Perspective types of batteries. Grafenic battery for electric vehicle new types of batteries

With the development of the technologies of the device make more compact, functional and mobile. The merit of such perfection rechargeable batteriesthat feed the device. For all the time, many different types of batteries that have their advantages and disadvantages are invented.

It would seem promising ten years ago Technology lithium ionic Batteries, no longer meets the requirements of modern progress for mobile devices. They are not powerless enough and quickly agrees with frequent use or long storage. Since then, the subspecies of lithium batteries are derived, such as lithium-iron-phosphate, lithium-polymer and others.

But science does not stand still and is looking for new ways to even better save electricity. For example, other types of batteries invent.

Lithium-sulfur batteries (Li-S)

Lithium sulfur The technology allows you to get batteries and energy intensity that is twice as much as their parents of lithium ion. Without a significant loss in capacity, this type of batteries can be recharged to 1500 times. The advantage of the battery is hidden in the manufacturing and layout technology, where the liquid cathode is used with the sulfur content, while it is separated by a special membrane from the anode.

Lithium sulfur batteries can be used in a fairly wide range of temperatures, and the cost of their production is quite low. For mass applications, it is necessary to eliminate the lack of production, namely the disposal of sulfur, which is harmful to ecology.

Magnesium-sulfur batteries (MG / S)

Until recently it was impossible to combine use sulfur and magnesium In one cell, but not so long ago, scientists were able to do it. For their work, it was necessary to invent electrolyte, which would work with both elements.

Due to the invention of the new electrolyte due to the formation of crystalline parts that stabilize it. Alas, but an experienced sample is not durable at the moment, and in a series such batteries will most likely not go.

Fluoride ion batteries

To transfer charges between the cathode and the anode in such batteries, an anions of fluorine are used. This type of batteries has a container that is ten times more than the usual lithium ion batteries, and also boasts less fire hazard. The electrolyte is based on Lantane Barium.

It would seem that the prospective direction of the development of batteries, but also it is not devoid of shortcomings. A very serious barrier for mass use is the operation of the battery only at very high temperatures.

Lithium Batteries (Li-O2)

Together with technical achievements, humanity is already thinking about our ecology and is looking for more and cleaner energy sources. IN lithium air Accumulators instead of metal oxides in the electrolyte, carbon is used, which to react with air creates an electric current.

The energy density is up to 10 kWh / kg, which allows them to be used in electric vehicles and mobile devices. Waiting for a quick appearance for the end user.

Lithium nanofosphat batteries

This type of batteries is the following generation of lithium ion batteries, among the advantages that is high charge rate and the possibility of high current. For a complete charge, for example, a cooler is required for 15 minutes.

The new technology of using special nano particles capable of providing a faster flow of ions make it possible to increase the number of charge cycles - discharge 10 times! Of course, they have a weak self-discharge and there is no memory effect. Alas, but widespread the high weight of batteries and the need for a special charging prevents widespread.

As a conclusion, one can say one. We will soon observe the widespread use of electric vehicles and gadgets that will be able to work very large time without recharging.

Electric news:

BMW autoconecern presented its own electroly bike. The BMW electric bike is equipped with an electric motor (250 W) acceleration up to 25 km / h.

Ensure hundreds for 2.8 seconds on electric car? According to rumors, the P85D update allows you to reduce the acceleration time from 0 to 100 kilometers per hour from 3.2 to 2.8 seconds.

Spanish engineers developed a battery where you can drive more than 1000 km! It is cheaper by 77% and charges in just 8 minutes

Every year the number of devices in the world that work from batteries is steadily increasing. It is no secret that the weakest link of modern devices are the batteries. They have to regularly recharge, they have no such large capacity. Existing batteries with difficulty allow you to achieve the autonomous work of the tablet or mobile computer for several days.

Therefore, manufacturers of electric vehicles, tablets and smartphones are engaged in searching for the possibilities of preserving significant amounts of energy in more compact volumes of the battery itself. Despite the different requirements for batteries for electric vehicles and mobile devices, you can easily hold parallels between them. In particular, the well-known Tesla Roadster electric car is powered by a lithium-ion battery designed specifically for laptops. True, to ensure the electricity of sports car, engineers had to use more than six thousand such batteries simultaneously.

Whether it is about electric car or mobile devices, universal requirements for the battery of the future are obvious - it should be less, easier and accumulate significantly more energy. What promising developments in this area can satisfy these requirements?

Lithium-ion and lithium polymer batteries

Lithium-ion camera battery

To date, lithium-ion and lithium polymer batteries have received the greatest distribution in mobile devices. As for lithium-ion batteries (Li-Ion), they are produced from the beginning of the 90s. Their main advantage is quite high energy density, that is, the ability to maintain a certain amount of energy per unit of mass. In addition, there are no notorious "memory effect" in such batteries and there is a relatively low self-discharge.

The use of lithium is quite reasonable, because this element has a high electrochemical potential. The disadvantage of all lithium-ion batteries, which is actually currently there are a large number of species, is a fairly rapid aging of the battery, that is, a sharp decrease in the characteristics during storage or long-term use of the battery. In addition, the potential of the capacity of modern lithium-ion batteries, apparently, almost exhausted.

Further development of lithium-ion technology are lithium-polymer power supplies (Li-POL). Instead of liquid electrolyte, a solid material is used instead. In comparison with its predecessor, lithium polymer batteries have a higher energy density. In addition, it has now become possible to produce batteries in almost any form (lithium-ion technology required only a cylindrical or rectangular body shape). Such batteries have small dimensions, which allows you to successfully apply them in various mobile devices.

However, the appearance of lithium-polymeric batteries has not changed the situation, in particular, because such batteries are not able to give large currents of the discharge, and their specific capacity is still insufficient to save humanity from the need to constantly recharging mobile devices. Plus, lithium-polymer accumulators are pretty "capricious" in operation, they have insufficient strength and a tendency to fire.

Perspective technologies

In recent years, scientists and researchers in various countries actively work on the creation of more advanced battery technologies capable of replacing existing ones in the near future. In this regard, you can allocate several of the most promising directions:

- Lithium-sulfur batteries (Li-S)

Lithium-sulfur battery is a promising technology, the energy intensity of a similar battery is two times higher than that of lithium-ion. But in theory she can be even higher. In such a power source, a liquid cathode is used with sulfur content, while it is separated from the electrolyte a special membrane. It is due to the interaction of the lithium anode and the sulfur-containing cathode, the specific capacity was significantly increased. The first sample of this accumulator appeared in 2004. From that moment, some progress was achieved, due to which the improved lithium-sulfur battery is able to withstand one and a half thousand cycles of complete charge-discharge without serious losses in the container.

The advantages of this battery can also be attributed to the possibility of use in a wide range of temperatures, no need to use reinforced protection components and relatively low cost. An interesting fact - it was thanks to the use of such a battery in 2008 a record was raised on the duration of the flight on the aircraft on solar panels. But for mass release of a lithium-sulfur battery, scientists will still have to solve two main problems. It is required to find an effective way to dispose of sulfur, as well as to ensure the stable operation of the power supply in the conditions of changing the temperature or humidity regime.

- Magnesium-sulfur batteries (MG / S)

Combining traditional lithium batteries can also accumulators based on magnesium and sulfur compounds. True, until recently, no one could ensure the interaction of these elements in one cell. The magnesium-sulfur battery itself looks very interesting, because its energy density can reach more than 4000 W-b / l. Not so long ago, thanks to American researchers, it seemed to be solved by the main problem standing on the development of magnesium-sulfur batteries. The fact is that for the magnesium and sulfur pair there was no suitable electrolyte compatible with these chemical elements.

However, scientists managed to create such an acceptable electrolyte due to the formation of special crystalline particles providing the stabilization of electrolyte. A sample of a magnesium-sulfur battery includes an anode from magnesium, separator, a cathode of sulfur and a new electrolyte. However, this is only the first step. A promising pattern, unfortunately, is not yet distinguished by durability.

- fluoride-ion batteries

Another interesting power source that has appeared in recent years. Here, for the transfer of charges between the electrodes, the anions of fluorine are responsible. In this case, the anode and cathode contain metals convertible (in accordance with the direction of current) into fluorides, or restored back. This ensures a significant battery capacity. Scientists declare such power sources have an energy density, ten times higher than the possibilities of lithium-ion batteries. In addition to significant capacity, new batteries can also boast of significantly smaller fire hazard.

A lot of options were tried to the role of solid electrolyte, but the choice, ultimately, stopped at Lantane Barium. Although fluoride-ion technology seems very promising solution, it is not devastable. After all, the solid electrolyte can be consistently function only at high temperatures. Therefore, in front of the researchers there is a task to find a liquid electrolyte, capable of working successfully at normal room temperature.

- lithium air batteries (Li-O2)

Nowadays, humanity seeks to use more "clean" energy sources associated with the generation of energy of the sun, wind or water. In this regard, lithium-air batteries are very interesting. First of all, they are considered by many experts as the future electric vehicles, but over time they can find use in mobile devices. Such power supplies have a very high capacity and at the same time relatively small sizes. The principle of their work is as follows: instead of metal oxides in a positive electrode, carbon is used, which enters into a chemical reaction with air, resulting in a current. That is, oxygen is partially used to generate energy here.

The use of oxygen as an active cathode material has its significant advantages, because it is a practically inexhaustible element, and most importantly, it is absolutely free of charge from the environment. It is believed that the energy density of lithium-air batteries will be able to achieve an impressive mark of 10,000 VTC / kg. Maybe, in the near future, such batteries will be able to put electric cars in one row with machinery on a gasoline engine. By the way, the batteries of this type released for mobile gadgets can already be found on sale called Polyplus.

- Lithium nanophosphate batteries

Lithium nanofosphate power supplies are the next generation of lithium-ion batteries, which are characterized by high current and ultrafast charging. To complete charging, such a battery is only required for fifteen minutes. They also admit ten times more charging cycles in comparison with standard lithium-ion elements. Such characteristics managed to achieve due to the use of special nanoparticles capable of providing a more intense flow of ions.

A weak self-discharge can also be attributed to the advantages of lithium nanofosphate batteries, the absence of a "memory effect" and the ability to operate under a wide range of temperatures. Lithium nanofosphat batteries are already available on sale and used for some types of devices, but their distribution interferes with the need for a special charger and greater weight in comparison with modern lithium-ion or lithium-polymer batteries.

In fact, promising technologies in the creation of rechargeable batteries is much more. Scientists and researchers work not only to create fundamentally new decisions, but also on the improvement of the characteristics of existing lithium-ion batteries. For example, due to the use of silicon nanowires or the development of a new electrode, which has a unique ability to "self-upfulness". In any case, the same day is the day when our phones and other mobile devices will live whole weeks without recharging.

Ecology of consumption. Running and technique: the future of electric transport largely depends on the improvement of batteries - they must weigh less, charge faster and at the same time produce more energy.

The future of electric transport largely depends on the improvement of batteries - they must weigh less, charge faster and at the same time produce more energy. Scientists have already achieved some results. The engineers team created lithium oxygen batteries that do not waste energy and can serve as decades. And the Australian scientist presented a graphene-based ionistor, which can be charged a million times without loss of efficiency.

Lithium-oxygen batteries weigh little and produce a lot of energy and could become perfect components for electric vehicles. But such batteries have a significant disadvantage - they are quickly wear out and distinguish too much energy in the form of heat wasted. The new development of scientists from MTI, the Argon National Laboratory and the Beijing University promises to solve this problem.

Created by the team of engineers Lithium-oxygen batteries use nanoparticles, which contain lithium and oxygen. In this case, oxygen when the state changes, it is stored inside the particle and does not return to the gas phase. This features the development of lithium-air batteries that receive oxygen from the air and produce it into the atmosphere during reverse reaction. A new approach reduces energy loss (the magnitude of the electrical voltage is reduced almost 5 times) and increase battery life.

Lithium oxygen technology is also well adapted to real conditions, in contrast to lithium-air systems, which are spoiled by contact with moisture and CO2. In addition, batteries on lithium and oxygen are protected from excess charging - as soon as the energy becomes too much, the battery switches to another type of reaction.

Scientists conducted 120 charge-discharge cycles, while performance decreased by only 2%.

So far, scientists have created only an experienced battery sample, but during the year they intend to develop a prototype. For this, expensive materials are not needed, and production is largely similar to the production of traditional lithium-ion batteries. If the project is implemented, then in the near future, electric vehicles will be kept twice as much energy at the same weight.

The engineer from the University of Technology Sinbarne in Australia decided another problem of batteries - the speed of their recharging. The Ionistor developed by him is charged almost instantly and can be used for many years without loss of efficiency.

Khan Lin used graphene - one of the most durable materials today. Due to the structure resembling cells, graphene has a large surface area for energy storage. The scientist printed the graphene plates on a 3D printer - this method of production also allows you to reduce the costs and increasing the scale.

The ionistor created by scientists produces as much energy per kilogram of weight, but also lithium-ion batteries, but it is charged in a few seconds. At the same time, instead of lithium, graphene is used in it, which is much cheaper. According to Khan Line, the ionistor can pass millions of charging cycles without loss of quality.

The sphere of the production of batteries does not stand still. Brothers Krazsel from Austria created a new type of batteries that weigh almost two times less batteries in Tesla Model S.

Norwegian scientists from the University of Oslo invented the battery, which can be completely. However, their development is intended for urban public transport that regularly stops - on each of them the bus will be recharged and the energy is enough to get to the next stop.

Scientists of the University of California in Iquine approached the creation of an eternal battery. They developed a battery from nanowires, which can be recharged hundreds of thousands of times.

And the engineers of the University of Rice managed to create, operating at a temperature of 150 degrees Celsius without loss of efficiency. Published

We read the question trudnopisaka. :

"It would be interesting to learn about new batteries technologies that prepare for serial production."

Well, of course, the serial production criterion is somewhat stretched, but let's try to find out what is promising now.

This is what chemists came up with:

Voltage voltage in volts (vertically) and the specific capacity of the cathode (mAh / d) of the new battery immediately after its manufacture (I), the first discharge (II) and the first charge (III) (HEE SOO KIM ET AL./Nature Communications) .

According to its energy potential, the battery based on the combination of magnesium and sulfur is able to bypass lithium. But so far no one could force these two substances to work together in the battery cell. Now, with some reservations, it was a team of specialists in the United States.

Scientists from the Toyotovsky Research Institute in North America (Tri-Na) tried to solve the main problem on the way of creating magnesium-sulfur batteries (MG / S).

Prepared on materials of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

Germans invented fluoride ion batteries

In addition to the whole army of electrochemical sources of current, scientists have developed another option. His stated advantages is a smaller fire hazard and ten times a large specific capacity than lithium-ion batteries.

Chemists from the Karlsruhe Technological Institute (Kit) proposed the concept of batteries based on metal fluoride and even tested several small laboratory samples.

In such batteries for the transfer of charges between electrodes, anions of fluorine are responsible. The anode and cathode of the battery contain metals, which, depending on the direction of the current (charge or discharge), are turning into fluorides or restored back to metals.

"Since one metal atom is able to take or give several electrons at once, this concept allows you to achieve an extremely high energy density - up to ten times higher than that of ordinary lithium-ion batteries," says one of the authors of the development of Dr. Maximilian Fichtner.

To check the idea, German researchers created several samples of such batteries with a diameter of 7 millimeters and a thickness of 1 mm. The authors studied several materials for electrodes (copper and bismuth in combination with carbon, for example), and the electrolyte was created on the basis of lanthanum and barium.

However, such a solid electrolyte is only an intermediate step. This composition, conductive fluorine ions, works well only at high temperatures. Therefore, chemists are looking for a replacement - a liquid electrolyte, which would operate at room temperature.

(Details can be found in the press release of the Institute and article in Journal of Materials Chemistry.)

Batteries of the Future

What awaits the battery market in the future, while it is difficult to predict. Lithium batteries are still confidently rule the ball, and they have a good potential due to lithium-polymer developments. The introduction of silver-zinc elements is a very long and expensive process, and its feasibility is still a discussion issue. Technologies based on fuel cells and nanotubes have been praised for many years and are described by the most beautiful words, but when it comes to practice, the actual products are obtained either too cumbersome, either too expensive or even then, and the other combined. It is clear only one thing - in the coming years, this industry will continue to actively develop, because the popularity of portable devices is growing not by day, but by the hour.

In parallel with the stand-alone-oriented laptops, the direction of desktop lads is developing, in which the battery is rather playing the role of the reserve UPS. Recently, Samsung has released a similar laptop and without a battery.

IN NICD- Akkumulators There is also the possibility of electrolysis. So that explosive hydrogen is accumulated in them, the batteries are equipped with microscopic valves.

In the famous Institute Mit. Recently developed a unique technology for the production of lithium batteries by the efforts of specially trained viruses.

Despite the fact that the fuel cell is outwardly not at all like a traditional battery, it works according to the same principles.

And who else will tell some promising directions?

More than 200 years ago, the world's first battery was created by the German physicist Wilhelm Ritter. Compared with the already existing Battery A. Volta, Wilhelm's cumulative device could be repeatedly charged-discharged. Within two centuries, the electricity battery has changed a lot, but in contrast to the "Wheel" continues to be invented to this day. Today, new technologies in the production of batteries are dictated by the emergence of the latest devices in need of autonomous diet. New and more powerful gadgets, electric cars, flying drones - all these devices require small size, lungs, but more capacious and durable batteries.

The battery principal device can be described in two words - these are electrodes and electrolyte. It is from the material of the electrodes and composition of the electrolyte depend on the characteristics of the battery and its type is determined. Currently, there are more than 33 types of reserved power sources, but most used:

  • child-acid;
  • nickel-cadmium;
  • hydride nickel-metal;
  • lithium-ion;
  • lithium polymer;
  • nickel zinc.

The work of any of them is a reversible chemical reaction, that is, the reaction is restored when charging when charging.

The scope of batteries is quite wide and depending on the type of device that works from it, certain requirements are presented to the battery. For example, for gadgets, it should be easy, minimally overall and have a sufficiently large container. For the power tool or flying drone, the recoil current is important, since the electric current consumption is high enough. At the same time, there are requirements that are presented to all nutrition elements - this is a high container and resource of charging cycles.

Scientists around the world work on this issue, research and testing is carried out. Unfortunately, many samples that showered excellent electrical and operational results were too expensive at cost and were not launched into mass production. From the technical side, silver and gold become the best materials for the creation of batteries, and from the economic - the price of such a product will be unavailable for the consumer. At the same time, the search for new solutions does not stop and the first significant breakthrough has become a lithium-ion battery.

For the first time, it was introduced in 1991 by the Japanese company Sony. The battery was characterized by high density and low self-discharge. At the same time, she had shortcomings.

The first generation of such power supplies was explosive. Over time of operation, the anode accumulated dendrids, which led to closing and fire. In the process of improvement in the next generation, a graphite anode was applied and this deficiency was eliminated.

The second minus was the effect of memory. With constant incomplete charge, the battery lost the container. The work on the elimination of this lack was supplemented with a new tendency of the desire for miniaturization. The desire to create ultra-thin smartphones, ultrabooks and other devices required from the science of developing a new power source. In addition, the outdated ion-lithium battery has not satisfied the requests of the modelists who needed a new source of electricity with much greater density and high recoil current.

As a result, a polymer electrolyte was applied in the lithium-ion model, and the effect exceeded all expectations.

An improved model was not only devoid of memory effect, but at times exceeded its predecessor in all respects. For the first time, it was possible to create a battery with a thickness of only 1 mm. In this case, its format could be the most diverse. Such elements of food began to enjoy in great demand at the modeliers, and manufacturers of mobile phones.

But there were still shortcomings. The element turned out to be fire hazardous, during recharge he heard and could ignite. Modern polymer batteries are equipped with a built-in diagram preventing a relear. It is also recommended to charge them only by special chargers, which are included in the kit or similar models.

No less important characteristic of the battery is cost. Today it is the biggest problem on the development of batteries.

Electric vehicle power

The company Tesla Motors creates batteries for new technologies based on Panasonic component brand. Finally, the secret is not disclosed, but the test result pleases. The ecomobile Tesla Model S, equipped with a battery of only 85 kW * h, on one charge drove a little more than 400 km. Of course, the world is not without curious, therefore one of these batteries, worth 45,000 USD, still opened.

Inside there was a lot of lithium-ion cells Panasonic. At the same time, the opening did not give all the answers that I would like to get.

Future technologies

Despite the long period of stagnation, science is on the verge of a great breakthrough. It is quite possible tomorrow, the mobile phone will work for a month without recharging, and the electric car to overcome 800 km on one charge.


Scientists of the South California University argue that the replacement of graphite anodes on silicon wires with a diameter of 100 nm will increase the capacity of the battery 3 times, and the charging time will reduce up to 10 minutes.

In Stanford University, a fundamentally new kind of anodes were offered. Porous carbon nanopod covered with gray. According to them, such a power source accumulates 4-5 times more electricity than Li-Ion battery.

A scientist from the United States David Kizailus said that the batteries based on magnetite crystals will not only be more capacious, but also relatively cheap. After all, these crystals can be obtained from the shellfish teeth.

Scientists of the Washington University are watching things more practical. They have already patented new technologies for batteries, in which, instead of a graphite electrode, an anode from tin is applied. Everything else will not change and new batteries can easily replace the old in our familiar gadgets.

The revolution is already today

Two electric cars. While they are still inferior to cars in power and run, but it is not for long. So approve representatives of IBM corporation, which proposed the concept of lithium-air batteries. Moreover, a new power source superior in all parameters is promised to submit to the consumer already this year.