What you need to know when buying a new car. When buying a car at a car dealership, what to pay attention to. Visual inspection under sufficiently intense lighting

Good afternoon, dear reader.

In the next article in the series “How to buy a car wisely” we will talk about how to pick up a car from the dealership.

When preparing to buy a car, future car owners are mainly interested in this stage of buying a car - one of the last, and for all preparatory stages, which were discussed in ten, do not pay much attention.

So, today the following questions will be considered:

Especially for this article, I saved notebook entries that were made the day before and on the day of purchasing my first car, so the purchase procedure will be discussed using a live example. Let's get started.

How to prepare for your final visit to a car dealership?

Preparing to pick up a car may take you even more time than the process of inspecting the car and completing documents, but this stage should not be neglected. After all, a car is a rather expensive item and is usually bought for several years. Therefore, you should carefully prepare for acceptance in order to avoid unpleasant defects and pitfalls that you will have to live with for a long time.

To prepare you first you will need a notepad. This is the main tool that will allow you to structure information and not forget anything.

During the preparation process, you need to make several lists in a notebook:

  1. Plan for visiting a car dealership.
  2. Vehicle inspection plan.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

1. Plan for visiting a car dealership

The plan must reflect all the actions that you will perform in the process of buying a car. My plan looked like this:

  1. The path to the car dealership.
  2. Vehicle inspection and check.
  3. Signing of all documents.
  4. Registration of insurance.
  5. Buying a fire extinguisher, first aid kit, sign emergency stop.
  6. Getting information about the nearest good gas station.
  7. The way to the gas station.
  8. Refueling (40 liters of 95 gasoline).
  9. Way home.

You can use this plan as a basis, making changes to suit your situation.

Let's go through the points in more detail:

1. The path to the car dealership. This point is primarily relevant if the car is purchased in another city. In this case, you should describe the route in detail.

For example, when traveling to Moscow, write down in a notebook which metro lines you will use and at which stations you should make transfers.

Also, don't forget to include meal times in your plan. A visit to a car dealership will take several hours, so it’s better to have a good meal beforehand.

2. Vehicle inspection and check. The vehicle inspection is the most important part of the entire process, so it will be carried out according to a separate plan, which is discussed below.

3. Signing of all documents. At the car dealership, you will need to sign a significant number of documents. Let me remind you once again that all documents should be read very carefully and all data specified in them should be checked. You should sign documents only after you have inspected and checked the car.

Note. Some car owners are in a hurry to sign the papers so as not to delay the car dealership manager. These are the kind of “hurries” that they are designed for. fraudulent schemes, when a person came to buy a Mercedes, and after signing the papers he received a Lada for the same money. If you are ready to take such a risk, then sign the papers without looking.

Sign only the document you have just read. If the document was taken somewhere (to the boss for signature) and then brought back, then you will have to read it again. This is due to the fact that if fraudsters work at a car dealership, they can replace the document with another one that is similar in appearance. Such cases, unfortunately, happen in 2019.

4. Registration of insurance. IN in this case We are talking about compulsory MTPL insurance, which is offered at most car dealerships. Let me remind you that insurance can be purchased within.

In principle, you can take out an MTPL policy outside a car dealership, but in this case you will have to travel home in a car without insurance. The traffic police cannot impose fines for this, but if an accident occurs through your fault, you will have to pay for the repair of someone else’s car yourself.

You can take out an MTPL policy for your region even when you are in another region Russian Federation. That is, regardless of the place of purchase, the cost of the policy will be the same.

For example, when buying a car in Moscow, you can get an MTPL policy for St. Petersburg.

5. Buying a fire extinguisher, first aid kit, and warning triangle. The absence of one of the three listed items in a moving car will result in the traffic police officer having the right to issue a fine of 500 rubles.

The absence of a first aid kit, fire extinguisher or warning triangle is considered. However, this is not the main thing. The driver may need these items in the event of a serious accident, so it is imperative to buy them.

6. Obtaining information about the nearest good gas station. This point is relevant for a situation when you purchase a car quite far from home and do not have information about the nearest gas stations. Any car dealership manager will advise you on this matter.

7. The way to the gas station. Refueling. This item should be included in the list so as not to forget to refuel. Buying a car is a pretty nerve-wracking situation, so anything can happen.

Depending on the situation in this list Other items may be added.

For example, you can add an item related to purchasing directly at the dealership if you are picking up the car in winter. In practice, tires in car dealerships are much more expensive than in specialized stores, and their choice is much smaller. However, in winter this may be the only option.

Vehicle inspection plan

New car inspection plan must be compiled taking into account the characteristics of a specific car model. I recommend that you rely on information obtained from the following sources:

  1. Official website of the car manufacturer;
  2. A preliminary agreement concluded between you and the dealer;
  3. Thematic forums and clubs, which have already been discussed more than once in this series of articles.

Each of these sources should be used equally. As a rule, automaker websites are silent about some of the details that are provided in a particular configuration, so such information can only be obtained from owners of cars of a similar model.

Features of plan design. The plan should be written down in a notepad, each name should begin on a new line. Next to each line, you must leave a space so that when inspecting the car, you can put a mark indicating the success of the operation performed (tick, plus sign, etc.).

Let's get straight to the plan. For me it looked like this:

1. Appearance body elements:

  • left front fender;
  • right front fender;
  • left rear fender;
  • rear bumper;
  • front bumper.

2. Checking car locks:

  • doors;
  • trunk.

3. Trunk:

  • backlight;
  • spare tire;
  • jack;
  • wheel wrench;
  • tow hook;
  • hook for removing caps.

4. Outside:

  • fuel filler flap;
  • tow loops (front and rear);
  • moldings;
  • tire pressure (2.0 - 2.2);
  • caps (how to remove).

5. Salon:

  • turning on the light when the doors are opened.

5.1. Seats:

  • fasten your seat belts on everyone;
  • external examination of each;
  • height adjustment of seat belts;
  • check the movement of the seats back and forth;
  • check the tilt of the backrest up and down.
  • inspection of the roof upholstery;
  • floor inspection;
  • side mirrors;
  • central mirror;
  • steering wheel height adjustment;
  • shifting all gears;
  • audio preparation;
  • window regulators;
  • handbrake;
  • opening/closing doors;
  • opening/closing the trunk.

5.3. Start:

5.3.1. Lighting devices:

  • left turn (3);
  • right turn (3);
  • emergency signal (6);
  • low beam (2);
  • high beam (2);
  • dimensions (4);
  • fog lights (2);
  • fog light (1);
  • flashlight reverse (1);
  • brakes (3).
  • beep;
  • tachometer;
  • speedometer;
  • windscreen wipers;
  • windshield washer;
  • electric windows;
  • power steering;
  • air recirculator;
  • heating rear window;
  • light bulbs in the cabin;
  • the presence of pillows;
  • stove;
  • central locking;
  • visors;
  • tinting;
  • cigarette lighter

6. Hood:

  • open;
  • washer fluid reservoir;
  • oil level;
  • oil pan protection;
  • brake fluid level;
  • coolant level.

7. Check:

  • body number (PTS);
  • engine number (PTS);
  • two keys;
  • service book;
  • instructions;
  • all documents contain seals and signatures;
  • warranty book;
  • contract;
  • Act of Handover.

As you can see, the list turned out to be quite impressive. It should be about the same for you. Feel free to take this list as a basis and make your own adjustments to it.

When compiling a list, you need to pay attention to the smallest details. For example, to properly inspect the car body, add everything to the list body parts. This will allow you to carry out the check consistently, without missing or forgetting anything.

In addition, when compiling a list, you should divide the items being checked into groups. For example, first list everything that needs to be checked on the outside of the car. After that, add to the list those items that can only be checked from the salon. Then provide a list of devices whose operation can be checked only after the engine is turned on, etc.

The more detailed your list is, the better and faster you will be able to check the performance of all functional components of the car.

List of things to take with you.

The third list to make in your notepad is: list of things to take with you. It is necessary to enter documents (passport, license, car dealership documents, payment documents), money (to purchase insurance, a motorist kit, tires), tickets (if the purchase is made in another city), a map or navigator (if you don’t know the way home) , corner folders for documents (I recommend taking several of these folders), etc.

High-quality preparation for the final visit to the car dealership consists of compiling the 3 lists listed above.

How to take a car from the showroom?

You must have already guessed that the process of receiving a car at a car dealership will take place in accordance with the plans drawn up above.

Let's take a closer look at some of the features:

1. First inspect the car and check all its functions, and only then sign the documents.

2. If you find defects in the car, you can optionally demand:

  • provide another car (you will most likely have to wait);
  • eliminate the deficiency on the spot (you will also have to wait);
  • give compensation in the form of some kind of gift (for example, winter tires).

IN as a last resort You can simply refuse to fulfill the contract and demand a refund of the amount previously paid.

3. If the car is damaged paint coating or small dents, then with a high degree of probability the manager will stand with his back to the exact location of the defect in order to block it from you. Pay attention to this.

4. Check all documents extremely carefully (so that all numbers match).

5. After all the documents are completed, put them in 2 folders: for traffic police officers and the rest. In the first folder, put the vehicle title, acceptance certificate and insurance. They will be needed if traffic police officers...

6. After you have left the territory of the car dealership, do not rush to immediately go to the road. First, stop (if this maneuver is prohibited, turn on the emergency stop signal) and double-check that you have all the necessary documents. After this, adjust the car interior to your own dimensions (adjust the seat, mirrors, steering column).

In addition, in the process of communicating with the manager, you most likely will not remember the purpose of all the buttons and levers in the car. Therefore, while stopping, try to remember at least those that will be useful to you directly during the movement.

After doing all of the above, you can go with peace of mind, first to the gas station, and then towards home.

Although the car buying process can now be considered complete, several more articles will be published in the “How to Buy a Car Smartly” series. And in the first of them we will talk about.

Good luck on the roads!

Series of articles "How to buy a car wisely"

Excellent article, print it out and go to the salon to buy! Thank you.

Hello! If you don’t have a driver’s license and want to buy a car, registration insurance will be issued to whom?

The title and registration will be issued to the person who is listed as the owner in the DCP. The same person will be recorded in the OSAGO “Owner” column. But in the column the policyholder will indicate the one who contacts insurance company behind the policy (usually this is also the owner) And who should be entered in the drivers column is up to the policyholder to decide. You can buy a policy specifying specific drivers who will be allowed to drive the car. Or you can take out a policy without specifying specific drivers, but then it will be 80% more expensive. And then anyone with a license and an SOP in their hands will be able to drive the car.

Our car dealership, like many others, has been providing this service for a long time. The person writes a power of attorney, and for him, for money, of course, the car dealership employee does everything registration actions. The buyer receives the car with license plates directly at the dealership!

Car dealerships were prohibited from officially registering vehicles.

The person writes a power of attorney, and for him, for money, of course, an employee of the car dealership performs all registration actions.

The Russian people will always find workarounds. You can write a power of attorney to a neighbor or someone else. The car will be parked near the entrance to the GRZ, with full tank gasoline and even with balls. But registration in any case will be at the traffic police, and not at the car dealership.

You will not receive GRZ (numbers) in the salon. You will have to register the vehicle with the traffic police. When inspecting a car, they may require a first aid kit...

Hello. I want to receive numbers directly in the salon. For this you need a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher and an emergency kit. sign?

You will not receive GRZ (numbers) in the salon. You will have to register the vehicle with the traffic police. When inspecting a car, they may require a first aid kit...

Do you read what you write??? The client can receive the car using the numbers in the SHOWROOM!!! The client does not care where she will register!!! He pays money and gets everything at the car dealership! And maybe from there you can go straight to the South on vacation!

Yes, exactly for you! Either on your own or by proxy!

Again. Car dealerships do not have the right to register the vehicles they sell with the traffic police. These services are not provided entity, and Uncle Vasya, for whom you wrote out a power of attorney to represent your interests in the traffic police. According to your words, this Uncle Vasya is called “a car dealership employee” by clients.

He pays money and gets everything at the car dealership! And maybe from there you can go straight to the South on vacation!

Well, me too:

You can write a power of attorney to a neighbor or someone else. The car will be parked near the entrance with a gas station, with a full tank of gasoline and even with balloons, you don’t even need to go to the car dealership. And maybe from the entrance, go straight to the South on vacation!

The most offensive thing will be when Uncle Vasya registers the car not in your name, but in Uncle Petya’s name. A power of attorney is usually offered by a car dealership, and the client, to his delight, does not even read it, but simply signs it. And when it is correctly compiled and executed, the buyer may turn out to be a sponsor!

Comment is being added

I found a list on one of the forums

Checklist for checking a car when receiving it from a car dealer

Have with you:

 1. a camera, if there are paint flaws, to document

 2. 2 liters of water if you pour something into the tank

 3. auto-charging, since the cigarette lighter is not supplied

 4. 6 LEDs for checking the changer

 5. Compressor with pressure gauge

 6. lantern (it’s not always light everywhere)

 7. gloves, so as not to get too dirty

 8. non-staining clothes (time of year, and suddenly where you have to go)

 9. Naturally, documents to leave

 10. money, for some reason there is always a need for it at the last moment

 11. floor mats

 12. warning triangle

 13. Fire extinguisher

 14. First aid kit

 15. receipts and applications for registration and maintenance

Documents and keys:

 1. Registration certificate (copy) – what is it (PTS?)?

 3. passports for additional. equipment and alarm with marks in warranty cards

 4. car manual (Russian and English version)

 5. service book (+ warranty certificate) B service book there should be records of pre-sale preparation.

 6. Certificate from the State Customs Committee

 7. A copy of the customs declaration certified by the blue seal of the OD (otherwise the traffic police will have to go back to the salon to get it)

 8. 2 car keys (+ a token with the key number in case it needs to be duplicated)

Verification of numbers with documents:

 1. Ask if the standard alarm is activated

 2. Check the alarm, operation central lock. If a shock sensor is installed, check the response level by knocking on the wheel. Ask the installer to show where the blocks are located, where the buttons are, where the locking, shutdown and service maintenance

 3. Open the hood and check the reliability of the hood stop.

 4. Check the edges of the hood for chips

 5. Check engine numbers

 6. Check the chassis number

 7. Check the body number

 8. Check VIN

 9. Check all documents carefully, every letter.

 10. Check fluid levels: antifreeze, brake reservoir, engine oil level, power steering oil level and windshield washer oil level.

 11. Check whether the year of manufacture of the battery also matches the year of manufacture of the vehicle. Often batteries are removed to start another car, because... they are not charged

 12. Ask what kind of oil is filled

 13. Pour water into the washer tank.

 14. Check the reliability of locking and opening the hood. (The hood release lever is located to the left of the driver's seat under the dashboard at knee level)

 15) The presence of a cover in the bumper covering the hole for the tow hook

 16) Availability of a disk, for cars with navigation.

 17) instructions

 18) Cleanliness of the interior. Often there is factory dirt and dust that is difficult to remove

External checks:

 1. Complete external inspection without opening the doors, hood and trunk.

 2. Step aside and inspect the body from different angles for dents.

 3. All door openings must be level, the doors must not protrude/stick out beyond the body

 4. The hood and trunk lids should also not be skewed and should have smooth openings. Sit in front of the car, then behind the car and evaluate the evenness of the lines of the hood and trunk lid.

 5. Check the plugs in the holes. under the tow hooks. Check the reliability of their fastening (so as not to lose them)

 6. Check whether there are defects in the cutters on the outside of the passenger doors (deformation)

 Front and rear optics should not have cracks, chips and should stand without distortions.

 7. Kneel down in front of the front bumper and inspect the bottom of the bumper, as well as plastic parts in front of the car. There should be no chips, cracks or tears.

 8. Inspect the rear bumper in the same way.

 9. Behind the front and rear wheels There should be plastic mudguards (not always)

 10. Check integrity plastic arches

 11. Check wheel caps, check tire pressure. (2.2 atm.)

Internal checks:

Interior check:

Front doors:

 1. Check that both front doors are locked and unlocked with the key.

 2. Check the doors for free opening and closing

 3. Open the front doors and check the interior trim

 4. Inspect the paintwork of the door edges, door pillar and center pillar

 5. Carry out an external inspection of the front seats, mats and plastic sills

 6. Remove and install the head restraints (by pressing the release button), make sure they are intact

Rear doors:

 1. Check the doors for free opening and closing

 2. Open the rear doors and check the interior trim

 3. Inspect the paintwork of the door edges, the central door pillar and the part of the body where the lock mate is attached

 4. Carry out an external inspection of the rear seats, floor mats and plastic sills

 5. There is a stopper at the ends of the two rear doors in the locking area. This is a blocking of door locks from the ability to open them from the inside - for children. Check the functionality of the lock.

 6. Check the rear seats and backrests for looseness. Everything should be secure.

 7. Remove the head restraints (by pressing the release button), make sure they are intact

 8. Check that the rear seats are folded and secured separately.

 9. Check the operation of the mechanism for changing the angle of the rear seat backrest

 10. Check the plastic ring that is pulled to tilt the rear armrest

 11. Check the fastening of the plastic linings of the seat mounting hinges.


 1. Check that the trunk is opened using the button and the key

 2. Raise the trunk door, making sure that the gas lift is working

 3. Carry out an inspection inside tailgate

 4. Check the edges of the tailgate for chips

 5. Inspect the rear window heating threads for damage

 6. Check the operation of the trunk light bulb

 7. Check the functionality of the rear curtain (pull it out and remove it)

 8. Remove the rear curtain

 9. Inspect surfaces luggage compartment including rear seatbacks

 10. Check the operation of the drawer and the presence of movable dividers

 11. Open the shelves covering the drawer

 12. Raise the floor luggage compartment and check the presence of a spare wheel, as well as the reliability of its fixation

 13. Check the internal compartments, making sure that the hatches in the trunk are securely fastened, and also make sure that you have a jack, a set of tools, a wheel wrench and a towing hook.

 14. Check the adapter for the tank plus the twisted standard nuts (if you purchased locks)

 15. Check interior lighting

 1. Check the reliability of closing and opening the gas tank flap. Check the operation of closing the gas tank flap using the central key.

 2. C driver's door check the operation of the power windows on all 4 doors (4 keys and a lock button)

 3. Check the operation of the window regulators on each door separately, using an individual switch.

 4. Make sure that the driver's door lock for all power windows works.

 5. In all cases, lower the glass all the way down. Everything should run smoothly.

 6. View the dashboard and the mating of the strut linings

 7. Check the free longitudinal movement of the driver and passenger seats, and then the tilt of the backrests, the seat height adjustment, as well as the adjustment of the lumbar bolster

 8. Set the variator to “P” mode

 9. Check the handbrake and the number of clicks

 10. Start the engine without opening the hood.

 11. Pay attention to the fit of the interior plastic panels.

 12. Check the operation of the hatch.

 13. Check the operation of the radio. Check using the balance method

front and rear speakers, as well as the stereo balance of the right and left speakers, put in 6 CDs and check the radio and CDchanger. If possible, tune in to one station.

 14. Check Bluetooth

 15. Check mileage on computer

 16. Check the operation of the rain sensor (lower the lever one click.....on auto mode. If the brush passes over the glass once, then everything is fine... If it moves continuously, then bend over the seller and let them insert the fuse)

 17. Check the operation of the wiper blades in all modes and adjust the stroke interval.

 18. Check the operation of the front and rear washer pumps (Front - right handle towards you, rear - rotation towards you).

 19. Check the ease of movement of the steering wheel; when the engine is running, the steering wheel should turn with the palm of your hand.

 20. Check the operation of the rear window heating - the heating threads can be felt by hand after half a minute. (don’t forget to turn it off if there is “+” outside the window)

 21. Check the operation of the electrically heated side mirrors (don’t forget to turn it off if there is “+” outside the window)

 22. Check the operation of the electric heating of the front seats.

 23. Check sound signal

 24. Check the dashboard lighting

 25. Get out of the car and ask to turn on the low/high/turn signals/foot lights/fog lights/hazard lights/dimensions/reverse one by one.

Check the operation of the headlight and headlight range control fog lights

 26. If the engine has warmed up by this time, check the operation of the stove. Should be warm.

Turn off the heater and blow out the interior with a fan for everyone speed limits, changing the direction of air flow with a switch.

 27. Turn on the air conditioner and check for the presence of cold air in the MAX cooling mode.

 28. Turn on air recirculation in the cabin and check the air pressure from the nozzles. It should blow a little weaker than when taking air from outside.

 29. Check the cigarette lighter and its operation (phone charging)

 30. Check the reliability of the opening and closing of the glove compartment and all containers in the car

 31. Check seat belt buckles

Walking checks

 Set the drive operating mode to “Auto”

 Set the variator to “D” mode and drive off with your seat belts unfastened. It should beep when the speed reaches 15 mph.

 Check brake operation

 Set the variator to “Reverse” mode and move off

 The cabin is usually filled with 3-5 liters of gasoline, i.e. before refueling (AI-92 or 95 - check immediately. The manufacturer recommends gasoline with octane number not lower than 91). Before leaving the dealership, ask to add additional gasoline to the gas tank until the fuel control lamp goes out. (The light comes on when there is less than 10 liters of fuel in the tank)

The demand for new cars is increasing every day. In a highly competitive environment, car dealers are happy to try to offer potential clients various discounts and bonuses. However, when purchasing a car, the buyer often encounters pitfalls when completing the necessary documents. Therefore, today we will talk about the agreement with the car dealership and the legal nuances that you should definitely pay attention to.

Firstly, Very important aspect is the form of the contract itself. All conditions, nuances and agreements in the concluded contract must be reflected in in writing. This is how sales are made in most car dealerships.

You should pay attention to this especially when buying a new car. A written contract is your legal guarantee in case of unforeseen circumstances. But you must understand that by signing this document, not only the car dealership assumes obligations, but also you. This includes timely payment for the goods, and agreement to wait for the car to be delivered within the agreed time frame, if the car was ordered in a non-basic color or configuration, etc.

In addition, the contract must be you attentively read There is a lot of money at stake. And if there are some points in it that confuse you or categorically do not suit you, then you should inform the seller about this and try to make the appropriate changes. If the car dealership does not agree to such changes, which is not uncommon, then you should involve a lawyer or contact another seller.

By the way, many car dealerships skillfully take advantage of buyers’ lack of legal knowledge and formulate some clauses in the contract, which, upon closer examination, may contradict existing legislation. By using the services of a lawyer, you can safely challenge such points. This will be especially useful if your chosen car brand presented at the only car dealership in your region.

Secondly, an important point is the price of the car. Oddly enough, there are pitfalls here too.

As a rule, a whole section is dedicated to this issue in the contract: “Cost/price and payment procedure.” But there are cases when the price is announced as one, but in fact a completely different figure emerges.

For example, on the official website of the seller you looked at a car with the appropriate configuration and at the appropriate price. Having decided to purchase next car, you contact the car dealership and sign an agreement with it. But they suddenly give you a different price. This is a direct violation of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”. The consumer has the right to demand that the product be sold to him at the price indicated on the website, in accordance with Articles 436, 437 and 494 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

But when faced with such cases, you must understand that not all sellers are law-abiding, and in order to defend your rights, you may have to go to court.

Another equally common case is the exchange rate of a conventional unit (if prices are indicated in USD). It may not only differ from what is indicated on the website, but also be somewhat inflated from the market average.

Further, you may be required to pay a kind of guarantee fee if the car is delivered, citing the fact that during the waiting time and the appearance of the car in the showroom, you may refuse to purchase. It happens that in this case the guarantee fee is not refunded. But legally this point can be challenged during the signing of the contract.

Thirdly, pay attention to the description of the vehicle’s equipment in the purchase and sale agreement. The words “basic” or, for example, “Highline” are not enough. It must be described in detail. If any components specified in the contract are missing, you can safely demand them, rather than paying additional money, for example, for installing parking sensors.

Fourth, a very important fact is the responsibility that the seller assumes when concluding an agreement with you. After all, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the seller must provide the buyer with full information about the properties of the purchased product. This is especially true for the so-called legal purity goods, when the car dealership documents guarantees to you that the car is not seized or owned by third parties.

This question is relevant primarily when. Such precedents as a car that has not cleared customs or has been stolen, as well as a car that is pledged to a bank, etc. quite enough.

Fifthly, warranty obligations, which are provided to you by the car dealership upon purchase.

In this matter, we would like to immediately emphasize that, according to existing legislation, providing a guarantee to the buyer is a right, not an obligation of the seller. In addition, a warranty can be provided by both the manufacturer and the seller.

But there is one BUT. Please do not confuse concepts such as "warranty liability" And "responsibility for product quality". The latter, in turn, is under strict control of the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. Therefore, if the purchased car has a defect or technical problem, then it doesn’t matter whether the car is under warranty or not. The person who sold you the product is in any case responsible for it.

The service book contains a list of components and parts that are subject to warranty service or replacement. This list should be duplicated in the purchase and sale agreement or even expanded.

Another interesting point. The manufacturer, as a rule, already includes warranty obligations to the buyer in the price of the product. The seller provides them for a fee.

A very common and controversial issue is the mandatory passage of regulatory Maintenance(TO) in certified centers specified by the seller - so as not to “fall short” of the warranty. Attention! Neither the manufacturer nor the seller has the right to demand this from you. The imposition of paid services is punished by the same law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. A mandatory point is the availability of supporting documentation about the passage of maintenance. Since in case of occurrence warranty case, in the absence of such documents, not only the seller, but also the court will refuse to fulfill the terms of the guarantee. This will be motivated by the fact that you did not operate the vehicle properly, which, accordingly, led to the cause of the breakdown.
If the contract with the car dealership stipulates that you are required to undergo routine maintenance (after a certain mileage or service life of the vehicle), then its “failure to pass” may serve as grounds for refusal of warranty repairs.

And lastly: terms of delivery of the car to the buyer.

If, when purchasing the necessary car, it is not in stock, then you will be faced with the fact that you will need to wait some time for its delivery to the car dealership. In this case, the necessary clause must be specified in the contract, which specifies the exact delivery time and the seller’s obligations in case of non-compliance.

In addition, the contract may also specify the place of delivery. vehicle(to another city or to the border). But as you understand, this service will already be paid, but non-compliance with it in any case entails the responsibility of the seller.

We would like to note that when concluding an agreement with a car dealership, both the seller and the buyer are free in their choice. Therefore, the terms of the contract can always be negotiable. If you and the seller still cannot agree on an opinion, then remember that the number of offers on the car market is growing every day.

Finally, this happy day has come - you pick up your brand new car from the showroom. Of course, you are overwhelmed with joyful emotions, and all your thoughts are about how to quickly test your purchase in action and show it off to your friends. But don’t rush to leave the car dealership - carefully check if everything is in order with your “swallow”.

Carefully inspect the car body for dents, try to examine it from different angles - you never know what the vehicle had to go through on the way from the factory to the dealer. Take a closer look at the paintwork - the new one, of course, should not have any, even barely noticeable, “scratches” or abrasions. Check that the door openings are straight and that the hood and trunk lids are not warped.

Pay attention to the cargo compartment Special attention. Take the time to lift the luggage compartment floor to make sure that spare wheel and a set of tools are in their places. Open the gas tank flap - try to do it both manually and using the lever in the cabin. It will be very disappointing if at the first gas station you find that the lid is tightly jammed.

It makes sense to open the hood - but does it open at all? Carry out a visual inspection engine compartment, then ask the dealership staff to check the levels in front of you technical fluids: brake, washer, cooling and, of course, engine oil. If you want, do it yourself.

Needless to say that lighting devices need revision? The seller, your companion or anyone else will help you with this. Let your companion alternately turn on and off the low and high beams, turn signals, fog lights, emergency lights, parking lights. Are there any problems identified? Ask to press the brake pedal and move the gearbox selector to position R - the brake light and reverse light should also be working.

Inspect the interior of the car - whether the driver and passenger seats are adjustable, whether the windows are lowered, whether the mirrors are adjusted. Turn on multimedia system(if applicable): Test the touch display's response to your touch and the speakers. Change to backseat to make sure there are no defects in the rear speakers.

Start the engine and let it run for a while. After the engine warms up, “play” with the modes air conditioning system- and don’t forget about the deflectors. After completing all these procedures, test the alarm and central locking. If the car is “armed” with additional security system, then ask the seller where the “emergency” buttons are located.

When you complete checking the car, go to the documents. Check the real numbers of the engine, chassis and body with those recorded in the “papers”. Of course, the VIN code must match. Finally, make sure that you are signing the deed of transfer and acceptance of the car, and not the deed of gift for your country house. That is, study everything written, carefully reading every word.

If you find any defects during operation, remember that the car, in accordance with Article 18 of Law No. 2300−1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” can be returned. During the first 15 days from the date of transfer of the vehicle

Buying a new car is always a joyful event that can lull the vigilance of even the most meticulous person. The buyer is confident: dealership– the organization is high-status, which means there simply cannot be any overlaps or mistakes. But do not forget that even the most prestigious and serious organizations employ ordinary people who are also no strangers to fatigue, illness and other human weaknesses. Therefore, check the purchased car, as they say, “without leaving the cash register.”


When buying a new car at a car dealership, pay attention first of all to the data in the documents:

  • the exact name of the model of the purchased car
  • engine number, VIN code
  • car body color
  • motor power
  • year of manufacture and all dates appearing in the documents.

Remember, when registering a car with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, any mistake can cause registration to be rejected, and you will have to go to the dealership again and have the problem repaired.


Be sure to compare the description of the package you chose and what you actually received. Modern cars literally stuffed with various additional functions, the names and purposes of which may not be known to you. When accepting a car at a car dealership, do not hesitate to ask the manager what this or that name means. Don’t be afraid to look stupid in front of a consultant: it’s his job to explain. If the client does not understand something, he will probably come to complain or even try to sue, considering himself deceived, which will negatively affect the reputation of the entire dealership.


  • Absolutely everything should work. After all, you are buying new car, which no one has ridden before you. Therefore, check the power adjustment of the seats, their heating (if these functions are available), the operation of the audio system, all buttons on the control panel, power lifts, windows (make sure that the window goes all the way down), and the driver’s door buttons. Check the air conditioning and heating system: wait for the air to blow, depending on the selected mode, cold or hot air. In general, just press all the buttons in a row to make sure they work.
  • Check the functionality of the vehicle's lights. To do this, ask the manager to turn on the low beam headlights and high beam, turn signals, dimensions, fog lights, reversing and brake lights. Don't forget about the lights in the cabin, trunk, side doors, as well as the lighting of the instrument panel and glove compartment, if equipped.
    Pay special attention to the icons on the dashboard. When you turn on the ignition, everything should light up warning lamps. Then all the lamps except parking brake and seat belt should go out.
  • The functioning of the cigarette lighter, for example, using charger for phone.


Check how easy it is to open the doors, trunk lid and fuel filler flap. Extraneous creaks and there should be no sounds.
Check the levels of all fluids: brake fluid, antifreeze, gearbox and engine oils, windshield washer fluid, etc. The factory may fill the minimum level.
Listen to the engine running - extraneous noise it shouldn’t be, just like when the car’s suspension is working.


Carefully inspect the vehicle body. You need to fix any, even minimal damage to the paintwork right there in the car showroom. As soon as you leave the car dealership, all damage will automatically be attributed to your careless driving, and you will no longer be able to prove otherwise. Check the gaps between the doors and the body. They should be the same.

Important little things

Pay attention to the car's mileage. It cannot be zero, because the car is driven from the assembly line to a box, to a parking lot, etc. The cars also undergo a run-in or test drive procedure. It is necessary to check the build quality of the car. But even after running in, the odometer should not show numbers of tens of thousands of km. If the car's mileage is suspiciously high, it is possible that it was previously used for test drives. There should be a spare tire and a jack in the trunk. Check the tightness of the wheel nuts and the tire pressure level.

If all formalities have been completed and the car has passed your personal “strength test,” you can hit the road. But keep in mind that the more carefully you study your new car before the trip, the fewer surprises await you along the way. After all, to new car it still takes some getting used to, especially if it's chock full of features you didn't know about before and that are best familiarized with before you hit the road.