plus is low price And good protection from fakes.

not to buy lubricant of dubious quality, it is necessary to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • There should be no signs of opening on the lid;
  • Labels are attached by the method of fusing;
  • There is a foil seal on the neck.

It should also be remembered that a number is applied to the bottom of the original container.

Shell oils

According to the manufacturer, high-quality raw materials are used in the production of their lubricating elements, taking into account all international requirements.

Based on this, we can say that the lubricant component has excellent specifications, respectively, it is able to improve the performance of the car:

  • Due to the washing power, all engine units are stored in proper quality for a long time;
  • Friction between parts is reduced.


Motor Shell oils are divided into the following varieties:

  1. For internal combustion engines operating on gasoline;
  2. For diesel engines;
  3. Multifunctional oils, acceptable on any kind of devices.

Because the dirt that accumulates in propulsion system, appears when filling in engine oils of inadequate quality, then before buying it is necessary to study the properties of the product.

Shell benefits

The motor is protected for a long period of time. Characteristics remain at the original level in all modes of operation of the car. All this increases the resource of the motor.

  • Shell oils are constantly researched and tested, which is a testament to reliability;
  • Ability to reduce the amount of fuel consumed;
  • Low volatility;
  • Environmental Safety.

Shell can be used in power devices equipped with turbocharging and converters.

Comparison of Lukoil and Shell Helix

Finding out which is better, Shell or Lukoil, it is worth noting that both of them show excellent performance. Any car oil from the Lukoil line that meets the requirements of API and SAE is practically in no way inferior to foreign ones engine oils the same class.

Of course, synthetics with SM approval are better than budget SG mineral water if it is poured into a modern vehicle.

Another important advantage domestic oils before foreign counterparts, this is that they are designed specifically for Russian climatic conditions, were tested taking into account the existing climate and road conditions.

It should also be taken into account that at almost equally good performance characteristics, oils of the Lukoil line are much cheaper than Shell Helix.

In any case, no matter what brand of lubricant the car owner prefers, it is necessary to carefully approach the issue of choice so that it suits the engine as much as possible, and change it no later than after 7 thousand kilometers.

The choice of a suitable gas station that has both acceptable quality fuel and not exorbitant prices is often not a task. easier choice car, because the duration and safety of operation of the components of your vehicle, as well as the security of your wallet, depend on these parameters. Therefore, we present a rating of gas stations in terms of quality in 2018-2019 in Moscow and the region.

What is quality gasoline?

Why refuel a car with decent gasoline and how to determine which one is better? Answering the first question: gasoline Low quality negatively affects the procedure for starting the engine, quickly disables the spark plugs and damages the components of the fuel system. Remember that the longer you save and make a choice in favor of filling stations offering low-quality gasoline, the more you expose your car to a threat.


Filling network from the largest Russian company does not leave indifferent millions of car owners across the country. All fuel complies with the Euro 4 standard, and therefore you can not worry about the safety of the elements of your car.

In addition to gasoline and diesel fuel available at all gas stations, Gazpromneft is also expected to offer gas. Gas stations are almost always equipped with corners for relaxing or buying a bite to eat on the road, and the professionalism of the employees is not satisfactory.


A major player in the Russian fuel market not only provides a license for the sale of BP oil products, but also has widest network gas stations throughout Russia. Own production, as well as the status of the most important state corporation, guarantees consumers the quality of fuel. And at their gas station, perhaps, the most delicious coffee.


Wide recognized leader among domestic suppliers of refined products. The fuel complies with Euro 5 standards and constantly wins awards for the environmental performance of its gasoline, and customers usually stay with Lukoil for a long time after the first use.

A big plus against the background of many competitors is the breadth of the offer of petroleum products, which allows you to refuel any car without fear of losing its performance. The prices at the gas stations of this company are quite high, but the excellent quality of gasoline is complemented here excellent service And additional services so you have to pay a little more.

We hope that our review on which gas stations to buy fuel at will help you choose the right network of gas stations for your soul and budget, as well as save key technical elements your vehicle. Good luck on the road and do not save on the most important.

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