Design of rudders, steering gear, classification of ships, transport ships, service and auxiliary ships, technical fleet ships and special ships, hydrofoils. Types of steering wheels Types of steering wheels

Marine site Russia no November 20, 2016 Created: November 20, 2016 Updated: November 20, 2016 Views: 24786

The steering device is used to change the direction of movement of the vessel or keep it on a given course.

In the latter case, the task of the steering device is to counteract external forces, such as wind or current, which could cause the vessel to deviate from its intended course.

Steering devices have been known since the appearance of the first floating craft. In ancient times, steering devices were large oars mounted on the stern, on one side or on both sides of the ship.

During the Middle Ages, they began to be replaced with an articulated rudder, which was placed on the sternpost in the center plane of the ship. In this form it has been preserved to this day.

The steering device consists of a steering wheel, stock, steering gear, steering gear, steering gear and control station (Fig. 1.34).

The steering device must have two drives: main and auxiliary.

Main steering gear- these are mechanisms, steering actuators, power units steering gear, as well as auxiliary equipment and the means of applying torque to the stock (for example, a tiller or sector) necessary to shift the rudder for the purpose of steering the vessel under normal operating conditions.

Auxiliary steering gear- this is the equipment necessary for steering the ship in the event of failure of the main steering gear, with the exception of the tiller, sector or other elements intended for the same purpose.
The main steering drive must ensure shifting of the rudder from 350 on one side to 350 on the other side at maximum operating draft and speed forward travel vessel in no more than 28 seconds.

The auxiliary steering gear must be capable of shifting the rudder from 150 on one side to 150 on the other side in no more than 60 seconds at the vessel's maximum service draft and a speed equal to half of its maximum forward service speed.

The auxiliary steering gear must be controlled from the tiller compartment. Transition from main to auxiliary drive must be completed in no more than 2 minutes.

The steering wheel is the main part of the steering device. It is located in the stern and operates only while the ship is moving. The main element of the steering wheel is the feather, which can be flat (plate-shaped) or streamlined (profiled) in shape.

Based on the position of the rudder blade relative to the axis of rotation of the stock, they are distinguished (Fig. 1.35):

ordinary steering wheel - the plane of the rudder blade is located behind the axis of rotation;

semi-balanced steering wheel - only a large part of the rudder blade is located behind the axis of rotation, due to which a reduced torque occurs when the steering wheel is shifted;

balance rudder - the rudder feather is so located on both sides of the axis of rotation that when shifting the rudder, no significant moments arise.

Depending on the principle of operation, passive and active rudders are distinguished. Steering devices are called passive, allowing the vessel to turn only while underway, or more precisely, during the movement of water relative to the hull of the vessel.

The propeller system of ships does not provide them with the necessary maneuverability when moving at low speeds. Therefore, many ships use means to improve maneuvering characteristics. active control, which allow you to create traction in directions other than the direction of the center plane of the vessel. These include: active rudders, thrusters, rotary propeller columns and separate rotary nozzles.

An active rudder is a rudder with an auxiliary screw installed on it, located on the trailing edge of the rudder blade (Fig. 1.36). An electric motor is built into the rudder blade, causing it to rotate. propeller screw, which is placed in the nozzle to protect against damage.
By turning the rudder blade together with the propeller at a certain angle, a transverse stop appears, causing the vessel to turn. Active rudder is used at low speeds up to 5 knots.
When maneuvering in tight water areas, the active rudder can be used as the main propulsion device, which ensures high maneuverability of the vessel. At high speeds the active rudder screw is turned off and the rudder is shifted as usual.

Separate rotary nozzles(Fig. 1.37). The rotary nozzle is a steel ring, the profile of which represents the wing element. The area of ​​the nozzle inlet is larger than the outlet area.
The propeller is located in its narrowest section. The rotary attachment is installed on the stock and rotates up to 40° on each side, replacing the rudder.
Separate rotary nozzles are installed on many transport vessels, mainly river and mixed navigation, and ensure their high maneuverability.

(Fig. 1.38). The need to create effective means of controlling the bow end of a vessel has led to the equipping of ships with thrusters.
The launchers create a traction force in the direction perpendicular to the centerline plane of the vessel, regardless of the operation of the main propulsors and steering gear.
A large number of vessels for various purposes are equipped with thrusters. In combination with the propeller and rudder, the PU provides high maneuverability of the vessel, the ability to turn on the spot in the absence of movement, departure or approach to the pier with almost a log.

Recently, the AZIPOD (Azimuthing Electric Propulsion Drive) electric propulsion system has become widespread, which includes a diesel generator, an electric motor and a propeller (Fig. 1.39).

A diesel generator located in the engine room of the vessel generates electricity, which is transmitted via cable connections to the electric motor. The electric motor that ensures the rotation of the propeller is located in a special gondola. The screw is on the horizontal axis, the number of mechanical gears. The steering column has a rotation angle of up to 3600, which significantly increases the controllability of the vessel.

Advantages of AZIPOD:

saving time and money during construction;

excellent maneuverability;

fuel consumption decreases by 10 - 20%;

vibration of the ship's hull is reduced;

due to the fact that the diameter of the propeller is smaller, the effect of cavitation is reduced;

there is no propeller resonance effect.

One example of the use of AZIPOD is a double-acting tanker (Fig. 1.40), which open water It moves like a normal ship, but in ice it moves stern first like an icebreaker. For ice navigation, the stern of the DAT is equipped with ice reinforcement for breaking ice and an AZIPOD.

In Fig. 1.41. a diagram of the arrangement of instruments and control panels is shown: one control panel for controlling the ship when moving forward, a second control panel for controlling the ship when moving stern forward, and two control panels on the wings of the bridge.

Before every departure to sea steering gear prepare for work: carefully inspect all parts, eliminate any detected faults, clean the rubbing parts of old grease and lubricate them again.
Then, under the guidance of the officer in charge of the watch, the serviceability of the steering device in operation is checked by testing the rudder. Before shifting, you need to make sure that the stern is clean and that no floating devices or foreign objects interfere with the rotation of the rudder.
At the same time, check the ease of rotation of the steering wheel and the absence of even minor jams. In all positions of the rudder blade, the correspondence of the indications of the steering indicators and the time spent on shifting are compared.

The tiller compartment must always be locked. The keys to it are stored in the chart room and in the engine room in specially designated permanent places, the emergency key is at the entrance to the tiller compartment in a locked cabinet with a glass door.

Two independently operating communication lines must be installed between the navigation bridge and the tiller compartment.

Upon arrival at the port and upon completion of mooring, the steering wheel is placed in a straight position, the power to the steering motor is turned off, the steering gear is inspected, and if everything is found in proper order, the tiller compartment is closed.

§ 31. Steering device

The steering device is used to change the direction of movement of the vessel, ensuring that the rudder is shifted to a certain angle in a given period of time.

The main elements of the steering device are shown in Fig. 54.

The steering wheel is the main organ that ensures the operation of the device. It operates only while the ship is moving and in most cases is located in the stern. Usually there is one rudder on a ship. But sometimes, to simplify the design of the steering wheel (but not the steering device, which in this case becomes more complicated), several rudders are installed, the sum of the areas of which should be equal to the estimated area of ​​the rudder blade.

The main element of the steering wheel is the feather. According to the cross-sectional shape, the rudder blade can be: a) plate-like or flat, b) streamlined or profiled.

The advantage of a profiled rudder blade is that the force of pressure on it exceeds (by 30% or more) the pressure on a plate rudder, which improves the maneuverability of the vessel. The distance of the center of pressure of such a steering wheel from the incoming (front) edge of the steering wheel is smaller, and the moment required to turn a profiled steering wheel is also less than that of a plate steering wheel. Therefore, a less powerful one will be required steering gear. In addition, a profiled (streamlined) rudder improves the performance of the propeller and creates less resistance to the movement of the vessel.

The shape of the projection of the rudder blade on the DP depends on the shape of the stern formation of the hull, and the area depends on the length and draft of the vessel (L and T). For marine vessels, the rudder blade area is selected within 1.7-2.5% of the submerged part of the vessel's center plane area. The stock axis is the axis of rotation of the rudder blade.

The rudder stock enters the rear valance of the hull through the helm-port pipe. On the upper part of the stock (head), a lever called a tiller is attached to a key, which serves to transmit torque from the drive through the stock to the rudder blade.

Rice. 54. Steering device. 1 – rudder blade; 2 - baller; 3 – tiller; 4 – steering machine with steering gear; 5 - helm port pipe; 6 – flange connection; 7 – manual drive.

Ship rudders are usually classified according to the following characteristics (Fig. 55).

According to the method of attaching the rudder blade to the ship's hull, rudders are distinguished:

a) simple - with a support at the lower end of the steering wheel or with many supports at the rudder post;

b) semi-suspended - supported on a special bracket at one intermediate point along the height of the rudder blade;

c) suspended - hanging on a stock.

According to the position of the axis of rotation relative to the rudder blade, the following rudders are distinguished:

a) pebalapsic - with an axis located at the leading (incoming) edge of the feather;

b) semi-balanced - with an axis located at a certain distance from the leading edge of the rudder, and the absence of an area in the upper part of the rudder blade, forward of the axis of rotation;

Rice. 55. Classification of ship rudders depending on the method of fastening them to the hull and the location of the axis of rotation: a – unbalanced; b- balancing. 1 – simple; 2 – semi-suspended; 3 – suspended.

c) balanced - with an axis located in the same way as that of a semi-balanced rudder, but with the area of ​​the balancing part of the blade covering the entire height of the rudder.

The ratio of the area of ​​the balance (bow) part to the entire area of ​​the rudder is called the compensation coefficient, which for sea vessels lies in the range of 0.20-0.35, and for river vessels 0.10-0.25.

The steering gear is a mechanism that transmits forces developed in steering motors and machines to the steering wheel.

The steering gear on ships is driven by electric or electro-hydraulic motors. On ships less than 60 m in length, it is permitted to install manual drives instead of a machine. The power of the steering machine is selected based on the calculation of shifting the rudder to a maximum angle of up to 35° from side to side in 30 seconds.

The steering gear is designed to transmit commands from the navigator from the wheelhouse to the steering machine in the tiller compartment. Most Applications find electric or hydraulic transmission. On small vessels, roller or cable drives, in the latter case, this drive is called a sturtros drive.

Rice. 56. Active steering wheel: a – with bevel gear to the propeller; b – with a water-powered electric motor.

Control devices monitor the position of the steering wheels and the proper operation of the entire device.

Control devices transmit orders to the helmsman when steering the steering wheel manually. The steering device is one of the most important devices ensuring the survivability of the vessel.

In case of an accident, the steering device has a backup steering control post, consisting of a steering wheel and manual drive located in or near the tiller compartment.

At low speeds of the vessel, the steering devices become insufficiently effective and sometimes make the vessel completely uncontrollable.

To increase maneuverability, some types of modern vessels (fishing vessels, tugboats, passenger and special vessels and ships) are equipped with active rudders, rotary nozzles, thrusters or winged propulsors. These devices allow ships to independently perform complex maneuvers in the open sea, as well as pass through narrow areas without auxiliary tugs, enter the waters of the roadstead and harbor and approach the berths, turn around and move away from them, saving time and money.

The active rudder (Fig. 56) is a feather of a streamlined rudder, on the trailing edge of which there is an attachment with a propeller driven by a bevel shaft transmission passing through a hollow stock and rotating from an electric motor mounted on the head of the stock. There is a type of active steering wheel with propeller rotation from a water-based electric motor (working in water) mounted in the rudder blade.

When the active rudder is moved on board, the propeller operating in it creates a stop that turns the stern relative to the axis of rotation of the vessel. When the active rudder propeller operates while the ship is moving, the ship's speed increases by 2-3 knots. When the main engines are stopped, the operation of the active rudder propeller provides the vessel with a slow speed of up to 5 knots.

A rotating nozzle installed instead of the rudder, when placed on board, deflects the jet of water thrown by the propeller, the reaction of which causes the stern end of the vessel to turn. Rotary nozzles are mainly used on river vessels.

Thrusters are usually made in the form of tunnels passing through the hull, in the plane of the frames, in the stern and bow ends of the vessel. The tunnels house a propeller, winged or water-jet propulsion unit, creating jets of water, the reactions of which, directed from the opposite sides, turn the ship. When the stern and bow devices operate on one side, the vessel moves with a log (perpendicular to the centerline plane of the vessel), which is very convenient when the vessel approaches or departs from the wall.

Wing propellers installed at the ends of the hull also increase the maneuverability of the vessel.

The submarine's steering device provides more diverse maneuverability. The device is intended to ensure controllability of submarines in horizontal and vertical planes.

Control of a submarine in a horizontal plane ensures that the boat floats along a given course and is carried out by vertical and rudders, the area of ​​which is slightly larger than the area of ​​rudders of surface ships and is determined within 2-3% of the area of ​​the immersed part of the center plane of the boat.

Control of the submarine in the vertical plane at a given depth is ensured using horizontal rudders.

The steering device of horizontal rudders consists of two pairs of rudders with their drives and gears. The rudders are made in pairs, that is, on one horizontal stock there are two identical rudder blades located on the sides of the boat. Horizontal rudders can be stern or bow, depending on their location along the length of the boat. The area of ​​the aft horizontal rudders is 1.2-1.6 times larger than the area of ​​the bow rudders. Thanks to this, the efficiency of the stern horizontal rudders is 2-3 times higher than the efficiency of the bow ones. To increase the moment created by the stern horizontal rudders, they are usually located behind the propellers.

Forward horizontal rudders on modern submarines are auxiliary; they are made to collapse and are installed in the bow superstructure above the waterline so as not to create additional resistance and not interfere with steering the boat using the stern horizontal rudders at high underwater speeds.

Usually at full and average speed During underwater travel, the submarine is controlled using only the stern horizontal rudders.

At low speeds, controlling the boat with the stern horizontal rudders becomes impossible. The speed at which the boat loses control is called inversion speed. At this speed, the boat must be controlled simultaneously by the stern and bow horizontal rudders.

Basic constituent elements The steering device of horizontal rudders and vertical rudders are of the same type.

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Purpose technical means management

On ships of GDP and their types.

The basic requirements for technical controls for inland and mixed (river-sea) navigation vessels are determined by the rules of the Russian River Register (RRR), Federal body classification of vessels of inland and mixed (river-sea) navigation. These requirements take into account the type and class of ships.

Technical controls are designed to ensure movement, control and holding of the vessel on a given track. These include:

Propulsion system control system;

Steering gear;

Anchor and mooring devices.

One of the main elements of technical controls is the steering device.

The steering device is used to change the direction of movement of the vessel and keep the vessel on the line of a given path.

It consists:

From a control element (steering wheel, joystick);

Transfer system;

Executive elements.

The controllability of ships is ensured with the help of actuators of steering devices. The following can be used as actuating elements of steering devices on GDP vessels:

Ruli various types;

Rotary screw attachments;

Water-jet propulsion and steering devices.

In addition, on some types of ships the following can be used:

Steering devices;

Wing-shaped propulsion and steering devices;

Active and flanking rudders.

Ship rudders, their shapes and types.

Most widespread rudders of various types were received as an executive element.

The steering wheel may include: rudder blade, supports, hangers, stock, tiller, etc. auxiliary devices(sorlin, helmport, ruderpies).

The steering wheel, depending on its shape and the location of the axis of rotation, is divided into simple, semi-balanced and balanced; according to the number of supports - suspended, single-support and multi-support. For a simple rudder, the entire feather is located behind the axis of the stock; for a semi-balanced and balancing rudders part of the feather is located in front of the stock axis, forming a semi-balanced and balancing part (Fig. 4.1).

According to the shape of the profile, rudders are divided into plastic and streamlined (profiled). The most widespread on inland navigation vessels are balanced, streamlined rectangular rudders.

The steering wheel is characterized by: height h p– the distance, measured along the axis of the stock, between the lower edge of the rudder and the point of intersection of the axis of the stock with the upper part of the contour of the rudder; length l p steering wheel; offset Δ l p part of the rudder area forward relative to the axis of the stock (for semi-balanced rudders, usually Δ l p up to 1/3 l p, for balanced ones Δ l p up to 1/2 l p).

Fig.4.1 Steering wheels

The most important characteristic the rudder feather is its total area ∑ S p. The actual rudder area is characterized by the expression

S p f = h p l p (4.1)

The total required rudder area to ensure controllability of the vessel is expressed by the equation

S p t = LT (4.2)

where is the proportionality coefficient;

L – length of the vessel;

T – maximum draft of the vessel.

To ensure vessel controllability, the required total rudder area must be equal to the actual rudder area, i.e.

Common industrial ones used to account for products and raw materials include commodity, automobile, carriage, trolley, etc. Technological ones are used for weighing products during production in technologically continuous and periodic processes. Laboratory tests are used to determine the moisture content of materials and semi-finished products, conduct physical and chemical analysis of raw materials and other purposes. There are technical, exemplary, analytical and microanalytical.

They can be divided into a number of types depending on the physical phenomena on which the principle of their operation is based. The most common devices are magnetoelectric, electromagnetic, electrodynamic, ferrodynamic and induction systems.

The diagram of the magnetoelectric system device is shown in Fig. 1.

The fixed part consists of a magnet 6 and a magnetic circuit 4 with pole pieces 11 and 15, between which a strictly centered steel cylinder 13 is installed. In the gap between the cylinder and the pole pieces, where a uniform radially directed direction is concentrated, a frame 12 made of thin insulated copper wire is placed.

The frame is mounted on two axes with cores 10 and 14, resting on thrust bearings 1 and 8. Counter springs 9 and 17 serve as current leads connecting the frame winding to electrical diagram and input terminals of the device. On the axis 4 there is a pointer 3 with balance weights 16 and an opposing spring 17 connected to the corrector lever 2.


1. The principle of active radar.
2. Pulse radar. Principle of operation.
3. Basic time relationships of pulse radar operation.
4.Types of radar orientation.
5. Formation of a sweep on the PPI radar.
6. The principle of operation of the induction lag.
7.Types of absolute lags. Hydroacoustic Doppler log.
8.Flight data recorder. Description of work.
9. Purpose and operating principle of AIS.
10.Transmitted and received AIS information.
11.Organization of radio communications in AIS.
12.Composition of shipboard AIS equipment.
13. Structural diagram of the ship's AIS.
14. Operating principle of SNS GPS.
15.The essence of differential GPS mode.
16. Sources of errors in GNSS.
17. Block diagram of a GPS receiver.
18. Concept of ECDIS.
19.Classification of ENC.
20.Purpose and properties of the gyroscope.
21. The principle of operation of the gyrocompass.
22. The principle of operation of a magnetic compass.

Connecting cablestechnological process receiving electrical connection two sections of cable with restoration at the junction of all protective and insulating sheaths of the cable and screen braids.

Before connecting the cables, the insulation resistance is measured. For unshielded cables, for ease of measurement, one terminal of the megohmmeter is connected in turn to each core, and the second - to the remaining cores connected to each other. The insulation resistance of each shielded core is measured when connecting the leads to the core and its screen. , obtained as a result of measurements, must be no less than the standardized value established for a given cable brand.

Having measured the insulation resistance, they move on to establishing either the numbering of the cores, or the directions of laying, which are indicated by arrows on temporarily attached tags (Fig. 1).

Having finished preparatory work, you can start cutting the cables. The geometry of the cutting of the cable ends is modified in order to ensure the convenience of restoring the insulation of the cores and sheath, and for multi-core cables, also to obtain acceptable dimensions of the cable connection.




Purpose of the cooling system:

  • heat removal from the main engine;
  • heat removal from auxiliary equipment;
  • heat supply to the OS and other equipment (GD before start-up, VDG maintenance in “hot” reserve, etc.);
  • intake and filtration of sea water;
  • Blowing out Kingston boxes in the summer to prevent them from becoming clogged with jellyfish, algae, and dirt, and in the winter to remove ice;
  • ensuring the operation of ice chests, etc.
Structurally, the cooling system is divided into fresh water and a cooling system for intake water. ADF cooling systems are performed autonomously.

§ 31. Steering device

The steering device is used to change the direction of movement of the vessel, ensuring that the rudder is shifted to a certain angle in a given period of time.

The main elements of the steering device are shown in Fig. 54.

Steering wheel- the main organ that ensures the operation of the device. It operates only while the ship is moving and in most cases is located in the stern. Usually there is one rudder on a ship. But sometimes, to simplify the design of the steering wheel (but not the steering device, which in this case becomes more complicated), several rudders are installed, the sum of the areas of which should be equal to the estimated area of ​​the rudder blade.

Main element of the steering wheel- feather. According to the cross-sectional shape, the rudder blade can be: a) plate-like or flat, b) streamlined or profiled.

The advantage of a profiled rudder blade is that the force of pressure on it exceeds (by 30% or more) the pressure on a plate rudder, which improves the maneuverability of the vessel. The distance of the center of pressure of such a steering wheel from the incoming (front) edge of the steering wheel is smaller, and the moment required to turn a profiled steering wheel is also less than that of a plate steering wheel. Consequently, a less powerful steering machine will be required. In addition, a profiled (streamlined) rudder improves the performance of the propeller and creates less resistance to the movement of the vessel.

The shape of the projection of the rudder blade on the DP depends on the shape of the stern formation of the hull, and the area depends on the length and draft of the vessel (L and T). For marine vessels, the rudder blade area is selected within 1.7-2.5% of the submerged part of the vessel's center plane area. The stock axis is the axis of rotation of the rudder blade.

Rudder stock It enters the aft valance of the hull through a helm-port pipe. On the top of the stock (head), a lever called tiller, which serves to transmit torque from the drive through the stock to the rudder blade.

Rice. 54. Steering device. 1 - rudder blade; 2 - baller; 3 - tiller; 4 - steering machine with steering gear; 5 - helm port pipe; 6 - flange connection; 7 - manual drive.

Ship rudders are usually classified according to the following characteristics (Fig. 55).

According to the method of attaching the rudder blade to the ship's hull, rudders are distinguished:

A) simple - with a support on the lower end of the steering wheel or with many supports on the rudder post;

B) semi-suspended - supported on a special bracket at one intermediate point along the height of the rudder blade;

C) suspended - hanging on a stock.

According to the position of the axis of rotation relative to the rudder blade, the following rudders are distinguished:

A) pebalapsic - with an axis located at the leading (incoming) edge of the feather;

B) semi-balanced - with an axis located at some distance from the leading edge of the rudder, and the absence of an area in the upper part of the rudder blade, forward of the axis of rotation;

Rice. 55. Classification of ship rudders depending on the method of fastening them to the hull and the location of the axis of rotation: a - unbalanced; b- balancing. 1 - simple; 2 - semi-suspended; 3 - suspended.

c) balanced - with an axis located in the same way as that of a semi-balanced rudder, but with the area of ​​the balancing part of the feather spanning the entire height of the rudder.

The ratio of the area of ​​the balance (bow) part to the entire area of ​​the rudder is called the compensation coefficient, which for sea vessels lies in the range of 0.20-0.35, and for river vessels 0.10-0.25.

Steering gear is a mechanism that transmits to the steering wheel the forces developed in steering motors and machines.

Steering machine on ships it is driven by electric or electro-hydraulic motors. On ships less than 60 m in length, it is permitted to install manual drives instead of a machine. The power of the steering machine is selected based on the calculation of shifting the rudder to a maximum angle of up to 35° from side to side in 30 seconds.

The steering gear is designed to transmit commands from the navigator from the wheelhouse to the steering machine in the tiller compartment. Electric or hydraulic transmissions are most commonly used. On small ships, roller or cable drives are used; in the latter case, this drive is called a steering cable drive.

Rice. 56. Active steering wheel: a - with bevel gear to the propeller; b - with a water-based electric motor.

Control devices monitor the position of the steering wheels and the proper operation of the entire device.

Control devices transmit orders to the helmsman when steering the steering wheel manually. The steering gear is one of the most important devices ensuring the survivability of the vessel.

In case of an accident, the steering device has a backup steering control station, consisting of a steering wheel and a manual drive located in the tiller compartment or close to it.

At low speeds of the vessel, the steering devices become insufficiently effective and sometimes make the vessel completely uncontrollable.

To increase maneuverability, some types of modern vessels (fishing vessels, tugboats, passenger and special vessels and ships) are equipped with active rudders, rotary nozzles, thrusters or winged propulsors. These devices allow ships to independently perform complex maneuvers on the open sea, as well as to navigate through narrow areas without auxiliary tugs, enter the waters of the roadstead and harbor and approach berths, turn around and depart from them, saving time and money.

Active steering(Fig. 56) is a streamlined rudder blade, on the trailing edge of which there is an attachment with a propeller driven by a roller bevel gear passing through a hollow stock and rotating from an electric motor mounted on the head of the stock. There is a type of active steering wheel with propeller rotation from a water-based electric motor (working in water) mounted in the rudder blade.

When the active rudder is moved on board, the propeller operating in it creates a stop that turns the stern relative to the axis of rotation of the vessel. When the active rudder propeller operates while the ship is moving, the ship's speed increases by 2-3 knots. When the main engines are stopped, the operation of the active rudder propeller provides the vessel with a slow speed of up to 5 knots.

Rotary nozzle, installed instead of the rudder, when placed on board, deflects the jet of water thrown by the propeller, the reaction of which causes the stern end of the vessel to turn. Rotary nozzles are mainly used on river vessels.

Thrusters are usually carried out in the form of tunnels passing through the hull, in the plane of the frames, in the stern and bow ends of the vessel. The tunnels house a propeller, winged or water-jet propulsion unit, creating jets of water, the reactions of which, directed from the opposite sides, turn the ship. When the stern and bow devices operate on one side, the vessel moves with a log (perpendicular to the centerline plane of the vessel), which is very convenient when the vessel approaches or departs from the wall.

Wing propellers installed at the ends of the hull also increase the maneuverability of the vessel.

The submarine's steering device provides more diverse maneuverability. The device is intended to ensure controllability of submarines in horizontal and vertical planes.

Control of the submarine in the horizontal plane ensures that the boat floats along a given course and is carried out vertical and rudders, the area of ​​which is slightly larger than the area of ​​the rudders of surface ships and is determined within 2-3% of the area of ​​the immersed part of the center plane of the boat.

Control of the submarine in the vertical plane at a given depth is ensured using horizontal rudders.

Steering gear horizontal rudders consists of two pairs of rudders with their drives and gears. The rudders are made in pairs, that is, on one horizontal stock there are two identical rudder blades located on the sides of the boat. There are horizontal rudders stern And nasal depending on location along the length of the boat. The area of ​​the aft horizontal rudders is 1.2-1.6 times larger than the area of ​​the bow rudders. Thanks to this, the efficiency of the stern horizontal rudders is 2-3 times higher than the efficiency of the bow ones. To increase the moment created by the stern horizontal rudders, they are usually located behind the propellers.

Forward horizontal rudders on modern submarines are auxiliary; they are made to collapse and are installed in the bow superstructure above the waterline so as not to create additional resistance and not interfere with steering the boat using the stern horizontal rudders at high underwater speeds.

Usually, at full and medium underwater speed, the submarine is controlled using only the stern horizontal rudders.

At low speeds, controlling the boat with the stern horizontal rudders becomes impossible. The speed at which a boat loses control is called inverse speed. At this speed, the boat must be controlled simultaneously by the stern and bow horizontal rudders.

The main components of the steering device of horizontal rudders and vertical rudders are of the same type.