Stove Priors does not supply warm air reasons. What should be taken if in the car Lada Priora does not work well. Air damper heater

The car "Lada Priora" enjoys well-deserved love and respect for our compatriots. A good value for money, the prevalence of spare parts and magnificent maintainability make it the leader of the domestic nevertheless, being the result of Russian development, this car has some drawbacks.

As you know, the "Priora" is a deep restyling of the previous model - 2110. Therefore, most nodes and aggregates switched from "dozens", including the device of the heating and ventilation system of the cabin. Most of the main details of this system are "dozens".

Therefore, such a unification helps a lot when repairing. Unfortunately, this feature leaves the sideways when the fault occurs. Pretty frequent cases when the stove on the "Prior" does not work. Situations are different. In one case, problems can be with a fan, in the other - with dampers, etc.

Main reasons

The reasons why the stove does not work on the "Prior" may be somewhat:

  • Improper functioning of the thermostat.
  • Radiator clogging
  • Incorrect operation of the motor of the heater damper or heater electric motor.
  • Malfunction of the heater control unit.
  • Incorrect operation of the cabin air temperature sensor.

Preparatory stage

Troubleshooting the heater operation should be started under the condition that the power unit and the engine cooling system is in order to eliminate their effect. To do this, make sure that Tosol is covered in due quantity, the engine is working normally and is functioning normally. And after that, it is already found out why the stove on the "Prior" does not work. Initially, check the coolant level in the expansion tank. Next, you need to start the engine and warm it up to the operating temperature. After that, it is necessary to check the health of the thermostat - to feel thick hoses that go from it to the car radiator.

The top must gradually become hot. If the rubber nozzle is still cold, it means that the thermostat is faulty. In this case, you can continue to work only after replacing this item. Fortunately its cost is small.

Another reason for which the motor may not warm up to the operating temperature is a leakage of the expansion tank. It must keep overpressure in the system. Often a simple replacement of this cover can be completely getting rid of problems.

On the "Prior", unlike the "dozens", the organization of the cooling system is carried out in a different way. And the formation of an air traffic jam is practically excluded there. It may occur if the system is leakageless, either when pouring toosol in a completely empty expansion tank. Eliminates it is simple enough. It is necessary on a heated car to drive a front wheels on some slide and vigorously pay off on the spot. The lid of the expansion tank at the same time should be removed.

Malfunctions of the radiator heater

Another reason for the fact that in the car "Lada Priora" does not work from deflectors), may be the accumulation of dirt in the heat exchanger. When the cooling system is running in the motor block itself, deposits accumulate, which are then distributed throughout the system, including in the stove radiator. These sediments interfere with its effective work. The system will heat the air worse. In this case, the stove radiator can be replaced entirely. It is removed from the engine side. Before starting work, it is necessary to drain the toosol from the cooling system. Then dismantle the leashes of wipers, the "Jabs" lining and push part of the noise insulating shield. After that, disassemble the stove case, disconnect the wires, remove the fan motor along with the impeller and remove the heat exchanger, disconnecting the supply hoses from it.

Problems associated with the damper motor or electric motor fan

A common fault by the Lada Priora car - the stove does not work. Does not blow air at all.

First, you should make sure that it works - from the deflectors should blow at least cold air. If not, then you need to check the integrity of the F9 fuse.

If it is intact, it means that the fan stove does not work. "Priora" is equipped with a "tenth of" fan. Therefore, the removal exactly repeats the procedure on the "top ten" procedure. In some cases, the fan does not spin because leaves or other foreign objects that can block rotation can be blocked between the impeller and its housing. In this case, you can hear the characteristic hum.

Cold air from deflectors can also go and because the motor detector does not work, controlling the flap, which overlaps the stream of hot air. Access to it is also carried out from under the hood.

Often the cause of the motor destructive contacts is becoming the oxidation of conductive contacts. They must be cleared with sandpaper, disassembled the case. Also, you should pay attention to the strength of the air flow. If even at the maximum speed, the air blows weakly, perhaps the case in the closed salon filter. It is located under the hood in the heater housing and creates additional interference.

Malfunction of additional resistance

Often there are situations when the stove switch does not work on the "Prior" - the motor functions only at the fourth speed or only on the first one. The reason here can be in an additional resistance, which slows down the turnover rotation of the stove fan.

This resistance is a block of resistors (the fourth speed is straight, without deceleration). Located in the heater housing on the left side and is fastened with two screws. This resistance is also unified with many domestic models (2110, "Kalina", "Chevrolet-Niva").

Incorrect operation of the salon temperature sensor

There is still a reason why the stove on the "Prior" does not work correctly. It occurs due to the malfunction of the salon temperature sensor. It is located in the ceiling flake.

Element, measuring air temperature in the cabin, gives the command to the opening or closure reducer. Thus adjusts the microclimate in the cabin. Its service should also be checked.

Heater Control Unit

The operation of the heating system is completely tied to it distributes air flow, the intensity of the blowing of various zones of the cabin and the temperature regime. With his failure, the stove naturally ceases to work.

There may be a malfunction of the switches ("Cruffers"). The malfunction of the control unit must be checked later, since this electronic unit and repair rarely gives away. Therefore, it is desirable to be temporarily replaced by a worker to be temporarily replaced by a job, lenting from a friend or in the store on bail.

Features of the heater in the "Prior" with air conditioning

A frequent reason why the stove does not work ("Priora" with air conditioning), is the failure of the rotational speed controller block (RFB), which is located on the heater housing under the hood. It regulates the intensity of the fan electric motor. With his failure, the stove ceases to function at all or acts only at the fourth speed.

The cause of the malfunction often becomes the long operation of the heater in recirculation mode (with a closed air damper) and, as a result, its overheating. Therefore, its performance should also be checked.


Thus, finding the reasons, due to which the stove on the "Prior" does not work, is not such a difficult occupation. The main thing is to observe a clear sequence of actions and understand what the work of a node depends on.

Often, Russian motorists who exploit the Lada Priora complain that the stove is poorly working, in the cabin of the vehicle cool, the side and windy windows of the car are frozen. In order to understand why the stove stopped working on the prior, consider the device of the entire heating system on these modifications.

System of Heating Salon Priora

The vehicle is equipped with a stove (heating system) with a climatic complex that serves for comfort during a trip to the car. They are designed to eliminate issues in case of cooling or other weather changes. No one will ask the question why the stove does not work in the prior, nor the driver or passengers.

The car's climatic complex is counted:

  • actually stove (heater);
  • fan stove device;
  • temperature sensor in the salon room;
  • case part of the air distributor;
  • air mains;
  • deflectors (guide stream of air mass).

The air flow from the stove is translated into the body part of the air distributor, from where the airways are sent. According to air ducts, the stream rushes to blowing labs of windshield and side location, to the air mass flow guides in the center and side of the dashboard, as well as to the lower plane of the salon to the polishes on the bottom of the body. With the arrival of frosts, defects of the heating system are manifested, the most unpleasant of which is the one that the stove of Lada Priora and other faults does not work.

Malfunctions of the car heating system

In the car Lada Priora, the stove controller does not work due to the malfunction of the multi-position switch or the imaging fan defect. When troubleshooting this fault, when the fan of the prior stove does not work, the fuse block, which serves as the main vendor supplier for the operation of the ventilation device. Many climate system defects are directly related to the operation of the vehicle cooling system.

In the event that the fan device is good, and the stove is bad on the prior, the defect should be seen to the sequential method of cutting off the proven elements. So, the stove works well on the prior and cool in the cabin:

First stage: On the motor, brought to the optimum temperature, check 2 nozzles, which were connected to the heater, for temperature values. If both products are hot, then the circulation of the air masses is absent, and if one nozzle is hot, and the other is cold, then it shows the absence of a water-cutting of the aqueous solution in the system. We carry out the diagnosis of the heater crane in order to deal with the cooling system solution (water, tool).

To this end, open the hood and translate the crane from one position to another. If there is flow from the heating system, then it must be eliminated, because The insufficient amount of the cooler can provoke the situation when cold air blows from the stove of the priory and in the cabin becomes cool. If the crane rusted and not regulated, it is possible to leave it in this position for the summer when the heating system is not operated. Closer to the cold it is required to replace it.

Second phase: When you find a crane in the working position and failure of the stove from work, we remove the fuel plug of the radiator tank and we look at the presence of a cooler fluid. In the event of the formation of the so-called. "Air tubes" The coolant level is brought to the maximum value (sometimes it happens that cold air blows from the stove due to the lack of a cooler fluid). After that, we turn on the power plant and dramatically press the accelerator pedal several times, which will provoke the cooler circuit and under its exposure to the water pump will squeeze the air layer cork.

In order for air mass faster to move to the output level, it is required to enter the exaltation so that the radiator is below the radiator of the cooling system. So, the circulation of the cooler is restored, 2 the nozzle has become hot, however, the stove on the prior does not work well anyway?

Third stage: Perhaps the dampers do not work, because the open lever on the instrument panel does not mean at all that the dampers have duplicated this command. The failure of the flaps may be associated with the looping of the attachments of the thrust and the cranes of the heater, which blocks them in summertime.

It will not be superfluous when the hood is open to check, the flaps of the prior stove work or do not work, as well as clean the heater from last year's garbage and foliage. If, after these measures to clean the system, the system does not work poorly or does not function the salon heater, then we turn directly to the pipes.

Fourth stage: Check the temperature of the nozzles when the stove is turned on. If the fan is in working condition, the two nozzles are hot, but one begins to cool after a while - it is necessary to change the water pump due to the weak circulation of the cooler. Some motorists manage to install a small water pump under the stove radiator.

Starting to test the heating system, bring the technological process to the end:

  1. The level of the cooler in the extension tank must be between the MIN and MAX marks.
  2. We test the cooler circulation process in the extension tank. Its absence is defined as a water pump defect or clogging of the cooling complex.

This diagnosis of the heating system is over.

The main reasons for the breakdown of the stove in the lade prior:

  • if the air hit the heating system at the moment when you were replaced by a coolant or damage to the main block of cylinders;
  • if the stove with a quick movement warms badly, and at low speed well, then the problem of the thermostat in the open position;
  • if the stove radiator is clogged, as insects, leaves, dust, sealant, water or poor-quality toosol can get there.
  • in the case of pollution of the salon filter;
  • if the fan itself came out;
  • with wear of bearings or brushes;
  • problems with electronics;
  • if the radiator flap is damaged, there is no air access;
  • the heater crane lever worked, as the gum were dry, and in this case it is necessary to replace the new together with the stove radiator;
  • the upper nozzle broke down, it is not subject to repair, only replacement for a new one;
  • may break the stove control unit and interruptions in the fan operation will appear;
  • fault of the air temperature sensor.

For all the existence of the car, Lada Priora is constantly being improved. All new models appear.

For example, a hatchback train has a maximum configuration: ABC, climate control, heated, parking sensors, staff music and more. Its advantages in the engines, fuel consumption, reliability, good stove and start in any frost. The seat behind the wheel is very comfortable - the back does not get tired, and the legs do not register. Previously, there was one engine in the lade of the prior - a 16-valve, outstanding 98 horsepower. Now Lada Priora consists of two 16 valves and gives 98 and 106 horsepower.

Bad warm stove Lada Priora with air conditioning and without

Nowadays, the tie of prior, equipped with a system of air conditioning, will not surprise anyone. Air conditioning is an additional installation that increases the cost of the machine. It can be included in the package, as well as it can be purchased after buying a car. To come with air conditioning, this car has become quite recently.

It is worth thinking when buying a car, whether the air conditioner is needed complete. Suppliers of air conditioners on this car are Panasonic produced by Taiwan or Korean Hello. These both types of air conditioners with their details are designed by contractors and look like the appearance in principle equally. In the case of replacing the filter or belt in the air conditioner, it is necessary to know its model and the size of the filter.

Why the stove does not work on the Lada Priora

Lada Priora is in many ways similar to his progenitor VAZ of the tenth family, including the heater device. The manufacturer decided to leave the principle of the stove, replacing only some elements new. Together with this, Lada Priora inherited acquaintances, for example, when the stove does not heat and blows with cold air.

Heating system elements (stoves)

The fact that the stove "Priors" is 95% similar to "dozen" can be seen by catalog numbers:

  1. Heater assembly (2170-8101012 or 2111-8101012-10).
  2. Air Flow Distribution Motor (2170-8127100). Distributes air flows to feet / face / windshield. It is inside the torpedo.
  3. Air temperature sensor in the cabin (11186-8128050). Located on the ceiling.
  4. Heater controller (KUO) or stove control unit (21703-8128020). The block on which the driver sets the parameters of the stove. Located in the panel.
  5. Resistor Extension or additional resistor (2123-8118022). Determines the speed of rotation of the fan stove. Fastened in the engine compartment.
  6. Heater Electristant (2111-8118020). Located under the hood.
  7. Heater valve motor (2110-8127200). Distributes air flow into the salon (Street / Radiator stove). Inside the heater assembly.
  8. Air filter (2110-8122020).
  9. Radiator stove (2110-8101060). Located inside the heater.

A malfunction of one of these elements causes problems in the work of the stove.

Principle of work stove

To independently determine the problem of the heater, you should understand the principle of its work.

The heater controller receives a signal from the temperature sensor in the cabin and compares it with the temperature that the driver put. If there is a difference, then Kuo sends a signal to the stove motor deuctor (located under the hood) so that it is closed or opened to a certain amount of the stove valve for greater supply of cold or hot air.

After setting the desired fan speed of the stove, the heater controller sends a signal to an additional resistor (in the engine compartment), which, due to the built-in resistance, sends a corrected signal to the fan. At the maximum speed, the resistor is not used and the electric fan rotates at maximum speed.

Air direction (face / foot / windshield) Determines the driver, exposing the required value to KUO. After that, the signal comes to the airflow distribution motor (inside the panel / torpedo), which moves the flap in the desired direction.

If the stove blows with cold air (does not warm)

The reasons why the stove "Priors" is bad may be somewhat (in brackets there is a percentage of breakage based on the results of the survey among the owners of this car):

  1. The malfunction in the engine cooling system (the cutting radiator is cold and cannot give heat). Turn both heater radiator hose, they both must be hot. Sometimes the reason lies in the radiator itself (marriage, not perfectly productive) (8%).
  2. Dirty salon filter. Try to remove the filter and check the operation of the stove (2%).
  3. The stove damper does not work, it is simply jammed (17%).
  4. Faulty stove motor (16%).
  5. Faulty air temperature sensor in the cabin. Try to turn it off on time and check the operation of the heater (6%).

Paragraphs 3-6 may also be a reason when only hot air from the stove is constantly blowing.

Mode switch does not work (face / feet / glass)

Possible causes (in brackets indicated percentage of breakage based on the results of the survey among the owners of this car):

  1. Defective heater controller (13%).
  2. Faults of the air flow distribution inside the cabin (8%).

The stove works only in 4 position

If the first, second or third position of the stove does not work, therefore (in parentheses the percentage of breakage is indicated according to the results of the survey among the owners of this car):

  1. Faulty stove resistor (7%).
  2. Faulty heater control unit (13%).

If noise stove

The electric fan bearing is buzzing (17%). Also additional noise can cause a dry leaf that fell under its blades.

The stove does not turn on

  1. Fastened the fuse to the F9 (25a) stove.
  2. Faulty heater control unit (13%).


The heater of the car is not a simple system, but according to the reviews of the owners - is not entirely reliable. Try to determine the fault of the stove starting from the check, and then the remnal details on knowingly sound. Do not forget that the reason may be in a bad contact or cliff of car wiring.

We have already written that the heater of the VAZ 2110 and Lada Priora is very similar, perhaps you will find a lot of useful on their website. And what problems did you test with the stove? Did you have solved them? By participating in the survey, you help other motorists to determine the reasons. Read also other articles on the repair and operation of Lada Priora.

http: //xn--80aal0a.xn--80Sehdb.

By car "Lada Priora" the heater is not just a stove. In fact, this is a full-fledged climate control device. In terms of its characteristics, the stove "Priors" is not inferior to foreign devices of this type. But as well as all the mechanism, the stove "Priors" may fail. In this article, a review of the heater and features of its repair.

Features of the stove priory

Climate control of this car in some options is designed to install the air conditioner. Therefore, the device of this device in this case is a little different than that of the VAZ-2110 heater. This article discusses the standard version of the heater. Although they have a lot in common. The stove (heater without air conditioning) "Priors" includes the following large nodes:

  1. Case stove.
  2. Air duct system.
  3. Electronic heater control (ECU) with control console.

This is, so to speak, three basic nodes. All of them, except for the ECU, disassemble and consist of various subsystems. According to conscience, the control unit, with a big desire, can also be disassembled. But it is not worth doing this. This is a thin electronic device, and only a specialist can repaired it. But with two others there are options.


After the control unit, the stove case is the most complex object. The fact is that it includes several elements:

  • Corpus consisting of two parts.
  • Purchasing electric motor with fan.
  • Small heating radiator with nozzles.
  • Variable resistor.
  • Heater air damper.
  • Microworoscottor, heater damper drive.
  • Cabin filter.

Attention! Equipped with air conditioning "Priora" has additional elements as part of climate control, but this is a separate topic that is not affected in this article.

All listed elements sometimes fail, and it is quite possible to replace them independently, without resorting to the services of a specialist.

Location and access

As with the VAZ 2110 models and modifications, the heater is located outside the cabin. It is in the engine compartment. Right under the windshield. From the engine, it is separated by a special moto-cardboard partition. And on top is closed with a plastic dual casing, which hides this compartment, in which the heater is installed, also the brake vacuum and the engine cleaner drive.

To access the "Priors" stove, these elements need to be dismantled. Disconnect the cooling system hoses. Unscrew the 3 fastening nuts and remove the housing. This process is repeatedly described and shown in the attached video. Therefore, it is not worth repeating here.

Cabin filter

Most often, fails, or produces its resource precisely this part. He simply clogged with mud and dust. It is expressed in a decrease in the intensity of the fan operation. Sometimes, it is contaminated to such an extent that the stove fuse burns. The load on the electric motor grows so much that the fuse simply "knocks out". The reader is located at the air inlet into the heater. Near the right wing of the car. It is closed with a decorative plastic lid.

Important! Do not wait for pollution. It is recommended to periodically replace the filter 2 times a year. In the spring and autumn.

Electric motor stove

To remove and replace the stove electric motor, on the "Prior" without an air conditioner, you have to dismantle the heater completely. Or at least a little to push it forward. The fact is that this motor is located on top of the stove "Priors" and is under the supporting part of the windshield.

Resistor heater

This element serves as a peculiar fan rotation speed switch. It has several resistance steps. Each step is speed. Malfunction of the resistor to determine easily. If none of the speeds do not work besides the maximum, then in 99 cases out of 100, it is the resistor. And only in 1 switch, in the control unit.

It is also on top. But it is quite easily removed without dismantling all the stove. It is enough to remove the connector and unscrew 1 screws fixing resistor. And that's it.


In the climate control system "Priors" there is no option to disconnect the radiator from the car cooling system. That is, the hot liquid is constantly drawn. Cold air supply is provided by the direction of air flow from the fan using a special damper, which overlaps the radiator and passes the flow by.

Moves this detail Special device - microworoscottor. It is controlled by the control unit. It can also be replaced without removing the fully heater. Although it is located between the vacuum brake amplifier and the stove case. However, its diagnosis and replacement has features that will be described in a separate topic.

Air damper heater

One of the key devices of the system, despite its simplicity. The flap moves on the axis rotated by the micromotor. Located inside the stove "Priory". Therefore, for repair or replacement, naturally, the stove must be dismantled.

Attention! The repairs needed the first samples of dampers made of plastic. Currently, the "priors" put flaps from aluminum. Therefore, there is no need for their repair and replacement.

However, if all the same in the presence of a "prior" with a plastic flap, then the drive protrusion can break it. It is quite simple to determine it. Include ignition, and removing the casing separating a niche with a heater from the engine compartment, to observe the gearbox by switching the thread control handle from hot to the cold. It can be seen that the drive rod rotates, and the temperature does not change. So, the damper must be changed. This procedure will be a separate article.


And the main heating knot is the stove radiator. It is located just on the right side, near the damper drive. Naturally, for his replacement, the stove "Priory" will have to shoot. It is attached to the casing of three screws. And after removing the heater it is easy to pull out twisting these screws. Clear the radiator seat and install a new one. This item is made of plastic and aluminum and repair is not subject to repair. Only replacement.

Important! When replacing the radiator, be sure to use a special adhesive sponge, it is glued to the sides and the end side of the radiator. This is necessary to avoid the formation of cracks from shocks about the stove body.

Determine the flow of the radiator is quite simple. Although the coolant coolant on these heaters does not fall into the salon when leakage from the radiator, but when it appears, with any position, the evaporation damper is instantly fall on the windshield. They form a clearly prominent muddy film with a sharp smell of toosol. it clear stove radiator replacement signal.

Electronic heater control unit

This is a mini-computer with its program. The convenience is that it is originally connected to the computer diagnostic channel. Therefore, many faults can be revealed to connect diagnostics to the diagnostic "Priory" diagnostic connectors. But this interesting topic will be described in a separate article.

Useful video on the topic "Removing the" Priory "stove: