What's included in the driver's kit. Motorist Emergency Kit: Top items to include in your safety kit. What must be in stock

On the road the most possible different situations, and sometimes, by taking this or that item with you, you can not only deal with a minor breakdown that prevents you from continuing to move with minimal losses, but also save the life and health of yourself or another driver in trouble. In the Rules traffic there is a list of items that every motorist should have with them, but this list can hardly be called exhaustive, and the components included in it can be very different quality, cost and application value.

Traffic regulations oblige the driver to carry only 3 items with him - a fire extinguisher, a first aid kit and a sign emergency stop. In fact, the list of things that can be useful to a driver is much more extensive.

In addition to this mandatory list, drivers often carry with them other items that, based on their experience, can provide invaluable assistance in a given situation. These items can be divided into several categories according to their purpose and degree of need. There is no point in carrying some of them with you if your trips are limited to the “from work to work” route; it is enough to keep them on hand to put them in the trunk before a long journey. In addition, there is a seasonal division, since there is no need to carry, for example, a warm blanket with you in thirty-degree heat, and liquid for lighting a fire is simply dangerous.

The traffic police obliges drivers to carry only three items with them: a first aid kit, a warning triangle and. These things must be available in case of an emergency, and their presence is checked by an inspector if you undergo a technical inspection at a point related to the traffic police structure. However, in reality, even these items, with the possible exception of the warning triangle, cause heated debate.

Of course, a sane person will not doubt the need to have a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit with him. However, the same, the contents of which are described in the corresponding order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, which came into force on July 1, 2010, raises many questions. According to the order, in car first aid kit there must be a set of bandages different widths, a set of three types of adhesive plasters, sterile gauze wipes, a dressing bag, a hemostatic tourniquet, a device for artificial respiration mouth-to-mouth, scissors, medical gloves and instructions for using all these items.

This strange, from the point of view of many motorists, set appeared as a result of the fact that the Ministry decided to take the path of abandoning all medications. According to the theory, only qualified specialists can use medications, but in reality, sometimes you have to wait quite a long time for an ambulance to arrive, so that without painkillers, victims risk dying from painful shock. It is the decision to stop taking medications that causes the most heated debate. Many motorists believe that in this case it is necessary to carry with them a syringe and a primitive painkiller (such as analgin) in ampoules.

Even with such seemingly obvious list items as a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit, in practice everything is not so simple...

Fire extinguishers are also not that simple. According to the instructions, this device must be safe, and powder-type fire extinguishers are recognized as such. Practice shows that for more or less effective use you need to have a fire extinguisher with a charge of at least 4 kilograms with a hose and socket, and the one that is sold as part of numerous “Motorist Kits” (in best case scenario, 2 kilograms of charge), extinguishing something is quite problematic, since in order to knock down the flame from the engine, most often it is necessary to “douse” it with a fire extinguisher several times. In this case, the charge of a small fire extinguisher will simply not be enough.

Technical means

This is the second most important group of items that are good to have in your car, as they help you get out of the most common emergency situations, arising during the movement.

The group can be divided into two subgroups - a basic set of items and tools that may be needed at any time, and an expanded list intended for packing for a long journey.

A set that is good to always have with you:

  • wires for powering the ignition from the battery of another car;
  • towing rope with a calculated load limit of at least 5 tons (wide sling or steel);
  • a basic set of tools (wrenches, at a minimum, allowing you to remove and replace the battery terminals, a wheel wrench, spark plug wrench, pliers, Phillips and flathead screwdrivers, set of heads);
  • and a jack;
  • foot pump or compressor powered by a cigarette lighter;
  • the same brand as in your car's cooling system;
  • distilled water;
  • for windshield washer reservoir;
  • small capacity;
  • (or oil for gearboxes, axles, depending on the type of car);
  • small funnel for pouring oil or antifreeze;
  • set of fuses;
  • set of candles;
  • a flashlight powered by a cigarette lighter, and preferably another small battery-powered flashlight;
  • sandpaper for cleaning contacts;
  • work gloves;
  • jackknife;
  • rag;
  • canister of water;
  • dry hand cleaner;
  • a brush with a scraper for cleaning snow and frost from glass;
  • tester ;

One more should be added to this list. It lists the items that you should take with you when going on a long journey:

  • canister of gasoline the right brand and a device for pouring into a tank or a separate funnel with a large socket and a long corrugated tube;
  • old clothes (on a long journey the possibility of the need for unforeseen repairs increases, and climatic conditions may be unfavorable. It is best to take a warm old jacket that will protect from the cold, mosquitoes, rain, etc.);
  • axe;
  • sapper shovel;
  • paper and lighter fluid;
  • a bottle of mineral water;
  • phone charger (or even better, in addition to charging, an old, but pre-charged spare phone);
  • insulating tape;
  • cable ties.

Set for long journey can be discussed endlessly, since much depends on the time of year during which the trip takes place, region, climate, and so on. However, guided by an approximate basic list, you can be sure that you can cope with most of the standard troubles on your own.

A variety of situations happen on the road, and often, by putting one or another tool in the trunk, you can easily cope with some minor breakdown that prevents you from continuing to move normally and safely. The traffic rules contain a whole list of items that every motorist must have. And today we will look at what a motorist’s emergency kit should include, and what other tools should be carried with you in the car in order to avoid trouble.

What does the traffic rules say?

According to the Traffic Rules, every motorist is required to have only three items in the car, namely:

  1. Fire extinguisher.
  2. Warning triangle.
  3. First aid kit.

However, in addition to the items listed, drivers often carry other items with them that can be of great help in an emergency. They can be divided into several categories, depending on the degree of need and purpose. Of course, some of them simply don’t make sense to carry in the car, but if you have a long route ahead, it’s better to play it safe and put everything in the trunk necessary tools.

It is worth noting that mandatory set Every driver must have a motorist's (road) license, consisting of three items. Its presence is checked by an inspector, and during the technical inspection you may have problems if you do not assemble the entire kit. A motorist's inspection kit must include the same three required items.

Requirements for a modern first aid kit

Naturally, it is unlikely that any of us will argue about the need for such items as a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit. However, the contents of the latter, approved by the Ministry of Health in 2010, cause a lot of controversy among drivers. According to this order, a motorist’s first aid kit must contain a set of the following items:

  1. Bandages of different widths.
  2. Dressing package.
  3. Gauze wipes are sterile.
  4. Set of 3 adhesive plasters.
  5. Scissors and medical gloves.
  6. Device for as well as instructions for using all these elements.

Why are there no medicines?

This very strange set appeared as a result of the fact that the Ministry decided to follow the principle of refusing all medications - supposedly medications should only be used by professional and qualified specialists. However, as practice shows, sometimes you have to wait for hours for the ambulance to arrive, but a person’s life can sometimes go by in seconds. In addition, in thirty-degree heat, a driver or passenger involved in an accident can simply die from the injury. Therefore, many motorists add a painkiller (most often in ampoules) and several disposable syringes to this “first aid kit.”

Features of the fire extinguisher

It would seem, what’s so complicated about a fire extinguisher?

But in reality, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. According to the instructions, this unit must be safe. According to it, only powder-type devices are safe. As practice shows, for effective use you need to have a fire extinguisher with a charge of at least 4 kilograms, with a hose and socket. The same devices that are sold in kits for motorists at car markets have a charge not exceeding two kilograms. This fire extinguisher is enough for a maximum of half a car. Well, in order to extinguish the flame shooting out of the engine, 2 kg of charge will not be enough at all.

What else can you put in a motorist's kit?

In addition to the mandatory kit, drivers carry with them basic kit items and tools that may be needed at any time and thus help out in almost any situation. Among them, the tow rope should be noted first. Also, basic tools may come in handy along the way - wrenches, a jack, a wheel wrench, a pair of screwdrivers (phillips and minus), and a set of sockets.

What to take with you on a long trip?

If you don’t know whether there are gas stations in the place where you are going, take a ten-liter can of fuel in reserve. If you have gasoline car, be sure to grab a set of candles. The operating elements can be doused with gasoline, and drying them on the road will take a lot of time. With a new set of spark plugs, the entire repair will take you no more than 10 minutes. A multimeter is also very useful on the go. Using this device you can determine the malfunction of any electronic sensor, and just breakdowns in electrical circuit car. In general, a motorist’s kit may contain whole line various items in the form of flashlights and brushes. The main thing is to know that they will actually be useful to you along the way. After all, you don’t want to carry an extra thing in the trunk. The main thing is to remember that the further you are going to drive, the more items you should put in the motorist’s kit. This will help you find a way out of the most emergency situation.

So, we found out what is included in the mandatory kit for a motorist, as well as what can be supplemented with it. Good luck!

Set for motorists– this is very important luggage, which is simply irreplaceable for the driver on the road. It includes the most necessary tools and car accessories. Such luggage simply must be in any vehicle. Moreover, such a set should always be at hand by the motorist. In order to be completely confident in your safety and the safety of your car, you simply need to have motorist set. Purchasing it will not be a problem; you can buy it at a fairly low price.

For full confidence to ensure safety when driving a car, experts in this field recommend having this kit in the glove compartment of your car. This set includes the bare minimum of accessories and additional devices, which the driver or passengers may need. For example, such devices and accessories that will help repair a car in an unforeseen situation, accident, or breakdown on the road.

Included in the required kit motorist recruitment should include: reflective vest, bag, fire extinguisher, tow rope and first aid kit. In addition to all of the above, some motorists equip such a bag with some additional elements. Basically, such additional elements include a compressor, a canister, cigarette wires, lamps, a wheel stopper, a jack, and others. In fact, each driver equips such a bag at his own discretion.

The main purpose of the set for motorists:

  • With the first and basic configuration, such a bag should include: a tow rope, a fire extinguisher, a first aid kit and an emergency sign.
  • With the second configuration, such a bag may include additional functional and advanced elements, however, with a safety vest and the presence of cotton gloves.
  • With the third configuration of the kit for the motorist, the kit includes everything the same as in the second configuration, but with the addition of the highest quality and functional elements, such as a compressor, starting wires and sealant.

Now let’s take a closer look at why a motorist’s kit includes just such a set of tools.

If you start talking about a fire extinguisher or a first aid kit, then everything is clear. They're in mandatory must be in a vehicle, which is why they are included in all three sets of the motorist kit. The same applies to the warning triangle. All motorists are required by law to keep it in their trunk. Moreover, driving anywhere without a warning triangle is simply dangerous. The same applies to the tow rope. By all established standards, its length should be no less than 4 meters and no more than 6. If we focus on the material from which the tow rope is made, then it is steel, nylon, or nylon.

Talking about additional equipment, which may be included in a motorist’s kit, it includes car gloves and a safety vest. They can also be useful when driving on the road. additional elements from the 3rd configuration option - ignition wires and sealant. They are very necessary and important accessories, and without their use, normal operating conditions of a vehicle on the road are simply impossible.

To pass the technical inspection, you must properly equip the car before arriving at the station. technical control. It is mandatory to have an emergency stop indicator, a first aid kit and an unexpired fire extinguisher in the trunk.

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Recently, authentication rules have become more stringent. diagnostic card. on her back side The following must be indicated: the full name of the expert carrying out the inspection and the official stamp of the service station organization in blue.

In addition, the twenty-two-digit number on the document is included in the EAISTO (consolidated maintenance database). Without these formalities, the inspection will not be considered passed.

But how to organize the check? technical condition car so that there are no failures on the part of a strict engineer? How to avoid refusals at service stations? How to maintain the normative state of the old “iron friend”?

This information is contained in the technical maintenance manual for the vehicle.

What must be in stock

There should be no unnecessary things in the glove compartment or trunk of the car. All tools are folded neatly, in special bags or plastic suitcases. In any situation, the driver can easily find the desired item.

It is necessary to carry with you those items that ensure the safety, health and vitality of passengers.

On the other hand, some aspects of transportation are strictly prohibited.

According to , it does not seem possible operation a vehicle with the following body elements and features:

  1. If there is no rear view mirror.
  2. With mirror tinting.
  3. With curtains (for buses) and blinds ( rear window passenger car).
  4. WITH non-working devices designed for heating and cooling.
  5. With a faulty speedometer.
  6. With xenon.
  7. No mudguards.
  8. With torn seat belts.
  9. In the absence of head restraints.
  10. With problems in the engine, cooling and air conditioning systems, with faulty box transmission
  11. If there are no caps on the tanks in the body compartment that contain technical fluids.
  12. In case of excessive wear of tires, defects associated with tread separation.
  13. If the tires do not match in size.

Attention! Any changes made to the design of a vehicle without permission from the road safety inspection are grounds for refusal of successful registration in the EAISTO database. Equipment related to steering and braking system diagnosed first.

Special conditions for operating other vehicles:

As can be seen from the list, in passenger car Three items will always be in demand: a fire extinguisher, a first aid kit, and reflective sign panels.

The motorist should also report spare wheel, light bulbs for correcting errors in lighting devices. A spare brake light bulb is also important for the trouble-free operation of your vehicle.

After all, this is precisely the way to designate emergency vehicle helps you get to your destination without any problems.

First aid kit

The first aid kit is always checked when technical inspection car.

It must be equipped in accordance with modern standards. Its main purpose is to provide first aid to the injured passenger until the ambulance arrives.

Order of the Ministry of Health No. 697n and amendments to it by number oblige the driver to collect the following set of medications:

  1. Painkillers (analgin, nimesulide).
  2. Medicines for heart patients.
  3. Remedies for eye and cranial pressure (citramon).
  4. Disinfectants (iodine, brilliant green).
  5. A tourniquet for ligating limbs to quickly stop bleeding.
  6. Non-sterile and sterile bandages of a certain size.
  7. Sterile dressing bag.
  8. Sterile wipes.
  9. Germicidal patches in large and small formats.
  10. Plaster on a roll.
  11. Scissors.
  12. Medical gloves (to maintain sterility, disposable).
  13. A device for restoring mouth-to-mouth breathing.

Some of medicines have an individual character. For example, a driver with coronary heart disease will not forget to purchase anti-stroke medications.

Other medications are indispensable for any category of drivers and are included in the kit regardless of the diagnosis or personal preferences of the driver.

The last categories include dressings various types and prescriptions and devices for resuscitation. They are designed to help avoid numbness of the limbs, reduce the disastrous consequences after injury, and “revive” a passenger or crossing who has received greater damage. After all, the outcome of any accident can be the death of a person.

Attention! Until 2010, the contents of a first aid kit were subject to more stringent requirements than now. For example, a medicine such as iodine was simply irreplaceable. Now all that is required is a complete set of dressings.

Due to this, the shelf life of medicine boxes has increased. On average, such a bag (unused set) will be relevant for 4 and a half years (condition for 2019).

Fire extinguisher

The presence of a fire extinguisher is always checked during inspection by an accredited inspection point. The fact is that any car is considered a fire hazard. Therefore, the driver should not save on the risks of explosion or fire due to some kind of malfunction.

The displacement also complies with the standards. For passenger cars this is two liters, for freight vehicles - at least five liters. In this case, volume is equal to mass. The required mass of fire extinguishers is at least two and five kg, respectively.

According to maintenance requirements, the following type of fire extinguisher is purchased:

  1. A certain type - powder or carbon dioxide.
    The most popular type is the OP-2 powder type model. Water and foam types are absolutely not suitable.
  2. Clearly marked by the manufacturer, indicating the address of the organization responsible for the release of the device.
  3. With instructions for use.
  4. With a reserve for the expiration date.

According to the instructions, the actual and nominal expiration dates are distinguished. The nominal period of use is engraved on the device itself, but this does not mean that the fire extinguisher has not been used.

If the fire extinguishing device has already been in operation, then the real and nominal period do not coincide. However, a discrepancy may also be detected due to improper storage. To avoid problems, the device is shown to experts once every year.

It is necessary to ensure that the real and nominal periods of use are as close to each other as possible.

Attention! The shelf life of powder automobile fire extinguishers is 2 years, carbon dioxide – 5 years (according to GOST NPB 155-2202 and R51057-2001)

Where and how much can you buy a motorist inspection kit?

Standard kits for successful completion Maintenance assembled from three items. So, minimum equipment will cost the car enthusiast just 800 rubles.


This is not to say that the cost of the set differs from region to region. From the pages of numerous Internet sites, necessary items are offered at a cost 990 rubles.

Attention! Any emergency kit of necessary items is best preserved in a leather bag. In a regular bag, the fabric easily tears where the zipper works.

As always, curbside pickup is available here. But for Russian regions, the cost of the set increases due to paid delivery (depending on the distance from Moscow).

  1. Powder fire extinguisher OP-2 type.
  2. First aid kit.
  3. Sign (takes up little space, as it folds out into three parts and fits in a plastic bag.)
  4. A cable that allows you to tow this car model on a soft hitch.
  5. A bag used for convenient storage of important items. Its composition is waterproof fabric in blue and black shades. It is usually equipped with a handle for transportation and has a zipper.

Attention! The set does not contain a standard “for hooking up” specific technical means hook Hooks must be provided in the body structure. For example, they are screwed in by the manufacturer in the spare wheel storage compartment.

The standard set is enough to pass MOT. If you buy individual items at different times and in different places, it will cost much more.

Approximate prices:

What else is possible

The standard set of motorists is assembled strictly individually. Standard list can be expanded at the request of the car owner.

So, in the FEST set for 1200 rubles Cotton gloves are included. Included for 1400 – a vest to identify the driver (passenger) with reflective elements. It comes in a green or orange hue.

A bag with a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher costs much more. The price of a “newfangled” fire extinguishing agent is up to 2,000 rubles. But when working, it does not leave marks on paint coating car body. This is exactly what a powder fire extinguisher suffers from.

For a novice driver, you should listen to the advice of experienced car users.

They insist on purchasing other additional items that will be useful in a force majeure situation:

  1. In severe winter situations in Russia, cigarette lighter wires will come in handy. This equipment allows you to “reanimate hardware” and restore battery functionality.
  2. The standard cable can be replaced with a longer one. Acceptable and desirable parameters are six meters with a towed vehicle weight of up to 10 tons.
  3. Balloon socket wrenches are a necessary element for confident driving. They are needed to change discs directly in heavy traffic conditions.
  4. A cross-shaped balloon wrench is an ideal tool, as it allows you to evenly distribute the load when re-flashing wheels.
  5. Reflective tape of red and white shade will allow you to indicate vehicle, parked connection with emergency at night. It easily sticks to any surface and can then be removed without leaving any traces.

If you are an inexperienced driver and do not know what exactly should be in luggage compartment vehicle, then our article will be very useful for you. In it we will tell you exactly what accessories you should purchase and place in your car.


“The car is the favorite toy of grown men.” (Marlene Dietrich)


So, a set for a motorist is a mandatory attribute that you simply cannot do without. It consists of many tools and car accessories. Due to this, it must be present in the luggage compartment of every car. Any renovation work can be done with ease only if you have the necessary tools at hand.

If you want to feel in complete safety and confidence in the process of driving the car, then purchase some improvised elements. Which ones exactly? Find out further

So, going to long haul, get the following accessories: reflective vest, bag, fire extinguisher, tow rope and first aid kit. However, this is not all. Also, you simply cannot do without a compressor, a fuel tank, cigarette cords, a lamp, a tire stopper, a lifting device and other elements. In general, every motorist completes this set with what he considers necessary.

Now let's figure out why such a suitcase is needed:

    V emergency situations without a tow rope, fire extinguisher, medications and products, as well as emergency sign no driver can handle it;

    auxiliary products may also be present in the form of a safety vest and several pairs of cotton gloves;

    the complete set includes not only the accessories from the two items presented, but also other functional accessories.

At the same time, many people are tormented by the question, why exactly these elements should be included in a motorist’s kit? Well, it’s probably not worth talking much about a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher. With them, everything is clear. The same applies to the emergency sign, which is placed on the roadway at the time of a vehicle breakdown. Tow rope, the length of which should be from 4 to 6 meters, can come in handy at any time. It is able to cope with the task perfectly only if it is made of steel, nylon or nylon.

In case of full landing battery Cigarette wires can help out. With their help you can recharge from another car. Sealant is also considered important element, without which it is not recommended to operate the vehicle.

That's basically all we wanted to tell you on this topic. Therefore, if you arm yourself with such kits, then your trips will be fast and safe.

Article editor: Svetlana Prikhodko