Towing a car with a rigid hitch without a driver. Towing with a flexible hitch, a reminder to the driver. Which cable is better for towing a car?

Quite often there are situations when the engine in a car breaks down and it can no longer drive under its own power. In such cases, the only option is to either repair it on site or tow the vehicle to the repair site. In order to avoid any emergency situations, it is necessary that the vehicle is towed in accordance with traffic regulations.

In this article we will look at the rules that must be followed when towing cars, as well as the conditions under which this is prohibited.

First of all, it is necessary to clarify the main two terms, which are very similar to each other - towed and towed.

Towing vehicle- this is directly the vehicle that pulls another vehicle with its power. Simply put, the car that is in front.

Towed car- this is the vehicle that is pulled using a tow rope or a flexible or rigid hitch, i.e., which is behind and in most cases is broken.

For example, in this photo, the second car is being towed, and, accordingly, the first one is towing.

Immediately before towing a vehicle, the following rules must be followed:

  • The vehicle being towed must have its hazard lights on at all times so that all participants behind can understand that it is broken and take additional measures when overtaking. If alarm does not work, then you need to install and secure the sign on the back side emergency stop.
  • Previously, the rules stipulated that the towing vehicle must have its lighting, namely . Nowadays, all vehicles must always drive with their lights on, so this is no exception. Both foglights and low beam can be used as light. On new and modern cars are installed, which can also be applied.
  • Many people are interested in whether it is possible to tow a trailer - based on traffic regulations, towing a motorcycle with a side trailer is allowed. The use of a tug is prohibited without a side trailer.

Speed ​​while towing

During towing, you must maintain the speed limit, which is regulated by the rules. The speed of any vehicle must not exceed 50 km/h. Moreover, the sections of the road along which traffic occurs do not play a role - the speed requirements are the same absolutely everywhere.

TO important points It's worth considering towing on motorways. There are no prescribed requirements when moving along them. As you know from traffic regulations, the most permitted on highways is fast movement Therefore, they provide a minimum speed for all vehicles - at least 40 km/h. Due to this, towing on the motorway will not be prohibited if the speed is above this limit.

When is towing prohibited?

When towing a vehicle, it is worth keeping in mind that there are requirements under which this is prohibited. For such cases, only a tow truck can be used.

So, towing is prohibited in the following cases:

  • On a section of the road where there is a sign prohibiting the movement of vehicles with a cart or trailer. This sign also applies to driving with a vehicle towed. If there is such road sign towing is prohibited.
  • You cannot tow vehicles such as a motorcycle that does not have a side trailer, as well as scooters and mopeds, scooters and bicycles. It is worth noting here that this type of vehicle cannot be used when towing either number one or number two.
  • It is prohibited to tow two or more trailers with a passenger car at the same time.

For violation - a fine

For violation of towing rules, the code of offenses provides for a fine for drivers. In 2018, the fine for improper towing was set at 500 rubles or best case scenario- warning.

How to avoid getting into an accident?

Despite the fact that the responsibility traffic violations related to towing is not essential, the requirements and rules should still be followed. During improper transportation, an accident may occur due to a mistake.

During such movement, the towed vehicle must first of all maintain a distance from the towing vehicle and keep the tow rope taut. He must not accelerate or get close, as this could result in a blow to the rear bumper. When changing lanes, you also need to control the situation. The towed one should start changing lanes first, and only after that the towed one. Otherwise, you may end up colliding with other participants.

20.3. When towing flexible hitch the distance between the towing and towed vehicles must be ensured within 4-6 m, and when towing with a rigid hitch, no more than 4 m. The flexible connecting link must be marked in accordance with paragraph 9 of the Basic Provisions.


Violation of towing rules entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 100 rubles (Administrative Code, Article 12.21).


The length of the flexible hitch must ensure a safe and at the same time reasonable distance between the machines:

  • with a very short hitch (less than 4 meters):
    - the driver of the towed vehicle is deprived of visibility;
    - the likelihood of a collision between the coupled vehicles is too high.
  • with a very long hitch (more than 6 meters):
    - there is a risk of excessive deviation of the trajectory of the towed vehicle from the trajectory of the tractor;
    - there is a possibility that one of the other drivers will not notice the coupling of cars and will try to drive between them.

The length of the rigid coupling is not limited by the Rules. However, for safety reasons, it should not be less than half the overall width of the tractor (in order to ensure free maneuvering of coupled vehicles without touching each other).

It should also be noted that in accordance with paragraph 9 of the “Basic Provisions” on the flexible coupling device In order to ensure information content, there must be at least two warning devices with reflective stripes - flags or shields.

  • When towing, be prepared for the fact that when the engine is turned off, the power steering and brake booster will not work, so you will have to press the brake pedal and turn the steering wheel harder.
  • In the event of a malfunction of the engine or other system, a car with an automatic transmission must be towed at a speed of no more than 50 km/h and for a distance of no more than 50 km. If the distance is greater, you need to call a tow truck.

clause 20.1 - driver and towed vehicle;
clause 20.2 - passengers and towed vehicle;
clause 20.3 - the distance between the towing and towed vehicles;
clause 20.4 - cases when towing is prohibited.


"Mercedes" and "Zaporozhets" drove off together from the gas station. "Mercedes" took higher speed, but “Zaporozhets” is not lagging behind. "Mercedes" stopped, "Zaporozhets" too. The first driver asks:
- Man, what kind of engine do you have on your Zaporozhets?
- Ordinary, you just pinched my seat belt with your door at a gas station.


Mercedes-Benz has invented an electronic collar for trailers. New system called Trailer Stabilization Assist (TSA). It is fully integrated into the existing electronic system exchange rate stabilization cars. TSA quickly detects the beginning of a skid or lateral sway of the trailer and effectively suppresses these movements by alternately braking the right and left front wheels of the vehicle.

They say that you shouldn’t think about bad things, but you should always be prepared for this bad thing. This is especially true for drivers, because driving a car is an activity that involves a fairly large amount of risk. And if the car has become capricious, and the breakdown that has occurred does not allow you to get to the nearest service station on your own, then a tug in the person of your fellow motorist will come to your aid.

If we consider the issue of towing from the point of view of complexity, then this task is not the simplest, but also not the most difficult. However, there will always be nuances that can ruin the situation. And in order not to spill the tea of ​​surprise on the keyboard of the regularity of your life, we suggest you learn the basic rules of towing a car.

First, calculate your strengths


There are three types of towing: with a rigid hitch, with a flexible hitch, using the partial loading, as well as the full loading method. In this article we will look at the rules related to the first two types of towing, because they can cause certain difficulties for inexperienced drivers.

Flexible solution of the same name hitch

Let's immediately simulate the situation, taking as a basis the worst-case scenario - towing a car with idle engine. In this case, the drivers of the vehicle being towed and the towing vehicle must agree as clearly as possible on their further movements, because an accident is a predator that loves to feast on towing participants.

Distance between vehicles when towing with a rigid hitch


The driver of a towed car needs to be especially careful, because in the event of an accident, as a rule, he will be the culprit.

Do not forget that the power brakes and steering are not working on a towed vehicle with the engine turned off, which makes driving the vehicle much more difficult.

If you do not have a rigid hitch at your disposal, you can use a tow rope, the length of which should be 4-6 meters. Both a cable that is too long and too short is bad, because if the distance between the cars is less than 4 meters, then the likelihood of a collision increases, and if the clutch is too long, it will significantly complicate maneuvers when turning.

Distance between vehicles when towing with a flexible hitch


The tow rope must be secured exclusively to those places that are intended for this purpose. Under no circumstances should you expect your bumper or tie rods to withstand such a test. In addition, the “tie”, which is what drivers call the tow rope, must be equipped with red flags, placing them a meter apart from each other. You are unlikely to find cable models with flags in the store, so most likely you will need to take care of this yourself.

Modern tow ropes began to be equipped with flags


If you decide to ignore this rule, remember that the tow rope may become dirty and simply not visible at night. Other drivers will definitely try to squeeze between the towing vehicle and the towed vehicle, and this can lead to big trouble.

Light signals when towing

The driver of the towed vehicle must insert the key into the ignition before moving off. Otherwise steering wheel during towing it may become blocked, and then an accident cannot be avoided. The gear shift lever must be in the “neutral” position.

Make sure there is no slack in the tow rope


Before you start driving, turn on the emergency lights; if it is faulty, make sure that the warning triangle is attached to the rear of the car. If you are “dragged” into dark time day or in a tunnel, then turn on parking lights. But the towing car, according to traffic regulations, must turn on the low beam.

Many drivers of towing vehicles also turn on the emergency lights. There is a certain reason for this, but it is still not worth doing. The point is that this can confuse other road users who may not see the signals indicating your intention to change lanes or make a turn.

Driving while towing

If you are driving a towing car, then remember that you need to move off as smoothly as possible, without sudden accelerations or jerks. You also need to slowly change lanes and brake.

The tow rope must be attached to special devices


The traffic rules clearly stipulate maximum speed movement when towing - no more than 50 km/h. If you are a bookworm, you can “eat” this letter of the law, but we still advise you not to speed above 35-40 km/h. As they say, God writes an insurance policy to those who are careful. Besides, towing is not like the Monaco Grand Prix.

While driving, the tug driver must change gears as quickly as possible and use the clutch smoothly to avoid jerking and sagging. tow rope. In this case, the engine must operate at higher speeds.

During the towing process, the load on the engine and gearbox increases significantly, so the tug driver needs to be extremely careful about how hot the coolant is.

The most important task of the driver of a towed vehicle is to ensure that the cable is constantly in a taut position. This is achieved by constant braking.

It is better to tow cars with automatic transmission by full or partial loading.


When towing is prohibited

There are situations when towing is prohibited by traffic regulations, and there are also times when it is better to refuse it voluntarily due to the prevailing circumstances.

Towing is prohibited if:

● there is a sign “Moving with a trailer is prohibited”, which also applies to towed vehicles;
● the actual weight of the towed vehicle is 50% greater than the weight of the tow;
● the towed vehicle has a faulty steering(in this case, towing using the partial or full load method is used);
● the distance between cars on a rigid coupling exceeds 4 meters;
● the distance between vehicles on a flexible coupling is less than 4 meters and more than 6 meters;
● towing is prohibited in icy conditions.

As experience shows, traffic police officers very rarely punish for such violations, but still do not forget that all the rules traffic were once written in the blood of those who were in an accident. That is why compliance with them is primarily your interest.

Tow a car with automatic transmission gears is undesirable, because the “automatic” does not like this very much and can easily fail. If you have no other choice, then follow the “50 to 50” rule - tow the car for a distance of no more than 50 km and at a speed not exceeding 50 km/h.

We wish you never to find yourself in the place of the towed one, but at the same time never refuse to be in the role of the towed one, because tomorrow you may need help.

Question Answer
Section 20 of the Road Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation (SDA of the Russian Federation).
No, there shouldn't be any passengers.

In case of malfunctions of the brake system or steering column.

In this case, the driver’s experience must be two or more years.
When there is ice in winter time of the year.

In case of malfunction of the steering column of the driven car.

If there are passengers present, then in the towed vehicle.

No, this type of towing is not recommended.
Truck towing is usually done through a rigid clutch or partial loading.

Towing a vehicle (VV) is used to transport a vehicle that cannot continue moving for technical or other reasons to a service station or to ensure that the towed vehicle does not interfere with other road users.

Section 20 Traffic Rules Russian Federation(Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation) contains a description of all the rules governing the process of towing vehicles on Russian roads.

When is towing prohibited or permitted?

Traffic rules of the Russian Federation are described following cases conditions under which the car cannot be towed:

  • If the steering system of the towed vehicle is faulty, it is prohibited to tow such a vehicle using a flexible or rigid hitch. However, in in this case It is possible to transport the vehicle by partial loading.
  • It is prohibited to tow two or more vehicles. Thus, the driver can only tow one car.
  • Motorcycles must not be transported in this manner. The exception is motorcycles with sidecars.
  • A motorcyclist also cannot tow other vehicles unless his motorcycle is equipped with a sidecar.

There should be no passengers in the body or interior of a car towed using a flexible or rigid coupling method.

If we are talking about partial loading, there should be no people in the bodies of both cars, and there should also be no people in the cabin of the towed car.

When transporting a vehicle in this way, the following conditions must also be met:

  • The driving experience of the person driving the towing vehicle must be at least two years.
  • The driver of the towed vehicle must be behind the wheel of his car. This condition is not necessary to fulfill in the case when the design of the rigid coupling ensures that the towed vehicle accurately follows the trajectory of the towing vehicle.

Types of towing

Russian traffic rules regulate three types of towing: using a flexible hitch, using a rigid hitch, and also using partial loading.

On a flexible hitch

To transport a faulty car in this way, you need a flexible steel cable and towing mounts installed on the car's bumper. This type of transportation can be used by any driver with at least 2 years of driving experience, provided he has a driver’s license with him.

When using flexible steel cable, the following rules must be observed:

  1. The length of this cable should be from 4 to 6 meters.
  2. There must be at least two on the cable identification mark, which are 20x20 rectangles with alternating red and white stripes.
  3. The driver of the towed vehicle must be present at the wheel of the vehicle.

The use of the flexible coupling method is prohibited in the following cases:

  • During icy conditions in winter.
  • For any malfunctions affecting the operation of the brakes or steering column.

The fine for failure to comply with any of the above conditions is 500 rubles.

On a rigid coupling

When transporting the machine in a similar way special hard is used metal structure, providing a constant distance between cars, with the help of which two vehicles are connected to each other. Usually, this method used when transporting large cars, trucks and buses.

When towing like this, the following rules must be followed:

  • The device providing traction between vehicles must have a length not exceeding 4 meters.
  • If there are three attachment points, the presence of a driver in the towed car is not necessary.

In turn, if the device has two fastening units, there must be a driver in the driven car.

If there is a malfunction in the brake system of the driven vehicle, only the driver of a vehicle whose weight exceeds the weight of the towed vehicle by 50% can take it into tow.

Moving a vehicle using a rigid clutch is prohibited in the following cases:

  • During winter ice.
  • In case of problems related to the steering column of the driven vehicle.
  • When there are passengers in the towed vehicle.

Partial loading

To use this method of transporting a vehicle, you need a special trailer onto which the front wheelbase cars. This method is approved for use in icy conditions, as well as in case of malfunctions of the steering and brake systems.

It is important to note that during partial loading, it is prohibited for people to be in the driven vehicle, and it is prohibited to carry passengers in the towed vehicle.

Towing vehicles with automatic transmission

Towing vehicles equipped with an automatic transmission is not recommended. When transporting a car with an automatic transmission in this way, the wheels of the car rotate, as a result of which some mechanisms inside the car begin to move. At the same time, the hydraulic pump that supplies oil to the engine does not function due to the fact that the engine is not running. Thus, when towing a car with an automatic transmission, there is a high risk of wear and failure of some engine parts.

Towing a car with an automatic transmission must be carried out with running power unit, if possible.

Also, before carrying out such an operation, it is necessary to read the operating manual of the vehicle that you plan to tow, since the design of some automatic transmissions requires additional precautions when towing.

Towing a truck

Trucks are typically towed using a hard hitch or partial load, as these methods provide a more secure connection between the tow and the truck and also make both vehicles easier to control.

When transporting a truck by towing, it is imperative that there is no cargo in the back of the vehicle. It is also advisable to unload the car before towing it.

Towing a motorcycle

Russian traffic rules prohibit moving two wheeler motorcycles by towing. In addition to this prohibition, motorcyclists are also prohibited from towing other vehicles. An exception to the first rule are motorcycles with sidecars that can be towed.

Bus towing

Towing a bus is identical to similar movement trucks. Just as in the case of moving trucks, towing such vehicles uses a partial loading method or towing with a rigid clutch. It is not allowed to tow a bus with passengers.

Not all drivers are familiar with the rules for towing vehicles: in driving schools little time is devoted to this section, and in practice, not many have tested themselves as a driver of a towing or towed vehicle.

In real traffic situation lack of theoretical and practical knowledge causes certain difficulties.

In this article we will look at the main points of towing a car.

Towing prohibited/allowed

Let's start with when PPD is prohibited from towing a vehicle:

The fine for violating the rules of towing a car in 2019 will be 500 rubles. This, of course, is not much, but the collision of the “driven” and “leading” vehicles does not cause positive emotions.

What does it take to help a motorist in trouble?

In addition to the transport itself, there is also the corresponding state of the flexible coupling. It must be intact, free from damage and scuffs, the loops and carabiners for fastening must be in good working order.

The length of the cable is no less than 4 and no more than 5 meters. If it is shorter, then the chance of the second car driving into the front one tends to be one hundred percent, and if it is longer, then the car driving behind will deviate greatly from the trajectory of movement.

The halyards must have warning signs or flags. These are devices with diagonally drawn reflective white and red stripes. If you don’t have them, you can use pieces of red fabric.

Modern steel cables are made of colored threads: white, blue, red and others, some of which are coated with a reflective compound. That is, modern halyards themselves are warning devices.

The last thing to check are the towing hooks and eyelets.

According to traffic rules changes dated April 4, 2017, the driver of the towing vehicle must have at least two years of driving experience.

Types of towing

In our country, flexible coupling is still more common than rigid coupling, and in Western countries everything is completely different. Next, let's look at the features of each of them.

Video: Towing motor vehicles

The most common, but at the same time the most dangerous type. It is popular due to the fact that the cable gets into the vehicle along with a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher, as a mandatory kit.

With the help of special fastenings the halyard clings to back of the towing vehicle and scratch the towed vehicle behind the front. But this method has a number of limitations:

  1. A driver must be behind the wheel of the towed vehicle.
  2. The distance between two cars is in the range from 4 to 6 meters.
  3. It is mandatory to install reflective signs on the tow rope.
  4. Carrying passengers in towed vehicles is prohibited (except passenger cars).

If you don’t have a special rope at hand, you can use a piece of parachute cord or strong cord. How to tie the cable in this case? It is recommended to use one of several knots: a simple half-bayonet, a bower (bowline), an Eskimo knot, or a special towing knot.

One end of the halyard is to the left eye of the “leading” vehicle, the other - to the right of the “slave”. This improves the driver's visibility of the towed vehicle.

Towing of vehicles is carried out using fixed, mostly metal, special devices. They may have different design and several attachment points.

The simplest ones are attached to each car in only one place. A more complex structure is fixed at several points, which allows the towed vehicle to move on a straight section of the road along the same trajectory as the towing one.

This method is rarely used, since few motorists constantly carry a bulky rigid hitch with them. Although she has a number significant advantages and allows heavier vehicles to be moved.

Limitations of this method:

  1. The driver must be behind the wheel of the “driven” vehicle, except for straight-line movement, when the design of the coupling allows the vehicle to maintain a given trajectory.
  2. The distance between vehicles should not exceed four meters.
  3. Carrying passengers in towed vehicles is prohibited (car body, trolleybus, bus, etc.).
  4. It is prohibited to transport a vehicle with a faulty braking system, except for cases when the mass of the towed vehicle is 50% less than the mass of the towing vehicle.

Partial loading method

Compared to the previous ones, a more complex method of transportation.

In this case, a cargo “leading” transport and a crane are needed to help with loading. Typically used to ferry cargo vehicles.

The full loading method does not apply to towing a vehicle. It is a method of transporting cargo, in a particular case, a vehicle.

Restrictions for partial loading:

  1. It is prohibited for people, not excluding the driver, to be in a towed vehicle or in the towing body.
  2. It is prohibited to transport vehicles with faulty brakes, except in cases where the weight of the towed vehicle is half the weight of the towing vehicle.

Features of towing vehicles with automatic transmission

Many people believe that it is impossible to transport such a car on a halyard.. Yes, it is undesirable, but if certain rules are followed, it is possible.

Towing a car with an automatic transmission with the engine not running is very difficult. Since the oil pump is not working at this moment, and the transmission continues to express itself, proper cooling does not occur. As a result, overheating and failure of the unit.

When towing over long distances, it is better to use the services of a tow truck, since subsequent repairs often cost more expensive than payment specialized equipment.

In other cases, you need to take into account a number of recommendations:

  1. Fill in maximum amount transmission fluid.
  2. Unlock the steering by turning the key in the ignition.
  3. Place the gear selector in neutral.
  4. Speed ​​limits for each vehicle are indicated in the instructions. If you don’t have it at hand, then consider the 50×50 rule. That is, at a speed of 50 km/h you can tow a vehicle no more than 50 km.
  5. Control temperature regime transmissions. Make timely stops to cool the unit.

Four-wheel drive vehicles are towed using the loading method only.

Towing another vehicle with an automatic transmission

  1. The weight of the “driven” vehicle should not exceed the actual weight of the “leading” vehicle.
  2. Recommended speed is no more than 40 km/h.
  3. Keep the ride smooth. Don't commit sharp jerks, since under dynamic load the mass of the towed vehicle increases several times.
  4. If possible, use a rigid hitch.

A few words in conclusion

The permitted speed is up to 50 km/h, and on the highway - at least 40 km/h.

In case of a towed vehicle's malfunction, a warning triangle must be attached to the rear of the vehicle.

On "master" and "slave" vehicles either the low beam headlights must be on or fog light, or daytime running lights.

Regardless of whether you need a tow vehicle or want to help a motorist in trouble, always follow the rules of the road and do not ignore the prohibitions. Good luck on the roads!

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    Do not use overdrive. You should start driving from “2”, and when the speed increases to 3,000 - 3,500, switch to “L”.

    Yeah, this one accelerated to 3500 in second and stuck L (first gear). Well done! Everything is correct!

    You write in the section “Restrictions for partial loading”

    1) It is prohibited for people, ... not excluding the driver, to be in a towed vehicle, ... and in the towing body.

    2) It is prohibited to transport vehicles with faulty brakes,... except in cases where the weight of the towed vehicle is half the weight of the towing vehicle.

    I understand that being in a towed vehicle is prohibited and transportation with faulty brakes is prohibited.

    I have a question:

    1) Why do you need serviceable brakes if the driver is not in the towed car?

    I converted the 2104 can into a technical vehicle, welded a roller with a rotating platform, I roll the cans for competitions, sometimes I cradle the evacuation, when I’m carrying an empty roller, I throw a set of wheels onto it from the roof rack so that the empty one doesn’t jump. There are team stickers on the car, marked “TECHNICAL”, and have never been stopped. Category B, C.