Rules for installing tires on a passenger car. What is the fine for different tires? Is it possible to install winter and summer tires simultaneously on different axles of a car according to traffic regulations?

Regulating the use of tires on a car.

Most often, passenger cars are equipped with sets consisting of four identical tires. Such kits do not cause problems and can be used without restrictions. Drivers have questions when they need to replace one or more tires.

For example, if one of the tires is damaged after the wheel fell into a hole, then it needs to be replaced. Buy full set The driver does not want rubber, especially if the remaining tires are almost new. Ideally, the driver wants to buy a single tire similar to the existing ones. However, this may cause serious problems, because Many sellers refuse to sell one tire from a set of rubber.

This article will cover Features of using different tires by car:

Use of different tires in accordance with traffic regulations

The restriction on the use of different tires is set in paragraph 5.5:

5.5. Tires are installed on one axle of the vehicle various sizes, designs (radial, diagonal, tube, tubeless), models, with different tread patterns, frost-resistant and non-frost-resistant, new and refurbished, new and with an in-depth tread pattern. The vehicle is equipped with studded and non-studded tires.

Let's consider this point in more detail.

Different tires on the front and rear axles of the car

Clause 5.5 does not impose a complete ban on the use of different tires on the front and rear axles of the car. The only exception is simultaneous use studded and non-studded tires on the wheels of a vehicle. Similar installation tires are prohibited.

Thus, all vehicle tires must be either studded or studless. These types of tires cannot be combined.

In addition, let's consider clause 5.5 to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled Vehicle":

Winter tires are installed on all wheels of the vehicle.

Let's return to the example from the beginning of this article. If falling into a hole destroyed one of the tires, and an identical replacement cannot be found, then you can purchase a pair of identical tires and put them on one of the car’s axles. In this case, tires on different axles can differ significantly.

However, the legislation prohibits the installation of studless winter tires (Velcro) on the front axle of a car, and rear axle ordinary summer tires. All tires on a car must be either winter or summer.

Naturally, in practice it is not worth experimenting with combining winter and summer tires, because The grip of tires on the road surface will vary greatly, and this can lead to unpredictable consequences (car spinning).

In any case, you need to select tires in such a way that they have a minimum of differences.

For example, if one of the winter tires, but there are no similar ones on sale, then you should buy a pair of winter tires and install them on one of the axles. In this case, different winter tires will be installed on the front and rear, but this will not be a violation.

Different tires on the same car axle

Clause 5.5 requires that completely identical tires were installed on one axle of the car. Therefore, in practice it is prohibited to use:

  • Tires different sizes on one axis. For example, the manufacturer allows the use of 165/80R14 and 185/65R15 on a car. You cannot combine such tires on one axle.
  • Tires different designs. It is impossible for radial and diagonal tires, or tube and tubeless tires to be installed on the same axle at the same time.
  • Tires of different models.
  • Tires with different tread patterns.
  • Frost-resistant and non-frost-resistant tires.
  • New and retreaded tires.
  • New tires and tires with deep tread pattern.

If we summarize the above information, we can say that within the same axis the tires should be completely identical.

Please note that the rules do not prohibit the use tires with different wear on one axis.

Restrictions apply only to the use of new and retreaded tires, as well as new tires and tires with a deep tread pattern.

Tire retreading occurs as follows. A completely worn tire is sent to the factory, where a new layer of rubber and tread is applied to it.

Deepening the tread pattern is the reverse operation. The worn-out tire is sent to a workshop, where it is cut into pieces using special equipment. new protector, i.e. deepen the grooves.

Retreaded and deepened tires cannot be used at the same time as new ones. As for tires with different wear, their use on the same axle is possible.

For example, if a car has damaged 2 right wheels, then the remaining left tires can be installed on one of the axles. You need to put a couple of new tires on the other axle. In this case, wear of the front and rear wheels not the same, so tire grip will vary. So, although this is not prohibited by the rules, I do not recommend installing tires with different wear on one axle unless absolutely necessary.

Penalty for different tires on a car

The fine for using different tires on a car is provided for in Part 1:

1. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles to Operation and Responsibilities officials to ensure road safety, the operation of a vehicle is prohibited, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2 - 7 of this article, -

entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount five hundred rubles.

Thus, the driver may receive a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

Punishment may be imposed in the following cases:

  • The vehicle is equipped with both studded and non-studded tires.
  • Different tires are installed on one axle of a car.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that the use of different tires on a car leads to different wheels have different coefficients of road adhesion. This can lead to the car turning around or causing an accident. So when installing tires, first of all you need to think about your own safety, and not about a small fine for the specified violation.

Good luck on the roads!

It is prohibited to operate a vehicle with different tires. But you can get to the repair site or parking lot. Many cars have a spare tire instead of a spare tire.

I still don’t understand, if this winter there are winter tires in front without spikes and summer tires in the back, can they be fined or not?

Yuri-128, read the articles here.

Yuri, so far there is no penalty for the specified tire combination.

Good luck on the roads!

Will there be winter tires in front without studs, summer tires in the back, can they be fined or not?

If you ship a summer one, you will definitely be fined.

What if the rear axle has winter tires and the front axle has all-season tires? Drive 60\40


Will they be considered different tires kumho i zen kw 31 and marshal i zen kw 31? Tires are produced by Kumho tires at one plant, but for different markets. The tread pattern, speed and load characteristics are identical. Can they be placed on the same axis?

5.5. One axle of the vehicle is equipped with tires of various sizes, designs (radial, diagonal, tubed, tubeless), models, with different tread patterns, frost-resistant and non-frost-resistant, new and reconditioned, new and with an in-depth tread pattern. The vehicle is equipped with studded and non-studded tires.

If the tires match the specified parameters, then they can be installed. One manufacturer or different does not matter.

Max, if all the listed tires are studless, then this is possible and will not be a violation.

Good luck on the roads!

I would like to know what axles on a passenger car we are talking about? On trucks it’s clear that on the rear axle there are 2 or even 3 wheels installed on one axle. A passenger car has axle shafts, one wheel on each, there are rear axle- there is also one wheel per axle?


Now it’s 2018, it seems like no more changes have been introduced? or did I miss something? In our country, traffic rules are changed almost every month.

On a passenger car there are axle shafts with one wheel on each, there is a rear axle - there is also one wheel on the axle?

One wheel per HALF-axle, the rear axle consists of two half-axles, respectively, two (both) rear wheels Tires must be installed of the same sizes, designs (radial, diagonal, tube, tubeless), models, with different tread patterns, frost-resistant and non-frost-resistant, new and retreaded, new and with an in-depth tread pattern. As well as both front ones.

Novice motorists often look in the rules for the date when it is necessary to “change the shoes” of the car, as well as the official justification for penalties for tires that are not appropriate for the season. Traffic regulations do not contain such information. But the operating conditions of tires, data on the winter version of tires and fines can be studied in the appendix to the Traffic Rules.

Fine of 500 rubles. or a warning during a roadside check are regulated by the Code of Administrative Responsibility, which refers to Appendix No. 1 in the Traffic Regulations.

Where is the tire replacement period indicated?

The period of operation of studded tires and winter friction rubber is specified in the Technical Regulations, which came into force in Russia at the beginning of 2015. The international regulations, to which member countries of the Customs Union have joined, indicate that tires with studs cannot be used in the summer. Winter tires must be installed on winter period(from December 1 to February 28 (29), and the use of friction tires (colloquially “Velcro”) is allowed at any time of the year.

Punish employees for tires that do not correspond to the season traffic police has no right, since Russian legislation does not provide for sanctions for operating a car in summer tires in winter and vice versa. However, there are rules according to which a driver can be fined for worn tread, deformation of tires and wheels.

Traffic regulations on the condition of tires and wheels

In 2018, the Traffic Rules with Appendix No. 1 “List of faults and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited” are relevant. The fifth paragraph regulates permissible depth tread pattern and deformation, in which the use of transport entails the risk of an accident for all road users. This clause stipulates the application of penalties in the amount of 500 rubles. The motorist can also simply be warned not to use the car in poor condition.

Tread depth

Measuring the tread depth is required if there is no indicator. If it is provided for by the tire design, then wear is determined by it. Tread depth specified in traffic regulations:

  • for motorcycles, mopeds – 0.8 mm;
  • For passenger cars and trucks with a carrying capacity of less than 3.5 tons - 1.6 mm;
  • for trucks (from 3.5 t) – 1 mm;
  • for buses and route transport, in which there are more than 8 passenger seats - 2 mm.

These indicators are established for road surfaces without snow and ice. In conditions of ice and snow cover, the tread depth should be at least 4 mm. If the indicator is 3.5 mm or less, then a penalty is provided - a fine of 500 rubles.

What tires are considered winter tires according to traffic regulations?

Since the tire range includes several seasonal varieties, the characteristics were specified in the traffic rules winter tires. This is a special marking (three-peaked top with a snowflake, Latin letters M S), tread depth of at least 4 mm. For all-purpose tires in winter, these rules are also relevant. By purchasing a kit all-season tires, it is worth checking for the presence of markings, otherwise on an icy road during inspection you may be issued a fine.

Traffic police have the right to fine the driver if a wear indicator is visible on the tire. Studded tires can only be used from December to February; the wear rate for them is the same.

What violations of tire operation are specified in the rules?

The application stipulates that you cannot operate the car if:

  • there is damage to the tires exposing the cord;
  • the tread or sidewall peels off;
  • the mounting bolt (nut) is missing;
  • the cord delaminates;
  • there are cracks in the disc or rims;
  • the shape (size) of the mounting holes is broken;
  • there is a discrepancy (in size, load) between the tire and the car model.

It is prohibited to install tires of different types on one wheel axle:

  • size, design, model, tread pattern;
  • degree of wear (new and with erased patterns, new and restored)
  • seasonal characteristics(for summer and winter).

If the vehicle is equipped with tires with studs, then they must be on all wheels.

Examples of violations of traffic rules that relate to tires

  • One car has winter (with markings) and summer (without markings) tires.
  • The sipe pattern on the tread of tires located on the same axis is different.
  • The front axle has studded tires, and the rear axle has friction tires.

The fine for such a violation is 500 rubles, the basis is the Code of Administrative Offenses (Article 12.5).

The tread of a passenger car tire can hardly be considered one of the nuances that the average car enthusiast pays attention to. In most situations, buying new tires is accompanied by considering brands and reading tests, but rarely does it occur to a car driver to think about the role of the tread pattern and its impact on the characteristics of the tires.

In practice, the situation is such that it is the tread pattern and its depth, coupled with the composition rubber compound- the main factors providing operational properties tires.

And it is for this reason that when tires wear out, abrasion of the tread layer leads to the fact that the tire becomes unusable. Which type of tread is better in a given situation and how to determine tire wear - this is what we will talk about in this material.

What is tire tread

The tread consists of multidirectional grooves of varying depths located on the outer surface of the tire at the points of its contact with the road surface. The task of the tread of a passenger tire or truck serves to remove liquid from the contact patch between the tire and the road surface during rain, as well as ensuring the best best characteristics“sticking” of the wheel to the canvas.

Surely many have noticed that racing cars Formula 1 tires do not have tread - their role is only longitudinal grooves, applied to their surface. However, more attentive spectators clearly noticed the fact that in the event of unplanned rain after the pit stops, the cars receive tires of a different configuration, where the tread is already clearly visible.

This eloquently demonstrates that it performs the main function of draining water while driving, preventing the occurrence of aquaplaning, when a layer of water appears between the wheel and the road, which can lead to loss of control and even the car drifting off the trajectory.

Video - how the hydroplaning effect occurs:

The video eloquently shows why it is important to take this seriously:

A big role is given to the tread on winter tires. Here it plays the main role, ensuring the removal of snow slush and dirt from the contact patch and ensuring control efficiency. Together with the composition of the rubber mixture from which the tire is made, it guarantees the stability of the car, and in the case of non-studded tires it plays a leading role in ensuring handling and general consumer characteristics.

Remaining tire tread height according to traffic regulations

Every car enthusiast knows that during operation the tire wears out, and its performance properties deteriorate. This is due to the fact that the depth of the tread grooves becomes smaller, and therefore they cease to cope with the functions assigned to them.

The traffic rules (appendix LIST OF FAULTS AND CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH OPERATION OF VEHICLES IS PROHIBITED) clearly regulate the residual tread depth for cars and motorcycles under which operation of the vehicle is prohibited.

The requirements of the Rules are clearly visible from the table, according to which you can easily understand what value the residual tread depth should be:

Remaining tread depth (without wear indicators)

L - mopeds, motorcycles, quadricycles, etc.

0.8 mm

N2, N3, O3, O4 - trucks with a permit maximum weight over 3.5 tons and trailers with a permissible maximum weight over 3.5 tons

1 mm

M1, N1, O1, O2 - passenger cars, trucks with a permissible maximum weight of up to 3.5 tons, trailers with a permissible maximum weight of up to 3.5 tons

1.6 mm

M2, M3 - buses

2 mm

*Remaining tread depth of winter tires intended for use on icy or snowy road surfaces, marked with a sign in the form of a mountain peak with three peaks and a snowflake inside it, as well as marked with the signs “M+S”, “M&S”, “M S”

4 mm

It is prohibited to use tires with even one wear indicator displayed if such indicators are used on your tires.

For winter tires residual height The tread should be more than 4 millimeters due to the fact that such tires are much more demanding in terms of the severity of the tread pattern.

It is prohibited to place tires with different tread patterns on the same axle, since such a combination can seriously impair handling and make the car's movement unpredictable in the event of a skid or drift of the axle.

What types of drawing are there?

Conventionally, there are two main types of tread patterns - symmetrical and asymmetrical. The first type, in turn, is divided into directed and non-directional types.

The directional tread has a pattern (usually reminiscent of a herringbone pattern), which with its sharp end is directed towards the rolling direction of the tire. A non-directional pattern implies a ladder arrangement of grooves that are symmetrical relative to each other, but do not have a clear direction in one direction. The asymmetrical pattern offers different location grooves on the outer and inner (located closer to the car) parts of the tire.

Video about directional and non-directional tire tread patterns:

Speaking about these varieties, it is extremely difficult to identify which type of tread pattern is better in terms of consumer properties. It is believed that the directional type of tread better removes moisture from the contact patch, and therefore it is more often found on winter non-studded tires, and the asymmetrical pattern allows for better handling.

And therefore it is not surprising that expensive tire with a non-directional pattern may well be demonstrated in tests top scores than cheap Korean or domestic version with directional arrangement of grooves. What is much more important here is how carefully the engineers simulated the pattern in a particular model and ensured the overall performance of the tire.

How is it measured?

Measuring the tread height of a tire is easy. You can do this using: special tools, and improvised means.

First and most effective way is to use a caliper or a special ruler with a depth gauge. This measurement gives the most accurate result.

A simple option is to measure using a regular coin, which is inserted into the slot, and the end of the protector is clamped with a finger, after which the depth is measured using a ruler. The accuracy of such a measurement, of course, is significantly lower, but if you have nothing to measure the tread depth with, this method is quite suitable.

It should be remembered that the remaining tread depth should be measured not in one, but in several places on the tire. It is important to remember that the tread depth closer to the center will be higher than at the edges.

How to determine the degree of tire wear if there are indicators on them:

If the depth indicators in all places are approximately the same, this means that wear occurs evenly. In case of unevenness during measurement, there is a high probability of a wheel alignment violation or other technical faults vehicle, which can lead to accelerated tire wear. In this case, it makes sense to fix this problem before installing a new tire kit.

Tread depth of new summer and winter tires

The tread depth of new summer and winter tires is regulated, first of all, by the manufacturer’s internal requirements for a specific individual tire model.

This is due to the fact that developers optimize the depth parameter according to operational parameters and the composition of the rubber mixture, using a computer to calculate in advance the optimal parameters for the best characteristics of water removal from the contact patch.

However, there is a general criterion for the tread depth of new tires - winter options The grooves are deeper than the summer ones, and the durable lamellas are designed to ensure reliable cutting of the snow cover and ensure the best traction characteristics.

Deep tread is also used on off-road tires. In particular, the tread pattern of new tires for crossovers is much more pronounced than that of “passenger” variations, and in purebred “off-road” tires (for example, the well-known Goodrich) the tread generally has a clearly defined structure and significant depth for better off-road performance. viscous soil (in mud and clay).

Video - review of summer tires for SUVs:

In addition, the function of self-cleaning the tread from dirt is important for such tires, because otherwise, when driving on soft soils, such tires will quickly “get washed out”, losing their grip properties.

What to look for when choosing and purchasing new tires

Today's tire selection from various manufacturers very extensive. New tires are sold both directly at tire centers or specialized stores, and on online platforms. In particular, you can buy tires on or in other online stores, but you should familiarize yourself with the assortment in advance and choose the tire model that suits you according to the main consumer criteria.

When choosing a tire, you should be guided by the following considerations.

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From January 1, 2015, restrictions on the operation of various car tires, but we advise you to prepare for such a turn of events at the present time. New rules Road Traffic restrictions are imposed on tire tread depth. And besides this, there are other legal documents regulating the use of summer and winter tires on your car.

Firstly, here we are talking about the technical regulations of the Customs Union called “On the safety of wheeled vehicles”. Based on this regulation, a classification of car tires was compiled for the introduced rules. Let us add that it is this so-called law that provides for a ban on the use of summer tires in winter, even the best ones, as well as studded tires in summer.

WITH full list new fines for traffic violation, .

Next we remind you that new traffic rules introduce a limited tire tread height. What now falls into the category worn tires? Summer tires, even the best ones, are limited to 1.6mm, but, let’s say, this was the case before. But winter tires received a limit for the first time and now for them this figure is 4mm.

In addition, the technical regulations established a ban on the use of summer tires in winter. Note that the rules define the winter period as three months according to the calendar, although many people know that traffic police inspectors already begin to dig in at the first snowfall, which, as a rule, falls in November. We remind you that it is also prohibited to use studded tires during the summer period, which is clearly defined by traditional calendar months.

We would like to add that the above-mentioned restrictions are not included in the new traffic rules. Thus, it turns out that on the territory of our state on next year Motorists can drive around with impunity in the summer in a car that is shod with studded tires, and vice versa in the winter with summer tires. The most important thing here is that the tire tread height is in accordance with the new standards. And since for the driver, the Traffic Rules are the main document, then if they do not prohibit all of the above, then everything else is possible. 

How to change your car's shoes - when, how and what features.

We would like to note that the main wave of interest among officials who set rules regarding tire issue arose only when there was a traffic jam on the St. Petersburg-Moscow highway, the length of which was several tens of kilometers! Huge trucks, shod with rubber resembling “slicks” (tires that do not have tread at all), attempted to storm the icy track. But all to no avail. And just before this, by pure chance, trucks blocked the entrances to the highway ramps federal significance near the Moscow ring road. But in this case the collapse was not caused.

It is noteworthy that the technical regulations prohibit the use of even the best summer tires in winter and studded tires in summer time Passenger cars only (please note)! And multi-ton trucks, trucks, tractor-trailers, buses carrying innocent people can literally drive anything. The most important thing is that the tire tread height complies with the parameters specified by the regulations.

Let us remind you that the driver, if the depth (height) of the tread is sufficient, will be fined 500 rubles in accordance with Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Road Safety Code. administrative offenses" But in most European countries, officials have introduced restrictions on the use of certain tires depending on the period of operation. Some even have restrictions that depend on weather conditions.

But let’s start from the depth (height) of the tread. Until this time, only one parameter was recorded in our Road Traffic Rules - 1.6mm for absolutely all types of tires. The innovation of the technical regulations and additions to the new traffic rules is that a restriction on the tread height of winter tires has now been adopted.

Let us say with all confidence that this is relevant for our car enthusiasts. Because quite a few drivers believe that a car should be shod with tires and it doesn’t matter what it looks like. Most tire the tires of their car not only to the established limit, but also to the point where the cord breaks. But the combination of worn tires and a wet road surface is a very dangerous combination.

One of largest producers Tire carried out one test at its test site located in the town of Nokia, which clearly showed what role the tread plays in ensuring traffic safety. Let's start from afar here. For example, you are driving a BMW X6 or Hyunday Solaris 2015 mod. years, or maybe you’re sitting on back seat these cars, the car, as is probably known, is in contact with road surface tires due to four spots the size of the palm of an adult.

What are we talking about? And besides, at a car speed of 5km/h such a speck is equal to 100%. But note that the higher the speed becomes, the smaller the contact area of ​​​​this spot becomes. Namely, new summer or winter tires, the tread height (depth) of which is 8 mm at a speed of 120 km/h, contact the road through a spot 46% of the original size. And a tread worn to a critical level (1.6mm) is already in contact with the road surface through a 6% spot. It turns out that you are simply flying over the road and only occasionally touching it.

If we take into account the statistics of Australian and Finnish analysts, then in almost 60% of road accidents the main culprits are worn out winter or summer tires. At the same time, a critical level of wear is to blame for almost every seventh accident. And 57% of accidents occur on heavily worn tires. 30% for those tires that did not meet the weather conditions, and another 13% were responsible for accidents due to low pressure in tires.
Unfortunately, such statistics are not available in our country. And the card accident registration does not provide a clause that describes the condition of the tires.

Studded tires

This type needs to be discussed separately. Let us immediately note that in the Old World very stringent requirements have been introduced for this species. No matter how highly nanotechnological the spikes are, they still have the ability to knock out pieces from the asphalt surface. But it was not so much the safety of the road surface that worried Western officials, but rather concern for the health of others. Because all this dust, which is knocked out by studded tires, settles somewhere. In order to reduce this volume, they (the bureaucrats) established a standard that regulates the number of studs per linear meter of a car's mileage, namely, for this same linear meter there should be no more than 50 screwed-in studs. Another option can be accepted: if the number of studs is greater than the established one, then the studded tires should not greatly harm the road surface. The result of this was the fact that many tire manufacturers took the path of less resistance.

Namely, they simply reduced the number of studs in such tires. The average number of studs in tires is now no more than 100 pcs. because of this, such studded tires lost their effectiveness. One Finnish company made a knight's move, i.e., on the contrary, it increased the number of spikes. Her model of studded tires has about 190 studs on one tire. And this manufacturer managed to prove that the harm from such thorns is very small. This is achieved by the fact that the stud itself has been improved (the weight has been reduced, its size has been reduced, there is a cushion on the seat, due to which the stud is retracted into the inside of the tire when it is not needed). And to support the evidence, the company constantly conducts special tests. For example, small granite blocks are taken. Their mass is known. Everyone knows that studded tires cause the greatest harm to wet road surfaces, so granite blocks are wetted before testing. And after that, a car runs along them at a speed of 100 km/h a hundred times. Next, these blocks are weighed again and the damage caused is determined. For now, let us add, the technology for manufacturing such spikes outperforms the technology that tries to reduce their (spikes) number by a large margin.

But the most important thing that needs to be noted is that, in accordance with these technical regulations of the Customs Union, the same thing will be expected for our motorists, but from 2015. And the number of studs per linear meter of a tire will be limited by the number 60. Or by evidence that the damage caused by studded tires is minimal.

By the way, before we start serial production a certain model tires, its prototype is undergoing extensive testing. And its testing does not even stop after its manufacture. One of these is measuring the contact patch (size) at various vehicle speeds. But high-strength glass is poured water solution, a camera is mounted below the glass, shooting at a speed of 30,000 frames per second. This allows you to obtain a high-quality image of the tire area that is in contact with the road surface when the car is moving.


Throughout 2015, car enthusiasts discussed new bill about how winter tires should be used. Many drivers still don’t know whether the law has been adopted or not. That is why it is important to understand this issue. Moreover, the violation traffic rules entails the imposition of fines.

Winter tire law

First of all, you should understand what kind of law it is about changing tires to winter ones and what its main provisions are. It is important to know that this is the name given to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union, which was adopted on January 1, 2015. It sets requirements for the safe use of transport.

From now on, it is prohibited to use tires designed for winter driving and equipped with studs in the summer. And, on the contrary, in winter it was forbidden to travel by car. summer wheels. At the same time, the legislation establishes the requirement that all wheels must be replaced at the same time.

However, the law on winter tires It also has a large number of disadvantages. One of the most significant is the fact that there are no articles that would impose requirements on tires used on freight transport, as well as by bus.

In addition, it is not entirely clear how the compliance of rubber with the requirements specified in the law will be checked. Only points have the corresponding powers technical inspection. However, new cars are exempt from this obligation.

Why you should change your tires on time

When figuring out when to install winter tires according to the law, you need to understand why it is so important to comply with the requirements of this regulation. Main goal of development Technical regulations is to improve road safety.

Failure to install winter tires in a timely manner may result in whole line problems:

  • increasing the braking distance significantly increases the likelihood of accidents;
  • a decrease in traffic speed leads to traffic congestion;
  • the car is slipping because it cannot overcome even not very steep inclines.

Rules for using wheels

The Winter Tire Law establishes certain rules for the operation of tires:

  1. In summer it is forbidden to use tires that are equipped with spikes. The ban period is from June to August.
  2. In winter, from December to February, you cannot drive cars that are not equipped with winter tires.
  3. All year round you can use special non-studded rubber (the so-called Velcro). It must be appropriately marked with the letters M and S.
  4. Depending on the climate, local authorities have the right to change the terms of use different types rubber. They can only be changed upward.
  5. Tread depth in winter time should be at least 4 mm, and in summer - 1.6 mm.

Types of winter tires

Usually there are two types of winter tires - with studs and Velcro. Each of these types of tires has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The so-called Velcro are made of special quality rubber. It is very soft and resistant to low temperatures. This ensures better traction. These tires can be said to stick to the road surface. They are best suited for use in regions with mild climates, as well as in urban environments. However, Velcro has a longer length than In addition, they perform worse on ice and snow.

Tires with studs are considered the safest. They are great for extreme cold. At the same time, the excellent grip of studded wheels with the road can significantly reduce braking distances. Such tires perform well on icy roads, as well as those covered with wet snow. Much worst performance for such wheels when operating on wet asphalt. However, such wheels also have disadvantages. They are quite heavy and when moving on high speed They make a lot of noise. In addition, the spikes wear out very quickly, and fuel consumption during their operation increases.

Tire service life

Not only is it important that the law requires that the tread depth be required level. Therefore, you need to know how long you can use and how to increase the service life of tires.

It is impossible to calculate how long it will take for the tread to become unusable. This can only be determined during use. Studded tires wear out the fastest. They can be used for no more than three seasons. Velcro can last much longer. All-season tires will last the longest. However, they should not be used under extreme weather conditions: in extreme heat or frost.

Thus, it is impossible to predict how long it will take for a tire to fail to comply with the law. However, there is a way to extend their useful life. To do this, you should not drive on wheels that are not appropriate for the season.

Tire category confirmation

As for the so-called all-season tires, the law does not provide any information on how to certify such tires. But manufacturers have found a way out - they issue two categories of certificates for the same tires. One confirms the possibility of their use in summer, the other in winter.

On all winter tires soon special markings in the form of mountain ranges will appear. This badge is international confirmation that the tires are made of special arctic rubber, which is designed for use at low temperatures.

Which tires were outlawed?

It's no secret that car tires with studs spoil road surface. That is why they established standards on how many studs winter tires should contain. Russia supported this law.

The only difference is the number of spikes per linear meter. In Europe, this indicator is allowed at 50. In Russia it was increased by 10.

Thus, the manufacturer will have to prove that the number of studs meets the requirements established in the standards. For this purpose, a specialized testing facility is traditionally used. To determine whether tires comply with established standards, a vehicle drives a certain section of road 100 times at a speed of 100 km/h. After this, a strictly defined section of the road is weighed and the result is compared with the weight before the test. If the result falls within the established standards, the tested tires meet the requirements.

Today, the tire testing procedure is widely used in European countries. However, there are no such testing laboratories in Russia.

As a result, it is not possible to check tires for compliance with standards. It turns out that in winter you can use almost any tire with spikes.

When to change tires?

If you remember the rules for using wheels established in regulations, the question, according to the law, will be automatically removed. To avoid disagreements with traffic police officers, this must be done before December 1. Tires must be reinstalled before June 1st.

But don’t forget about safety requirements. In accordance with them, it is not always advisable to have an administratively established period within which the transition to winter tires is carried out. The law specifies only recommended periods, but in life you should be guided by common sense. Regarding the timing of tire replacement, there are the following recommendations:

  • You should install winter tires when the road has been covered with ice several times. It is not always advisable to change tires to winter ones immediately after the first frosts, which happen in Russia even in September. Hold the car on slippery road not easy. Therefore, you should not delay too much with replacement. summer tires for the winter, waiting for the snow to completely cover the ground.
  • There is no need to rush to get rid of winter tires. You should wait until there is no ice on the road even at night.

Punishment for failure to comply with the law

Those who do not comply with the law on winter tires will not face punishment. The point is that on this moment fines for untimely replacement tires don't exist.

However, the Code of Contraventions establishes that when using worn-out car tires The car owner faces:

  • warning from a traffic police officer;
  • a fine of 500 rubles.

In this case, the employee who detected the offense can choose from these options directly. In practice, the driver rarely manages to limit himself to a warning. Most often, traffic inspectors issue a receipt for payment of a fine. This can also encourage the car owner to comply with the deadlines for replacing winter/summer tires. The law is intended to improve the level

Thus, compliance with the requirements of the new law on the use of winter tires will not only protect you from paying fines. By listening to them, you can significantly improve safety on the road.