Rating of Russian regions according to the provision of passenger cars. Rating of Russian regions in terms of availability of passenger cars Rating of cities with cars per capita

In recent decades, the world has seen a real boom in the automotive industry. In 2010, for the first time in history, the number of cars exceeded 1 billion. It is projected to reach 1.8 billion by 2040. Mass motorization stimulates the demand for oil and is one of the main causes of air pollution and loss of life. Russia is no exception. The article will answer the question of how many cars there are in Russia per person.

What is motorization?

This term refers to the provision of the population with motor transport. Its value is calculated based on the average number of cars per 1 thousand inhabitants.

The geography of motorization is quite heterogeneous. The highest supply of passenger cars is observed in the USA, Canada, Germany, Japan, and Australia. In these countries, there is approximately one car per person.

Most low level motorization in Africa. There, in a number of countries, less than 10 cars are registered per thousand people. Russia by this indicator is in one of the first places in the world, but is inferior to some developed countries, but ahead of China.

However, in last years There has been rapid growth in the automotive industry in China and India. Therefore, the positions of these countries are rapidly rising and may in the foreseeable future approach the level of developed countries.

Automation of the Russian population

The development of road transport in our country occurred gradually. At the beginning of the 20th century the so-called horse-drawn transport, and cars were rather exotic. Their massive distribution was noted in the 30s of the last century. As a result, in the third decade, horse transport gave way to wheeled transport. But personal cars were still a rarity. This situation continued until 1970.

Regional motorization level

Moscow was the leader in the level of provision of the population with passenger transport. In 2002, it had a rate of 256 cars/1000 people. However, by 2011, Primorsky Krai became the leader (580 cars/1000 people), and the Russian capital moved up to 8th place. The Kamchatka Territory, the Kaliningrad Region, the Murmansk, Kaluga and Pskov Regions, and the Moscow Region were also ahead of it. This was probably due to the congestion of the capital with cars and the high accessibility of the metro and other types of public transport, including taxis.

In the country as a whole, by 2010 the number of cars per thousand inhabitants was 249 units. In 2014, this figure increased to 317. High level automobile security was noted in Vladivostok, Tyumen, Krasnoyarsk, Surgut and Moscow. However, Moscow’s rating continued to fall and in 2014 it settled in 10th place.

As for Primorye, then good indicator This is explained by the proximity of Japan and China, which are among the world leaders in auto production.

Dynamics of motorization by year

Russia has seen a rapid increase in the number of cars since 1970. Then there were only 5.5 cars per thousand inhabitants. Growing number personal cars mobiles happened even in the crisis of the 90s. By 2016, the figure reached 285 cars per 1000 people.

However, the situation in Moscow is somewhat different from trends in other regions and the country as a whole. The maximum level of motorization here was recorded in 2014. At that time, the number of transport units per capita was 311. However, by 2016, this figure had dropped to 308 vehicles.

Sales statistics

The crisis of recent years has affected car sales levels. Thus, in 2016, 1,425,791 units were sold, and a year earlier - 1,601,527 units of transport. The gradual decline has continued since 2012. However, 2017 was an exception, and total sales increased to 1 million 596 personal cars. The reason could be the relative stabilization of the situation in the country, as a result of which the fears of Russians somewhat decreased and the so-called deferred demand came into play.

Most often, Lada became the choice of the population. Kia, Renault, Hyundai and Toyota have significantly lower sales. However, popularity Kia Rio has grown sharply over the past year.

The least purchased brands in our country were: Volvo, Porsche, Subaru, Land Rover, Audi and some others.

In 2017, the largest increase in sales came from Lada (17%). Toyota has the worst results in terms of dynamics (0%). However, sales of premium cars, on the contrary, have declined. The biggest losses were: Audi (18%), UAZ (15%), Porsche (3-8%).

Forecast for 2018

On gasoline, as well as growth recycling fee and excise taxes may negatively affect the desire of citizens to purchase a car. First of all, this will affect sales of imported cars. However, experts still expect new growth, but not as significant as in 2017.

How many cars are registered in Russia?

According to RIA Novosti, as of 2016 there were over 44 million registered in Russia passenger cars. There were more than 6 million trucks. There were also 2.2 million motorcycles and 890 thousand buses, 3 million trailers. The total number of cars increases annually by approximately 1.5 million. These are mainly passenger cars. It is quite difficult to answer the question of how many expensive cars there are in Russia. However, recently people prefer more budget options auto, and share expensive foreign cars reduced.

If we answer the question: how many foreign passenger cars are there in Russia, then you can find 25 million of them on our roads. Of these, 6 million were produced in Russia. The number of vehicles operating on natural gas. Now there are 1.4 million of them.

Electric vehicle sales

A feature of the Russian automotive market is that the share of electric vehicles in total sales is extremely insignificant. At the beginning of 2017, there were only 920 electric vehicles in the country, while there are millions of them in the world. About a third of them drive on the roads of Moscow. In other regions of the Russian Federation there are very few such machines.

The most electric cars in our country are the model Nissan Leaf, of which there are 340 units. On the second Mitsubishi location i-MiEV (263 pcs.). How many Tesla cars are there in Russia? The share of this manufacturer is also significant: there are 177 copies.

Lada Hellas is in fourth place. There are 93 such machines. The remaining models are represented by single copies. So far, the authorities are in no hurry to popularize this type of transport, and they see the solution to environmental problems associated with cars in the conversion of vehicles to gas fuel. Most likely, Russia will be one of the last in the world to switch to electric transport.

How many trucks are there in Russia?

In 2018, there was an increase in the fleet trucks. In January of this year, 4.8 thousand cars were sold, which is 35.9 percent more than a year ago. Traditionally remains in first place in sales Russian manufacturer KamAZ. Its share in the total weight of trucks was 30%, that is, 1.5 thousand units. However, this is 5.6 percent less than in January 2017. In second place is GAZ, whose sales amounted to 587 vehicles. In third place is the Swedish Volvo, which accounted for 406 purchased cars. Slightly less significant sales Belarusian MAZ and Swedish Scania.

The largest growth was observed in Hino and Volvo (over 100 percent). The decline is typical only for KamAZ. In general, in the market structure freight transport the share of foreign producers is growing.

Car market forecast

In 2017, after four years of decline, sales increased by 12.5%. As for 2018, according to forecasts, the number of cars sold will increase by another 11%. Their number will be 1.64 million transport units. Share domestic cars in the sales structure will remain unchanged and amount to 83%.

The freight transport market is also expected to grow. It could be 10% and reach 88 thousand pieces. For buses this figure will be 16%.


Thus, the article answered the question of how many cars there are in Russia. The situation with the automobile market was also described.

Based on all this information, we can conclude that Russia is experiencing a strong increase in the number of cars. The level of motorization is also growing rapidly, gradually approaching the indicators of developed countries. Accordingly, problems are growing: traffic jams, lack of space, air pollution, and so on.

IN common market cars, a large share of domestic products.

The highest level of motorization occurs in the Primorsky Territory, and Moscow is far behind in this list, which indicates the commitment of many Muscovites public species transport.

Car sales have decreased slightly in recent years, but since 2017 there has been an upward trend. Forecasts for 2018 predict continued positive dynamics. The most popular is the Lada.

The electric vehicle market in the country is still in its infancy and cannot be compared with that of several other countries in the world. More relevant for our country is the transition to gas fuel, which is progressing quite actively.

Truck sales have increased significantly over the past year and a half. KamAZ is still in the lead, but its share is declining.

In some rich countries there are almost as many cars as there are people. In some parts of the world, a car is an integral part of life; in many others, “iron horses” are used less frequently. People living in rural areas, are forced to have a car for everyday needs, while in cities with reliable public transport residents don't even need to know how to drive.
Therefore, those who live in villages are more likely to have a car. Availability of a car depends not only on the type of terrain, but also on the country of residence. Cars besides direct use may be used to maintain social or economic status.
People living in richer states are more likely to be able to afford a car than those living in poorer ones. Below is a list of countries with the most cars per capita. When compiling the rating, we did not take into account motorcycles, mopeds and motor scooters.
10. AUSTRIA (511)

In Austria there are 511 cars per 1000 inhabitants. Many citizens of the country, which ranks tenth in terms of living standards in the world, can afford the luxury of a personal car.

Switzerland, Austria's western neighbor, with 524 cars per capita, ranks ninth in our ranking and seventh in the list of the richest countries. The country's beautiful landscapes inspire its citizens to explore the area by car.
8. AUSTRALIA (545)

Navigating between Australia's major cities that are hundreds or even thousands of kilometers apart is no easy task for a pedestrian or cyclist. The Green Continent, with more than 320 thousand kilometers of paved roads, highways and motorways and about 500,000 kilometers of unpaved roads, as well as many plains and beaches, is full of places to travel.
7. GERMANY (566)

Germany, with 566 passenger cars per 1,000 Germans, ranks seventh on our list. Thanks to its top-notch cars and famous autobahns, the country is perfectly suited for car owners. iron horses”.
6. ITALY (601)

Italy, with 601 cars per 1,000 people, has surpassed its northern neighbors Switzerland and Austria in our ranking. Luxury car manufacturers such as FIAT, Lamborghini and Ferrari are located in the Mediterranean country.
5. PUERTO RICO (614)

In Puerto Rico, a US territory, there are 614 cars per 1,000 residents, which puts the country in fifth place. Like the rest of Latin America, there are plenty of used cars from the States.
4. NEW ZEALAND (615)

New Zealand is in fourth place with 615 cars per 1,000 people. Many New Zealanders, like their Australian neighbors, love hiking and adventure, and such activities are essential to driving.
3. BRUNEI (649)

Brunei is a small country located in Southeast Asia. There are 649 “iron horses” per 1,000 inhabitants. The country's economy is tied to the fuel and energy complex, so residents do not have problems with income or gasoline to satisfy their automobile needs. Many cars, like other goods in Brunei, are imported.
2. ICELAND (667)

Iceland is isolated from other countries and has 667 cars per 1,000 people. This allows locals to explore their amazing, beautiful surroundings. Route 1, also known as the “ring road”, circles the whole of Iceland and connects the main cities.
Since there is almost no railway infrastructure in the country, automobile transport is of particular importance.
1. MONACO (748)

Monaco is a small country located on the Mediterranean coast. This state has a land border only with France. The country may be small, but it ranks first in the number of passenger cars with 748 cars per 1,000 inhabitants.
Considering that some of the richest citizens in the world live here, owning luxury, classic cars Custom-made cars are a common hobby in Monaco, and Formula 1 Grand Prix racing and rallies are the most popular sporting events.

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The period of crisis led to significant changes in the Russian vehicle fleet. By 2014 registration passenger cars, purchased in the salon, fell by 44.2%. , these indicators corresponded to the situation in 2005. However, already in 2015, a tendency towards stabilization of registration data became noticeable, as evidenced by statistics: the park passenger vehicles at the end of the year increased by 6.3%, which in quantitative equivalent amounted to approximately 1,280,000 units of equipment. It is worth noting that the cost of a new car increased by 56-57 thousand compared to 2014 and amounted to 1 million 56.7 thousand rubles.

How many cars were registered in 2016?

The state's motorization, although at a slower pace due to sanctions and crisis phenomena, continued at the beginning of 2016. For every thousand Russians there were 283 registered cars, which is 11 more than a year ago. Primorye and the Kamchatka Territory became the leaders in the provision of cars, which was due to the import of Japanese foreign cars with mileage through the Far East. There was a decline in re-exports, when residents of neighboring countries bought cars in Russia (the ruble exchange rate made such purchases profitable for those who saved for a car in dollars), but registered them on the territory of their countries. According to the State Traffic Inspectorate, at the end of February 2016, the increase in the number of registered cars was 1.5% compared to the same period in 2015. Indicators from the official traffic police resource indicate that over 10 years, the Russian vehicle fleet has grown by approximately 65%. Statistics on types of registered vehicles are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Number of registered cars in Russia as of July 2016, million units.

Type vehicle
Share, %
Number of cars
Passenger cars
Light commercial vehicles

According to the analytical agency "Avtostat"

The head of the press department of the analytical agency "Avtostat" A. Timerkhanov noted that the provision of vehicles in the Russian Federation is much lower than in European countries, USA. However, according to the expert, the indicators are growing every year, despite the negative market dynamics crisis period. Average age a passenger car is 12.5 years old, but more than a third of the car fleet has already crossed the 15-year mark. About 58% of passenger cars are foreign-made, and 20% of the fleet consists of SUVs and crossovers. Data on registration of cars and trucks for some regions of Russia are presented in Table 2.

Table 2 - Number of cars and trucks registered in the regions as of July 1, 2016.

Passenger cars, million
Trucks, thousand
Moscow region
Krasnodar region
Rostov region
Republic of Tatarstan

According to the analytical agency "Avtostat"

At the end of 2016, 395.4 thousand buses were registered in the Russian Federation. As of January 1, 2017, more than 19 thousand buses were registered in the capital, in the second position is the Krasnodar Territory with an indicator of 15.8 thousand, in the third place is the Moscow Region, where 14.5 thousand units were registered. About 10 thousand were registered in St. Petersburg, the Republic of Tatarstan, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk regions. More than 70% of buses belong to legal entities, 27% of the total number are foreign-made vehicles. Bus depot in Russia, 45% consists of equipment older than 45 years.

How many vehicles were registered in 2017?

The 2017 indicators demonstrated the growth of Russia’s vehicle fleet and an increase in the purchasing power of citizens. According to the Association's estimates European business In the first half of 2017, about 849 thousand passenger cars and commercial vehicles were sold, which was 8.5% higher than the same period in 2016. There were 400 cars per 1,000 people in the capital, as evidenced by traffic police statistics. These are the highest rates of motorization in the regions of the Russian Federation. At the end of 2017, the number of registered vehicles increased by almost one and a half percent compared to 2016. Data on types of vehicles are presented in Table 3.

Table 3 - Number of registered vehicles in Russia as of January 2018, million units.

Vehicle type
Share, %
Number of cars
Passenger cars

According to the analytical agency "Avtostat"

The leader in terms of vehicle availability was the capital and the Moscow region, where more than 6 million units of equipment were registered as of January 2017. These figures exceed 2016 data by 300,000 units. Statistics on registration of cars, trucks and buses in some regions of Russia are presented in Table 4.

Table 4 - Number of cars, trucks and buses registered in the regions as of 07/01/2017

Passenger cars, million
Trucks, thousand
Buses, thousand
Moscow region
Krasnodar region
Rostov region
Republic of Tatarstan

According to the analytical agency "Avtostat"

Among passenger cars, about 59% are foreign cars, and the average age of a car exceeds 12.5 years. Moreover, 1/3 of all passenger cars are over 15 years old. Trucks are even older, with an average age of almost 20 years, and 2/3 of cars are over 15 years old. Legal entities own 53% of the Russian truck fleet. Average age Russian buses- 15.5 years, with almost half being over 15 years old. 72% total bus depot registered on legal entities. Foreign-made buses do not exceed a third of the total number of vehicles, while environmental requirements Euro-4 level corresponds to only 15%.


The last decade, according to the traffic police, has been marked by an increase in the private vehicle fleet by 65%. The traditional increase in registration is one and a half percent, which is typical for post-crisis years. The leaders in the availability of vehicles are the capital and the Moscow region, which causes increased traffic jams and accidents on the roads. At the same time, Moscow looks very modest against the backdrop of world capitals, since it is not among the ten cities with the most congested road system. The leaders in the number of registrations are passenger cars, trucks and motorcycles are significantly inferior to them, and buses are among the outsiders.

According to the analytical agency "AUTOSTAT", as of July 1, 2016, the security passenger cars the average in Russia was 285 per 1000 inhabitants.

The most affluent regions are Kamchatka (472 units) and Primorsky (437 units) territories. One of the reasons high performance of these subjects of the Russian Federation is the fact that through the Far The East is coming import of used foreign cars from Japan. The Moscow region came in third place in terms of the supply of passenger cars (347 units).

The top five leaders are closed by the Kaliningrad (344 units) and Kaluga (342 units) regions. The TOP 10 regions in terms of security also included: Karelia (341 units), Pskov region (336 units), Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra (327 units), Ryazan (324 units) and Murmansk (321 units) areas.

Let us note that Moscow is in 22nd position in this ranking (308 units), St. Petersburg is in 11th position (316 units). The lowest supply of cars in Russia is in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug: 88 cars per thousand inhabitants. Also, experts from the AUTOSTAT agency note that in 36 regions (out of 83) the provision of passenger cars is higher than the Russian average.

“The availability of cars in Russia is still significantly lower than in developed countries. European countries and in the USA. At the same time, it is increasing from year to year. For example, two years ago (as of July 1, 2014), the average supply of passenger cars in Russia was 280 per thousand inhabitants. Thus, over the past two years, even in the absence of positive market dynamics, this figure continued to grow,” noted Azat Timerkhanov, head of the press service of the analytical agency AUTOSTAT.

regionsecurity per 1 thousand people.
1. Kamchatka Krai472
2. Primorsky Krai437
3. Moscow region347
4. Kaliningrad region344
5. Kaluga region342
6. Karelia341
7. Pskov region336
8. Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (Yugra)327
9. Ryazan region324
10. Murmansk region321
11. Saint Petersburg316
12. Sakhalin region315
13. Oryol region314
14. Tver region314
15. Orenburg region314
16. Belgorod region313
17. Tambov region311
18. Tyumen region311
19. Smolensk region310
20. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug309
21. Samara region309
22. Moscow308
23. Novgorod region308
24. Khakassia308
25. Tatarstan307
26. Voronezh region307
27. Lipetsk region304
28. Krasnodar region304
29. Kurgan region302
30. Tula region300
31. Magadan region293
32. Rostov region292
33. Vologda region291
34. Chelyabinsk region291
35. Komi290
36. Krasnoyarsk region289
37. Leningrad region.284
38. Kursk region284
39. Irkutsk region283
40. Saratov region282
41. Omsk region281
42. Sverdlovsk region.281
43. Tomsk region281
44. Bashkortostan277
45. Novosibirsk region276
46. Kostroma region273
47. Udmurtia272
48. Adygea271
49. Astrakhan region270
50. Nizhny Novgorod region.268
51. Vladimir region266
52. Penza region265
53. Ulyanovsk region263
54. Altai region263
55. Volgograd region261
56. Stavropol region261
57. Arkhangelsk region257
58. Yaroslavl region256
59. Kirov region253
60. Mordovia241
61. Nenets Autonomous Okrug240
62. Transbaikal region239
63. Amur region239
64. Bryansk region237
65. North Ossetia Alania)235
66. Kemerovo region.234
67. Perm region231
68. Kalmykia228
69. Khabarovsk region227
70. Jewish Autonomous Region224
71. Ivanovo region221
72. Altai220
73. Mari El214
74. Kabardino-Balkaria213
75. Chuvashia212
76. Yakutia (Sakha)203
77. Buryatia196
78. Karachay-Cherkessia182
79. Tyva181
80. Dagestan171
81. Ingushetia142
82. Chechnya131
83. Chukotka Autonomous Okrug88
TOTAL in Russia 285