How to control a robot box. How to drive a robotic gearbox. Robot gearbox, what it is and how it works. How to ride a robot box

What's happened robotic gearbox? Robotic gearbox(another name is automated gearbox, common name - robot box) is a manual transmission in which the clutch release and gear shift functions are automated. Automation of these functions became possible through the use of electronic components in the control of the box.

The robotic gearbox combines comfort, reliability and fuel efficiency manual transmission. At the same time, the “robot” is for the most part much cheaper classic automatic transmission.

Currently, almost all leading automakers equip their cars with robotic gearboxes. All boxes have their own proprietary names and differ in design.

At the same time, we can highlight the following general robotic gearbox device:

Robot boxes can have electric or hydraulic drive clutch and gears. In an electric drive, the executive bodies are servomechanisms (electric motors). The hydraulic drive is carried out using hydraulic cylinders. Depending on the type of drive, robotic gearboxes have established names:

  • actual robotic gearboxes ( electric drive);
  • sequential gearboxes ( hydraulic drive).

The name “sequential” gearbox comes from sequensum - sequence, meaning sequential gear shifting in manual mode.

In many sources of information, gearboxes have one common name - robotic.

Electric drive clutches and gears have the following box designs:

  • Easytronic from Opel;
  • MultiMode from Toyota.

Significantly more “robot” designs have hydraulic drive:

  • SMG, DCT M Drivelogic from BMW;
  • DSG from Volkswagen;
  • S-Tronic from Audi;
  • Senso Drive from Citroen;
  • 2-Tronic from Peugeot;
  • Dualogic from Fiat.

Control system robotic gearbox includes the following structural elements:

In robotic boxes with hydraulic drive, the control system also includes hydraulic control unit, which provides direct control of hydraulic cylinders and pressure in the system.

Operating principle of a robotic gearbox is as follows: based on the input sensor signals, the electronic control unit generates a box control algorithm depending on external conditions and implements it through actuators. Upon command from the electronic control unit, hydraulic cylinders (or electric motors) right moment open and close the clutch, and also engage the appropriate gear. The driver, using the selector, only sets the desired mode of operation of the robot: for example, forward or reverse.

All robotic boxes have a mode manual switching gears, similar . For example, the 2-Tronic gearbox is capable of operating in three modes. The first one is fully automatic. In this case, the driver may not think about changing gears at all and drive as if he were using a regular automatic transmission. The second is the so-called semi-mechanical, which is activated if the driver decides to change gear himself using the steering wheel paddles without leaving automatic mode. This situation arises, for example, when overtaking, when it is necessary to urgently switch “lower”. If there is no sharp acceleration or after returning to normal driving mode, the box will switch back to automatic mode after a while. The third option for operating the gearbox is completely manual. The choice of gear rests only with the driver, however, not everything is in his power - when reaching maximum speed the computer will give a command to switch to the next stage.

The main disadvantage of the first robotic gearboxes was the long gear shift time (up to 2 s), which led to dips and jerks in the vehicle dynamics and reduced the comfort of driving the vehicle. A solution to this problem was found in the use of a gearbox with two clutches, which ensured gear shifting without interrupting the power flow.

The entire algorithm of operation of a box with two clutches boils down to the fact that while the first gear is working, the second is already waiting for engagement, and as soon as the control unit gives the command, the second clutch, the external one, is engaged. input shaft and second gear. Further along the thumb, the third gear is waiting for the signal, etc. Shift time is reduced to a minimum; even the driver will not be able to shift the manual transmission so quickly.

This technical solution implemented in DSG, S-Tronic gearboxes (gear shift time 0.2-0.4 s), as well as SMG and DCT M Drivelogic gearboxes (gear shift time 0.1 s), installed on sports cars BMW company.

Currently, the most common and technically advanced are robotic boxes DSG gears and S-Tronic. S-Tronic box is an analogue of the DSG box, but unlike it, it is installed on the rear and four-wheel drive vehicles.

Car enthusiasts who decide to buy a car with a robotic gearbox often wonder how to drive with such a system? In this article we will look at how to use the robot box. An automatic robotic gearbox, commonly called a robot box, is a regular manual transmission that contains a compact electronic unit, electronic control clutch and automated gear shifting. The robot box combines reliability, comfort and fuel efficiency. Today, almost all automakers equip their cars with such boxes, each of them has its own unique design and patented name. What’s most interesting is that the “robot” is cheaper than a classic automatic transmission.

Robotic gearbox

One of the branches of development of mechanical transmissions led to the creation of a robotic gearbox, which combined the reliability of a “mechanics” with the convenience of an “automatic”. Due to the fact that all the driver’s work began to be performed by actuators - servos of the unit, the characteristics increased. Now the electronic unit takes care of gear shifting itself. All a person needs to do is set the selector to the desired position, as in a gearbox, and enjoy the ride.

There are robots with manual gear shift mode. For example, a 2-Tronic box can serve in three modes. The first is automatic, when a person does not touch the gears at all. The second is semi-mechanical, in case the driver wants to control the clutch independently, for example, when overtaking another car and at the same time is in automatic mode. The third mode is completely manual, where everything depends only on the driver.

As for the lovers drive fast, then a cam robotic gearbox is just right for them. It is the fastest of all types of robotic boxes; you can switch speeds in 0.15 seconds. Cars with such a box contain a clutch pedal, but it is used only when vehicle starts moving. Next, the switching occurs as in sports motorcycle– without using the clutch.

Preselective gearbox

Manual transmission may have electric or hydraulic clutch drive. In the first version, the “organs” are servomechanisms (electric motors). As for hydraulic, everything here is based on hydraulic cylinders. Automakers such as Peugeot, Fiat, Renault, BMW, Volkswagen, Citroen and others equip their robotic gearboxes with a hydraulic drive. Concerning electric drive, then the following companies work with it: Ford, Opel, Nissan, Toyota, Mitsubishi. Other companies Korean manufacturers they have not yet decided to introduce robots due to the complexity of design and maintenance.

Operating principle of a robotic gearbox

Manual transmission has the same principle of operation as manual transmission. It has the same three shafts: driven, intermediate and driving, the same gears and gear ratios. As mentioned above, robots are controlled by servos, otherwise known as actuators. These devices engage and disengage the shaft gears, and also connect and disconnect the box with the engine flywheel. Control over the process was taken over by an electronic unit that sends commands to a hydraulic drive or electric motor. Based on the input sensor signals, the block generates a control algorithm that depends on external conditions, and implements it through actuators. All the driver can do is use the paddle selector to change gears.

Automatic transmission with torque converter

Robotic dual-clutch gearboxes

Since in the first robotic gearboxes the clutch switching time is slow (up to 2 s), leading to freezes and shocks in the dynamics, it was decided to eliminate the problem by creating a robotic gearbox with double clutch, which transfers speeds without interrupting the power flow. The technology originated in the late 80s of the last century. The point is that the two clutches work alternately, and not both at once. Together with the double clutch, the preselective gearboxes contain two more input shafts.

The algorithm is as follows: while the first gear is in effect, the start signal goes to the second. Thus, the torque is transferred first to the drive shaft, while the next one waits its turn, being already engaged through the second input shaft, but still disconnected from the drive shaft. Thus, switching time is reduced to a minimum, which cannot be done with manual transmission. Thanks to the design of the two clutches, the ride on the vehicle is smooth and soft, however, in terms of design, such a device is quite complex and its maintenance can be expensive. It is possible to observe a similar technical solution on DSG, S-Tronic, SMG and DCT M Drivelogic gearboxes, which are usually used for sports cars BMW company.

Is it necessary to warm up the box?

Let's move on to consider the question of how to ride a robot in terms of operating features. Many people are concerned about whether it is necessary to warm up the manual transmission in winter? In fact, the robot does not need to warm up, but we think it won’t be superfluous. Because during stagnation, the oil in the box flows down and thickens under the influence of frost. To warm it up for normal operation, you just need to stand for a few minutes with the engine running; during this time, you do not need to move the selector. Then you need to move off smoothly, moving evenly without jerking with minimal speed, you need to drive about a kilometer.

In summer, for the oil to spread throughout the system, one minute will be enough. If you do not warm up the car, the oil may poorly lubricate the bearing, and this will cause incomplete alignment of the disk, basket and friction, followed by overheating.

Some useful tips:

Starting the climb, overcoming it, descending

Some cars with manual transmission are not equipped with a hill start assist function; for this reason, you yourself need to learn how to drive correctly in such situations. You need to behave with a robotic gearbox in exactly the same way as with a manual transmission. We put the selector in mode “A” and slowly press the accelerator, simultaneously removing the car from the handbrake. This will help prevent the car from rolling backwards. Before this, it is advisable to practice in order to feel and understand at what moment the clutch begins to engage and you can remove the handbrake.

If you need to climb a mountain in winter, it is better to switch to manual control by setting first gear or “M1” mode. Remember that the gas pressure should be maximum, this will not cause slipping. When the car has a gyroscope and the automatic mode is selected on a climb, the box will begin to switch to necessary transmissions. The robot itself determines the position and begins to change speeds - mostly to lower ones. Depending on the situation, you can move the lever to “M” mode and record the current speed. When the speed does not suit you, you can select the necessary one, but you should not lower the speed below 2500 and exceed 5000. During the descent, you don’t need to do anything, it will be enough to simply switch the selector to mode “A” and remove the handbrake.

Scheme of operation of manual transmission

Urban conditions/stop, parking

There are opinions that the robot box gets along less well in city conditions with traffic jams, and this shortens its service life. Advice: after stopping the car completely, the selector must be set to neutral mode “N”, put on the handbrake and then turn off the engine. If the stops are short-term, then there is no need to switch the selector to neutral mode; be in position “A”. Since the clutch remains depressed when stopping, during traffic jams or traffic lights there is a delay of more than a minute better engine jam.

Other modes

There are additional applications of systems in addition to the basic ones discussed. Thus, some robotic boxes are equipped with a position – sport and winter, otherwise known as “snowflake”. The “Snowflake” mode is needed to create a smooth ride on a slippery path. It provides movement, smoothly transferring from second gear to increased speed.
The “sport” position creates a transition to high gears at high speed, which allows for rapid acceleration.

Machine with robot box

How to ride robotic box We've looked at the gears correctly, now we'll give some practical advice:

  1. At the start, you should not squeeze the gas; when you need to increase speed, you should press the pedal confidently, but smoothly.
  2. It is better to initialize in service center several times a year - this will minimize twitching and jerking.
  3. When accelerating, follow the logic of the manual transmission.

In progressive vehicle models, various forms of gearboxes are installed. Most widespread received the following options: mechanical, automatic, CVT. A manual transmission is characterized by a high degree of reliability; on the other hand, it requires a person to have good machine control skills. The second option is much easier to use, but a little “capricious” in technically. As can be seen, the characteristics of both types include unique features: advantages and disadvantages. It is for this reason that the designers created another gearbox, which has significant differences from other varieties. The robot box is increasingly used when equipping cars.

Appearance of manual transmission

This variety is not so complicated when it comes to its structure. The structure includes a mechanical box and an electronic unit designed for control. The finished product has a full range of functions previously performed by a manual motorist. This includes, in particular: moving the lever to a certain position, squeezing the clutch, and so on. The expanded functionality is partly due to the presence of actuators, that is, servos that are located inside the unit.

Structure of a robotic box

To the main advantages new development include reliability and ease of use. A person driving a car with a robot only needs to move the selector to the desired position and enjoy driving. The electronic unit takes care of ensuring that gear shifts are carried out correctly. I would like to note that most robotic boxes are equipped with manual controls, which gives the driver the opportunity to drive the box and control the car independently. There is only one difference, which is the absence of pressing the clutch.

Scheme of operation of manual transmission

How to drive a robotic gearbox?

Some of the robot’s operating formats differ when compared with an automatic model. The list of unique operating modes includes:

  1. “N” is the neutral option, during which the motor continues to function, rotation is transmitted to the equipment, but it does not go to the wheels, which is explained by the location of the gears. The mode is more relevant to use when parking for a long time, as well as before the start and after the car has stopped.
  2. "R" - move backward. In order to enter this mode, the car enthusiast must move the selector to a given position, due to which the car begins to move backward.
  3. "A/M" (sometimes called "E/M") - forward movement. This mode is the same as mode “D”, which is in all boxes automatic type. When using it, the car moves forward, and the gearbox itself performs the shift. When the “M” mode is activated, control is carried out manually. By moving the selector to a certain position, the user selects the mode that he needs in this moment time.
  4. “+”, “-” - designed to change gears. Briefly moving the selector to the plus or minus side can ensure gear shifting when selecting the control mode manually.
  5. Heating requirement

From the very first days of using a vehicle with a manual transmission, you can understand that there is nothing difficult in driving. You will understand how to use the new product, because for proper control you just need to move the selector to the selected position and move along the highway. But in order for the device to function without any problems or failures, you need to know how to operate it.

Do you need to warm up your car in winter?

How to control a robotic gearbox? First you need to decide whether there is a need to warm up the box before using it in winter time. If you use an automatic device, then you know that in cold weather you cannot do without pre-warming, which is done by briefly moving the selector to all existing positions.

Driving a car with a robotic gearbox does not require additional manipulations, even if outside the window subzero temperature. However, in winter the gearbox should still be prepared for upcoming use. The fact is that while the car is standing, the oil inside the device flows down and, due to low temperatures, its consistency changes: the substance becomes much thicker.

For this reason, in the cold season, it is recommended to start the engine and wait some time for the oil to warm up and distribute throughout all the elements that make up the box. This will reduce friction and reduce wear on parts in contact with each other. For the process to be successful, you need to wait two minutes and start the engine.

Then you can smoothly, trying not to sharp jerks, move a kilometer, which will contribute to optimal heating of the oil fluid.

In this case, it is absolutely not necessary to move the selector to different positions; it is enough to leave it in neutral mode.

Features of driving with a robotic gearbox

Most of the cars equipped with the most advanced models of gearboxes are not equipped with a start assist system for lifting, and therefore experts recommend starting the movement yourself. In such a situation, you need to act as in the case of a mechanized gearbox, that is, the selector should be switched to mode “A”, and then press the accelerator, while simultaneously removing the car from the handbrake. This will eliminate the possibility that the vehicle will start to roll back. It is worth practicing in advance in performing these actions in order to learn how to control, feel the engine and immediately recognize the moment when the clutch has already engaged and you need to remove the car from the handbrake.

Have you used a car in winter? In this case, you know that in order to use the manual mode by setting the first gear, it is not recommended to accelerate hard, otherwise there is some risk that the wheels will start to slip.

When driving uphill in a certain mode, selected automatically, the device, without human assistance, goes into a higher low gears, which can be explained from a logical point of view: when too high speed it's much easier to climb. The manual transmission is equipped with a gyroscope that determines the location of the car in space. If the indicator shows a rise, the device begins to work adequately to the situation. It is possible to move in manual mode; to do this, you need to lock the selected gear. We must not forget that the gearbox does not allow tight movement, and therefore, when climbing, the engine speed changes and is at least 2500 rpm.

During the descent, nothing is required from the person driving the machine. He just needs to move the selector lever to position “A” and remove the standing brake. In such a situation, the car will slow down due to the motor.

How to stop?

The issue of stopping and parking is also important for drivers. It is very important to know how to drive correctly so that your car will serve you well for a long time. After the car has completely stopped, you need to move the selector lever to “N” mode, set the standing brake, and turn off the engine. During short stops, moving the lever to the specified mode is not necessary. It is allowed to remain in mode “A”, but we must not forget that during a stop the clutch remains depressed. Therefore, when standing at a traffic light or in a traffic jam, if the delay lasts for an indefinite period, you need to switch to neutral mode.

What other modes exist?

Listed above are the basic rules that should be followed when driving a car with a robotic gearbox. However, there are other features that you should be aware of. For example, some products require auxiliary modes, and not just those listed above. These are such types of gears as: sports and winter (it is also called “snowflake”). The last of the presented modes is needed in order to safely navigate along an ice-covered track. It provides a smooth transition to higher speeds.

There are several automobile transmissions in the world. The most popular are manual transmission and automatic. At the moment, many popular manufacturers have begun to use a robotic version in their new products. In the article we will look at what it is - a robotic gearbox, what reviews it receives and whether it has advantages and disadvantages.

Box characteristics

The robot gearbox is essentially mechanical, it just has an additional built-in automatic clutch and gear shifting. Accordingly, the operation of the transmission is completely dependent not on the driver, as in other options, but on the electronic controlled unit. The driver only has to correctly transmit incoming information for correct operation transmissions.


We will look at which gearbox is better, automatic or robot, a little later; first we need to know the device of the new invention. The automated gearbox received a friction type clutch. This is a package of disks, or a built-in separate mechanism. The most reliable and durable design can be called the one that has a double clutch. Volkswagen Golf became the first car in the world to be equipped with a robotic gearbox. Reviews about the operation of the device were quite good, everyone noted a good response from the electronics, as well as ideal functionality during overclocking. At the same time, the power flow was not interrupted. This is achieved by using a double clutch. In this case, switching speeds takes no more than 1 second. When working on Russian roads, unfortunately, the service life similar box gears are reduced by at least half.


The clutch drive can be electric or hydraulic. In the first case, it should be noted that there is an electric motor and mechanical transmission. The second type of drive works due to the functioning of special cylinders that are controlled by a valve electromagnetic type. In some cases, the robotic gearbox, the variator of which is well designed, is equipped with an electric motor. It moves the cylinders and is also designed to maintain the operation of the hydromechanical unit. A similar device that has a drive of this type is distinguished by the duration of the gear shift speed. As a rule, it varies from 0.3 to 0.5 seconds. However, when compared with hydraulic analogues, the system will not need to constantly maintain a certain pressure. A striking example A similar car is the Opel; the robotic gearbox on this car generally pleases many drivers.

Hydraulic gearboxes have a fast cycle, which provides gear changes in a time of 0.05 to 0.06 seconds. That is why such a transmission is most often used on racing cars and supercars. Examples are Ferrari and Lamborghini. On machines that belong to budget class, such a gearbox cannot be supplied to a service station even as an additional option.

How does a checkpoint robot work?

Most of the mechanisms are regulated by special intelligent robot gearbox units. What it is? Thanks to this, that is, work electronic system, you can track everything required parameters for the gearbox. The sensors also analyze the position of the transmission, oil pressure and other parameters for transmission to the main unit. After this, the electronics will form everything necessary actions, which should be performed. In the form of short signals, they will be sent to the electric drive and electric valves, respectively, this will allow the gearbox to quickly but smoothly switch.

Operating modes

The design of the automatic variator and the robotic gearbox remains unclear to many. This device works on mechanical principles. However, if the user wishes, it can be switched to automation. After a person switches to the appropriate mode, the electronic unit will be blocked. The latter will begin to analyze the algorithm itself. The driver only needs to press the gas pedal and monitor what is happening on the road. Quite often in traffic jams, judging by the reviews, the robotic gearbox becomes indispensable. If the mode is manual, the driver will be allowed to independently change gears from low to high, and vice versa. Control can be carried out using a conventional gear lever.

Relevance of the box in Russia

Unfortunately, domestic producers Robotic gearboxes are practically never used to create cars. Many drivers don’t know what it is. However, in 2015 it was announced that VAZ cars belonging to the Priora series would be equipped with a robot. This box weighs about 35 kg, and it is fully adapted to Russian roads And weather. For example, if old box the machine did not make it possible to start the car at a temperature below 25 degrees, then the robot can show Good work, even if this mark drops to -40. Guarantee period for a robotic box is 3 years, but the manufacturer stated that the average service life is 10 years. This is how the company wanted to achieve a return to popularity for the Priora series cars.


The robot gearbox has received very good reviews. Let's consider its main advantages. Many people say that it is convenient when the gearbox has all the advantages of an automatic and manual transmission. Accordingly, a person, working with a machine, can receive impressions of the action automatic transmission transmission But at the same time, he doesn’t have to worry about wasting too much fuel.

The main advantage of such a gearbox is efficiency. According to users, the design received software, which rationally determines the torque. And if compared with an ordinary person, electronics do not get nervous, do not get tired, do not become depressed, and are not affected by physical activity. That is why the robotic gearbox has become widespread in the world market.

At the moment, such a transmission is equipped in cars of classes A, B, C. It should be noted that the Toyota Corolla also received a robot gearbox. More this device installed on German car Volkswagen Amarok. Moreover, this “German” can be bought in this configuration both on the Russian and European markets.

However, this is not an exhaustive list of advantages; there are several more. Judging by the reviews, this transmission is highly reliable. Replacing the mechanisms will be required only after completing a run of 250 thousand km. Often the clutch that needs to be repaired is one that does not withstand heavy loads very well, especially when it comes to driving in difficult areas. The cost of a robotic box is much less than a standard machine. Moreover, the robotic gearbox is very unpretentious in maintenance. Oil is the only thing that must be changed every 60 thousand kilometers.

Weight Features

The weight of the box is quite an important issue. By this parameter The transmission performs better than the automatic, as it is much lighter. The curb weight of such a box for passenger cars will be no more than 50 kg, while the weight of the machine only starts from this mark and reaches 100 kg in maximum positions. Accordingly, with a robot the car will be lighter, that is, the shock absorbers, wheels and engine do not experience heavy load.


We have already looked at what an automatic robot box is, and we have also discussed the advantages of a machine running on such a device. However, it also has its drawbacks. You should find out which ones. For example, the main disadvantage is the speed of gear shifting. Because of this, a lot of pressure can be placed on the car, especially if a person is stuck in a traffic jam. Often the car accelerates with jerks, which is more suitable for sport riding. That is why for all lovers of quiet driving, the manufacturers of such gearboxes install a special mode. And if this problem can be dealt with, then the safety of driving on slopes in such a car is a rather pressing issue.

The robotic gearbox does not receive constant signals from the engine. That is why it can often turn off, and accordingly, the car will roll down the slope. But, fortunately, judging by the reviews, few people found themselves in such a situation. In general, taking into account all the negative aspects, this box can still be called one of the best.

Today, cars with a robotic gearbox (,) are serious competitors to the classic ones for a number of reasons. First of all, the robotic gearbox is cheaper to produce; manual transmission also allows for high fuel efficiency, which is especially important given the tough environmental standards and standards.

At the same time, at first glance it may seem that, but this is not so. Taking into account certain features and design differences, you need to know how to use the robot box to achieve maximum comfort when driving and extend the life of the unit.

Read in this article

How to use a robotic gearbox correctly

First of all, a robotic gearbox is actually a gearbox in which control, as well as gear selection and switching on/off, is carried out automatically. In other words, the robotic gearbox is still the same “mechanics”, only the gears are switched without driver participation.

We also note that the robotic transmission also has a manual (semi-automatic) mode, that is, the driver can independently upshift and downshift in the same way as Tiptronic on an automatic transmission. It becomes clear that manual transmission manufacturers are trying to imitate classic machine gun to simplify interaction. For this reason, the robot has similar modes.

  • Like the automatic transmission, there is an “N” (neutral) mode. In this mode, no torque is transmitted to the wheels. This mode must be turned on when idle with the engine running, if the car is being towed, etc. Mode "R" (reverse) means moving backwards.
  • Also, the robot box has A/M or E/M modes, which is analogous to D (drive) mode for moving forward. This designation is typical for simple “single-disc” manual transmissions, that is, the box has only one clutch. It should be noted that dual-clutch robotic gearboxes (for example, DSG) have a mode designated by the letter D (drive), as on conventional automatic transmissions.
  • As for the M mode, this means that the box is switched to mode manual control(similar to Tiptronic), and the “+” and “-” designations indicate where to move the selector to upshift or downshift. Let's also add that on DSG-type boxes, manual mode control can be done in the form of a separate button on the selector.

Operation of a robotic gearbox: nuances

So, if your car has an automatic transmission (robot), we will look at how to use such a gearbox below. It would seem that, this box similar to an automatic transmission in operating principle and not much different from its analogue. In other words, you only need to move the selector to one position or another, after which the car will start moving, and further driving will look like a car with a classic automatic transmission.

Let us immediately note that a manual transmission is very different from an automatic transmission. For this reason, you need to know how to control a robot gearbox, as well as properly operate such a gearbox.

  • Let's start with warming up, that is, is it necessary to warm up the robot box in winter? As is known, for , since transmission oil (ATF fluid) should liquefy a little. At the same time, the requirements for a robotic box are less stringent.

To put it simply, a single-disc robot needs to be heated in the same way as conventional mechanics. As for the DSG, especially with a “wet” clutch, it takes a little longer to warm up such a manual transmission, since it contains a large volume of transmission fluid.

In any case, for both manual and manual transmission, regardless of type, general rules similar. It is important to understand that during idle time the oil in the box drains and thickens at low temperatures. This means that the engine must idle for a certain time so that the oil has time to spread throughout the cavities of the gearbox.

At the same time, unlike automatic transmission, the selector in different modes there is no need to translate, that is, it is enough to turn on neutral N. Further movement should be in a gentle mode, without sudden starts, at low speed. Remember, the oil in the box takes much longer to heat up than in the engine. To transmission fluid fully warmed up and reached operating temperatures, you need to drive, on average, about 10 km.

  • Driving on ups and downs with a robot gearbox is also a point that deserves special attention. There are many models with manual transmission (usually in budget segment), which do not have a hill start assist system.

This means that you need to start uphill with a robotic gearbox in the same way as with a manual gearbox. In simple words, you will need to use the handbrake ( parking brake). First, you should tighten the handbrake, then mode A is turned on, after which the driver presses the gas pedal and at the same time removes the car from the handbrake. These actions allow you to move uphill without rolling back.

By the way, in this case you can also use not only automatic, but also manual mode, including first gear. The only thing is that you should not put too much pressure on the gas, as the wheels may slip. Let’s also add that the operating algorithm of the manual transmission assumes that such a gearbox does not allow tight movement, that is, on an ascent you need to increase the engine speed.

As for descents, in this case there is no need for any additional actions. The driver simply moves the selector to mode A or D, releases the parking brake and starts driving. When driving downhill it will appear.

  • Stopping at a traffic light, driving in a traffic jam and long-term parking. Let's start right away with short stops and traffic jams. First of all, if the stop is short (about 30-60 seconds), for example, at a traffic light, there is no need to move the selector from mode A or D to N. However, a longer stop will still require a transition to neutral.

The fact is that when the “drive” mode is turned on on the robot and the driver stops the car using the brake, the clutch remains depressed. It becomes clear that if the car is in a traffic jam or stands at a traffic light for a long time, you need to switch to “neutral” in order to protect the clutch and extend the life of this unit.

As for parking or parking, after the car is completely stopped, the manual transmission selector is moved from mode A to N, then the handbrake is tightened, after which you can release the brake pedal and turn off the car engine.

  • Additional modes of the robot box. It should be noted that the robotic box can also have modes such as S (sports) or W (winter), with the latter often indicated in the form of a “snowflake”.

Without going into details, winter mode the box transmits to the wheels “softly” to avoid slipping on snowy road or on ice. As a rule, the car in this mode starts off in second gear, and also smoothly shifts into higher gears. In sport mode, the robot gearbox shifts to higher gears at high speeds, which improves throttle response and acceleration dynamics. At the same time, fuel consumption also increases.

Let’s also add that while driving, the robotic gearbox allows you to switch from automatic to manual mode and back. This means that the driver can upshift and downshift on the fly. However, get full control It will not work on the operation of the gearbox, since the mode is semi-automatic.

This feature is a “protection”, since lowering the gears two steps down can lead to the engine speed “stuck”, the shift moment will be accompanied by a shock, a strong load on the transmission, etc. In other words, engaging a particular gear is possible only if the range of permissible revolutions and vehicle speed specified in allow the driver to engage the gear selected by the driver.

As a rule, drivers who have previously driven cars with a classic automatic transmission note certain features and differences of simple robotic gearboxes with one clutch.

This gearbox (single-disk robot) can “delay” gear shifting, is “thoughtful” when downshifting or upshifting, etc. Also, the manual transmission may not work entirely correctly when sharp pressing on the accelerator and is more suitable for a quiet ride.

To accelerate sharply, it is optimal to switch to manual mode, and also press the gas smoothly to minimize delays and dips. As for engine braking, this effect is quite acceptable in automatic mode.

Also, manual transmission is characterized by slight shocks when changing gears. The thing is that the push appears at the moment when the clutch “closes”. You can avoid such jolts by intuitively guessing when the electronics initiate switching, and releasing the gas a little before such a switch.

Let us also add that the similarity with mechanics and the presence manual mode still does not mean that a car with a robot can actively slip. The fact is that if the driver “sears” the clutch on a manual transmission, then the wear of the unit and the moment of on/off is compensated by changing the travel of the clutch pedal, and the driver himself also feels the moment when the mechanism is turned on and off, etc.

In the case of a robot, the electronics simply do not “know how” to take such wear into account, which leads to a deviation from the programmed grip point, that is, a violation of the calibration of precisely tuned actuators. For this reason, once every 10-15 thousand km it is necessary to initialize (train) the robot box, since ignoring of this rule may lead to .

What's the result?

Considering the above information, it is clear that among all the robotic boxes the best option can be considered a preselective robot with two clutches (for example,).

These gearboxes do not have many of the disadvantages of single-disc manual transmissions, and also provide maximum comfort and high fuel efficiency. It should also be noted that a robot with a double “wet” clutch, with proper maintenance and operation, has longer period services compared to analogues

As for driving, the differences between manual transmissions and automatic transmissions appear to a greater extent in the case of single-disc robotic gearboxes. If the car is equipped with such a gearbox, before starting active operation it is recommended to separately study the operating features of the transmission. of this type on practice.

Finally, we note that in the case of DSG and analogues, especially if the vehicle has a hill start assist system, the driver will not notice much of a difference between an automatic transmission and a manual transmission. The main recommendation in this case remains only the need to transfer the transmission from “drive” to “neutral” when idle for more than 1-2 minutes.

Read also

DSG gearbox (DSG): design, operating principle, distinctive features. Reliability, DSG resource, types of robotic DSG boxes, adviсe.

  • AMT gearbox: design and operation of a robotic gearbox, types of robotic gearboxes. Advantages and disadvantages of robotic transmission.