The use of tachographs in transport. The procedure for equipping vehicles with tachographs. New Tachograph Law

For many car enthusiasts, the tachograph is a mysterious and incomprehensible device, largely due to its specific purpose. Although quite a large number of drivers put up with its presence, and for some it helps a lot. Therefore, it is important to understand what a tachograph is in a car. So let's look at this question.


A tachograph is a device for monitoring a car and the driver’s working conditions. This device registers the following parameters:

  • Distance traveled.
  • Travel time.
  • Movement speed.
  • Time of parking or stopping.

From the list of registered parameters, it becomes clear what a tachograph is in a car.

Roughly speaking, this is a ride recorder, a tracking device. After all, the presence of a positioning system allows you to literally track a moving car, which disciplines drivers.


The element appeared to ensure the safety of road transport and car traffic at all. This device allows you to control speed mode. This reduces the likelihood of an accident. Having a tachograph and its readings in the event of an accident will help prove the driver’s innocence or, conversely, bring him to justice. Install a tachograph on truck The law prescribes mobile phones almost directly. In addition, the trip controller can track the time a specific driver spends behind the wheel and his rest.

Rules for installing tachographs on cars

From the purpose of the device, it becomes clear that it is more focused on commercial transportation, when it is necessary to take into account who, how much and when drove a given vehicle. So, what cars are tachographs installed on?

  • trucks carrying gross weight more than 3.5 tons;
  • buses with a number seats more than 8 and weighing up to 5 tons;
  • trucks that carry out transportation over distances of more than 50 km;
  • equipment with a gross weight of more than 15 tons that does not transport dangerous cargo;
  • trucks with a permissible maximum weight of 12-15 tons that do not carry out intercity transportation;
  • trucks with a permissible maximum weight from 3.5 to 12 tons, transporting any cargo.

The last paragraph was added in April 2015. It follows that in almost all cases it is mandatory. Small Passenger Transportation also fall within the scope of application of this device.

When should you not install the device?

There are times when it is not necessary to install a tachograph on a car. The law states that installation need not be done on commuter buses and tow trucks, street cleaners, cars emergency services(firefighters, ambulance, Ministry of Emergency Situations), truck cranes.

This also applies to vehicles that are used for operational and investigative activities.

Types of devices

There are two types of devices: analog and digital. The first tachographs were round, somewhat similar to a regular speedometer. They appeared much earlier than digital ones. What is a tachograph in a modern car? This is a digital device, the size and shape of a car radio. The devices are equipped with a liquid crystal screen on which all necessary information. The differences between these two species are not only in appearance. Analog devices record information using special sensors on a pie chart. In it, the driver pre-specifies the date and time of the start of the trip.

The map itself is installed inside the device, and by turning the diagram, it builds a traffic graph - average speed, number and time of stops, etc. The digital device records information on paper such as a cash receipt, which is printed after the end of the trip.

Due to the more reliable and accurate recording of the received data, as well as the ease of working with it, the digital device has almost completely replaced the analog one. Besides, digital devices were able to position their own location using the GLONASS system, which further adds to the accuracy of the data received. In addition, they are equipped with a cryptographic module. The latter provides reliable encryption of the recorded data.

What is CIPF

CIPF is a means of cryptographic information protection. They are special devices that assemble and fix modules coming from sensors, regardless of the availability of power. Such a device is a recording unit equipped with an output for a GPS antenna, with the help of which it carries out its positioning. The main purpose of the system is to protect the received information from external correction and work with a digital signature. It should be kept in mind that data encrypted using CIPF is decrypted only by law enforcement agencies using special certified equipment.

How data is accessed

It is produced using special cards with chips that have different levels access to reading information. The elements are inserted into a special slot in the front panel of the device. They are ordinary plastic cards. The latter are divided into the following categories:

  • Master installer card. It is used by a specialist during initial setup and when installing the tachograph in a car.
  • Map of the enterprise itself. It provides access to your saved trip data. It is this that allows you to obtain the largest amount of data about all the features of the trip.
  • Controller card. Serves for taking current evidence by law enforcement agencies, including the traffic police.
  • Individual driver card. Used to identify who is currently driving.

All of the cards listed have varying degrees of access to information, from highest to lowest. What are the differences?

A driver card, for example, only has the ability to record the travel time, speed and parking time of the car with a given person. Thus, this device controls multi-day trips with several drivers with the condition of constantly monitoring their conditions.

Features of use

So, now it becomes clear what a tachograph in a car is today. This is a fairly popular device for more full control over the features of the trip. Of course, the element does not register the physiological state of the driver, but it is quite capable of preventing overwork or fraudulent actions on his part. Moreover, installing a tachograph on freight car the law prescribes directly and unambiguously.

With its help, you can prevent unauthorized draining of fuel and hazardous materials. Also, when using a tachograph, it is impossible to turn the odometer down or up and adjust other parameters. In addition, accounting average speed during a trip will allow you to plan further travel and save on costs, both temporary and material.


Thus, tachographs are becoming more and more popular every year. Of course, they are very expensive (60 thousand rubles with installation). But the savings they generate cover the costs. Moreover, they are used mainly in commercial structures. Perhaps they will appear in regular cars. Another question is why this is necessary and how justified it is.

– a control device installed on board the car Vehicle. Designed to record speed, work schedule, rest of drivers and crew members. In this article we will discuss law on trucks.

Order of the Ministry of Transport dated August 21, 2013 No. 273 as amended by Order No. 348 dated December 2, 2015 “On approval of the Procedure for equipping vehicles with tachographs” for truck owners is the law. On July 1, 2016, a tachograph must be installed on all cargo and passenger cars categories described below. At the same time, the use of analog control devices (the so-called “puck”) has been illegal since July 1, 2016. Should be installed digital tachograph. The new provisions have already entered into force, so you should take a closer look at this issue. In 2014, the State Duma of Russia introduced an amendment to the law of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which establishes the administrative responsibility of the driver for the absence of a tachograph, as well as for failure to comply with established work and rest standards.

What types of vehicles must be equipped with tachographs?

Appendix No. 2 to the Order of the Ministry of Transport Russian Federation dated February 13, 2013 N 36 "On approval of the requirements for tachographs installed on vehicles, categories and types of vehicles equipped with tachographs, rules for the use, maintenance and control of the operation of tachographs installed on vehicles."

The following categories and types of vehicles put into circulation and in operation on the territory of the Russian Federation are equipped with tachographs:

  • vehicles used for the transport of passengers, having, in addition to the driver's seat, more than eight seats, the maximum weight of which does not exceed 5 tons (category M2);
  • vehicles used for the transport of passengers, having, in addition to the driver's seat, more than eight seats, the maximum weight of which exceeds 5 tons (category M3);
  • vehicles intended for the transportation of goods, having maximum weight over 3.5 tons, but not more than 12 tons (category N2);
  • vehicles intended for the carriage of goods with a maximum weight of more than 12 tons (category N3)
With the exception of:
  • vehicles of categories M2, M3, carrying out urban and suburban regular transportation in accordance with the Rules for the carriage of passengers and baggage by car and city ground electric transport, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2009 N 112 1; 1 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2009, No. 9, Art. 1102; 2011, N 37, art. 5268.
  • vehicles approved for international road transport in accordance with a vehicle access card for international road transport (Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 16, 2014 N 158 "On approval of forms of certificate forms and vehicle access cards for international road transport transportation" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 31, 2014, registration N 33370), equipped with control devices in accordance with the requirements
  • European Agreement concerning the work of crews of vehicles producing international road transport(ETR, Geneva, July 1, 1970)1;1 Bulletin of International Treaties, 2009, No. 3.
  • passenger and freight trolleybuses;
  • concrete pump trucks, concrete mixer trucks, asphalt distributors, truck cranes, ambulances medical care, auto tow trucks, fire trucks, vehicles for public utilities and road maintenance, vehicles for servicing oil and gas wells, vehicles for transporting cash proceeds and valuable cargo, vehicles equipped with lifts with working platforms, medical complexes on vehicle chassis, auto shops, buses for funeral services, car-homes, armored vehicles, specialized vehicles (specially equipped milk tankers, livestock trucks, vehicles for transporting poultry, eggs, live fish, vehicles for transporting and depositing mineral fertilizers), vehicles of categories N 2 and N 3, used by agricultural producers during on-farm transportation (transportation within the boundaries of the municipal district in which the vehicles are registered, as well as municipal districts bordering it), special vehicles, mobile laboratories and workshops , mobile reporting television studios;
  • vehicles registered by military automobile inspections or car services federal executive authorities in which military service is provided for by federal law;
  • vehicles of bodies carrying out operational investigative activities;
  • vehicles registered by authorities carrying out state supervision behind technical condition self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment;
  • vehicles included in the list of types and categories of wheeled vehicles and chassis, from the year of manufacture of which 30 or more years have passed, which are not intended for commercial transportation of passengers and cargo, have original engine, body and frame (if any), preserved or restored to original condition and in respect of which the recycling fee is in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2013 N 1291 “On recycling fee in relation to wheeled vehicles and chassis and on amendments to certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation" 2 is not paid;
  • 2 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2014, No. 2 (Part I), Art. 115, N 14, art. 1646; 2015, N 47, art. 6592, N 51 (part III), art. 7338.
  • buses in operation with more than 20 seats and freight vehicles with a total weight of over 15 tons, intended for intercity and international transport equipped before November 8, 2013 when manufactured with tachographs in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 3, 1996 N 922 “On increasing the safety of intercity and international transportation of passengers and cargo by road”;
  • educational vehicles used for driving lessons and driving tests driver's licenses, provided that they are not used for the commercial transport of passengers and goods;
  • vehicles that undergo road tests provided for state standards and industry documents.

New tachographs for trucks and their installation

The owner of a heavy vehicle, who legally equipped the car with a tachograph before the Ministry of Transport Orders No. 273 and No. 36 came into force, must establish new device, equipped with CIPF units before January 1, 2018. All new tachographs for trucks The vehicles will be installed in several stages.

Tachograph with CIPF or AETR block.

Choice tachograph CIPF or AETR regulated by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. The resolution approves technical regulations Customs Union TR TS 018/2011. On the safety of wheeled vehicles. In accordance with the law, the owner of a vehicle to be installed with a tachograph can equip commercial vehicles with any type of digital tachograph.

The following legislative act regulates what tachograph you must select to equip the vehicle:

Order of the Ministry of Transport No. 36 of February 13, 2013 approves the requirements for tachographs that are installed on large-capacity vehicles. The order also defines the rules for the use, control and operation of metering devices installed on vehicles.

In accordance with the order of the Minister of Russia, AETR models must be installed for international transport. For transportation within the borders of the state, a CIPF is established.

Fine for not having a tachograph in 2017

Fine for not having a tachograph is charged only if it is provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The legislation provides for the imposition fine for tachograph inoperative, as well as violation by the driver of the maximum permitted operating time.

The costs of installing a tachograph are compensated by social tax. What will be the fine for a tachograph?– determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Amendments to legislation: new fines in 2017.

Fine for not having a tachograph in 2017 becomes from 1000 to 3000 rubles for drivers, and up to 10,000 rubles for officials(Article 11.23 of the Administrative Code). Also, since the beginning of 2015, in addition to imposing a fine, administrative liability has also been provided. Vehicles of category No. 2 (medium-duty trucks with a carrying capacity from 3.5 to 12 tons) can receive a fine of 2,000 rubles.

According to statistics announced by representatives of the traffic police, since the beginning of 2015, employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate have established an average tachograph fine in the amount of 4000 rubles. Since the new legislation came into force, more than 100,000 cases of administrative violations related to driving a vehicle without a tachograph have been initiated.

Experts say the new tachograph law for trucks in 2017 will significantly increase safety on Russian roads. This will significantly reduce road accidents involving trucks.

Legislation is changing every day. For this reason, the information described in this article may be out of date. Follow the latest legislation of the Russian Federation on the relevant resources.

The legislation obliges legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who organize commercial flights to equip fleet vehicles with special flight recorders- tachographs.

The tachograph allows you to measure, record and display speed and other key parameters of vehicle movement.

The device records and then transmits various data that helps in automating accounting processes.

The Order of the Ministry of Transport dated February 13, 2013 No. 36 “On approval of requirements for tachographs installed on vehicles...” has already been amended several times.

The list of machines on which the device needs to be installed was constantly changing. Let's find out which vehicles are equipped with a tachograph in 2019, and which cars do not need a tachograph installed.

This is onboard technical device, necessary for measuring, recording and indicating speed, mileage, time of movement of a vehicle in automatic mode. It is also intended to record the time that the driver spends on work and rest.

Device records are used for the following purposes:

The device regulates the wakefulness and rest patterns of heavy vehicle drivers. Its main goal is to reduce accidents on the roads due to loss of driver concentration.

But some vehicle owners decide to refuse to install the device, explaining their refusal high cost device and its maintenance.

To carry out international transport, you need to install AETR tachograph models. For transportation within the borders of the state - CIPF.

Types of tachograph cards:

  • for the driver (you can work with the device during working hours);
  • enterprises (provides full access to data);
  • controller (operates in “Control” mode);
  • workshop card (intended for installation, calibration, adjustment of the device).

Let's find out what cars the tachograph is installed on.

According to Article 20 of Law 196-FZ of December 10, 1995 “On Safety traffic» (as amended on July 26, 2017) legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who carry out activities related to the operation of vehicles on the territory of the Russian Federation must equip their vehicles technical means controls that provide continuous, uncorrected recording of information about the speed and route of the vehicle, as well as the work and rest schedule of vehicle drivers.

In 2019, it is necessary to install tachographs on all cargo vehicles with a carrying capacity of more than 3.5 tons that carry out cargo transportation hazardous substances and other cargo.

Also, tachographs must be on:

  • buses with more than 8 seats (vehicle weight 5 tons or more);
  • intercity trucks that transport goods over a distance of more than 50 km;
  • cargo vehicles weighing 12-15 tons that do not carry out cargo transportation.

The release of a vehicle onto a line for the transportation of goods or passengers without a tachograph entails a fine of 1000-3000 rubles, up to 5000-10000 rubles for officials (Administrative Code, Art. 11.23)

The tachograph must be installed by an authorized workshop. There must be a stamp and calibration must be carried out. Violation of these requirements may also result in a fine.

Workshops that install tachographs must be accredited.

Information about such workshops can be found at the link: (ROSAVTOTRANS).

You also need to purchase a card for each of the drivers who will drive the car.

Such transport includes:

Installation of a tachograph is also mandatory for legal entities using vehicles for commercial purposes.

Also, the tachograph is not installed on the following vehicles:

Kamaz dump truck is the most popular type of truck that is involved in construction work.

If it is used in a construction company that builds residential buildings, the device must be installed. If Kamaz is needed for public utilities, there may be questions.

In many regions, the above list is interpreted as follows: vehicles intended for public utilities and road maintenance include only those vehicles that have a specialized purpose. The same applies to vehicles intended for servicing gas and oil wells.

Tachographs are therefore not required for vehicles equipped with road sweepers. But for dump trucks that are needed in public utilities, the installation of tachographs is necessary. Failure to do so may result in a fine.

Installation of the device is mandatory only for those vehicles that are used legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. A private person does not need a tachograph for a personal truck.

Let us remind you that tachographs are mandatory for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who carry out activities related to the operation of vehicles.

For this reason, some organizations that want to operate vehicles around the clock force drivers to register cars in their name. But this is not a desirable practice. The driver can resign at any time and keep the vehicle for himself.

The same applies to installing a tachograph on a personal bus or personal minibus. The device is installed for:

  • all buses that are used for intercity passenger transportation (if there are more than eight passenger seats);
  • trucks weighing more than 3500 kg, which also carry out intercity commercial transport.

Those. By law, the owner of a vehicle may not install a tachograph on it if he is not engaged in commercial cargo transportation.

Do you need a tachograph for a bus transporting company employees? Yes I need it.

Returning again to Law 196-FZ, let us recall that those legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who carry out activities related to the operation of vehicles on the territory of the Russian Federation must equip their vehicles with technical means of control, i.e. tachographs.

If a vehicle transports employees of an organization to their place of work or another destination and back, this is an activity related to the operation of the vehicle. Also, such a bus probably has more than 8 passenger seats and weighs more than 3.5 tons.

Tachograph for a personal vehicle for commercial transport

If a driver buys a truck or bus to carry out commercial transportation, but does not want to register an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, a tachograph is not required.

In this case, no fine is imposed for the absence of a device. But the driver may be punished with a fine for another offense - carrying out entrepreneurial activity without registration: 500-2000 rubles.

Do you need a tachograph for a gazelle? The answer depends on the characteristics of the vehicle and how it is used..

A Gazelle is a truck. But a vehicle falls under the law if its weight exceeds 3.5 tons. IN passenger version the device must be.

Concerning minibus, which moves only within the city, the installation of a tachograph can be avoided, since installation of the device is required if the vehicle route is more than 50 kilometers.

If a GLONASS unit is installed on board, the device does not replace the tachograph.

If a gazelle has more than 8 seats, a tachograph is required. The device is also needed if the vehicle’s carrying capacity is more than 3500 kg. If the gazelle has a trailer, installation of a tachograph is not necessary.

On a crane

Is a tachograph needed for a crane in 2019? Yes, a tachograph must be installed on the crane.

The same applies to installing a tachograph on a ZIL bull. Kamaz, ZIL 5301, dump trucks are very popular among private car owners.

If the law places responsibility for installing the device on managers transport companies, private car owners mistakenly believe that such a requirement does not apply to them.

But nowhere in the orders or other documents is it stated that private owners are exempt from installing a tachograph.

The requirement to install tachographs applies to any form of ownership if the vehicle falls into the specified categories and carries out commercial freight or passenger transportation.

Bottom line

If the car owner is a private person, and he owns a car weighing over 3500 kg, and the vehicle is used for commercial purposes, a tachograph is needed. The law also contains a list of vehicles that must be equipped with this device.

A tachograph is necessary to monitor the driver. The device calculates the time spent by the driver on rest and work, records the vehicle’s speed limit, its movement, and fuel consumption.

The device helps reduce costs, minimize traffic violations, exclude unauthorized deviations from the route.

It is not possible to make changes to encrypted data. If correction is attempted, all information will be reflected in the tachograph memory and will become available to controllers when they begin monitoring.

The device helps improve security and optimize business.

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    Good evening. Tell me, for a truck with a refrigerator powered by an engine, the vehicle has a maximum load capacity of 7.5 tons. IS A Tachograph REQUIRED? After all, the driver is asleep and the car is running so that the ref works.

    Yesterday we drew up a report on the administrative violation of the old one. 11.23 part 1 I own a gazelle passenger 13 seats, I am not engaged in commercial activities as a sole proprietor. I don’t have a car, I use it for personal purposes and travel!!! Was this legal???

The tachograph continuously records information about the route and speed of movement, monitoring the driver’s work and rest schedule. The use of the device increases safety on the road, eliminating accidents caused by driver fatigue. Installation of a tachograph is mandatory for most buses, almost all types of trucks weighing more than 3.5 tons and costs just over 30 thousand rubles.

Fines for not having a tachograph

For the absence of a tachograph, from April 1, 2014, a fine will be charged not only for international, but also for domestic Russian transportation. The punishment is equivalent to fines for a faulty, disabled or independently modified tachograph and in accordance with Art. 11.23 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses is:

  • 1000-3000 rubles - for drivers (as well as for non-compliance with the temporary work and rest regime);
  • 5,000-10,000 rubles - for officials who released a vehicle (vehicle) with a violation onto the line.

Who needs to install a tachograph?

According to the current version of Federal Law No. 196 “On Road Safety”, all vehicles must be equipped with a tachograph. commercial transport, passenger and cargo, categories M2, M3 and N2, N3. That is,

  • auto with passenger seats more than 8,
  • trucks weighing more than 3.5 tons and up to 12 tons.

With the exception of the following types of vehicles (the device is not needed for them):

  1. Trolleybuses.
  2. Buses (categories M2 and M3) making regular urban and suburban transportation(up to 50 km one way).
  3. Vehicles involved, by the type of their activity, in maintaining law and order, or in the work of emergency services: fire, medical, rescue, emergency and others, with appropriate markings identification marks accessories.
  4. Vehicles registered with the military automobile inspection.
  5. Private vehicles weighing no more than 7.5 tons carrying non-commercial cargo. For example, mobile homes.

But must be equipped with a tachograph:

  • Bus for commercial intercity flights.
  • A duty bus transporting company employees within the city.

To understand whether it is necessary to install a tachograph on special equipment, we determine the purpose and specifics of its use. If the vehicle carries out commercial international and intercity transportation, the device is necessary.

A tachograph is not needed if:

  • KAMAZ is used on a construction site.
  • The vehicles are equipped with a crane, lifts with working platforms and other special equipment (concrete mixers, vehicles for transporting birds, live fish, livestock, milk), including for performing work in public utilities and road maintenance; for servicing gas and oil wells.

IMPORTANT! The traffic police requires tachographs to be installed on dump trucks used in public utilities and fines for their absence.

A private person does not need a tachograph

Installation of a tachograph is mandatory only on cars used by individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. If we transport our own cargo, and not for profit, we will not need a tachograph.

Law on Tachograph Requirements

Requirements for tachographs, rules for their use and control, as well as types of vehicles for which this device is mandatory, are approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated February 13, 2013 N 36 (Appendix No. 1).

Among mandatory requirements, in addition to the burglary-proof and sealed unit of the device, the following is provided:

  • tachograph and motion sensor cards; visual and audio warning means, etc.
  • antennas for receiving and transmitting GSM/GPRS signals (if a communication module is included in the on-board device) and for receiving global navigation signals satellite systems GLONASS and GPS.
  • necessary software and cryptographic support.

The tachograph is equipped with a printing device and a keyboard for entering information. Depending on the mode, it works with four types of cards: driver, controller, workshop and enterprise.

The device allows you to obtain complete and reliable information and identify attempts to correct and falsify it in the tachograph memory.

Operating rules

  • Before leaving, the driver activates the tachograph with his personal card and enters the PIN code.
  • If there is a second driver, he also inserts his card and enters the password.
  • Next, the necessary data is entered into manual mode or are registered automatically.
  • Drivers’ personal cards are retrieved at the end of the shift, after confirmation of the place of completion of work.

Note. If an old-style tachograph that meets all EU standards was installed in the car before 2014, it must be replaced with a new one before 2018.