Tests of Hyundai Creta 1.6 all-wheel drive. All-wheel drive Hyundai Creta: why pay more? Testing Hyundai Creta in light off-road mode

Hyundai Creta equipped with is a fairly popular car on domestic market. Unlike the simpler front-wheel drive version, the 4WD version has good characteristics in terms of cross-country ability and stability on slippery road.

Full test the Creta 1.6 drive is carried out taking into account domestic conditions operation, which guarantees high accuracy of all crossover data. It is worth noting that basic modification 1.6 4WD. Therefore, the car has a high demand among domestic car enthusiasts.

Most of all Hyundai Creta is purchased in the Moscow region. The active increase in the number of sales made this car one of the most popular crossovers in the domestic market. Low cost attracts customers who want budget all-wheel drive. IN this moment for the Active package you will have to pay 970,000 rubles.

Test drive a popular crossover

The basic Hyundai Creta for the 1.6 4WD version has not changed. With standard firmware, the car is capable of developing the stated rated 121 l/s versus 123 l/s with front-wheel drive.

The maximum possible torque is 148 N*m, which is 3 units less than that of a single drive. Also distinctive feature Hyundai Creta with 4WD is a slight increase in fuel consumption.

According to the passport, the car moves about 9.6 liters. However, in practice, based on the obtained average data during daily use, the figures are 0.3 higher and amount to 9.9 liters.

Relevant for both automatic and manual transmission. The advent of all-wheel drive had a negative impact on the overall dynamics of acceleration to 100. Now the car is much slower and accelerates in 12.9-13 seconds.

Decrease in overall operational indicators is not surprising. After all, the presence of an additional drive axle helps to increase the weight of the crossover. The 4WD version of the Hyundai Creta is 70 kg heavier than the monodrive. However, such indicators do not frighten domestic motorists.

Testing Hyundai Creta in light off-road mode

During a test drive, many buyers pay attention to general scheme implementation of all-wheel drive on a car. The design of the hinged units is virtually identical to older models.

However, some engineering solutions were borrowed from competitors Santa Fe and Tucson. Technically, the suspension and 4WD components are similar to the 2 liter version.

Testing the car on light off-road conditions demonstrated all the capabilities of the crossover. The car moves easily even on slippery and watery surfaces.

Thanks to wide tires, balanced weight distribution along the axles and all-wheel drive, the crossover has good maneuverability in light mud. Initially, simple rough terrain conditions were selected for the test.

After all, structurally the Hyundai Creta is not a full-fledged SUV. Therefore, to avoid unnecessary problems With a new car, it is not recommended to drive the crossover into a deep swamp. Creta climbs steep inclines with ease. In this case, no special effort is observed for the engine. Versions with both manual and automatic transmissions have similar performance.

Hyundai Creta has enough when driving in ruts. Despite the fact that the steering wheel does not pull out much, the crossover becomes overly sensitive to the road surface. However, due to the steering rack, driving on primer or crushed stone high speed highly not recommended. After all, any strong vibrations contribute to faster breakdown of the mechanism.

At Hyundai operation Creta off-road with an automatic transmission is best set to manual control. This way you can fully control the engine speed and, accordingly, the torque on the wheels.

Thanks to the support manual mode With automatic transmission, the Hyundai Creta crossover can easily overcome any slopes or long climbs. In this regard, the car owner is helped additional systems ESP, ABS and DAC. However, if necessary, all of these functions can be disabled.

Lockable clutch as standard

One of key features Hyundai crossover Creta is the presence of a locking clutch. The blocking works in conjunction with electrically driven and allows you to increase the overall off-road potential of the vehicle in harsh conditions.

However, in practice, locking the clutch does not help much in getting out of mud or deep snow. In a rut, this function is actually completely meaningless.

Blocking is felt only under light loads. In difficult conditions, using a lock will not bring much benefit. After all, the system is configured to increase the durability of the car transmission. Therefore, all forces are evenly distributed over the wheels. In general, the 1.6 engine is quite sufficient in any speed range.

Operating Hyundai Creta in the city

On asphalt surfaces, the Hyundai Creta demonstrates fairly good driving performance. Thanks to the wheelbase of 2590 mm, the car has an excellent ride. The suspension copes with any joints and road irregularities. At the same time, the interior feels soft and directional stability.

Sound insulation deserves great attention. You can hardly hear anything inside even if you rev ​​the engine to 3500-4500 rpm. The noise from the wheels is noticeably less than in previous versions.

In the city with a 1.6 engine the most optimal box is - mechanics. With an automatic, the car is sometimes very hesitant and takes time to shift. However, if dynamic overtaking is necessary, you can always switch the gearbox selector to manual mode.

What prospects await the Hyundai Creta 1.6 4WD?

The version of the Hyundai Creta crossover with a 1.6 engine and all-wheel drive is quite successfully sold in the domestic market. After all popular car got 4WD for a relatively minimal change in cost.

Thanks to this modification, it makes no sense for car enthusiasts to pay for a single-drive base. The 1.6 with 4WD is a more attractive option as it is in one price segment with 2WD versions. Therefore, in the future, experts predict an increase in demand for all-wheel drive equipment.

General advantages of a car with a 1.6 engine with 4WD:

  1. Good maneuverability.
  2. Comfortable operation.
  3. More off-road capabilities.
  4. Presence of clutch lock.
  5. Stability on the highway.

Disadvantages of the model with 1.6 internal combustion engine and all-wheel drive:

  1. Increased fuel consumption.
  2. Increased cost of service.
  3. Decrease in dynamics.
  4. Thoughtful automaton.

The listed Hyundai Creta in the 1.6 modification with all-wheel drive does not frighten the owners. Therefore, in the domestic market there is a trend of increasing demand for sales of this crossover. After all, for 970 thousand rubles it is almost impossible to buy a car with 4WD and a lock.

Overall rating of a car with 4WD

Based on the information received during the test drive Hyundai car Creta with ICE 1.6 can be assessed as good, family-friendly and can be used in lung conditions off-road, as well as for frequent trips to nature or to the country.

Version 1.6 is more suitable for the class budget cars. The machine is adapted for those who do not want to buy an older modification and pay more than 1 million rubles for the base 2.0.


All-wheel drive cars vehicles are especially popular among motorists. Crossovers of the Hyundai brand due to their chassis and operational characteristics have proven themselves to be exceptionally good, which is why they are widespread in our country. The Hyundai Creta drive has a complex design that ensures uniform transmission of torque with power unit on each wheel, significantly increasing the maneuverability and controllability of the vehicle in difficult road conditions (off-road, icy conditions, etc.). This is exactly what the manufacturer claims, and numerous test drives of the Creta are direct confirmation of this. Let's try to describe in detail its characteristics, operating modes, features Maintenance and troubleshooting possible problems.

Creta wheel drive systems

The technology for transmitting torque to all wheels of the crossover is called AWD Dynamax, and has the following operating modes:

  1. Automatic – when turned on, the Creta 1.6 4WD all-wheel drive remains deactivated. Engine torque is distributed to the front wheels. The car's ECU constantly analyzes the load on the power unit, the degree of wheel slip, and the vehicle's driving behavior, and, if necessary, turns on the second axle, making the crossover all-wheel drive. The use of this mode is recommended on city roads.
  2. Lock mode (4WD Lock) – remains activated at a speed not exceeding 30 km/h. After increasing the speed, the vehicle's ECU turns on auto mode. 4WD Lock is ideal for driving on off-road and in difficult terrain, since during its operation the maximum amount of traction force is transmitted to the wheels.

Depending on the road conditions and driving characteristics, the ECU in the described modes automatically connects the Hyundai Creta’s all-wheel drive if the situation requires it. For example, when driving in cruise control mode, torque is transmitted only to the front wheels, and when entering a turn (depending on the speed and angle of maneuver), the control system evenly distributes force to all wheels, engaging all-wheel drive. As a result, the movement is completely stabilized when entering a sharp turn at high speed. If one or both front wheels slip, the system immediately activates rear axle. When driving in areas with bad roads It is recommended to turn on the LOCK mode, which significantly increases cross-country ability, controllability and driving performance crossover.

Features of using all-wheel drive

For the correct functioning of the system and ensuring traffic safety, it is necessary to follow some management recommendations. Often, the driver turns on both axles while driving on icy highways. In this case, you should not sharply press the accelerator and pick up speed. It is better to move at a constant, low speed. This will ensure maximum contact of the tires with the road surface. Naturally, you must always keep your distance while driving. If you need to stop, it is better to do it in a lower gear without pressing hard. brake pedal. A two-axle drive may not always provide ideal stability and controllability on slippery roads, so you must always adhere to speed limit, avoid sudden acceleration and braking, before entering a turn, switch to downshift and slow down smoothly.

All-wheel drive Hyundai version Creta

In the case when dashboard The all-wheel drive indicator is constantly on, but it is deactivated; you need to contact a service station. It is possible that the cause of the malfunction is incorrect operation ECU, and after flashing it everything will work as before.

It is worth emphasizing that when driving in the city, it is necessary to deactivate the LOCK mode, since it is intended exclusively for areas with difficult terrain. Its use on urban highways is unacceptable, since there is a risk of damage to transmission elements, power unit and suspension.

Despite the fact that the Creta 1.6 all-wheel drive is stable in operation, automatic switching modes and high reliability, he is very susceptible to high loads. Naturally, the system of transmitting power to all wheels will help overcome off-road conditions, snow-covered plains, and icy highways, but you still should not constantly test its strength by operating the car in conditions close to extreme. It is necessary to understand that the Creta is just a crossover, not an SUV. To a greater extent, it is intended for use in urban areas, areas with difficult terrain and bad roads.

Cross-country ability and driving performance of Hyundai Creta 4 WD and 2WD cars

If we consider the scheme that provides the car with all-wheel drive, it can be noted that the design of its main components is almost identical to older versions of the crossover. Besides this, the majority technical solutions was borrowed from other models of the brand - Tucson and Santa Fe. Basically, all-wheel drive version 4WD and front-wheel drive 2WD work well under any road conditions.

Numerous test drives of the crossover in areas with different terrain and lack of road surface revealed all the capabilities of this car. The Creta starts easily, even with all wheels in the water or on slippery inclined surface. Uniform distribution of force from the engine to the wheels, wide tires, the correct division of the body weight provides the vehicle with excellent cross-country ability on rough terrain. But still, the Hyundai Creta is not full-fledged SUV with increased cross-country ability, which is why it is not recommended to constantly operate it with increased load directly on the all-wheel drive system. During testing, the car easily forded shallow streams and climbed steep hills. Note that the model showed these indicators both with automatic and with manual transmission transmission

The main feature of the Creta's all-wheel drive is the presence in its design of a special controlled locking electro-hydraulic clutch, which, together with other systems and mechanisms, can significantly improve the vehicle's driving characteristics in conditions complete off-road. But in practice, things are somewhat different. For example, locking the clutch does not always allow you to overcome deep, loose snow, mud, or an icy road surface. And if the car gets into a rut, blocking the clutch can only make the situation worse.

Oddly enough, it climbs well on snow-covered or slippery long climbs. In many ways, besides intelligent control The distribution of force on all wheels is facilitated by the presence of other useful systems:

If necessary, all of the listed systems can be disabled if this action is truly justified.

Another thing is the feeling of the car’s obedience on the road. Simply put, controllability. There are much more new impressions here, since the all-wheel drive “Cret” does not have an H-shaped beam at the rear, but a full-fledged one multi-link suspension. And this nuance, believe me, is very significant. With such a chassis, the Creta rides much softer and much more stable: when driving on a road of dubious quality, “bumps” are transmitted to the body smoothly and without unpleasant vibrations, and when cornering, the rear does not rearrange when driving through potholes. Plus, the presence of all-wheel drive based on an electro-hydraulic clutch enhances the feeling of confidence behind the wheel. It’s very difficult to “lose” a car on the road, even slippery surface and in case of frankly acute provocations while driving. And feel the moment when they start working rear wheels, almost impossible: everything happens quickly and accurately.

Advantageous formula

Pleasant handling is, of course, good. However, for most buyers, all-wheel drive means, first of all, cross-country ability and confidence behind the wheel on varied surfaces outside the urban jungle (read: on broken or rain-washed dirt roads in the countryside).