Is it possible to install a kenguryatnik? Is kengurin banned in Russia? Requirements of technical regulations and current traffic rules

Wanting to change external characteristics of their car, vehicle owners often forget that they need to tune the car wisely. According to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, most unauthorized modifications to the design of a car lead to problems with the traffic police. For example, a fine for kangaroo in 2019 may come as an unpleasant surprise for many.

In common parlance, a power bumper is called a kangaroo. Many have seen this design on SUVs. In theory, he has enough useful functions: protective, with a guard it is much easier to operate the vehicle. When installing such a body kit, many people are interested in the question: is it possible to drive with a guard, especially if it is not “original” for the car?

Pros and cons of a power bumper

Is a kenguryatnik really necessary? There is no clear answer. The undeniable advantages include the fact that the guard, if made of durable metal, can significantly reduce the consequences of a collision in an accident.

However, modern motorists are increasingly faced with a situation where the power bumper increasingly serves a decorative function: it is made of chrome and is not securely attached to the car. In this case, in the event of an accident, the guard flies out on its own, and also contributes to damage to the radiator due to the screws being turned out.

In addition, if such a structure protrudes forward very much, then in the event of a collision it can cause significant injuries to unwary pedestrians.

Prohibited and permitted types of body kits

Until recently, car enthusiasts tuned cars at their own discretion. However, today some types of body kits are prohibited. In particular, we are talking about the following structures.

  • Kenguryatnik installed on the car yourself.
  • A body kit that was mounted directly in front of the bumper.
  • A power bumper whose dimensions exceed a regular bumper. In this case, punishment for kangaroo is almost inevitable.

The power bumpers themselves can be divided into several types.

  • Installed according to a certificate. Fine in in this case not allowed.
  • Provided as a standard design (installed on the vehicle at the factory). This type of kangaroo shelter is allowed.
  • Homemade car elements. Such bumpers are clearly prohibited.

Therefore, if the owner of the car is interested in whether it is possible to drive with a guard in Russia, then he must understand that the answer depends on a number of nuances.

Is it possible to drive with homemade models?

If a car enthusiast decides to install a guard on his vehicle, he must be prepared to meet a number of requirements. Considering that new part does not apply to regular appearance car, you will have to obtain permission from the traffic police to secure it. If the inspection staff give their consent, then information about the manipulations performed on the car must be entered into the vehicle title.

On which cars can a power bumper be installed?

Now you need to figure out whether all cars are allowed to install a kenguryatnik? No, there are restrictions. So, if the car belongs to category M 1 or N 1 (i.e. less than 3.5 tons), then installing a bumper is prohibited. However, there is an exception here. If mounting the bumper is provided for by the design, but it was not installed at the factory, then the law allows self-installation. But if the car belongs to category G (real SUVs with transfer case), then the installation of a bumper is permitted.

Car enthusiasts who prefer domestic vehicles are often interested in the question: is it possible to drive with a guard on a Niva? Yes, but with a number of reservations. Firstly, you can only drive a car with such a body kit on country roads. Secondly, a number of requirements are imposed on the quality of the kenguryatnik itself. So, in the center the bumper should be made of metal, and its sides should be made of plastic.

The so-called kanguryatnik is an element of car design, which is a special body kit installed on SUVs. But today, car enthusiasts install this element on crossovers, and often even on passenger vehicles.

Initially, the kenguryatnik was intended as a means of protecting the car from damage in a collision with large animals or other objects, but today it is more often used as a decorative part of the body. Let's figure out what fine a car owner faces in 2019 if he installed this element on his car.

The power bumper is important element the body of any SUV, since when traveling over rough terrain there are often small trees, large animals and other obstacles that can damage the radiator grille or headlights. And this will mean that there will be a need for expensive repairs. The power bumper can not only protect the front part of the body, but also guarantees simple installation of the winch, which is also very convenient for SUVs.

This body element was invented in Australia, where large marsupials often run out onto the road surface and cause car collisions.

To protect the body shell, specialists came up with such a device as a kenguryatnik. Subsequently, the power bumper began to be installed on all continents, but in the form design solution, even for trucks and cars, which essentially do not need it.

Advantages and disadvantages of a power bumper

The main advantage of the kenguryatnik should certainly be considered its ability to protect the body when colliding with various obstacles. But of course, in order to contain the impact, the power bumper must be made of high-quality metal, and its design must provide for high impact resistance.

If you install a homemade guard, then most likely in a traffic accident it will dent inside the body, damaging the radiator grille, the radiator itself, the hood, headlights and other elements of the front part of the car.

Great danger is also considered a disadvantage power bumpers for pedestrians. If a person is hit by a vehicle, they will most likely die or be seriously injured.

What investigators will certainly confirm if such an accident occurs, and you will be imprisoned for 5 years. Think about whether you need this, to lose your freedom because of a decorative element on the car body.

Within the city limits, this element is able to protect the car from significant damage in the event of serious accidents, which is considered an absolute advantage of a power bumper. But often decorative body parts are made by manufacturers from low-quality materials, which leads to poor protection of the body from damage, and becomes just another reason to stop the vehicle by a traffic police inspector to impose penalties. But what types of power bumpers are banned in 2019? Let's look into this issue.

Prohibited and permitted kenguryatniks

Legislation Russian Federation introduced a ban on power bumpers, but not all, but only on structures that are improperly used.

The following types of kenguryatniks were banned:

  1. Which are larger in size than the main bumper of the body;
  2. Structures that are fixed in front of the bumper parts;
  3. Kenguryatniks, made by yourself or not intended for installation on this type of car.

If the decorative parts do not protrude beyond the main bumper and are no larger than it itself, there is no fine for them, but in any case you should obtain permission to install a power bumper from the traffic police of your city. Without it, you should not perform any manipulations with your car in accordance with the modern legislation of our state.

Not all types of power bumpers are subject to a fine. For example, if your car originally had installed kenguryatnik was still at the factory, but was not installed, or was dismantled by you, then the newly installed power bumper will not be considered prohibited and you will not face a fine for it.

Such barriers include certified and standard structures, but those made by yourself are in any case prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation and when installing them, you will 100% be stopped and fined by a traffic police inspector.

On what cars can kenguryatniks be installed?

Please note that on vehicles of categories G, N1 and M1 the installation of a power bumper is permitted, but it must be standard or certified. What types of vehicles are these?

Let's take a closer look at these classes:

  1. Cars of category M1 - intended for the transport of passengers, the minimum number of seats is 8 pieces;
  2. Vehicles of category N1 – designed for the transportation of goods weighing over 3.5 tons;
  3. Category G vehicles are all types of SUVs that are designed to travel over rough terrain.

If your car belongs to another category, then with a power bumper installed you will most likely be fined in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

What is the fine for installing a traffic barrier on a car?

If you installed any body part and did not first add it to the vehicle, then after a traffic police inspector stops you and checks your documents, you will be fined 500 rubles.

But in some cases, you can avoid a fine and only receive a verbal warning from a government official. In order to avoid trouble, you can remove the guard right in front of the inspector. Motorists usually do the same before passing technical inspection his vehicle, because it is impossible to pass it with an incorrectly installed power bumper.

Almost any independent modification of a car that has not passed subsequent examination and registration will result in the imposition of penalties. At the same time, in some cases the punishment can be quite significant. Any crossover owner or passenger car of another class, it is worth knowing what the traffic police fine for breaking a car in 2018 is expected, and how not to become a violator of the current Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Requirements of technical regulations and current traffic rules

The existing annex to the current traffic regulations clearly defines the list of faults for which operation of the vehicle is not allowed. Thus, paragraph 7.18 of this list states that you do not have the right to drive on the road if:

7.18. Changes were made to the design of the vehicle without permission from the State Safety Inspectorate traffic The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or other bodies determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

That is, if your car is standardly equipped with equipment of this class, then you will not face any administrative punishment. But, at the same time, keep in mind that you must confirm such standard equipment with documents, including with a mark in the PTS.

There is a possibility and self-installation equipment of this class, but not for all vehicles. You should pay attention to the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union on the safety of wheeled vehicles. So in paragraph 11 (section 4) it is clearly stated:

11. It is prohibited to install on vehicles of categories M1 and N1 structures that protrude forward relative to the bumper line corresponding to the outer contour of the vehicle’s projection onto the horizontal plane of the supporting surface, made of steel or other materials with similar strength characteristics. This requirement does not apply to structures provided for standard equipment vehicle and (or) passed the conformity assessment in in the prescribed manner, as well as metal grilles weighing less than 0.5 kg, intended to protect only headlights, and state register sign and its fastening elements.

As you can see, the owner of almost any passenger car who decides to modernize will need to know what fine for a power bumper can be issued in 2018. Relevant categories of transport include:

As a result, we have the following situation. You can operate a vehicle with a safety guard installed by the manufacturer. In addition, you have the right to install such devices, but subject to mandatory compliance assessment, that is, an examination. Based on the results of such an assessment, changes made to the design must be registered with the traffic police. Only in this case, you will not face a fine for installing a winch on your car (as well as power bumpers, guardrails).

Do not forget that practice has shown that the procedure itself for assessing and registering changes will be expensive and time-consuming. In most cases, this problem is solved with the help of specialized companies, whose services are not cheap.

Administrative responsibility for installing a cage or winch

This violation of the Technical Regulations is considered administrative offense, and will be assessed in accordance with Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (clause 1):

1. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles to Operation and Responsibilities officials to ensure road safety, the operation of a vehicle is prohibited, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2 - 7 of this article - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

In most cases, the inspector may limit himself to a warning. But you will have to as soon as possible bring your car up to date traffic regulations. That is, dismantle optional equipment installed in violation of the rules. Experience shows that any attempt to protect your rights on the road leads to a fine.

Often you have to deal with a situation where a traffic police officer resorts to towing your vehicle to an impound lot. In this case, you should clearly know that article of the Code of Administrative Offenses RF 12.5 paragraph 1 does not fall under such punishment. The inspector's actions in this case will be illegal. The maximum that you face in this case is a fine of 500 rubles, because the fine for a kangaroo is no different from previous years.

Most drivers practice dismantling the guards when undergoing technical inspection. After this, they calmly put it in place and continue operation. But this situation cannot last long, because in any case there is a violation of traffic rules.

In any situation, it is correct to understand the violations of this type and only a qualified lawyer can provide legal support. Therefore, we recommend that you take advantage of this consultation, it will help you avoid additional fines further.

All motorists, as one, strive to make their car unique and different from the others. To do this, they use a variety of methods, often without thinking about the consequences of their manipulations. Not only do most changes affect the behavior of your car, but you also run the risk of being sued for a discrepancy between the design of the car and the data in its technical passport. Usually this concerns changes to the “filling” of the vehicle, but there are exceptions, such as, for example, kenguryatniks.

Today you will find out whether the actions of a traffic police officer who issues a fine for installing a kengurin that is not noted in the vehicle’s registration certificate are legal.

A little about the kenguryatnik itself

Kengurin, or kenguryatnik, is a protective grille that is placed on. Most often it is installed on cars large sizes. At the same time, the owners pursue the goal of simply giving their car even greater grandeur and power. But in reality everything is completely different.

American and Australian farmers used to install kenguryatniks to move cattle. Such protective grilles protected the front end of huge pickup trucks from being dented after colliding with large animals.

The video talks about the benefits of using car guards:

Soon after this, similar protection began to be used. That is why today this accessory is included in the design of jeeps and crossovers of some automobile companies.

It is worth noting that only a high-quality guard will protect your car from the mechanical effects of branches, stones and other debris scattered along country and forest roads.

Those who have never driven over rough terrain mistakenly believe that a fake kangurin will add pathos to their car and protect them from the road. What a surprise for them will be additional dents and damage to the insides of the car, caused by a poor-quality product on the bumper.

To install or not

The video shows in what cases kengurin can be useful:

Thus, The traffic police inspector will not be able to fine you for having it.. You can ride with it with impunity, but only until a new technical inspection. If at the time of the mandatory technical inspection of the car there is no note on the installation of kengurin in its registration certificate, your car will not pass it. However, there are several protective grill designs that can help avoid this. For example, if you install a small curved pipe just below front bumper, then you can protect the car from high curbs and not include the tuning element in the registration certificate.

To summarize, we note that the answer to the question: is it possible to install a kenguryatnik - you will find in the operating instructions for the machine. The installation of this accessory is not prohibited if, when designing a particular car model, calculations of its characteristics were carried out taking into account the protective grille. Despite the ban, there are no penalties for installing this element, which means it cannot demand money from you for it.

Every owner of a personal car dreams that his “iron horse” will be the most beautiful and unique, different from other cars. To achieve the desired goal, car enthusiasts are willing to spend huge amounts of money. But not everyone thinks about how tuning options can affect technical specifications car. In addition to the fact that the additional body kit of the car will affect its behavior, there is also a high risk that you will be fined for discrepancies between the parameters specified in the technical passport of the car and its real state. Mostly, car owners make changes to the “stuffing” of their car, but some install guardrails.

Characteristics of kengurin for cars

The guard is an additional protective grill placed on the bumper of the car. Basically, this tuning element is installed on SUVs, that is, vehicles with significant dimensions. The main purpose of this installation is to emphasize the greatness, power, and scale of the “iron horse”.

In the old days, kenguryatniks were installed by Australian and American farmers in order to move cattle to pasture. With the help of such protective grilles it was possible to keep the front end of a huge pickup truck from getting dented in a collision with livestock. Such protection began to be used by off-road driving enthusiasts; you can see this accessory on crossovers and jeeps produced by different automobile concerns:

Important! Only a high-quality guard can protect a vehicle from debris, stones, and tree branches found on country roads.

The fake version will not be able to protect against dents on the car as a result of accidents; it only serves decorative purposes.

Is it worth installing a kenguryatnik?

If you want to install such a tuning element on your car, you should know that significant changes will be made to the design of the car. To ensure that the characteristics of the car after such “innovations” do not bring you trouble, ask the mechanics to indicate all the changes they have made in the registration documents for your vehicle. Such actions are suitable for those owners of cars whose design involved installing a protective grille on the front bumper.

In part European countries installing a bumper guard on a bumper passenger car prohibited as it may have a negative impact on technical condition cars, become the main cause of accidents on the roads.

Installation of kenguryatnik on minibuses

After such a car accessory is installed on a minibus, the weight of the car increases significantly. Why his behavior is corrected:

  • the acceleration time of the car increases;
  • the braking time of the car changes;
  • maneuverability when cornering is reduced.

If the driver does not take such moments into account and presses on the gas pedal when turning, he will become the initiator emergency situations.

Russian cars with kengurins

“Europeans” intended for off-road driving, almost all were originally designed with kangurins. The creators of such foreign cars carefully consider the weight of the kenguryatnik, its feasibility before launching new model SUV into industrial production. What about Russian auto industry?

Experts and representatives of the State Duma for a long time cannot agree on whether to allow installation on personal cars similar tuning element.

Important! Experts do not advise installing a kanguryatnik on a car that is not intended for such tuning.

  1. Traffic rules allow the installation of additional body kit on the bumper only for vehicles that have a class off-road. For all other cars, according to traffic regulations, the installation of a guardrail is prohibited.

About fines for installing a guardrail

Despite the fact that kengurin is officially prohibited for installation on many vehicles, traffic police officers are not expected to issue a fine for such violations. There were no fines for 2014 related to the installation of the guardrail. This statement can be made if you carefully study all regulations related to traffic regulations. In the main documents relating to vehicle approval, there is no mention of such an external option. car tuning. The traffic police inspector does not have the authority to fine the owner of a car that has a kangaroo guard on the bumper for its presence. You can drive a car with such a tuning element with impunity until it is time to undergo a scheduled technical inspection of the vehicle. In the event that the technical passport does not contain a special mark indicating that kengurin is installed, in order to successfully pass the technical inspection you will have to remove this part from the hood.

Types of protective grilles

Nowadays, there are several modifications of protective grilles that will not cause problems when passing inspection. For example, installing a curved pipe lower than the front bumper is an option to protect the car from city curbs. Such manifestation of tuning does not need to be introduced into technical certificate car.

The answer to the question related to installing a bumper guard on the bumper can be found in the vehicle's operating instructions. You can use it in cases where the element is intended by the model designers.

Options for additional protection of the Chevrolet Niva

Owners of such Russian car brand treat their own with special reverence" iron horses", consider their car a real SUV. When purchasing a Niva, they are faced with the question of how to improve the safety of the car. IN basic configuration this car has a quite “meek” appearance. Installing a kenguryatnik is a way to give the Niva solidity and extravagance. In addition to aesthetic characteristics, such actions help increase the safety of this machine. The first kenguryatnik was created in Australia, it was effective means protection from kangaroos, it is to these animals that it owes its name. It was on the “green continent” that animals were often run over high speed on SUVs, significantly damaging the vehicle. First of all, problems arose with the lighting and cooling system car engine. This detail on the Niva gives domestic SUV uniqueness, individuality, originality.

Attention! Technical regulations prohibit the installation of such a tuning element on a Chevrolet Niva; it cannot be attached to a Gazelle bumper either.

There are several varieties of such tuning, differing in price, purpose, and mounting method:

  • the original element is created from a durable steel tube, which is capable of frontal collisions withstand significant loads;
  • Protective decorative frames are made of light aluminum alloys. Such designs are not suitable for the domestic Niva;
  • a mesh made of durable steel reinforcement, mounted on a supporting rigid frame, is in demand among Russian fishermen and hunters.

Advantages of installing a frame on a Niva bumper:

  • the ability to protect the paint on the bumper, the integrity of the glass on the headlights and reflectors from tall grass and oncoming branches;
  • protection while driving off-road from oncoming stones falling under the wheels of the car;
  • protection against minor impacts during an accident on the radiator and car bumper.

Disadvantages of such tuning:

  • problem with mounting on Niva. They attach it to the side members; in the event of a strong collision, the geometry of the body will be disrupted. Regular parking in front of supermarkets can result in the Niva owner having to pay for the restoration of the body;
  • When a Niva with a kenguryat collides with a pedestrian, serious injuries cannot be avoided, and there is a high probability of death.