Kurgan Bus Plant: history, products. Kurgan Bus Plant (KAvZ) President of Kurgan Bus Plant JSC

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Address card

Kurgan bus factory LLC (KAVZ)

Logo of Kurgan Bus Plant LLC (KAVZ)
Information about the company Kurgan Bus Plant LLC (KAVZ)
Activities: Bus production.

Contact Information
A country: Russia
Postal address:
Full name of the head of the company Shalaev Oleg Viktorovich
Official site Kurgan Bus Plant LLC (KAVZ): http://kavz.gaz.ru/
Company email: e-mail:
Full name: Kurgan Bus Plant Limited Liability Company
Short title: KAVZ
AMTS code 3522

Products and services of the enterprise Kurgan Bus Plant LLC (KAVZ)

Production and sale of buses on GAZ chassis, funeral vehicles, watches.

Dealers Kurgan Bus Plant LLC (KAVZ)

Information about sales representatives (dealers, distributors, etc.) is not provided by this plant. For questions regarding purchasing products, please contact the company's sales department.

History of Kurgan Bus Plant LLC (KAVZ)

WITH full history enterprises can be found on the official website of the company. The year of foundation is 1958, indicated in the plant’s chronicle. The company is part of the Russian Buses division of the GAZ Group.

Kurgan Bus Plant LLC (KAVZ) on the map - address and directions
640008, Russia, Kurgan, st. Avtozavodskaya. 5

Brief company profile
Production and sales various modifications buses for transporting passengers, special equipment for funeral services, special buses for transporting shift and repair crews, including equipment.
The company Kurgan Bus Plant LLC (KAVZ) is located at the address: 640008, Russia, Kurgan, st. Avtozavodskaya. 5
You can contact company representatives at the numbers below Tel. 44-42-10, 44-90-42, 44-92-28. For prompt communication, you can use e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.. On the official website of the Kurgan Bus Plant LLC (KAVZ) http://kavz.gaz.ru/ posted detailed information About company.

Postal address, telephone, fax, address of the company's official website, email address and other data about the enterprise Kurgan Bus Plant LLC (KAVZ) are for reference, completeness and accuracy, which can only be confirmed by the official management of the enterprise.
If you think that the information about the company posted on this page is outdated, write to us about it by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Tel. 44-42-10, 44-90-42, 44-92-28
AMTS code 3522

Kurgan Bus Plant LLC was once the world's largest manufacturer of small-class hooded buses. Today, after a series of reorganizations and modernizations, the company specializes in the production of cabover suburban, intercity and urban middle-class models. An important area of ​​activity is the assembly of school buses that meet strict safety standards.


In 1953, the construction of a machine-building enterprise began in Kurgan, where it was planned to produce military equipment and equipment. However, later the authorities considered that for the country at this stage it was more important task is production public transport. After changing the profile of its activities, the organization received the name Kurgan Bus Plant (KAVZ).

On September 19, 1958, the company was tasked with organizing the assembly of buses. The development was taken as the base model, which, in turn, was based on the extended chassis of the GAZ-51 truck. The KAVZ-651 modification was produced until 1971 in various versions.

Easy to maintain and repair, reliable, with good maneuverability, these working buses are widely used. Although vehicles mainly intended for villages, enterprises, shift workers and various organizations, they became familiar guests on the streets of small towns and cities as public transport.


In 1971, the “old man” KAVZ-651 on the assembly line of the Kurgan Bus Plant was replaced by a new 21-seater model - KAVZ-865. It was based on a more progressive chassis Gorky Automobile Plant GAZ-53-40. It was more different from its predecessor spacious interior, improved design, increased torque, reliability and increased interval between repairs.

These buses can still be found on the roads of the country. Four-ton workers can accelerate to 90 km/h, but the recommended speed is 60 km/h. Significant disadvantage is high consumption fuel (24 liters per 100 km). Among the obvious advantages is a heated interior, equipped with soft, comfortable passenger seats.

In 1975, the bus was restyled. In addition to non-essential technical changes, has changed a little appearance. In particular, the round rear brake lights and taillights have been replaced with rectangular ones. The model turned out to be very successful: in 1975 it was awarded the “Quality Mark”. Later (in 1986), improved modifications received the name KAVZ-3270.


For the Kurgan Bus Plant, KAVZ-865 turned out to be a landmark. The bus of this brand became the most popular in the history of the world automotive industry. The company produced tens of thousands of units annually. 1989 turned out to be a record year - this year the factory workers supplied the country with 20,008 units of equipment.

Why is the model popular? First of all, in the unification of the chassis with GAZ-53-40 trucks. Accordingly, there were no problems with finding and replacing spare parts. An important factor was high cross-country ability. In this connection, the main buyers were state farms, collective farms, rotational services, and state-owned enterprises.


In 1989, the Gorky Automobile Plant changed its model range. The place of the outdated GAZ-53 on the assembly line was taken by the GAZ-3307/3309. Accordingly, we had to master a new chassis. In the same year, factory workers presented more modern model KAVZ-3976. It was produced for almost 10 years.

The 21-seater bus was equipped with a 120/125-horsepower high-torque engine corresponding to the Euro-2 class. There are various modifications:

  • passenger;
  • cargo-passenger;
  • sanitary;
  • shift workers;
  • paddy wagons;
  • hearses.

In market conditions

In 1993, after the reorganization of the enterprise into OJSC Kurgan Bus Plant, a successor was born - KAVZ-39769. The model is distinguished by an extended chassis base (from 3.7 to 4.5 meters) and a noticeable increase in seating capacity (from 21 to 28). There is a 32-seat modification of the KAVZ-39769, based on a 5.4-meter wheelbase. It became the prototype for the 34 school bus seats. By the way, KAVZ became the first in Russia to receive a license to manufacture specialized school buses.

Unfortunately, the following years became difficult for the company. Previously, the main buyers of buses were collective and state farms. After their disappearance, sales volume decreased significantly. For some time, the plant still produced hooded models for watches, but in 2007 their production was discontinued.


By the beginning of the 2000s, the financial situation of the Kurgan Bus Plant was deplorable. In fact, KAVZ was bankrupt. In 2003, the enterprise came under the control of the GAZ group of companies, which had a beneficial effect on production activities. The plant was modernized, the model range was updated. Instead of outdated hooded models, factory workers began to assemble modern middle-class cabover buses of the Aurora series.

In 2011, instead of non-responders environmental standards engines began to be installed with Cummins engines meeting the Euro-5 eco-standard. Today, in the context of import substitution, foreign components are replaced by domestic ones. In particular, new power plants Yaroslavl Motor Plant.

Buses under the KAVZ brand can be found in different parts of Russia and the CIS. They are also eagerly purchased in Latin America. Over the years, the company has produced more than 440,000 units of equipment, and its story does not end there.

Full title: "Kurgan Bus Plant"
Former name: "Kurgan Bus Plant named after. 60th anniversary of the USSR"
Existence: 1958 - present day
Location: USSR, Russia, Kurgan, st. Avtozavodskaya, 5
Key figures: Alsaraev Alexander Viktorovich (acting managing director)
Products: Middle class buses.
The lineup: KaVZ-985

History of the creation of the enterprise.

Kurgan Bus Plant (KAvZ)- one of the largest bus manufacturing plants in Russia. The plant ranks first in the production of passenger bonneted vehicles (based on truck chassis) for work on highways and rural off-road. For more than 50 years of its work, KAvZ has produced over 440 thousand buses.

The history of the plant began with the transfer of production of the PAZ-651A bus (a modernized GZA bus) to it at the end of 1957. This accelerated the launch of the enterprise, and already on January 14, 1958, after a new modernization, production of the first KAvZ buses-651A. These were small-class bonnet-type buses (20-seater) based on the GAZ-51A truck chassis. KAvZ-651A was produced for 13 years (1958 – 1971). Subsequent bus models, like the first model, were based on modified chassis of trucks from the Gorky Automobile Plant. Since 1971 until 1984, the Kurgan Bus Plant, based on the GAZ-53-40 chassis, produced a 21-seater model of the KAVZ-685 bus. In 1984, it was moved to the GAZ-53-12 chassis, and in 1986 it received the KAvZ-3270 index. Annual production volumes of KAVZ-685 and KAVZ-3270 buses in the 70s and 80s. reached 18-20 thousand units. Maximum amount cars (20,008 units) were produced in 1989. The production of these two models was the most massive in the history of both the Kurgan plant itself and the world bus industry.

During the first five years of its existence, KAVZ achieved a very large annual production volume - 5000 units per year. By 1967, the plant had already produced 50,000 buses of the basic model KAvZ-651A.

After the reconstruction of the plant (1967 - 1977), the production of buses was increased, their quality was improved, and the cost was reduced. In 1974, KAvZ produced its hundred thousandth bus. Since 1977, production volumes have increased every year by almost 2 thousand units, thus it was planned to reach a production capacity of 20,000 buses per year.

In 1981, the plant produced more than a dozen prototypes of the KAvZ-52561 model, a high-capacity commuter bus. But the Ministry automotive industry suspended this project.

In 1982, a significant event took place for the Kurgan Bus Plant: by decision of the Supreme Presidium of the RSFSR Council, KAVZ began to be called after the “60th anniversary of the USSR”. Moreover, the KAvZ-685 M bus received the state award “Quality Mark”.

In 1989, the KAvZ-397620 model was released. It was a 20-seater bus on a GAZ-33074 chassis. Later, the KAvZ-397620 bus was modified for cargo-passenger and special (sanitary, service, etc.) models. In 1993, by lengthening the GAZ-33074 chassis along the wheelbase (from 3700 mm to 4550 mm), the 28-seater KAVZ-39765 bus was created. In 2001, it was modified according to GOST R51160 "Buses for transporting children" in school bus KAvZ-397653. Began mass production this model.

During the crisis of the 90s. The demand for small-capacity buses has decreased markedly. Production capacity was sharply reduced to approximately the level of the early 70s. Debts to creditors were constantly increasing.

The plant had to repurpose itself to produce high-capacity city buses due to the technical re-equipment of reserve capacities.

In 1993, the production of modular assembly coach-type buses, designed for 24 passengers, began. passenger seats. For these purposes, a year earlier, to create experimental models, a subsidiary of AK KAVZ, Vika LLC, was created. At the same time, in 1992, the first carriage-type buses KAVZ-3278, KAVZ-3275, KAVZ-32784 began to be produced. These models were distinguished by increased comfort and met international safety requirements. The annual production of carriage-type buses amounted to 150–200 units.

In 1994, eight city buses were produced large capacity model Ikarus-260 and two copies of a particularly large-capacity bus model Ikarus-280. Two years later, according to an international tender, 168 units of the Ikarus-283.10 model were produced for the city of Yekaterinburg.

In July 1997, Kurgan regional arbitration court, at the initiative of the creditors, made a decision to introduce external arbitration management on the territory of the plant. This helped KAvZ get out of the difficult economic situation that had arisen. Later, after the removal of external arbitration management, the enterprise again began to operate in the previous mode of an Open Joint Stock Company.

In 1998 at Kurgan plant began developing new bus models based on heavy-duty ZIL chassis. City (KAvZ-422910) and suburban (KAvZ-4229-01) buses were created. The plant also tried to conquer the market for rotational buses. For these purposes, the production of all-wheel drive buses KAvZ-422990, as well as buses based on the Ural chassis, was organized.

Issues in 1996 – 2003 rotational buses based on the Ural and Zil chassis (KAvZ-422991, KAvZ-422990, KAvZ-42243) were limited, and after the restructuring of the plant they were reduced as products that did not correspond to the profile. Latest released by rotation bus in 2004, the KAVZ-39766 “Sadko” model, based on the GAZ-3308 all-wheel drive chassis, became available.

At the dawn of the 21st century.

In 2001, the KAvZ enterprise became part of the large engineering holding RusPromAvto, which at that time united most manufacturers of automobile and bus equipment on Russian territory.

In 2004, the plant began assembling buses, the development of which began in 2002 - PAZ-4230 Aurora.

In 2007, small-scale production of the half-hood bus KAvZ-3244, which was carried out by a subsidiary of Vika LLC, was curtailed. The production of medium city buses of the KAvZ-4239 model was transferred to the main conveyor.

In January 2008, the Kurgan Bus Plant celebrated its 50th anniversary. At the same time, the enterprise was restructured, and the KAvZ-3976 model was discontinued. Half a century of history of small-class bonnet-type buses based on chassis trucks GAZ has come to an end.

The plant began to increase its capacity to produce medium-sized PAZ-4230 Aurora buses.

On this moment, the main products of the Kurgan Bus Plant are rear-engined medium-sized modernized buses for inter-district and suburban traffic "Aurora" KAvZ-4235 and KAvZ-4238, as well as an urban low-floor midibus based on the Chinese KAvZ-4239 chassis.

KAVZ is one of the largest Russian bus companies. The plant was built on January 14, 1958 specifically for the production of hooded buses on the GAZ-51 chassis with good off-road capability on rural roads, necessary to solve the problem of transporting the population in the northern and mountainous regions. Over the years of its existence, the Kurgan Bus Plant has grown into the most modern enterprise. In 2001, the Kurgan Bus Plant became part of the GAZ Group. Joining the GAZ Group opened up prospects for the plant's production development. The company's management made a strategic decision - to organize the production of medium-sized PAZ-4230 Aurora buses at the Kurgan Bus Plant. In 2008, KavZ completely stopped production of KavZ-3976 hooded buses. Today, the main activities of the enterprise are the production of medium-sized buses KAvZ 4235 "Aurora" and city low-floor buses KAvZ-4239, which were awarded the People's Choice Diploma at the InterAuto-2007 exhibition. In three years, the plant plans to annually produce up to 2,000 KAVZ-4239 buses. Thanks to optimal pricing policy and almost half a century of presence of the plant in Russian market KAVZ brand buses have received well-deserved recognition and have been repeatedly awarded medals and honorary diplomas at Russian exhibitions

OJSC "Kurgan automobile plant» (™: KAvZ) - Russian manufacturer buses. Part of the GAZ Group. The company's headquarters is located in Kurgan, Russia.

Activities of KAvZ

The plant was founded in 1958 and traditionally specialized in the production of low-capacity buses (from 21 to 30 seats).

In the 90s, due to changes in industries National economy, including rural ones, consumer demand for small-capacity buses has decreased. There is a need to produce high-capacity city buses in Russia.
Based on this, KAVZ began to create production capacity for the production of city buses.

In 1994 The plant produced 8 large-capacity city buses "Ikarus-260" and 2 especially large-capacity buses "Ikarus-280". In 1996 As a result of an international tender, 168 Ikarusov-283.10 were manufactured for the city of Yekaterinburg.

Currently, KAVZ specializes in the production of medium-capacity buses with a length of 8 to 10 meters.

Main types of KAVZ products:

  • Small class buses on GAZ chassis (KAVZ-3976 and modifications)
  • Small class buses on ZIL chassis (KAVZ-3244 and modifications)
  • Middle class buses PAZ-4230 "Aurora".