All routes of Parkonov. A day in the crew of a parkon. How are parking violators fined? Days and places of free parking

Now there are 370 of them throughout the capital: zones paid parking are expanding, the number of routes is increasing... “Parcons” can already be found outside the Moscow Ring Road, for example, in New Moscow. And every day a crowd of gray Solaris with the logos of the Organization Center traffic(TsODD) goes out to film. It would seem that drivers know everything about them. But our raid showed that there are enough subtleties in the operation of mobile control.

Time and place

Before setting out on the route, I asked fellow motorists how, in their opinion, the “parkons” patrol the streets. “They go every five minutes”, “Once every 15 minutes, at least - I heard on TV”, “At least half an hour” - there were all sorts of opinions. And now the correct answer is that it is impossible to name the exact interval.

I get into the car, which today runs in the Central District in the Tverskoy district. Driver Mikhail has been working at the data center since the first days when parking lots appeared. Before the shift, the driver is given a route sheet, and then he sits down and drives around. You can choose a work schedule - either 12 hours “two in two”, or a standard eight-hour five-day week. At night, contrary to popular belief, “parkons” are also on duty, but not in full force.

Specifically, our route took 21 minutes, with traffic jams - 28, but in reality it took exactly 15. There are longer flights, and there are shorter ones. A complete map of the movement of “parkons” has been published on the website of the Moscow government. There are many factors influencing time: congestion, traffic lights, average speed and even the driver's schedule.

There are more routes than parks. This explains the periodic absence of data center cars on some streets. I conducted a spot check: I took three flights in different districts and tracked the movements mobile complexes. In two areas, the “parkons” were on duty as expected, in the third - empty. The data center is monitored daily traffic situation, so problem-free streets are monitored less frequently. The list of routes itself is also not eternal.

To determine a new route or change an old one, we conduct research, look at when and at what time the road is loaded, as well as the percentage of violators. The main requirement is a large number of violators who interfere with traffic public transport and increase the load on the road network.

Dmitry Gorshkov

A matter of technology

WITH technical side Something is also constantly changing. No, the principle of operation is the same globally. The car travels at a maximum speed of 40 km/h, at which time the ParkRight system uses a camera to record parked cars and determine their exact coordinates. The pictures are immediately sent to the data processing department of the data processing center, then to the Moscow Automobile Road Inspectorate (MADI) and the Moscow Administrator parking space(AMPP), which issue a fine. If necessary, of course. To do this, a photo shoot of the car must be carried out in two passes. An interesting point - this applies not only to areas with paid parking, but even to areas where stopping is prohibited. One frame is not enough. This is a small indulgence for violators.

Software and maps are updated regularly. By the way, the systems in different cars are programmed differently. For example, in some “parking areas” only paid areas are recorded, in others - parking under prohibitory signs, and thirdly - all together, as in our case. The routes “clogged” into the system are worked out in detail. If the driver deviates from the course, say to rest, the locking stops.

The longer we drive, the more I notice numerous cunning people trying to deceive the parkon. For example, those who like to cover the number with some kind of cloth. But even in such cases, the information is left for processing. The missing letters and numbers are “solved” using the database. The puzzle is not difficult, especially if the offender has a rare car.

The shooting quality is really high. At first I began to compete with electronics - who could “read” the most dirty numbers. The slushy weather contributed to this. Along the road there are cars lined up in thick layers of mud and chemicals. I had to give up quickly. When I, with my excellent eyesight, was forced to capitulate, the camera coped with the task.

We were also lucky to run into foreign numbers. There are no exceptions for anyone when photographing. The Belarusian guest will receive a photo as a souvenir through the customs authorities.

To hide from the watchful eye of the parking lot, drivers sometimes try to reduce the distance between the bumpers of two cars as much as possible. Yes, it might only work if you stand really close. The camera is installed at such an angle to reduce the chances of hiding the number. The parkon driver can theoretically turn the camera. Such an initiative, according to Mikhail, is welcome, but in reality you almost never have to tinker with the camera.

And some car owners try to avoid punishment by driving the car somewhere further away onto the sidewalk. In the near future, the “parkons” will reach them too. More precisely, we have already arrived. I was convinced with my own eyes that the camera is easily able to find a car among pedestrians. However, no fines have been issued yet.

We are currently testing equipment and information systems. The optimal camera position and tilt angle are studied.

Dmitry Gorshkov

Deputy Head of Data Center

You no longer need to worry about the accuracy of geopositioning. A huge number of incorrectly determined coordinates - 10-15% - have been reduced over time. “Currently the number of defects is less than 2% for all types of fixation. This is influenced, among other things, by complex weather, especially in winter. As for geopositioning, we use GLONASS and GPS modules, which reduces the error. And new, more detailed maps made it possible to reach an error level of up to one parking space. And in difficult and narrow places, AMPP foot patrols monitor paid parking; we, together with our colleagues, coordinate routes,” the deputy head of the data center told us.

"Parcons" and people

Although the parking along our route was generally in order, there are still plenty of violators. I notice a Peugeot driver ahead. He parked under the emergency sign, apparently recently, and is now in a hurry to return to his car. But, noticing the data center car, he freezes for a while. In those couple of seconds, I managed to read hope in his eyes... I just want to throw up my hands - it’s not fate! Nothing depends on the parking lot driver.

According to the regulations, they are prohibited from talking to other road users. No amateur performances. However, sometimes you still have to get in touch with civilization. "Remember that evening when mobile application“Moscow Parking” was malfunctioning? People in a panic literally threw themselves under the wheels with questions. Then, of course, he calmly explained what and how,” recalls Mikhail. But this case is rather an exception.

And I remember how, during the first period of operation of the parking lots, many residents of the capital accused their drivers of carelessness, violations of rules and other sins. So, pictures of mobile systems with closed numbers were circulating on the Internet.

Isn't money the point?

Since the appearance of “parkons” in Moscow, I have communicated with many transport specialists, including foreign ones. And everyone notes that the introduction of mobile photo recording systems is not only extremely difficult process, but also very expensive. Certainly not profitable. Therefore, in megacities they often do not dare to undertake such innovations.

However, as the Moscow authorities note, the material side of the issue does not bother them: “We do not set ourselves the task of assessing the financial efficiency of the operation of photo and video recording systems; first of all, they perform the function of preventive control of compliance with traffic rules. Unfortunately, the driving culture of drivers in different countries differs significantly, the legal nihilism of many Russians forces us to create a system that is evidence-based to the highest degree and devoid of the human factor. Thanks to it, the speed of traffic in busy areas increases. It’s too early to talk about abandoning parking lots; there are still a significant number of violators in the city, although we are seeing a significant decline thanks to our work,” concluded Dmitry Gorshkov.

You definitely can’t argue with the last statement. Obviously, mobile control has helped in organizing parking, and the gaps in the operation of this system are being resolved over time. We hope that the city will continue not only to completely control motorists, but also, if possible, to create normal conditions for them.

Forewarned is forearmed! Let everyone know what to expect from “parkons” and how they work - click on the social media buttons below!

Alexey Golikovsky


Foot inspectors walk the streets with special tablets and photograph the license plates of cars parked in the paid parking zone. It would seem, what a crime!

However, a couple of years ago, Muscovites took their appearance as a challenge: some simply cursed, others fought with their fists.

In rainy weather, for example, some drivers try to splash us on purpose by driving briskly through a puddle,” one of the walking traffic inspectors told KP. - Particularly aggressive drivers sometimes even hit us with their side mirrors. At first, for our own safety, we only went in pairs. Now people are used to it - and we work alone on the route.


In general, foot inspectors came to the aid of parking vehicles. Drivers who don’t want to pay for parking cover up their car license plates with whatever they want. From banal sheets of paper to women's tights and hundred-ruble bills. A parking car drives by, unable to register a closed license plate. Inspectors have the right to remove unnecessary items from license plates so that drivers do not evade responsibility.

The general meaning of the work is this. The inspector goes through a certain route, during which he records the license plates of the cars parked in the paid parking lot. The photos go into a common database, and then specialists from the State Public Institution “AMPP” (Administrator of the Moscow Parking Space) manually review the photos and issue fines to non-payers. After 15 minutes the route is repeated. And if the computer shows that during this time this or that car has not paid for parking, it receives a fine - two and a half thousand rubles. You can park in any parking space for free for less than 15 minutes.

Specialists also monitor the condition of signs and the road network as a whole,” KP said. Elena Yudina, press secretary of AMPP. - If inspectors notice that somewhere a sign is missing, or it is there, but, for example, it is distorted, they also photograph this place. The data goes to another subordinate service of the Department of Transport - TsODD (traffic organization center), which is responsible for installing road signs.

By the way, the staff of inspectors has recently increased from 30 to 120 people. Which is directly related to the increase in paid parking zones.


Before setting out on my first route, I honestly thought of only one thing: the main thing was to find the violators! You need to return from fishing with your catch.

Leading specialist of AMPP Dmitry Osipov showed me a portable photo and video recording system.

In appearance, this device reminds everyone of a familiar tablet,” he said. - However, its functions have nothing to do with entertainment gadgets.

How to use it? - I ask.

It turned out to be as simple as shelling pears. The device independently recognizes the license plate number of the car and takes a photo of it without any prompting. You don't even have to press anything. One photo - close-up license plate, the second - the entire car. Moreover, in the second case, you need to capture some building or square so that the illustration is tied to the area.

This expensive thing, - explains Dmitry. - Moreover, it was developed and made in Russia.

... And here we are walking down the street and, like nuts, clicking the license plates of foreign cars. Cars Russian production There are almost none in the capital. And if they do come across them, they are in a semi-fainting state. For example, on Verkhnyaya Street in the Begovaya area, in a paid parking lot, we came across a “dinosaur”. That’s what the inspector called the broken-down “four” standing without numbers. On windshield There was a notice hanging on the Mesozoic horse: “Do not evacuate the car! She is not ownerless!”

The most surprising thing is that most often the owners resort to tricks before the law. expensive cars. Mercedes, BMW, Porsche...

It gets to the point that in rainy weather the owner picks up dirt with his hands and smears it over the number,” inspector Valery Yurevich shared with KP. - And this is not splashes, I assure you. Fingerprints on the number plate are clearly visible.

We go out onto Chayanov Street. She's more lively. And immediately the brand new Porsche Cayenne falls into the lens of our device. The owner, apparently not ready for unplanned expenses (80 rubles for one hour of parking), took off the license plates and went on business right along with them. Ironically, there is nothing to fine the driver for in this case.

If he was driving without license plates, then yes, he would be fined,” the inspector explained. - And while the car is standing, neither the traffic police nor we can impose any sanctions against it.


Near the building of the Russian State University for the Humanities, as if in a German car showroom, steel horses of teachers and students stand on the sidewalk. Among them, “Maybach -57s” stands out! Its cost, according to Internet sites, is about 10 million rubles. And everyone, without exception, has their numbers covered with white tape, pieces of paper, and rags!

This territory is not included in the paid parking zone,” the inspector explained. “Therefore, it’s up to the traffic police to figure out whether it’s possible to park a car here.”

And by what right do you film? - University security officer Valery ran out. - This is legal parking. It’s just that the signs haven’t been installed yet... And car owners are sticking up the license plates for old times’ sake. Not long ago we received fines of up to 9 thousand rubles from the traffic police. Although according to the documents there is parking here!

In general, the work of a foot inspector did not seem to me the easiest. Both mentally and physically. From 9 am to 6 pm you splash around with this tablet, breathe exhaust gases, and you also risk running into some kind of inadequate person. At the same time, the average salary of inspectors is about 40 thousand rubles.

However, the positive result is obvious, says Elena Yudina. - Thanks to the work of foot inspectors, the number of cars with closed license plates has decreased significantly - by more than 40% since the beginning of the year. Of course, there are isolated cases of rooms being closed, but this is not the case now as it was several years ago.


How to become a foot inspector?

To do this, you need to post your resume on the Headhunter website. Naturally, with your contacts. The AMPP personnel selection department will study it and, if necessary, call you back. The requirements for candidates are the simplest. Good physical form. A big plus for those who served in the army. A newcomer undergoes an internship - he is assigned to a more experienced employee, then, having mastered all the skills, he can already work full-time.


If you left your car in a paid parking lot and, for good reason, were unable to pick it up on time (for example, you ended up in the hospital), you should contact the one-stop service of the Department of Transport on Staraya Basmannaya Street, building 20, building 1. It is there that many issues can be resolved, related to your transport. Including obtaining permission to return the car from the special parking lot.

Ilyinka, Sredny Karetny lane, Sredny Karetny lane, Butyrsky Val, Lesnaya st.

Antonova-Ovseenko, Presnenskaya embankment, (1st) 2nd Krasnogvardeisky lane

Useful Resources

This portal is for informational purposes only; introductory information that can be used on this site under no circumstances constitutes public offer, determined by the provisions of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. All data published on the site is taken from open sources.

The number of parking signs that record violations in the paid parking zone and signs prohibiting stopping and parking will be increased. MOSLENTA went out on a route with a cleaning driver and found out how much time a motorist has to pay for parking and how effective it is to cover license plates with rags.

It’s easy to imagine Sergei Donskoy in armor and on a horse. His nose even seems like a flattened helmet, and his broad shoulders and stern face betray him as a warrior.

But today Sergei gets behind the wheel of a car. On the windshield there is a camera and a tablet, the screen of which shows everything that falls within the field of view of the lens. When the car enters the route on 1st Spasonivkovsky Lane, the recording automatically starts on the tablet.

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Now all information via GPS communication is transmitted to the data processing center,” Donskoy notes with satisfaction, “and I cannot influence this process in any way, no matter how much I am asked.

His work car is one of 310 parking lots of the Traffic Organization Center (TsODC), which drive around Moscow and record the cars of those who park under prohibitory signs or do not pay for parking. Soon there will be more parking lots: the data center plans to launch 60 more cars around Moscow.

People need my work,” Donskoy claims, “they come up to say “thank you” for the fact that the roads are becoming clearer. And they even ask us to come to their street, but we have no right to deviate from the route.

Rags on license plates are the most common protection against parking

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The camera transmits the image to the computer, and it records the license plates of the cars.

Each parkon only tracks one of two types of violations. If he drives through paid parking zones, his route is designed to take 15 minutes. The driver is given time to pay for parking, and only after the second lap, from the total flow of cars caught in the lens, the system selects violators who will be fined.

Sergei's parkon is tuned to car owners who leave their vehicles under prohibitory signs 3.27 (“Stopping is prohibited”) and 3.28 (“Parking is prohibited”). Its route is much shorter: it takes only 5 minutes. We pass several streets, on each of which there are 2-3 violators. Then we make the circle again. Once again.

Do you drive like this for eight hours straight?

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I work for 45 minutes, take a smoke break for 15 minutes.

So, violators always have 15 minutes to a quarter of every hour? To violate and not get a fine?

Firstly, it’s impossible to predict,” Donskoy sharply objects. - And secondly, it’s not about fines. Moscow has cleansed itself - see? I have been working at the data center for two years, but I have 35 years of driving experience. I know how difficult it has been to drive in the center since the 90s, and in the side streets you could even get stuck when someone parked in the second row.

According to Donskoy, when the parkon first enters the route, it encounters up to a hundred violators in one lap. After car owners start receiving fines every day, the streets suddenly become empty.

Donskoy has been driving along the side streets in the Yakimanka area since April, that is, for four months. That's why we only have a couple dozen violators. On three machines, including yellow taxi, the numbers are covered with rags - the parkon can’t do anything about this, so it moves on.

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I think I will soon be transferred to new route, says Donskoy. - This is already my sixth in two years. And the point is not how many months I have been traveling here, but how the situation is changing. I had a route in the Paveletsky station area, which I traveled on for only two months. The roads were cleared - they gave me a new route.

As they say in the press service of the data center, in the spring of this year the speed of traffic during peak hours in the central part of the city increased by a percentage. The number of violations in the paid parking zone has decreased by 64 percent.

You think I'm just running in circles, I have simple work? - Donskoy asks and answers himself: - No, I have a very responsible job. I am responsible for car owners and pedestrians. You see, everyone breaks the rules.

How are they violated? Show me, otherwise I don’t notice.

Yes, for example,” Donskoy points to a group of men on the sidewalk.

I see bearded men in sweatpants with rosary beads in their hands. Their circle blocked the sidewalk, but there were no pedestrians nearby, and it was unclear whether their company could disturb anyone.

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Donskoy and his car work on weekdays, but some travel at night and on weekends

We drive through the center without traffic jams on weekdays thanks to the elimination of chaotic parking, according to the data center

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Half of the parks check paid parking zones, half - violations under prohibitory signs

What are they violating? They are not standing on the roadway.

“Aggressive comrades,” Donskoy answers. - And I have to take everything into account and anticipate other people’s violations, so as not to violate myself and not get into traffic accidents. After all, I am the face of the data center, just as a policeman is the face of the president.

Why is a policeman the face of the president?

Because the policeman is the first person a person sees, explains Donskoy. - The police are everywhere: in the subway, on the street.

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There are no police officers around.

Where did you work before the data center?

At the factory. Went to different cars. I have everything driving categories. I know Moscow very well.

Donskoy doesn't need a navigator. When they give a new route, all Sergei needs to do is see it on a piece of paper.

There is a strict selection process at the data center,” he explains. - You must have at least two driving categories and at least three years of experience. And then there were training courses for another week. After all, we must conform, everyone controls us.

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Both traffic police inspectors and residents monitor. A couple of years ago, one of us parked illegally, so the residents immediately sent a photo to the authorities.

The weight of his responsibility begins to weigh on me too. I remain silent, and Donskoy impatiently asks:

He happily gets rid of the passengers and hurries on to clean up Moscow.

Parking hours in Moscow

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Time and place

A matter of technology

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"Parcons" and people

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Isn't money the point?

A day in the crew of a parkon. How are parking violators fined?

There is more order in Moscow parking lots - you can’t come to an agreement with the “parking lots”.

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Now there are 370 of them throughout the capital: paid parking zones are expanding, the number of routes is increasing. “Parcons” can already be found outside the Moscow Ring Road, for example, in New Moscow. And every day a crowd of gray Solaris with the logos of the Traffic Management Center (TCOC) goes out to film. It would seem that drivers know everything about them. But our raid showed that there are enough subtleties in the operation of mobile control.

Before setting out on the route, I asked fellow motorists how, in their opinion, the “parkons” patrol the streets. “They go every five minutes”, “Once every 15 minutes, at least - I heard on TV”, “At least half an hour” - there were all sorts of opinions. And now the correct answer is that it is impossible to name the exact interval.

Once an hour, the parka driver is given a 15-minute break, and there is no desire to be left without lunch.

I get into the car, which today runs in the Central District in the Tverskoy district. Driver Mikhail has been working at the data center since the first days when parking lots appeared. Before the shift, the driver is given a route sheet, and then he sits down and drives around. You can choose a work schedule - either 12 hours “two in two”, or a standard eight-hour five-day week. At night, contrary to popular belief, the “parkons” are also on duty, but not in full force.

Specifically, our route took 21 minutes, with traffic jams - 28, but in reality it took exactly 15. There are longer flights, and there are shorter ones. A complete map of the movement of “parkons” has been published on the website of the Moscow government. There are many factors that influence time: traffic jams, traffic lights, average speed and even the driver’s schedule.

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There are more routes than parks. This explains the periodic absence of data center cars on some streets. I conducted a spot check: I took three flights in different districts and monitored the movements of the mobile complexes. In two areas, the “parkons” were on duty as expected, in the third - empty. The traffic control center monitors the traffic situation daily, so problem-free streets are monitored less frequently. The list of routes itself is also not eternal.

“To determine a new route or change an old one, we conduct research, look at when and at what time the road is loaded, as well as the percentage of violators. The main requirement is a large number of violators who interfere with the movement of public transport and increase the load on the road network.” - Dmitry Gorshkov, deputy head of the data processing center

On the technical side, things are also constantly changing. No, the principle of operation is the same globally. The car travels at a maximum speed of 40 km/h, at which time the ParkRight system uses a camera to record parked cars and determine their exact coordinates. The pictures are immediately sent to the data processing department of the data processing center, then to the Moscow Automobile Road Inspectorate (MADI) and the Moscow Parking Space Administrator (AMPP), who issue a fine. If necessary, of course. To do this, a photo shoot of the car must be carried out in two passes. An interesting point - this applies not only to areas with paid parking, but even to areas where stopping is prohibited. One frame is not enough. This is a small indulgence for violators.

If your car breaks down in a prohibited parking place or in a paid parking zone, you will have to challenge the fine later. Any evidence like a receipt for tow truck services or a work order from a technical center will do.

Software and maps are updated regularly. By the way, the systems in different cars are programmed differently. For example, in some “parking areas” only paid areas are recorded, in others - parking under prohibitory signs, and thirdly - all together, as in our case. The routes “clogged” into the system are worked out in detail. If the driver deviates from the course, say to rest, the locking stops.

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The longer we drive, the more I notice numerous cunning people trying to deceive the parkon. For example, those who like to cover the number with some kind of cloth. But even in such cases, the information is left for processing. The missing letters and numbers are “solved” using the database. The puzzle is not difficult, especially if the offender has a rare car.

The shooting quality is really high. At first I began to compete with electronics - who could “read” the most dirty numbers. The slushy weather contributed to this. Along the road there are cars lined up in thick layers of mud and chemicals. I had to give up quickly. When I, with my excellent eyesight, was forced to capitulate, the camera coped with the task.

We were also lucky to run into foreign numbers. There are no exceptions for anyone when photographing. The Belarusian guest will receive a photo as a souvenir through the customs authorities.

To hide from the watchful eye of the parking lot, drivers sometimes try to reduce the distance between the bumpers of two cars as much as possible. Yes, it might only work if you stand really close. The camera is installed at such an angle to reduce the chances of hiding the number. The parkon driver can theoretically turn the camera. Such an initiative, according to Mikhail, is welcome, but in reality you almost never have to tinker with the camera.

And some car owners try to avoid punishment by driving the car somewhere further away onto the sidewalk. In the near future, the “parkons” will reach them too. More precisely, we have already arrived. I was convinced with my own eyes that the camera is easily able to find a car among pedestrians. However, no fines have been issued yet.

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“We are now testing equipment and information systems. The optimal camera position and tilt angle are being studied.” - Dmitry Gorshkov, deputy head of the data processing center

In this case, the “parkon” found the car on the sidewalk, but it still won’t be possible to punish absolutely everyone. No matter what angle you place the camera at, it won’t see through the obstacle. Tow trucks, however, have not been canceled

You no longer need to worry about the accuracy of geopositioning. A huge number of incorrectly determined coordinates - 10-15% - have been reduced over time. “Currently the number of defects is less than 2% for all types of fixation. This is also affected by difficult weather conditions, especially in winter. As for geopositioning, we use GLONASS and GPS modules, which reduces the error. And new, more detailed maps made it possible to reach an error level of up to one parking space. And in difficult and narrow places, AMPP foot patrols monitor paid parking; we, together with our colleagues, coordinate routes,” the deputy head of the data center told us.

Although the parking along our route was generally in order, there are still plenty of violators. I notice a Peugeot driver ahead. He parked under the emergency sign, apparently recently, and is now in a hurry to return to his car. But, noticing the data center car, he freezes for a while. In those couple of seconds, I managed to read hope in his eyes. I just want to throw up my hands - it’s not fate! Nothing depends on the driver of the parking lot.

According to the regulations, they are prohibited from talking to other road users. No amateur performances. However, sometimes you still have to get in touch with civilization. “Remember that evening when there was a glitch in the Moscow Parking mobile application? People in a panic literally threw themselves under the wheels with questions. Then, of course, he calmly explained what and how,” recalls Mikhail. But this case is rather an exception.

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And I remember how, during the first period of operation of the parking lots, many residents of the capital accused their drivers of carelessness, violations of rules and other sins. So, pictures of mobile systems with closed numbers were circulating on the Internet.

Since the appearance of “parkons” in Moscow, I have communicated with many transport specialists, including foreign ones. And everyone notes that the introduction of mobile photo recording systems is not only an extremely complex process, but also very expensive. Certainly not profitable. Therefore, in megacities they often do not dare to undertake such innovations.

MADI employees issued about 10 thousand fines in January 2016, that is, the city collected approximately 30 million rubles from violators. In turn, maintaining a fleet of “parking lots” Maintenance, driver salaries and foot inspectors costs, even according to rough estimates, at least three times more expensive

However, as the Moscow authorities note, the material side of the issue does not bother them: “We do not set ourselves the task of assessing the financial efficiency of the operation of photo and video recording systems; first of all, they perform the function of preventive control of compliance with traffic rules. Unfortunately, the driving culture of drivers in different countries differs significantly; the legal nihilism of many Russians forces us to create a system that is highly evidence-based and devoid of the human factor. Thanks to it, the speed of traffic in busy areas increases. It’s too early to talk about abandoning parking lots; there are still a significant number of violators in the city, although we are seeing a significant decline thanks to our work,” concluded Dmitry Gorshkov.

You definitely can’t argue with the last statement. Obviously, mobile control has helped in organizing parking, and the gaps in the operation of this system are being resolved over time. We hope that the city will continue not only to completely control motorists, but also, if possible, to create normal conditions for them.

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Who now issues fines for illegal parking in Moscow?

Car enthusiasts in Moscow are still being tested for strength. Increase in fines, expansion of the paid parking zone to the Garden Ring, increase in parking fees. And that is not all.

Since November 1, 2013, fines for violating the requirements of the “Stopping is prohibited” and “Parking is prohibited” signs are issued by the Moscow Administrative Road (Transport) Inspectorate (MADI). The structure is new, recently created, but nevertheless has great powers. The transfer of powers from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate to MADI took place on September 23 on the basis of Moscow Government Decree (No. 679-PP dated October 14, 2013 “On the Moscow Administrative Road Inspectorate and amendments to Moscow Government Decree No. 198-PP dated May 15, 2012.”)

Mobile video control - battalion of 500 people

At the initial stage, 500 inspectors will work at MADI. Both foot and vehicle patrols are provided. Many motorists are familiar with cars labeled “Mobile video monitoring.”

Parkons in Moscow: routes and opening hours

The special vehicle is equipped with a complex Photo and video fixation "Parcon", allowing you to track violators. For now, the parks are open from 8.00 to 20.00, but if these traffic jams and parkopalypse continue, the hours may become 24/7. Everything inside the Garden Ring will come into view of the lens (see map).

How to challenge a parking fine?

Many drivers have already felt the cost of a mistake. A fine of 2500 or 3000 rubles. - a considerable amount. And if we take into account the fact that there have already been situations when the owner of a car, who forgot to pay for parking in the area covered by the “Paid parking” sign for 5 hours, received five fines of 2,500 rubles each by mail, then the cost of a mistake is simply fantastic.

What should a car enthusiast do in such a situation?

The only conclusion that comes to mind is to try to challenge the fine. According to the law, 10 days are given for appeal from the date of receipt of the Resolution on bringing to administrative responsibility. If for some significant reason you missed the deadline for appealing, you can write a petition to restore the deadline.

The package required for appeal consists of the following documents:

  • complaint against the decision on bringing to administrative responsibility
  • copy of the Resolution
  • application for consideration of a complaint without personal presence.

The package can be sent in three ways:

  • by email:
  • send by regular mail to the address: Moscow, st. Skakovaya, 19. To the State Treasury Institution of the City of Moscow “Administrator of the Moscow Parking Space”
  • bring in person to the address: Moscow, st. Skakovaya, 19 (entrance from Verkhnyaya St., 23), floor 2, office 6.

Complaints are accepted on Tuesday and Thursday - from 8.00 to 19.00.

A complaint against the decision is filed in the name of general director State government institution of the city of Moscow “Administrator of the Moscow parking space” I.V. Kuznetsova.

Here is a sample complaint that can be found online along with a sample form.

According to the law, the response must come no later than 30 days from the date of registration of the complaint.

"Parcon" in action:

Now let’s look at real cases of failure of the Parkon video recording system in Moscow.

How do Parkons work?

What are "Parcons"?

Substantial part traffic violations in the capital, it is recorded automatically, using the Parkon complex, which is installed in the car of the Traffic Management Center and photographs the license plates of those who have violated the parking and stopping rules, and also determines unpaid parking. During the first trip along the route, the system undergoes “training”. At this time, the operator manually enters the coordinates of sections of the road where parking and stopping is prohibited, as well as sections with paid parking.

How it works?

"Parcons" in Moscow on this moment equipped 370 cars. Due to the expansion of the paid parking zone, Last year the number of such complexes increased by 60 units. You can identify such a car by the bright stickers on the sides and hood. Mobile violation recording systems make it possible to identify violations of traffic rules such as parking on pedestrian crossing, travel and parking on the lane route transport, stopping and parking on sidewalks and in the area of ​​prohibition signs. In addition, they are used to monitor compliance with parking and payment rules. During the day, such a car travels along several routes, on which, using GPS, sections where parking is prohibited are marked. When a car enters the zone illegal parking, the Parkon system automatically turns on video recording. She films with two cameras.

One takes the general plan (1), the other takes the car number (2). There is also a backlight for night “hunting” (3).

According to the law, stopping under the sign is allowed for five minutes, so after some time the equipped vehicle of the traffic police drives along the street again and again picks up the parked cars. As a result, only those cars that were seen twice remain in Parkon’s memory. The system also checks whether there is payment for the use of each parking space. The motorist must pay for an occupied parking space within 15 minutes from the moment of stopping there. Timely payment (no later than 15 minutes after parking the car) avoids a fine of 2,500 rubles. Each IFF route travels several times per hour (at least once every 15 minutes). And in the evening, connecting to the wireless network, the complex transmits information to the data processing center (“TSAFAP”).

After this, the photographs are prepared by the TsODD and traffic police officers Required documents, a resolution is drawn up and sent along with the photographs to the offender.

As a result of this, the car owner receives a letter with a photograph and an indication of the address and time of the violation, as well as a receipt for payment of the fine. According to the law, 10 days are given to appeal a fine from the date of receipt of the Resolution on bringing to administrative responsibility.

"Parcon" records violations following rules traffic:

  • stopping or parking where it is prohibited road signs or markings;
  • stopping or parking on the sidewalk;
  • parking in a prohibited manner (for example, not parallel to the edge of the roadway or in violation of the markings);
  • stopping or parking at a pedestrian crossing;
  • parking on lawns, on playgrounds and sports grounds, in parks, squares, etc.;
  • paid parking.

Parking routes in Moscow:

To move a card, tap it with two fingers

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Since July 1, fines for wrong parking cars. The fines in Moscow and St. Petersburg will be 3,000 rubles. To identify violators, specially equipped vehicles travel around the city. Ford cars Focus, which films violations on a video camera and then sends receipts to violators to pay fines in automatic mode.
Here's what the process for detecting traffic violations looks like:

And here is a list of streets in Moscow where Parkons drive. This list will be constantly updated. Therefore, if you do not find on the list a place where you are usually accustomed to parking your car on the sidewalk or under a prohibitory sign, then do not relax. Your street could appear on the list literally tomorrow. And the current list of streets served by Parkon is current as of July 2012. Information from the Kommersant publication:

  • 1. Mokhovaya Street - Okhotny Ryad Street - Teatralny Proezd - New Square - Old Square - Kitaygorodsky Proezd - Moskvoretskaya Embankment - Kremlin Embankment - Manezhnaya Street - then along the even side, following this route.
  • 2. Maly Cherkassky Lane on the even side - Bolshoy Cherkassky Lane on the even side - Ilyinka Street on the even side - Rybny Lane on the even side.
  • 3. Nikolskaya Street on the odd side - Vetoshny Lane on the even side.
  • 4. Varvarka Street on the odd side.
  • 5. Ilyinka Street on the odd side to Red Square - then to reverse direction to Old Square.
  • 6. Kutuzov Avenue(from the Novoarbatsky Bridge from the center) - then turn around on the overpass of the Aminyevsko-Rublevskaya interchange - Kutuzovsky Prospekt (to the Novoarbatsky Bridge to the center).
  • 7. Street New Arbat on the even side from the center - then turn around on the Novoarbatsky bridge overpass - Novy Arbat street on the odd side to the center - Znamenka street on the odd side (to the intersection with Mokhovaya street) - Vozdvizhenka street on the even side (to Novy Arbat street).
  • 8. Bolshaya Sadovaya Street, outer side - Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya Street, outer side - Novinsky Boulevard, outer side - then a turn over the Novoarbatsky Tunnel - Novinsky Boulevard, inner side- Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya street, inner side - Bolshaya Sadovaya street, inner side.
  • 9. Smolenskaya Square, outer side - Smolenskaya-Sennaya Square, outer side - Smolensky Boulevard, outer side - then a turn on Zubovskaya Street - Smolensky Boulevard, inner side - Smolenskaya-Sennaya Square, inner side - Smolenskaya Square, inner side.
  • 10. Zubovsky Boulevard, outer side - then turn around under the Crimean overpass - Zubovsky Boulevard, inner side until the intersection with Prechistenka Street.
  • 11. Valovaya Street, outer side - Zatsepsky Val Street, outer side - Paveletskaya Square, outer side - Maly Krasnokholmsky Bridge, outer side - then a turn under the Bolshoy Krasnokholmsky Bridge - Zatsepsky Val Street, inner side - Paveletskaya Square, inner side - Valovaya Street , inner side.
  • 12. Zemlyanoy Val Street, outer side from Vysokoyauzsky Bridge - then turn around the building No. 9 - Zemlyanoy Val Street, inner side to Vysokoyauzsky Bridge.
  • 13. Sadovaya-Chernogryazskaya street, outer side - then turn across Kalanchevskaya street, Orlikov lane - Sadovaya-Chernogryazskaya street, inner side.
  • 14. Sadovaya-Spasskaya Street, outer side - Bolshaya Sukharevskaya Square, outer side - Malaya Sukharevskaya Square, outer side - then a turn under the Samotechnaya overpass - Malaya Sukharevskaya Square, inner side - Bolshaya Sukharevskaya Square, inner side - Sadovaya-Spasskaya Street, inner side.
  • 15. Sadovaya-Samotechnaya street, outer side - Sadovaya-Karetnaya street, outer side - then a turn over the Mayakovsky tunnel - Sadovaya-Karetnaya street, inner side - Sadovaya-Samotechnaya street, inner side.
  • 16. Andropov Avenue (from the center from the Kolomenskaya metro station) - then turn around at the intersection with Kolomensky Proezd - Andropov Avenue (to the center to the Kolomenskaya metro station).
  • 17. Andropov Avenue (from the center from Kolomensky Proezd) - then turn around at the intersection with Kashirskoye Highway - Andropov Avenue (to the center to Kolomensky Proezd).
  • 18. Proletarsky Prospekt (from the center from Kashirskoe highway) - then turn around at the intersection with Kantemirovskaya Street - Proletarsky Prospekt (to the center to Kashirskoe Highway).
  • 19. Proletarsky Avenue (from the center from Kantemirovskaya Street) - then a U-turn at the intersection with Kavkazsky Boulevard ( Roundabout Circulation) - Proletarsky Avenue (to the center to Kantemirovskaya Street).
  • 20. Bakinskaya Street (from the center from Kavkazsky Boulevard) - then turn around at the intersection with Kaspiyskaya Street - Bakinskaya Street (to the center to Kavkazsky Boulevard).
  • 21. Lipetskaya Street (from the center from Kaspiyskaya Street) - then turn around at the intersection with Elevatornaya Street - Lipetskaya Street (to the center to Kaspiyskaya Street).
  • 22. Lipetskaya Street (from the center from Elevatornaya Street) - then turn around at the intersection with Ryazhskaya Street - Lipetskaya Street (in the center to Elevatornaya Street).
  • 23. Lipetskaya street (from the center from Ryazhskaya street) - then turn on the Moscow Ring Road - Lipetskaya street (in the center to Ryazhskaya street).
  • 24. Berezhkovskaya embankment (from the center from Bolshaya Dorogomilovskaya street) - then turn around on Mosfilmovskaya street - Berezhkovskaya embankment to Bolshaya Dorogomilovskaya street.
  • 25. Kosygina Street (from the center from Mosfilmovskaya Street) - then a U-turn in the area of ​​Michurinsky Prospekt - Kosygina Street (to the center to Mosfilmovskaya Street).
  • 26. Michurinsky Avenue (from the center from Lomonosovsky Prospekt) - then turn around in the area of ​​house No. 30a - Michurinsky Prospekt (to the center to Lomonosovsky Prospekt).
  • 27. Michurinsky Prospekt (from the center from building No. 34 of the Michurinsky residential complex) - then turn around in the area of ​​building No. 44 - Michurinsky Prospekt (to the center to building No. 27k1).
  • 28. Michurinsky Prospekt (from the center from house No. 44) - then turn around on Lobachevsky Street - Michurinsky Prospekt (in the center to Ramenki Street).
  • 29. Michurinsky Prospekt (from the center from Lobachevsky Street) - then a U-turn in the area of ​​building No. 3k1 of the Festivalny shopping center - Michurinsky Prospekt (to the center to Lobachevsky Street).
  • 30. Michurinsky Prospekt (from the center from property 76A) - then turn around in the area of ​​house No. 80 - Michurinsky Prospekt (to the center to house No. 3k1).
  • 31. Michurinsky Prospekt (from the center from Nikulinskaya Street) - then turn on the Moscow Ring Road - Michurinsky Prospekt (in the center to Nikulinskaya Street).
  • 32. Borovskoe Highway (from the center from the Moscow Ring Road) - then turn on Bogdanova Street - Borovskoe Highway (to the center to the Moscow Ring Road).
  • 33. Borovskoe highway (from the center from Bogdanova street) - then turn on Prirechnaya street - Borovskoe highway (to the center to Bogdanova street).
  • 34. Borovskoe Highway (from the center from Prirechnaya Street) - then turn around on Sholokhov Street - Borovskoe Highway (to the center to Prirechnaya Street).
  • 35. Prospekt Mira (from the center from the Rizhsky station) - then turn on the overpass of the All-Russian Exhibition Center - Prospekt Mira (to the center to the Krestovsky overpass).
  • 36. Mira Avenue (understudy) (from the center from the VDNKh metro station) - then turn across the Rostokinsky overpass - Mira Avenue (in the center to the VDNH metro station).
  • 37. Mira Avenue (from the center from the Rostokinskaya overpass) - then turn across the Severyaninsky overpass - Mira Avenue (to the center to the Rostokinskaya overpass).
  • 38. Yaroslavskoe highway (from the center from the Severyaninsky overpass) - then turn around the house No. 28 along the Yaroslavskoe highway - Yaroslavskoe highway (to the center to the Severyaninsky overpass).
  • 39. Yaroslavskoe Highway (from the center from house No. 28) - then turn around on Yegor Abakumov Street - Yaroslavskoe Highway (to the center to house No. 55).
  • 40. Volokolamsk highway (from the center from the 1st Volokolamsk overpass) - then turn around on the overpass, at the intersection with Svobody Street - Volokolamsk highway (to the center to the 1st Volokolamsk overpass).
  • 41. Volokolamskoye Highway (from the center from the intersection with Svoboda Street) - then turn around near house No. 112 - Volokolamskoye Highway (to the center to the intersection with Svoboda Street).
  • 42. Volokolamskoye Highway (from the center from house No. 112) - then turn around on the Moscow Ring Road - Volokolamskoye Highway (to the center to house No. 83).
  • 43. Pyatnitskoye Highway (from the center from the Moscow Ring Road) - then turn around at the intersection with 1st Mitinsky Lane - Pyatnitskoye Highway (to the center to the Moscow Ring Road).
  • 44. Pyatnitskoye Highway (from the center from the 1st Mitinsky Lane - then turn around at the intersection with Baryshikha Street - Pyatnitskoye Highway (to the center to the 1st Mitinsky Lane).
  • 45. Staraya Basmannaya Street (odd - according to right side house No. 35) - Sadovaya-Chernogryazskaya street (odd - on the right side, house No. 13; house No. 11; house No. 3; house No. 1; house No. 1/3) - Novaya Basmannaya street (even - on the right side, house No. 18 ; house number 16).
  • 46. ​​Petrovka Street (odd - on the right side, building No. 29; building No. 25; building No. 23; building No. 21; building No. 19; building No. 3; building No. 1) - Dmitrovsky Lane (even - on the left side, building No. 6 ; building No. 4; building No. 2/10) - Bolshaya Dmitrovka street (odd - on the left side, building No. 23; building No. 9).
  • 47. Rozhdestvenka Street (even - on the left side, building No. 12; building No. 14; building No. 18/1; building No. 20) - Pushechnaya Street (odd) - Neglinnaya Street (odd - on the left side, building No. 29; building No. 27 ; house No. 25; house No. 17) - Trubnaya Square (no).
  • 48. Myasnitskaya Street (odd - on the right side, building No. 7; building No. 1) - Bolshaya Lubyanka Street (odd - on the left side, building No. 23; building No. 21; building No. 19; building No. 19, building 3; building No. 17 ; house No. 13/16; house No. 5/21) - Sretensky Boulevard (even - on the right side, house No. 2).
  • 49. Sretenka Street (odd - on the left side, building No. 27, building 3; building No. 27; building No. 25; building No. 21/28; building No. 19/27; building No. 17) - Sadovaya-Sukharevskaya Street (no) - Ananyevsky Lane (none) - Kostyansky Lane (none) - Sretensky Boulevard (even - building No. 2 on the right side).
  • 50. Mira Avenue - Banny Lane - Bolshaya Pereyaslavskaya Street - Kalanchevskaya Street - Bolshaya Spasskaya Street.
  • 51. 4th Lesnoy Lane (even - on the left side, building No. 18, building 1) - Lesnaya Street (odd - on the right side, building No. 41).
  • 52. Oruzheyny Lane (odd - on the right side, house No. 41; house No. 27; building No. 2, building 1 on 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street) - Sadovaya-Triumfalnaya Street (odd).
  • 53. Novoslobodskaya Street (even - on the right side, building No. 46; building No. 38, building 1; building No. 36, building 1; building No. 34, building 1; building No. 28; building No. 26, building 1; building No. 24; house No. 20; house No. 18 building 1; house No. 2 building 1) - Palikha street (odd) - Perunovsky lane (odd) - Dostoevsky street (odd) - Suvorovskaya square (odd - on the right side of the house No. 1) - Samotechnaya Street (odd - on the right side is house No. 17a; house No. 1/15).
  • 54. Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street (even - on the right side, building No. 2; building No. 8; building No. 10; building No. 22; building No. 22/2; building No. 24; building No. 26) - Leontyevsky Lane (odd - on the left side building No. 19) - Bolshoi Gnezdnikovsky Lane (odd - on the left side, building No. 1, building 2).
  • 55. Tverskoy Boulevard (even - on the right side, building No. 18; building No. 16; building No. 14).
  • 56. Konyushkovskaya Street (even - on the right side, building No. 36) - Krasnopresnenskaya embankment (even - on the right side, building No. 6) - 1905 Goda Street (odd - on the right side, building No. 7) - Krasnaya Presnya Street (right side, station metro station "1905"
  • 57. Krasnopresnenskaya embankment (even - on the right side, house No. 16; house No. 14; house No. 12) - Presnenskaya embankment (odd) - 1st Krasnogvardeisky passage (odd - on the right side, house No. 13; house No. 9; house No. 7) - Mantulinskaya street (odd) - then in the opposite direction.
  • 58. Zvenigorodskoe highway (even - on the right side, house No. 4; house No. 2, building 1; house No. 2).
  • 59. Rochdelskaya street (odd - on the right side, building No. 30; building No. 12/1) - Trekhgorny Val street (odd - on the right side, building No. 31) - Presnensky Val street (even - on the right side, building No. 4) - street Gruzinsky Val (even - on the right side, building No. 28; building No. 26; building No. 16; building No. 14) - Tverskaya Zastava Square (no) - then in the opposite direction - Gruzinsky Val Street (no) - Presnensky Val Street (odd - on the right side, building No. 9; building No. 5; building No. 1) – Rochdelskaya street (odd - on the right side, building No. 11/5, building 1).
  • 60. Sadovnicheskaya embankment (odd - on the right side, building No. 55, building 1; building No. 37, building 1) - Balchug street (odd - on the right side, building No. 7; building No. 5; building No. 3) - Sadovnicheskaya street (even - on the right side is house No. 4; house No. 6) - Garden Ring (odd).
  • 61. Bolshaya Ordynka Street (odd) - Lyusinovskaya Street (odd) - Pavel Andreev Street (odd) - Bolshaya Serpukhovskaya Street (odd) - Pyatnitskaya Street (odd) - Lubochny Proezd (odd).
  • 62. Bolotnaya embankment (odd - on the right side, building No. 7; building No. 5; building No. 3) - Bersenevskaya embankment (even - on the left side, building No. 20; building No. 16, building 1; building No. 14, building 5; building No. 12, building 10; building No. 8, building 1; building No. 6, building 3) - Sofia embankment (even - on the right side, building No. 34; building No. 32; building No. 26/1; house No. 22; house No. 18; house No. 14, building 3) - Balchug street (odd - on the right side, house No. 2).
  • 63. Kozhevnicheskaya Street (house No. 7 building 1; building No. 8; building No. 10/2) - Letnikovskaya Street (even - on the right side, building No. 8 building 1; building No. 2/10) - Zhukov proezd (odd - on the right side, building No. 19; building No. 15a; building No. 3) - Dubininskaya street (odd - on the right side, building No. 19; building No. 9; building No. 7) - Paveletsky station square (even numbered) - on the right side, house No. 2) - then in the opposite direction on the right side.
  • 64. Bolshaya Polyanka Street (even - on the right side, building No. 60/2; building No. 58; building No. 28; building No. 20) - Zhitnaya Street (even - on the right side, building No. 12; building No. 10; building No. 6; house No. 2) - Bolshaya Yakimanka street (odd).
  • 65. Delegatskaya Street (odd - on the left side is house No. 5; house No. 3; house No. 3 p. 4).
  • 66. Middle Karetny Lane (even - on the right side, building No. 38 on Petrovka Street; building No. 4; building No. 6/9) - Bolshoi Karetny Lane (odd - on the left side, building No. 21; building No. 19; building No. 17) .
  • 67. Kazakova Street - Radio Street.

Let me remind you that today for residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg the price of Parkon is 3,000 rubles. Don't break it!

The data set allows you to get detailed information about the routes of mobile systems that record traffic violations, see their routes on the map.

Today, mobile photo and video recording systems State government institution of the city of Moscow - Center for Traffic Management of the Moscow Government(GKU TsODD) are used to record violations of the rules for stopping/parking vehicles located on the roadway in the coverage areas of road signs 3.27 “Stopping is prohibited”, 3.28 “Parking is prohibited”, 3.29 “Parking is prohibited on odd days of the month”, 3.30 “Parking is prohibited” on even days of the month”, 6.4. “Parking (parking space)” with additional information sign 8.8 “Paid services” and 5.14 “Lane for route vehicles.” Before starting the route of movement of mobile photo-video recording systems (IKF), employees of the State Public Institution Data Center perform the following:

Informing citizens about the introduction of restrictions on stopping and parking vehicles on the road network and dedicated lanes for public transport through the official Internet resource of the State Public Institution Data Center;

Formation of an up-to-date layout of road signs for further coordination with the authorities authorized to consider cases of administrative offenses (MADI, State Public Institution "AMPP", State Traffic Safety Inspectorate).

The current situation in Moscow

About 370 ICF routes have been developed. The routes cover about 1,700 streets. To record violations of the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation, ParkRight hardware and software systems are used.

What is such a complex and how are violations recorded using the ICF? - A GKU TsODD vehicle equipped with a special ParkRight ICF, moving along an established route, sending fixations online vehicles to check whether there is a fee for using each parking space. In case of non-payment, material about an administrative violation is automatically generated for subsequent issuance of a fine and sending by mail. Each GKU TsODD vehicle travels along the route several times per hour. In addition, ICFs are used to monitor violations of the rules of stopping and parking in places where it is prohibited. After processing the record, computer recognition of the state registration plates of the violators’ vehicles and preparation of special documents, receipts for payment of the fine are sent by mail to car owners in accordance with current legislation.

Also, automatic recording of violations is carried out using ICFs installed on the rolling stock of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans" (buses of semi-express routes).

Representatives of city authorities and the traffic police have repeatedly stated that mobile photo and video recording systems have proven their effectiveness in the fight against city traffic jams.

Do you know what?

In 2016, the vehicle fleet of the GKU Data Center was replenished with Mitsubishi i-MiEV city electric cars. Cars operate in a parking space control system in Moscow. In the future, it is planned to expand the use of environmentally friendly electric vehicles as ICVs - this will minimize the negative impact on the environment.

The material was prepared based on information from the sites, and,