Is it worth buying tires older than 2 years? How is the year of manufacture of a tire related to quality? Storage, age-related cracks in the cord

Magazine "Wheels" and Internet portal K olesa.Ru, together with the distribution network "", conducted a small study on what car owners who come to buy new tires most often ask sellers.

Without claiming the laurels of Gallup or VTsIOM, we simply compiled a small list of the most popular questions and tried to briefly answer them.

How noisy?

The topic of acoustic comfort concerns many car owners. The theory behind the question looks like this. All other things being equal (manufacturer, price segment), tires with a directional, V-shaped (also known as “rain”) tread pattern will be noisier.

The laws of physics apply here: when the grooves and tread blocks are arranged in a herringbone pattern, resonance inevitably occurs in the shoulder area, which causes increased noise. Therefore, if acoustic comfort is more important than higher speed stability on wet roads, it is better to take a closer look at tires with a non-directional tread pattern.

How soft?

For Russian roads The question is very relevant. The general principle here is this: the lower the profile (simply the height) of the tire, the stiffer it is and the worse it will absorb road irregularities.

If the tires have the same profile, but one sidewall is stiffer than the other, then the softer sidewall will be more comfortable when driving. But at the same time, it will be easier to damage it or even “pierce” it to the disc by driving at speed onto a pothole or tram rails.

What year?

This question has been asked quite often lately: many are looking for tires produced either this year or, at the earliest, last year.

Theoretically, such searches are a waste of time and effort, since tires can be stored for over 3 years without losing their properties. However, they must be stored correctly, and here the buyer’s concern is completely justified, since he is not able to control the storage conditions. On the other hand, tires that have been stored incorrectly for a long time can be immediately distinguished by their appearance: they are usually wrinkled, altered tires.

In any case, when buying tires, it is worth inspecting them: there should be no dents on the sidewalls, radial (“oval”) and axial (“eight”) curvatures, no abrasions or cracks; The edges and circumference of the rim must be smooth.

Where are they made?

People are constantly interested in the country of manufacture of tires. Here, first of all, buyers are afraid of Chinese production, secondly - of Russia. To this, the world's tire manufacturers unanimously declare that the quality of tires produced under their brand will always be the same, no matter where on the planet they are made.

In the production of tires, the human factor is minimized, and the main thing here lies in the components and equipment used, which are the same in all factories - whether in China, Russia, Europe, or America.

Sellers also confirm this, saying that defective tires from world brands are equally rare among tires made in Europe and in China.

What do the colored dots on the sidewall of the tire and the longitudinal stripes around the circumference of the tire mean?

The question is not asked particularly often, but regularly. Car owners are wary of any marks on their tires, considering them to be markers of downgrading or rejection. Such information wanders around the Internet or is distributed by all sorts of street “experts”.

In fact, the dots on the sidewall of the tire are a marker for balancing: for example, a red dot indicates the heaviest place on the tire, and a yellow dot indicates the lightest. Let us note, by the way, that when working on a modern balancing machine, the need for points disappears, and installers do not even look at them. For this reason, some tires do not have any dots; other manufacturers simply install them “the old fashioned way.”

As for the longitudinal lines encircling the tire along the tread, this can either be a trace from a testing machine on which the factory checks radial runout tires, or internal production markers that are applied to facilitate manipulation of different models and standard sizes of tires in stock.

What speed are they designed for?

This is also something people ask about all the time. The answer to the question is contained in the tire marking: the speed index is indicated by a capital letter of the Latin alphabet (for example, T, H, Z, V), which appears after the standard size. It is clear that it can be difficult to see something on the shelves - so they ask a specialist consultant.

You just need to keep in mind that maximum speed, at which the tire retains its adhesion properties and characteristics, the manufacturer provides for ideal track conditions, which domestic roads definitely do not correspond. Therefore, despite what is written on the tire, main guarantee safety will be compliance with traffic rules.

Does the car handle well on wet roads?

Quite a popular question. In response to this, we can recommend tires with a directional tread pattern, one of the names of which is “rain”.

However, if you do not chase extremely high-speed driving, then high-speed tires price segment, having a regular, non-directional tread pattern, performance in terms of road grip and water drainage are also at a good level.

How long will they last?

Usually this, as well as a number of subsequent questions, are asked when asking the price for a specific model. This question can be called one of the most popular, since tires, especially segment “A” (i.e. high) are not cheap; It’s clear that I want them to walk as long as possible.

There is no single criterion here - manufacturers are constantly trying to increase the mileage of their tires. But general principle is: than softer rubber tires, the faster they wear out. A softer mixture composition is usually found in “sport” class models, in which similar tread rubber is designed to provide better grip properties (the so-called “sticking”) to the road at high speeds. back side this sports medal - more rapid wear such tires.

Is there a guarantee and what does it consist of?

The question arises as a reaction to advertising in the media and “warranty” stickers on the tires themselves in the store. Here, the tire warranty is the same as any other: the manufacturer, or its representative in the form of a store, will replace a product that is found to have a manufacturing defect.

Definitely if new tire it turns out to be impossible to balance, or when inflated it does not compact, swellings appear on it - “hernias”, the store will replace such a tire without any hesitation. But when the car owner has been driving for some time and then makes a claim, changing the tire will be problematic.

Which tires are best for my car?

Popular question. So simple and lifelike. In short, compliance is important here. technical potential car and tires. Here typical example: there is no point in betting on budget foreign car expensive high-speed tires- simpler tires from the “B” segment are quite suitable here, since the dynamic capabilities of the car themselves will not be able to realize the capabilities of the tires.

And vice versa: you should not save and buy at powerful car with a sporty character budget tires, since it will not allow the full potential of such a car to be revealed.

Consultant Dmitry Vulbrun (

The questions are legitimate. Let's try to figure out whether we are doing the right thing when we buy a tire that is not “super fresh”, and what can happen to it in general during the time between leaving the assembly line and before being installed on the car. First, let's look at the official documentation, namely:



In paragraph 10 of this state standard it says the following:

10. Manufacturer's warranty

10.1 The tire warranty period is 5 years from the date of manufacture. The possibility of further operation of the tire is determined by the consumer in accordance with its technical condition.

Warranty period off-road tires and trucks 5.90-13С, 215/90-15С, 215/80R16C, 6.50-16С with tread patterns off-road and universal for the Ministry of Defense - 10 years from the date of manufacture.

In accordance with clause 5.3 of this GOST on marking, on the side surface, among others, the date of production is indicated; it is an oval-shaped stamp in which four digits are applied (previously three digits were indicated), the first two of them determine the number of the week of manufacture, the second - Year of manufacture.

For example, we come to the store to buy summer tires. Having chosen the tire size that suits us, we carefully examine the wheel.

Date of manufacture of tires 2211 - May 2011, the wheel is almost four years old Is it worth taking it or not?!

If the surface is smooth, without cracks, and of a uniform black color, then we take this wheel to a tire shop, preferably one located right next to it. With the help of a tire fitter, we put the wheel on the rim and balance it. If problems arise during the tire fitting process - the wheel is not balanced, beats, or there are generally difficulties installing it on the disk, the tire fitter will immediately inform you about this.

It is quite possible that the wheel initially contained a manufacturing defect, although frankly, this happens extremely rarely, or, what happens more often, the wheel was not stored correctly. In this case, the tire must be returned to the store, or replaced with a similar one. According to experts, the proportion of defective summer/winter tires or tires with defects caused by improper storage or transportation conditions is much less than one percent. Buying summer, winter or all season tires from trusted, reliable sellers and by changing clothes at a high-quality tire service, you significantly reduce these risks.

The summer season is over, you change the tires to winter ones, and leave the summer tires until the next change of shoes. On next year, when the time comes to put them back on, the tires will already be almost five years old. And as the same GOST 4754-97 says, the possibility of long-distance operation is determined by the consumer himself. That is, when you take out the tires, you must inspect them carefully. One of the signs of rubber aging is a change in the color of the rubber compound, a whitish coating appears on it, and small cracks on the sidewall or tread surface. If you do not find anything like this, you should check the tread depth.

A new one has been installed since January of this year. Technical regulations, which sets the following standards residual height tread - for summer tires 1.6 mm, for winter tires - 4.0 mm. So, we checked everything, appearance and the tread height comply with the standards, which means you can change them. And now, every season you will independently evaluate the possibility of using this set of summer tires, as required by the State Standard.

In conclusion, a couple more small comments.

Is it possible to purchase tires that are more than five years old?

As GOST 4754-97 says, five years is the WARRANTY life of the tire, that is, if other certain conditions are met, you can make a claim to the manufacturer if a manufacturing defect is identified. And the service life can be much longer with proper storage and use of tires.

Therefore, if you are offered a tire older than five years in a store, you should not immediately run out of the store. Inspect the wheel, if you do not detect external signs of aging and the wheel is balanced normally, you will be able to use it for more than one season.

The desire to reduce the cost of “shoes” for your “ iron horse“leads to the fact that the car enthusiast chooses cheaper car tires - from fakes of unknown brands to used tires. The main thing is that the tread condition corresponds traffic rules requirements. At the same time, car tires This is clearly not something we should save on, since by reducing expenses on them, we seriously risk our own health and even life.

Before you decide to buy “aged” car tires, used or even brand new, but stored in a warehouse for ten years, think about what their role is in ensuring the reliability and safety of driving.

A “new old” tire is a dangerous purchase

We're not talking about worn tires, but about old tires that have not been used for a long time. Unfortunately, car tires are often the subject of savings, and savings that are unjustified and inappropriate. But old tires on a car are no less dangerous to the lives of the driver and passengers than “bald” tires in icy conditions.

As you know, car tires are made of rubber. Automobile rubber is a rather complex combination of chemical elements that are very stable, but are by no means protected from external factors. Sun rays, air, and temperature changes slowly but surely decompose rubber into chemical elements, weakening the bonds between them.

Remember that rubber becomes dull over time, its consumer properties deteriorate. Moreover, this rule is equally valid even if the tires are stored in a warehouse and are not in use. Car tires that are not worn out, but have been manufactured for a long time, increase the risk of the car owner adding to the sad statistics of road accidents caused by a suddenly burst tire.

We repeat, service life car tires calculated from the date of manufacture, and not from the date of commencement of operation.

If you buy new car tires of acceptable quality, then the speed and moment at which these processes begin to actively occur are significantly delayed in time.

Used tires age by leaps and bounds

When using a tire, its aging process accelerates many times over. The reason, again, is changes in temperature, humidity, chemicals that abound on our streets, as well as driving style. By the way, it’s not for nothing that the driving style is named among negative factors causing rapid wear of rubber. Car tires suffer from high speed driving, sudden braking, overloading the vehicle, non-compliance with the recommended tire pressure, untimely use seasonal tires and other features that car enthusiasts are guilty of.

Buying used car tires that have already begun to lose elasticity and firmness means getting less grip. road surface, increased braking distances, worse handling and a tendency to skid with all the ensuing consequences. This is why used car tires are always of poor quality.

What is the lifespan of car tires?

Each country has its own life limits for tires. For car tires Russian productionup to 5 years. In developed countries of Asia and Europe, the limit is considered 3 years from the moment the tire was manufactured.
Note that we are talking again not about the service life, but about the “age” of the tire. According to experts from Germany, the tire is over 3 years old, even without mileage, i.e. simply stored in a warehouse can no longer be considered new.

Where do you think “old” unsold tires usually go? That's right, they are sold by enterprising businessmen at reduced prices to the markets of third countries, where they turn a blind eye to the quality of the products sold. Why? Yes, because exporting tires is much cheaper and more profitable than sending them for recycling. And in third countries there will always be people willing to buy these “new old” tires.

How to find out the age (date of manufacture) of a tire?

The date of manufacture of the tire is printed in relief.

The date of manufacture of the tire is shown 4 numbers surrounded by an oval. The first two digits are the week, the second two digits are the year of “birth” of the tire. For example, if the tire says “2501”, then the tire’s manufacturing date is July (25th week) 2001.

So, now you know how to determine its age by the tire markings, as well as about the dangers that old tires pose. To avoid troubles that usually begin with the words “turned around”, “suffered”, etc. and ending with a meager line in the police report “lost control”, do not skimp on car tires. Buy for your “swallow” really NEW TIRES and... Good luck on the roads!

Read with this article:

Table for selecting tires for rims and rims for tires

Tire markings - what do the letters, numbers and colored marks on tires mean?

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Clever marketers have caught motorists hooked on “fresh tires.” A successfully created myth about high quality rubber “straight from the oven” fuels the interest of drivers. Tires that have been in storage for a year or two are already considered old, and therefore are not in demand. Is there a grain of logic and justice in such a position?

When does old age begin?

The popularity of fresh rubber is increasing against the backdrop of the tire giants' secretiveness regarding the issue of aging tires. It is quite difficult to draw the line between “youth” and “oldness” of a tire, since the condition of the tire is influenced by both driving style and climatic conditions, and intensity of use. Manufacturers benefit from the fact that during active use, tires wear down faster than the warranty period for aging. Consequently, it is difficult for motorists to name the exact moment when tires reach retirement age.

Scientists have verified that tires age due to the penetration of ozone gas contained in the atmosphere into the pores of the rubber. At the same time, sulfur compounds are destroyed between the rubber molecules, and the tire becomes less elastic. If rubber has been stored and not used, the product becomes brittle and hard, and the molecules of the rubber mass “crumple.”

Pensioners on the roads

It has been theoretically established and practically confirmed that wheels older than 7-8 years are potentially dangerous. Analysts from the expert company Dekra claim: if before purchase the tires had been in the seller’s warehouse for more than 7 years, the risk of getting into an accident with them increases. An analysis of severe accidents on the roads proved that all of them involved cars with dinosaur tires up to 12 years old. You cannot use such wheels because the rubber dries out and microcracks appear on the surface, threatening to turn into tears and through holes on the sides. Signs of aging will also affect your tires' winter suitability and performance on wet roads.

It is believed that from the moment of production, a tire can be stored in the seller’s warehouse for five years, and after that it can be safely used for another five years. Despite the fact that many manufacturers prescribe tires to last up to 10 years, it is difficult to find such mastodons in stores: this is the lot of flea markets. American scientists make such conclusions, but it is not worth comparing the quality of Ukrainian and American roads, and therefore it is better to approach such “authoritative” statements with a healthy dose of skepticism. German experts, for example, they limit the shelf life of new tires to 6 years, and specialists from Continental They even advise changing tires after four seasons. Russian certification bodies pneumatic tires a five-year period is allocated for the tire guarantee period service starting from the date of manufacture. It is not surprising that car service employees recommend changing even those tires that have been used little or have been completely idle after their expiration date (on average 5-6 years).

Tires with experience

If everything is very clear with wheels of critical age, then what about middle-aged tires? How efficiently can tires produced 4-6 years ago be used? French giant Michelin offers its guarantee of durability and reliability, claiming that its tires can last up to ten years if the tires are driven under normal conditions throughout their service life. Thus, constant exposure to rubber activates special softeners in it, which block the appearance of cracks and hardening. Drivers have the right to be wary of such assurances, since other manufacturers completely refrain from commenting on this matter. We can conclude: if tires produced 4-5 years ago are put into constant intensive use, they will safely “last” on the road for another five years; If a five- or six-year-old tire is used occasionally, its warranty period has expired and the tire needs to be replaced.

Experts give their own assessments of tire durability:

  • - Summer tires can be used for no more than 8 years, if the maximum permissible speed they carry 180 km/h (speed index S); scientists are less optimistic about tires with speed indexes H, V and ZR. If the rubber can withstand high loads, it can serve for 4-6 years. A year in the warehouse of the seller or manufacturer will not harm the tires, and maintaining necessary conditions storage will not deteriorate driving performance and two years of inactivity. Among other things, some drivers note that innovative imported tires reach domestic stores only a year or two after their global “debut” or in the year of manufacture, but in limited quantities;

  • - Winter tires They lose their characteristics after 4 years of operation. Rubber compound The tread becomes glassy over time. Among reputable companies, there are two diametrical opinions about the shelf life of rubber: the German automobile club ADAC claims that after two years of storage winter tire should be sold cheaper because it is no longer considered new, Semperit - which is subject to proper storage manufacturer and seller, the tire retains its newness for the first two years.

Since theoreticians and practitioners agree only on the danger new tires older than 6-8 years, all tires up to this age can be considered safe. Due to the characteristics of the market, many stores offer their customers wheels no older than 3-4 years, considering this optimal time for storing wheels without further loss of functionality. The choice is up to the drivers.