What should a motorist have in his car? What should be in the car? For beautiful ladies

Every person at least once in his life, while driving a car, has encountered some unforeseen situation. Today we will talk about what must be in the car. And also about what else you can carry with you.

Standard set

But how, among the many seemingly necessary things, can you choose exactly those that are really needed? Let's first decide what should be in a car according to the rules.

In the mandatory standard kit of a motorist, according to the Rules traffic, includes: medical first aid kit, sign emergency stop or a flashing light, as well as a fire extinguisher.

The traffic rules also stipulate that a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher must be placed in places with fastenings provided by the car manufacturer. If there is no such place in your vehicle, then these items must be placed in an easily accessible place. It is strictly forbidden to place them in a car trunk.

Fire extinguisher

It is a very important attribute in a car. But there is different kinds fire extinguishers, each of which has its own pros and cons. Now let's figure out what kind of fire extinguisher should be in the car.

Most suitable in in this case are carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguishers. The capacity of their housing must be at least two liters.

The fire extinguisher should be located in the cab next to the driver. That is why it is not allowed to store it in the trunk, as access to it may be difficult.

The carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is a red cylinder. When triggered, carbon dioxide is released over a distance of up to two meters in the form of a cloud. The acid evaporates and leaves no traces on transport. This fire extinguisher can be stored for a long time, as it does not lose its properties. Has high penetrating ability in hard-to-reach places.

But it also has disadvantages. During use, the bell cools down, which can cause burns. That is why you should not keep it in this place. There is a probability light blow electric shock. When used, a person may inhale carbon dioxide fumes.

A powder fire extinguisher is crushed mineral salt with additives. They are divided into three types: gas generator, injection and with a high pressure cylinder.

The first is based on the use of gas energy during launch to release the extinguishing agent. Secondly, it contains inert gas or air under pressure. Thirdly, there is a cylinder containing compressed air inside.

First aid kit

Speaking about what must be in the car, you should pay attention to an equally important item - a first aid kit. Let's decide what should be in a car's first aid kit.

Scroll medicines contained in it is established by the Ministry of Health, which recommends having the following drugs: tourniquet, sterile bandage, hemostatic napkins, adhesive plaster, dressing bag, iodine solution, cardiac and painkillers, nitroglycerin one percent and additional items (scissors with blunt ends, gloves, valve for ventilation, pins, instructions and, of course, a case for medicines).

But before you buy this important suitcase, make sure that it has not expired. Never store your first aid kit on a shelf near rear window. In summer it will be exposed to sunlight and overheat, and in winter it will be the opposite. The most the best place to place it - below the seat.


Novice drivers often wonder what documents should be in the car.

Every driver must have with him driver's license(licence), insurance certificate, vehicle registration certificate and ticket technical inspection. It’s better to store documents in the glove compartment: it’s convenient and safe.

Until recently, a power of attorney was also a mandatory document (in the case when you are driving someone else’s vehicle). Now its presence is not necessary.

To keep the car healthy

To reduce unforeseen situations, you need to monitor the health of your car. A car driver should have in his arsenal: a jack, spare wheel and compressor.

The jack that comes with the car upon purchase does not inspire confidence, as it can fail at the most unexpected moment. Although it is quite enough for trips around the city. But for lovers of outdoor recreation and trips out of town, the most suitable option will become a hydraulic jack.

It's much easier with a spare wheel. It doesn't have to be new. Due to the different wheel grip of the new and old rubber When turning and braking, the car may skid. And don’t forget that in winter you should have winter tires on your spare tire.

To pump up your tire on the road, you need a compressor. Although manual ones are still used, they are no longer popular, but electric ones are very convenient to use. They inflate the tire in a few minutes.

Little things that matter too

Speaking on the topic “What must be in the car,” we’ll also tell you about some little things that can help you out even in a difficult situation.

If you're stuck on the road, you'd like to have a tool kit with you that includes a screwdriver, some wrenches, and some pliers. Spare parts in the car may include spark plugs, fuses and spare light bulbs.

When choosing a tow rope, pay attention to the reliability of the fastening and the carabiner.

Lighting wires may also come in handy, as well as a brush and scraper, which will help you out in winter when clearing ice from the windows and snow from your car in general.

Even with minor repairs, there is a high probability of getting dirty, so you can carry old unnecessary clothes and gloves in the trunk.

If the driver is a girl...

Not only men, but also representatives of the fair sex drive cars. Let’s look at what must be in a young lady’s car below.

If you are wearing heels, be sure to bring a change of flat shoes with you. It will come in handy for minor repairs, as well as if your legs are tired.

Always carry spare tights and an umbrella in your car in case of rain, which will save your look in bad weather.

It would be a good idea to purchase a road map in case long trip. Car charger The phone is also a very important attribute in a woman's car.

If you are still an inexperienced driver, then it is better to load the car to the maximum. Over time, having become a more experienced “driver”, half of the things can be unloaded from the car.

Having considered what must be in the car, I would like to say that it is impossible to take everything. Exactly the same as predicting trouble. Knowing exactly what you need to take with you comes with valuable experience. Only then, leaving what is unnecessary, will you take what you need.

Good luck on the road, driver!

The worst things happen on the way different situations, and often, by putting one or another tool in the trunk, you can easily cope with some minor breakdown that prevents you from continuing to move normally and safely. The traffic rules contain a whole list of items that every motorist must have. And today we will look at what should include emergency kit motorist, and what other tools should be carried with you in the car in order to avoid trouble.

What does the traffic rules say?

According to the Traffic Rules, every motorist is required to have only three items in the car, namely:

  1. Fire extinguisher.
  2. Warning triangle.
  3. First aid kit.

However, in addition to the items listed, drivers often carry other items with them that can be of great help in emergency situation. They can be divided into several categories, depending on the degree of need and purpose. Of course, some of them simply don’t make sense to carry in the car, but if you have a long route ahead, it’s better to play it safe and put all the necessary tools in the trunk.

It is worth noting that every driver must have a mandatory motorist kit (travel kit), consisting of three items. Its presence is checked by an inspector, and during the technical inspection you may have problems if you do not assemble the entire kit. A motorist's inspection kit must include the same three required items.

Requirements for a modern first aid kit

Naturally, it is unlikely that any of us will argue about the need for such items as a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit. However, the contents of the latter, approved by the Ministry of Health in 2010, cause a lot of controversy among drivers. According to this order, a motorist’s first aid kit must contain a set of the following items:

  1. Bandages of different widths.
  2. Dressing package.
  3. Gauze wipes are sterile.
  4. Set of 3 adhesive plasters.
  5. Scissors and medical gloves.
  6. Device for as well as instructions for using all these elements.

Why are there no medicines?

This very strange set appeared as a result of the fact that the Ministry decided to follow the principle of refusing all medicines - supposedly medicines should only be used by professional and qualified specialists. However, as practice shows, sometimes you have to wait for hours for the ambulance to arrive, but a person’s life can sometimes go by in seconds. In addition, in thirty-degree heat, a driver or passenger involved in an accident can simply die from the injury. Therefore, many motorists add a painkiller (most often in ampoules) and several disposable syringes to this “first aid kit.”

Features of the fire extinguisher

It would seem, what’s so complicated about a fire extinguisher?

But in reality, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. According to the instructions, this unit must be safe. According to it, only powder-type devices are safe. As practice shows, for effective use you need to have a fire extinguisher with a charge of at least 4 kilograms, with a hose and socket. The same devices that are sold in kits for motorists at car markets have a charge not exceeding two kilograms. This fire extinguisher is enough for a maximum of half a car. Well, in order to extinguish the flame shooting out of the engine, 2 kg of charge will not be enough at all.

What else can you put in a motorist's kit?

Besides compulsory recruitment, drivers carry with them basic kit items and tools that may be needed at any time and thus help out in almost any situation. Among them, the tow rope should be noted first. Also, basic tools may come in handy along the way - wrenches, a jack, a wheel wrench, a pair of screwdrivers (phillips and minus), and a set of sockets.

What to take with you on a long trip?

If you don’t know whether there are gas stations in the place where you are going, take a ten-liter can of fuel in reserve. If you have gasoline car, be sure to grab a set of candles. The operating elements can be doused with gasoline, and drying them on the road will take a lot of time. With a new set of spark plugs, the entire repair will take you no more than 10 minutes. A multimeter is also very useful on the go. Using this device you can determine the malfunction of any electronic sensor, and just breakdowns in electrical circuit car. In general, a motorist’s kit may contain whole line various items in the form of flashlights and brushes. The main thing is to know that they will actually be useful to you along the way. After all, you don’t want to carry an extra thing in the trunk. The main thing is to remember that the further you are going to drive, the more items you should put in the motorist’s kit. This will help you find a way out of the most emergency situation.

So, we found out what is included in the mandatory kit for a motorist, as well as what can be supplemented with it. Good luck!

Any trip by car can lead to unexpected events. It doesn't matter whether the car owner went to the other end of the country or just a few blocks away to work. For greater confidence behind the wheel, any driver must equip his “horse” in the appropriate way so that possible troubles on the road have the least consequences. What should a car be equipped with?

What must be in a car according to traffic regulations?

Each driver himself selects a set of tools and means that allow him to feel in control. more security. However, by law, certain items are required to be in any car, regardless of the driver’s experience, vehicle category and travel distance. The traffic regulations contain clear instructions on what should be in the car, and there are only three mandatory components: a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher, and a warning triangle.

Car fire extinguisher

Without flammable elements, a car will not go far. The main "food" of the engine is gasoline and engine oil- are flammable liquids. Therefore, there is always a risk that the car will catch fire in the event of an accident, short circuit or as a result of a fuel leak.

The law has a number of requirements regarding what kind of fire extinguisher a car must have. Here are some of them:

  1. Strict compliance with current GOSTs.
  2. The weight must be at least two kilograms.
  3. Volume of at least two liters for passenger cars, five liters - for cargo.
  4. Complied expiration date.
  5. The type of fire extinguisher should be powder or carbon dioxide.

Of course, the main requirement is that the device is in working order and ready for use. The fire extinguisher must be located within easy reach of the driver.

The car owner decides which type to choose - powder or carbon dioxide. The first type sprays a powder that mixes with flammable materials and creates a foam that extinguishes them. The second type uses carbon dioxide, which cools and extinguishes flammable substances.

According to the requirements of 2018, the main components of a first aid kit are as follows:

  1. Hemostatic tourniquet.
  2. A set of gauze bandages of various lengths and widths.
  3. Dressing package.
  4. Sterile wipes.
  5. Bactericidal patch.
  6. Roll plaster.
  7. Device for resuscitation.
  8. Scissors.
  9. Gloves.

The set is not that big. The driver has the right to independently decide what should be in the first aid kit of the car in addition to what is listed. For example, medical alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, cotton wool, antipyretics, burn remedies, tweezers. If desired, you can add products for the gastrointestinal tract, medicines for runny nose, cough, etc.

It is important that the drugs do not have an expired expiration date. It is advisable to store the first aid kit in a place where the medications will not overheat, for example under the seat. is 4.5 years.

This sign in mandatory is displayed at the scene of the accident: within the city - at a distance of 15 meters, outside the city - at a distance of 30 meters, since the speed of cars on highways and highways is much higher.

Thanks to this sign approaching cars will have time to slow down and go around the car in accordance with traffic regulations. The sign is reflective, so it will also be visible to others in the dark. vehicles.

Additional equipment

What should be in the car in addition to the mandatory set, the car owner has the right to decide. Here are some recommendations:

Car tires

Properly selected and inflated tires will reduce the risk of loss of control or skidding and make the ride more comfortable. Tires may be overinflated, underinflated, or unevenly inflated. In addition, uneven roads often cause tires to flatten prematurely. Therefore, every driver should check the tire pressure at least from time to time before setting off.

What pressure should be in car tires, correctly pumped up? Tire pressure is measured in atmospheres. For measurement, a special device is used - a pressure gauge.

How many atmospheres should be in a car's tires is determined by the manufacturer. The required pressure is influenced by factors such as wheel diameter, tire type, road and weather and driving style. In each case, the norm will be different. For example, a VAZ-2101-2107 car has the following requirements. Winter: front axle - 1.7 atm, rear - 2.4, summer: front - 1.6 atm, rear - 2.2. For Lada Kalina the indicators will be different. Winter: 2.1 atm - on both axles, summer: 1.9 atm - on both axles.

The requirements for the equipment of the machine are dictated by many factors. Right choice what should be in the car will help make the trip as comfortable and safe as possible.

This is a question regarding what should be in your car so that in a force majeure situation, you always have what you need at hand.

What must be in a car according to Russian law

That is, something for the absence of which you can “grab” a fine.

  • medical car first aid kit;
  • fire extinguisher;
  • emergency safety sign;
  • license, technical passport and insurance;

Everything is quite simple here. You buy a first aid kit at a pharmacy, you always have the documents with you, the rest can be purchased at a specialized store or at the auto market.

The above is something that must be in a car and something that traffic police inspectors can check, having every right to do so.

But life is an unpredictable thing. And “anything” can happen on the road. In order not to find yourself in a hopeless situation, I advise you to have the following things in your car.

What should be in a girl's car

  • List of required telephone numbers;

Keep in the glove compartment of your car a list of phone numbers to call in case of an accident or other emergency. Think in advance which phones may be useful to you.

It may happen that something happens to your car in a deserted place (for example, a field, a road at night).
If your phone battery runs out, it will be much more difficult to call for help. So a phone “charger” is something that should be in the car.

  • Flashlight;

A flashlight is something that should be in a car. Go to any tourist store and buy a flashlight. If you have to look for something or repair something in your car at night, a flashlight will be very helpful. The one you have on your mobile will definitely not work.

Yes, and don't forget to buy and check batteries.

  • Cables for "lighting";

IN climatic conditions of our Motherland, of what should be in a car, this thing is the main one on my list, since in winter period helps out almost every 10th motorist.

And we girls, due to the constant rush, often forget to turn off the headlights, which very easily drains the battery at any time of the year.

This happened to me “at first” a couple of times for sure. Finding someone who can provide their car for lighting is quite easy, but finding someone who also has cables for this is not the case.

  • Paper road map;

Yes, I agree that sometimes it’s easier for girls to read Chinese letters than to understand car map. But, if your jeep driver starts acting weird or passes out, you can ask someone passing by to help him figure out the map. Therefore, the map is what should be in the car.

  • Spare tire "spare";

No further comments here. If you suddenly puncture a tire in a place where there are no auto repair shops nearby. Then you can install the spare tire yourself, the main thing is to first find out how this is done.

Better yet, print out the instructions and put them in the glove compartment.

A spare tire and instructions for installing it are a must.

  • Jack;

This item is necessary when changing a wheel; be sure to carry it with you in the trunk.

Modern car accessories perform several important functions. They serve as interior decoration and allow you to make the appearance of the car exclusive, memorable, and also increase driving safety and comfort for the driver and passengers even in long journeys. In addition, these useful details will be able to emphasize your individuality – preferences, tastes, habits.

Necessary things in any car

There is a standard set additional elements, which should be in any car. This:

  • First aid kit, which is useful both in case someone is injured and for providing first aid to victims of a traffic accident.
  • Refilled fire extinguisher.
  • Tow rope , which will help in case of emergency evacuation of a vehicle.
  • Reflective warning triangle, which will inform other road users about a malfunction of your car or an accident.

The list can also be supplemented technical first aid kit– set necessary tools, which will be useful when performing minor machine maintenance work. Don't forget to also have a quality jack and spare tire. And no unforeseen situations will unsettle you!

Useful car accessories

Manufacturers offer big choice modern gadgets that become real motorist assistants. What should you buy?

✔ On-board video recorder

The device is designed to record traffic conditions and is an objective witness that remembers everything that happens on the road. You can view the recording at any time. Often it is this evidence that becomes decisive in controversial situations in case of an accident.

✔ Navigator

The navigation receiver will be useful even for those who know the city like the back of their hand. The device will help pave optimal route movement during out-of-town trips, and will also prevent you from getting lost in unfamiliar areas. In addition, when drawing up a route, the navigator takes into account the presence of traffic jams, which, first of all, saves your time.

✔ Starter charger

The device will help you start the car when there is not enough battery charge. This is especially important if you find yourself far from settlements and busy roads.

✔ Panoramic mirrors

Accessories are installed under the windshield and provide a high-quality view of the rear hemisphere. The obvious advantage of a panoramic mirror over a standard model is the absence of the need to rotate and “adjust” it. The driver doesn't even have to change his head position! The device is extremely useful when driving in the city during rush hours, when you cannot do without constantly changing from one lane to another.

If the windows of your car are tinted with a dark light-protective film, then you should pay attention to brightening panoramic models with increased reflective properties.

However, we should not forget that such mirrors reduce the size of the reflected objects. This forces the driver to think that they are located much further away.

✔ Car refrigerator

This technique will definitely come in handy for travel lovers. Having a refrigerator will allow you to take with you products that require special conditions storage Now cold drinks in the heat or hot tea in the cold are no problem!

✔ Radar detector

Such equipment, contrary to stereotypes, does not suppress signals from police stations, but warns the driver when approaching a control post.

✔ Cleaning equipment

Compact and lightweight car vacuum cleaners, thanks to a variety of replaceable attachments, make it easy to remove sand and dust even in the most difficult to reach places. The devices are connected to the cigarette lighter or powered by built-in batteries.

To remove ice and snow, you will need scrapers and brushes.

✔ Air fresheners and ionizers

Accessories effectively eliminate unpleasant odors in the cabin. This is especially true in the summer heat, when the windows cannot be opened due to exhaust gases and the smell of hot asphalt.

✔ Power adapter

As a rule, everything electrical devices connect to one cigarette lighter socket. This means that you will not be able to use multiple devices at the same time. Adapters-splitters are used for this purpose.

✔ Audio system

Players, radios and media centers will not let you get bored on the road and will ensure high-quality playback of your favorite songs.

✔ Parktronic

The devices are mini-locators that provide significant assistance when parking blindly. You don’t have to look back all the time and call strangers for help.

✔ Universal car holder

The presence of a car holder will allow you to use a smartphone or tablet loaded with special maps as a navigator. The device will securely fix the gadget and give you the opportunity to comfortably use all its functionality.

Devices for emergency exit from the car

Such mechanisms are designed to assist in urgent evacuation from a car. The devices have different shapes and functionality. For example, you can buy keychains that combine a glass hammer and a seat belt cutter.

✔ GPS beacon

The tracking device will help detect the car if it is stolen. The GPS beacon regularly sends the current coordinates of the car to the user’s smartphone or PC.

✔ Pressure gauge

The miniature device is designed to measure tire pressure, which will allow you to inflate them on time. This is important because the pressure level determines tire wear, fuel consumption and the responsiveness of the car on the road.

✔ Speakerphone

Using equipment speakerphone You can talk on the phone safely. Modern gadgets are able to synchronize with your smartphone, as well as voice subscriber numbers and their names.

Interesting accessories that highlight the individuality of your car

This group includes not only practical parts, but also elements that help make your car original.

✔ Cases

Chairlifts models protect the upholstery from dirt and do not allow it to wear out quickly. In addition, they help create a cozy atmosphere in the salon. Covers for steering wheel protect it from dirt and sweat, and are also responsible for maximum comfort machine control. Car covers are also on sale. They “hide” the car from the sun, snow, and rain.

✔ Car mats

Accessories not only protect the car body from premature corrosion, but also make cleaning the interior much easier - all the dirt and sand from the feet of passengers and the driver are usually concentrated on them.

✔ Spoilers

These devices can change the appearance of a car - for example, make it more sporty.

This group of accessories includes:

  • Side mirrors with various devices, which improve visibility.
  • A driver's mug, which is equipped with an electric heater and allows you to quickly prepare your favorite drink on the road.
  • Holders and mounts for devices – for example, for a video recorder.

You can’t ignore the original accessories, which are especially popular among women:

  • Bright pillows for the salon.
  • Charming eyelashes for headlights - they look especially impressive on miniature subcompact cars.
  • Stylish covers for the gearbox control lever.
  • Braids on the steering wheel made of soft material, etc.

As you can see, the car accessories market offers wide choose models for any purpose and need. However, the decision of what should be in the car remains at the discretion of each car owner. Make your car as comfortable as possible!