How to check your title before purchasing. How to check the authenticity of a car's title by series and number online Car history by title number

Basic documents for a car vehicle- vehicle passport and passage certificate state registration. Each of them has its own series and individual number.

Numbers are assigned in mandatory, since they are taken into account in the registers of vehicles that were created by traffic inspectorates and the tax service.

You should always have such documents with you. The procedure for registering a car is mandatory.

A vehicle registration certificate (VRC) is issued when the vehicle is registered with the traffic police. In terms of content, the document is almost completely identical to the vehicle passport.

Let's find out where to look at the number of the vehicle registration certificate in 2019 and why it is needed.


Vehicle registration certificate is a document that includes information about the basic information of the owner. It is presented to traffic police officers if they stop a car.

If the registration certificate is not with you, the driver will have to pay a fine. You also need to have an MTPL insurance policy and a driver’s license with you.

And a notarized power of attorney if the motorist is not the owner motor vehicle.

The certificate contains certain information about the vehicle, which allows you to identify the car:

Using the vehicle's VIN code, they check the car's history and find out the necessary information about the car. It is assigned to each car.

The VIN code must completely match the body number. It is usually located on non-removable parts of the body and where the chance of damage to the vehicle in an accident is minimal.

  • country of origin;
  • year of issue;
  • type of engine, body;
  • general characteristics of the machine;
  • information about the car, its mileage, early sales.

STS - bilateral document. On front side contains information about the car that completely duplicates the front side of the vehicle passport.

The reverse side contains information about the owner and the department that issued the document. In the “special notes” field, information about changes that have been made to the design of the car is entered.

Where is the vehicle registration certificate number located? The document number is indicated on both sides. It is highlighted in red.

Using the series and number of the certificate, traffic police officers:

  • check the technical characteristics of the vehicle;
  • determine the history of the car;
  • looking for former owners of the car;
  • set the validity period of documents;
  • identify the fact of non-payment of fines for traffic violations;
  • determine arrears by transport tax, which are registered with the owner of the car;
  • determine the participation of the car in an accident;
  • receive information about prohibitions and restrictions imposed on the vehicle.

All of the above information can be found on the traffic police portal and other information resources.

Registration with the traffic police is a mandatory procedure. Documents required for registration:

  • vehicle passport;
  • a document that confirms the right to own the car (certificate of inheritance, power of attorney, certificate of invoice from the dealership, purchase and sale agreement);
  • general passport;
  • OSAGO policy;
  • application on a form.

Before contacting the traffic police, you need to pay a state fee. Cost - 850 rubles (500 rubles extra for the state registration certificate + 350 rubles for making changes to the PTS).

The traffic police officer accepts the application and then conducts an inspection.. The numbers on the engine and chassis are checked against the information specified in the vehicle title.

Instead of an inspection, you can provide a certificate technical inspection, which is only valid for 20 days.

If the vehicle data does not match the information from the vehicle passport, or the numbers are not readable, the inspector may order a forensic examination.

If everything is in order, the car owner receives a certificate of state registration of the vehicle.

Corrections cannot be made to the document.. If any personal information or information about the car, the document is replaced completely.

You can sign up for registration and replacement of a certificate through the Public Services portal.

If you change your certificate due to a change of name, place of registration or damage to the document, an inspection of the car by the traffic police is not necessary.

If changes have affected the design of the car, you need to inspect the car at the State Traffic Inspectorate.

Replacement of the document may be required if:

  • an error was detected in the data;
  • the data specified in the STS has changed;
  • The document is damaged and the information cannot be read.

To replace it, you must also contact the traffic police, bring an application and a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Receipt of payment of state duty, certificate.

Until January 1, 2019, the state fee can be paid with a 30% discount. Then the fee will be 350+245 rubles.

To receive a discount you must:

  • log into your account on the State Services portal;
  • select “Electronic service”;
  • fill out an application at in electronic format, enter the required data;
  • select a date for visiting the State Traffic Inspectorate, submit an application for inspection;
  • pay the state fee by bank card, using an electronic wallet (Webmoney, Yandex.Money, Qiwi) or a mobile phone account.

If you purchased new car, then you need to register it with the traffic police by paying 3 state fees in order to:

  • made changes to the PTS;
  • issued a certificate of registration;
  • numbers were issued.

Behind traditional way payment will have to pay 350+500+2000 rubles. Total: 2850 rubles. With discount: 245+350+1400. Total: 1995 rubles.

According to Article 12.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, driving a vehicle without registration documents is punishable by a fine of 500 rubles.

If the driver forgets to promptly replace the certificate within 10 days after changing his name or purchasing a car, he faces a fine of 500-800 rubles.

Repeated violation - 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for 1-3 months.

Let's look at how to find out the vehicle registration certificate number by license plate number and other parameters.

The registration certificate number is indicated on the front side below. The series and number are also placed on the top of the back.

If the vehicle passport or certificate is lost, it will be easier to restore the documents using the number.

If you don’t have a vehicle passport or other documents, but you need to find out the number, you can try to find out the certificate number using state numbers.

Such information may be necessary if the driver caused an accident and fled. The victim goes to court, but only knows the license plate number of the culprit.

Then it is possible to find out the number and series of the STS, as well as additional information. But it is necessary to submit an official request to the police. If there are no compelling reasons to receive this kind of information from the traffic police, a refusal will come.

The STS series and number can be viewed on online resources. Some of them are paid, but you can also find free versions.

By PTS number

It is not difficult. The series and certificate number match up to the last digit with the PTS number.

Since the numbers are the same, it is not necessary to carry your PTS with you all the time.

Also, using the PTS, you can quickly restore a lost STS. You just need to contact the traffic police, present the car and its passport.

The car may be needed, as sometimes it is necessary to verify the VIN and other individual numbers TS.

Why are the numbers the same? This way the traffic police checks the information on the car faster.

STS number confidentiality

Where to see the number STS car to a stranger? And can he, without having the documents for the car in hand, find out the details for it?

It's practically impossible. Document data is confidential information. On the Internet there are sites that offer to check cars only using state license plates.

But you need to know:

  • such information is not made publicly available;
  • the reliability and relevance of such information remains in doubt (most likely, this data is long outdated, or it is fake).

Checking a car using STS

You can find out the car number by the number of the vehicle registration certificate on the website in the “Vehicle check” section.

You need to enter the VIN number, you can also check the car using the STS, while requesting the registration history from the traffic police. Here you can see whether the driver of this car was involved in an accident, and whether the vehicle is wanted. On the FNP website you can find out whether the car is pledged.

You need to write a statement at the nearest traffic police department. This is necessary so that the finder or the thieves do not have time to use the document to obtain a loan, drive a stolen car, or provide the vehicle as collateral according to the documents.

Afterwards the car owner will receive a notification coupon.

Now he is protected from various suspicions, even if illegal actions using a stolen car or PTS are revealed.

For restoration, you must personally provide an STS, a civil passport, and an MTPL insurance policy.

The new passport will have a new series and number. After changing the PTS, you will have to change the STS to ensure that the numbers in both documents are identical.

For issuing a new STS you will have to pay 350 rubles, for changing the PTS - 500.

You should not always carry all documents with you. The process of document recovery will be long and troublesome. First you need to restore your civil passport.

Then you should go to the traffic police, insurance company and restore the documents in order:

  • vehicle certificate;
  • driver license;
  • OSAGO policy;
  • maintenance ticket.

If the car was purchased on credit, the procedure will be simplified. First, restore your passport, then contact the bank and get a temporary PTS to restore the remaining documents.

If a car was also stolen along with all the documents, you will have to call the police and follow the procedure recommended by law enforcement officers.


  • have copies of PTS, STS, which will help restore documents in a short time;
  • do not leave a case with documents on back seat car (theft can be committed even while stopping at a traffic light);
  • keep folders with documents in the glove compartment or other secluded place;
  • always take your documents with you, even if you leave the car for a short time;
  • do not leave a bag with documents on a store counter or a chair in a cafe;
  • do not continue driving the vehicle if the documents have been stolen or lost.

If documents are stolen, call the police immediately. Documentation is usually restored after the criminal case is closed. Until closing, the driver can use duplicates.

A car registration certificate is one of the main and most important documents for a car, along with the vehicle passport. The numbers of these documents are identical.

This ensures more quick check car by the traffic police and easier restoration of the STS if the car owner loses it.

The document number is on the front and reverse sides . Often used to determine information about a car or its owner.

No corrections are made to the document. The evidence changes completely. You can change the document at the nearest traffic police office.

Modern high tech allow motorists to check their PTS by number online. This operation can be carried out by using specialized servers containing single base traffic police data.

PTS check

Most drivers were fined by road inspectors for various administrative offenses. Those individuals who have been fined several times often forget whether they have paid the fines.

To avoid such moments and simplify the work of organs executive system, government agencies have developed a unified database that stores information about all violations committed by motorists. Similar system The data can also be stored on electronic services, which allows drivers to clarify whether they have outstanding debts.

This development was a significant advance in the field technical support road service, it made it possible to reduce the number of unpaid debts on fines imposed for administrative offenses committed by motorists.

Types of checks

There are several ways to clarify the presence of outstanding debts, which can be resorted to if a person knows the vehicle passport number.

These methods include:

  1. Personal or telephone consultation with a traffic police officer who will check the car using the electronic database.
  2. Usage official online service The traffic police searches for information about a car based on its license plate.
  3. Studying online pages on various sites that are capable of searching for information within databases.

Checking PTS using the traffic police database

The best way to find out if you have outstanding fines is to visit the traffic police department. The driver presents official his driver’s license, on the basis of which he can receive a complete statement of paid and unpaid fines.

Many note the inconvenience this method, since the road to the inspection and possible queues may take a significant amount of time. However, only with this type of consultation will the driver be able to receive the most accurate and up-to-date information directly from the inspection staff.

The biggest advantage of this type of consultation is that the citizen receives updated data that may not reach electronic information services available on the Internet in time.

Vehicle information

In addition to information about possible fines and their amounts, drivers can receive information regarding:

  1. information about the date of registration of the car, about the conduct of various legal transactions in relation to transport, about the owners and owners of the car;
  2. identification data about the car, that is, information about its:
    • brand;
    • models;
    • Vin number;
    • engine number;
    • chassis number;
    • weight;
    • color;
    • release date;
    • manufacturer;
    • state number and engine power.

    Such data is often found out for comparison with the information entered in the vehicle passport in order to establish its authenticity.

  3. the presence of a seizure imposed on the car;
  4. prohibitions on the implementation registration actions in relation to a vehicle;
  5. negative information about the presence of the car or its components on the wanted list;
  6. information about accidents involving a vehicle, which indicate the dates, locations and all participants of previous accidents.

Telephone consultation

In some cities of the Russian Federation, traffic police departments provide citizens with information regarding debts by telephone.

To do this, the caller must provide the details of the documents for the vehicle.

A number of inspections are using an innovative application to mobile phones. With this notification method, motorists can view their fines by sending SMS messages.

Checking PTS using the traffic police database online

The official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation, which is located at the email address, provides Russian citizens with the opportunity to use specialized online services launched in the spring of 2013.

Having accessed the site, the user must go to the “Online services of the traffic police” tab. The system can serve both citizens and legal entities carrying out transactions with motor vehicles.

What will the online service tell you?

To view information about your vehicle, just enter the vehicle identification data: VIN, body or chassis number.

Don't know your rights?

After this, the program, operating on the basis of the electronic database of the road inspection, will be able to provide the motorist with information about the existing restrictions that have been established in relation to his car.

The service also contains data about cars that are wanted. On the page you can learn about the restrictions associated with the ban on registration actions. Such bans can be initiated at the request of judicial authorities, investigative, customs and executive authorities, social protection authorities.

The electronic page is ready to provide drivers with information about the number of administrative fines unpaid by citizens that were imposed on the territory of Russia.

To obtain information about his debts, the motorist must indicate the state license number in the empty column. registration plate car, as well as details of the registration certificate of his car.

Checking PTS using the online service

Several services on the World Wide Web offer users services for providing vehicle data.

Such resources include sites located at the following links:


On such online services, as a rule, you are required to enter data driver's license, car registration certificate, vehicle passport or state number.

Some online resources may provide information regarding the payment of the imposed fine, based on the number of the decision issued by the traffic police authorities in relation to the violator of the Traffic Rules.

The convenience of such sites is that they are equipped with payment systems through which you can pay fines. Users can also access the pages via their mobile phones and view fines at any time and anywhere.

Some sites are able to inform drivers about the presence of a stolen car in the territory Russian Federation and abroad. Resources that provide information about vehicles stolen in foreign countries are popular, for example,,,

Disadvantages of online services

weighty negative side is the low reliability of such services. They may contain data that has not been updated.

So that the motorist does not have to pay twice for one offense, he is recommended to use only official websites. In addition, the driver will not have a receipt to confirm payment if he decides to use the electronic fund transfer service.

All the described circumstances indicate in favor of paying fines through bank terminals that issue receipts. A standard receipt records the number of the decision imposing a penalty, the date of payment of the fine and its amount; it acts as a document proving payment of the penalty.

Also a minus of the majority electronic systems is that they are adapted exclusively for those vehicles that were imported into the Russian Federation after 1996.

Every year there is a steady increase in the number of electronic Internet systems that are ready to provide motorists with information regarding their vehicles and all unpaid fines in the shortest possible time.

Drivers are provided widest choice services, among which it is worth choosing the most reliable and proven ones, so that you do not have to pay the debts resulting from violations again.

When buying a car secondhand, it is important to find out how to find out who the car is registered to. The answer to this question will help you avoid invalid transactions, as well as extra fines, taxes and encounters with scammers. Next we will look at everything possible options developments of events. Is there any way to clarify information about vehicle registration? How to do it? How are cars registered with the State Traffic Inspectorate? Every car owner needs to understand all this. Then there will be no problems in the future after purchasing the vehicle. Everything can be avoided by approaching the task correctly.

Registration information: is it possible to find out?

Is it possible to somehow find out the owner by the car number or in any other way?

In fact yes. Information about the owner of a car can be obtained in different ways. When making transactions regarding a vehicle, it is this information that should concern the buyer-client.

Data Search Methods

How to find out who the car is registered to? This can be done using different methods. The main thing is to correctly approach the solution of the relevant problems.

So, today you can find out information about the owners of the car:

  • using PTS;
  • by contacting the traffic police;
  • through the official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation;
  • through third-party Internet services.

What might be useful?

Some people are interested in how to find out who the car is registered to. What data can be useful to accomplish the task? This is extremely important point. After all, without certain information, a person will not be able to obtain data from the traffic police.

In general, the applicant will benefit from:

  • license plates;
  • information about the owner’s registration / city of registration;
  • VIN car or body.

It would be enough. It is really possible to find out the owner by the car number. And quite quickly. Only information about the person will be presented to a minimum. At VIN help the person will be able to easily cope with the corresponding task.

We ask during the transaction

Who is better to register a car for? For an adult who will use the vehicle. How can you find out who registered the car?

If we are talking about concluding a purchase and sale transaction, you can simply ask the seller who is the owner of the goods. However, this arrangement is not the most reliable. And the buyer needs to require documentary evidence of information about the owners of the vehicle.

PTS and data

Who can I register a car for? For any citizen (preferably an adult). The main thing is to remember that the owner of the car will be the one to whom the vehicle is registered. He will be able to make any transactions with the relevant property.

You can check the details of the car’s owners using the PTS. This technical certificate auto. The document contains information about the car, as well as its owners.

It is this component that should be required from the seller when buying a car. The absence of the original PTS should alert you. After all, it may turn out that the vehicle being sold is stolen.

What can you find out from the numbers?

What information can be obtained by checking vehicle license plates in 2018? We have already said that the data is offered in minimal quantities.

Today, the applicant will be able to receive:

  • Full name of the vehicle owner;
  • Contact details;
  • registration information;
  • passport information.

As practice shows, such information is disclosed mainly government agencies and under certain circumstances. It is almost impossible for third parties to recognize the owner by the car number. The maximum that they will be told is the person’s full name and registration. You shouldn't count on such a situation.

Reasons for permission

When can a person easily obtain permission to check a car using license plates? There are a number of circumstances that help to cope with this kind of task.

For example, these include:

  1. An offense was committed using a vehicle. It does not have to be related to traffic rules.
  2. The car was involved in an accident, and its owner fled the scene.

That's basically it. There are no longer any real reasons for an ordinary person to obtain permission to check vehicle license plates.

Let's go to the traffic police

How to find out who the car is registered to? To do this, you will need to contact the traffic police with the appropriate permission. Once the applicant has the document, he will have to:

  1. Take your passport with you.
  2. Contact your local traffic police office with a request.
  3. Provide the license plate number of the car you are looking for.
  4. Wait a while.

Traffic police officers must check the owner of the vehicle and provide information about him to the applicant. The main thing is to have permission to check with you. Otherwise you will have to use other methods.

Check on the traffic police website

How to find out who the car is registered to? You can use direct access to the official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation. This service offers absolutely free vehicle data.

If the car has been registered with the traffic police, a person will be able to find information about this event on the State Traffic Inspectorate page. Everything is extremely fast, clear and free.

The following type of guidance will help you cope with this task:

  1. Go to the traffic police website through any browser.
  2. Go to the "Services" section.
  3. Click on the line "Check car".
  4. Click on "Check registration history".
  5. Indicate the vehicle VIN or vehicle body number.
  6. Click the "Order verification" button.

A few minutes of waiting - and a person can easily obtain the car’s registration information. You can use this technique for free an infinite number of times. No special permissions are required. The service is available to absolutely everyone with access to the Internet.

Third-party services: to be or not to be?

How to find out who the car is registered to? We have already said that citizens can resort to help third party services. Is it worth using them?

Yes, but only very carefully. After all, in the process of searching for such Internet resources, a person may encounter fraudulent sites.

It is best to use the AutoCode resource. With its help, it is proposed to carry out VIN full check TS.

The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. Go to the AutoCode website.
  2. Indicate the VIN or body number of the vehicle.
  3. Click on the "Check" button.

After the scan is completed, the person will be able to see the most full information about TS. "AutoCode" offers not only information about car owners, but also characteristics of the car with photographs.

Checking de-registration

To whom can I register a car upon purchase? You need to register the vehicle to someone who will constantly drive the car.

Citizens who sold cars can at some point check the fact that the vehicle has been deregistered. And check if you registered new owner auto property for yourself.

It's not as difficult as it seems. Just follow these instructions:

  1. Take documents with you: passport, purchase and sale agreement.
  2. Fill out the application in the prescribed form.
  3. Submit a request to deregister the vehicle and check the relevant vehicle data.
  4. Get your hands on information that is relevant today.

In order to use the reception, you will have to wait 10 days after purchasing the car. If the buyer does not deliver the vehicle on time, the seller can report the car as stolen or deregister the car himself.

Vehicle registration in person

Registering a car with the traffic police does not take much time. Typically, a request must be submitted to the traffic police within 10 days after the transaction for the purchase of property is completed.

Let's consider the procedure for registering a car through a personal application. You can do this by following these instructions:

  1. Collect documents: passport, application, purchase and sale agreement, certificates for the car.
  2. Contact the traffic police for registration.
  3. Submit a request for vehicle registration.
  4. Pass the inspection and pay the fee.
  5. Pick up STS, PTS with new data.

That's all. The cost of registering a car with the traffic police varies. The price depends on several factors. More precisely, from the documents that are required to be received after registration.

The fee for registering a vehicle with the issuance of new license plates is 2,850 rubles. Of them:

  • STS - 500 rubles;
  • PTS adjustment - 350 rubles;
  • license plate - 2000 rubles.

Accordingly, sometimes you have to pay less. If a citizen pays the fee through Gosuslugi, you can make the payment with a 30% discount.

Online registration

The traffic police do not always tell you who the car is registered to. But the traffic police can register the vehicle without any problems. For example, via the Internet.

Instructions for registering a car through State Services look like this:

  1. Authorization on the portal "Public Services".
  2. Go to the section "Catalogue" - "State Traffic Police".
  3. Click on the line "Vehicle registration".
  4. Selecting the appropriate item.
  5. Filling out the application.
  6. Submitting a request to the traffic police.
  7. Choosing a convenient place to receive documentation.
  8. Payment of state duty.

After the application is reviewed, the citizen will be sent an invitation to the traffic police. All that remains is to take the documents prepared in advance and appear at the registration authority. Registration of the car with the traffic police will be carried out according to the established rules. Now everyone can cope with the task.

I am glad to welcome you to the pages of my blog! And today we will continue to study the issue PTS checks car before purchasing. You will learn how to check the title when buying a car, how to distinguish an original from a fake, and I will also talk about the degrees of passport security technical means.

In order not to be left without a car and without money, be sure to check the documents for the car before completing the purchase and sale transaction.

Types of PTS crafts

PTS is the main document of the vehicle, containing information about the main technical specifications TS, identification numbers units (VIN code, engine number, frame, chassis), history of registration procedures: change of owner, change in technical characteristics and units.

Just like a citizen’s passport, scammers forge a car passport.

On automotive market There are two types of fake PTS floating around:

  1. False car passport . The document, from the form itself to the data, is completely forged.
  2. PTS washed or partially forged . The original State Sign form is taken, accordingly it has all the security elements, but with the help of certain technologies the data or some letters, numbers that need to be changed are erased, this could be the PTS number, region, serial number PTS, etc.

Next to the cleared fields, carefully with pinpoint precision for specific car the necessary data is entered. It is quite difficult to determine a washed passport, because... it is made on the state sign form. It contains absolutely all the degrees of protection that should be present (read more about this below). Take a closer look at the document; it should not look like it has been washed.

Data reconciliation

Let's start with the simplest thing: comparing the document with the car being inspected. When inspecting the car in person, do not be lazy to check the VIN code in the documents with the wine on the car. About where the VIN number may be located on various machines, you will learn from .

By checking the engine number with the number in the documents. Look at the nameplate, perhaps you will find the year of manufacture on it.

Well, the rest of the data must match the actual car in front of you: color, license plate, engine size, chassis number.

The most common thing is that the PTS series must match the code of the region in which the document was originally issued.

If a document for a foreign-assembled car was issued by the traffic police, and not by customs, then we can say with 99.9% certainty that it is a duplicate. A duplicate requires a more thorough check. Why? .

Rely on protection, but don’t be timid either

Let me remind you once again: before starting to inspect the car, first of all you should check the documents for the car so as not to pay for diagnostics in vain. No matter how good it looks, and no matter how tempting the price, be sure to start by checking the documents if you do not want to buy a set of spare parts or face forensic examinations. Even if you buy a car from a person you know well, maybe he doesn’t even know that he is selling with fake documents; he himself once bought one. It also happens that the fake is not immediately revealed.

Let's look at the main differences between a complete fake and an original PTS. Of course, most of them can be seen with a special device, but a flashlight and a magnifying glass will also contribute to a better view.

The main degrees of protection of the PTS form:

  1. Letterpress printing of the passport number, i.e. depression in places of the image: clear and even edges of the strokes, thickening of the dye along the edges of the strokes, which gives the feeling of edges.
  2. Special paper is used; it has a certain texture and a specific pattern, which does not lose clarity when viewed closely through a magnifying glass.
  3. Infrared marks (elements that disappear in the infrared glow) are applied. When exposed to infrared light, the machine in the upper right corner of the back of the form disappears. On the spread, the typewriter in the upper left corner is barely visible, and the inscription “special marks” disappears.
  4. 3D printing is also used. The words “vehicle passport” are embossed to the touch. On the reverse side there is a sign in the shape of a flower; in addition to being three-dimensional, it also changes color when tilted.
  5. Ultraviolet tags that glow when illuminated by an ultraviolet lamp.
  6. The hologram is round or in the form of a strip (on old PTS). Clear and easy to read. This is the main protection, it is difficult to fake it with high definition. There should be no sticker feel to the touch; the hologram and the form are one whole. The hologram depicts a traffic police car with an inscription on windshield"RUSSIA RUSSIA"
  7. Water marks. When the PTS form is scanned, a three-dimensional (volumetric) watermark “RUS” is visible on it. X-raying the form can also reveal “washed out” data.

Saddle up early

It is advisable to ask for the vehicle’s vin code to be sent to you via SMS before inspecting the car. And through some service you will get acquainted with the exact data of the car. These data should not differ in any way from the data in the PTS. Now some sellers also indicate the VIN code in the ad.

On the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate website you can view the history of registration actions, check for search warrants, restrictions on registration, and have recently been keeping records of vehicle participation in road accidents. Use various online resources to check your car. you can read about how to check a car for collateral and credit.

Do not hesitate to be annoying and meticulous; if the seller has nothing to hide, then he will allow all checks to be carried out.

I'm waiting for you on the pages of my blog again! Ask questions, I will look into them with pleasure.

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A vehicle passport is a document that contains information about the technical characteristics of the car, information about the owner, etc. Issued by the manufacturer and official bodies, including the traffic police and the Customs Service. For drivers who purchase a used car, checking the title is a priority.

Why do you need a PTS check?

PTS check makes it possible to protect against car purchases:

  1. Pledged— if the previous owner has not repaid the loan, the bank can take the vehicle away from the new owner. How to check a car for collateral and credit upon purchase -;
  2. After an accident– often damaged vehicles are sold after cosmetic repairs;
  3. Stolen- if the owners changed too often, then this may indicate theft;
  4. Deregistered for disposal. It will be impossible for the new owner to register the car.

We looked at it especially for you - independently, online, paid and free.

Checking your car's title at the traffic police is a fairly reliable way to find out about past accidents.

How to unlock a car using a vehicle's passport

There are several ways to check a car's title. Let's look at them in detail.

According to the traffic police database in person

By contacting the traffic police, you will receive detailed information - the presence of unpaid fines, whether the car was involved in an accident, and more. To view this information, you need to present your PTS number and a document proving your identity.

Public services

There is an opinion that it is possible to check a car through a government service. However, on this moment the site does not offer such a service. Only vehicle registration is possible.


Using other Internet resources. At the moment, there are many services online that provide similar services. Some of them offer additional information for which you will need to pay.

Table 1. Pivot table Internet resources for checking a car online.

Autocode verification is so reliable that it was added as a separate option to the ad delivery filters in mobile version AUTO.RU applications

How to check a car through the traffic police website

To obtain detailed information, you will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the traffic police website;
  2. Go to the “Services” section, where you can start checking the four proposed options;
  3. Next, enter the vehicle title number, license plate information or chassis number. After this, you will be able to see the results of the query.

On the site the entire history of your requests is saved, so you can come back to them later. The main disadvantage of this service is the untimely updating of data.

Methods for checking PTS authenticity

There are often cases when, after purchase, the driver discovers that the documents for him are fake, and the unit numbers are changed. To prevent this from happening, when examining the technical equipment passport, pay attention to:

  1. Ornament passports. Upon detailed examination, it should not lose clarity;
  2. Hologram. It should read well. Hologram falsification is the most complex process for scammers, so the discrepancy should be obvious;
  3. Watermark"RUS". To see it, hold the paper to the window or shine it with your phone;
  4. Drawing in the form of a rose. Located on the back side. Depending on the lighting, the pattern changes color.

Hologram is the most reliable way document protection.

To make sure that the PTS is not forged, it is better to use the safety inspection website traffic, as described in the paragraph above.

Also, if you decide to check a car for purchase/sale through the service of the AVTO.RU platform, at the same time they will check not only the condition of the vehicle, but also the PTS itself.

Link to AUTO.RU service for vehicle inspection.

Duplicate PTS

Many buyers have doubts when the seller provides a duplicate instead of the original. It is almost no different from the source, except for the entry “Duplicate. Issued in exchange for No.......". It also indicates the number and series of the original document.

A duplicate is issued in the following cases:

  1. When the number of previous owners is so large that there is no longer room for new ones;
  2. If the original was lost;
  3. When the owner changed personal data.

To find out if the duplicate is genuine, pay attention to the same elements as when checking the PTS itself.

How to find out whether a car is pledged or not

When buying a car with low mileage, there is a risk that the seller will be revealed as a fraudster.

Eat several factors that can confirm the fact that the car is in collateral:

  • The seller provides a copy of the PTS. If the vehicle is pledged, then the original is most likely in the bank;
  • The sale occurs a short period of time after purchasing the car;
  • The cost is reduced by 10-20 percent;
  • The seller does not provide documents for the purchase - probably there is information there that it was purchased as collateral.

Features of PTS for foreign cars

Most cars in Russia are foreign cars. When purchasing, look to see if there are restrictions on sales. To do this, study paragraph 20 of the PTS, all customs restrictions are indicated there. If such are present, this indicates that the previous owner did not comply with customs requirements.

Also, you should become suspicious if:

  1. There was a duplicate issued in the shortest possible time after the source is released;
  2. Country of origin TS is Lithuania or Belarus. Eat high probability that the car was restored after an accident or assembled from different parts.

Lithuanian craftsmen can assemble a car from several after an accident and sell it as undamaged and unpainted to Russia.

We also described how to correctly check the registration or deregistration of a car after the sale.

Demand that the owner show the original passport of the technical device. If it is impossible to provide the original, then responsibly approach the verification of all data, carry out visual inspection duplicate. In addition, it is recommended to identify the car using the VIN code and registration numbers.