Izhavto model range. Izhevsk Automobile Plant “IzhAvto. Archive of Izh brand models

No one knows for certain why, in the mid-60s of the last century, the all-powerful member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee, Dmitry Fedorovich Ustinov, then curator of the entire defense complex of the country, pushed through the decision of the party and government on the construction of an automobile plant in Izhevsk. They say “in order to destroy the monopoly of the Ministry of Automotive Industry on production in our country automotive technology" But then there was nothing to destroy; passenger cars were made in scanty quantities only at AZLK and GAZ! Another reason seems more realistic - internal intrigues in the Politburo. Ustinov made his proposal in defiance of another member of the Politburo - A.N. Kosygin, who “led” the auto industry, and in the second half of the 60s signed a contract with Fiat to build a plant in Tolyatti. Here is L.I. Brezhnev decided to support the ambitions of the defense industry for balance.

Whether this is true or not, the construction of an automobile plant began in Izhevsk, which organizationally was to become a branch of the country's largest military-industrial enterprise, the world leader in the production of small artillery weapons. Motorcycles have been made in Izhevsk as a sideline since the 1930s, but cars have never been made here before.

The first Moskvich-408 in Izhevsk was assembled, as they say now, using the screwdriver assembly method on December 12, 1966 in the building of the Progress Research Institute (the plant’s workshops were still being completed). Izhevsk residents did not have their own model at that time. For the first batches, all parts and components of the car were supplied from Moscow, from MZMA, which was later renamed AZLK. Production lines (pressing and welding, painting and assembly) were put into operation over several years, and the plant became full-fledged only in 1971. Contract for its equipment modern equipment received by the Renault company, which played the first violin in the re-equipment of the capital's AZLK. But motor production was not created in Izhevsk; IZH cars were initially equipped with products from a branch of another defense plant - UMPO, where supplies to Izhevsk were also long perceived as a burdensome burden. After all, the main consumer was AZLK.

In short, the plant was built, and it increased production every year passenger cars. But for the defense industry he turned out to be an unwanted child, especially since the elderly Marshal Ustinov quickly lost interest in him. It is not surprising that the designers’ own developments Izhevsk Automobile Plant in Moscow they were perceived without enthusiasm and, as a rule, shelved. Although among them there were interesting and promising ones. As a result, never in its history has the enterprise reached its planned capacity of 200 thousand cars per year. The record is 134 thousand units in 1990. The plant could (theoretically) produce more (and there was demand!), but it was always supplied with components on a residual basis.


By the early 1990s, in Izhevsk, at the cost of incredible efforts, they managed to develop and bring to the production line their own model - IZH-2126 “Orbita”. The car remained rear-wheel drive, but was still a noticeable step forward compared to the basic Moskvich-412 model, produced since 1967. The first batch of hatchbacks rolled off the assembly line in the spring of 1991.

And then - the collapse of the USSR, the severance of economic ties, the era of free prices. To say that the Izhevsk Automobile Plant was not ready for this means to say nothing. Legally, it did not even exist, but was just a small division of a huge, clumsy mailbox, where more than 100 thousand people worked! And if the rest of the country's car factories were corporatized already in 1992 and tried to float on their own, then Izhevsk heroically sank along with the entire Izhmash production association.

It was not possible to launch the “Orbit” into mass production, and who needs the archaic “four hundred and twelve” when the new VAZ “sevens” and “nines” and decent used foreign cars became available! By the mid-1990s, car production in Izhevsk fell catastrophically - to 5 thousand cars per year; the conveyor stood idle for months, most of the qualified personnel left the sinking enterprise. What to do if salaries are not paid for six months?

In 1996, the enterprise was finally withdrawn from the Izhmash holding, and formally it became independent. True, it had a strange name: DAO Izhmash-Avto. DAO - child Joint-Stock Company, all its shares belonged to defense companies. But this is not important, but the plant got the opportunity to look for partners (including foreign ones), offering them to become shareholders of the enterprise. Then, in 1997–1998, foreign guests began to come to the city. Moreover, memorandums were signed with two foreign and one Russian company, and what kind! A project for assembling up to 250 thousand “accents” per year was agreed upon with Hyundai; they also wanted to expand the production of motors - up to half a million units. We practically agreed with the Volkswagen concern to assemble two Skoda models in Izhevsk - Felicia and Octavia; on this matter, a Russian-Czech intergovernmental agreement was even signed in December 1998.

AVTOVAZ promised to help launch full-fledged production of the Orbit (and supply engines for it), as well as transfer the assembly of the Niva to Udmurtia. Alas, nothing worked out. Only 200 Hyundai Accent sedans and 50 VAZ-2121 all-terrain vehicles were assembled in Izhevsk, and Skoda didn’t even get here. Of course, the economic crisis was raging in Russia, the demand for cars fell, so the capacity of existing factories was quite sufficient. Until new projects! The Izhevsk Automobile Plant was again almost on the verge of closure... And suddenly salvation came from where they had not expected - from the Samara region.


The SOK group was one of the most closed organizations in Russia. A company of enterprising young Samara residents led by Yuri Kachmazov began in the 90s of the last century with the production of plastic windows, then traded in auto parts, and then VAZs. Soon SOK became the largest dealer of the Volzhsky Automobile Plant. Further - more: Samara residents bought shares of leading suppliers of AVTOVAZ - the Syzran plant "Plastik", Vladimir "Avtopribor" and "Avtosvet", OSVAR, etc. - and by the beginning of the 2000s, the SOK Group felt like a full partner in Tolyatti . Moreover, in 1998, she even launched her own automobile plant, RosLada, in Syzran, where they assembled “classic” VAZ models. The arrival of Sokovites to the largest (and at the same time idle) automobile enterprise in the region seemed a logical step. Negotiations began in 1999, and in 2000 SOK became a shareholder of the Izhmash-Avto plant. It is still unknown how much the Samara residents paid for the huge plant, but it is unlikely to be more than 10–20 million dollars. However, there were no other buyers!

The young managers immediately got to work: they announced a recruitment drive, restored old equipment and purchased new ones, and began creating a dealer network.

The beginning of the 2000s is remembered in Izhevsk with nostalgia. We finally managed to put the IZH-2126 model on the assembly line, renamed “Oda”, and even galvanized (remember the advertisement?). The friendship between the leaders of SOK and AVTOVAZ also bore fruit: first the production of the “Six” and then the VAZ-2104 were moved to Izhevsk. In 2003 in model range IZH the long-awaited station wagon "Fabula" appeared, and then four wheel drive vehicle.

Negotiations have begun with the Korean Kia about the production of its models in Russia; For this purpose, the SOKia company was created. In a word, the Izhevsk Automobile Plant (by that time it was called “IzhAvto”) rose from the ashes, and the “Behind the Wheel” Grand Prix in the “Breakthrough of the Year” nomination - for the revival of the plant and brand - was awarded to it in 2001, completely deservedly.

At the end of 2004, the main shareholder of AVTOVAZ became the Rosoboronexport company (now the Russian Technologies State Corporation), and from that moment the decline of the SOK Group began. The defense industry did not like the “Samara” ones (probably for good reason, because SOK was still a very shady structure) and made a lot of efforts to oust them not only from Togliatti, but also from the auto business in general.

This war could not but affect the position of the Izhevsk Automobile Plant. In 2005, they quickly curtailed production of their own model IZH-2126. There are two reasons for this: a drop in demand and interruptions in the supply of engines from Togliatti. In the same year, production of the VAZ-2106 was stopped. IzhAvto was helped out by the fact that a little earlier the SOK Group itself had set a course for the industrial assembly of foreign cars. The first to receive Izhevsk registration Korean sedan"Kia Spectra". The model, already discontinued in Korea itself, was still advanced compared to rear-wheel drive VAZs and IZHs: power steering, airbags, anti-lock braking system, air conditioning, automatic transmission! The Izhevsk Automobile Plant has not offered any of this to its customers before.

And although the Spectra was two to three times more expensive than the Oda and Zhiguli, it was in considerable demand: almost 110 thousand sedans were produced. Then in Izhevsk they began to assemble small series of the Kia Sorento all-terrain vehicle, the Rio sedan and hatchback. Things were going well until the country was rocked by a new financial crisis in 2008. Demand for cars in Russia has almost halved. Sales of “fours” and “heels” dropped sharply, and the Koreans demanded an advance payment for vehicle kits for assembling Kia models. By that time, the plant had significant debts.

They began to cut staff again, and in March 2009 the conveyor was stopped. And suddenly the news: SOK, it turns out, sold the plant to its own managers for 200 million dollars, and not in real money - they say, the new owners will pay from the proceeds for cars that have not yet been produced or sold! The prosecutor's office, accusing SOK of withdrawing the company's assets and deliberate bankruptcy, opened a criminal case. And in February 2011, the main owner of SOK Yuri Kachmazov and whole line other managers of the holding and the plant were put on the international wanted list. For a year and a half, the workshops stood empty while representatives of Sberbank (it took over the plant after bankruptcy) and an external manager tried to understand the situation and find an opportunity to produce cars again. After all, on the one hand, there is quite modern production and qualified personnel, on the other hand, the debt to creditors (Sberbank in the first place) amounts to 13.5 billion rubles. How to live and work with this?


The forced downtime lasted more than a year. Only at the end of September 2010, the first batch of VAZ-2104 station wagons rolled off the assembly line (after bankruptcy the company received the name “United Automobile Group”, OAS), and a month later - IZH-27175 vans. The bet on the Zhiguli was not made because of a good life: only this car could be put into production quickly and cheaply.

However, the site in Izhevsk quickly became attractive: several large companies immediately expressed a desire to invest funds and set up production of their models here. Business proposals were made by the Hyundai - Kia and AVTOVAZ - Renault - Nissan alliances; The heads of Kaliningrad AVTOTOR announced their desire to acquire the plant. By the way, the Koreans were seriously counting on the Izhevsk site, which already had all the equipment necessary for the production of Spectra, Sorento and Rio. They also intended to assemble Hyundai trucks here. AVTOTOR also had a business plan.

But Sberbank, the main creditor of IzhAvto, decided otherwise. Or rather, the Russian government decided for him: on December 17, 2010, the management of Russian Technologies, the main shareholder of AVTOVAZ, in the presence of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, signed a memorandum with Sberbank on the purchase of debts and assets of the bankrupt plant. As a result, Sberbank transferred most of IzhAvto’s debt to Russian Technologies, and for money from the federal budget. The deal was finally completed at the end of October 2011, when AVTOVAZ acquired the United Automobile Group, which manages the affairs of the Izhevsk Automobile Plant, for 1.7 billion rubles.

However, no one expected any other development of events, because by that time the AvtoVAZ team had already been driving in Izhevsk for a year. In the spring of 2011, production of rear-wheel drive VAZ models completely moved there from Tolyatti. In summer, by agreement with Korean side The last batch of Kia cars (2.5 thousand) has been assembled, and since the fall the plant has been installing equipment for the production of Lada-Grant.

According to plans, the budget Lada will begin to roll off the IzhAvto assembly line in the second half of this year, and the Zhiguli will go into a well-deserved retirement (the demand for “fours” and “sevens” has fallen sharply with the end of the recycling program). According to some reports, it is in Izhevsk that they will also collect full cycle two popular Renault models: the Sandero hatchback and the Duster crossover. In two years, the annual production volume will reach 150 thousand cars! IzhAvto is designed to produce 220 thousand cars per year, but after modernization (AVTOVAZ intends to take on it) it will be possible to assemble up to 360 thousand cars here.

In the meantime, according to our data, at least 70 thousand cars will be produced in Izhevsk this year, including three Renault models (using the large-assembly method): Koleos, Megan and Scenic. The industrial assembly conditions that apply to the Izhevsk Automobile Plant, as part of the AVTOVAZ - Renault - Nissan group, allow this.

So today the plans of the former defense enterprise are quite optimistic. A huge debt of 13 billion rubles is no longer so scary when there is an international debt behind you automobile alliance out of three largest companies, as well as the Russian government.

The Izhevsk Automobile Plant produced the first car in December 1966. Productive capacity today - 220 thousand cars per year, number of employees - 5.7 thousand people. The most popular model- “Moskvich-412” (produced from 1967 to 1998); 2.3 million of these machines have been assembled.

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Automotive history Izhevsk plant started in 1965. But the history of the creation of the IzhMash association began almost three centuries ago. In 1763, a factory was built on the Izh River to produce anchors for river and sea vessels. In 1807, the Izhevsk arms factory was founded. In 1933, the first Izh motorcycles appeared.
On December 12, 1966, the first Izhevsk Moskvich-408, which was an exact copy Moscow At first, components and assemblies were supplied from Moscow.

In December 1967 it appeared new model- Moskvich-412, which was already different from the Moscow base model. The differences were both external and technical. The Izhevsk version had a strengthened body by connecting the front and rear side members into a single whole. Later, all serial 412 Izhys began to be equipped with removable URAL radio receivers, which at that time were considered very reliable and of high quality. This radio receiver had a built-in power source and could work autonomously, outside the car. URALs were not available for free sale; they were only installed on Izhevsk Moskvich. Plus, the Izhevsk 412th Moskvich was different high quality assembly and, as a result, was more reliable than the Moscow “twin”. All these advantages made the Izhevsk 412 more attractive to buyers. This model lasted on the production line until 1994. (IZH-2125 hatchback was produced until 1997)
In 1968, the first Moskvich-434 van rolled off the assembly line in Izhevsk, for transporting cargo weighing up to 600 kg.
In 1973, it was replaced by the IZH-2715 Heel, which became the most popular Soviet van.

In 1970, IZH-MASH made an attempt to create the world's first parquet SUV. History is cruelly silent about this fact, but it was at IZH-MASH that the idea and the first prototypes were born parquet all-wheel drive SUV or as they say now, a crossover. .

In 1973, a new model was released - IZH-2125 “Combi”, which was created on the basis of the Moskvich-412. With the launch of this model in the title Izhevsk cars the word Moskvich has disappeared.

In 1984, the Orbita IZH-2126 model appeared. In 2003, it changed its name to ODA. The station wagon was called Fabula. The designers decided to abandon the then popular front wheel drive, which was successfully used on the VAZ-2108 and Moskvich-2141 models. However, IZH-2126 unfortunately did not people's car, unlike its predecessors, and it was destined to become the last in the IZh model range. Attempts to revive it in the early 2000s failed. Changing the name to “Oda” and a partially galvanized body (which was the dream of all Soviet car enthusiasts), as well as the release of the Fabula station wagon (based on the new Oda) were already a very belated decision. There was even all-wheel drive version Fabulas with injection engine 1.6 from VAZ Niva. By the way, the all-terrain station wagon turned out to be quite good, and if the designers had worked on the appearance, then it would be quite possible to revive the IZH brand. But it was already 2005 - cars from foreign automakers for every taste were being sold in full swing in the country. It was already pointless to compete with them on the old IZH-Orbit (Oda) platform. .

After the completion of the production of IZH-2126, only the heel IZH-2717, the successor to IZH-2715, remained on the assembly line. Later it was replaced by the new Izhevsk boot IZH-27175, created on the basis of the VAZ-21043. Plus, at IzhMash there are already full swing assembly line was in progress Korean KIA Spectra.

At the beginning of 2009, at the height of the crisis, IzhMash reduced production volumes. In the spring the situation became almost critical and in August 2009 the plant was declared bankrupt. Over 5 thousand employees were laid off with two months of benefits. However, in September there were reports that it was planned to resume car production Kia Spectra. This car was previously known under the name Kia Sephia (the hatchback was called Kia Shuma) and was produced in South Korea from 1993 to 2004. IN this moment The Izhevsk Automobile Plant belongs to VAZ. In 2014, a pilot batch was produced at Izhmash facilities Lada models Vesta.

IzhAvto (Izhevsk Automobile Plant) is a Russian automobile manufacturing enterprise located in Izhevsk. Previously it was part of the Izhmash defense plant. Controlled by AvtoVAZ through subsidiary company"United Automotive Group".

The emergence of the Izhevsk Automobile Plant was due to the fact that by the mid-60s the USSR produced less than 150 thousand passenger cars in year. There were 4 personal cars per 1000 residents of the country. In this regard, there was an urgent need for comfortable and available cars. Moreover, the country at that moment had an infrastructure potentially capable of ensuring the development of such a complex industry as mass production passenger cars. This is the presence of: raw materials, industrial potential, large capacity domestic market sales, appropriate level of scientific, engineering and technical personnel. Thus, there were all the prerequisites to quickly solve the problem of building a plant that would produce a mass-produced passenger car at the level of world standards.

Izhevsk was not chosen as a production site by chance. The favorable geo-economic position of Udmurtia, as well as the concentration of large industrial and defense enterprises in the region, became decisive in the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the location of the new automobile plant. Thus, in 1965, as part of the state enterprise IZHMASH, it was formed automobile production- branch No. 1.

The car plant was built in record time short time: began in mid-1965 excavation, and already in December 1966 the first products appeared - Moskvich-408 cars. This model laid the foundation for the popular IZH brand in the USSR and abroad. At the beginning and until 1967, all parts and components of the car were supplied by the AZLK plant (Moscow). Since 1967, the Izhevsk Automobile Plant has been developing production own developments. So, in 1967, the Moskvich-412, designed in Izhevsk and a development of the Moskvich-408 model, rolled off the assembly line. In 1971, the model range of the Izhevsk Automobile Plant was replenished with the COMBI model - the first “liftback” (or “notchback”) in the USSR and the first in the USSR light commercial vans and pickup trucks.

Simultaneously with the development of the new model range, from 1967 to 1971, our own production lines were put into operation: pressing and welding lines, body painting installations, and conveyor lines.

Throughout the 1990s, the car plant was in a protracted crisis, since it could not replace on our own the obsolete IZH-412 / -2125 / -2715 family, produced since 1967 new series passenger cars and light commercial vehicles ORBIT (later ODA). The transition to a new owner in 2000 made it possible to improve the financial condition of the car plant and begin the development of a new model range of cars.

In a short period of time, the plant team introduces, as part of full-scale production, such models as ODA 4x4 (all-wheel drive version of the ODA hatchback), FABULA (station wagon based on ODA), and masters production LADA cars 2106 and LADA.

As part of the project for organizing a licensed assembly KIA cars started in 2004 deep modernization production and introduction of new technologies. At the same time, the plant made the transition to new standards of quality, organization and production management. However, due to an increase in the cost of vehicle kits purchased for the production of KIA models in 2008-2009 and a general drop in demand for cars, the Izhevsk Automobile Plant was forced to stop the conveyor in May 2009.

On May 4, 2010, an external management plan was approved, providing for the resumption of the plant’s activities, the leasing of part of its property, measures to reduce the cost of work, the collection of accounts receivable, and the sale of part of the property not related to the main activity.

On August 3, 2010, the Izhevsk Automobile Plant began reactivating the equipment of the main production shops (stamping, welding, painting, assembly). At the end of August, the gradual filling in of the production technology for LADA and cars began.

On September 7, 2010, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, President - Chairman of the Board of SBERBANK of Russia German Gref and President of AvtoVAZ OJSC Igor Komarov, as part of a working visit to Udmurtia, visited the Izhevsk Automobile Plant, which had resumed car production.

In April 2011, by order of OAG LLC, production of LADA 2107 cars began at the car plant. For this project, recruitment began and the plant switched to a two-shift operating mode; now the plant employs more than 5,000 people. Already in October, the 25,000th LADA 2107 rolled off the production line of the enterprise.
In August 2011, the car plant team reached the target production rate - production of 10,000 cars per month.
On October 27, 2011, the transaction for the acquisition by AVTOVAZ of 100% of the shares of United Automobile Group LLC was closed. The transaction was completed in accordance with the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding on the long-term development and modernization of IzhAvto, signed in the presence of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin in December 2010 general director State Corporation of Russian Technologies Sergei Chemezov, President of AVTOVAZ Igor Komarov and President of SBERBANK of Russia German Gref.
On April 17, 2012, it rolled off the assembly line of the Izhevsk Automobile Plant last car LADA 2107. In total, 42.5 thousand classic rear-wheel drive sedans were produced in Izhevsk.

On July 25, 2012, the Izhevsk Automobile Plant officially began production of LADA Granta cars. The first cars to roll off the assembly line were those in the “standard” configuration; in September, the assembly of Granta cars in the “norm” configuration began.

LADA Granta is produced in Izhevsk using a full cycle: welding, painting and assembly technology. The welding complex is capable of producing two types of bodies: sedan and hatchback. Welding of the chassis and body is carried out using 28 robots in an automatic line.

The quality assurance system at LADA Granta production in Izhevsk was developed in accordance with the requirements international standards in terms of quality ISO 9000 and AVTOVAZ quality policy, which also takes into account the quality methods of the Renault-Nissan Alliance.

On September 17, 2012, the last car of the classic LADA family, a station wagon, rolled off the assembly line of the Izhevsk Automobile Plant. The history of “classics” in Russia is over. For 11 years ( production LADA 2106 in Izhevsk started in 2001), the production volume of Izhevsk “classics” exceeded 380 thousand cars and 40 thousand disassembled series for export to the CIS countries.

In 2012, the Izhevsk Automobile Plant produced 48,573 cars, including 24,074 LADA Granta. Plans for 2013 include the production of 60 thousand LADA Granta cars in the “standard” and “norm” trim levels, as well as work to modernize and increase production efficiency.
The enterprise development project provides for the phased development Renault models and Nissan - the potential total production volume at the Izhevsk site exceeds 300 thousand cars per year.

IZH (Izhevsk Automobile Plant) is one of the largest enterprises in Izhevsk. All Izh models are in demand due to their low cost and high maintainability.

Story car brand IZH begins in April 1966, when the decision was made to produce cars at the Izhmash plant. Official date The birth of the automobile plant is considered to be October 21, 1965, when pre-production work began.

The first Moskvich-408 car with the IZH emblem on the radiator rolled off the assembly line of the automobile plant on December 12, 1966. By the end of the year, 300 cars were assembled, which was an undoubted achievement for the period of formation of the Izhevsk “Moskvich”. In total, the Izhevsk Automobile Plant produced more than 4,000 Moskvich-408 cars.

The successor to the 408th model was the more advanced Izh-412, released in December 1967. The car retained all the advantages of its predecessor: durability, strength, ease of maintenance. The successful design and reliable components made it possible to create successful racing versions of this car, which repeatedly won Soviet and foreign competitions. And improved specifications combined with more spacious interior made the car a real hit in the company's lineup. The production of this model continued until 1999.

The 412th model became the basis for a whole galaxy of cars developed by the designers of the Izhevsk Automobile Plant. First of all, it is worth mentioning the first light delivery van 2715 and the first Soviet five-door hatchback 2125 "Combi".

In 1970, the Izhevsk Automobile Plant developed the first domestic all-wheel drive vehicle IZH-5 with an original self-locking differential. A year later, based on it, it was designed and released all-wheel drive SUV IZH-14. Few people know that this particular car became the prototype of the VAZ Niva. Also, the Izhevsk Design Bureau developed front wheel drive cars IZH-13 and 19, which did not go into production for the same reason - the impossibility of unification with the base models of the plant. Thus, IzhAvto focused on the production of rear-wheel drive cars.

Since 1980, cars of the Izhevsk Automobile Plant received a new appearance and some internal changes- recessed door handles, new sidelights, radiator grille, front disc brakes, dual-circuit brake system.

In 1984, the new model 2126 passed state tests, and in 1991, production of the 2126 Orbita car was put on the assembly line. The model has a five-door hatchback body, traditional rear-wheel drive and is equipped with a VAZ-2106 engine. Because trademark“Orbita” was already registered abroad, it was decided to change the name of not only the export version, but also the model intended for the domestic market. Now the 2126 cars are called "Oda".

The 2126's modern steering design makes it easy to control the vehicle even when fully loaded, without losing control of the road. Backseat, folding in a 50/50 ratio, allows you to transport long loads. By folding the seat completely, you get a very spacious luggage compartment. This is especially important when traveling to the country, hunting, or fishing. The pages of our website contain current advertisements for the sale of this model with photos and contact information of sellers.

A long break in the development of new models at the Izhevsk Automobile Plant was caused by the economic crisis of the 90s. Stagnation and decline in production was observed until 2000, when there was a change in management and legal status, after which production volumes increased.

One of the first steps towards revival was the production of the beloved “six” at the plant’s premises, and two years later the production of the VAZ-2104 station wagon was transferred to Izhevsk. Total number collected in Izhevsk VAZ models today it is more than 250 thousand.

In 2004, IzhAvto OJSC took second place in Russian Federation for the production of passenger cars after AvtoVAZ. For the period 2000-2004. The enterprise's production volume increased almost 4 times, and the market share of the car plant's products increased from 3% to 8%.

In August 2005, production of its own IZh models, with the exception of the 27175 van based on the VAZ-2104, was discontinued; in December, production of the VAZ-2106 was also discontinued.

After signing an agreement with the Korean company KIA Motors Corp., on August 22, 2005, the opening of full-scale production of the KIA Spectra car took place at the facilities of the Izhevsk Automobile Plant. On July 22, 2008, production of the Sorento model started by analogy.

The difficult financial difficulties of IzhAvto OJSC began in December 2008, when, due to the devaluation of the ruble, vehicle kits from the South Korean company KIA became more expensive, according to the plant’s estimates, by 40%. In March 2009, production at the enterprise was stopped, and in August of the same year the company began bankruptcy proceedings.

In the summer of 2011, production of limited quantities of Spectra and Sorento models was resumed for several months to fulfill obligations to KIA Motors.

On October 27, 2011, the transaction for AvtoVAZ’s purchase of United automobile group(OAS), which owns IzhAvto. After modernization, it is planned to assemble at the plant’s facilities Lada Granta and several Renault-Nissan models.

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Sberbank, the main creditor of the Izhevsk Automobile Plant (Izhavto), chose the Korean automobile concern Hyundai-Kia, with which an agreement will be signed on April 13 to resume production at the plant, sources close to the negotiations told RIA Novosti.

Izhevsk Automobile Plant (short name - OJSC IzhAvto) is one of the largest enterprises in Izhevsk.

The history of IzhAvto OJSC began in 1965, when the Council of Ministers of the USSR decided to produce Moskvich-408 passenger cars, designed at the Moscow plant named after. Lenin Komsomol.

The first car - Moskvich-408 with the IZH emblem on the radiator - rolled off the assembly line of the car plant on the night of December 12, 1966. By the end of the month, 300 cars had been assembled, and in May 1967, the 1000th car rolled off the assembly line.

In December 1967, production of a more advanced model, Moskvich-412, began.
The Izhevsk Automobile Plant was confidently gaining momentum. Pressing and welding lines, body painting installations and many kilometers of conveyor lines equipped with sophisticated automation equipment were put into operation. By 1971, all the main workshops of the “big” automobile plant were put into operation.

Soon the team presented two new car models, completely developed by its design departments, for state testing. These were the five-door hatchback IZH-2125 (“IZH Combi”) and the light delivery van IZH-2715.
On October 27, 1977, the millionth car rolled off the assembly line of the Izhevsk Automobile Plant.

In 1984, a new basic model IZH 2126 (a five-door hatchback with a traditional rear wheel drive and VAZ-2106 engine).

It was popularly called "Orbit", and only in 1999 - the modern official name "Ode". Subsequently, IZH-2717 vans, IZH-27171, and IZH-212615 “pickup trucks” began to be produced on its platform. In 1991, based on the IZH-2126 car, the IZH-21261 Fabula station wagon appeared.

The peak of car production at the plant occurred in 1988, when about 190 thousand units were produced, but then production began to decline.

In 2000, control over IzhAvto passed to the financial and industrial group SOK (headquartered in Samara), specializing in the production of cars and auto components, after which the decline in production at the plant was overcome. Car production more than quadrupled from 1999 to 2006.

In 2000, IzhAvto launched production of VAZ cars of the classic family. In 2001, the VAZ 2106 model was launched, and in 2002, the VAZ 2043.

In 2003, a cooperation agreement was signed between IzhAvto and Kia Motors Corporation. In March 2004, the first KIA Spectra cars were assembled at the plant from Korean car kits using the SKD assembly method - the so-called. “screwdriver assembly” of large units and parts.

In August 2005, JSC IzhAvto began industrial production of KIA Spectra cars under license from KIA Motors Corporation, and in 2006, production began Kia Rio, in 2007 - the beginning of large-scale assembly of the Kia Sorento, in 2008 - the beginning of serial industrial Kia assemblies Sorento.

In 2008, OJSC IzhAvto produced Izh-27175, VAZ-2104, assembled Korean Kia(Spectra and Sorento). The plant's capacity is 220 thousand cars; in 2007, 78.8 thousand cars were produced.

The difficult financial difficulties of IzhAvto OJSC began in December 2008, when, firstly, due to the devaluation of the ruble, vehicle kits from the South Korean company Kia Motors rose in price, according to the plant's estimates, by 40%. And secondly, the company defaulted on bonds worth about 2 billion rubles. The management pinned great hopes on the purchase of the enterprise by AvtoVAZ, but the latter refused the acquisition.
In April 2009, the media reported that IzhAvto was able to negotiate with Kia Motors to reduce the price of vehicle kits and intended to launch the assembly line in July 2009. To start the resumption of production, working capital in the amount of 500 million rubles was required to pay suppliers, including AvtoVAZ.

However, IzhAvto could not find the required amount and management was forced in May 2009 to stop the conveyor and lay off 2.4 thousand people; Before this, the factory staff numbered 5.33 thousand employees. The rest were sent on unpaid leave.

The SOK group of companies sold shares of IzhAvto to the plant itself, creating a cross structure of its ownership.

OJSC IzhAvto was unable to restructure its debt by 11.3 billion rubles. Having not received support from Sberbank of Russia, management was forced to initiate bankruptcy proceedings and submit an application to the Arbitration court Udmurtia about bankruptcy.

The main creditor of the enterprise is Sberbank of Russia, to which the plant owes 7.74 billion rubles, taken as collateral for a controlling stake in IzhAvto. Another reason for declaring bankruptcy was the court’s refusal to satisfy IzhAvto’s appeal in a dispute over the recovery of 201.4 million rubles from it for a debt in favor of Orgresbank.

At the beginning of June 2009, the court ordered the company to pay the plaintiff 196 million rubles of debt on bonds (the holder of which is Orgresbank), 484.1 thousand rubles in coupon income and 4.91 million rubles in interest for the use of borrowed funds.

In addition, on August 26, IzhAvto was supposed to fulfill the offer on bonds worth 1.2 billion rubles (plus 80 million rubles in coupon income), postponed from December.

September 4, 2009 Arbitration Court Udmurt Republic recognized the insolvency of IzhAvto OJSC and introduced a monitoring procedure at the car plant until March 4, 2010. Also, a temporary manager was appointed at the enterprise, whose tasks included conducting a financial analysis of the company. He became a member of the Kazan non-profit partnership “Self-regulatory organization “Guild of Arbitration Managers” Rashid Zagidulin.

On September 10, 2009, the investigative department at the Department of Internal Affairs for the Ustinovsky district of Izhevsk, based on the results of the inspection, opened a criminal case for deliberate bankruptcy (Article 196 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

At the end of 2009, Russian Technologies became the owner of about 25% of the shares of IzhAvto through the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant, which belongs to the state corporation.

On March 4, 2010, the Arbitration Court of the Udmurt Republic decided to introduce an external management procedure at the Izhevsk Automobile Plant. Mikhail Kotov, a member of the Moscow non-profit partnership "National Guild of Arbitration Managers", was appointed external manager of the plant.

At the beginning of April 2010, IzhAvto's debt amounted to 15 billion rubles. The plant is undergoing bankruptcy proceedings, and Sberbank, as the largest creditor (8.25 billion rubles), heads the committee of creditors. Sberbank has a 51% stake in IzhAvto as collateral. At the end of 2009, Sberbank began registering pledged shares for its subsidiary Sberbank Capital. To save IzhAvto, Sberbank negotiated with the alliance Hyundai Kia And Kaliningrad plant"Avtotor".

According to media reports, Sberbank has chosen the Korean automobile concern Hyundai-Kia as a partner of IzhAvto, with which an agreement to resume production at the plant is to be signed on April 13, 2010.

Earlier it was reported that Hyundai-Kia proposes to continue assembly at the car plant under a tolling scheme Hyundai models and Kia, with the subsequent purchase of the entire IzhAvto plant. Hyundai Kia also offered to organize the assembly of several more models of the concern at IzhAvto, in particular Kia Picanto and a light truck Kia Bongo.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources