How to lubricate the front door lock: lubricant for the winter, it sticks on shoes, silicone for the car cylinder. What (what kind of lubricant) should I use to lubricate the car lock cylinders after cleaning? How to lubricate car door locks

How to lubricate the lock front door not everyone knows All locking mechanisms work worse over time, so they require additional care. There is a stereotype that after installing a lock, it is not recommended to touch it, as it can worsen its performance. However, this is a misconception. During operation, debris, dust and other things get into the keyhole. small elements. In addition, iron mechanisms wear out over time and small chips are formed, which harm the operation of the lock, so it must be lubricated regularly.

The door lock is often given very little attention, since opening and closing the entrance door to the apartment is mechanical movements, and a person doesn’t think twice about doing them. But, in the case when the lock jams and an unpleasant embarrassment occurs in the form of being late for an important meeting without having time to put on shoes, the person begins to think about the cause of the breakdown and try to solve it. To avoid the lock breaking at the wrong moment, it is necessary to proper care behind him. An open well is susceptible to small debris. The most popular and effective method Prevention of problems with the locking mechanism is its regular lubrication.

On this moment You can buy various lubricants in stores, and there is no need to look for improvised liquids, which are often ineffective.

There are many types of lubricants various manufacturers. For each type of mechanism, it is necessary to select a lubricant suitable for it in terms of composition and application. Manufacturers provide easy and convenient supply of material in the cylinder devices, thus the entire mechanism is completely lubricated and it can be easily opened and closed without fear of getting dirty.

Today there are many types of lubricants from different manufacturers.

Lubricants for outdoor locks:

  • Not washed off with water;
  • Excellent resistance to temperature changes;
  • Not susceptible to condensation.

In addition, most lubricants contain anti-corrosion and other running components that extend the service life of metal mechanisms, which is very important for outdoor options, for example, in a garage, and also important for street locks winter period so that the lubricant has an anti-icing effect. After the procedure, it can be repeated as necessary.

The front door lock is stuck: types and breakdowns

The front door in an apartment or house separates the home from the street environment, so it is very important that it is reliable and that the door mechanism does not fail. Lock repair, if the owner of the house does not have special skills, must be entrusted to a master who will determine the type of mechanism without difficulty, and accordingly, carry out high-quality repairs.

The main types of locking mechanisms for locks are not multifaceted. Smartlock is a modern, complex system that does not require the use of a key to fight back. The operation of a lock with such a mechanism is based on entering a password. Mortise - installation occurs inside the door leaf. Consignment note - installation occurs on the canvas, works due to an electromagnet. Hinged - secured with brackets, classic version.

The locking mechanism can break for many reasons. One of the hidden defects is manufacturing defects, but this happens extremely rarely.

Not everyone can disassemble and reassemble the locking mechanism.

The most common violations:

  • Rough closing and opening;
  • Violation of key handling;
  • Aging of parts and their wear;
  • Deformation of the door leaf;
  • High requirements with low quality lock.

Not everyone can disassemble and reassemble the locking mechanism, therefore, when starting self-repair, you need to soberly assess your knowledge and skills in this area, otherwise you can simply ruin the lock and even the master will not be able to restore it.

Lubricant for front door locks: what to lubricate

Why is it necessary to lubricate the locking mechanism regularly? After lubrication, turning the key in the lock will be much easier to use in this way for all family members. Lubrication is necessary to protect parts and mechanisms from rust, dirt and wear, significantly increasing the service life of the lock; after lubrication, the lock does not creak when turning the key.

The lock must be maintained once a year.

Outdoor locking mechanisms need lubrication more often. It is also necessary to carry out lubrication correctly, otherwise it may happen that lubricant will mix with debris and dust and make the lock work even worse. As a rule, a high-quality lock comes with instructions, which indicate care measures and operating rules. It is necessary to use only the lubricant specified in the instructions.

The locking mechanism must be lubricated regularly

In addition to those purchased in the store specialized means, you can use popular recommendations for lubrication:

  1. Machine oil (working off).
  2. Sunflower oil is used very rarely.
  3. It is not recommended to use melted fat, as it will give a quick effect, but then the situation will only get worse.
  4. Solid oil is the most common lubricant.
  5. Gun oil is recommended for external locks, as it works great even with temperature changes.

You should always lubricate the lock post and cylinder, as they most often wear out from constant friction. The push pin needs lubrication, without it you will have to make an effort to close. Pistons will work longer with regular lubrication. The latch is also constantly subject to friction. The lock bolt is very important for proper operation.

Best silicone lubricant for locks

Silicone lubricant is offered by manufacturers in spray form, making it very easy to use. This lubricant is suitable in the cold season and prevents water and condensation from freezing. Also on sale you can find a release form in the form of a gel in tubes; in this form it is recommended to rub it into the parts of the lock, having first protected your hands with gloves, but in this form of release the lubricant is not popular, since it is not always convenient to use it.

Silicone lock grease is very easy to use.

The composition of silicone lubricants consists of a complex of chemicals. Used for manufacturing synthetic oils, which facilitate the operation of the lock and special additives, which protect all parts from wear and aggressive environments. The result of using silicone lubricant is a reduction in wear of parts due to reduced friction, and this effect lasts for a long time. The lubricant remains on the parts, regardless of the impact on the lock. Removal of grease is possible only with special chemicals.

How to lubricate the front door lock (video)

Similar materials

Anyone who knows first-hand about caring for their car has most likely been faced with the question: how to lubricate car door locks. Perhaps in your case it was timely, but, as practice shows, most often car owners remember to lubricate the door locks of their car too late, for which they then pay for it by costly changing the locks. To prevent this from happening, try not to start a “door” case and foresee in advance all possible, at first glance, insignificant problems that may arise with your “iron friend”.

Always remember that all car parts that are subject to friction during operation are capable of failure, and how quickly this can happen depends on the degree of loading of these particular parts and, of course, on your forethought. Unfortunately, we cannot take on the workload, but we need to deal with foresight.

“Vagaries” of the weather, constant temperature changes (especially a sharp decline to low minus), humidity, nothing good can come back to haunt your unprotected car parked on the street (and not only on the street). This can only cause corrosion or extremely intense wear of car parts, including the lock, which best case scenario becomes faulty, and in the worst case, becomes completely unusable.

In order to avoid such consequences, try to regularly, at least once a quarter, treat the components of the lock with a special product (you can purchase it, like all similar ones, at any auto parts store).

Recommendations for choosing a product for treating car locks.

Today, the choice of this kind of means is quite wide, which saves you from the need to resort to folk options twenty years ago (iodine, acetic acid, kerosene). Among the assortment presented in stores, pay attention to those options that are characterized as anti-corrosion, not afraid low temperatures. At the same time, they must have the lowest coefficient of friction, be resistant to washing off (so as not to encounter a stratified result with oily discharge), and, of course, they must have longest terms actions, such as white lithium grease.

Silicone lubricants also work quite well with locks, the substance in which, when it gets on the surface of the part, forms a polymer layer. It, in turn, has the necessary water-repellent properties and, at the same time, reduces the intensity of friction between the surfaces of parts.

But what if you need to resolve the issue with a “frozen” lock here and now, but you don’t have the time or opportunity to run to a specialized store? How to lubricate car door locks in this case? Here, whoever’s imagination is capable of anything, as they say. found in the trunk, or brake fluid, hot water etc. However, we ask you to take into account that it is better to use such “helpers” only in cases where you simply cannot do without them. Otherwise, by ignoring professional lubricants, you can only harm the locks of your car.

Many people get used to the fact that the car obediently opens the doors to the driver upon request. Just press a button and you're in the salon. But electronic access is good as long as there is electricity - both in the key and in the lock. And if suddenly something breaks in one of them, the car will remain an impregnable fortress. That is why an ordinary mechanical key as a means of opening a lock in emergency situation will be in demand and relevant for a long time. To right moment such a key did not fail, you must not forget to carry out preventive maintenance of the thinnest and most secret part of the lock - the cylinder - once every six months or at least once a year.

What is a lock cylinder?

The lock cylinder is a complex mechanism in which the installation of the key must lead to an exact match of the elements of the mechanism, which leads to the unlocking of the rotation axis of the device. The more complex the lock, the more parts it contains, the higher its secrecy and less gaps between details.

What causes damage to a car door lock cylinder?

Any mechanical inclusions or grains of sand negatively affect performance and can jam the mechanism. And if the lock is usually protected from sand and dust by a mechanical shutter, this does not protect it from moisture, which is the main source of foreign mechanical contaminants.

What causes a lock cylinder to malfunction?

In winter, water turns to ice, which can block the mechanism. And in summer, water can cause corrosion, and solid oxides, if they do not jam the mechanism at the point of formation, can interfere with normal operation in the form of mechanical impurities.

Washing high pressure as a risk factor!

The main way water gets into the lock is from high-pressure car washes. When a stream of water under a pressure of 100-150 atmospheres hits the body, no mechanical curtains can save you from it. The worst thing is that, along with water, the remains of the compositions for contactless car wash, which washes the lubricant from the lock and causes corrosion.

So even if you love clean car, you are still at risk precisely because you wash it often...

How to prevent car door lock cylinders?

For prevention we use formulations German concern Liqui Moly. The products of this company are recommended by almost all automakers and tested for compatibility with parts and materials. Strict safety standards allow you to use them without fear of harm to health.

The compounds that we will use can be purchased at any auto store.

How to lubricate a car door lock cylinder:

Liqui Moly Turschloss-Pflege lock cylinder lubricant;

Liqui Moly Schnell-Reiniger Quick Cleaner;

Rust solvent Liqui Moly Rostloser.

How to prevent lock cylinders?

To provide the driver with unhindered access to his car, it is recommended to do simple maintenance and lubrication of the lock cylinders. Automakers recommend doing this once every six months - during seasonal vehicle maintenance. For those who do not have time, we recommend doing this at least once a year in the fall. Then in winter you won’t have to worry about the safety of the lock larvae.

Step one - cleaning from dirt and old grease

We remove the old grease from the cylinder. There is no need to disassemble it for this. We will perform the entire procedure directly on the car. Let's use Liqui Moly Schnell-Reiniger quick cleaner. It is available in a pressurized aerosol can. Its effect is due to both the solvents contained and the powerful jet that washes away contaminants. The composition is safe for most materials used in the car.

Step two - lubricate the lock cylinder

In just a couple of minutes, the Liqui Moly Schnell-Reiniger composition evaporates, leaving behind clean, grease-free surfaces. After this, we take the second composition - Liqui Moly Turschloss-Pflege lubricant for lock cylinders. It also comes in aerosol packaging. The cylinder contains a synthetic lubricant under pressure, which, on the one hand, has high penetrating power, which is important for lubrication of a mechanism with a large number of small parts and small gaps, and, on the other hand, good adhesion and therefore protects the mechanism from moisture.

The larva is treated by spraying the composition into the key hole using the included straw.

After this, you need to take the car key, insert it into the hole several times and remove it back, and also rotate the cylinder so that the lubricant is distributed throughout the mechanism and pins. Excess grease from the cylinder and the key must be removed with a napkin. This must be done several times until the key removed from the lock remains clean.

Video instructions: how to lubricate the cylinder (cylinder) of a car door lock.

What to do if the lock has oxidized and the key cannot be inserted or turned?

If the door lock cylinder is soured, which most often happens on the passenger door or trunk door, you need to do something a little differently.

Step one - removing rust

Before cleaning the door cylinder from old grease, you must first treat it with Liqui Moly Rostloser rust solvent and leave for 5-10 minutes. The composition will penetrate inside the larva and soften or dissolve the oxides, which (most likely) do not allow the larva to function normally.

There is one small trick. The nozzle mounted on the rust remover is designed for wide spray. To spray the composition exactly inside the larva, you need to take the nozzle from the Liqui Moly Schnell-Reiniger quick cleaner and place it on the Liqui Moly Rostloser rust solvent.

Step two - removing rust solvent

After this, the remaining rust solvent must be removed from the larva, because the composition contains active substances, which are not recommended to be left in the mechanism. To remove, we will use Liqui Moly Schnell-Reiniger quick cleaner, which, as in the first case, we spray inside the lock cylinder.

Step three - lubricate the lock cylinder

After the cleaner has evaporated, lubricate the lock cylinder with Liqui Moly Turschloss-Pflege.

Video instructions: how to restore the functionality of the car door lock cylinder.

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To prevent and restore the performance of car door lock cylinders (cylinders), the following compositions were used:

Liqui Moly Turschloss-Pflege - lubricant for lock cylinders


Liqui Moly Turschloss-Pflege - special lubricant for cylinders door locks. It has a special formula that is safe for special internal coatings of door lock cylinder parts. Prevents lock cylinders from freezing in winter. Protects parts from corrosion.

Composition of Liqui Moly Turschloss-Pflege:

Designed for maintenance and lubrication of built-in locking locks;

Provides reliable lubrication and flawless operation of locks;

Has excellent anti-corrosion properties;

Displaces moisture;

Prevents locks from freezing in winter;

Neutral to varnish surfaces, plastic and rubber.

Liqui Moly Turschloss-Pflege provides safe lubrication of lock cylinders, preventing them from freezing and extending their service life.


Before using Liqui Moly Turschloss-Pflege lock cylinder lubricant, it is recommended to shake the can well. After this, you need to insert the valve tube into the cylinder and spray the aerosol into the locking lock. Remove excess composition with a napkin.

Liqui Moly Rostloser - rust remover


Liqui Moly Rostloser rust solvent is designed to quickly and effectively dissolve rust. Perfectly solves the problem of rusted bolts and nuts and others threaded connections. The product can be used in the widest areas: at stations Maintenance, in everyday life, in industry. After application it provides protection against corrosion.

Liqui Moly Rostloser aerosol contains low-viscosity mineral oil and a powerful complex of additives: surface-active, lubricating, anti-corrosion, protective. Penetrates perfectly into thin gaps, softens and separates rust from the surface, displaces water, and lubricates. Removes rust and dirt. It has fast and high penetrating power and provides excellent anti-corrosion protection. The product is neutral to plastics, metals, and varnish surfaces.

Using Liqui Moly Rostloser allows you to very quickly and effectively clean and protect parts from corrosion and facilitate the dismantling process, saving time and reducing the risk of breakage of parts and tools.


Spray Liqui Moly Rostloser onto the area of ​​corrosion. Wait 5-7 minutes and begin dismantling the parts.


Liqui Moly Schnell-Reiniger is designed for quick degreasing and cleaning various parts car. Used to remove oil and grease from parts brake system, gearboxes, clutches, etc. Evaporates quickly and leaves no traces. Removes residues of resins and lubricants well. Has excellent penetrating effect. Leaves no traces. Does not contain acetone and chlorine.

Liqui Moly Schnell-Reiniger aerosol contains light naphtha (hydrogenated low-boiling petroleum fraction). It has a slight technical odor and evaporates very quickly. Removes contaminants through dissolution and due to the strong mechanical impact of an aerosol jet. The CO2 propellant gas provides a highly targeted jet of the drug, eliminating the need to use a long spray tube.

Due to this, the following advantages can be achieved:

High penetrating ability;

Fast and residue-free evaporation;

Dissolution of resin and tar-like residues;

Removing contaminants from oil and grease;

High specific gravity of active substances;

Absence of chlorine and acetone;

No negative impact on the environment;

Cost-effective and versatile in use.

Using Liqui Moly Schnell-Reiniger allows you to quickly and effectively remove contamination from various parts, significantly facilitating the cleaning process and saving time.


Before using Liqui Moly Schnell-Reiniger, the can must be shaken. Apply the cleaner to contaminated surfaces and allow it to drain. After drying, parts and surfaces become clean and grease-free.

Attention! The cleaner may damage plastic parts and varnished surfaces, so it is recommended to first check it for compatibility with them.

Any car owner who takes good care of his personal transport always checks it timely service. In addition to changing engine oil and other working fluids, brake pads, belts, filters and other consumables, it is necessary to monitor the condition body elements and treat them with special protective, anti-corrosion agents at certain intervals.

One of those body parts The doors that are most susceptible to corrosion are doors. As a rule, they begin to rust along the lower edge with inside, since it is in this part that the greatest accumulation of moisture is observed, which is removed through the internal door channels through special openings.

Processing door hinges

To protect the lower edges of doors from the inside from corrosion, it is advisable to treat them with Movil, a thick liquid. Brown, which creates additional protective layer on the body surface and effectively performs its functions throughout the whole year. This product is inexpensive, so even the most economical motorist can afford to purchase it.

It is convenient to apply Movil with a regular brush, starting the treatment of the body surface from the inside from the lock to the door hinges, which should also be protected from influence negative factors external environment, but with another means that not only displaces moisture, but also ensures silent operation moving mechanisms responsible for opening and closing doors.

In order to lubricate door hinges, a special Silicone Grease, which can be found in any automobile store. She:

  • eliminates squeaks and extraneous noise;
  • eliminates condensation formed on door hinges;
  • ensures trouble-free operation of moving mechanisms when opening and closing doors.

Door lock processing

As a rule, most of the hassles that motorists face occur during the winter cold. These include dead batteries, unexpected electrical problems, and frozen door locks that prevent drivers from getting into their cars.

To ensure trouble-free operation of door locks in any weather conditions, they should be lubricated in a timely manner with the means intended for this purpose.

The door lock lubrication process is shown below:

WD-40 – very easy to use oily liquid, which can be easily injected into the lock cylinder and used in other hard-to-reach places that require additional lubrication. Helps well when locks freeze when inserted into door cylinder The key cannot be turned in any direction to open the car and get into the interior.

The duration of action of WD-40 is not as long as we would like, after just a couple of days with severe frosts It may be necessary to re-treat locks with this product.

Spray cans with special liquids– as a rule, they are called “Lock defrosters” or something similar. Finding them on sale is not difficult.

Such products are distinguished by a special composition, thanks to which the processed parts and moving elements receive additional lubrication and function much better. Most importantly, these products have a long service life, so you won’t have to take care of your door locks and key cylinders too often.

Motor oil - if you don’t have it on hand special means To lubricate door locks, and their treatment is urgent, you can use the usual motor oil, the remains of which are most likely stored in the trunk of your car in case of topping up the engine.

You can lubricate the door locks with any of the listed means, and time will not be long in coming. You will get the result almost immediately. Don't brush it off self-service car, it will not take you much time to lubricate the door hinges and locks, but timely care will save you from troubles and unforeseen situations.

Thus, having learned how to lubricate car doors, do not put off carrying out this work until tomorrow, especially if it’s just around the corner. winter season, for which you need to prepare in advance. Take a couple of hours out of your daily routine to maintain your own car.

Most likely, this is what you use to get to your office every day. To personal transport has never let you down, the functioning of all its units and its condition as a whole must be carefully monitored, including not forgetting about carrying out preventive maintenance and lubrication of all moving mechanisms. This can be done either in specialized auto repair shops or independently.

To extend the service life of the front door, it is important to monitor the condition of the fittings and, first of all, this concerns the locking mechanism, to ensure it uninterrupted operation The lock must be lubricated regularly. At first glance this simple procedure but she has whole line important nuances, if you do not follow these recommendations, you may eventually have to completely change the lock due to its breakdown.

From time to time anyone door lock needs lubrication

When is it necessary to treat a lock?

Lubricating door hardware is the responsibility of every owner; such work must be carried out regularly to avoid problems and breakdowns of various kinds. This is especially true for the lock, since it is this detail that plays a huge role in ensuring the security of the home. Let's take a closer look at the purpose of lubricating door locks:

  • For sliding. Lubrication improves the rotation of the mechanism and makes it easier to use.
  • Rubbing and wear. If there is a lack of lubricating fluid, the operation of the system becomes difficult, the parts grind against each other, remove chips from the metal, and dust particles that get inside further aggravate the situation, acting as abrasives.
  • Dust. If there is a lack of lubrication, the dust gathers into dense clumps and blocks the movement of the crossbars in the cylinder.
  • Rust. This is the most dangerous enemy of any metal mechanism; it leads to the most important elements gradually collapse, begin to jam and are completely blocked without any possibility of moving from position.

Door hardware should be lubricated regularly to prevent

Now let's figure out how often such processing needs to be done. Usually people lubricate locks only when certain inconveniences and problems arise in their functioning. To prevent this and maximize the service life of the locking mechanism, preventive treatment must be carried out at least once a year. However, for frequently used interior latches this will not be enough and the period must be reduced to 6-8 months.

Entrance doors should be inspected and repaired much more often; in multi-apartment residential buildings this is recommended to be done every six months. But owners of private houses need to take care of the serviceability of the system every 3-4 months, since the lock is in constant contact with the external environment, as a result of which dirt gets clogged into the well and gradually accumulates on the parts of the cylinder, which leads to its jamming and rapid abrasion.

Composition selection

In order for door locks to function properly, it is important to choose the right composition for their processing. To do this, you can purchase special formulations or use some improvised means, but this approach is extremely undesirable. So, let's look at what you can use to lubricate the front door lock:

  • "Working out." This is a waste machine oilgreat option for standard models of locking systems, as it allows waste to be used beneficially. This is an ideal option for car owners, since there is no need to spend money on purchasing a special product.
  • Silicone. Excellent for cylinder cylinders, it ensures smooth sliding of parts and protects them from corrosion by retaining moisture.
  • Graphite dust. It is used for dry processing; this is the method used to process lever-type locks. You can use shavings from a regular pencil.
  • Sunflower oil. Option available for every farm, used only in in case of emergency in the absence of an alternative.
  • Melted fat. Another folk way, provides an immediate effect, but over time can only worsen the situation.
  • WD40. A well-known anti-rust agent, it allows you to put old locks in order, and additionally protects the cylinder from repeated damage by corrosion.
  • Solid oil. Calcium grease, widely used for machining parts various types, including lubricating door locks with it.
  • Litol. Lithium waterproof lubricant, is mainly used for bearings, but locks can also be successfully processed.
  • Carbon grease. Conductive graphite lubricant in the form of a flowing dark substance, easily washed off with plain water.

Machine oil and silicone are the most common compositions for processing door hardware

The most preferred products are substances produced in the form of an aerosol; they are convenient to apply, since they have a special spout for hard-to-reach places. It is a little worse to work with an oil can and viscous liquid. If you use improvised means, under no circumstances apply them to the locks with cotton wool, as you risk clogging the mechanism even more with small fibers and lint.

Rules for performing work

In order not to cause even more damage to the door system, it is important to know how to properly lubricate the front door lock. First of all, you should clean the keyhole. If you are carrying out scheduled processing, this will be very simple. To do this, you need to pour cleaning liquid into the lock to wash out dust and small particles of metal from worn parts. It is necessary to moisten the lock generously so that the liquid pours out, but it is important not to stain the door itself, clothes and nearby objects. If the mechanism is stuck, try to carefully remove the key from it; if this is beyond your power, try to disassemble the lock and pull out the cylinder itself.

Never use brute force if the lock is stuck, as you may damage the mechanism parts.

In order to remove all the debris from the well, you need to insert the key into it several times. Carefully wipe off any dirt that has accumulated on it with a cloth and repeat the procedure until completely clean.

You can remove dirt from the door well using a key

After this, you need to carefully pour or inject it inside the lock. lubricating fluid. Wipe off any excess so it doesn't run all over the door. Wait a little, and then insert the key into the hole and turn it back and forth several times. Remove the key and wipe dry. In the next few days, if parts are poured heavily, traces of grease may remain on the key; watch this so as not to stain yourself and your clothes.

In the case of lever systems, it is initially recommended to remove the lock from the door and open its secret. Then treat the crossbars with graphite powder and assemble the product. Turn the key several times and you can return the lock to its place.

If you regularly carry out preventive maintenance, namely lubricate the locks not only on the front door, but throughout the house, you will extend the life of the fittings. In addition, this way you will prevent inconveniences associated with parts creaking, jamming or sticking.