What is the difference between 92 ect euros. Ecto or Euro. Which gasoline is better? Comparative analysis with other brands

With increased requirements for modern cars Many owners of new cars want to know what ECTO gasoline is and what its main characteristics are in comparison with regular gasoline. Yes, and the owners of used cars, no, no, and they will be interested in how, following the advertising of this fuel, they can increase the power of their old car? But is it necessary to fully trust advertisers and manufacturers, and is it worth pouring in the notorious gasoline: what could this change in the behavior of the engine? What are its benefits and possible harm? Let's sort things out in order.

What is ECTO gasoline? At the beginning - about deciphering the abbreviation. EC – ecological. TO – fuel. And the name itself can tell us a lot. It is known that in terms of quality and so-called environmental friendliness, this fuel - developed by the manufacturer Lukoil - exceeds the requirements of the Russian State Standard and meets European parameters.


ECTO contains a variety of additives, a whole multifunctional bouquet that enhances the anti-rust, detergent and cleaning effect. Among the advantages declared by the manufacturer:

  • The motor runs smoothly;
  • The operating life of the engine increases;
  • The rust of the components is practically reduced to nothing;
  • All fuel and engine elements extend their service life.

Ecological aspects

ECTO includes three times less sulfur, and five times less benzene! All this will allow us to significantly reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere (carcinogens, sulfur combinations) as part of the fight for cleanliness environment. Environmentally friendly additives are added to the base fuel, thereby adjusting it to standards. By the way, the presence of these additives - required condition For European types fuel: gasoline, diesel. So Euro-4 diesel fuel, for example, takes care of the corresponding engines.

It is also suitable for older people domestic technology: tractors, combines. When used, ignition improves and service life increases. A sustainable cleaning effect is observed for the entire fuel and engine unit of transport. Euro reduces fuel costs by up to 4%, and the oil needs to be changed half as often.

Possible disadvantages of use

After all, according to modern road rules and the requirements of various regulatory organizations, all cars will have to switch to a similar fuel that meets environmental standards. Well, in the meantime, what are we seeing in this context? The popular opinion about ECTO gasoline is very ambiguous.

Among users of elderly “classics” VAZ or other brands domestic auto industry, having traveled more than one thousand kilometers, there are generally horror stories about this fuel. Like, I filled it in to try it, but in general I barely made it home: all the dirt went into the filter and further, the engine began to actively sneeze, and the pipes were cracked. And some even use old engines, but they say that nothing special has changed in the character of the car, and the traction is even worse than on an ordinary TNK-92, only the spark plugs are clean (this, by the way, says a lot).

Some advise pouring EKTO periodically, in bursts, to clean the entire system, and then use regular gasoline. People who have bought new modern cars are quite satisfied with the quality and fuel consumption.

What do car service specialists say?

Service station professionals serving a variety of transport equipment- both new and old - also have their own opinions. Of course, many advantages cannot be taken away from the fuel: it reduces the dirtiness of injectors or jets, reduces the formation of slag and carbon deposits on valves, improves mixture formation and thereby fuel efficiency. However, when the fuel tanks and system connections are clogged (in cars with a significant mileage), all the dirt, as a rule, begins to come off and goes to the fuel filter. And if it also hasn’t changed for a long time, this can lead to unpredictable results. And the experts also came to the conclusion that there are no special advantages in using ECTO for 2-stroke technology due to design features gas distribution.

It’s better to buy a bottle of carburetor cleaner and use it more or less regularly. But for 4-stroke units these advantages become obvious. And regarding power and its increase: here the manufacturer’s statements are a little exaggerated. After all, the octane number of gasoline does not change, but the compression ratio remains the same. It remains to add for owners of used cars who have decided to own experience find out what ECTO gasoline is: before use, you need to clean the tank and fuel supply system, it is also advisable to install and new filter. Otherwise, all accumulated slag and dirt will travel through the inlets, partially settling on the fuel filter.

The increasing frequency of natural disasters is the result of human intervention in the ecological balance. The main role in this is played by greenhouse gases, which have led to dramatic climate change. It is not surprising that scientists sounded the alarm and forced the governments of leading countries to pay increased attention to environmental issues, one of the aspects of which is the reduction of emissions of volatile gases. Since the 90s, regulations regarding the tightening of requirements for the composition of automobile emissions began to apply in Europe. This was achieved thanks to the introduction of a whole range of additives into the fuel composition. But since the real impact of the measures taken has been negligible, Euro standards are constantly being edited. Manufacturers of fuel for internal combustion engines are forced to keep up with these requirements, improving the quality of gasoline, primarily from an environmental point of view. But other operational characteristics are not left without attention. Modern additives make it possible to reduce fuel consumption and maximize the service life of power units. Until recently, domestic gasoline producers were lagging behind this process, but through the efforts of the Lukoil concern the matter moved from a dead point.

Why choose EKTO gasoline?

EKTO 92 gasoline: what is it?

Appearance in 2009 of one of the leaders in the line of gasolines domestic producers motor fuel product under the EKTO brand is truly an evolutionary step, since the first-born, EKTO 92 gasoline, turned out to be generally compliant with EURO-5 eco-standards. Many car owners are interested in what ECTO means in the name of gasoline. Everything turned out to be quite simple. Explanation of the brand name: EC - environmentally friendly, and TO, accordingly, - fuel. Initially, the quality of this product significantly exceeded the technical requirements determined by Gosstandart, meeting modern European environmental standards in most respects. This was achieved through the use of a special package of additives designed to provide a protective effect on all components of the fuel system, extending the life of the engine, and also reduce the concentration of especially harmful substances as part of the exhaust gas.

Of course, the Lukoilites had no intention of resting on their laurels all this time. The technology for producing ECTO 92 gasoline was improved, and soon fuel with an OC 95 appeared at gas stations, and then ECTO 100 gasoline, an analogue of EURO 98. Each of the above products is aimed at its own consumer. Possessing unique performance characteristics ECTO gasolines are designed for use on any modern vehicles equipped with an internal combustion engine. All three types of fuel contain additives with a whole range of positive qualities, from cleaning and detergent to anti-corrosion. The composition of ECTO gasoline contains five times less benzene and three times less less sulfur than regular fuel. This allows you to significantly reduce the concentration of carcinogens and sulfur compounds in the exhaust gas. The addition of environmentally friendly additives only strengthens the position of gasoline with the ECTO prefix in terms of the fight to maintain a clean environment.

The domestic oil refining industry has never been distinguished by its desire to meet global trends in terms of the quality of final products. Most refineries for a long time produced fuel that was far from being European standards. And being supplied to the retail network, when reaching the final gas stations, it was subjected to manipulations that in no way contributed to the improvement of consumer properties, be it . But times are changing, and the market forces us to meet global criteria even in such a conservative area as oil refining. The appearance of ECTO gasolines is convincing evidence of such a trend. But what is the difference between ECTO gasoline (Lukoil) and EURO, which for a long time was a monopoly at Russian gas stations, and how significant are these differences? Let's try to understand this issue.

First, let's look at what the EURO eco-standard is, when it appeared and why it was introduced. As already noted, the environmental trend intensified significantly at the end of the last century, when it became obvious that human activity is one of the main causes of global climate change on the planet. But if it was not possible to reach a global consensus regarding emissions from industrial enterprises, then in the automotive industry successes turned out to be more significant, especially after the development of the EURO eco-standard, the requirements of which most automakers currently adhere to. However, initially the standard was valid only in the European Union. Most of the provisions of this document concern restrictions on the concentration of harmful and especially harmful components in the composition. Here is the chronology of the emergence of new, more stringent standards in relation to their predecessors:

  • 1992 – formed basic standard EURO, which received prefix 1;
  • 1996 – emergence of EURO 2;
  • 2000 – another tightening of requirements within EURO-3;
  • 2005 – emergence of EURO-4;
  • 2008 – transition of automakers to the EURO-5 standard.

If, according to EURO-3, the permissible concentration of sulfur in fuel was 150 mg/kg, then in the previous edition this figure was much higher - 500 mg/kg. Unfortunately, Russian manufacturers gasoline were hopelessly behind their European counterparts. Thus, the transition to the EURO-3 standard took place 13 years after its adoption by the EU. The document itself regulates the content of a number of environmentally hazardous substances in gasoline, as well as technical characteristics fuel: cetane number/index, flash point, concentration of sulfur, water, benzene, aromatic hydrocarbons.

Since all of the above doesn’t mean much to the average car enthusiast, it’s worth dwelling on this in more detail:

  • the amount of benzene directly affects not only the toxicity of the gasoline itself - a significant part of it is also present in the vapors of burnt fuel. Another negative manifestation of an increased concentration of benzene is the appearance of carbon deposits in the cylinders, which reduces efficiency power unit and reduces its resource. According to current environmental standards, no more than 1% benzene is allowed in EURO class gasoline (previously this figure was significantly higher - 5%);
  • sulfur oxidizes during combustion to form sulfurous/sulfuric acid. Their impact on the components of the power unit cannot be called positive, especially when it comes to modern engines, the BCs of which are made of aluminum alloys. The adverse effects of acids significantly reduce the resource and exhaust system, including catalytic converter. In the EURO-3 standard, a sulfur concentration of no more than 150 mg/kg was allowed; in EURO-4, the requirements were tightened to 50 mg/kg, and according to latest edition this amount has been reduced to 10 mg/kg;
  • aromatic hydrocarbons are substances that increase the purity, but at the same time lead to an increase in the formation of soot. Both rubber and plastic parts, since by their nature AC are solvents that can corrode seals, hoses, gaskets, filter elements, etc.;
  • octane/cetane number. The lower this indicator, the faster the fuel burns. For this reason, the use of low-octane fuel causes detonation processes that have an impact Negative influence on the life of the engine, increasing smoke, leading to burning of valves and damage to pistons.

Let us note that the introduction of ever new eco-standards mainly concerns new cars. It makes no sense to fill an old Zhigul with EURO-5 gasoline - their engine is designed to use more “ancient” standards for most indicators. The same applies to foreign cars. For example, in a car whose power unit is designed to use EURO-3 gasoline, it is not worth the corresponding the latest generations standard Otherwise, you risk premature failure of the lambda probe or CV, the replacement cost of which is quite high. If you see gasoline at gas stations that meets EURO-4/5 standards, in most cases it is an imported product, since most domestic refineries are still able to produce products with characteristics no higher than EURO-3. With the advent of Lukoil's ECTO line, the situation has changed.

What is the difference between EKTO-95 gasoline and EURO-95? As the manufacturer himself states, the main task set for the company’s engineers was to produce fuel that would initially comply with the current European eco-standards. It became EKTO-95 gasoline (EKTO-92 complied with the EURO-3 standards in force at that time). The main difference between ECTO gasoline and conventional gasoline is the presence of a wide range of additives, the use of which has made it possible to achieve the following improvements in technical characteristics:

  • increasing engine life with regular use of gasoline with the EKTO prefix;
  • increased power of the power unit without any side effects;
  • reliable protection of metal components of the fuel system from corrosion;
  • reducing the detonation level, which makes it possible to reduce engine vibration and the level of noise it creates;
  • increasing the inter-interval period for replacement motor oil(reduced operating costs);
  • improving the combustion process of fuel assemblies, which made it possible to reduce the wear of injection system components;
  • reducing the amount of hydrocarbon deposits in the injector components and elements, thereby helping to improve the stability of the power unit and reduce fuel consumption;
  • increasing the service life of the AC and lambda probe.

Lukoil specialists conducted a series of tests aimed at comprehensively testing their innovative product. As a result, it turned out that distinctive feature EKTO-95 gasoline in relation to fuel that meets the EURO-5 standard is a reduction in consumption by approximately 5%, but subject to driving at least 2 thousand kilometers. After 500 kilometers of using ECTO-95, the savings amounted to about 3.5%. There is a higher cleanliness of the injector and noticeably more low level formed on intake valves sediments. A noticeable difference between EKTO-95 and EURO gasoline was the improvement in the dynamic performance of the engine. Using Lukoil fuel, the test car (KIA RIO) accelerated more smoothly and faster. Particularly noticeable agility was evident when overtaking and pressing the accelerator pedal to the floor. Shifting gears (the car had an automatic transmission) was much smoother.

After the car was driven for a long time on EKTO gasoline, a transition to EURO was made, which was marked by the appearance of previously unfamiliar sounds from the engine. Shifting gears was accompanied by vibrations felt throughout the body. Another conclusion is that driving an ECTO makes the interior quieter; the engine noise on a KIA RIO, which does not have the best sound insulation, became comparable to the sounds of tires made when driving at high speed on the highway. Finally, with one filling of the gas tank, ECTO fuel was able to travel 40-80 kilometers more than with EURO standard gasoline. At the end of the experiment, suppositories were removed, which turned out to be noticeably cleaner after ECTO.

Advantages and disadvantages of the ECTO gasoline line

We have already mentioned most of the advantages of motor fuel from Lukoil, but it would be useful to list them all:

  • ensuring more stable and reliable operation power unit;
  • increasing the total service life of the engine and all its components;
  • increase in engine power and efficiency;
  • effective fight against corrosion;
  • reduction of vibration/noise levels when the engine is running;
  • increase regulatory deadlines MM replacements;
  • reduced wear of injection system parts;
  • extension of service life of CN;
  • preventing the appearance of deposits in injector parts;
  • more stable and trouble-free operation of diagnostic systems;
  • more than threefold reduction in sulfur content compared to conventional fuel;
  • fivefold reduction in sulfur concentration.

Note that all these advantages will be most noticeable on cars with high mileage. For power units of venerable age, at the initial stage of using new gasoline from Lukoil, minor deviations in operation may be observed due to the action detergent additives. The fact is that modern effective additives are capable of dissolving a significant part of the deposits, which, when entering the fuel filter, will accumulate in it, reducing the fuel supply. Therefore, it is recommended to replace the fuel filter element soon after using eco-fuel. It is this action that is considered the main disadvantage of the ECTO gasoline family. However, no one is stopping owners of used cars from using this fuel periodically, only to clean the fuel system. In this regard, it has no equal among its domestic analogues. Owners of relatively new cars are mostly satisfied with gasoline. In principle, in the medium term, the entire domestic vehicle fleet will have to meet European environmental standards, which, with difficulty, are taking root on our roads.

Which is better: ECTO or EURO gasoline

Basically both motor fuel complies with European eco-standards, which require the use of a wide class of additives. So the answer to the question of which gasoline is better, ECTO or EURO, largely lies in the area of ​​personal preference. Many experts note that for new cars the use of domestic fuel is more preferable, although in terms of cost imported gasoline turns out to be a little cheaper. If you have a machine with a long service life, it is recommended to use EURO-95, since the presence of detergent additives in its composition is minimal. Use of gasoline from Lukoil in two-stroke engines, according to experts, will also not provide significant benefits.

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Is it worth overpaying for fuel with the Ultimate or Ecto prefixes? How valid are the company's promises to increase power by up to 14.7%, increase acceleration to 9.9%, or reduce engine corrosion to zero?

To answer such questions, we purchased from branded capital Gas station samples BP and Lukoil gasolines with octane numbers 95 and 98 - only six samples.

By definition, the purchased gasoline had to be of the required quality - otherwise any comparisons between “Ecto” and “not Ecto” lose their meaning. And so it turned out: checking the physical and chemical parameters of the purchased fuel did not reveal any surprises. Everything is in order, the current GOSTs are satisfied. Octane numbers - even exceeding the norm, resins - are low.

Judging by the statements of fuel manufacturers, Ecto and Ultimate gasolines contain detergent additives. How effectively do they work and what can you expect from it?

The standard test for the detergency of gasoline is very long and labor-intensive, but we will go our own way. Let's try to evaluate the trend itself in terms of changes in the amount of deposits when the engine runs on gasoline with detergent additives, and at the same time check how the engine will react to this.

This procedure was done for each gasoline - but the result turned out to be simple. The conventional fuels we used as a comparison sample slightly increased the deposit mass. But fuels with detergent additives had the opposite effect - the mass of deposits began to decrease. Moreover, the result for both “Ultimates” and “Ecto” was close. The accuracy of such measurements is low, so 10...15% differences in the results can be attributed to errors, but the trend is important!

By the way, it turned out that detergent additives work a little less effectively on 98 gasoline. We have encountered this phenomenon before. Once again, a simple principle emerged - improving something good is always more difficult.

After “cleaning” gasolines, a slight increase in air consumption was recorded. This means that the intake ports and valves began to let more mixture into the engine. The result is increased power, decreased fuel consumption. CH toxicity has noticeably decreased, but the content of nitrogen oxides has increased slightly - combustion has become more efficient, temperatures have risen - this is the result. However, the conflict of interests between nitrogen oxides and residual hydrocarbons has long been known to specialists.

We understood the trend of the influence of modern “titled” fuels on the engine, but again we did not find the notorious advertising 14.7%. But let’s try to conduct one more, this final, experiment, and outside the boundaries of the examination itself - optional, so to speak...

The model experiment with artificial pollution, which we practiced earlier, indicated a trend and made it possible to compare, but that’s all! And to find out the real possibilities, you need to take a sample of the engine with live, natural dirt. A lot of this “good” had accumulated during the previous tests, and they took advantage of it. We took 100 liters of one of the gasolines with a detergent additive - “Lukoil - 95 Ecto” and worked it out on this engine, having previously removed the initial characteristics. During the tests, we measured the dynamics of changes in engine parameters. Moreover, as cleaning progressed, the detonation threshold shifted towards increasing power - we also monitored this.

This is where the effectiveness of the additive became more noticeable. By the end of the test cycle, power increased by 7.5%, and consumption decreased by an average of 8.4%. Toxicity decreased only for residual hydrocarbons, remaining within the measurement error for other components. What if the engine gets even dirtier? And produce more gasoline? We believe that by doing so, advertising numbers can truly become achievable.

But here's what's interesting! At the initial stage of operation of our very dirty engine on good gasoline with a detergent additive, some troubles were noticed - it began to twitch, and toxicity increased noticeably. What's the matter? We believe that contaminants washed off from the walls of the fuel system entered the metering elements of the power system. This created the effect. And when the engine was lightly washed, a clear trend towards improvement in all parameters appeared. That's how difficult it is! And again the old truth was confirmed - there is no need to make sores worse, that is, clean is always better than dirty!

So should you pour cleaning fuel into a “dirty” engine or not? We recommend switching to good things gradually. First, add half a tank of gasoline with a detergent additive to regular fuel, then, when the tank is ¾ full, top it up again good gasoline. And then only refuel with branded gasoline. We also note that at some stage you will have to change the fuel filter, but this will only be necessary in particularly advanced cases.

So what's the bottom line?

Firstly, branded fuels do have certain advantages over regular ones. This is mainly due to the improved cleaning properties of such gasolines. However, this cannot be seen immediately, but with constant use. But if gasoline is positioned as meeting Euro-3 and higher, then it simply must contain detergent additives.

Secondly, the main advantages of such gasolines still appear on modern injection engines, but they were created for them! The fact is that the jet of fuel from the nozzle in such an engine makes it possible to better use cleaning properties additives than in a carburetor. Therefore, the wait for the effect for the “old man” will have to be much longer.

Thirdly, we did not find the declared 14.7% increase in power. But if you use all the opportunities provided by gasoline with higher octane numbers and good cleaning ability, and take something very dirty as a guinea pig, then such figures can be quite real. But we are talking, rather, not about increasing power, but about restoring it.

And finally, fourthly: not so titled gasolines are more expensive than regular ones... Moreover, with the ever-increasing cost of the simplest fuels?

What are the differences between 95 Euro and 95 Ecto

Gasoline is one of the most common fuels used in millions of vehicles around the world. Billions of liters of this fuel are consumed every day across the planet. One of the eternal questions of every motorist is which gasoline is better. Two varieties of 95 gasoline appeared at the gas station: Euro and Ecto. In this regard, drivers had a logical question - what is the difference between 95 gasoline and 95 Ecto.

Euro standard: fuel specification 95-Euro

One of the main trends of recent decades is environmental conservation. The oil refining industry has overhauled gasoline production technologies while moving toward increasingly environmentally friendly production. clean look fuel.

Euro is a gasoline standard adopted in the European Union. The very first Euro-1 standard was created in 1992, and today the latest is Euro-5. Each of them has special requirements for exhaust gases cars, therefore, to the composition of the fuel, which actually led to the appearance on the market of a brand of gasoline with the “Euro” prefix. This means that the fuel meets one of the accepted standards.

The offered gasoline 95-Euro complies with the Euro-3 standard. The properties of this fuel include:

  • low content of aromatic hydrocarbons;
  • oxygen share up to 2.7%;
  • oxygenate content - up to 15%;
  • cetane index - from 46;
  • cetane number - 51;
  • flash point - 55 degrees Celsius.

This fuel also contains a low level of benzene, which guarantees low toxicity and reduced carbon deposits in the engine. Euro gasoline has a significantly reduced sulfur content. During engine operation, sulfuric and sulfurous acids are formed, which have a detrimental effect on the unit. vehicle. This is especially true for new cars that have aluminum elements in their design. Euro brand gasoline contains up to 150 mg/kg of sulfur.

What is 95-Ekto and what are the differences from Euro

Before you find out what the difference is between 95 and 95 Ecto, you need to find out what it is.

It is worth noting here that this type gasoline also complies with the Euro-3 standard, which means that all the characteristics described above apply to this gasoline. Moreover, the environmental performance has been improved: the sulfur and benzene content has been reduced several times, so we can say that the Ecto brand is an improved version of the Euro-3 standard. However, this is not the only difference. The main characteristic of this fuel is the use special additives designed to increase the service life of the engine and other key components of the car.

The main characteristics of 95-Ecto gasoline, which distinguish it from 95-Euro, are listed below:

  • increasing the reliability of the power unit, as well as extending the service life;
  • possibility of use maximum power car;
  • the presence of specialized additives protects key components from corrosion;
  • reduced detonation levels, resulting in quieter and quieter operation;
  • increasing the service life of the injection system;
  • minimizing precipitation and reducing fuel consumption.

The same properties apply to the characteristics of Ecto diesel fuel from Lukoil. According to the developers, the use of the Ecto brand allows reducing fuel consumption by almost three and a half percent. The presence of detergent additives significantly reduces the amount of plaque, which makes the operation of the power unit quieter.

At gas stations, 95 Euros from 95 Ecto also differs in cost. The differences are insignificant, but on average amount to several rubles.

Conclusions: which gasoline is better Ecto or Euro

Everyone must answer the question of which is better, Ecto or Euro, for themselves during the operation of their car. WITH technical point From our point of view, Ecto gasoline is more preferable, despite its higher cost.

The use of specialized additives in it allows you to extend the service life of individual components, as well as the entire vehicle as a whole. By regularly refueling with Ecto fuel, you will avoid the possibility of various deposits forming and also minimize the risk of vehicle breakdown. Perfect fit this type fuel for cars with automatic transmission transmission A car running on this gasoline will run as smoothly as possible.

If you have an old car with high mileage, it is recommended to use the 95-Euro brand. The presence of detergent additives in Ecto gasoline can cause damage fuel filter due to heavy contamination. All the dirt contained in fuel tank, peels off and goes straight to the filter. Experts also came to the conclusion that if you pour Ecto into a vehicle with a two-stroke unit, you will not get any benefits.

Question from a reader.

« Hello! Help me figure out what is the best way to refuel. We recently got 92 Ecto gasoline at Lukoil, the price is the same as regular 92. Is there any real point in switching from regular 92 to this gasoline? I understand that Ecto 92 simply has some additives added, which, according to the gas station, have a better effect on the operation of the engine and everything else. The question is, is this really so? I would be very grateful if you do not ignore my question! Thank you! You have a wonderful site! Sincerely, Elizaveta»

Thank you for your kind words towards our AUTOBLOG. So let's think together...

So, new miracle gasoline

And in our city there are Lukoil gas stations and they also sell this version of gasoline. First, let me explain about the price, in terms of the fact that both the regular 92 and the EKTO 92 cost the same. If Lukoil gas stations have only recently appeared in your city, then they should capture their client. Personally, in our city it was like this: at first one gas station opened, well, accordingly, advertising, etc. Only regular fuel 92, 95, DT was sold ( diesel fuel) and that's it. Then, after a short amount of time, ECTO 92 gasoline and ECTO 95 gasoline appeared. The price was the same, which is what is happening now. These varieties were given a lot of publicity, there were even brochures about this gasoline, but now I can’t post photos of these brochures, because it was a long time ago. Well, in general, the end user began to refuel with ECTO 92 gasoline, as I call the period of adaptation, and then LUKOIL increased the price of ECTO by 1 ruble. Many both refueled and stayed on this gasoline, and some switched back to regular 92. So you will have the same thing, now it’s just a promotion, then EKTO will definitely rise in price in relation to regular gasoline.

Now about the properties.

I asked cashiers and operators at the gas station many times about the differences between these gasolines, I also drove hundreds of kilometers in my car and made certain conclusions for myself. LUKOIL members themselves say that gasoline is slightly best quality, additives have been added that clean the engine and fuel system car, as well as additives that slightly increase power due to better fuel combustion and latest engine works quieter and better.

Here is the official material about ECTO gasoline:

« The use of "ECTO" contributes to more safe operation vehicle due to improved fuel combustion, increased engine reliability and operating time, engine oil change intervals, reduced engine noise and vibration, reduced wear on fuel injection system components, and prevention of carbon deposits on the injector,” says Vadim Vorobiev (LUKOIL representative). In addition, he notes, the possibility is excluded premature exit systems failure on-board diagnostics. Finally, « EKTO" will save car owners from claims from the Department of Ecology. The content of sulfur and aromatics, which is reduced even in comparison with the requirements of the Euro-3 standard, minimizes emissions of carcinogenic substances into the atmosphere»

In practice, you shouldn’t expect miracles; in terms of, if you refueled with regular gasoline and then filled it with EKTO, you may not immediately feel the difference.

That is, it is designed for long term operation. Because additives in fuel make up only 5 to 7% of the total volume. If you pour it constantly, the difference will be more noticeable.

The bottom line is.

Personally, I used ECTO gasoline on my FORD FUSION; my mileage was impressive at that time, about 140,000 kilometers, and I needed to clean the injector because the car was losing dynamics. I decided, I’ll try ECTO gasoline, there won’t be any harm if that’s how they advertise it. You know, of course I expected more, I thought that as soon as I poured it in, the dynamics would appear. But no. The car pulled a little better, the engine ran somehow smoother, although it may have seemed so to me. Consumption fell a little, it was about 8.9 liters, it became 8.4. As for the fact that there is no smell in the car, I didn’t have the same problem with regular 92 gasoline. I refueled with ECTO gasoline until it became more expensive. Then I refilled it once a month for a little preventive maintenance, although I refilled it almost full tank. After running out of gasoline, I refilled with regular 92 from LUKOIL. But the injector still had to be washed; it was very dirty.

Of course, it’s up to you to decide whether to pour ECTO gasoline or not. However, advice. If you have new car with minimal mileage, then filling ECTO gasoline may be justified, because your system has not yet had time to “clog and become stuck”, this composition of gasoline will support it in combat condition, of course, you shouldn’t expect super cleanliness after using this fuel, but it won’t clog the system either.

But if your car has traveled more than 100,000 kilometers, you may not feel a difference in dynamics; you will still need to clean the injector, but it will not save you.

Something like this. I hope I helped you.