Road closures and traffic police fines for heavy trucks. Restrictions on the movement of trucks. Jewish Autonomous Region

In the spring and autumn of 2017, the passage of heavy vehicles on main roads federal significance will be impossible. The initiative was put forward by ROSAVTODOR employees. This initiative will introduce restrictions to protect road surface in a period of time with special natural climatic conditions. Thus, in the spring, when wet soil is not able to withstand the load of passing vehicles, the possible indicator decreases by 50-70%. Civil servants estimate possible losses during the operation of federal highways in the spring at 1.2 trillion rubles.

This project in ROSAVTODOR classified all trucks according to the number of axles into 3 types, each of which is subject to restrictions for a specific period of time. These measures will be introduced according to the scheme in different regions. European part Russian Federation- March 15 - end of May (for the southern part - earlier, for the northern - later). The M-11, M-18, M-20, M-121 and Ring Road highways leading through St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region will be closed to heavy vehicles from April 1 to April 30. At the same time, the roads "Russia" and "Scandinavia" will accept trucks without any restrictions. Siberian roads will be closed for drying from April to early June. In summer, restrictions are associated with high temperatures, capable of weakening the structure of the road surface: the asphalt melts - this leads to the formation of rutting.

In the summer (from mid-May to the end of August), when the temperature rises above 32 degrees, the train on the main routes will be suspended from 10 am to 10 pm. The order prepared by ROSAVTODOR is being approved until the beginning of March. By mid-March, it must be agreed upon, signed, registered by the Ministry of Justice and published by March 15. Based on the practice of past years, such a bill was never adopted on time; in 2015 it was adopted only at the end of May, in 2014 - at the end of June, in 2013 - in mid-May. Thus for last years, due to bureaucratic delays, the Rosavtodor budget suffered multi-billion dollar losses.

What happened?

Rosavtodor proposed close federal highways for heavy trucks in the coming spring and summer. According to the Federal Road Agency, this will help protect highways during periods of adverse weather conditions. For example, in spring, during the period of waterlogging, and in summer, during the hot season.

When will the bans take effect and for how long will they be introduced?

This is a project for now. Now Rosavtodor has submitted it to public hearings. In order for it to come into force on time, the document must go through all stages of approval, be signed, registered by the Ministry of Justice and officially published before mid-March.

If approved, the project proposes to use different periods for different routes restrictions. For example, on the federal roads passing through St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region - M-11 "Narva", M-18 "Kola", M-20, A-121 "Sortavala", as well as on the Ring Road, heavy vehicles will not be able to drive with April 1 to April 30. The M-10 “Russia” and “Scandinavia” highways (Moscow – St. Petersburg – Torfyanovka) are not planned to be closed for the spring this year. Some trucks will be prohibited on Siberian highways during April, May and even the first half of June.

Will there be restrictions only in the spring?

No. Bans will also be introduced in the summer. From May 20 to August 31, if the daily air temperature exceeds the threshold of 32 degrees, the movement of heavy vehicles will be limited along the main highways. Vehicle during the daytime (from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.).

Traffic restrictions trucks on Russian roads can be divided into permanent and temporary. The permanent system includes a permit system regulating entry into central areas. major cities(Moscow and St. Petersburg), temporary (or otherwise seasonal) are valid during the period of spring floods and summer heat.

Seasonal restrictions

Traditionally in spring Russian roads(both dirt and asphalt) are closed at "spring drying". This is done to preserve the road surface: due to snow melting and river flooding, the soil becomes waterlogged and becomes very soft. Eventually road structures weakened and cannot withstand the same load.

To reduce the damage caused to the road surface and prevent its destruction, restrictions on the movement of heavy trucks are introduced during floods. These restrictions, as a rule, are in effect for one month and, due to climatic conditions, differ from region to region: firstly, in terms of timing (roads do not close and open throughout Russia at the same time - different periods are set everywhere ), and secondly, according to the permissible axle load.

However, even in the same region, different road sections may have different load limits and they may be closed at different times.

is: for one axle - 6 tons, for two axles - 5 tons, for three axles - 4 tons. However, in the northwestern regions with their marshy areas, restrictions are traditionally stricter: about 4 tons for Karelia, around 3.5 tons for the Arkhangelsk region, no more than 3 tons for the Leningrad region... As a rule, the timing of closing roads for drying in these regions longer than one month.

Heavy loads that exceed valid values, must obtain appropriate permission to travel on “closed” regional roads and compensate for the damage caused. Permits are issued by local authorities, and they also set tariffs to compensate for the damage caused. Naturally, the cost of a “pass” for one car with the same axle loads will be different for different regions.

At the same time, the system of temporary restrictions does not apply to some heavy loads at all. Without obtaining permission By spring roads may pass:

  • trucks transporting food, medicines and medicines, fuel and fuels and lubricants, cargo for needs Agriculture(animals and food for them, seed stock, fertilizers...);
  • vehicles delivering mail and postal cargo;
  • road construction and maintenance equipment, as well as vehicles delivering materials for road repairs;
  • vehicles of special services (Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Defense, etc.), vehicles transporting cargo during liquidation of consequences natural Disasters;
  • vehicles carrying out international transportation of goods.

Besides, restrictions do not apply to Passenger Transportation .

In order to obtain a permit, you must contact the relevant regional authorities with the following documents:

  • statement;
  • a copy of the vehicle’s passport or its registration certificate;
  • a diagram of the vehicle showing the placement of the cargo, the number of axles and wheels, their relative position, the distribution of load along the axles;
  • information about technical requirements for transportation of the declared cargo in transport position;
  • an identification document of the applicant (if the owner is not carrying out the transportation - a power of attorney issued by the owner of the vehicle).

The last five years have not been closed for “spring drying”. federal roads. A since 2018 restrictions on the movement of heavy vehicles on them during spring floods have already been completely lifted at the legislative level- in accordance with the changes made to Order of the Ministry of Transport dated August 12, 2011 No. 211. According to the official version, this legislative decision was influenced by the improved condition of federal roads. They say that 80 percent of them have already been brought into standard condition, which means they can withstand increased load and not be afraid of soil washing out. However, the carriers are confident that they were able to push through the system and defend at least the federal roads.

For carriers, indeed, spring restrictions bring many problems. Since roads are closed in different areas at different periods, it turns out that for those who deliver goods to several regions, the restrictions, in fact, apply throughout the spring. At the same time, to obtain permits, it is necessary to constantly contact different departments, and the cost of a “pass” can sometimes be equal to the cost of the transportation itself.

It is unprofitable to “drive” small cars that do not fall under the restrictions (and where can you get them in such quantities?!), and few people can afford to take a “vacation” by putting the vehicle fleet “idled” while the roads are “drying out”.

In addition, carriers have doubts: are the roads really resting at this time and is the system of restrictions turning into a system of extortion? After all, many, wanting to save money, take risks and continue to drive without permits, and when caught, they do not pay fines to the budget, but give bribes to traffic cops.

And the eternal question remains: isn’t it easier to initially build roads that can withstand heavy loads?..

In addition to spring, there are also summer restrictions. They apply when the air temperature rises above 32°C, and consist in the fact that heavy vehicles can only travel on asphalt roads between 22.00 and 10.00.

Permanent restrictions

Since 2013, there have been permanent restrictions on the entry of heavy trucks into Moscow and St. Petersburg.

In Moscow, traffic is prohibited during the daytime (from 6.00 to 22.00) freight transport weighing over 12 tons along the Moscow Ring Road and over one ton - within the Third Transport Ring and along the Garden Ring.

To be able to enter the city, you must obtain a permit. However, one must keep in mind the fact that Moscow has a three-level access system:

  • MKAD pass: allows you to travel along the MKAD and within the MKAD; issued to cars environmental class no less than Euro-2;
  • Third Transport Ring pass: you can enter the Moscow Ring Road and move around the Third Ring Road without restrictions; the required environmental class is no less than Euro-3;
  • SK pass: you can move throughout the entire territory of Moscow; environmental class - no less than Euro-3.

In St. Petersburg, the movement of freight vehicles weighing more than 8 tons on regional roads is prohibited. At the same time, the so-called "load frame" (a list of streets can be found in Appendix No. 2 to the Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg No. 272 ​​of March 27, 2012), to which restrictions do not apply.

To drive on “closed” roads, you must obtain a pass. He can be:

  • one-time: day (valid from 7.00 to 23.00), night (from 23.00 to 7.00), round the clock and for travel to the city center;
  • for a certain period (valid for up to a year).

In Kaliningrad truck traffic weighing over 14.5 tons carried out on the basis route maps(Resolution of the Administration of the urban district "City of Kaliningrad" No. 372 dated March 13, 2009). A route map is issued for every vehicle heavier than 14.5 tons that intends to travel through the city, and contains a list of the streets along which it can travel and the places where it is allowed to stop.

And if the provision on route cards applies to transit trucks in full, then for heavy vehicles owned by enterprises and individual entrepreneurs registered in the city, there are some relaxations.

These cars can do without route maps if they are traveling from the boundaries of the ring road to the enterprise or from the enterprise to the ring road. The only thing: the route of their movement must be agreed with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Kaliningrad Region. On the move outside the agreed corridors It is still necessary to draw up a route map.

The MKU “City Road Construction and Repair” is responsible for issuing route maps. Can get it either the driver of the car or a representative transport enterprise, or the customer of the vehicle. He must attach to the application documentation, confirming the need to enter and/or leave the city, as well as a technical ticket (for an individual owner - a vehicle registration certificate).

When working on one route, one card can be valid for 30 days.

In Ekaterinburg trucks weighing over 3.5 tons cannot drive inside the “ring”, formed by streets:

st. Baku Commissars – st. Shefskaya – Egorshinsky approach – Base lane – Driver’s passage – Bypass road – st. Serafima Deryabina - st. Tokarey - st. Khalturina - st. Bebelya - st. Donbasskaya – st. Baku Commissars.

At the same time, under exceptions Trucks without trailers that serve businesses located inside the “ring” are covered.

In the future, the Yekaterinburg mayor's office plans to tighten the ban and not allow freight transport beyond the EKAD without a special pass. True, for now, the current restrictions, as recognized by the Sverdlovsk Region Traffic Police Department, are more a formality than a reality: drivers take advantage of a “loophole” and pass off their car as the very transport that supposedly serves shops and other enterprises in the “closed” zone.

In addition, some kind of permanent restrictions also include:

  • the need to obtain a travel permit vehicles transporting large and/or heavy cargo;
  • toll on federal roads for freight vehicles weighing over 12 tons (“Plato”);
  • those restrictions that are established all year round for certain sections of roads and are accompanied by signs

Every year, spring restrictions for heavy trucks are introduced on Russian roads due to a decrease in the load-bearing capacity of structural road elements. 2017 will be no exception. A number of regions have already announced the validity of spring restrictions for trucks and permissible axle loads. Orders for a number of other subjects are at the approval stage. The editorial staff of DorInfo, according to established tradition, collected data on when the movement of freight transport on regional and (or) intermunicipal roads in different regions there will be restrictions on what axle loads will be allowed. The table will be updated as information becomes available.

In different regions of the country, the so-called “spring drying” of roads is introduced at different periods of time depending on the natural and climatic conditions of the area. Closing roads to “heavy” vehicles allows you to preserve roads during the period when they are most susceptible to destruction due to waterlogging. Mostly throughout Russia, restrictions fall in April and last about a month on average. Sometimes decisions are made to extend the validity of spring restrictions due to longer than expected snowmelt, floods, prolonged rains, etc.

Traditionally, spring restrictions for trucks do not apply to international shipping cargo, for passenger transportation, for the delivery of food, fuel, medicine, seeds, fertilizer, postal cargo, for the transportation of animals, as well as cargo for emergency response and prevention, for emergency services vehicles, the Ministry of Defense, for transportation road equipment and road materials.

As for the spring restrictions on Russian federal roads, their fate is not yet very clear. The situation (as in previous years) at the time of preparation of the material is as follows: the draft introduction of spring and summer restrictions for heavy trucks on the country’s federal highways is posted on the official portal of draft regulatory legal acts and is undergoing the stage of public discussions. Estimated date of entry into force normative act- April 2017. Let us remind you that for several years in a row the federal highways for trucks have not been closed for “drying”. According to official data, restrictions were not implemented in time due to long process approval and registration of documents. Summer restrictions with temperatures above 32 °C on federal roads were in effect last year and will likely be introduced in 2017. The spring restrictions on Russian federal roads seem to have sunk into oblivion.

Spring restrictions on Russian roads 2017

Region Deadlines Note

Altai region

From April 1 to April 30

Spring restrictions apply to vehicles with an axle load of more than 6 tons.

Amur region

from April 24 to May 25 At this time, the roads will be limited to the movement of those vehicles whose axle loads exceed 6 tons.

Arhangelsk region

depends on the area from April 3 to May 17 on roads passing through the territories of Plesetsk, Kargopol, Nyandoma, Velsky, Shenkursky, Konoshsky, Kotlassky, Vilegodsky, Lensky, Vinogradovsky, Verkhnetoemsky, Ustyansky and Krasnoborsky districts

from April 10 to May 24 on the territory of Primorsky, Kholmogorsky, Onega, Pinezhsky, Leshukonsky and Mezensky districts

Permissible load per vehicle axle in all areas of the region during the period of restrictions is 3.5 tons.

Astrakhan region

from March 20 to April 21 On different roads, permissible axle loads are set from 5 to 10 tons (list of routes)


From April 1 to April 30 Different roads have different permissible axle loads (list of routes)

Belgorod region

From March 13 to April 11 Maximum permissible axle loads: 7 tons - single, 6 tons - two-axle bogie and 5 tons - three-axle bogie. .

Berdsk (Novosibirsk region)

Bryansk region

From March 15 to April 13 The restrictions apply to vehicles whose actual weight on any axle exceeds 4 tons.


Vladimir region

From April 1 for 30 calendar days
Different roads have different permissible axle loads.

Vologda Region

from April 10 to May 9


from April 15 to May 14 Restrictions will apply to vehicles with axle loads exceeding 5 tons.

Kurgan region

from April 15 to May 14 On the routes “Shadrinsk - Yalutorovsk”, “Ekaterinburg - Shadrinsk - Kurgan” - Paderino - border of the Sverdlovsk region” with a load on any axle of more than 5 tons. On all other roads, the permissible axle load will be 6 tons.

Kursk region

from March 20 to April 18 The permissible load during the period of restrictions is 6 tons.

Leningrad region

April apply to vehicles with a load on each axle of more than 5 tons when driving on asphalt roads, and more than 3 tons when driving on gravel roads.
Additional temporary restrictions on the movement of heavy trucks will be installed in the eastern and northeastern regions of the Leningrad region. They will be in effect from April 17 to May 16 on sections of the following roads:
. Lodeynoye Pole - Vytegra, from Podporozhye to the border with the Vologda region;
. Lodeynoye Pole - Tikhvin - Budogoshch - Chudovo, from Yavshenitsy to Gankovo;
. Petrozavodsk - Oshta, on the section 112+500 km - 152+975 km;
. Station Oyat - Alekhovshchina - Nadporozhye - Plotichno, from Mustinichi to Gomorovichi;
. Zagolodno - Efimovsky - Radogoshch, from Sukhaya Niva to the village of Radogoshch;
. Radogoshch - Pelushi;
. Pelushi - Prokushevo - Sidorovo.

Lipetsk region

from March 20 to April 18 The movement of vehicles with or without cargo with a load of 6 tons on any axle is limited.

Magadan Region

Mari El

from April 10 to May 9 The region has the following permissible loads: on a single axle - 6 tons, on each axle of a two-axle bogie - 5 tons, on each axle of a three-axle bogie - 4 tons.

Moscow region

From April 15 to April 30 The list of road sections and permissible loads on them can be found.

Murmansk region

from April 30 to May 29 According to the document, during the specified period of time the movement of vehicles with weight is limited. At the same time, when transporting timber in international traffic, a full permissible weight vehicle - 44 tons.

Nizhny Novgorod Region

From April 1 to April 30 For vehicles.

Nizhny Tagil (Sverdlovsk region)

Novgorod region

from April 7 to May 6 will be introduced on roads with asphalt concrete pavement for vehicles with axle loads of more than 5 tons, and on dirt roads, roads with gravel and (or) crushed stone surfaces - for vehicles with axle loads of more than 4.5 tons.



from April 17 to May 16 apply to vehicles:

— with an axle load of more than 6 tons (with or without cargo);

— with an axle load of more than 7 tons, transporting technological cargo (concrete, asphalt concrete) and related to special equipment (railway containers, truck cranes, forklifts, motor graders, excavators).

Novosibirsk region

from April 17 to May 16 Vehicles with or without cargo will be prohibited from traveling on regional and local roads.

Omsk region

from April 7 to May 6 On regional and intermunicipal highways, the movement of vehicles with single axle loads exceeding 6 tons will be limited. At the same time, the movement of vehicles with a permit will be prohibited on four roads. maximum weight more than 10 tons. This rule during the period from April 7 to May 6, 2017 will apply to the following sections of the routes:

· "Omsk - Muromtsevo - Sedelnikovo" on the section from Muromtsevo to Sedelnikovo in the Muromtsevo and Sedelnikovsky districts (a detour is possible along the roads "Omsk - Tara", "Tobolsk - Tara - Tomsk" along the section "Tara - Sedelnikovo");

· "Bolshie Uki - Tevriz" in Bolsheukovsky and Tevriz districts (detour along the roads "Omsk - Tara", "Tobolsk - Tara - Tomsk" along the section "Tara - Ust-Ishim");

· "Ust-Ishim - Zagvazdino - border of the Tyumen region" in the Ust-Ishim region (detour along the roads P-402 "Tyumen - Omsk", "Golyshmanovo - Aromashevo", "Aromashevo - Vagai", "Vagai - Dubrovnoye - Abaul") ;

· "Ust-Ishim - Fokino" in the Ust-Ishimsky district (detour along the P-402 highways "Tyumen - Omsk", "Abatskoye - Vikulovo", "Vikulovo - Kargaly - Serebryanka").


Orenburg region

from March 20 to April 28

Oryol Region

From April 3 to May 2 For a single-axle bogie, the permissible load is 6 tons, for a biaxial bogie - 5 tons, and for a three-axle bogie - 4 tons.


from April 9 to May 1 Spring restrictions in Penza will apply to vehicles with an axle load exceeding 6 tons.

Penza region

from March 25 to May 5 (EXTENDED) Temporary traffic restrictions apply to vehicles with or without cargo, the following: highways common use regional and intermunicipal significance, exceeding the temporarily established maximum permissible loads on any axle of 4 tons.


Perm region

on 58 roads from April 10 to May 9, 2017
on 17 roads from April 17 to May 16, 2017
IN Perm region The following permissible axle loads are established: on roads with an improved type of surface - 7 tons for a single axle, 6 tons for each axle of a double axle, 5 tons for each axle of a triple axle; for roads with a transitional type of surface - 5 tons for a single axle, 4 tons for each axle of a tandem axle, 3 tons for each axle of a triple axle.

Primorsky Krai

from April 15 to May 14 Restrictions will be introduced on 365 road sections (list)
The maximum permissible values ​​of loads on vehicle axles during the spring traffic restrictions will be:
- for single axles - 6 tons, for two-axle bogies - 5 tons and for three-axle bogies - 4 tons, on roads with a standard axle load of 10 tons and 11.5 tons per axle;
- for single axles - 5 tons, for two-axle bogies - 4.5 tons and for three-axle bogies - 3.5 tons, on roads with a standard axle load of 6 tons per axle.

Pskov region

from March 13 to April 13 The maximum permissible axle load is 4.5 tons for a single axle, 4 tons for each axle of a two-axle bogie, 3.5 tons for each axle of a three-axle bogie. At the same time, on a number of roads other limit values ​​for axle loads are established; the list of roads and approved loads can be found.

Altai Republic

From April 1 to April 30 Permissible loads: 5 tons for each single vehicle axle, 4 tons for each axle of a two-axle vehicle bogie, 3 tons for each axle of a three-axle vehicle bogie.

Rostov region

from April 15 to May 14 for a single axle it is 7 tons, for a two-axle bogie - 6 tons, for a three-axle bogie - 5 tons.

Ryazan Oblast

from 8 to 28 April Text of the order

Saratov region

from April 3 to April 30 The permissible load on any of the vehicle axles will be 5 tons. Summer restrictions are also established on the highways - during the heat (from 32 degrees plus during the day), truck traffic is allowed at night from 21:00 to 6:00. These restrictions will be in effect from June 30 to July 30, 2017.

Samara Region

From April 1 to April 30 apply to transport with axial load for each axle more than 7 tons.

Sakhalin region

From May 22 to June 20 (not on all roads)

On the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk - Okha road, restrictions will be in effect at different times depending on the section: from the 6th km to the 495th km (from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk to Tymovsky) as well as on other roads in the period from May 22 to 20 June, and on the section from the 495th km to the 854th km (from Tymovsky to Okha) - in the period from May 29 to June 27.

In the Decree of the Moscow Government “On traffic restrictions truck transport in the city of Moscow and the recognition as invalid of certain legal acts of the Moscow Government" dated August 22, 2011 No. 379-PP, amendments were made that came into force on January 1, 2017.

In accordance with the changes made to the above document, trucks are prohibited from entering the central part of the Russian capital. At the same time, the entry ban applies only to those trucks whose environmental class is below third. In our article we will look at the above innovations in more detail.

Clause 1 of the Moscow Government Decree: the most important points.

Having read paragraph 1 of the Moscow Government Decree “On restricting the movement of freight vehicles in the city of Moscow and invalidating certain legal acts of the Moscow Government”, you can see that entry and movement in the central part of the city, limited by the Third Transport Ring (TTK) is prohibited:

  1. Freight vehicles whose environmental characteristics are below environmental class 2.
  2. Freight vehicles whose environmental characteristics are below environmental class 3.

In addition, by changes made to the Moscow Decree, trucks that meet environmental characteristics below environmental class 2 are prohibited from entering the part of the city limited by the Moscow Ring Road (MKAD) to the territory of the city of Moscow limited by the Third Transport Ring (TTK).
Information about the environmental class of the truck can be found in the PTS (field No. 13).

Let us recall that until January 1, 2017, the entry of freight vehicles below the 2nd environmental class into the center of Moscow was limited to the Third Transport Ring. Starting from January 1, 2017, trucks below environmental class 2 are prohibited from entering the center of the capital, limited by the Moscow Ring Road (including the Moscow Ring Road itself).

There were no previous bans for trucks whose environmental class is lower than third. Now, from January 1, 2017, trucks below the 3rd environmental class are not entitled to enter the center of Moscow, limited by the Third Transport Ring (including the Third Transport Ring Road itself).

Entry of trucks into the center of Moscow: map of restrictions.

In order to clearly demonstrate the changes in the Moscow Government Decree, we invite you to look at the map of restrictions on the entry of freight vehicles into the center of the capital from January 1, 2017.