When was the jet engine created? How does an airplane jet engine work? Other examples of jet propulsion

Jet engines are devices that create the traction force necessary for the movement process by converting the internal energy of the fuel into kinetic energy jet streams in the working body. The working fluid rapidly flows out of the engine, and according to the law of conservation of momentum, a reactive force is formed that pushes the engine in the opposite direction. To accelerate the working fluid, it can be used as an expansion of gases heated in a variety of ways to high temperatures, as well as other physical processes, in particular, the acceleration of charged particles in an electrostatic field.

Jet engines combine engines themselves with propulsion devices. This means that they create traction forces solely by interaction with working bodies, without supports, or by contacts with other bodies. That is, they ensure their own promotion, while intermediate mechanisms do not take any part. As a result, they are mainly used to propel aircraft, rockets and, of course, spacecraft.

What is engine thrust?

Engine thrust is called reactive force, which is manifested by gas-dynamic forces, pressure and friction applied to the internal and external sides of the engine.

The thrusts differ in:

  • Internal (jet thrust), when external resistance is not taken into account;
  • Efficient, taking into account external resistance power plants.

The starting energy is stored on board aircraft or other vehicles equipped with jet engines (chemical fuel, nuclear fuel), or can flow from outside (for example, solar energy).

How is jet thrust formed?

To form jet thrust(engine thrust), which is used by jet engines, will require:

  • Sources of initial energy that are converted into kinetic energy of jet streams;
  • Working fluids that will be ejected from jet engines as jet streams;
  • The jet engine itself acts as an energy converter.

How to obtain a working fluid?

To acquire working fluid in jet engines, the following can be used:

  • Substances taken from environment(for example, water or air);
  • Substances found in the tanks of apparatus or in the chambers of jet engines;
  • Mixed substances coming from the environment and stored on board the devices.

Modern jet engines primarily use chemical energy. The working fluids are a mixture of hot gases, which are products of the combustion of chemical fuels. When a jet engine operates, chemical energy from combustion materials is converted into thermal energy from combustion products. At the same time, thermal energy from hot gases is converted into mechanical energy from the translational movements of jet streams and devices on which engines are installed.

In jet engines, the jets of air that enter the engines meet compressor turbines spinning at tremendous speed, which suck in air from the environment (using built-in fans). Consequently, two problems are solved:

  • Primary air intake;
  • Cooling of the entire engine as a whole.

The blades of compressor turbines compress air approximately 30 times or more, “pushing” it (pumping) into the combustion chamber (generating a working fluid). In general, combustion chambers also serve as carburetors, mixing fuel with air.

These can be, in particular, mixtures of air and kerosene, as in the turbojet engines of modern jet aircraft, or mixtures of liquid oxygen and alcohol, such as some liquid rocket engines, or some other solid fuel in powder rockets. As soon as it was formed fuel-air mixture, it ignites with the release of energy in the form of heat. Thus, fuel in jet engines can only be substances that, as a result, chemical reactions in engines (when ignited) they release heat, while forming many gases.

When ignited, a significant heating of the mixture and parts around occurs with volumetric expansion. In fact, jet engines use controlled explosions to propel themselves. The combustion chambers in jet engines are some of the hottest elements ( temperature regime they can reach up to 2700 °C), and they require constant intensive cooling.

Jet engines are equipped with nozzles through which hot gases, which are products of fuel combustion, flow out of them at great speed. In some engines, gases end up in the nozzles immediately after the combustion chambers. This applies, for example, to rocket or ramjet engines.

Turbojet engines operate somewhat differently. So, gases, after the combustion chambers, first pass through turbines, to which they give off their thermal energy. This is done in order to set in motion the compressors, which will serve to compress the air in front of the combustion chamber. In any case, the nozzles are the last parts of the engines through which gases will flow. Actually, they directly form the jet stream.

The nozzles are directed cold air, which is pumped by compressors to cool the internal parts of engines. Jet nozzles can have different configurations and designs based on the types of engines. So, when the flow velocity must be higher than the speed of sound, then the nozzles are shaped like expanding pipes or first narrowing and then expanding (the so-called Laval nozzles). Only with pipes of this configuration gases are accelerated to supersonic speeds, with the help of which jet aircraft cross the “sound barriers”.

Based on whether the environment is involved in the operation of jet engines, they are divided into the main classes of air-breathing engines (WRE) and rocket engines (RE). All jet engines are heat engines, the working fluids of which are formed when the oxidation reaction of flammable substances with oxygen in the air masses occurs. Air flows coming from the atmosphere form the basis of the working fluids of the WRD. Thus, devices with propellant engines carry energy sources (fuel) on board, but most of the working fluids are drawn from the environment.

VRD devices include:

  • Turbojet engines (TRD);
  • Direct flow air-breathing engines(ramjet);
  • Pulsating air-jet engines (PvRE);
  • Hypersonic ramjet engines (scramjet engines).

In contrast to air-breathing engines, all components of the working fluids of the rocket engines are located on board vehicles equipped with rocket engines. The absence of propulsors interacting with the environment, as well as the presence of all the components of the working fluids on board the vehicles, make rocket engines suitable for operation in outer space. There is also a combination of rocket engines, which are a kind of combination of two main types.

Brief history of the jet engine

The jet engine is believed to have been invented by Hans von Ohain and the eminent German design engineer Frank Wittle. The first patent for a working gas turbine engine was received by Frank Whittle in 1930. However, the first working model was collected by Ohain himself. At the end of the summer of 1939, the first jet aircraft appeared in the sky - the He-178 (Heinkel-178), which was equipped with the HeS 3 engine developed by Ohain.

How does a jet engine work?

The design of jet engines is quite simple and at the same time extremely complex. It is simple in principle. Thus, outside air (in rocket engines - liquid oxygen) is sucked into the turbine. After which it begins to mix with fuel and burn. At the edge of the turbine, a so-called “working fluid” (the previously mentioned jet stream) is formed, which propels the aircraft or spacecraft.

Despite all its simplicity, this is actually a whole science, because in the middle of such engines the operating temperature can reach more than a thousand degrees Celsius. One of the most important problems in turbojet engine construction is the creation of non-consumable parts from metals that themselves can be melted.

At the beginning, in front of each turbine there is always a fan that sucks air masses from the environment into the turbines. The fans have a large area, as well as a colossal number of blades of special configurations, the material for which is titanium. Immediately behind the fans are powerful compressors, which are necessary to pump air under enormous pressure into the combustion chambers. Burning after the combustion chambers air-fuel mixtures are sent to the turbine itself.

Turbines consist of many blades, which are subject to pressure from jet streams, which cause the turbines to rotate. Next, the turbines rotate the shafts on which fans and compressors are mounted. Actually, the system becomes closed and requires only the supply of fuel and air masses.

Following the turbines, the flows are directed into the nozzles. Jet engine nozzles are the last but not the least important part in jet engines. They form direct jet streams. Cold air masses are directed into the nozzles, pumped by fans to cool the “insides” of the engines. These flows restrict the nozzle cuffs from super-hot jet streams and prevent them from melting.

Deflectable thrust vector

Jet engines have nozzles in a wide variety of configurations. The most advanced are considered to be movable nozzles placed on engines that have a deflectable thrust vector. They can be compressed and expanded, as well as deviated at significant angles - this is how jet streams are regulated and directed directly. Thanks to this, aircraft with engines that have a deflectable thrust vector become extremely maneuverable, because maneuvering processes occur not only as a result of the actions of the wing mechanisms, but also directly by the engines themselves.

Types of jet engines

There are several main types of jet engines. Thus, a classic jet engine can be called an aircraft engine in an F-15 aircraft. Most of these engines are used primarily on fighter aircraft of a wide variety of modifications.

Two-blade turboprop engines

In this variety turboprop engines The power of the turbines is directed through reduction gearboxes to rotate the classic propellers. The presence of such engines allows large aircraft to fly at the maximum acceptable speeds and at the same time consume less aviation fuel. Normal cruising speed for turboprop aircraft it can be 600-800 km/h.

Turbofan jet engines

This type of engine is more economical in the family of classic engine types. Home distinctive characteristic The difference between them is that large-diameter fans are placed at the inlet, which supply air flows not only for the turbines, but also create quite powerful flows outside them. As a result, increased efficiency can be achieved by improving efficiency. They are used on airliners and large aircraft.

Ramjet engines

This type of engine functions in such a way that it does not require moving parts. Air masses are forced into the combustion chamber in a relaxed way, thanks to the braking of the flows against the fairings of the inlet openings. Subsequently, the same thing happens as in ordinary jet engines, namely, air flows are mixed with fuel and come out as jet streams from the nozzles. Ramjet engines are used in trains, aircraft, drones, rockets, and can also be installed on bicycles or scooters.

Jet motion is a process in which one of its parts is separated from a certain body at a certain speed. The force that arises in this case works on its own, without the slightest contact with external bodies. Jet propulsion became the impetus for the creation of the jet engine. Its operating principle is based precisely on this force. How does such an engine work? Let's try to figure it out.

Historical facts

The idea of ​​using jet propulsion, which would allow one to overcome the force of gravity of the Earth, was put forward in 1903 by the phenomenon of Russian science - Tsiolkovsky. He published a whole study on this topic, but it was not taken seriously. Konstantin Eduardovich, having experienced a change in the political system, spent years of work to prove to everyone that he was right.

Today there are a lot of rumors that the revolutionary Kibalchich was the first in this matter. But by the time Tsiolkovsky’s works were published, this man’s will was buried along with Kibalchich. In addition, this was not a full-fledged work, but only sketches and outlines - the revolutionary was unable to provide a reliable basis for the theoretical calculations in his works.

How does reactive force work?

To understand how a jet engine works, you need to understand how this force works.

So, imagine a shot from any firearm. This clear example action of reactive force. A stream of hot gas, which is formed during the combustion of the charge in the cartridge, pushes the weapon back. The more powerful the charge, the stronger the recoil will be.

Now let’s imagine the process of igniting the combustible mixture: it occurs gradually and continuously. This is exactly what the operating principle of a ramjet engine looks like. A rocket with a solid fuel jet engine works in a similar way - this is the simplest of its variations. Even novice rocket modelers are familiar with it.

Black powder was initially used as fuel for jet engines. Jet engines, the operating principle of which was already more advanced, required fuel with a nitrocellulose base, which was dissolved in nitroglycerin. In large units that launch rockets that put shuttles into orbit, today they use a special mixture of polymer fuel with ammonium perchlorate as an oxidizer.

Operating principle of RD

Now it’s worth understanding the principle of operation of a jet engine. To do this, you can consider the classics - liquid engines, which have remained virtually unchanged since the time of Tsiolkovsky. These units use fuel and oxidizer.

The latter uses liquid oxygen or nitric acid. Kerosene is used as fuel. Modern liquid cryogenic engines consume liquid hydrogen. When oxidized with oxygen, it increases the specific impulse (by as much as 30 percent). The idea that hydrogen could be used also originated in Tsiolkovsky’s head. However, at that time, due to the extreme explosion hazard, it was necessary to look for another fuel.

The operating principle is as follows. The components enter the combustion chamber from two separate tanks. After mixing, they turn into a mass, which, when burned, releases a huge amount of heat and tens of thousands of atmospheres of pressure. The oxidizer is supplied to the combustion chamber. Fuel mixture As it passes between the dual walls of the chamber and nozzle, it cools these elements. Next, the fuel, heated by the walls, will flow through a huge number of nozzles into the ignition zone. The jet, which is formed with the help of a nozzle, bursts out. Due to this, the pushing moment is ensured.

Briefly, the operating principle of a jet engine can be compared to a blowtorch. However, the latter is much simpler. There are no different auxiliary systems engine. And these are compressors needed to create injection pressure, turbines, valves, as well as other elements without which a jet engine is simply impossible.

Despite the fact that liquid engines consume a lot of fuel (fuel consumption is approximately 1000 grams per 200 kilograms of cargo), they are still used as propulsion units for launch vehicles and maneuvering units for orbital stations, as well as other spacecraft.


A typical jet engine is constructed as follows. Its main components are:


Combustion chamber;


Exhaust system.

Let's look at these elements in more detail. The compressor consists of several turbines. Their job is to suck in and compress air as it passes through the blades. During the compression process, the temperature and pressure of the air increase. Part of this compressed air supplied to the combustion chamber. In it, air mixes with fuel and ignition occurs. This process further increases the thermal energy.

The mixture leaves the combustion chamber at high speed, and then expands. Then it follows another turbine, the blades of which rotate due to the influence of gases. This turbine, connecting to the compressor located in the front of the unit, sets it in motion. Air heated to high temperatures exits through exhaust system. The temperature, already quite high, continues to rise due to the throttling effect. Then the air comes out completely.

Airplane engine

Airplanes also use these engines. For example, turbojet units are installed in huge passenger airliners. They differ from conventional ones in the presence of two tanks. One contains fuel, and the other contains oxidizer. While a turbojet engine carries only fuel, air pumped from the atmosphere is used as an oxidizer.

Turbojet engine

The operating principle of an aircraft jet engine is based on the same reactive force and the same laws of physics. The most important part is the turbine blades. The final power depends on the size of the blade.

It is thanks to turbines that the thrust that is needed to accelerate aircraft is generated. Each blade is ten times more powerful than ordinary blades automobile internal combustion engine. Turbines are installed after the combustion chamber where the pressure is highest. And the temperature here can reach one and a half thousand degrees.

Double-circuit taxiway

These units have many advantages over turbojet ones. For example, significantly lower fuel consumption with the same power.

But the engine itself has a more complex design and greater weight.

And the operating principle of a double-circuit jet engine is slightly different. The air captured by the turbine is partially compressed and supplied to the compressor in the first circuit and to the stationary blades in the second circuit. The turbine acts as a compressor low pressure. In the first circuit of the engine, the air is compressed and heated, and then supplied to the combustion chamber through a high-pressure compressor. This is where the mixture with fuel and ignition occurs. Gases are formed, which are supplied to the high-pressure turbine, due to which the turbine blades rotate, which, in turn, supplies rotational motion to the high-pressure compressor. The gases then pass through a low pressure turbine. The latter activates the fan and, finally, the gases flow out, creating draft.

Synchronous taxiways

These are electric motors. The operating principle of a synchronous reluctance motor is similar to that of a stepper unit. Alternating current is supplied to the stator and creates a magnetic field around the rotor. The latter rotates due to the fact that it tries to minimize magnetic resistance. These motors have nothing to do with space exploration and shuttle launches.

Jet engines are currently widely used in connection with the exploration of outer space. They are also used for meteorological and military missiles different radii actions. In addition, all modern high-speed aircraft are equipped with air-breathing engines.

It is impossible to use any engines other than jet engines in outer space: there is no support (solid liquid or gaseous), starting from which spaceship could get a boost. The use of jet engines for aircraft and rockets that do not go beyond the atmosphere is due to the fact thatthat it is jet engines that can provide maximum flight speed.

Jet engine structure.

Simply based on the principle of operation: outside air (in rocket engines - liquid oxygen) is sucked intoturbine, there it mixes with fuel and burns at the end of the turbine to form the so-called. “working fluid” (jet stream), which moves the car.

At the beginning of the turbine there is fan, which sucks air from the external environment into the turbines. There are two main tasks- primary air intake and cooling of the entire enginethe engine as a whole, by pumping air between the outer shell of the engine and internal parts. This cools the mixing and combustion chambers and prevents them from collapsing.

Behind the fan is a powerful compressor, which forces air under high pressure into the combustion chamber.

The combustion chamber mixes fuel with air. After the formation of the fuel-air mixture, it is ignited. During the combustion process, significant heating of the mixture and surrounding parts occurs, as well as volumetric expansion. Actually, a jet engine uses a controlled explosion to propel itself. The combustion chamber of a jet engine is one of the hottest parts of it. She needs constant intensive cooling. But this is not enough. The temperature in it reaches 2700 degrees, so it is often made of ceramics.

After the combustion chamber, the burning fuel-air mixture is directed directly into turbine. The turbine consists of hundreds of blades on which the jet stream presses, causing the turbine to rotate. The turbine in turn rotates shaft, on which they are located fan And compressor. Thus, the system is closed and requires only a supply fuel and air for its functioning.

There are two main classes of jet engines bodies:

Jet engines- a jet engine in which atmospheric air is used as the main working fluid in the thermodynamic cycle, as well as when creating engine jet thrust. Such engines use the energy of oxidation of combustible air taken from the atmosphere with oxygen. The working fluid of these engines is a mixture of productscombustion with other components of the intake air.

Rocket engines- contain all components of the working fluid on board and able to work in any environment, including in airless space.

Types of jet engines.

- Classic jet engine- used mainly on fighter aircraft in various modifications.

TO classic jet engine

- Turboprop.

Such engines allow large aircraft to fly at acceptable speeds and consume less fuel.

Two-blade turboprop engine

- Turbofan jet engine.

This type of engine is its more economical cousin classic type. the main difference is that at the input it is placed larger diameter fan, To which supplies air not only to the turbine, but alsocreates a fairly powerful flow outside it. In this way, increased efficiency is achieved by improving efficiency.

Today, aviation is almost 100% made up of machines that use a gas turbine type of power plant. In other words, gas turbine engines. However, despite the growing popularity of air travel now, few people know how that humming and whistling container that hangs under the wing of this or that airliner works.

Principle of operation gas turbine engine.

A gas turbine engine, like a piston engine in any car, belongs to engines internal combustion. They both convert the chemical energy of the fuel into thermal energy, through combustion, and then into useful, mechanical energy. However, the way this happens is somewhat different. In both engines there are 4 main processes: intake, compression, expansion, exhaust. Those. in any case, air (from the atmosphere) and fuel (from tanks) first enter the engine, then the air is compressed and fuel is injected into it, after which the mixture ignites, due to which it expands significantly, and is ultimately released into the atmosphere. Of all these actions, only expansion produces energy; all the others are necessary to ensure this action.

Now what's the difference? In gas turbine engines, all these processes occur constantly and simultaneously, but in different parts of the engine, and in piston engines - in one place, but at different times and in turn. In addition, the more compressed the air, the more energy can be obtained during combustion, and today the compression ratio of gas turbine engines has already reached 35-40:1, i.e. As air passes through the engine, it decreases in volume and, accordingly, increases its pressure by 35-40 times. For comparison in piston engines this figure does not exceed 8-9:1, in the most modern and advanced samples. Accordingly, having equal weight and dimensions, a gas turbine engine is much more powerful, and the coefficient useful action his is higher. This is precisely the reason for the widespread use of gas turbine engines in aviation today.

And now more about the design. The four processes listed above occur in the engine, which is depicted in a simplified diagram under the numbers:

  • air intake – 1 (air intake)
  • compression – 2 (compressor)
  • mixing and ignition – 3 (combustion chamber)
  • exhaust – 5 (exhaust nozzle)
  • The mysterious section number 4 is called the turbine. This is an integral part of any gas turbine engine, its purpose is to obtain energy from gases that exit the combustion chamber at enormous speeds, and it is located on the same shaft with the compressor (2), which drives it into action.

This creates a closed cycle. Air enters the engine, is compressed, mixed with fuel, ignited, directed to the turbine blades, which remove up to 80% of the power of the gases to rotate the compressor, all that remains determines the final engine power, which can be used in different ways.

Depending on the method of further use of this energy, gas turbine engines are divided into:

  • turbojet
  • turboprop
  • turbofan
  • turboshaft

The engine shown in the diagram above is turbojet. You can say “pure” gas turbine, because the gases, after passing through the turbine that rotates the compressor, exit the engine through the exhaust nozzle at great speed and thus push the plane forward. Such engines are now used mainly on high-speed combat aircraft.

Turboprop engines differ from turbojet engines in that they have additional section turbine, also called a low-pressure turbine, consisting of one or more rows of blades that take the energy remaining after the compressor turbine from the gases and thus rotate the propeller, which can be located either in front or behind the engine. After the second section of the turbine, the exhaust gases actually come out by gravity, having practically no energy, so they are simply used to remove them. exhaust pipes. Similar engines are used on low-speed, low-altitude aircraft.

Turbofan the engines have a similar design to turboprop engines, only the second section of the turbine does not take all the energy from the exhaust gases, so such engines also have an exhaust nozzle. But the main difference is that the low-pressure turbine drives a fan, which is enclosed in a casing. That’s why such an engine is also called a dual-circuit engine, because air passes through the internal circuit (the engine itself) and the external one, which is only necessary to direct the air stream that pushes the engine forward. That’s why they have a rather “plump” shape. It is these engines that are used on most modern airliners, since they are the most economical at speeds approaching the speed of sound and effective when flying at altitudes above 7000-8000m and up to 12000-13000m.

Turboshaft The engines are almost identical in design to turboprops, except that the shaft, which is connected to the low-pressure turbine, comes out of the engine and can power absolutely anything. Such engines are used in helicopters, where two or three engines drive a single main rotor and a compensating tail propeller. Even tanks such as the T-80 and the American Abrams now have similar power plants.

Gas turbine engines are also classified according to other signs:

  • by type of input device (adjustable, unregulated)
  • by compressor type (axial, centrifugal, axial centrifugal)
  • by type of air-gas path (direct-flow, loop)
  • by turbine type (number of stages, number of rotors, etc.)
  • by type of jet nozzle (adjustable, unregulated), etc.

Turbojet engine with axial compressor received wide application. When running the engine is running continuous process. The air passes through the diffuser, is slowed down and enters the compressor. It then enters the combustion chamber. Fuel is also supplied into the chamber through nozzles, the mixture is burned, and combustion products move through the turbine. The combustion products in the turbine blades expand and cause it to rotate. Next, gases from the turbine with reduced pressure enter the jet nozzle and rush out at great speed, creating thrust. The maximum temperature also occurs in the water of the combustion chamber.

The compressor and turbine are located on the same shaft. Cold air is supplied to cool the combustion products. In modern jet engines working temperature can exceed the melting point of the alloys of the working blades by approximately 1000 °C. The cooling system of turbine parts and the selection of heat-resistant and heat-resistant engine parts are one of the main problems in the design of jet engines of all types, including turbojet ones.

Feature turbojet engines with a centrifugal compressor is the design of compressors. The operating principle of such engines is similar to engines with an axial compressor.

Gas turbine engine. Video.

Useful articles on the topic.

Gas turbine engines are quite high-tech and significantly superior in their characteristics to traditional (conventional) internal combustion engines. Gas turbine engines are mainly used in the aviation industry. But in automotive industry engines of this type have not become widespread, which is due to problems with their consumption of aviation fuel, which is too expensive for ground vehicles. But nevertheless, in the world there are various ones that are equipped with jet engines. Our online publication for its regular readers has decided today to publish the Top 10 (ten) of this amazing and powerful vehicle in our opinion.

1) Tractor Pulling Putten

This tractor can easily be called the pinnacle of human achievement. Engineers have created a vehicle that can tow a 4.5-tonne vehicle at breakneck speed, thanks to just a few gas turbine engines.

2) Railway locomotive with gas turbine engine

This experiment by engineers never achieved the expected commercial fame. It's a pity, of course. Such a railway train used, in particular, an engine from the strategic bomber Convair B-36 "Peacemaker" ("Peacemaker" - made in the USA). Thanks to this motor, the railway locomotive was able to accelerate to a speed of 295.6 km/h.

3) Thrust SSC

At the moment, engineers at SSC Program Ltd are preparing for testing, which will set a new land speed record. But, despite the design of this new car, the original Thrust SSC, which previously officially set the world speed record among all land vehicles vehicles, is also very impressive.

The power of this Thrust SSC is 110 thousand hp, which is achieved through two Rolls-Royce gas turbine engines. Let us remind our readers that this jet car in 1997 it accelerated to a speed of 1228 km/h. Thus, Thrust SSC became the world's first car to break the sound barrier on earth.

4) Volkswagen New Beetle

47-year-old car enthusiast Ron Patrick installed in his car Volkswagen models Beetle rocket engine. The power of this machine after its modernization was 1350 hp. Now maximum speed car speed is 225 km/h. But there is one very significant disadvantage in the operation of such a motor. This jet leaves behind a hot plume 15 meters long.

5) Russian fire extinguisher "Big Wind"

How do you like the old Russian proverb, “They knock out a wedge with a wedge,” remember that one? In our example, this proverb, oddly enough, actually works. We present to you, dear readers, the Russian development - “Extinguishing fire with fire.” Don't believe me? But it's true. Similar installation was actually used in Kuwait to fight oil fires during the Gulf War.

This vehicle was created on the basis of the T-34, on which two jet engines from the MIG-21 fighter were installed (supplied). The principle of operation of this fire extinguishing vehicle is quite simple - extinguishing occurs using jet streams of air along with water. Engines from jet plane were slightly modified, this was done using hoses along which under high pressure water was supplied. During operation of the gas turbine engine, water fell on the fire emerging from the nozzles of the jet engine, resulting in the formation of strong steam, which moved in large streams of air at great speed.

This method made it possible to extinguish oil rigs. The streams of steam itself were cut off from the burning layer.

6) STP-Paxton Turbocar racing car

This racing car was designed by Ken Wallis to compete in the Indianapolis 500. This sports car first took part in the Indy 500 in 1967. Gas turbine The car and the pilot's seat were located next to each other. The torque was immediately transmitted to all four wheels using a converter.

In 1967, during the main event, this car was a contender for victory. But 12 kilometers before the finish, due to bearing failure, the car left the race.

7) American polar icebreaker USCGC Polar-Class Icereaker

This powerful icebreaker can move among ice whose thickness can reach 6 meters. The icebreaker is equipped with 6 diesel engines with a total power of 18 thousand hp, as well as three gas turbine engines from Pratt & Whitney with a total power of 75 thousand hp. But despite the enormous power of all its power plants, the icebreaker’s speed is not high. But for this vehicle, the main thing is not speed.

8) Vehicle for summer luge

If you have absolutely no sense of self-preservation, then this vehicle will be perfect for you to get a huge dose of adrenaline. This unusual vehicle has a small gas turbine engine. Thanks to him, in 2007, one fearless athlete managed to accelerate to a speed of 180 km/h. But that's nothing. in comparison with another Australian who is preparing a similar vehicle for himself, and this is all in order to set a world record. This man’s plans are to accelerate on a board with a gas turbine engine to a speed of 480 km/h.

9) MTT Turbine Superbike

The MTT company decided to equip its motorcycle gas turbine engine. Ultimately on rear wheel 286 hp power is transmitted. Such a jet engine was produced by the company " Rolls Royce"Jay Leno already owns such a superbike today. According to him, driving something like this is both scary and interesting at the same time.

The biggest danger for any motorcycle racer who finds himself behind the wheel of such a bike is to maintain its stability during acceleration and be sure to brake in time.

10) Snow blower

Do you know, dear friends, where old jet engines mostly end up after they are removed from airplanes? Do not know? Very often in many countries around the world they are used in the railway industry, they are used for cleaning railway tracks from the falling snow.

In addition, similar snow removal vehicles are also used on airfield runways and wherever required short term remove snow drifts from a certain area.