Is cutting the body on frame cars dangerous? Why cutting a car is bad and how to identify a designer car. Cutting machine - what to do


But let's start with the "constructor" - the first popular way to evade customs duties. This is the response of resourceful representatives of the auto business to the actions of the Russian government, which is raising duties.

The scheme for importing a car with documents appeared several years ago and soon became widespread. The idea is simple, like all ingenious things: why pay the full cost of customs clearance of a car if you can arrange for the replacement of units - the body and engine. The rest (except for the frame) is not numbered, which means it does not need registration. Thus, a citizen who had already paid his native state once for the import of a foreign car was able to get away with little loss when changing the car to a more recent one of the same model: pay the duty for the import of spare parts, pay a little money for registration. The result was a fresh car with a title from the previous one and replacement units included in the passport. And the old car, no longer legally a vehicle, became a collection of spare parts. "Constructors" were supplied and were a success. Because this was the only way to import a car older than seven years (without the crazy full duty adopted in September 2002).

Everyone was happy: both citizens who bought old, well-proven cars for affordable money, and sellers who received income.

But all good things come to an end quickly. A year ago the government Russian Federation came up with the idea of ​​closing this shop by increasing the duty on the import of bodies for passenger cars. From November 14, 2008, the rate of import customs duty on bodies became equal to 15 percent of the customs value, but not less than 5,000 euros per piece! Therefore, the “designer”, having risen in price by 5,000 euros each, lost its main trump card - an affordable price.

Cutting - how is it?

It is unknown in whose head and when the idea of ​​cutting up cars arose. When the Japanese learned about this technology, they were shocked. Everyone is shocked when they find out!

"Raw cuts" began to appear in the spring of 2009. There is a visible cause-and-effect relationship with the resolution on import duties of January 11, 2009, under which duties on cars increased significantly and actually made it inappropriate to import cars older than 5 years, with an engine capacity larger than a small car.

And, as they say, the hucksters came up with an idea. In Japan, the car's factory seams are sawed off rear end By rear pillars and the threshold. You get two parts, they are not legally and physically a car - they are spare parts.

Jeeps are lucky in this regard: they are sawed off “slightly”, usually only the rear, but there is also the option of sawing off the “face”; the supporting frame remains intact, because you don’t have to pay those ill-fated five euros for its import. After import, the car goes to bodybuilders, is welded, puttied, painted and takes on its original appearance. In terms of its qualities, it is similar to a car after an accident, but not as a whole. Most citizens are not bothered by this - after all, the frame is untouched.

But models with a monocoque body - both SUVs and passenger cars get there - after restoration in garage conditions They become a machine only in appearance. The car cannot regain its properties: the rigidity and strength of the body, which were laid down by the manufacturer, are violated. If you get into an accident or after dialing high speed it is falling apart - the makeshift welds are bursting. Those who were sitting in the car die.

Price and legality

But the unreliability of the car is one side of the coin. There is also a second one. There is an order from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, according to which, when replacing units, you must present a copy of the customs declaration for the body (since it is a numbered unit). When cutting, there will be no such document, which does not allow this car to be registered legally.

You can create a “cut” only by welding a panel bearing the body number from old car or by forging a gas turbine engine onto the body. This is falsification and criminality. Meanwhile, in Vladivostok there are companies that openly offer to bring “cutting” and ask the client: is there any old “hardware” (apparently, so that they can get the body number from)? When asked about the quality of such a “home” assembly, sellers answer: “The sawing is done using factory seams. After normal welding, the car will not lose its characteristics, nothing will fall off or burst. We can bring the sawn car, clear it through customs and give it to you as is, without assembly.” . If you have any doubts about the quality of our welding, you can assemble the machine yourself."

Well, thank you - not everyone at home has at least a soldering iron!

The cost of "cuts" without import duties is more attractive than the price of the car after all the payments.

I will give the cost calculation method used by the selling company. "To determine how much a saw-tooth construction kit will cost, you need to determine average cost such cars at auctions. Next, we add expenses to the cost of the car:

85,000 yen. Cost of services in Japan, including auction fee, transportation of cars to the port of departure from auction, registration of export documents.

650 dollars Cutting a frame jeep, minivan, bus in Toyama. If a car is cut, then 600 dollars.

600 dollars Sea freight from Toyama to Vladivostok.

500 to 1,500 dollars Customs duty depends on the weight of the car. Eg, Toyota weight Land Cruiser and Suzuki Escudo are completely different: the duty on the Escudo is $700, on the Cruiser - $1,300.

26,000 rub. Customs temporary storage warehouse and customs broker services for customs clearance.

$1,000 Collection of vehicles, including removal by truck crane from the port, welding, painting, installation of units, filling of liquids.

How to calculate the "cut"

However, identifying a sawed machine is not easy. The head of the technical supervision department, Nikolai Barkhutov, explained that if a vehicle comes for registration with the traffic police with an already issued to the owner of the PTS, and the body and engine numbers coincide with those indicated in the passport, then there is no reason to refuse registration. So far, thank God, in Buryatia there have been no cases of accidents involving “cut-up” cars, as in other regions.

But in the Ulan-Ude car market there are “cuts”, and quite a few. Sellers admit this reluctantly and only in secret. I was shown a couple of Toyotas in confidence. Normal looking cars, no visible marks body repair, with a large engine: it’s not profitable to saw and cook a small car.

The cutting machine must be trouble-free. And the seller will say that this is an ordinary “constructor”. The cutting and welding areas will only come out in the event of an accident, when it will be too late. No seller will allow you to crawl behind the casing to look at the places of the supposed weld. Therefore, it is advised to look at the title and “punch through” the body numbers through an auction when the car was purchased in Japan. If after the new year and the car is declared as a “constructor”, it’s a “cut”.

A bodybuilder I know advised me to look at the cut points of the body; for SUVs and SUVs these are windows luggage compartment. You can see traces of welding there. Armed with this information, I walked along Prirechka and found a couple of suspicious cars myself.

Familiar drivers advised us to pay attention to Harrier and LC Prado.

My friends asked me not to say the word “cut” even in a whisper - otherwise they would “roll into asphalt.”

Having gone through all the jeeps and Toyota SUVs, which have no local mileage, I did find two Harriers with clumsy seals on the “windows”. Both are without mileage, with maximum three-liter engines and are over 5 years old. Both together cost more than a million - with this money you can “roll the asphalt” very thickly! I couldn’t even believe that here it was, this horror!

I looked at it silently and moved on, thinking about my own things. For example, that the public who buys expensive cars, treats them without trepidation - this is not the first and not last car. “Japanese cars” have long won the reputation of being reliable, and it is unlikely that a reputable buyer will climb around the body, inspecting every centimeter personally, as poor motorists do. But in vain, as it turns out!

P.S.*If this material prevents at least one accident and saves someone’s life, I will be happy. And don't thank me.

*No one would have invented these dangerous schemes if the state had not removed the opportunity to import used foreign cars into the country at normal duties. Here is a dialogue from one Internet forum (style preserved):

“I came up with an idea: when bread is baked, there are also a lot of crumbs left. Take them for pennies, glue them into bread shapes and sell them.

"When bread becomes more expensive and becomes a luxury, then craftsmen, which will glue the crumbs. God forbid we live to see such times!”

Contributed to a decrease in demand for transportation services from abroad. In addition, the Government supported the initiative to increase the cost of registration of “designers”, that is, cars imported as individual spare parts. Even in the latter case, the minimum costs will exceed 5,000 euros, not to mention the entire import assembled car. There is one more option that is still available to the Russian consumer- it involves sawing the body into 2–3 parts and importing vehicle under the guise of scrap metal or spare parts that do not constitute an assembly kit. The scheme is quite simple, and there will be no problems with customs clearance, but there is one more question - how to register the cut in a legal way?

Option 1. Frame SUVs

Large frame SUVs are most often imported from Japan for sawing. The reason for this is not only the love of domestic drivers for big cars, but also in simplicity of design. Japanese frame vehicles generally do not have a body number - the frame number is used instead. Accordingly, the body of such a cut is divided into two parts (more often the front end is cut off with engine compartment) and is separated from the frame. Customs clearance of cutting a large SUV is carried out according to two schemes - body halves can be called scrap metal or spare parts in documents - the first option is cheaper, but raises suspicions civil service, and the second is more expensive, but legally impeccable.

Registration of the cut will require the presence of a donor car. Previously, a scheme was used with the purchase of a ready-made title, but recently the traffic police has required the presentation of a basic vehicle, which serves as the basis for conversion. They usually buy cars that have been burned out, drowned, broken up in an accident or have other types of damage, since when registering a cut, there is no point in overpaying for a car that is used only formally. Experts recommend refusing to purchase cars and documents whose owners:

  • Died;
  • Convicted under criminal law;
  • Have debts to banks;
  • Participate in illegal activities;
  • We purchased a car fraudulently.

Experienced motorists who know how to cut it advise hiring a tow truck and going with all the donor hardware to the traffic police department. In addition to the donor for cutting, you need to present a cargo customs declaration for the imported units, including the frame, body halves and motor. In some cases, law enforcement officers require the provision of purchase and sale agreements, which indicate that the car was not obtained as a result of theft.

The owner of the cut must fill out an application for replacement of units, the form of which is issued to him by a representative of the traffic police. If the series of the donor and the sawn-up car completely coincide, this is where the registration procedure ends, and two weeks later the driver receives the long-awaited documents. If the machine models differ, the owner of the cut is sent to US, where he will be required to present ready car, which has undergone welding and assembly procedures. At the maintenance point, the cut will be checked according to a special table for replacing units developed by the institute. Under normal circumstances, documents for the car will be issued within a week or two, although any problems that arise can stretch out the registration procedure for years.

Option 2. Load-bearing body

If the car does not have a frame, it will be much more difficult to arrange the cut. The problem is not only in the assembly, which inevitably loses the strength of the vehicle. According to Russian customs rules, it is impossible to assemble a body from two parts without receiving a separate customs declaration and contract for it. Accordingly, when contacting the traffic police, the driver will simply be sent for the missing documents. It is useless to protest, since, unlike, all cars with a monocoque body have a separate plate with numbers, which is the reason for issuing a customs declaration.

In this case, registration of the cut is possible in the only way - the already imported body must be welded and passed full procedure customs clearance by paying a fee of 5,000 euros. Of course, many people do not agree to pay such a large amount of money, especially when it comes to Japanese sedan 80s. That's why motorists are looking for alternative ways registration of cuts, which do not always comply with the law. We present them specifically in order to protect readers from liability when using dangerous methods out of ignorance:

  • Registration of the body as an emergency one with a reduction in duty to 3,500 euros;
  • Transferring the plate from the donor to the new body;
  • Purchasing gas turbine engines on the black market;
  • Purchase or falsification of documents for the body, confirming that it was imported to Russia several years ago.

Costs and profits

At the time of buying frame SUV in terms of cutting quality, the result fully justifies the costs incurred - the cost of the machine will be 3–10 times lower than a similar one that has undergone a full customs clearance and 10–20 times lower than new. But it is not recommended to import frameless vehicles as saws - cases of legal registration of such vehicles are rare. You should not rely on the offers of various agencies that offer it cheaply and legally - you may face criminal penalties and forced seizure of your car.


Purpose and types frame saws

Frame saws are a cutting tool for single-deck sawmills and containerized vertical sawmill frames. They are designed for longitudinal sawing of logs into beams, bars, boards and container boards. Tool factories currently produce two types of saws: for vertical sawmill frames in accordance with GOST 5524-62 and for container sawmill frames in accordance with GOST 10482-63.
Frame saws according to GOST 5524-62 are manufactured in two types (Fig. 29, a): type A(I) and type B(II). Type A saws have riveted bars at the ends, while B saws do not. Type A frame saws are mounted in saw frames using removable grips and are used in sawmill frames with continuous feed. In these frames, depending on the amount of log feed, a change in saw slope is required, and the design of frame saws with slats allows necessary change. Type B saws are mounted in the saw frame using riveted grips and are used mainly in sawmill frames with push feed of logs per working stroke, in which a change in slope is not required. Te and other saws can work with set flattened teeth.

Saws for container sawmill frames are produced without planks according to the drawing in Fig. 29, a. They differ from those considered in the length of the sections at the ends of the blade free from teeth (40-60 and 70 mm, respectively) and in the dimensions of the blade itself. Such saws are also installed in the saw frame using riveted grips.
The performance, cut quality and durability of frame saws depend mainly on their design and preparation for use.

Construction of frame saws

The frame saw has two main elements; canvas and a gear rim, notched on one of its edges.
The saw blade is characterized by its dimensions: length L, width B and thickness s (Fig. 29, a). The length of frame saws depends on the stroke height of the saw frame and maximum diameter sawn log and can be determined by the following relationship:

To increase the rigidity of the blade in the transverse direction, saws with the shortest possible length should be used. In terms of saw width, saw blades for vertical sawmill frames are available in three sizes: 160, 180, 200 mm, and for container saw frames - 80 mm. As the teeth are sharpened, the width of the blade decreases. The minimum blade width that ensures sufficient strength and rigidity of saws during operation is approximately 75 mm. The thickness of frame saws is determined by a number of conflicting requirements. To increase the rigidity (stability) of the saw during the cutting process, it is necessary to increase the thickness. An increase in thickness leads to an increase in the consumption of wood into sawdust and cutting power. The thickness of frame saws is approximately determined by the empirical formula:

A lower value of the coefficient (0.1) is taken when sawing coniferous trees with saws with flattened teeth, a larger value (0.12) - when sawing hard rocks and frozen wood. When sawing logs of significant diameters, the middle saws in the stand are set 0.2-0.3 mm thicker than the outer ones. The dimensions of frame saws produced by domestic tool factories are given in table. 14.

Ring gear design frame saw is shown in Fig. 29, b. According to GOST, the production of all types of frame saws with a tooth profile with a broken back edge is provided.
Experience has established the following values ​​of linear and geometric parameters tooth Tooth pitch (according to TsNIBMOD data)

For a flattened tooth, an increase in pitch is allowed due to better quality sawn surfaces. The choice of tooth pitch should be made depending on the working conditions and the thickness of the saw (see Table 5).
The tooth height is determined from empirical dependencies:

The higher the tooth, the less its rigidity, but the larger the volume of the chip cavity. Therefore, when the cavity is working lightly, a lower tooth height should be taken. To improve the conditions for the movement of chips in the cavity, its bottom is formed along a radius r, the value of which is determined by the following empirical relationship:

The cavity volume is better used with a smaller tooth pitch but a larger tooth height. A larger radius of curvature reduces the resistance to chip placement in the cavity. The dimensions of the frame saw teeth are given in table. 15.
Saws according to GOST have a symbol. For example, when applying for saws for vertical sawmill frames of type A, length 1600 mm, width 180 mm, thickness 2.2 mm, with a tooth pitch of 26 mm, they are designated: PR-A 1600x180x2.2x26, GOST 5524-62.

For container saws in symbol instead of PR, PTR is put and the type and width of the saw is not indicated.

Technical requirements for the accuracy and quality of frame saws

Frame saws are made from steel grade 9ХФ according to GOST 5950-63 or cold-rolled strip from steel 65ХФ. The hardness of saws along the entire length should be within HRC 42-46, and for container saws with a pitch of 15 mm HRC 45-50. The maximum deviations of frame saws from the established dimensions should not exceed the values ​​​​specified in the table. 16.

Design options for frame saws

In sawmilling, frame saws of several design options are used.
Counter-tooth saws(Fig. 29, b) can cut off groups of fibers (whiskers) formed on the lower surface of the sawn beam and connected to it at one of the ends. The pitch of the cutting teeth is 16 mm, they are cut in such a way that when top dead position, the lower cutting tooth entered the cut by 10-12 mm, the spread was 0.1-0.2 mm more than that accepted for cutting saw teeth.
Planer saws(Fig. 29, d) are used for simultaneous planing of lumber with high humidity with low requirements for surface cleanliness (bridge and shipbuilding beams). The disadvantage of such saws is their relatively short service life due to the presence of slots for planing cutters.
Saws with teeth equipped with carbide inserts, most efficient look cutting tool. However, the creation of reliable, efficient saws of this kind requires extensive production experimentation.

Preparing frame saws for work

Preparation includes attaching planks or jaws to the ends of the saw, straightening and rolling.
Attaching planks and grips to the ends of the saw. To install type A saws in a saw frame, it is necessary to rivet two strips to the upper and lower ends of the saw. The lower end of the strip is riveted at the manufacturer's factory. Set of strips and rivets for upper end The factory sends them along with the saw, and they are fastened at the place of operation. Before riveting the planks, the saw is cut in length if it does not correspond to the length of the saw frame, and in width if there are broken teeth, cracks or a discrepancy between the pitch of the teeth and the sawing conditions. Trimming is done at right angles to the trailing edge using saw blades PSh-3M, PShP-2 or scissors. Markings are made using a ruler and a square or a template ruler, the length of which is equal to the distance between the saw blades. Holes for rivets are punched using a punch and a hammer or using a punch with a round punch according to the markings or jig. The diameters of the holes must be 0.5 mm larger than the diameter of the rivets, and the accuracy of the distances between the axes of the holes is ±0.1 mm. After riveting the planks onto one rivet, checking the supporting surface of the planks using a square and making sure the holes in them coincide with the holes in the saw, place a second rivet, etc. The heads of the rivets are ground flush with the surface of the planks. The grips for type B saws and container saws are riveted in the same way.
Editing frame saw blades. During the manufacturing and operation process, due to uneven tension, strong heating, and transverse bending of the frame saw blades, local defects occur: bulges, tight spots, weak spots and transverse bends (Fig. 30, a). These defects disrupt the normal operation of the saw, so before rolling they are corrected manually on an anvil with special saw hammers (Fig. 30, b). To detect defects, the saw is bent in a special device with a radius of curvature of about 2 m, and both of its surfaces are examined in turn with a short test ruler (see Fig. 27, i). When determining the exact boundaries of defects, the ruler should be rotated at different angles to the longitudinal axis of the saw. The boundaries of the defects are outlined with chalk.
Bulge B (see Fig. 30.a) is found in the form of a bulge with inside curved saw and notch in the same place on the other side. Bulges are removed using a saw hammer with a round head. The first light blows are applied around the bulge, then along its edges. Finish the editing with stronger blows in the center of the bulge. To avoid stretching of the metal, several thick sheets of paper are laid between the blade and the anvil, or straightening is performed at the end of a block of hard rock. Elongated bulges are straightened with a hammer with an elongated head. The blows are applied from the edges of the bulge along its length to its middle. After correcting one side, the saw is turned over and corrected in the same way on the other side.

A T tight spot is found as a bulge (hump) on the inside of a curved saw in any position. The tight spot is eliminated by double-sided forging or rolling with elongation (stretching) of the metal. When forging, the saw is placed on the anvil with its hump up.
Weak spot C is detected in the form of a concavity (light gap) on the inside of the curved saw in any position. The metal in the area of ​​weakness is excessively elongated and is, as it were, surrounded along the contour by rigid parts of the blade. When positioned horizontally, the slack appears as a bulge. Weak spots are corrected by double-sided hammering or rolling near their edges to stretch the metal near the weak spot.
Bend I is detected in the form of curvature of the canvas, most often at its ends. To eliminate this defect, place the saw on a test plate and look for the twisting ridge, which has the appearance of a convexity. Then the ridges are forged along the axis on both sides with a hammer with a longitudinal striker. The straightened saw should be flat along its entire length and, when placed on the test plate, fit tightly against it with its entire surface.
Rolling of frame saws. The necessary stability and rigidity of the frame saw blade, characterized by the amount of deflection in the lateral direction due to the action of the transverse force, is achieved by tensioning the saw in the longitudinal direction. The amount of total tension force is limited by the strength of the saw frame and grips. Typically, the tension at the edges of the canvas is increased by weakening its middle part. To do this, the saw is subjected to special processing - rolling. The middle part of the saw blade is rolled between rotating rollers under pressure, as a result of which it is slightly elongated compared to the edges and receives compressive stress. If such a blade is now tensioned in a saw frame, the side edges of the saw will receive greater stress and greater rigidity than with an untreated blade at the same tension force. The rigidity of the treated fabric (according to Prof. A.E. Grube) increases by 10-20% compared to the untreated one. Frame saw blades are rolled on special rolling machines PV2, PV5. The hydrokinematic diagram of the PV5 rolling machine is shown in Fig. 31, a. Both rollers (3 and 4) of the machine are driven, there is a hydraulic clamp, the pressure between the rollers is set using a pressure gauge. Rolling speed is 10 m/min, machine productivity is 150 saws per shift.

Subject to rolling middle part saws at a distance of 20-25 mm from the rear edge and the line of the tooth cavities (Fig. 31.6). First, the middle strip of the saw is rolled, and then symmetrically adjacent sections with a gradual decrease in pressure. The edges of the saw and its ends 120-150 mm long are not rolled. The degree of saw rolling is determined by the size of the light gap of its transverse curvature during longitudinal bending with a radius of curvature of 2 m. The transverse deflection is changed with a short test ruler and feelers or a test ruler with an indicator (Fig. 31, c). The roller pressure and the recommended degree of rolling, depending on the thickness of the saw, are given in table. 17 (according to V.F. Fokin).
As the saw wears out, it is re-rolled. During its service life, the number of repeated saw rolls does not exceed three to four.

Installing, securing and aligning saw blades in the saw frame

The correct position and fastening of the saw blades in the saw frame is one of the main conditions for the productive operation of the saw frame.
Fastening saws in the longitudinal direction. It is carried out with two types of grips: blind and removable. Blind grips are riveted to the saw blade and are used only for type B frame saws and container saws. Their disadvantages include: the impossibility of changing the slope of the saws depending on the feed rate, bulkiness, the need for riveting as the saw wears out along the width, etc. For type A saws, quick-release hinged grips with a screw or eccentric tensioning device are used. Removable grips (lower and upper) differ from blind ones by the presence of cheeks, with the help of which the saw is secured and tensioned in the longitudinal direction using strips riveted to the ends of the saw.
The design of screw grips is shown in Fig. 32, a. The saws are tensioned evenly and smoothly by turning the M16 screw with a wrench. The disadvantage of these grips is the slow tension of the saws and the rapid wear of the threads, as well as the inability to cut boards thinner than 25 mm.
Eccentric grips are shown in Fig. 32, b. They are more advanced and therefore most common. Pre-tensioning of the saws is carried out by moving the sub-eccentric wedges, and the main tension is done by turning the eccentric. The eccentric is manufactured with an eccentricity of 5-7 mm along an Archimedean spiral. To ensure self-braking, the eccentric grip wedge should have an angle of no more than 6-7°. The eccentric turns special key with a handle of no more than 500 mm to avoid excessive tension on the saws. Eccentric tensioners provide fast, smooth and reliable saw tensioning. The dimensions of the main structural elements of the standardized ZU-18 and ZU-22 grippers are determined by the strength requirements. The saws should be tightened gradually, in two or three steps, and symmetrically, starting with the outer saws and ending with the middle ones. Normal saw rigidity is ensured in the presence of stresses in its cross section of the order of 8-12 kgf/mm2.

The tension force of one frame saw for two-story sawmill frames can be determined from the table. 18 (according to standards D98-10 of the Northern Communard plant).
During operation, the saws heat up and lengthen, resulting in normal stress decrease and this can lead to poor cutting. The normal heating temperature of saws is on average 40-50° C; the rear edge of the saw heats up 15-20° C higher than the cutting edge. Therefore, after sawing the first two or three logs, it is necessary to further tighten the saws. The voltage of the saw when cooling reaches an average of 14-16 kgf/mm2, which leads to significant deformation of the saw frame and even its breakage. During long breaks in work, the saw tension should be loosened.

Listed designs tensioning devices have a number common shortcomings. There is no tension control, and individual saws have different tension forces; there is no compensation for the elongation of saws when they are heated; a change in the tension of one set saw leads to a weakening or increase in the tense state of the others. To eliminate these shortcomings, domestic enterprises use hydraulic tensioning devices (Fig. 32, c), which make it possible to ensure the same tension on all saws and automatically tighten them when heated. Hydraulic tensioners of the following brands are produced: PG-30 - for a delivery with a width of 300 m, PG-40 - for a delivery with a width of 400 mm and PG-56 - for a delivery with a width of 560 mm. The weight of hydraulic tensioning devices is 13-22 kg, the tension force is 3000-4500 kgf.
The hydraulic tensioner is a closed, non-motorized hydraulic system, consisting of three units: a pressure generator, a hydraulic generator housing in which vertically located pistons serve to support the upper grips of frame saws, and a supporting wall. The device is installed on the upper traverse of the saw frame and attached to it with hooks.
The use of a hydraulic tensioning device increases the productivity of sawmill frames by 3-4% due to the elimination of downtime caused by tightening the saws during the sawing process, improves the quality of sawing, and facilitates the work of the framer and sawman.
Fastening saws in the transverse direction. This is done using special gaskets (separations) and clamps. To do this, the gaskets are inserted between the saws at the top and bottom and compressed using clamps attached to the posts of the saw frame. Setting the center of the stand in the center of the saw frame is done by selecting paired side spacers placed between the clamps and the outer saws of the stand. To determine the size of the side gaskets, use a template box for setting the set.
Spacers perform several functions: with their help, saws are secured in the transverse direction; they reduce the free length of the saws, which becomes equal to the distance between the upper and lower spacers, thereby increasing their rigidity; provide the required distance between saws. Gaskets can be wooden, metal or combined. Most widespread received wooden spacers (Fig. 32, d). They are light, simple, cheap and cut from dry birch or larch. The disadvantage of wooden spacers is their low strength. The thickness of the spacers depends on the thickness of the boards being cut, the allowance for shrinkage and the widening of the saw teeth:

Clamps that tighten the frame in the transverse direction are divided into tension and spacer clamps. The most common are spacer clamps with one or two pressure bolts (Fig. 32, e). Single-bolt clamps allow for quicker setting adjustments, but make it difficult to straighten saws parallel rail tracks. The clamps installed on the left post of the saw frame (along the course of the log) are called main clamps, on the right - clamping ones. The main clamps are fixed motionless, and the gaskets are pressed using clamps. The lower clamps are installed at the height of the saw frame so that in the top dead position there is a gap of 50-70 mm between the spacers and the line tangent to the upper points of the lower parcel rollers. The upper clamps are installed depending on the maximum diameter of the log so that in the lower position of the frame there is a gap of 80-100 mm between the upper spacers and the maximum high point butt of the log.
Alignment of saws in the saw frame. Includes setting the slope, checking that the saws are parallel to the direction of movement of the log and the line of movement of the saw frame. The slope of the saws is determined using inclinometers of the Vardashko or TsNILSevzaples system. These inclinometers have levels with a scale. When checking the slope, the inclinometer is pressed tightly with its base surface against the tops of the saw teeth. If the actual slope corresponds to the required one, the level bubble will be located in the center of the scale; when the bubble deviates from the center, it is given the desired position by hitting one of the ends of the saw with a hammer. The magnitude of the slope is established by moving apart hinged wooden blocks (on the Vardashko inclinometer) or raising the level bar with a micrometer screw (on the TsNIILSevzaples inclinometer). The slope of the saws is necessary when the log is fed behind idling. It ensures the movement of the line of the tops of the teeth in the horizontal plane and eliminates the pressure of the log on the saws.
The parallelism of the saws is checked using a control ruler and a square (Fig. 32, e). To do this, the control ruler is installed on special squares of the sawmill frame bed and the square is applied to it. The long plate of the square, normal to the ruler, will then be positioned strictly parallel to the direction of movement of the log. All saws are installed along this plate when moving the square along the stand, first in the upper position of the saw frame, then in the lower position. The vertical position of the saws is checked with the same square. In the upper position of the saw frame, the square is pressed against one of the saws and its position is fixed. Move the saw frame to the lower position. Place the square in its original position and check whether its bar touches the surface of the saw. If there is a gap, the saws are moved in the desired direction using the upper clamps.
When installing saws into a saw frame, it is necessary to pay attention to the location of the grips along their width, as it affects big influence on the distribution of stresses across the saw cross-section. Due to the fact that the rigidity of the blade mainly depends on the stresses in the cutting edge, the saw should be positioned in the grips so that the axis of symmetry along the width of the grips (tension line) is located between the cutting edge and the center line of the saw. The amount of displacement of the tension line from the axis of the saw towards the cutting edge (eccentricity) is recommended (according to Prof. A.E. Grube) 0.15, where B is the width of the saw.

The reason for the appearance of cars that crossed the Russian border as a “constructor” or “cut” (officially - not a car, but a set of auto parts) is very simple and obvious. In 2009, as a result of government regulations, vehicle duties increased significantly.

In the case of crossing the border of a car as a whole, you now have to pay a very high customs duty for the body, equal to an amount of 5,000 euros and above (15% of the customs value of the car).

If the body is cut into 2 parts, having previously partially disassembled the car, then this "gentlemanly“set” of three components - engine, chassis and transmission, is issued as a set of spare parts, as a result, the customs duty is reduced by almost 10 times.

Such a scam is only possible when importing cars from Japan, since they do not have a number on the body; it is stamped in other places - for example, on the frame. This facilitates the subsequent registration of the car in Russia; you only need to purchase a Vehicle Passport (PTS) for this make of car or for one of the others that are approved as part of replacing units of the same model range.

We warn you! Any attempt to process a cut using someone else’s Passport Technical Means(PTS) is illegal and if the fact of forgery is revealed by the traffic police officers, further registration of the car is impossible. Therefore, buyers who purchase such cars risk their money.

How do you know if a construction machine can be cut? It’s very simple: trucks and buses of category “D” can only be imported as a designer, and all other car bodies can be cut, preferably frame ones.

Cutting machine - what to do?

The cutting for each type of car has its own nuances:

  • the designer-cut jeep involves detaching the frame, engine and body, the body is then sawed into 2 parts either front or rear;
  • Designer-cutting of passenger frameless cars also involves disassembling them into body, engine and chassis with a body cut at the front or rear;
  • minibuses are disassembled into the same components, but the body is sawn only from the front;
  • minivans are dismantled and the bodies are sawed either front or rear.

You can bring a construction kit for both framed and frameless cars, but there will be a significant difference in the design and operation of such cars.

What's wrong with cutting a car?

  1. If the border is crossed by a cut of a frameless car, then as a result, Cargo Customs Declarations (CCD) are issued for the engine, front and rear parts of the body, but not for the entire body. To properly register a car, a Customs Declaration for the body is not enough. Therefore, it is necessary to find the same body, remove the bar from it, weld it onto the imported body, arrange for an engine replacement - in general, the traffic police are being misled and this is illegal.
  2. In the case of registration of a frame car, the situation is simpler: you can buy a Customs Declaration from the same previously imported body, and register everything with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate - numbers are not stamped on the bodies of frame cars. Therefore, they mainly import from Japan frame cars, bypass the Law and register them easier.

There is another important aspect: safety in a welded body in the event of a traffic accident. If you want to operate a frame jeep, good luck. After careful re-welding, the rigidity of the frame car is not compromised, since all the main loads fall on the frame and not on the body.

This cannot be said about frameless cars, where the body acts as a frame. Therefore, driving such a sawn car is unsafe.

How to identify a cutting machine

Many cars are imported into Russia in the form of construction kits for sale. If you want to buy a used car, you need to take this very seriously.

How to identify a car designer? The first thing that should alert you is the low selling price. Since they save several thousand dollars on construction kits due to duty savings, they sell them inexpensively.

A thorough check of the documents may also provide clues as to what happened to the vehicle. As a rule, technical passports are purchased for cutting, and this is a violation of the law. If there are such suspicions, it is necessary to check the car using the customs and traffic police databases.

How do you know if the machine is cutting? To do this, you need to check the body. As can be seen from the figure, car bodies are sawed in certain places. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully check the body near the racks for the presence of welds.

If it is not possible to determine the seams, the condition and color of the paint in these places is examined. Typically, fresh and clean paint indicates that some work has been done in the area. In addition, the shade of this paint does not match the shade of the body. This can be seen in good lighting by examining the suspicious area at an angle.

To distinguish a cutting machine, it is necessary to conduct a thorough inspection of the door arches. The condition of the fasteners will tell you whether the doors were removed or not.

Since it is quite difficult for a non-professional to recognize the cut of a car, it is better to ask a person who works in a car service center and is well versed in these issues to conduct an inspection.

Other tips on how to determine the cut of a car - in the next video

Is it possible to drive a designer car?

Since it is quite possible to check the car for cutting, the next question arises - is it safe to drive and how long will it be used without any problems.

If, for example, a frame jeep is for sale, in which the body is well and professionally welded, you can take a risk and purchase such a car. Only Special attention again for documents - for registration with the traffic police to go smoothly, you need to have a technical passport (PTS) from the donor car.

Riding such a jeep is quite safe, since in the event of any accident, the main load from the impact is taken by the frame, which no one sawed.

Another thing is frameless cars. The first trouble is that clearing such a car through customs is much more problematic (you need to replace the numbers on the body) and riskier (you need good documents), otherwise the traffic police may simply refuse to clear it.

In addition, driving such cars is dangerous. Often, in the event of a traffic accident, they are simply torn in half. It is clear that the fate of passengers in such a situation is deplorable.

Therefore, think carefully about whether it is worth getting involved with a cutting machine. If you want to protect yourself from buying a designer car under the guise of being untouched, then be extremely careful, or better yet, turn to professionals.