What a fine for an extra passenger. What is the penalty for an extra passenger? What's the fine for more passengers

In the rules road traffic it is clearly stated that the vehicle is allowed to carry as many passengers as allowed by its technical characteristics. In particular, for the vast majority of cars, 4 people plus a driver are allowed. Meanwhile, quite often this requirement Traffic rules are ignored by drivers. In Moscow or in some small village, you can often find a situation when in passenger car carry 6 or more people. Naturally, the traffic police inspector, having noticed such a situation on the road, will certainly stop the vehicle and punish the driver in accordance with the current legislation.

What are the fines for an extra passenger in the car today?

So, let's take a closer look at what punishment is applied when this violation SDA. So, the rules clearly state that the number of passengers in a vehicle is limited by the number of seats. Accordingly, any excess here would be a violation of traffic rules, and for this, as you know, punishment is provided.

In particular, if 6 people are traveling in a car designed to carry 4 passengers plus a driver, then the traffic police inspector, who noticed this, will issue a fine of 500 rubles. However, this is not all.

Do not forget also about another requirement of the traffic rules, according to which the driver and all passengers of a passenger car must be wearing seat belts.

When transporting people, the number of which exceeds the permissible number, this paragraph of the rules is violated. The thing is that there is simply not enough seat belt for the "extra" passenger, because the manufacturer has installed them 5. Naturally, we are talking about modern cars... If the design of the vehicle does not provide for seat belts for the rear seats (and these are still found on Russian roads), then for violation of the relevant paragraph Traffic rules punishment will not.

Otherwise, the driver will be charged another fine. For the transportation of an unfastened passenger, you will have to pay another 1,000 rubles. It should be noted that at present the norm is no longer valid, according to which a driver who has violated several points of traffic rules pays only one, the most big fine... Now the punishment is more severe. Accordingly, for carrying an extra passenger, you will need to pay two fines at once, for a total of 1.5 thousand rubles.

I would like to note one more point. Many people mistakenly believe that a child is not a full passenger of a car and can be safely picked up if there are already 5 adults in the car. Meanwhile it will violation of traffic rules... A child is exactly the same passenger as an adult. Means it must also be strapped on seat belt... Moreover, up to a certain age, children are generally allowed to be transported in a special chair.

Naturally, the inspector who noticed such an outrage on the road will immediately stop the offending vehicle. Indeed, in this case there is a clear disregard not only for their own safety, but also for the rules of the road. Accordingly, the driver of the vehicle will be fined 1 thousand rubles. By the way, the last moment also has essential... Currently, inspectors are fined for transporting "extra" passengers not themselves, as it was before, but drivers. It is for this reason that the overwhelming majority of taxi drivers categorically refuse to transport more than 4 people in a 5-seater passenger car.

Do not forget that when transporting more passengers than provided by the manufacturer vehicle, you risk not only getting a fine. In such a situation, driving becomes much more difficult. In particular, due to the large weight, it increases braking distances... It is not difficult to guess what consequences this can lead to in the event that you have to urgently stop the vehicle.

In addition, the handling of the vehicle as a whole is significantly reduced. Especially this moment relevant if road surface how. And, finally, do not forget that often four passengers on back seat a passenger car is quite cramped. This means that they will put additional pressure on the doors. It turns out that the weakening of the locking mechanism in such a situation may well turn into the most serious consequences, because the risk of a person falling out of the car on the move becomes very high. Therefore, it is better not to violate this traffic requirement... Of course, there are situations when people are simply forced to go for it - in this case, you should move as carefully as possible.

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Traffic rules clearly regulate the number of people carried in a car, and therefore the law provides for a fine for an extra passenger. In order to understand how many people can move in a car, you should look at the technical specifications. Today we will talk about what kind of fine in 2019 is provided for exceeding the number of passengers, and how dangerous it is.

To begin with, we note that in a passenger car, passengers can only move while sitting, wearing seat belts. The number of people in the car is limited by the number of seats. Compliance performance characteristics car and traffic regulations are necessary for one purpose - to ensure road safety.

As a rule, the carriage of an extra passenger takes place in two situations:

  • people go somewhere on vacation when there are not enough places;
  • a child is not considered a full-fledged passenger.

We will dwell on the second situation in more detail, since people often mistakenly believe that a child can be picked up, and 5 seats in a car are reserved for adult passengers. This behavior is a violation of traffic rules. Transportation of children in a car must be carried out on the same rights as adults, wearing a seat belt. If the child is small, then a special chair must be installed for him separately. Minivans or minibuses are ideal for large families.

Responsibility for violation

Each car has a certain number of seats, and the transportation of several people in excess of the norm is a violation of traffic rules. If the driver ignores the rules, then the traffic police officer will be forced to bring him to administrative responsibility, and in this case, 2 fines are imposed:

  • for a passenger;
  • for the driver.

If the owner of the car transports an extra person, then the seat belt will not be enough for him, and driving without it is prohibited. This will entail the first fine of RUB 500 for the passenger and RUB 1,000 for the driver.

The second fine is imposed directly for exceeding the norm. So, if there are 6 people in the car, then another 500 rubles will have to be paid for the extra passenger. By simple calculations, we can conclude that for the vehicle owner, the fine for the transportation of an extra passenger will be 1,500 rubles.

Traffic regulations also prohibit the transport of people in the trunk or on the outside of the vehicle, such as the roof or hood. If a traffic police officer finds people in an inappropriate place, then the fine for transporting passengers in excess of the norm will be 1,000 rubles.

We are talking about passenger cars. If the matter concerns cargo vehicles, for which the manufacturer provides for an increased number of seats, then there will be no problems. These types of transport include trucks, vans, minivans, trailers with benches, mobile homes, and more. However, in such cases, certain rules also apply, according to which the Passenger Transportation... Violation of them will lead to the fact that the driver will be fined.

Important! If you think that the actions of the traffic police inspector are illegal, and you have evidence of this, then you can appeal the fine for overloading a passenger car. To do this, you need to draw up and submit an application to the court, after which the case will be considered.

In fact, an overload penalty is not the worst penalty an offender can face. Exceeding the number of passengers allowed in the car is dangerous, and the risk of harm to health or life is the most serious consequence. What can happen if you carry more than five people in the cabin? Let's discuss.

Consequences of overload

Each vehicle is designed to withstand a specific load. If it exceeds the permissible rate, then it is dangerous. First of all, the driver should worry about this, but the people he transports should also think about the possible risks.

First of all, a car with a large number of passengers becomes heavier and therefore less controllable. When making a sharp maneuver or turning, there is a risk that the driver will lose control, as the car will drive itself unpredictably. This is especially true in winter time of the year. Also, overloading increases the risk that the machine may overturn during maneuvers.

An important consequence of overloading is an increased braking distance. The more people in the car, the heavier it is, and therefore it will take more energy and time to stop it. V critical situations this can be a decisive factor that will affect the outcome of the situation.

Sometimes there are cases when there should be five people in the cabin, but in fact there is 6. An extra passenger on back row the seat creates additional pressure on the door. If there is some kind of malfunction in the mechanism, the door may open and the passenger may fall out. Finally, the presence of passengers in excess of the norm in the cabin creates inconvenience for the driver, which can negatively affect the quality and safety of driving.

If the vehicle is small, then the overload of a passenger car affects the dynamic performance, which is also undesirable. Let's say you need to overtake. Due to the increased weight of the vehicle, it will take longer to accelerate, which can create an emergency.

In this article, we will consider the legislation in force for 2018 in the field of carriage of passengers by personal and commercial transport, namely, how many passengers can be transported in a particular car, what is the penalty for the transportation of extra passengers.
Let's look at a few common examples. You are the owner of a car, and you want to carry more passengers than is provided for by the design. Is this permitted by the Road Traffic Rules?

Prohibition of transportation of extra passengers in traffic rules

We will quote clause 22.8 of the SDA:

22.8. It is forbidden to transport people:
outside the cab of the car (except when transporting people in the back of a truck with onboard platform or in a box-body), a tractor, other self-propelled machines, on cargo trailer, in a trailer-dacha, in the back cargo motorcycle and outside of the seating areas provided for by the design of the motorcycle;
in excess of the amount stipulated by the technical characteristics of the vehicle.

Each car has a technical passport, in which the manufacturer says provided amount seating. In addition, there are official directories Automotive Institute US, on the basis of which the traffic police inspector can also find out how much passenger seats provided in a particular car. Often this information is duplicated in the TCP, in column 3. Type of vehicle or special marks, for example, "van with the right to transport 6 people."
Usually, cars are produced in five-seater: two seats in the front and a three-seater sofa in the back. Each seat is equipped with its own seat belt, so if the number of passengers is exceeded, someone will not get the seat belt.
Buses often have standing places for passengers.
Consider paragraph 22.3 of the SDA:

22.3. The number of people transported in the body of a truck, as well as in the cabin of a bus carrying out transportation on an intercity, mountain, tourist or excursion route, and organized transportation groups of children should not exceed the number of seats equipped for seating.

As it becomes clear from this point of traffic rules, there can be no standing places when transporting people in the back of a truck, on intercity bus transport, in tourist and sightseeing buses, as well as when transporting children.
Well, in other cases (commercial transportation in the city, transportation of workers to the place of work, etc.), standing passengers are allowed within the limits of standing places permitted by the data sheet.

Extra passenger fine in 2017

If the rules for transporting people are violated, the driver of the car is considered to be guilty. He is punished under Art. 12.23 Administrative Code:

1. Violation of the rules for the transportation of people, with the exception of the cases provided for by parts 2 - 6 of this article, -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

Thus, it does not matter how many passengers are traveling in excess of the norm: at least one, at least ten. The fine for violation of the transportation rules will still be 500 rubles.
Along with the fine for "overloading" passengers, the traffic police inspector may issue a fine for the transportation of unfastened passengers:

Article 12.6. Violation of the rules for using seat belts or motorcycle helmets

Driving a vehicle by a driver who is not wearing a seat belt, transporting passengers, not wearing seat belts safety, if the design of the vehicle provides for seat belts, as well as driving a motorcycle or moped, or transporting passengers on a motorcycle without motorcycle helmets or in unfastened motorcycle helmets -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand rubles.

As can be seen from the text, if the vehicle is equipped with seat belts, all passengers must be fastened.

Penalty for violation of the rules for the transportation of children

Within the framework of the considered situation with an excess of the number of passengers permissible norm, you can turn to the option when there is a child in the car, and he is not transported in child seat, and on the lap of one of the passengers, since all the other seats are taken.
A separate traffic rules point is responsible for transporting children in a car.

22.9. Transportation of children is allowed provided their safety is ensured, taking into account the design features of the vehicle.
The transportation of children under 12 years of age in vehicles equipped with seat belts must be carried out using child restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow the child to be fastened using the seat belts provided for by the vehicle design, and front seat a car - only with the use of child restraints.

If there is a child in the passenger compartment who is not fastened with a special restraint device, the private driver will be punished under Art. 12.23 fine already for 3000 rubles, regardless of the number of incorrectly transported children.

Article 12.23. Violation of the rules for the transportation of people
3. Violation of the requirements for the carriage of children established by the Rules of the Road -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on the driver in the amount of three thousand rubles; on officials- twenty five thousand rubles; on legal entities- one hundred thousand rubles.

Note separately that if the vehicle is not equipped from the factory with seat belts (some older models), it is impossible to bring the driver to responsibility (fine) for unfastened passengers, whether they are adults or children.

What can you not see on the road. There are times when extreme people drive not only in an overloaded car interior, but also on its hood and even the roof. Such phenomena are far from uncommon, and this applies not only to large cities, but also to very small settlements. And if violators of their megacities are quite easy to catch and punish, then in small settlements- this is not an easy task, because there are no surveillance cameras and so many traffic policemen on the roads.

Ban on the carriage of extra passengers from clause 22.8 of the SDA

So that some thrill-seekers do not have the opportunity to break the established rules, and there is this law... It states that the ban on the transport of people outside the cab is prohibited. An exception is a truck with a special platform equipped with sides, with a body in the form of a van. The ban applies to vehicles such as:

  • tractor,
  • other self-propelled mechanisms,
  • cargo trailers and trailers - houses,
  • and all types of motorcycles, if they do not have seats in their design.

If in technical documentation of one or another transport, a certain number of people are provided that can be transported, should be carried out this installation... In some cars, for example, in public transport, standing places are allowed, but this is determined by the design of the car itself.

There are times when it is necessary to put a passenger in excess of the established norm, as they say, we are all people ... And the sixth ride in a passenger car is far from rare case, especially when it comes to delivering the company home after sabantuy. In this case, you should only drive along right lane and observe speed mode no more than 50 km per hour. This will allow not to attract the attention of the traffic police inspector, preserve the overloaded suspension and the car as a whole, and most importantly, deliver all passengers intact and safe.

Amount of penalties for an extra passenger

Article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for punishment for transporting unnecessary citizens to passenger car... For each "head" you will face a fine of 500 rubles.

Important! An extra passenger, by default, cannot be fastened with a seat belt, for this additional penalties will be imposed, namely: the driver will suffer 1,000 rubles, and the one who is superfluous will have to fork out another 500 rubles.

The arithmetic is simple, at the risk of taking an extra rider into the car, you can suffer a total of 1,500 rubles.

Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, Article 12.23. Violation of the rules for the transportation of people
Violation of the rules for the transportation of people, with the exception of the cases provided for by parts 2 - 6 of this article, - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.
Transportation of people outside the cab of a car (except for cases permitted by the Road Traffic Regulations), a tractor, other self-propelled vehicles, on a cargo trailer, in a caravan, in the body of a cargo motorcycle or outside the seats provided for by the design of a motorcycle - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand rubles .

As for the fines for overloading, here it is rather about oversized cargo and vehicles intended for the transportation of cargo materials.

Penalty for transporting people outside the cabin

Here it is just about those who are cramped in the cabin, or who wanted to experience the thrill. For passengers traveling in the trunk or on any other part of the car, a penalty of one thousand rubles is provided. Here, the article on the transportation of an extra passenger is being distributed, but since its location is incorrect, and rather extreme, the amount grows.

In cases with trucks there may also be a violation and a subsequent fine. If the number provided for by those. characteristics of the car of passengers will be in excess of the norm, the driver must be punished with a fine.

Important! If in the old days the passengers themselves paid fines for incorrect transportation, now the driver himself suffers. In cases with a number of violations, the total amount may be added up, it depends on each specific case on the road.

How to transfer four or more children

In order for you to be able to transport more than four children and not violate the rules of DD, you should have a specially equipped car.

  • the vehicle itself is allowed for transporting children if it has no more than 10 years of operation;
  • it must be adapted required amount landing sites that provide comfortable traffic on the road;
  • if the trip is planned for a long time, more than 12 hours on the road, there must be a place where the driver could have a good rest;
  • children must be accompanied by a person with a whole package of documents: a list of children, medical and patrol accompanying certificates, a timetable and stops, emergency telephone numbers, a list of accompanying people.
  • Drivers are required to have documents for category "D", permanent experience of at least a year without any traffic violations.

If there are children over six years of age in the car, rest breaks should be taken every 4 hours. Transportation of minors at night is not permissible, if it is not forced transfers to the airport or train station.

Mini buses or Gazelle cars are usually used to transport children.

It may seem to some that such a list necessary conditions over complicates matters. Perhaps so, but the life and health of our children on the road entirely depends on the skills of the driver and the state of the transport. Such requirements were born for a reason. Every year a large number of children die in an accident, therefore, the transportation of young citizens should be taken very seriously.


Every driver is obliged to observe safety precautions on highways or city roads, no matter what kind of car he is driving. Only by respecting the traffic rules, the rest of the participants in the movement, will we be able to protect ourselves and our families from accidents or troubles associated with penalties. Remember that on the road you are responsible not only for your own safety, but also for the safety of all motorists and pedestrians!

The number of passengers in a car must correspond to its capacity. If there are more of them than it should be, the driver is fined. At the same time, the traffic police inspector acts legally, relying on the traffic rules. He does not take the sums for the appointment of the payment of a fine from his head, but assigns in accordance with the normative act.

How many passengers are allowed in a car? How is the ban on the carriage of excess passengers reflected in regulations? What is the fine for an extra passenger in a car in 2018? We will answer these questions in this article.

Number of seats in the vehicle

According to clause 22.8 of the SDA, it is forbidden to transport more people in a car than it is provided for by its technical characteristics. Often this limitation is indicated in the "body" column, and for most passenger cars it corresponds to 5 seats... That is, in addition to the driver, 4 more people can sit in the car.

Note! Despite the fact that the bus provides not only standing, but also seating places, there are cases when citizens are prohibited from standing. For each of them, it is necessary to provide a separate seat.

When a separate seat is allocated for a bus passenger

Each passenger of the bus must take a specially equipped seat in the following cases:

  • transport makes long-distance transportation;
  • the bus moves along a route in the mountains;
  • motor vehicle has a tourist or excursion purpose;
  • the bus carries children.

If the purpose of the bus does not correspond to these points, passengers can be transported in it while standing. But even in this case, their total number should not exceed the norm.

Note! The number of seats and standing places for passengers is usually indicated in the passenger compartment. These numbers correspond to technical specifications vehicle.

Legal regulation

The transportation of citizens is regulated by the rules that ensure the safety of people when they are transported by ground-type transport. These include:

  • Resolution No. 1090 "On the Rules of the Road". As mentioned earlier, according to clause 22.8, it is prohibited to transport people in excess of the established norm. technical data sheet cars.
  • Order from the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 7 of January 15, 2014. If you refer to paragraph 18 of Chapter 3, you can see that a driver working at the wheel of a vehicle is instructed on its capacity before employment.
  • Administrative and Legal Code (hereinafter - the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). It sets the amount of the fine for exceeding the passenger capacity limit.
  • Federal Draft Law No. 902547-6. They provide for administrative liability for violation of the safety rules for transporting citizens in a car (including exceeding their number).

Thus, the punishment for an extra person in the car is legally enforceable.

Penalty for an extra passenger in the car

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation does not provide for a fine for overloading on a vehicle axle passenger type so here the inspectors are relying on a different article. Penalty Sanction for an excessive number of people in the car is provided for in Article 12.23 of this regulatory legal act. According to it, the fine is imposed not on the passenger, but on the driver. Its size will be equal to 500 rubles. The driver faces a fine in larger size if his actions or the actions of passengers fall under parts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 of the same article.

What constitutes a fine?

Transporting 6 people in a car, his driver risks receiving several fines at once. In addition to the standard 500 rubles, provided directly for the fact that there is extra person, you will have to pay another 1000 rubles. A fine in the amount of this amount is imposed for the fact that he will ride without a seat belt. Thus, the driver is responsible for neglecting the safety of the passenger on two points: an extra person in the car and an unfastened seat belt. Penalties are summed up and a total of 1,500 rubles will have to be paid.