Car window defroster rating. Eleven tips for saving car glass from ice captivity

The problem is common, and the further north you live, the more it gets worse - the wipers can not only freeze to the windshield, but whole heaps of ice and snow can freeze on them (especially when it snows heavily enough). Is it possible to somehow get rid of this scourge, let’s say make anti-ice with your own hands. Today simple instructions what to do and as usual video version at the end...

In this video I will not talk about special, store-bought products such as “ANTI-ICE”, “ANTI-SNOW” and so on, yet they are often unreasonably expensive, we need a cheap and easily accessible product to combat such icing.

Of course, you can do something radical - just install winter options wipers. They have a different elastic design (higher profile and without a large number of slots), and the mixture itself is much softer (I will definitely have a video about them). BUT they are, to put it mildly, not cheap, and not many companies produce them.

Some write that the effect is not as expected and that freezing often still remains. So this method has its place, but does not solve the problem 100%

How to reduce freezing?

It's simple - you need to treat the surface with a special water-repellent compound. There are several recipes circulating online, and they all have a right to exist:

  • Oil treatment (including machine ones). A dubious idea - why? YES, it’s simple, firstly, oil has a very negative effect on rubber (simply destroying it over time), secondly, it is very sticky and will attract all the debris
  • . Almost the same problems, it is very greasy (thus, the dirt will stick even better and not be washed off), and again the rubber will deteriorate and turn yellow from such treatment

  • Silicone oil . Yes, this is perhaps the best option, but there are several nuances here.

On my own behalf, I will say that silicone is used in many store-bought formulations in the form of sprays.

Can wipers be treated with silicone grease?

As I said, we will talk about silicone. Why is it on the wipers? YES because it does not harm the elastic bands (they will not be destroyed by its influence, it does not change their color). It doesn't attract dirt or other dust, and it repels water VERY effectively! This means that it will not freeze on the surface and will not form ice in the slots, which will have a very beneficial effect on the work. I would also like to add that silicone often does not freeze at extremely low temperatures.

BUT now many of my readers may object to me - wait, but after processing there may be a white coating on the windshield, which impairs visibility at night.

Friends, you just need to treat your wipers correctly and buy a special brand of silicone. Usually I buy it at a radio parts store, and then there is no white plaque you won't have. On the contrary, you will feel a positive effect.

PMS 100 – PMS 1000

In the "radio section" Silicone Grease(A more precisely oil), has a very funny name “PMS” (many sharp-tongued guys associate this with the female body), but this is not the root of it. The full name of the composition is “polymethylsiloxane” (it’s difficult to pronounce), so it was shortened to PMS.

This oil varies in parameters, ranging from PMS-5 to PMS-1000. The very latest oil, very viscous and “greasy”, you shouldn’t take it (otherwise you’ll wipe off the “figs” later, not only the wipers, but also Windshield), greasy stains can really remain here.

I advise you to take the brand, this is the most normal option (after all, PMS-5 is rather weak and washes off very easily). The most “delicious” thing is that it costs 45 rubles and lasts a long time.

How to process it correctly?

Now we come to the most interesting part; in fact, there is no big secret here. It is necessary to clear the windshield wiper of ice and snow (especially the surface of the rubber band). Next, apply a small amount of lubricant to the rubber, really not much (you shouldn’t pour it). Usually I apply about 5 drops to the large wiper (driver's) and 3-4 to the small (passenger) wiper.

Afterwards you need to rub the whole thing with a cloth over the surface, especially rubbing it into the slots. The cloth promotes uniform distribution of silicone (forming protective film), and will also remove excess. As a result, you will not have white streaks on the glass, and ice and snow will not stick to the rubber band. Here’s a do-it-yourself ANTI-ICE, as you can see, everything is simple


After the treatment, I drove for about 10 days - there was heavy snow for 4 days, there was no snow for 5 days, and on the 10th day it snowed again.

What can we say - the METHOD works, after processing it really sticks less (but this is not a 100% method). The wiper has become softer and scratches the glass less, even after the night. ON day 10, it seems to me that the effect has worsened a little, you can treat it again, the main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of silicone on the surface of the wiper.

Now we are watching the video version

This is where I end, I think my experience was useful to you. Sincerely yours, AUTOBLOGGER.

When rain and frost come together in a duel, the losers are usually the car windows. Even if you get into an icy car and start the engine, you will not be able to leave: there is no visibility. Windshield wipers that are pulled up in advance will do no good - you will only damage the rubber bands. It’s a little easier for owners of cars with a heated windshield, but electricity won’t help instantly either. In general, you will have to grab a scraper or... That’s what we’ll talk about “or”.

There are quite a lot of glass defrosters in cute bottles on the shelves. We bought everything that caught our eye: it would be interesting to see if they were any use at all. There is no doubt that each contains alcohol, and therefore when the product comes into contact with ice, you can count on an exothermic reaction - with the release of heat. It remained to be seen whether it would be enough for a specific job.

The first test was carried out on heavily frosted windshield experimental car. The thermometer shows -10 ºС, the wipers are frozen, and the snow-white glass sparkles with millions of sparkles... The tested liquids have a temperature environment, because we honestly spent the night on the floor of a cold garage.

The spray preparations generally coped with the task, bringing the surface state closer to liquid in about ten seconds. But the aerosols had to be shaken for a long time, and one failed: the contents shamefully froze on the glass.

Second check - in the freezer. The temperature here is -30 ºС. Along with the preparations, they decided to freeze several hybrid car wipers, as well as wrenches that had previously been in a ditch with water. After three days of exposure, some of the preparations dropped out on their own: they simply froze. And other auto chemicals have not been able to restore the mobility of the wipers - alas. The wrenches also remained frozen to each other, although in both cases we did not spare the liquid and watered it heartily.

Places in our competition were distributed without difficulty: those who were frozen and those who refused were in the tail, all other things being equal, the price was taken into account. In general, against weather surprises like freezing rain, turning into severe frosts, the auto chemical products we tested turned out to be powerless. This is especially true for aerosols in metal cans, which also tend to cause harm by freezing to your hands. If the frost is mild, then defrosters will provide some help. However, anti-freeze from your tank can give a similar effect - since the main player in it is isopropyl alcohol.

In other cases, keep a scraper ready! There is no replacement for him yet.

9. CarPlan BlueStar de-icer

Glass defroster, Great Britain

Approximate price, rub. 150

Specified volume, ml 300

The aerosol can, unfortunately, did not work. At -10 ºС, after vigorous shaking, he sprayed it on the icy glass, but the liquid immediately froze. He became so ill in the freezer that he could no longer spray.

8. Eltrans

Glass defroster, Russia

Approximate price, rub. 75

Specified volume, ml 210

At -10 ºС, the aerosol preparation honestly tried to work as intended, and after vigorous shaking it even succeeded. But at -30 ºС, physical exercises no longer helped: even the pimple that should be pressed froze.


Glass defroster, Germany

Approximate price, rub. 230

Specified volume, ml 500

The “German” didn’t like the Russian frost. At -10 ºС it honestly helped remove ice from the glass, but in the freezer it lost activity. The product retained its fluidity, but its viscosity increased so much that the liquid did not want to splash.

6. GUNK De-Icer

glass defroster, USA

Approximate price, rub. 250

Specified mass, g 340

The overseas can generally passed the test, although it required vigorous shaking. But using an aerosol is inconvenient, especially at -30 ºС. The icy metal tends to burn your hand with cold, and the trickle of the drug is modest.

5. Hi-Gear

Winter glass cleaner, Russia

Approximate price, rub. 190

Specified volume, ml 473

The result is as expected: in the simplest cases, with light frosts, it will help a little, but in severe frosts it will be of no use. Although the liquid retained its fluidity at -30 ºС - that’s not bad.


Anti-ice, Russia

Approximate price, rub. 170

Specified volume, ml 500

In light frosts, the drug is suitable as an apprentice: it will melt slightly frozen glass. But at double-digit negative temperatures, you can leave it alone - a scraper is definitely more useful.

2–4. ASTROhim

Anti-ice, Russia

Approximate price, rub. 145

Specified volume, ml 500

Helped to clean glass that was frosty after night frosts, was not afraid of the crackling minus thirty: it retained its fluidity. But he did not perform a miracle: he, like others, could not overcome a serious piece of ice in the severe frost.


Glass defroster, Russia

Approximate price, rub. 110

Specified volume, ml 500

It copes with minor frosting in mild frosts, maintains fluidity in severe cold, but the scraper cannot replace it. Acceptable price allowed me to rise in the table of ranks slightly higher than others.


Glass defroster, Russia

Approximate price, rub. 100

Specified volume, ml 550

The first place for the drug provided the most favorable price-volume ratio. As they say, all other things being equal. The product remains fluid even in severe frost and honestly helps to cope with frosty glass when slight minus outside the window.

In bad weather, transport is subject to increased pollution - precipitation not only spoils appearance cars, but also impair the driver's visibility. The Anti-Rain product with the Anti-Ice function eliminates blur from the glass - they become transparent, and oncoming traffic is well recognized even at long distances. prevent emergency situations– take care of the condition of your windshield in any weather!

A good example work of water and dirt-repellent coating for glass Beautiful G"zox ®

Operation of water-repellent coating. 2 months have passed since the application of Beautiful G"zox ® protection to the windshield "Pro Glass Coat"

Windshields are treated with Beautiful G"zox ® protection at AutoTOTEMM

Unique composition for glass – double effect: anti-rain and anti-ice

During rain and snowfall, visibility deteriorates and driving becomes more difficult - due to the driver's slow reaction, the level of traffic safety decreases. Solving this problem, Japanese company SOFT99 has developed an innovative product with a “2 in 1” effect – “Anti-rain and anti-ice”. The hydrophobic coating for glass is presented by the Beautiful G"zox ® Hyper View brand with a validity period of up to 12 months.

The best specialists of the company worked on creating a composition with the specified function “Anti-rain and anti-ice for a car.” During many years of testing, the formula was improved and its effectiveness increased. As a result, an original composition was obtained that maximally protects car surfaces from moisture and dirt. The Anti-Rain and Anti-Ice product is based on a hydrophobic effect: water molecules are repelled from the transparent polymer protector. The properties of the film barrier are determined by unique microparticles with “nano” parameters.

Glass processing using Anti-Rain technology ensures that they remain transparent even during heavy rain, and this greatly facilitates control. Anti-ice is important for car windows during night frosts and stable subzero temperatures. This option simplifies the process of cleaning glass from frozen moisture - the water-repellent effect of the nano-protective film helps to quickly remove ice. If you wanted to buy a special device for this, the issue will be resolved by itself, since the use of special brushes will not be required.

Prices for hydrophobic coatings “Anti-rain” and “Anti-ice”

Types of jobs price, rub.
Protective covering Beautiful G"zox ® for glass Pro Glass Coat
G"zox ® Anti-Rain-Ice coating (all glasses) for 6 months 3000
G"zox ® Anti-Rain-Ice coating (front spheres) for 6 months 2000
Beautiful G"zox ® protective coating for Hyper View glass
G"zox ® Anti-Rain-Ice coating (all glasses) for 12 months 5000

To buy the “Anti-rain” service or find out more, check out the prices and click the button. Select any communication option, and an AutoTOTEMM specialist will answer your questions.

Stages of work

  1. body wash;
  2. glass degreasing;
  3. application of a hydrophobic composition;
  4. polymerization;
  5. quality control.

Why do you need to treat glass with anti-rain and anti-ice protection?

In addition to improving internal visibility, the presence of a polymer film increases the visibility of the car on the road, thereby protecting it from accidents. Clean external surfaces treated with Anti-Rain are brighter and more noticeable.

“Anti-rain” and “Anti-ice” technology is a modern nanoprotection of glass: smooth surfaces effectively resist mechanical wear, mud substances and road reagents do not stick to them.

By using “Anti-rain” for glass, the car owner receives a number of advantages:

  • Thanks to restored visibility, even in heavy rain and snow, the driver experiences less strain on his vision (25% better control of the road situation).
  • From glass that has been treated with “Anti-rain”, drops slide down without stopping. In light precipitation, there is no need to turn on the wipers - they do not flicker and do not distract attention.
  • The likelihood of glare and blinding by the headlights of oncoming cars is reduced.
  • The contact of the brushes with the glass improves: the surface after treatment with a hydrophobic coating becomes slippery, as a result of which the efficiency of the brushes increases.
  • Treating glass with Anti-Rain means simultaneously creating the Anti-Ice effect. There is no need to additionally apply another coating that resists freezing of water and snow. IMPORTANT: applying this coating to car glass does not change its light transmittance.

AutoTOTEMM is a representative of the company Beautiful G"zox ®, which is confirmed by a certificate signed Japanese manufacturer, so the price for our services is low. Sign up for “Anti-rain and anti-ice” for glass - make your ride as comfortable and safe as possible.

In winter, due to the difference in temperature inside the car and outside, the windows become covered with ice. This happens due to the fact that snow falling on warm car, melts, after which the water freezes again under the influence of frost. This can cause the appearance of a thick crust, which makes it difficult to see, without being removed when.

This problem should not be ignored - insufficient review can lead to... It takes 10–15 minutes to clean the glass.

Not every car has a window defroster installed, so for those who are tired of removing ice manually, there are defrosting liquids. There are similar means for locks.

Foreign-made defrosters contain methyl or methanol, the use of which is prohibited in Russia. Domestic funds as active substance have isopropyl alcohol, dipropylene glycol or ethylene glycol. Their properties are that upon contact with ice, the defroster emits heat, allowing the ice to be removed. approximate cost aerosol - 100–250 rubles.

They can be used at temperatures down to -45 degrees Celsius, and the result occurs within 3-7 minutes after application to an icy surface. During the reaction, the crust turns into a snow slurry, which allows you to simply remove it with a scraper without forcing the driver to break the ice himself.

Preventing Crust Formation

In order to avoid icing of the windows, the car should be frozen for several minutes before leaving. At open doors the interior will cool down quickly, so if there is a temperature difference, it will not be sufficient for the formation of a crust of ice.

Which product to choose

Defrosters primarily differ in their effectiveness, but it is worth taking into account the cost and volume, because not every car owner is willing to overpay. It is worth considering that household aerosols are almost powerless against abundant frost, after which severe frosts occur. In any case, you should have a scraper with you.

  1. 3ton. 100 rubles for 550 milliliters. Manufacturer - Russia. It is the best defroster in terms of cost (price per volume) and efficiency. Retains a liquid consistency in severe frosts and confidently copes with ice crust even with a slight minus on the thermometer.
  2. SINTEC. 110 rubles for 500 ml, Russia. In terms of efficiency, it roughly corresponds to the previous point, but has a slightly higher cost.
  3. ASTROhim. 145 rubles for 500 ml. Anti-ice Russian production. It also copes quite well with crusts in light frosts, but cannot replace a scraper.
  4. SAPFIRE, Russia. 170 rubles, 500 ml. Shows average results. Weak efficiency at temperatures of –10 0 C and below.
  5. Hi-Gear. Russian defroster costs 190 rubles per 473 milliliters. Despite the fact that it remains fluid even at –30 0 C, use at this temperature is no longer possible.
  6. GUNKDe-Icer. Product from the USA. 250 rubles for 340 milliliters. The aerosol requires careful shaking, but the metal body is a drawback; it freezes to the hand.
  7. SONAX, Germany. 230 rubles, 500 ml. Even with a slight “minus”, this product loses its fluidity, making it difficult to use.
  8. Eltrans. Russia. 75 rubles, 210 ml. When the temperature is severe, even the spray can freezes, but at average temperatures the product is quite effective.
  9. Car Plan BlueStar. Defrost made in Great Britain. 150 rubles for 300 milliliters. Use at temperatures of –10 0 C causes the liquid itself to freeze. The least effective choice among the common options.

Glass defroster– a product that can quickly melt ice, frost or snow. Often this liquid is also called “anti-ice”, although this is not entirely true. The prefix “anti-“ means that the reagent must be removed, rather than removed. But, nevertheless, it is worth considering both types. Everyone has the same goal - good visibility in winter time. In addition, the compositions of liquids have common components.

To defrost frozen glass, you will need an active solution, which has a very low temperature freezing. Typically, such products contain isopropyl or other alcohol. At home, the properties of salt and vinegar are also often used.

Why is this necessary and why does this happen?

Anti-icer is used to fast, And remove frost from glass without damage. Yes, of course, you can use a scraper, but... Firstly, this is not always advisable (after freezing rain), secondly, it takes longer and, thirdly, the glass can be damaged. And the good one visibility - guarantee of road safety. Therefore, the driver needs to clean the windshield and at least part of the rear, front side and always mirrors.

On those cars with built-in heated mirrors and rear window, you just need to turn on the appropriate mode and remove the thawed ice with a soft cloth. But for the front, a defroster is simply necessary for all car owners.

Why do glasses become covered with ice?

Someone may ask: “Why do windows freeze at all? Why do you have to get up early every day and go clean your car windshield?” I came to work in winter, got out of the car for a few hours, came back, and the glass was still covered in frost. You have to scrape it off every time.

In winter, drivers turn on the stove, which naturally heats the interior, including the windows. Therefore, during cooling, either condensation forms (which subsequently freezes), or, if it snows, water crystals melt in the form of snow and then turn into an ice crust.

The glass is sweating

One of the reasons why car windows fog up is wet seat upholstery or a damp carpet. It can also occur due to a failure of the stove and impaired air recirculation when the ventilation is turned on inside the cabin and the air intake...

How can you defrost glass?

Not many drivers struggle with freezing car windows by special means. They prefer to defrost the old fashioned way - by blowing through the windshield warm air from the stove and turn on the heating in the back. But in vain, because if you do everything together, it will be much faster.

Carefully use the stove!

Absolutely all car owners fight icy glass with car heater, but you need to be careful here! Directing the air flow only to the windshield, select the slowest and coolest setting.

Blow immediately with very warm or hot air is not allowed- due to a sharp drop, the windshield may burst.

By the way, cracking of the glass awaits you even if it is heated hot water. It is ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to water glass from a kettle, be it front or side!

So, what can you do to overcome frozen glass? Firstly, really carefully use the standard capabilities, and secondly, buy special winter chemicals– an aerosol in a can can both prevent icing and remove ice that has already appeared. Most a budget optionmake anti-ice with your own hands.

The essence of any composition is the presence of a substance that can lower the freezing point. Various alcohols are just that. For example: isopropyl, ethyl alcohol, denatured alcohol and methanol (the last two with caution, as they are harmful to humans). Since they are very volatile, auxiliary ingredients are added to keep them on the surface. Such as glycerin, oily substances (although they leave streaks) and some others.

Popular practice says that not only alcohols can be defrosted. To remove already formed icing, they are successfully used. vinegar, table salt and even bar of laundry soap. True, soap is used as “anti-ice” to prevent freezing. The main requirement for soap is that it must be “household”.

Is it possible to make a glass defroster with your own hands?

Making your own liquid to defrost car glass

Almost all offered defrosters have a common active ingredient – ​​alcohol. So you can easily prepare your own ice remover at home. It is only important to maintain the proportions, as well as find the appropriate type of alcohol-containing liquid. A folk remedies and you don’t have to prepare it specially at all. You just pick it up and rub the car window so that it doesn’t freeze and the ice melts.

In most cases, a do-it-yourself defroster will not only be as efficient as a purchased one, but on top of that, it’s almost completely free. Suffice it to recall the school chemistry course.

5 recipes on how and where to make car glass defroster

Most a good optionmix pure isopropyl with pure ethyl alcohol. But where can I get it, is it isopropyl? Therefore, it is better to use more available means. So, you can make your own glass defroster if you have it:


To prepare the solution you will need two tablespoons per 1 glass of water of regular table salt. After soaking a soft sponge in this salty solution, wipe the glass until the frost and ice come off. Then wipe dry with a soft cloth.

Please note that salt has an adverse effect on paintwork and rubber seals, so you don’t need to process the glass too much.

It is best to pour salt into a roll of gauze and apply it to the glass, so there will definitely be no contact with the paint or rubber seals. True, stains may appear, which are then removed with a dry cloth.


You can use a liquid containing ethyl alcohol in sufficient concentration. The solution is applied evenly for a couple of minutes and then the remaining ice must be removed with a rag. Both technical and food grade (ethyl) alcohol are suitable. Usually, hawthorn tincture is purchased at the pharmacy for such purposes. But in general this is not important; any alcohol-containing solution will do.

Antifreeze + alcohol

Often they simply spray “anti-freeze” on the glass, although it is only suitable in cases of light frost, otherwise it will only get worse. This liquid is water solution isopropyl. In fact, it is designed not to freeze quickly, but only on already WARM glass, while cleaning in motion. So, if you try to remove the snow, it will only turn into a dense ice crust. It is better to supplement this product with C₂H₅OH concentrate.

Glass cleaning liquid + alcohol

Enough effective remedy To defrost glass, you can prepare it using glass cleaning spray and alcohol. The maximum result is achieved in a 2:1 ratio. For example, 200 ml. alcohol add 100-150 grams of glass liquid. At very severe frosts You can do it 1:1 so as not to get the opposite effect.

You can use the mixture in the morning to defrost ice by spraying it through a spray bottle.

Vinegar solution

You can also dissolve ice on car glass and mirrors with regular 9-12% vinegar. The freezing point of the vinegar solution is below -20 °C (60% vinegar essence freezes at -25 degrees Celsius).

The most shocking liquid that you can prepare with your own hands to quickly defrost glass is a cocktail of alcohol (95%), vinegar (5%) and salt (1 tablespoon per liter).

You can use all the tips even without a spray bottle, simply pouring the solutions onto a frozen surface or a cloth towel for wiping. The only drawback- liquids will be used up faster.

Anyone who has tested these and other methods for removing ice crust or preventing icing, please leave your feedback. Write in the comments to share your experience, don’t be selfish!