Body types of passenger cars. Full review. Learning to distinguish between types of car bodies Types of car bodies

The body of a modern car is a load-bearing element.

Not yet on all cars it is the body that performs carrier function, it happens that all the main elements of the car are attached to the frame, but more on that later.

The concept of "carrier" speaks for itself. Roughly speaking, it is on the body and its elements that all equipment and assemblies are hung, and it “carries” them on itself. All forces and loads from the road through the wheels and suspension are transferred to the body.

Body types

Car bodies can be divided into one-, two- and three-volume. Under the volume this case understand the space/capacity to accommodate something, separated by a partition from another part of the body.


Simply put, in a two-volume body there is an allotted volume (space) for the engine (engine compartment with a full-fledged hood cover). It is separated by a transverse partition from the second volume - the passenger compartment along with the luggage compartment.

Figure 2.1


In a three-volume body there is a volume for the engine, passengers with a driver and a volume for luggage compartment.

Figure 2.2


An interesting situation with a one-volume body. There is no such volume under the engine compartment. The engine is actually located in the passenger compartment under the dashboard.

This is one of the main divisions of car bodies by type.

Figure 2.3

Body types

So, we figured out the number of volumes of car bodies, now let's go directly to the classification by type.

The body type partly determines the functional purpose of the car: whether it is for driving pleasure, or for transporting a large number of people, or for comfortable movement from point A to point B, etc. - the shape and content of the body will correspond to its purpose , even in the era of unification, universalization and all kinds of aspirations of marketers to satisfy as many potential customers as possible, who are very demanding in their preferences.


Briefly: three-volume, four-door, five-seater

Let's start with one of the most common and popular, at least in our CIS, body type - a sedan. This is a three-volume body with four doors (very rarely - with two) and, often, with five full-fledged seats for average adults.

Considering that almost every car brand is almost a standard of devotion to its brand, the name of the body type within the company and for different countries may differ from, so to speak, standardized. Therefore, for example, in Germany, sedans are called Limousine, and in foggy Albion - nothing more than Saloon.


Briefly: three-volume, two-/four-door; two-, four-seater or with a layout of places "2 + 2" (two full-fledged and two children's).

Following the sedan, let's consider its more dynamic version - a coupe, the same three-volume, but with two doors. In general, in the old days, in order to be called a “coupe”, a car had to have only two front seats (with the exception of plus two more, but inferior rear seats), two doors and a shortened wheelbase. But with the granting of broader powers to the same marketers, the name “coupe” began to be attributed to full-fledged “sedans” for a beautiful word, hallmark which became a pronounced sloping, littered with the rear pillar. The brightest representatives Mercedes-Benz CLS, Audi A5 Sportback and VW CC became this type.


Briefly: three-volume, four-door, four-/eight-seater.

Since we started talking about three-volume vehicles, it is worth remembering the body type of a limousine (not to be confused with a limousine in Germany, where it is called Poolman-Limousine or simply Poolman). This, again, is a sedan, but often with an extended wheelbase, sometimes with three rows of seats and with a rigid partition separating the driver from passengers. In most cases, the partition has a lifting glass. I don’t want to ignore the now rare, but rather spectacular transformations of the sedan body.

Rare variations of the sedan body

For instance, fastback(there is a domestic representative of this kind - the GAZ M20 Pobeda) - the body is actually three-volume, but with such a sloping rear that the profile gives the impression of a lack of a trunk as such.

There are also hardtop sedan, once a popular type in the United States of America, is a sedan with no B-pillar and sometimes frameless doors. This type was once popular in the United States of America.

station wagon

Now let's move on to cars of a two-volume family, which is very widely represented on the market. automotive technology. And the first thing to mention is the station wagon body type. It's a five-seat, five-door, less common three-door car with the rear of the wagon-type body and usually almost vertical installed door baggage compartment. The name of the body type speaks for itself. The versatility lies in the fact that, while enjoying the ride, you can carry a fairly large amount of luggage. Most station wagons have the function of increasing the volume of the luggage compartment due to the folding rear seats.

After its appearance, the station wagon underwent various metamorphoses: it either lengthened, then became higher, or even expanded in all directions.

SUV (Universal cross-country ability)

Briefly: two-volume, three-/five-door, five-/seven-seater.

Increasing ground clearance, slightly stretching the body in height, in some cases installing all kinds of plastic protective pads, from the station wagon received a body type with a straightforward name - “station wagon off-road". Cars with this type of body belong to the SUV class (Sport Utility Vehicles, in the common people - “SUV”). In terms of cross-country ability, in the literal sense of the word, the car has not gone far from its progenitor, but in terms of comfort it can give odds to many.


Briefly: two-volume, three-/five-door, five-/seven-seater.

The hatchback is one of the most popular body types in Europe. This is a two-volume body, which is a shortened version of the station wagon. Literally, "hatchback" is translated as "behind the back." With the same comfort as in a station wagon, it will no longer be possible to carry 4-5 passengers and bulky cargo, but a couple of large bags will fit. However, hatchbacks, like their elongated cousin, have the function of folding the rear seats. Therefore, if there is no need to simultaneously transport a team of builders with working equipment, then by folding the back of the second row of seats, you can get a cube, or even more, of additional space.

Minivan, microvan and compact van

Briefly: One-/two-volume, four-/five-door, four-/seven-seater

Remembering the metamorphoses of the station wagon body, we smoothly approached cars that embody practicality and nepotism. Among all types of bodies, the leader in the number options interior transformation - minivan. This is mainly a two-volume, very rarely a one-volume, a body with five, six or seven seats, with four doors (one rear sliding) or five doors (all hinged doors or two rear sliding). The beauty of any minivan is that the rear seats can be folded completely or separately, in some cases they can be adjusted, thereby adjusting the interior of the car to specific needs.

Having slightly reduced in size, cutting down the functionality of the cabin, but not to the detriment of the comfort of passengers, they received a microvan body type, otherwise it is still the same minivan.

The compact van inherited from relatives with a common part "-van" only the height of the ceiling and approaching vertical landing driver and passengers, while maintaining at the proper level of comfort, but only for a maximum of five people. The luggage compartment, alas, suffered the most from the transformations.


Briefly: three-volume, two-/four-door, four-/five-seater, with folding roof

A word about the most spectacular body types. A convertible is a typical four- or even two-door “sedan”, with a folding roof made of some kind of soft fabric material, with four full-fledged seats for passengers, including the driver (it’s hard to call individual versions five-seater). It also happens that the roof is metal, but still folding, in which case the body is called a “coupe-cabriolet”. Spectacular body type is named, just because of its openness. However, all the enthusiasm of the owner of a convertible can instantly disappear in the absence of an automated folding top (yes, there are such in our era), because rain, slush, wet interior and a roof that refuses to lock onto the windshield frame will leave an indelible impression.


Briefly: three-volume, two-door, double, with folding or removable roof

The convertible's cousin is the roadster. The latter is uncompromising - only two doors and two seats. Why cousin? Because it is made on the basis of a coupe, which is the flesh of a sedan. A roadster can also have either a soft top or a hard top. One thing unites, like relatives, a roadster and a convertible - the volume of the luggage compartment, mercilessly eaten by the drive mechanisms and the roof itself, if it is folded.

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According to the body structure, they are divided into three-volume, two-volume and also one-volume.

Three-volume body

Three-volume car bodies are considered, which are divided into 3 compartments isolated from each other: the engine compartment, passenger compartment as well as the luggage compartment.
A three-volume body is considered the safest and most comfortable, because with head-on collision or a rear impact, the impact energy is primarily taken over and absorbed by either the engine compartment or the luggage compartment, but not the passenger compartment.

Also, this body structure provides maximum comfort to passengers, due to the fact that the passenger compartment is separated from the engine and luggage compartments, which receive noise from the engine, bumps pavement and impacts on the wheels, which are transmitted inside the body through the fastening elements of the suspensions and the car engine, the smells of transported things and accessories.

The disadvantage of the design is the increased length of the car, due to which there are some difficulties during parking and maneuvering in places with a large traffic congestion.

Sedan- has a four or two-door body, in which there are 2 rows of seats and a hard top, designed to accommodate 4-5 people.
One of the versions says that the word came from the name of the French city of Sedan, where the manufacture of carriages was developed in the 19th century. Another version says that this is the English version of the name of the palanquin.

coupe- a two-door body, which has a rigid, lowered roof in the rear, has one or two rows of seats.
On the second row of seats, usually hand luggage but not people. Accommodates two people and has a shortened base. Translated from French coupé means to shorten, shorten.

Cabriolet- a sedan or coupe body, has two rows of seats, with a removable or folding roof.
The body looks spectacular, attracts a lot of attention, but is not practical. At one time, the production of convertibles was suspended due to a design mismatch with safety requirements. It is believed that the word comes from the Italian capriole, where capra is a goat.

Limousine- a sedan that has an elongated base and a hardtop, with more than two rows of seats.
The driver's seat is separated from the rest of the cabin by an installed rigid partition. It can have more than four doors, but differs the highest level comfort. The name comes from the Limousin region in France.

Pickup– Passenger car that has an open or easy-to-open luggage compartment, which is located behind the passenger compartment.
In other words, a cargo version of a passenger car. Pick-up in English means to raise, open.

Van- almost peaks but with a closed luggage compartment. There are also three-dimensional and two-volume ones.
It comes from the French word fourgon - a closed wagon for carrying luggage.

Two-volume body

Double volume all cars have a body, in which the bodies are structurally divided into two compartments isolated from each other, engine and cargo-passenger.
Often such cars have an odd number of doors due to the presence of a rear opening door. The cargo compartment with the passenger compartment are united by one common compartment with all subsequent consequences.
This layout allows you to simply expand the volume if necessary. luggage compartment, but leads to a decrease in the level of comfort and safety, since the noise from the rear suspension and third-party odors from the luggage will come directly into the car, but things that are transported as cargo or luggage pose a real threat to passengers in the event of emergencies, as they freely move around the cabin in the event of a collision or rollover of the car.

station wagon- The body of the car, which has a hard top, and the trunk lid is placed almost vertically, and is an additional door.
The length is the same as the sedan. In some cases, it is equipped with a third row of lightweight seats that can be easily dismantled. The second row of seats folds down, which allows the use of part of the passenger compartment as a luggage compartment. This type of body is widely used in the production of SUVs. Translated from Latin, universalis means common.

hatchback- This is a body with the properties of a station wagon, but has a shortened luggage compartment, and a short rear overhang, which makes the car more compact and convenient for operation in tight urban areas.
The name of the body comes from the English hatchback, where hatch is the hatch, back is the back.

liftback- This is a hatchback that looks like a sedan, but the trunk lid opens together with the rear window, which gives access to both the luggage compartment and the passenger compartment.
Its feature is the absence of a metal partition, which gives the body strength and isolates the passenger compartment from the luggage compartment, as in a conventional sedan. Translation from English lift - lift, back - back.

Phaeton- has a body with a soft roof and removable door windows. A specific and rather rare type of body. An example of a phaeton is UAZ 469.

Minivan- Station wagon body with increased volume, which is designed to carry cargo and passengers.
It was originally designed to carry passengers, and only later began to appear cargo options. Includes subclasses: microvan, compact van, multivan. It comes in double and single. Origin from English mini - small and also van - van.

One volume body

One-volume car bodies are distinguished by the absence of division into compartments. They have a common cargo-passenger cabin, and the engine hood, of course, if there is one, opens into the interior of the cabin.
This design makes it possible to use the useful volume of the body for the transportation of goods and passengers as efficiently as possible.
Buses, minibuses (UAZ 452 - "Loaf"), minivans (Mitsubishi L300 and Toyota Previa), and even some city cars or toy cars (for example, Smart) are equipped with such bodies.

Hello dear blog readers site. Today we will discuss such a parameter of choosing a car as body type. Really, car body type- this is one of the most important parameters when choosing a car, so let's figure out what you need to know when choosing car body. Choosing a type car body , it is necessary to take into account the purposes for which the car will be used, in what conditions it will work and what tasks you will set for it in the first place. So what are car body types?

Friends! All of you probably know that galvanized body car more resistant to corrosion(practically does not rust). Thereby car with galvanized body in future easier to sell- the car loses value more slowly. Most modern auto manufacturers use galvanized bodywork, but these technologies are different and do not always provide good protection. recommend before you buy a car, check whether the body of this model is galvanized and what galvanizing technology is used.

Car body types there are quite a few, but now, understanding, which body to choose, we list only the most common types of car bodies.

Car body types

So, in order to choose car body type Let's take a look at each car body type in details.

body type sedan

body type sedan- it the most popular of all car body options. Sedan It has four doors and two full rows of seats. The back door is missing, instead of it sedan trunk lid.

Sedan looks elegant and representative. With all his appearance, he shows that this car designed to carry passengers, not to transport a refrigerator or kitchen set. Generally, sedan really looks solid, especially for executive cars F-class.

Main purpose sedans is work in the city and on the highway, That's why sedans, usually, are quite low and are not suitable for off-road. Sedans noticeably longer hatchbacks which makes parking a little more difficult.

The following simple example will allow you and me, dear friends, to figure out what is the difference between a hatchback, sedan and station wagon. What is the difference between a hatchback, a sedan and a station wagon, let's look at an example the most popular model passenger car Opel Astra:

What is the difference sedan, hatbcheck and station wagon You can also understand by example chevrolet cruze:

compact cars class-A with body sedan do not release, because the main thing in this class is compactness. But in a small class-B sedans do quite a lot.

Another thing average class-C and big D-class, here sedans great amount. in business class class-E) there are models that are produced only in the body sedan, and representative F-class- it is exclusively sedans.

Rear window on sedans almost never equipped with a janitor, because on sedan it stays clean in any weather. Also, to the benefits sedan can be attributed to the fact that in winter windy weather, when the trunk is opened, the car interior remains sealed, while maintaining comfort inside the car. In the event of a rear-end collision, the trunk of the sedan takes on the impact energy and this somewhat increases safety, but only compared to hatchback.

By trunk volume, sedan much inferior to station wagon, but wins according to this indicator at the hatchback. When transporting wheels, in the trunk hatchback fits 1-2 wheels, while in sedan and station wagon all four are free. For example, let's compare the trunks of a sedan, hatchback and station wagon of the same car model.

This is what the trunk looks like sedan Lada Granta with a set of tires. As you can see, all four wheels fit and there is still free space.

And this is the trunk hatchback Lada Kalina. Here there is much less space - only two wheels fit, and the whole set can be kneaded only by folding the rear seats, that is, not in the trunk, but in the cabin.

And finally, the trunk station wagon Lada Kalina, which easily fits the entire set of wheels, and free space there is still quite a lot left.

Sedan exactly fit if you need a car solid and respectable, you plan to use it in the city and on the highway, and climb in the dirt and transport You don't plan to carry large loads on it.

We list the advantages of the sedan body type:

  • Appearance is solid and representative
  • Roomy trunk
  • Rear glass does not get dirty
  • More safety than a hatchback

Disadvantages of a sedan:

  • Harder to park than a hatchback
  • Mediocre cross

coupe body type

coupe body type outwardly similar to sedan, but differs from it in that it has two doors instead of four. Moreover, classic coupe equipped only two seats, but the modern version often has a second row. Also, there is a variant of the salon called 2+2 when the second row of seats is very compact and it is not very convenient to make long trips on it. Both doors car body coupe- much wider than sedan, so getting in and out of the driver and front passenger is more convenient.

In terms of convenience, coupe body type not very optimal, since landing on the back row is very difficult in it. coupe choose people who need a car to get around by oneself, maximum - together, so not all automakers produce models with coupe body style.

From a technical point of view, coupe body type is more rigid in torsion, which increases the stability of the car in corners. Now this body type marketers use to emphasize sporty character of the car.

coupe will suit you if you plan to drive a car alone or together, and bring rear passengers only occasionally. In general, keep in mind that for second-row passengers, getting in and out of such a car will be a task that requires great skill.

So let's recap the pros and cons. coupe body style.

Advantages of the coupe body type:

  • Wide doors - comfortable fit for two
  • Increased body rigidity
  • Coupe looks very stylish

The lack of a coupe body, in fact, is one:

  • Difficulty getting into the second row of seats

Main advantage hatchback body type- it compactness. hatchback shorter sedan or station wagon, and therefore it is much easier to maneuver and park on it. However, the short length hatchback is achieved by reducing the luggage compartment, so the trunks in hatchbacks are usually not very large.

Main purpose of hatchbacks- be compact and maneuverable so you won't meet hatchback body type among cars premium and business class that focus on comfort. But the machines are compact class-A on the contrary, they are performed only in the body hatchback. Due to the shorter length hatchbacks have an increased compactness and maneuverability, which is why they can be considered ideal type bodies for the city.

Hatchback tailgate can also be considered as advantage And How flaw this body type. On the one side, large rear door strongly simplifies loading, allowing you to easily place fairly large items in the cabin. On the other hand, opening the back door in cold and windy weather can create some inconvenience for passengers in the rear row of seats. In addition, the soundproofing of the shelf above the hatchback trunk is slightly inferior to the deaf hermetic shelf of the sedan.

hatchbacks There are five-door and three-door. It's clear that the three-door hatchback is less comfortable, because access to the second row of seats in it is difficult.

- will be ideal for you if you want to receive compact and agile vehicle, which is easier to survive in the urban jungle. For the same reasons hatchback body type fits good novice drivers, as well as representatives of the fair half humanity.

So, the advantages of the hatchback body type include:

  • Compactness and maneuverability
  • Ability to load large items into the cabin

The hatchback has only one obvious drawback:

  • Small luggage space

body type liftback

body type liftback combines the virtues sedan and hatchback. Externally liftback looks, like a sedan, but the trunk lid opens with the rear window, like a hatchback. Ease of loading liftback comparable to a hatchback body type, and the trunk is comparable in volume to a sedan.

Distinguish liftback from a sedan, with the trunk closed - not easy. But there is one characteristic: liftbacks, like hatchbacks, they are equipped with a rear window wiper. Consider it a plus or not - you judge, dear readers.

We list the best sides of the liftback body type:

  • Solid exterior sedan
  • Trunk volume, like a sedan
  • Ease of loading like a hatchback

Disadvantages of a liftback I honestly tried to find it, but I didn't manage to do it. Here is another example of a liftback trunk.

This car body type- the most practical. station wagons, usually the same length as sedans, but in addition to this, they still have a vertical tailgate, like a hatchback. Thus, the volume of the luggage compartment station wagon at least twice the boot capacity of a sedan or hatchback of the same make and model.

Roomy for many car enthusiasts station wagon is an ideal body type, others, on the contrary, refer to the station wagon with a smile, calling it a “barn” for the impressive volume of the cabin.

station wagon suitable for everyone who cares practicality and, first of all, spaciousness car. If you plan to occasionally transport bulky goods, such as a refrigerator or a washing machine, then station wagon- that's what you need. Can appreciate the convenience station wagon lovers of travel and long trips by car, because the huge trunk of the station wagon allows you to easily place all the “necessary things” in it. The family man will be satisfied with his station wagon, placing in it without difficulty a baby carriage and many other things.

Body type minivan

Body type minivan in many ways similar to the station wagon, and many models with minivan body type designed based on station wagons and hatchbacks. For example, the popular minivan Opel Zafira created on the basis of the equally popular station wagon Opel Astra.

For minivan all strengths station wagon, but they are even more pronounced. capacity at minivan even more, the luggage compartment allows you to load into it almost anything your heart desires, and many modern models minivans are also equipped third row of seats.

Availability two additional passenger seats can be good plus if you like to travel by car big family or in the company of friends.

Characteristic for minivans high rise some drivers consider it a plus, others, on the contrary, a disadvantage, but the fact remains, high seating is more secure. With a high landing, the driver has much better review , and in the event of an accident, the driver who sits higher is more protected. Moreover, minivans are safer also because they heavier ordinary cars.

Large minivans not very convenient when maneuvering and parking, so you should not choose such a car to learn how to drive. Another disadvantage minivan is an high center of gravity, that is, overturn minivan, in turn on high speed, somewhat simpler than a station wagon, sedan or hatchback. However, if you do not plan, on your minivan, participate in races, then this disadvantage can be neglected.

Here are some more examples of cars with minivan body type.

This Nissan Note compact MPV. It is similar in size to regular hatchbacks. C-class, but in terms of interior volume it easily gives odds to each of them.

Model minivan Volkswagen Sharan can be classified as medium in size. In such cars, the third row of seats is not uncommon.

And this Toyota Sienna- one of the largest minivans which are very popular in American market. The third row of seats is a must here.

And the last. Because minivans several heavier than station wagons, then and fuel consumption they have taller. Consider it a serious disadvantage or not - it's up to you.

Let's name the advantages of a minivan again:

  • Very large capacity
  • Third row of seats (possible)
  • Enhanced Security

Disadvantages of minivan body type:

  • The center of gravity is higher than a conventional passenger car
  • A little increased consumption fuel
  • Quite large dimensions (applies to large minivans)

Body type SUV (crossover, jeep)

- this is the same hatchback or station wagon, but much higher and endowed with increased cross-country ability. Exactly patency is the main advantage SUV, compared to others body types.

To achieve this permeability, SUV body type differs from hatchback and station wagon two required parameters. First, the body SUV always higher than that of a hatchback or station wagon and is characterized by high driving position. And secondly, SUVs always have high ground clearance(18-22 cm and more).

To size, SUVs are very different. Conventionally, they can be divided into compact, medium and full size. The difference between them is about the same as between a hatchback and a station wagon, that is, SUV longer, the harder it is to manage, the heavier it is, and the more fuel consumption.

Accordingly, the more SUV, the higher it spaciousness, which is the second advantage SUV in front of others body types, and in this SUV is similar to a minivan.

The biggest SUVs, like minivans, are equipped third row of seats, and the most compact ones, on the contrary, have three doors instead of five.

SUVs heavier, taller and longer than usual passenger sedans, station wagons and hatchbacks, so they outperform them in terms of security. On the other side, the SUV has a higher center of gravity, and therefore they prone to tipping over. If you need a car for sports driving, but with increased cross-country ability, then it is better to choose not an SUV, but one of crossovers, which nevertheless better adapted to the roads than off-road.

And the last: not only because of the large weight, SUVs consume a lot of fuel, so in addition they are usually equipped all-wheel drive which adds to their appetite.

We list the advantages of the SUV body type:

  • Increased permeability
  • Cabin and trunk capacity
  • High security

SUV Disadvantages:

  • Increased fuel consumption
  • Tendency to roll over while cornering

SUV ideal if you need a high, passable, roomy and safe car, but if the main thing for you is efficiency and maneuverability, then it is better to look at something else.

Very similar to an SUV, but instead of a luggage compartment, in the back, it has a real body, like a truck. Pickup- this is a small truck, and cargo transportation is its main purpose, so most pickup trucks have in rear suspension springs instead of springs.

Springs allow these burly men to carry very good cargo, but such a suspension is less comfortable for passengers. Most modern pickup trucks have two spacious rows of seats, but there are also models with one row of seats. Pickups- this is one of body types, which are not compact. The smallest pickup, comparable in size to a large sedan, so a car with pickup truck body type should not be considered like the first car.

Majority pickup trucks equipped all-wheel drive And they are not afraid to move off the road. But for racing pickups not intended – high center of gravity increases capsizing. And in general, choosing a car with pickup truck body type, it is better not to forget that it is though small, but anyway truck.

characteristic feature pickup truck is an open body, which allows you to transport a wide variety of items in it and strongly simplifies loading. On the other hand, things placed in such a trunk are almost not protected from theft, and many owners pickup trucks to solve this problem, they cover the body with a special cover - kung. In general, consider an open body a plus or minus pickup truck- you decide.

The advantages of a pickup body type are quite obvious:

  • Roomy body
  • Large load capacity
  • Great off-road ability

Disadvantages of the pickup body type:

  • Tendency to tip over
  • High fuel consumption
  • Large dimensions

Car body type pickup can be a great help to you transportation any large cargo. However, due to their impressive size, pickup not recommended as a first car.

Usually it has only one row of seats, but there are models with two rows, where the number of seats reaches seven! Behind van located cargo compartment, this is the main difference van from minivan and minibus.

Van body type advantagescapacity and load capacity, and its shortcomings are the same as those of all large and tall cars– large dimensions, tendency to tip over and higher than light vehicles, fuel consumption.

Unlike pickup truck, the cargo compartment of the van is securely closed from the weather and from strangers. In principle, this can be considered as an advantage van, as well as its disadvantage. Otherwise, the vans are completely identical. minivans and minibuses.

- this is the same van, but without a cargo compartment, fully equipped for the comfortable transportation of passengers. From the minivan body type minibus features higher ceilings and more seats (more than 9 seats including the driver's seat). A person of average height, in a minibus can stand at full height, and there are from 9 to 16 or even more seats in a minibus, but in general, the border between minibuses and full-fledged buses is very blurred.

Minibus is safer low cars because it is heavier, taller and longer. On the other hand, he has high center of gravity, and because of this, minibuses very easily fall on their side.

Unlike a minivan, to control minibus To you category D license required and this can be considered disadvantage this body type. On the other hand, one must understand that minibus- it commercial mode of transport designed to carry a large number of passengers.

Buy minibus only for personal needs - meaningless. Therefore, you can recommend its purchase only if you plan to seriously engage in passenger traffic.

Advantages of minibus body type:

  • Plenty of space and high capacity
  • Enhanced Security

Disadvantages of a minibus:

  • Large dimensions
  • High fuel consumption

Body types convertible and roadster

Roadster and Convertible- these are exotic for our northern country, body types, and they are similar in that both of them have folding roof. Wherein convertibles, like the coupe, have two rows of seats (the second row can be very compact).

But roadster is a machine with open top, exclusively for two, that is, the second row of seats is not there at all.

To the pluses roadster and convertible can be attributed the ability to fold the roof and ride with the wind. On the other hand, in winter, this feature acts as the main flaw these body types. In winter, driving such a car is not comfortable. These luxurious cars are very good in a mild climate of the Mediterranean type, but in our northern country you can only enjoy a drop-top ride a few times a year.

Body type: choose a car body

What kind of car should a novice driver buy?
If you have no driving experience, then you should not immediately buy big car. Much better for first choose hatchback, or small sedan or station wagon.

What car should a girl buy? What car should a woman buy?
Suitable for the fair sex not too big by dimensions hatchback (class-A, class-B or C-class), and if the means allow, then let it be crossover like more safe and passable.

What car should a guy buy?
Active young people fit stylish swift crossover, sedan or hatchback, C-class or class-B.

People who aspire look solid you should opt for a fairly large sedan or SUV. Traditionally, it is considered that men Okay fit big and powerful cars and the higher the class, the better. Ideally it should be medium or full size crossover, SUV or class-C sedan and higher.

For a big family, it is better to opt for wagon, minivan or crossover, moreover, preferably larger, and with third row of seats.

If planned transportation of large cargoes, then you have to choose between by pickup and van, although rather large items can, if desired, be carried in the cabin of a large SUV/crossover.

What car to buy for travel?
Travel lovers by car and active rest you can advise the most capacious body types: minivan, van, SUV or pickup.

For active driving the best option will be light but charged hatback, sedan or crossover. But if the most important thing for you is safety, then it is better to choose a tall and heavy car, for example, a full-size crossover/SUV or at least minivan.

Dear friends! This is how I got a "mini"-instruction for choosing car body type. I sincerely hope that after reading all this, you will understand what car do you need and you can choose the one car body type, which the suits you perfectly! Thank you for your attention and I wish you good choice of car!

Manufacturers produce cars in the most different types bodies, which allows buyers to choose a model for specific needs. Some types of car bodies are more popular and in demand, others are less common, there are types that are no longer found. In general, you can count more than 20 variations of car bodies.

The body is an element of the supporting part that provides accommodation for passengers and cargo, and very often acts as a skeleton for securing the main units and components of the car. In fact, the body is the basis that combines all the constituent elements into a single device called a car.

There are several criteria by which they are divided among themselves:

  • Purpose (passenger, cargo-passenger, cargo);
  • Layout (one-, two- and three-volume);
  • The degree of loading (bearing, semi-bearing, unloaded);
  • Design (open, closed);

In most cases, to determine the type of body, its layout and design, as well as some design features, are used. It is worth noting that there are species that can easily be simultaneously attributed to two different types.

One-volume bodies

One-volume bodies are distinguished by increased space for accommodating passengers and ensuring maximum comfort. The main representative of this category of cars are minivans. Note that single-volume passenger cars are considered only conditionally. By definition, this arrangement implies that there is no separate space for installing the power unit (in fact, the motor is installed in the cabin and separated from the passengers by a small partition).

As for passenger cars belonging to this class, their engine is located in a separate engine compartment, but the shape of the body is made in such a way that visually the engine compartment is combined with the interior. Because of such design features, their layout is often called one and a half volume.


Minivan - a type of car body with large overall dimensions, which allows you to install three rows of seats. The cargo compartment is located in the cabin, behind the seats. Often the design provides for the possibility of folding last row seats to increase cargo space. It is accessed through the back door.


Microvan is another representative with a one-volume body. Unlike a minivan, he dimensions much smaller, so two rows of seats are used, but at the same time the cars themselves are still high and comfortable for passengers.

compact van

Compact MPV is an intermediate option between the first two. It can have both two and three rows of seats. All three types have a closed hardtop design.

Minivan mercedes benz V class II
Microvan Honda N-WGN
Compact MPV Chevrolet Orlando

Bodies with a two-volume layout

The two-volume type of the car body is distinguished by the presence of a separate compartment for power plant. As for the cargo compartment, it is combined with the passenger compartment and the back door is used to access it. Cars with this type of body can be either three- or five-door.

station wagon

Station wagon - a car characterized by an increased rear overhang and unchanged roof level. There are variations with three and five doors. The main advantage of station wagons is the increased space for cargo and the possibility of transformation into a cargo-passenger version by folding the rear row of seats. The back door can be solid, opening upwards, as well as double-leaf, with a side opening.


The hatchback is one of the most popular body styles right now. It differs from the station wagon in a smaller rear overhang, which affects the volume of the cargo compartment. It is not uncommon for manufacturers to place the rear window at an angle, providing a smooth transition from roof to rear. The rear door, made integral with the glass, in the hatchback is only one-piece, opening up.


SUV - a cross-country vehicle with a two-volume layout. Often, his body is unloaded, since a frame is used in the design of the bearing part. The ancestor of this class are station wagons, so they are largely similar in body design. But it is worth noting that there are different variations of SUVs, so judging only by the layout is not entirely true. For example, for military purposes, such cars are often created with an open body design. Also, on the basis of SUVs, pickup trucks are produced, which already have a three-volume layout.


Crossovers are a relatively “young” class of cars. In fact, this is a hatchback, but with increased cross-country ability due to increased ground clearance. Unlike an SUV, these cars have a load-bearing body.


Liftback is a type of car body that combines certain features of two- and three-volume layouts. The fact is that visually a car with such a body has a separate luggage compartment. The peculiarity lies in the fact that the trunk lid is combined with the rear window (therefore it is called the back door), which is why when it is opened, both the cargo compartment and the passenger compartment are simultaneously accessed. At the same time, the design of the rear door can be one-piece or composite (you can open only the trunk lid or lift it along with the glass). In general, a liftback is a controversial type of car body, and it is impossible to unambiguously attribute it to any particular layout.

Wagon Skoda Octavia
Hatchback Honda Civic
SUV Ford Expedition

Crossover Jaguar F Pace
Liftback Audi S7 Sportback

Types with a three-volume layout

A distinctive feature of the three-volume layout is the presence of a cargo compartment separate from the passenger compartment, closed by its own separate cover, not combined with the elements related to the passenger compartment. These cars can be either open or closed designs with two or four doors (the trunk lid is not a door in this case).


The most basic representative of this layout is a sedan. The body of such a car is closed, with two rows of seats, four doors and a fairly spacious interior, which allows you to comfortably accommodate all passengers. Some cars with such a body have a slightly increased wheelbase, which provides even more free space for passengers in the back seat.


Limousine - a car, most often with a three-volume layout and a significantly increased wheelbase. A design feature is the presence of a partition separating the driver from passengers in the rear seats. At the same time, due to the existing base, the space behind the driver allows you to install up to four seats, two of them longitudinally. Additionally, the car is equipped with a large number of equipment and accessories to ensure comfort. Limousines are also produced based on hatchbacks and SUVs, that is, with a two-volume layout.


Coupe - a three-volume body with two, less often - four doors. It differs from a sedan in a smooth transition of the roof to the stern, which reduces the interior space, so it is often made with one row of seats. There are also versions with two rows, but the rear one cannot provide comfortable accommodation for adult passengers, so these seats are called "children's". In modern automotive industry, "coupes" are also called three-door hatchbacks.


Pickup - as already mentioned, cars with such a body are mainly made on the basis of SUVs, although there are versions in which an ordinary passenger car is taken as the basis. The peculiarity lies in the fact that instead of the luggage compartment, a cargo platform is used. This affects the size of the cabin, so in such cars it is called a cabin. Versions are available with both one and two rows of seats, and the cab can have two or four doors.


Convertible - an open body with a three-volume layout. It does not have a hard roof, and its role is often played by a retractable fabric awning. Usually the basis for the creation of a convertible are cars in the back of a coupe. The convertible has two rows of seats and 4 doors.

Audi A3 sedan
Limousine Mercedes S class
honda coupe Accord

Pickup GMC Sierra
Convertible Maserati GranCabrio

Other options

The most basic types of car bodies that are used more often than others are discussed above. But there are other versions that are much less common.

Hardtop - cars produced in a three-volume layout, in fact they were the same sedans and coupes, but with one design feature - the absence of central pillars, which improves the appearance of the car, but negatively affects the rigidity of the body.

Town car - a car with a significantly increased interior height. These cars were used as taxis.

The roadster is another variation of the open coupe. But unlike a convertible, such a car has only two doors and one row of seats, the roof is the same - a retractable fabric awning.

A coupe-cabriolet is a transitional option between the two body types indicated in the designation. Features a hard folding roof.

Phaeton - in fact, the same convertible, but with one feature - the absence of door glass. Therefore, even the existing retractable awning does not make the salon completely closed.

Lando - a variation of the body with the features of a sedan and convertible. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that in the front part the interior has a hard roof, and in the area of ​​​​the rear seats it is fabric or metal, but retractable.

Brougham - complete opposite landau. That is, the driver has a removable tent roof, and the passengers have a rigid, metal one.

The Targa is the same roadster, but with a metal frame behind the seats and a removable hard top.

Spider is another representative of roadsters; a car with such a body has either no windshield at all, or it is small in height (below the driver’s eye level).

Tudor - a variation of the sedan, differs from it in the presence of only two doors.

Hardtop Mercedes Benz S Class coupe
Roadster Bugatti Veyron
Coupe Convertible BMW 435i

Landau Maybach Landaulet
Targa Porsche 911
Mazda MX5 Speedster Spyder

As you can see, there are a lot of body variations, and it is quite possible that their number will be replenished with new types. But it is worth noting that if new types are created, then in any case, the most common options for them will be the basis for them - sedans, coupes, hatchbacks and station wagons.


Body types


  • Sedan: the most common body type, can be two- or four-door. Distinctive feature- the presence of two rows of full-size (that is, suitable for a fairly comfortable accommodation of adults) seats and the absence of a door in the rear wall. Representative - VAZ-2101.
    • Including - two-door sedan, or (obsolete) Tudor: it differs from the coupe in full-fledged two rows of seats and a normal (like a four-door sedan) base. The representative is a two-door Zaporozhets.
  • station wagon: usually a two-box, five- or less commonly three-door cargo-passenger body based on a sedan with a door in the tailgate, a rear overhang similar to that of a sedan or longer. Representatives - VAZ-2104, GAZ-22.
  • hatchback: usually, a two-volume cargo-passenger body, with three or five doors, is related to the station wagon, but it has a shorter rear overhang, respectively, it is less carrying capacity. Representatives - VAZ-2109, Moskvich-2141.
  • coupe: two-door three-volume body, with one row of seats, or with a rear seat of limited capacity (for children, or for brief, uncomfortable accommodation of adult passengers); often with a pronounced sporty look, but there are also luxury (executive) coupes that provide maximum comfort to the driver and passenger on front seat. Representatives - Porsche 911, Cadillac Eldorado. Often the commercial name "coupe" is carried by cars with other bodies that have two side doors, for example, three-door hatchbacks.
  • Limousine: closed body passenger car upper class based on a sedan with an extended wheelbase and a partition behind the front seat. It should be distinguished from a simple long-wheelbase sedan without a partition.
  • Minivan: usually, one-volume, or two-volume with a half-bonnet layout, a body, an intermediate option between a station wagon and a minibus. Sometimes in the domestic literature it is called UPV (wagon with increased capacity). May have sliding doors for the second row of seats. Can be equipped with a third row of seats. Representative - Opel Combo, Fiat Doblo.
  • hardtop: not a separate type, but rather a design option for a sedan, coupe, station wagon and other bodies; a hardtop is usually devoid of a B-pillar and glass frames for better appearance, visibility and ventilation, which greatly reduces the rigidity of the hardtop body and has caused its rarity since the 1980s. The most common were hardtop modifications of sedans (both two- and four-door) and coupes.
  • town car: a passenger car with a high roof. Typically, this type of body is used in taxis. Representative - MetroCab.
  • Combi: in German-speaking countries, this is the name of any body with a door in the rear wall, including station wagon, hatchback and liftback; in the USSR "Kombi" was called the car IZH-2125, which is very similar in type to the liftback.
  • liftback: hatchback with a long, like a sedan, rear overhang; it can have two volumes and a sloping roof like most hatchbacks, or three volumes (“Slavuta”).
  • fastback: refers to various types of car bodies that have a special sloping roof shape, smoothly without a step leading into the trunk lid.


  • Cabriolet: open car body, two- or four-door, usually with a soft or hard folding roof, having lifting side windows; in the folded position, the roof is placed in the trunk or in the space between the trunk and passengers; Hard top convertibles are often referred to as coupe cabriolets (English coupé cabriolet, Amer. English coupé convertible). Usually in the names of such cars there is a prefix "CC", for example, Peugeot 206 CC.
  • Roadster: double body with folding soft top without lifting side windows; at present, such cars are not produced, and the term "roadster" is sometimes used as a commercial designation for sports two-seater convertibles; initially, the term did not imply any sportiness.
  • Phaeton: a four-door car body with a soft folding roof for five or six seats without side windows; at present, four-door convertibles of the highest class are sometimes called this way, like the ZIL ceremonial convertibles.
  • Landau: a car whose roof above the passengers is soft folding (Representative - 1929 Chevrolet International Series AC Imperial Landaulet) or hard removable.
  • Brougham: a type of passenger car body having a removable or retractable part of the roof above the front row of seats. Also, this type of body is known as the "coupe de ville".
  • Targa: type of automobile body of a passenger car, a type of sports 2-seater roadster with a fixed windshield, a tubular frame (roll bar) behind the seats, a removable roof and a rear window (not always). (Representative, the first and one of the few - Porsche Targa).
  • Spider: open two-door car body. Unlike the roadster, the top edge windshield is located significantly below the eyes of the driver (more precisely, the pilot) or is absent altogether.


  • Pickup: cargo-passenger body with an open platform, structurally and stylistically integrated with the cab (as opposed to trucks with a separate platform).
  • Van: cargo-passenger body with a solid metal part of the body behind the passenger cabin; is usually produced on the basis of a station wagon, or is performed on truck chassis with the use of a separate passenger cabin, body and fabric or metal awning; can also be made on the basis of a pickup truck.

"Volume" of the body

Volumetric… - component terms used in the classification of car body types by the number of volumes - monocab, one and a half volume, two-volume, three-volume.

The volume is determined by the number of clearly expressed geometric shapes (volumes, bulges), into which the silhouette of the car breaks up, if you look at it from the side.

The silhouette of a monocab is a convex or almost convex figure, while a sedan, as a rule, has three pronounced “bulges” - hood, interior, trunk.

An example of a two-volume can serve as a hatchback or station wagon with a pronounced hood, a one and a half-volume - a hatchback with a slightly pronounced, but still noticeably protruding hood on the silhouette.


  • Toyota Avensis Verso
One and a half volumes
  • Honda HRV
2-volume 3-volume

see also


  • Car body type on

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