Overtaking according to traffic rules. Overtaking is easy if you follow the rules. Traffic rules: overtaking. How does overtaking work?

Overtaking is usually called such a stage of movement on the road when one car is ahead of other vehicles. To do this, he needs to drive into the oncoming lane, and then return to the area he previously occupied. Overtaking cannot be accomplished without entering the oncoming lane, and this can only be done in accordance with the rules established traffic situations.

Interesting! Maneuvering on the road surface is permitted if there is a broken center line or combined markings on it. If we are talking about a three-lane highway, then if there are broken lines on it, drivers of both directions can overtake.

Getting ahead of cars associated with driving into the oncoming lane is always dangerous, therefore traffic regulations contain a number of restrictions. Any driver should know about each of them; this helps to avoid accidents.

Basic overtaking rules that are important to know

  1. First of all, before overtaking a car, the driver must be 100% sure that the lane he plans to occupy is clear. Moreover, this must be a distance sufficient for overtaking, otherwise potential traffic jams will be created. hazardous conditions for movement. There should be no interference with other road users. In simple words, you need to carry out an analysis - estimate the speed of the car being overtaken, the speed of oncoming traffic, the distance to the car traveling towards you. The condition is also important road surface, it can be dry, wet or slippery. And lastly, remember the real dynamic capabilities of your own vehicle, namely the sensitivity of the response to pressure on the accelerator pedal.
  2. If someone ahead is overtaking or driving around an obstacle, then you are strictly forbidden to start ahead. In what cases overtaking is prohibited is clearly described in the Traffic Rules; every driver should know them.
  3. If vehicle, moving in the same direction, has given a light signal indicating its intention to make a left turn, then maneuvering in such a situation can be dangerous. This rule applies regardless of the intentions of the person driving the vehicle in front.
  4. It is a violation of safety rules to intend to overtake at the moment when the car moving behind has begun to advance. Any driver must warn of his intentions. Regardless of whether it is a full overtaking, detour around an obstacle, a left turn or a U-turn, he must turn on the left turn signal. If you are in front, you need to wait a while to see if you can start overtaking.

Attention! Always remember that the rear view mirror shows the image backwards. Not experienced drivers you have to get used to the fact that the right turn signal is the left one.

It often happens that even where overtaking is allowed, dangerous situations may arise. Practice shows that the success of a maneuver depends not only on who is performing it, but also on the actions of the person being overtaken. The latter may, to spite the driver behind, press the gas pedal, which creates truly dangerous conditions for road users. For this case, a rule was specially developed - the driver of an overtaken car cannot be prevented from advancing by increasing the speed of his car or by any other actions. He is required to reduce his speed, move as far to the right as possible, and not interfere with his actions. safe overtaking.

Circumstances and places where driving into the oncoming lane is strictly prohibited

In which places overtaking is prohibited, you can understand by the markings on the road surface, directional signs on the side of the road; you should always follow the traffic rules.

  • Firstly, the ban applies to situations where there is a continuous center line marking on the road. Under such circumstances, entering the oncoming lane is strictly prohibited.
  • Secondly, even if the center line is broken or absent altogether, but according to right side There is a sign on the road depicting two red and black cars; overtaking is prohibited. If the markings on the road and the road sign contradict each other, preference should be given to the second indicator (sign). However, not everyone knows that even if there is a sign, stay ahead of mopeds, horse-drawn carts, two wheeler motorcycles and other slow-moving vehicles are permitted. At the same time, they must be attended identification mark(red triangle framed in yellow), indicating an inability to drive quickly. If this is not the case, then no matter how fast the car is moving, you cannot overtake it.

As for specific places where it is prohibited for cars to advance and drive towards other vehicles, the traffic rules also have information about them. Restricted areas include pedestrian crossings, bridges, overpasses, overpasses, and tunnels. Potentially dangerous attempts to overtake a driver at the end of a climb, at sharp turns and other areas where visibility is limited. The same can be said about railway crossings, and we are talking about the territory located at a distance of at least 100 m from them.

Drivers should not forget that controlled intersections You cannot make a maneuver, including at unregulated intersections, especially if you are on a road that is not the main one. The rules prohibit driving ahead in high-intensity traffic conditions. If there are obstacles on slopes, the driver of a vehicle moving downhill must give way.

Attention! The rule described above applies in the presence of special signs reflecting the direction and degree of inclination of the road.

You should not violate traffic rules, because this “pleasure” is expensive and can sometimes lead to tragic consequences. As of this year, the fine reaches 5 thousand rubles. In some situations, even deprivation of driving license for a period of 4-6 months is provided.

Section 11 of the traffic rules regulates the implementation of three maneuvers at once - overtaking, advancing and oncoming traffic. Before considering each of them in detail, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between them and understand their differences.

This is especially true for “overtaking” and “ahead” and you should know exactly what the difference between these concepts is.

Advance is the movement of a vehicle when its speed more speed a vehicle moving in the same direction. As a result of such actions, one vehicle is ahead of the other, that is, it ends up ahead.

Overtaking is one of the types of advance, necessarily associated with entering the lane of oncoming traffic (or the side of the road that is intended for such traffic).

Overtaking is very difficult and dangerous maneuver. The consequences of incorrectly performed overtaking can affect the driver in two ways: on the one hand, in the form of a significant administrative penalty; on the other hand, in the form of an accident, usually associated with a hard frontal collision.

This is probably why the movement in real practice in Russia has taken root next difference the concepts of “overtaking” and “advanced”: overtaking is associated with entering the oncoming lane, and ahead is associated with moving within one’s own direction without entering the oncoming lane.

The concept of “oncoming traffic” is not specifically considered in the traffic rules and is not regulated. But it’s not difficult to understand: oncoming traffic is the movement of oncoming vehicles in one section of the road (or on a limited section of it).

The problem of oncoming traffic is relevant only in the event of obstacles to the straight movement of vehicles.

General principles of overtaking

Let's make a reservation right away: 11 traffic rules section the lion's share is devoted specifically to overtaking and the requirements for it. This is not surprising, because violating the rules of overtaking can lead to an accident with a head-on collision and very disastrous consequences.

Overtaking is very dangerous!

The second circumstance determining Special attention to the principles of overtaking, lies in the rigor administrative punishment for violation of the rules for performing the specified maneuver. A fine for overtaking in violation of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for a period of 4 to 6 months (and if the offense is repeated - up to a year) is a very powerful argument in favor of refusing to ignore the rules of overtaking.

And finally, the third reason for such close attention Russian traffic rules to the rules for overtaking is the complexity of the maneuver itself. When performing such a maneuver, the driver must take into account a variety of factors (speed of his own, overtaken and oncoming vehicles, traffic intensity, etc.).

That is why increased safety requirements are imposed on overtaking in our country. Let's look at them in more detail.

So, before overtaking, the driver must make sure that:

1) the lane intended for oncoming traffic, which he plans to use for the maneuver, is free at a distance sufficient for overtaking, and by his actions he will not create any danger or any interference for other road users;

2) the vehicle moving in front has not begun to perform any maneuver preventing overtaking (overtaking, detour, left turn, U-turn, etc.);

3) the vehicle moving behind has not started the overtaking maneuver;

4) however, the most problematic requirement of the traffic rules for a driver planning to overtake is the following - last - provision: before proceeding with this complex maneuver, the driver must make sure that when overtaking is completed, he can safely return to the previously occupied lane without interfering with the movement of other vehicles and without creating any danger to traffic through his actions.

This is the seemingly paradoxical nature of the situation: even before overtaking begins, the driver is obliged to make sure that it is safe to complete. This is precisely the complexity of the maneuver, the severity of the requirements for its implementation, and the severity of sanctions for violating the rules.

Thus, before overtaking, the driver must make sure of 4 safety components of the intended maneuver (let’s summarize!):

  • the lane into which he enters to overtake must be clear at a sufficient (safe) distance;
  • the driver of the overtaken vehicle does not take any action related to the planned departure from the occupied lane;
  • the driver of the vehicle moving behind did not himself begin to perform the overtaking maneuver;
  • there is a firm belief in a safe return to the occupied lane after overtaking is completed.

The need for constant monitoring of the situation and alternation of these four safety factors is main reason difficulty overtaking. While the driver ensures safety in one parameter, the other three undergo changes. And so - all the time! Achieving 100% confidence in the safety of overtaking is incredibly difficult. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying: “If you’re not sure, don’t overtake!”

However, traffic rules provide for more than just the requirements for a driver who plans to overtake. There are also prohibitions regarding the actions of the driver of an overtaken vehicle. He is prohibited from interfering with overtaking by any means.

For example, increasing speed. And this circumstance occurs most often in real traffic practice. The most annoying thing is that the driver of the overtaken vehicle, increasing the speed, does not understand the danger of the situation. Indeed, in the event of an upcoming head-on collision (due to prolonged overtaking) broken cars may throw it at him. And he himself will be involved in an accident.

Therefore, the noble principle of the driver’s brotherhood is “ Golden Rule": if you are being overtaken, take your foot off the gas pedal and allow yourself to be overtaken. Unless, of course, it's a Formula 1 race!

Another common way to prevent overtaking is to change the direction of movement in the form of a “roll” to the left.

By the way, preventing overtaking in any way is today considered one of the elements of dangerous driving.

General rules for prohibiting overtaking

Of particular importance in ensuring road safety are not only and not so much the principles of correct overtaking, but the conditions under which this maneuver is strictly prohibited. These conditions can be divided into two groups:

2) special.

Let's consider the first option first.

TO general rules prohibiting overtaking should include the requirements of signs, markings and principles for the location of vehicles on the roadway.

1. Sign “No overtaking” (3.20)

A very clear and informative way to prohibit overtaking.

It is important to remember a number of circumstances related to.

— The “No overtaking” sign is valid from the place of its installation to the nearest intersection, the end settlement(locations of signs 5.24.1, 5.24.2), as well as to the “End of the zone of all restrictions” sign (3.31). The most preferable way to terminate the sign is to install a special “breaker” sign “End of no-overtaking zone” (3.21).

— The “Overtaking prohibited” sign has three exceptions: overtaking slow-moving vehicles is allowed in its coverage area, horse-drawn carts, motorcycles without a side trailer.

— The “No Overtaking” sign does not prohibit overtaking.

2. Solid lines of horizontal road markings

Another clear way to prohibit overtaking.

A solid marking line (for example, 1.1 or 1.11) prohibits crossing itself; therefore, overtaking in such conditions is also prohibited.

3. Requirements of section 9 of the traffic rules “Location of the vehicle on the roadway”

On two-way roads with four or more lanes, entering oncoming traffic is prohibited. Therefore, overtaking is also prohibited.

And on two-way roads with three lanes (when the identity of the middle lane is not determined), only the middle lane can be used for overtaking.

Go to the extreme left lane is strictly prohibited.

The above cases of prohibition of overtaking are quite clear: the restriction on of this maneuver here it is confirmed by real objects (signs or markings), as well as common sense and safety logic. Therefore, it is not at all difficult to remember these cases.

Special rules for prohibiting overtaking: clause 11.4 of the traffic rules

The creators of the Russian Traffic Regulations, caring for the safety of road users, do not particularly rely on the consciousness of Russian drivers, who will be able to soberly assess the danger of the proposed overtaking. And therefore, a special paragraph of Section 11 of the Rules is devoted to listing sections of roads on which it is strictly forbidden to perform this maneuver. Let's look at each of these principles.

1. Overtaking is prohibited at signalized intersections

Let's ask ourselves: Why is overtaking not allowed at a controlled intersection?

The answer is elementary and simple. The very fact of the presence of a controlled intersection means that at this intersection of roadways the intensity of vehicle traffic in all directions is quite high. And the regulatory mechanism (in the form of a traffic light or a traffic controller) is organized here to create a normal, effective sequence of passage from all directions. This sequence will make it possible to eliminate long-term idleness of vehicles on some routes (as is quite possible when organizing traffic using priority signs or without them at all).

Consequently, when turning on (giving) a traffic light signal (or), the probability of vehicles moving along oncoming lane very large. This is the essence of signalized intersections. Therefore, overtaking at such intersections will involve a real possibility of creating interference for vehicles moving in the oncoming lane.

2. Overtaking is prohibited at uncontrolled intersections when driving not on the main road

Let's try to understand this requirement from the inside out. That is, overtaking is allowed at an uncontrolled intersection when the driver enters it on the main road.

This permission is completely justified. After all, a driver moving through an intersection on the main road has an advantage over those motorists who enter it from secondary directions and must give way. Therefore, overtaking at such an intersection (while driving on the main road) is relatively safe.

But if a driver enters an intersection on a secondary road, then, in addition to observing the rules of safe overtaking, he must also take care to give way to vehicles that have priority at the intersection.

This position helps to focus the driver's attention and can either emergency situation at the crossroads. Therefore, a driver located at a secondary entrance to an intersection must refrain from plans to overtake in the intersection area.

True, if he wants to overtake before the intersection, then this is not prohibited (unless other traffic rules requirements, and if overtaking is completed before the intersection).

The ban on overtaking applies precisely at such an intersection, but does not apply to the section of the road immediately following the intersection of roadways.

3. Overtaking is prohibited at pedestrian crossings

Prohibition of overtaking on pedestrian crossings(both regulated and non-regulated) should not cause criticism. All this is done to ensure the safety of pedestrians.

The motivation of the creators of traffic rules prohibiting overtaking at any pedestrian crossing is clear and obvious. A driver intending to make such a dangerous maneuver must be aware of the situation at the pedestrian crossing. However, when overtaking a vehicle here, he inevitably encounters a “dead zone” at the crossing. Its visibility is severely limited by the vehicle being overtaken.

And the pedestrian who at such a moment intends to cross roadway, will be practically doomed. How sad is this...

4. Overtaking is prohibited at railway crossings and 100 meters before them

The ban on overtaking here is due to the potential danger of the railway crossing itself. This is a very inconvenient section of the road even for normal movement: drivers have to move at a snail's pace across the rails to avoid damaging the suspension, wheels, and even power unit your car.

The peculiarity of crossing railway crossings is also due to a number of prohibitions introduced by the Rules when making a U-turn or moving here. in reverse, stops and parking. And - of course - overtaking.

But why can’t you overtake 100 meters before a railway crossing?

It's simple. When overtaking on such a section of the road, there is a high probability that the driver will interfere with oncoming vehicles that are leaving the crossing. And this is a direct road to traffic jams at the railway crossing, creating a monstrous danger for traffic. What if there is a train?

But after passing railway tracks the overtaking restriction is lifted (unless, of course, some other overtaking prohibitions come into effect). For example, a solid marking line.

As numerous practice shows, when organizing traffic before and after a railway crossing on the roadway, you can most often observe a “single solid” horizontal line road markings. Therefore, even after passing a railway crossing, the driver must show maximum attention so as not to violate the rules of overtaking.

5. Overtaking is prohibited on bridges, overpasses, overpasses and under them

Artificial structures are inherently dangerous sections of the road where a number of maneuvers are limited (turning, reversing, partially stopping and parking). Therefore, it is not surprising that overtaking is prohibited on them.

The ban on overtaking on bridges, overpasses, overpasses and under them is due to limited space. And in the event of an emergency and the need for a sudden oncoming pass, it will simply be impossible for drivers to maneuver.

6. Overtaking is prohibited in tunnels

The ban on overtaking in tunnels is due to the same limited space as in the previous case.

If the need arises to avoid a collision, drivers simply have no chance in a tunnel.

7. Overtaking is prohibited in areas with limited visibility

Overtaking on dangerous curves, at the very end of a hill, and in other areas where visibility is limited is extremely dangerous.

In such conditions, a driver who intends to overtake does not have all the information about the safety of the maneuver; that is why the Rules strictly prohibit its implementation.

Leading vehicles

Section 11 of the traffic rules speaks very sparingly about advance and makes virtually no requirements for its implementation. From this we can conclude that ahead of vehicles is allowed everywhere and always.

This is partly true, since the advance maneuver, in principle, does not pose any particular danger: the driver performing it does not drive into oncoming traffic.

However, when advancing at a pedestrian crossing, the driver is still obliged to make sure that his maneuver is safe.

Thus, when ahead of a vehicle that has blocked the visibility of an unregulated pedestrian crossing, the driver must make sure that there are no pedestrians in front of this vehicle. If they are present, give way to them.

In other cases, the advance of any vehicles is not regulated by the Rules, and, therefore, the driver is free to independently plan his actions, in accordance with the principles of traffic safety.

Oncoming traffic

There is another case in the life of a driver - difficult oncoming traffic. The presence of an obstacle on the roadway forces you to drive around it in the oncoming lane. And here the “rule of common sense” applies: a driver in whose lane there is an obstacle is obliged to give way to an oncoming car.

Agree, this is a completely reasonable requirement.

However, not all so simple. According to the traffic rules, on sections of roads with steep descents, climbs must be marked with appropriate warning signs (1.13 " Steep descent" and 1.14 "Steep climb"), different rules apply. They may seem paradoxical, but this is a misleading impression.

Regardless of the location of the obstacle on the roadway, the driver moving uphill takes advantage; A driver moving downhill is required to give way.

Of course, this is a very “dangerous” rule. A driver moving downhill may simply forget about his duty in these conditions to give way to an oncoming car, which at that moment is taking advantage.

What were the creators of the traffic rules guided by in regulating the actions of drivers in this way? Here's what!

  1. Stopping on a climb means that starting up the hill will be very difficult.
  2. What if the handbrake (parking brake system) does not work when driving uphill?
  3. A car going uphill is overloaded. The driver will have additional difficulties starting on an incline.
  4. There is ice on the road. Or wet road surface. In such conditions, you can start to slip.

And in all the situations described, congestion may occur.

And from a purely human point of view: in any case, a driver moving downhill is in more comfortable conditions than his colleague going uphill.

Thus, the “advantages” of this rule are obvious. But there is one “minus” here - the driver’s memory. Therefore, the “golden rule” for every driver in the described conditions will be the following “double-edged” principle:

  1. If you are going downhill, give way to the oncoming driver (in case the oncoming driver remembers his right of way).
  2. If you are going up, don’t rush to take advantage (suddenly the oncoming driver has forgotten that he has to give way).

Summarizing the consideration of this extensive topic, we can draw one general conclusion: if the driver cares about his own safety, then when performing overtaking and advancing maneuvers, as well as difficult oncoming traffic, he will show maximum attentiveness, caution and caution. Naturally, adding to these positive qualities a clear knowledge of the requirements of Section 11 of the Road Traffic Rules.

The video lesson will help you consolidate your knowledge on the topic of overtaking, ahead, oncoming traffic:

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Before the changes adopted in the traffic rules in 2010, there was no such thing as driving ahead for drivers. However, on this moment there is a serious difference between maneuvers such as overtaking and ahead. Ignorance of this distinction between concepts can have a detrimental effect both on the driver and his vehicle, and on other road users. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at this issue.

Overtaking or getting ahead

Overtaking, according to the new rules - ahead of a vehicle, entering the lane of oncoming traffic, and then returning to it.

Advance, according to the new rules, this is driving in which a vehicle overtakes another vehicle without entering the lane of oncoming traffic.

Rebuilding- leaving the occupied lane or occupied row while maintaining the original direction of movement.

Unlike overtaking, which has a large number of restrictions on execution, advance can be performed at almost any time.

Advancing a vehicle is prohibited on road sections:

  • pedestrian crossing;
  • railway crossings;
  • intersections;
  • overpasses and tunnels;
  • areas with poor visibility, ends of ascent sections.

Reader questions:

  1. “Is advance on the right prohibited or not?” According to the new rules Traffic rules ahead on the right is allowed.
  2. “On which side is overtaking a vehicle allowed?” — Answer: According to traffic rules: overtaking a trackless vehicle is allowed only on the left side;
  3. “Is overtaking on the right allowed or prohibited?” — Answer: According to the traffic rules and the definition of overtaking and ahead of vehicles, when performing the so-called overtaking, you are actually ahead of the vehicle, and ahead of the right is allowed. Special cases of this issue:
  • Overtaking on the right, like overtaking on the side of the road, is prohibited by traffic regulations.
  • Overtaking on the right, as an obstacle to overtaking (example: vehicle No. 1 which is being overtaken in the oncoming lane, vehicle No. 2 must complete the overtaking, and vehicle No. must not interfere with the maneuver) is prohibited by traffic rules.
  • Overtaking on the right is like changing lanes right lane, where it is a section of the road along which vehicles are moving in your direction and ahead of the car is allowed.

On July 12, 2017, new rules for overtaking vehicles came into effect.. When driving on a two-way road, it is prohibited to continue driving in the oncoming lane if the traffic lanes are separated by markings 1.1, 1.3 and 1.11 (the broken line is located on the left), tram tracks, or a dividing strip.

On the road it looks like this. If a vehicle overtakes a second vehicle, entering the lane of oncoming traffic (the maneuver is permitted), where the lanes are separated by a broken line, but does not have time to return to its lane (complete the overtaking maneuver), as a result of which the markings 1.1, 1.3, 1.11 are already on the right of the vehicle, tram rails or dividing strip - in in this case the driver will be at fault, with the possibility of deprivation of his driving license.

It is often necessary not only for beginners, but also for more experienced drivers to distinguish between the definitions of overtaking and ahead. Especially if they are not used to using multi-lane roads. Misunderstanding or confusion of concepts leads to the creation of a large number of accidents caused precisely by an attempt to overtake.

Video: Traffic rules overtaking and ahead of vehicles

Movement of motor vehicles on roads common use is carried out in accordance with the Traffic Rules that are established.

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The same law regulates the rules for overtaking vehicles and the conditions prohibiting overtaking. Where and under what conditions overtaking is prohibited according to the Rules, read on.

What signs represent

The current version of the Traffic Rules road transport two basic concepts “Overtaking” and “Ahead” were introduced.

Overtaking is considered to be ahead of any type of vehicle, associated with entering a lane intended for oncoming traffic. Advancement is overtaking vehicles without entering the lane of oncoming traffic.

In accordance with the rules, overtaking cannot be carried out exclusively at pedestrian crossings, provided that the overtaken vehicle has reduced speed or has completely stopped.

When overtaking, different rules apply and other restrictions are introduced. The most common restriction is the area of ​​effect of a sign prohibiting the maneuver.

What signs prohibit overtaking? The main sign prohibiting this maneuver is sign 3.20 with the image of two black and red cars in a circle with a red border.

It is forbidden to overtake vehicles in the area of ​​this sign, with the exception of:

  • horse-drawn carts;
  • motorcycles without a side trailer (sidecar);
  • mopeds;
  • bicycles;
  • low-speed vehicles (vehicles that, due to their design features cannot reach speeds exceeding 30 km/h).

To prevent a truck from overtaking, sign 3.22 can be additionally installed, which depicts two cars (black and red), with the red car being a truck.

The sign is round in shape and, like in the previous case, has a red border.

This sign is used to indicate that trucks are locked for overtaking motor vehicles with a permitted weight of more than 3.5 tons. You cannot advance any type of vehicle into the oncoming lane without any exceptions.

When conducting repair work or complete reconstruction of the roadway, temporary signs prohibiting overtaking may be installed.

A temporary sign differs from a permanent sign by the presence of an additional yellow background, which attracts drivers’ attention to the special risk area. The drawing inside the sign is similar to the situations described above.

Any sign, including one restricting maneuvering (overtaking), must be duplicated with appropriate road markings in the form of one or two solid stripes.

Where are they installed?

Signs prohibiting overtaking may be installed on the following sections of the road:

  • with poor visibility;
  • with sharp turns in one direction or another;
  • in places of narrowing (shortening lanes in one direction);
  • with poor quality road surface;
  • on a steep climb or descent;
  • with the possibility of children entering the road (for example, near an educational institution).

In addition to the “No overtaking” sign, a warning sign corresponding to the danger must be installed:

Where does the action end?

In addition to knowing the road sign itself, it is also important to remember the zone to which it applies.

The action of the sign begins immediately after it and ends:

  • at the first intersection located in the direction of traffic (often used in large cities);
  • at the end of a populated area, if there are no intersections along the route (the restriction is significant for villages and other populated areas with a small population);
  • after the sign “End of no-overtaking zone” (sign 3.21) or “End of no-overtaking zone trucks"(sign 3.23). The signs are made on a white background. Image of two cars gray crossed out with solid black lines. The shape of the sign is also round, and the border is black.

  • after the sign “End all restrictions” (slanted black lines on a white background). In addition to the lifting of the overtaking ban this sign it also cancels the imposed speed limits, distance restrictions, the ban on stopping and parking, as well as the sound signal;

  • after the distance indicated on the additional sign located below the main sign. For example, in the figure below, the overtaking prohibition applies to a distance of 600 m after the corresponding sign.

    What does the traffic regulations say?

    The rules for maneuvering on the roadway, including overtaking, ahead and oncoming passing, are covered in Article 11 of the Traffic Rules, which establishes:

    • driver responsibilities that must be followed before performing any maneuver;
    • situations in the event of which it is prohibited to perform such a maneuver as overtaking;
    • locked for drivers of the vehicle being overtaken, in particular a ban on increasing speed, creating interference and other types of obstacles to vehicles being overtaken;
    • special zones in which overtaking is prohibited under any conditions, including in the absence of appropriate road signs or markings;
    • rules of conduct for drivers of slow-moving vehicles, namely the need for the driver of this type of transport to take the extreme right position or stop completely so as not to impede overtaking (advancement). This rule spreads exclusively when driving outside populated areas.

    Places where overtaking is prohibited

    So, overtaking motor vehicles is prohibited in the following situations (Article 11.2 of the Traffic Rules):

    • vehicles moving ahead overtake other vehicles or go around an obstacle (wheel, hole, foreign objects, etc.) located on the roadway;

    • vehicles moving ahead give a left turn signal to begin overtaking, changing lanes, or turning left (turn), respectively;
    • the vehicle following the car intending to overtake has already begun to perform a similar maneuver;

    • after overtaking, the car does not have the opportunity to return to its lane without creating interference or an emergency situation.
    • The current legislation, namely Article 11.4 of the Traffic Regulations, provides a list of places when passing through which it is also prohibited to overtake motor vehicles.

      In the city

      In a populated area, in accordance with the rules, overtaking is prohibited in the following places, regardless of the presence/absence of prohibiting signs:

    1. At controlled intersections (an intersection is controlled if a traffic light is installed that determines the direction of permitted movement or there is a traffic controller). The overtaking ban is associated with simultaneous and fairly dense, especially in large cities, traffic movement in both directions.
    2. At uncontrolled intersections, provided that you are driving on a secondary road. A minor road may be indicated by one of the following signs:
      • "Give Way";

      • “Intersection with the main road” (the secondary road on this sign is indicated by a stripe that is smaller in width).

      • At pedestrian crossings. Previously, the ban only applied if there was a pedestrian at the crossing, but due to amendments approved in November 2014, this exception was completely removed.
      • At railway crossings due to the presence of a zone increased danger when a train approaches;
      • At a distance of 100 m to the railway crossing;
      • On and under bridges;
      • On and under overpasses;
      • On and under overpasses;
      • When climbing a bridge, overpass or overpass;
      • In the tunnels;
      • In any areas with insufficient visibility.
      • Outside the populated area

        Overtaking outside a populated area is also prohibited at intersections (regulated and unregulated when driving on a secondary road), at pedestrian crossings, at railway crossings and within 100 m before them, on bridges, overpasses, overpasses, in tunnels and so on (in general , in all places similar to populated areas).

        Additionally, overtaking outside the territory of a populated area is prohibited:

        • on emergency sections of roads marked with a sign:

        • on high-risk road sections, for example due to poor condition road surface, the possibility of gravel being thrown out from under the wheels, on slippery road. Dangerous areas are also additionally marked with warning signs. For example, the possibility of throwing gravel:

        • on road sections if available dangerous turns. Additional warning signs installed in front of such areas indicate the direction in which a sharp turn will be made;

        • on sections of roads with steep ascent or descent. Warning signs indicate not only the presence of a steep ascent (descent), but also the size of the slope (in degrees);

        • in any areas with limited visibility traffic (for example, in bad weather conditions, the presence of other motor vehicles on the roadway, and so on).
        • Fines

          For violating the traffic rules of motor vehicles and overtaking in the wrong place or in non-compliance with the rules of the current legislation, the driver is subject to administrative liability (in accordance with), which may consist of the imposition of an administrative fine, a warning or deprivation of the right to drive motor transport.

          Traffic police inspectors monitor compliance with traffic rules, including correct overtaking, either personally or using photo or video recording equipment (cameras operating in automatic mode).

          Improper execution of such a maneuver as overtaking may be punished:

          A warning or an administrative fine in the amount of 500 rubles () for failure to use light signaling (turning on turn signals) before performing a maneuver
          A fine of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for 4–6 months under Article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses for driving into the lane of oncoming traffic (tram tracks in the opposite direction) in the presence of prohibitory signs, road markings or in other situations provided for current rules
          for a period of up to 1 year when re-entering oncoming traffic to overtake, in places where performing this maneuver is prohibited ()
          A warning or a fine of 500 rubles for failure to comply with the requirements established road signs(by marking)

          “While overtaking, the driver lost control and collided with an oncoming car.” This formulation is often found in police reports. Overtaking in the oncoming lane is one of the most dangerous maneuvers on the road, where the slightest mistake leads to a tragedy similar to that. Three people died as a result of an unsuccessful overtaking. The head of the Emergency Training Center, Sergei Ovchinnikov, told how to overtake safely and correctly in difficult conditions.

          First of all, follow the traffic rules!

          First of all, it is worth remembering the basic concepts of overtaking, set out in. Sometimes, in order for this maneuver to be safe, it is enough to strictly follow the rules. But situations on the road are different, so practical advice from an expert in emergency driving will help any driver.

          Assess the situation. Sober and critical

          — Overtaking begins with assessing the situation. First of all, speed - ours and the car in front. If the car in front is traveling at 80 km/h, and you are traveling at 90 km/h, then overtaking will take an insanely long time. According to calculations - 920 meters or 37 seconds. That is, there is a high probability that during this time someone will appear in the oncoming lane or the situation as a whole may change, says Sergei Ovchinnikov.

          Therefore, when such a small difference in speed, the driver should have a thought in his mind: reasonable question: “Is it necessary to overtake at all?” Perhaps in such a situation it would be safer to simply slow down, realizing that the maneuver will not be safe.

          — In my classes they often ask: how to overtake when there is a mess on the road? I answer: And if the car skids, do you know what to do? No? Well, why overtake then? When driving into a mess, the wheels slow down and cause a skid. And if the car drives even more or less steadily on the rolled track, then when changing lanes there is a high probability of losing control, the expert warns.

          The next factor a driver must consider is visibility. Can we see something through the windows of the car in front? Overtaking occurs in the dark or daylight hours days? Night overtaking is even more increased level danger. Especially if some car leaves the adjacent territory. We may notice it too late. At night, we go out to overtake with low beams. We turn on the high beam when the cars are level with their front bumpers.

          Think for yourself and the other driver

          — Sometimes situations arise when the car in front of us is driving slowly, we go to overtake, and it starts to turn left. We need to pay attention to this. In such cases, I would advise you to look at the left side of the road to see if there are any exits there, because with a high probability a slow-moving car can turn there,” advises Sergei.

          Here it would be useful to remember one thing traffic rules point, which is very useful but little used in real life. Outside a populated area, the driver can warn about overtaking sound signal, turning the headlights on and off during the daytime and flashing high beam at night.

          — When entering an intersection from a minor road, the driver usually looks only to the left and, if there is free space there, drives onto main road. And he doesn’t even pay attention to the fact that one car is overtaking another on the right. Unfortunately, many drivers do not have this algorithm in their heads—to look both left and right,” notes Sergei Ovchinnikov.

          When assessing the situation, we must take into account what kind of vehicle we are overtaking - a single vehicle or two or three cars, or even a road train. In the latter case, overtaking naturally takes much longer. And here you already need to understand the capabilities of your car - power, dynamics, loading.

          - If we cannot quickly create good difference in speed, this increases the risk when overtaking. Here you need to know some driving techniques. For example, be able to smoothly transition to downshift without releasing gas. You can stay on high gear, but give the dynamics an impulse by briefly pressing and releasing the clutch pedal. But these must be practiced actions and it is recommended to do these techniques on a dry road! If these actions are not practiced to the point of automaticity, it is dangerous to use them, the expert warns.

          The mistake many drivers make is that they start overtaking by moving close to the car in front. Then they change lanes to the left and begin to accelerate. Naturally, the time required for overtaking increases even more. We need to keep our distance so that we can actually create an acceleration lane and approach the overtaking place with a significant difference in speed.

          — Of course, active overclocking must be adjusted for weather- snow, ice, rain. And also take into account the availability electronic systems safety, tire condition, drive type and much more. Additionally, many drivers become so focused on preparing to overtake that they forget to look in the rearview mirror. It may turn out that someone else has already started overtaking, warns Sergei Ovchinnikov.

          It is very important to use the turn signals when overtaking. First of all, for oncoming drivers, so that they understand what phase of overtaking you are in. The question often arises: when to return to your lane after overtaking? The expert advises doing this when the car being overtaken is fully visible in the interior rear-view mirror. You also need to make sure that the driver being overtaken does not suddenly accelerate. Unfortunately, this happens.

          Slow down even if you're right

          - In case it occurs dangerous situation with two cars approaching, it is important to take necessary actions in advance. There should be at least 5 seconds left so that both can understand who is moving where and choose the correct order of response. Otherwise, it turns out that they rush head-on until the last moment, and then both move off in the same direction,” the expert recommends.

          Unfortunately, the behavior of oncoming drivers in such a situation is often incorrect. They flash their high beams to the overtaking person, instead of understanding a simple thing - now maybe head-on collision and everyone will suffer. And here it doesn’t matter who is right and who is wrong. We need to slow down. How less speed, the greater the chances of getting out of the situation with minimal losses.