Germans in Kaliningrad: BMW wants to build a full cycle plant in Russia. BMW of German assembly: what is the difference from Kaliningrad cars The first BMW of Russian assembly

The German concern "BMW" became the first large automobile enterprise that decided to start assembling cars in Russia. Avtotor is located in Kaliningrad and today this company supplies the largest number of BMWs entering the Russian market. At the same time, many people have doubts: is it worth taking a car assembled in Russia, how much better will a German-assembled BMW be? Opinions on the forums can be found directly opposite, moreover, it is difficult to provide objective evidence for both points of view.

What attracts a Russian buyer to truly German cars

One of the main advantages of a truly German car is the quality of the engine. The durability of the entire structure ultimately depends on the reliability of the motor, and it is German technology that given parameter ahead of many manufacturers around the world. And it is reliability that, ultimately, is lacking in the products of the Russian automobile industry. BMW has already become a symbol of practicality, quality and comfort all over the world.

Distinctive features this vehicle: excellent handling thanks to the coordinated work of complex electronic systems, working brakes, comfortable lounge, in which the driver of any build will feel comfortable. For all positive qualities BMWs are focused specifically on city traffic, so they are not designed for complex road conditions. After the company began assembling cars at the Kaliningrad plant, heated debates broke out among fans of this brand regarding the quality of cars.

Features of "BMW" assembled in Russia

How to distinguish bmw german assembly from Kaliningrad? The Russian assembly is equipped with a number design differences. Since Avtotor products are mainly focused on Russian buyer, then a special "Russian package" was supposed to adapt it to non-standard local conditions. Main features"Russian" BMW:

  • The clearance increased by 22 mm made it possible to achieve off-road. Given the situation of Russian roads, such an addition can hardly be called superfluous.
  • Stiffer shock absorbers and reinforced stabilizers (both front and rear). This will allow the machine to keep working longer.
  • Electronics allows you to start the car even in conditions of quite severe frosts.
  • Many motorists note that the Russian assembly is less sensitive to the quality of gasoline, which is important, given the quality of fuel at most gas stations.

Thus, the traditional BMW has become more durable, designed to overcome difficulties and travel on those routes for which the car was not originally intended at all. You can check the exact place of assembly of the car using the VIN code. This is a marking that is placed on the engine, and in which the country of origin must be reflected. Russian cars are marked with the letter "X". You can go shopping with a friend who knows where to look at the VIN.

What to choose: German or Russian assembly

So far, for the production of BMWs at the plant in Kaliningrad, almost completely imported components are used. That is, it is difficult to talk about the discrepancy in the quality of cars, since in the end they pass the same quality control. At the same time, many note that when driving on a vehicle of Russian assembly, noise is heard more, and the car as a result turns out to be less durable. However, these shortcomings can be attributed both to the quality of service and to compliance with the rules for operating the machine.

Cars assembled in Kaliningrad end up undergoing triple quality control: the parts are first checked by the manufacturer, then they are checked when they arrive at the factory, and, ultimately, they pass the final check after assembly. The probability of marriage in this case is minimized, so the "Russian" BMWs are not much inferior to the German ones. The Russian assembly has been on the market for 13 years.

An important factor determining the purchase of a Russian assembly is its cost. The question is often asked on the forums, is it possible to buy new bmw German assembly at the dealer? New german cars are still supplied to the Russian market, but their cost is very high. For example, the updated BMW 520i series has been available from official sellers since September last year at a price of 1.825 million rubles. Cars assembled in Russia are not subject to customs duties, so there is much less markup on prices.

German used car or new domestic

What is better to buy: a used car from Germany or a new domestic one? For the price, cars made in Russia are almost equal to models with low mileage that are transported across the border. It is difficult to say what exactly will be better for a Russian driver:

  1. Used BMWs with low mileage correct operation little inferior to the new ones. The Germans have always been a frugal people, and used cars arrive from abroad at a very fast pace. good condition becoming a bargain.
  2. However, new car impossible to compare with anything. It is always more pleasant to be behind the wheel of a car that no one else has owned before you. Buying new cars can be included in the programs concessional lending to support the manufacturer. This will help you save more.
  3. The new machine has warranty card, which will allow you to correct any factory defects, if any. A lot of owners also speak positively about the Russian assembly: the cars are quite high-quality, they are in no way inferior to their German counterparts, and the build quality in them is no worse.

Quality bias Russian cars certainly have good reasons. At the same time, times are changing, and we can expect that the Russian assembly will soon be at a quite decent level, gradually ousting Western representatives of the automotive industry. So far, the choice remains only for the opinion and taste of the buyer.

Well, at least that's what Avtotor claims.

A similar scandal Russian car industry probably never happened...

From Kaliningrad plant"Avtotor", specializing in the assembly of cars brand bmw, refused Russian representation German brand after a number of customers brought legal action against it.

The myths about the high quality and reliability of Bavarian cars assembled in Kaliningrad are debunked by auto expert Sergey ASLANYAN

The site of the plant states in detail that "Product quality is assessed according to 10,862 parameters." For the key model 5 of the E39 series, the quality has reached "the most high rate at BMW enterprises”, and when the new “five” E60 was launched in 2004, the plant provided an exorbitant level and therefore “the management of the concern decided that all new foreign assembly projects would be tested at Avtotor. Finally, in our country, there were people, technologies and the ability to overtake foreigners and make a product like a human being, along the way giving the native consumer a product that is superior in quality to the original. And all this is the Avtotor plant, the leader of the automotive industry, the locomotive of the industry, the standard of quality.

The deception was revealed gradually, but on a large scale. When out of reach high quality cars assembled at Avtotor turned into a series of warranty repairs, some customers wished to return the collapsed cars to the company and receive money. But the dealers quietly hid the work orders confirming the fact of warranty repairs, and the Russian representation of the Bavarians explained that BMW Russland Trading LLC is not a seller (manufacturer, importer or authorized organization) of your car. We have no legal basis to consider your request for a vehicle replacement or refund Money, we hope for your understanding, with respect, BMW Russland Trading LLC, Filippov, Customer Claims Specialist. That is, BMW has nothing to do with what people do in Kaliningrad and on what basis they collect BMW cars unknown.

BMW customers do not suffer from excess patience and, having paid two, three, four, five million rubles for Kaliningrad counterfeit goods, they went to court and won them crushingly. Representatives of the concern held the onslaught, like the Germans near Koenigsberg, skillfully explaining to the court and clients that they have nothing to do with these cars produced in Kaliningrad, and they have no authorized organization in Russia, but in the end they repeated the historical outline and retreated from the field fight, indemnifying clients for losses.

The list of claims against Avtotor's BMWs turned out to be incredibly extensive and includes everything that a car consists of - from gaskets exhaust system to jammed steering and the need for an engine overhaul with a ridiculous mileage of 10,000 km. Marriage both in components and in assembly, made by the hands of the domestic proletariat, which has survived the TUV control audit in droves and is adorned with the ISO 9001:2008 quality certificate. The site of the plant exudes pride: “Considerable efforts and funds have been spent on improving the skills of the management and operating personnel. Several leading plant quality auditors have been trained in Germany at BMW factories. Certificate of conformity international standard In February 2001, Avtotor received the ISO 9002 quality standard from TUV Management Service and became the first machine-building enterprise in Russia to have such a certificate.

It turned out that the horse was not fed. There are a lot of papers, but the quality is domestic, familiar ... AVTOVAZ. And even the list of problems echoes. On the "Kalina" the electric power steering of the Korean company "Mando" wedges, on the BMW the power steering of all possible European manufacturers, which are difficult to calculate, but, for example, the sixth supplier change happened on the X3 model.

It turns out that the system for obtaining certificates has been worked out, but it is still not possible to achieve quality from workers. Personnel shortage, low qualifications and the question "What to do?"

And then clever Bo Andersen came to AVTOVAZ, starting with the inevitable layoffs. He knows perfectly well that 15,000 workers are enough in his new field instead of the current 80,000 people. Layoffs have already been announced and the first tranche of 7,500 people are sent out of the gate, of which 5,000 are the same proletariat. At their native AVTOVAZ, they are superfluous, worthless, useless and dangerous for production. But right outside the outskirts they turn into experienced specialists, skillful and responsible, useful to the cause. The role of an exile in Russia historically commands respect. A kick in the ass raises the status and finishes either the aura of a martyr, or the image of a hero who has taken a sip of injustice and received more than he deserved. In general, in our country they love the poor, thrown over the fence and wandering in search of better share. Where do the fired go? Moreover, this is the first tranche, and soon several tens of thousands more specialists of comparable level will be thrown from AvtoVAZ into the wild. As expected, it turned out that in the halo of high qualifications, suitability for work and good craftsmanship, i.e. in the tale of the great martyrs, in our country they still believe.

Ramzan Kadyrov called these people to Chechnya. It's hard to imagine their reaction. Perhaps, after such an invitation, one would want to seriously respond to Dmitry Medvedev's idea for the development of the Far East.

And then an invitation came from Avtotor. Director Alexander Sorokin addressed the exiles and dispossessed through the newspaper and affectionately outlined the prospects for the upcoming 15 factories for the production of components and a working settlement for 50,000 people.

If the courts lost by BMW were already forgotten in the distant past, or the quality of Togliatti was not systemic, but random, and the country did not know about the equal sign between BMW and Zhiguli, inviting workers from the useless AVTOVAZ to the Europeanized Avtotor would be bewildering, turning into a quiet panic. After all, people in whose hands solid "Lada" are obtained should not be allowed near real BMWs. There is an abyss between brands in everything, including the most important parameter- quality. And calling the poor to a decent place is possible only secretly, hiding the fact, fighting in every way with leaks to the press.

But this is still a symbol of quality for the inhabitants of BMW, Avtotor is a worthy bearer of certificates, and the representative office of the company is an honest partner of the consumer. Reality annulled all three stereotypes. BMW has fallen to the level of Zhiguli in quality, Avtotor has nothing to do with the Bavarian concern and makes counterfeit cars, there are no representative offices of the company in Russia, and the client is despised, removed from the RF Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” and deprived of the opportunity to use BMW cars without the support of the court without any problems. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in inviting Togliatti residents to Kaliningrad. Former VAZ workers at Avtotor are the place. Invaluable personnel will logically join the team, find themselves in their own environment and continue their familiar business.

Every true car enthusiast knows that prestige, luxury and high quality are the symbols of all BMW vehicles. Today, many dream of becoming the owner of one of the models from German manufacturer. Each company has its own secrets of car production, and BMW concern not an exception. Fans of the brand are interested in where BMW is assembled in Russia, and how the production process is carried out.

It is worth starting with the fact that the production facilities of the German brand are scattered all over the world. Naturally, the most important and powerful plant is located in Germany. The main production of BMW models is established here. In second place in terms of production is an enterprise located in America. In addition, auto German concern produces:

  • Thailand;
  • Egypt;
  • India;
  • Russia;
  • Malaysia;

But in these states, only some elements of future machines are manufactured. And the components for them are supplied from Germany. Also, some parts are produced by other companies. For example, in Italy they make rear optics, disks on wheels - in Sweden.

On domestic market BMW cars are in great demand. Given this fact, the Germans decided to open a production line with us. In Russia, cars are assembled in Kaliningrad at the Avtotor enterprise. This is a small-scale assembly plant, and almost all BMW models are produced here.


  • 3 Series
  • 5 Series
  • 7 Series

But at our Kaliningrad enterprise, not all modifications of German cars are produced. In addition, ready-made complete options are assembled, for example, the BMW 520d, BMW 520i and BMW 528 X-drive. We answered the question: where are BMWs assembled in Russia, now let's talk directly about the production process.

Munich plant

We have already mentioned that the main production of BMW cars is located in Germany, to be more precise - in Munich. The plant is represented by a multi-storey building, in the form of four cylinders interconnected. On the roof of the building there is a large, familiar emblem of the brand. Also, there is a free museum on the territory of the plant. The area of ​​the enterprise stretches over several hundred hectares. You will not be able to bypass the entire territory of the enterprise in two hours.

The plant includes several workshops:

  • painting;
  • welding;
  • assembly;
  • pressing.

In addition to all this, the territory has its own small test track, a heating main, a substation and a restaurant. The Munich plant employs about 6,700 people. Thanks to employees and modern equipment, the plant is capable of producing about 170 thousand BMW cars annually.

The assembly of German cars is carried out in stages:

  • press;
  • welding;
  • painting;
  • assembly;
  • final assembly;
  • tests.

BMW cars begin to be assembled in the pressing shop. It is fully automated, therefore, there are no workers here. For the manufacture of machines using metal with different thicknesses. Where BMW is assembled in Russia, this process is also tightly controlled. After the press shop, the finished parts enter the welding shop. Robots in minimal short time they connect stamped parts together, and in a matter of minutes a ready-made body of the future car appears. After, the specialists carry out the primer and galvanization of the finished structure.

Further, it is sent to the painting, where dozens of manipulators automatically open the hood, doors and trunk lid. The temperature in the paint shop is between 90 and 100 degrees. After applying the paint, the car is sent to a special oven so that everything dries well. But in the assembly shop, ninety percent of the work is done by people. There are ten robots, with their help, all heavy units and elements are installed on the car. First, the workers install the motor and attachments, then assemble the suspension and steering mechanism.

Next, the wiring, carpeting, seats, panel, rear shelf. For the manufacture of one bmw car takes 32 hours. Before the car leaves the track, attachments are installed on it. After reading our article, you will not only be able to answer the question of where BMW is assembled in Russia, but also describe the whole process.

German and domestic production slightly different from each other. Let's start with the fact that more reliable and rigid shock absorbers and stabilizers are installed on the Russian-made BMW. Because our roads are far from the same as in Germany. All electronics of a car manufactured in the Russian Federation are designed for operation at very low temperatures.

Also, compared to German cars, on Russians they install more clearance and put protection on the crankcase. As you may have guessed, a SKD has been set up at the Russian enterprise.

And this means that ready-made units are brought to us. We have no worse control over the production process than in Munich, this is proved by the low percentage of defects, among we produce Vehicle. The most significant difference between cars of domestic and German assembly is that in Germany cars are assembled “richer” in terms of equipment and the number of modifications. The cost of BMW cars in Russia is quite high. For the simplest model of the seventh series, you will have to pay about 6 million rubles. If the situation does not change, the 7-Series can be removed from the assembly line.

There are two events in the Kaliningrad company "Avtotor", which produces BMW cars. Firstly, now the first batch of cars of the third series is being assembled there, which will be delivered to official dealers. Secondly, the Russian company was awarded a certificate of compliance with the ISO 9002 quality standard.

Recall that the production capacity in Kaliningrad is designed to produce ten thousand cars a year. But in reality, the plant produces less. This is due to only one reason - demand. Moreover, Avtotor itself is not engaged in the sale of finished products. He is only a contractor, and the customer is BMW Russland Trading, which is responsible for both production volumes and sales.

The geographical location gives "Avtotor" solid advantages in comparison with other enterprises involved in the assembly of foreign cars. Largely due to the regime of the free economic zone, Kaliningrad products are at least 20% cheaper than imported ones. This circumstance significantly affected the level of Russian BMW sales. Plans for 2001 look very solid. They can be judged by the order that Avtotor received from BMW - over two thousand cars. It can be assumed that a double increase in volumes will be achieved due to the introduction of the third series, which, by the number of sales, will apparently approach the most popular five in Russia.


The fact is that ISO is not just a standard. It is an international organization headquartered in Geneva, which includes 63 states. She developed whole line generally recognized quality standards, which have increasing numbering (9001, 9002, 9003, etc.), depending on the completeness of the process covered. Each figure implies a strictly defined type of activity. Moreover, it is not the quality of the final product that is evaluated, but the entire system that allows the production of high-quality products. For example, the ISO 9002 standard assigned to Avtotor provides a guarantee of quality in the following areas: management, planning, production and work with personnel. However, it excludes the design and sale of cars.

It should be noted that ISO standards are not static documents. They are constantly modified in accordance with the increasing requirements not only for certain goods, but also for production as a whole. For example, a year ago, changes were made regarding protection environment, facilitating the application of the system in all industries, for all types of products and services, as well as adapting standards for use by small and medium-sized enterprises.

Several companies have the right to audit companies. authorized organizations. In the case of Avtotor, the German company TUV Suddeutschland, based in southern Germany, quite logically turned out to be such. Its specialists are well acquainted with BMW enterprises and therefore know perfectly well what a modern car factory. In addition, TUV has accumulated significant experience in working in Russia. She certifies production capacity AvtoVAZ. By the way, since 1994, this organization has certified 32 Russian enterprises of the chemical, metallurgical, machine-building and automotive industries.

To be specific, obtaining a certificate does not give any immediate benefit. It's just that ISO is a mandatory attribute, it is impossible to conduct a modern business without it. But, having received the long-awaited paper once, the company's managers can by no means "rest". The fact is that compliance with the standards must be confirmed annually. And this is far from a formal procedure. If there is the slightest doubt, auditors will immediately arrive in Kaliningrad, from whom do not expect any indulgence. Such a system really guarantees quality and does not allow the manufacturer to relax. So now "Avtotor" is faced with the difficult task of holding the won positions.

So far, everything is in order with the quality in Kaliningrad, which was confirmed at a press conference by the head of the BMW AG quality management department, Wolfram Rehm. He noted that today Avtotor has become number one among all the company's foreign production facilities. Still, Kaliningraders should not flatter themselves. The current level of quality is largely due to the low speed of the conveyor, which moves only a few centimeters per minute. Because of this, workers have a lot of time to slowly complete operations. With an increase in production, the speed will increase. That's when the quality system created at Avtotor will face serious tests.

Today, it makes no economic sense for us or for the manufacturer to export products to European countries or other regions. It is much more interesting to focus on the Russian market, which has recently shown signs of recovery. I also want to emphasize that now the quantitative indicators for BMW are not very important. The main thing is to achieve excellent quality and then increase production volumes. When cars were just being assembled in Kaliningrad, many customers doubted the level domestic assembly. We, in turn, adhered to the only correct, in my opinion, point of view: there is no Russian or German quality. Vehicles assembled in your country must be exactly the same as the products from other BMW factories. The result exceeded expectations. Avtotor achieved the level set by the German company much earlier than a certain date. But the final confirmation is the ISO 9002 certificate, which beautiful eyes are not handed.

In principle, every BMW plant has such a certificate. But in the case of Avtotor, no one forced it to undergo a strict audit. It was an initiative of Kaliningrad. I would like to emphasize once again that ISO 9002 is not a vehicle quality certificate. It is a document that certifies all production, from management to the activities of workers on the assembly line. /"Expert, Auto #4 (26), April 2 /

Automaker BMW plans to build in Russia car assembly plant full cycle. This was reported on Friday, October 6, by the Vedomosti newspaper, citing a person familiar with the managers German company. According to him, we are talking about a plant where assembly, welding and body painting will take place.

At the same time, stamping body parts the production of engines and transmissions at the enterprise is unlikely to be carried out due to its low, according to plans, capacity, comparable to sales of cars of the brand at Russian market(in 2016 BMW Group sold in Russia, according to Autostat, 28,867 cars).

The fact that the German automaker is going to increase the level of localization of production in Russia was confirmed to the publication by BMW Senior Vice President Hendrik von Künheim. "State regulation foreign companies in Russia will change in the coming years. And this will require us to have deeper localization in order to fully conduct business,” he said.

According to him, in Russia, cars are produced in several technological zones located in the Moscow, Kaluga, Leningrad and Kaliningrad regions. Munich has studied all these locations and is now in the decision-making stage, which can last from several weeks to several months. "I want us to dot the i's - whether we go alone or with someone in partnership," Künheim explained. He noted that BMW's investment in new production could reach several hundred million euros.

Kaliningrad again?

According to a Vedomosti source, BMW management considers the Kaliningrad region to be the main option for locating a new car plant, since there is a special economic zone (SEZ), whose residents receive budget subsidies comparable to customs payments paid when importing components.

“We cannot comment on events that have not yet happened,” a representative of the Russian company told Forbes about the possible construction of a full-cycle BMW plant in the Kaliningrad region in cooperation with Avtotor.

Sergey Udalov, executive director of Avtostat, believes that the choice of the Kaliningrad region for the construction of a full-cycle plant by the German automaker would be justified. BMW has a well-established cooperation with Avtotor. “We can talk about the development of an already existing project, which is much simpler and will require less investment,” Udalov told Forbes.

Since 1999, BMW has been producing its cars at the facilities of Avtotor (No. 49 in the 200 largest companies Russia Forbes) in the Kaliningrad region. Production is carried out by the SKD method. The main owner of Avtotor is Vladimir Shcherbakov. In 2016, Avtotor produced 94,354 vehicles. 19% of them - about 18,000 - bmw cars(sedans 3, 5 and 7 series and crossovers X1, X3, X4, X5 and X6).

Since 1997, the company has been working in the preferential regime of the Special Economic Zone of the Kaliningrad Region.

BMW and Avtotor have not previously ruled out the construction of a full-cycle car plant in Russia. In April 2014, the companies even signed an agreement on cooperation and the construction of a new car plant in Kaliningrad. “The contract with BMW has been signed, the development of the site is underway, the plant is being designed,” Valery Draganov, president of Avtotor Holding, said at the time. But things stalled.

“Unfortunately, colleagues from BMW are pulling the cat by the tail very strongly,” Anton Alikhanov, head of the region, said at the beginning of 2017 (quoted from RNS). Alikhanov said that the region is waiting for the arrival of BMW and has already prepared the entire infrastructure, there is a completely ready site.

Later, the management of Avtotor reported that for the construction of a full-cycle plant for release BMW in the Kaliningrad region, it is planned to sign a special investment contract (SPIC), which means admission to state support in exchange for investment. In May 2017, the founder of Avtotor, Vladimir Shcherbakov, announced that at the upcoming negotiations in Munich he hoped for a final discussion of the SPIK project in order to present the draft contract to the governor in June. On September 6, a representative of Avtotor told Forbes that the investment contract had not yet been signed and was "under negotiation and other, so to speak, processes." He declined to comment on the details of these processes, citing certain obligations.

Deputy head of the Industrial Development Fund, which is the operator of investment contracts, Sergey Vologodsky told Vedomosti that Avtotor worked out the conclusions of the SPIC in 2016. And BMW did not apply for the conclusion of the SPIC and did not seek advice on its preparation. “There are no applications for the conclusion of a special investment contract from both companies,” Vologodsky said.

The conclusion of the SPIC is the main step towards the construction of a plant in Russia. This has already been done BMW competitor - Mercedes-Benz. On June 9, 2017, the Ministry of Industry and Trade approved the conclusion of a special investment contract for the production project cars Mercedes-Benz in the Moscow region. The corresponding agreement was signed in early June 2017 during the St. Petersburg Economic Forum. On June 22, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region German Yelyanyushkin announced that production at Mercedes-Benz factory in Solnechnogorsk district will open in 2019. The design capacity of the plant is 25,000 E-class sedans and GLE, GLS and GLC crossovers per year. The cost of the project is €250 million.