Sound insulation in Daewoo Nexia, Daewoo Lanos, Daewoo Matiz cars. Sound insulation for Daewoo Nexia - photo report Calculate the amount of sound insulation for Daewoo Nexia

Noise insulation Daewoo Nexia. Soundproofing package “DARK Line”. Elements to be processed: Interior floor, trunk, engine shield (within accessibility), all doors, hood, trunk lid.

Sound insulation of the hood. We glue the hood and roll it with a high-quality layer of vibration insulation on a previously degreased surface.

Soundproofing of the floor. Let's move on to soundproofing the floor. We disassemble the floor of the car as carefully and carefully as possible.

Having reached the metal, we glue the first layer with vibration insulation, carefully rolling it.

The next step is to cover everything with a layer of sound insulation.

Sound insulation of doors. We completely disassemble all the doors and get to the metal. As you know Deawoo Nexia the bottom of the doors is very vulnerable spot for corrosion. The car is not new and it was decided to treat the bottom of the doors anti-corrosion coating, and, as usual, we treat the top of the doors with noise-vibration insulating materials.

At the top of the door we apply the first layer of vibration insulation to a previously degreased sheet of metal.

Then we apply a layer of sound insulation.

Apply another layer of vibration insulation.

We cover everything with a final layer of sound insulation.

Soundproofing of the luggage compartment. We move directly to the bottom of the trunk, dismantling it down to the metal.

Having carefully disassembled everything, we glued the floor with a layer of vibration insulation, including rear wings within reach.

Then we apply several layers of sound insulation.

Sound insulation of the trunk door. We disassemble the door, get to the metal and glue it with a layer of vibration and then sound insulation.

Sound insulation of the roof. We disassemble the ceiling trim.

Apply a layer of vibration insulation.

Next comes the soundproofing layer.

Soundproofing of Daewoo Nexia is completed. This car in the process of work, high-quality and modern sound insulation weighed about 35 kilograms. We hope that our work will bring comfort and pleasure to the owner while driving.

Soundproofing Nexia

Soundproofing Nexia is carried out in view of the fact that today many car owners strive to create the most acceptable and comfortable conditions in the cabin. The concept of acceptability and comfort implies a considerable number of components, among which the nature and magnitude of the noise indicator plays an important role.
Soundproofing Nexia yourself is possible if you know the basic rules of the operation. They will be presented in this publication.

The importance of carrying out the “Shumka”

As mentioned, carrying out a “Shumka” in a car Daewoo Nexia directly related to increased comfort. Today, for many car owners, a car is not just a means of transportation, but a habitat.
Inside a car, a person sleeps, eats, watches TV, listens to music, communicates on social networks - in a word, spends most of his life.
It is impossible to provide a home, and a car is becoming one today, with all the components of comfort (if there is enough money for it) good opportunity) is just stupid. For example, why listen to music and not understand it because loud noise, preventing you from perceiving all its enchanting notes?
Or how can you watch a TV show or work with a navigator when the noise from the wheels bursts into the cabin?

A new car, as a rule, does not immediately make it clear that it lacks the necessary comfort. New parts, trim, standard kit - all this suppresses noise for some time.
But at a certain point, the euphoria from the desired purchase is reduced to zero, as obvious shortcomings begin to emerge, which include the presence of noise from the outside and creaks.
The problem is easily solved by sound insulation, which protects the interior from the penetration of external noise, helps to minimize internal creaks, and gives a feeling of comfort and security. Safety is also ensured, because the “steering wheel” gets less tired behind the wheel of the car and feels fresh.

But still, true connoisseurs of the so-called “high” sound allowed us to fully appreciate the benefits of “Shumka”:

  • Any installation of high-quality and expensive equipment can easily be reduced to a negative result if care is not taken to ensure “noise”;
  • Preparing the car in in this case must necessarily include all stages of professional noise and vibration insulation of various parts of the car, which a priori creates a reliable basis for ideal sound;
  • As you know, during operation, certain parts of the car come into resonance with the sound of the speakers. “Shumka” carried out with your own hands or at a service station gives an invaluable result, and especially the treatment of doors, which will create an acoustically ideal, closed and isolated system;
  • As noise insulation is carried out, the sound in the cabin becomes richer. In other words, all those musical nuances that remained inaudible due to creaks acquire depth and richness. Nothing bothers them now;
  • The lows, that is, the bass, become especially expressive. Some musical compositions are simply impossible to understand if low frequencies are not distinguishable in them.

Usually “Shumka” is carried out using bitumen-based materials. This not only increases the acoustic performance described above, but also protects parts of the Nexia car body from the harmful effects of time. Thus, the service life of the car will increase several times.
In a word, the importance of the event is almost impossible to dispute.
Although, there are still some disadvantages:

  • The so-called “Shumka” increases the weight of the car, which ultimately affects fuel consumption;
  • Doors treated with “noise” and “vibra” also become heavier, which over time can cause them to sag;
  • Finally, the procedure is quite expensive, but if you do everything yourself, you can save money.

"Shumka" on Nexia

All owners of this car have long known that the Daewoo Nexia looks more like a “tin can”. This similarity is especially evident while driving, when creaks and noises are heard from different parts of the car.


As mentioned above, initially, to improve the acoustic characteristics of the car, the doors are processed (see).
Materials that will be needed.

And tools:
  • A screwdriver is required, preferably with a double tip (curly/slotted);
  • A sharp knife for cutting material (you can use a stationery knife - then you need to prepare 5 more replacement blades);
  • Rubber roller (it is advisable to buy a 40 mm narrow one so that it fits into the door holes);
  • Other additional components: gloves, ruler, etc.

Let's get started:

  • We start by removing the front door trim. It is held in place by 3 self-tapping screws located around the perimeter.

Note. One of the screws is located in the door handle, in a certain recess.

  • We remove the casing by prying it off from one of the corners with a screwdriver;
  • We snap off the pistons.

Note. If Nexia has ESPs, then you need to disconnect their connectors.

  • We remove anticorrosive and remnants of the factory "Shumka".

Advice. If the old standard sound insulation is too frayed or stuck on with strong glue, then tearing it off is a hassle. In this case, you can leave everything as is.

  • We remove anticorrosive substances using White Spirit. Soak a cloth in this product, and then thoroughly clean the anti-corrosive agent from the metal surface of the door.

Attention. It is prohibited to clean anticorrosive from the bottom of the door!

  • We dismantle the front locks;
  • We wash the surfaces from lithol and dirt (you can first treat them with kerosene, and then with a solvent or cleaner);
  • After wiping the surfaces with a solvent, we degrease them.

Note. In this case, some of the paint may fall off, but you should not be afraid of this, since it will all be covered later. We must try to thoroughly degrease the surfaces.

Let's continue:

  • First you need to put a layer of “vibro”.

Advice. This is done as follows: first, the material is placed in the sun to soften it, and then applied to the door.

  • Having applied the material to the surface of the door, carefully smooth it with a roller so that no bubbles remain. Movements must be smooth, thorough and very careful.

Note. Where the roller will not fit (and there are many such places), we use our hands, the handle of a knife, a screwdriver - in a word, whatever comes to hand.

  • Now we get down to treating the locks and door cavities with mastic.

Note. It is better to wear goggles and a respirator, as well as gloves at this stage of work. The fact is that car mastic is very smelly and harmful. If you don’t have a respirator, a bandage over your nose and mouth will do.

  • Mastic will need to cover the locks, the bottom of the door and various joints;
  • It's time to start packing the Shumka. For reasons of practicality, you can glue the material onto the sheathing. This ensures free access to the inside of the door;
  • We degrease plastic surfaces with a solvent, and then place a piece of Bitoplast on them.

Note. Note that Bitoplast has a very adhesive base.

Some recommend adding a third layer of Shumka. Note that if it is planned to install in the front doors of Nexia acoustic podiums with speakers, then an additional layer will not hurt. On the other hand, the doors become heavier, which is also not very good. In this case, everyone decides for themselves.

Luggage compartment

The doors are sorted out. Now is the time to move on to the luggage compartment, the sound insulation of which is also extremely important in terms of increasing acoustic properties.
The materials in this case will be the following:

  • Gold STP or SGM M3F (this material is even better than Gold, because it costs less and the foil is thicker) in the amount of 7 sheets;
  • Splen at 4 and 8 mm.

Let's get started:

  • We disassemble the luggage compartment and remove everything unnecessary;
  • We clean everything inside from dust and dirt;
  • Degrease the surfaces with solvent 646;
  • We begin to lay the material end-to-end and roll it with a roller;
  • We put 4 mm Splen on top of the vibration isolation.

Note. We roll the arches in two layers, again, with vibrating material and Splen, but already 8 mm.

As a result, the subwoofer will sound perfect and disappear extraneous noise and creaks.


  • More attention will need to be paid to the spare wheel niche. This place is also considered too “noisy”;
  • It is recommended to cover the trunk trim with anti-squeak material;
  • It will also be useful to process wheel arches anti-gravel, which on the one hand will increase the “anti-noise” properties, and on the other – will serve as good protection against corrosion;
  • WITH reverse side the arches have plastic fender liners, which are also recommended to be soundproofed. This will make it possible to avoid noise caused by pebbles hitting niches while driving on gravel roads.

As you can see, the scope for carrying out “shumka” with your own hands is almost unlimited. There's always something to process.
Get more detailed information A video review, photos, materials and advice from experienced people will help you to conduct a “Shumka” on Nexia. Let us remind you that the price of this operation at a service station is quite high, and you may remain dissatisfied with the level of performance. The above instruction is not the only one of its kind (there are many step-by-step guides can be found on our website).

Well, probably everyone already knows that Daewoo cars are not high class. Well, what can you expect for that kind of money? Although there is no extra comfort in these cars, a car is not a luxury and it is needed in order to drive, and not to admire (if only they had put their own Infinity, etc).

But still, sometimes you want to improve the comfort in your car, at least a little. In this article we will look at what sound insulation in cars Daewoo Nexia ( Daewoo Nexia),Daewoo Lanos (Daewoo Lanos),Daewoo Matiz ( Daewoo Matiz) and how to improve sound insulation .

Ways to improve sound insulation in Daewoo Nexia cars ( Daewoo Nexia),Daewoo Lanos (Daewoo Lanos),Daewoo Matiz (Daewoo Matiz):

· Firstly, you can go to a specialized workshop where they will make you cool "skimmer" for your “money”. For about 23,000 you can make excellent sound insulation that even with a foreign car you can’t tell the difference. The mechanics at the car service center are trained in this matter, so there will be no mistakes. Return the car Daewoo Nexia ( Daewoo Nexia),Daewoo Lanos (Daewoo Lanos),Daewoo Matiz (Daewoo Matiz)to a car service center in order to made soundproofing This a good option, but the most expensive. And, if you have no experience in this matter, it is better to trust the professionals. All the same, if you take up this business for the first time, something will be wrong.

· Make sound insulation for Daewoo Nexia cars ( Daewoo Nexia),Daewoo Lanos (Daewoo Lanos),Daewoo Matiz (Daewoo Matiz)with your own hands (yourself).

Although this option is troublesome, you will have skills for the rest of your life, and you will learn from your mistakes, you will learn something, you will understand something. Firstly, to begin with, I would advise you to search the Internet for more information about sound insulation and watch several hours of video tutorials. Consult auto forums. Decidewhat materials will you use to make the sound insulation, and what will you do the sound insulation in general?

After all, you can gradually approach the issue of sound insulation, not to rush the horses, but to spend a day on skimmering the doors, another day on skimmering the hood, skimmering the luggage space, and so on.

The biggest difficulties in sound insulation arise when you prepare surfaces, namely the process of degreasing, drying, cutting metal, and it’s easy to make a mistake in measurements.

Soundproofing Daewoo DIY Nexia :


Noise insulation Daewoo trunk Nexia - one of the main stages in soundproofing the entire car. This is because the trunk acts as a resonator and spreads noise.

· Select material for soundproofing the trunk of the Daewoo Nexia (buy 4 sheets of vibroplast and Splen 4), prepare the surface of the trunk and glue the trunk (left and right side, including wheel arches);

· Then we glue the niche for the spare tire with vibroplast(don't forget to leave a hole for drainage) s).

Such techniques will no longer be removed noise and luggage compartment. At the same time, you will begin to listen to the front of the car (engine noises, rustling under the front arches of a Daewoo).

Sound insulation of the trunk of Daewoo Lanos cars ( Daewoo Lanos),Daewoo Matiz (Daewoo Matiz)done in a similar way.


Sound insulation of the hood is also a very important stage in soundproofing a Daewoo Nexia car. Sound insulation of the hood affects not only the audibility of noise, but also the ventilation of the cabin and warming up the engine. Since we started talking about this, we can call this process the heat and noise insulation of the Daewoo Nexia hood.

· Select material for soundproofing the hood of the Daewoo Nexia (vibroplast, foiled isolon with self-adhesive and clips).

· Prepare the inside of the hood (degrease the surface of the hood, measure and cut out pieces of vibroplast and stick them between the hood stiffeners; the vibroplast will absorb engine vibration).

· Paste the isolon sheet onto inner part hood and secure with clips.

Sound insulation of the hood of Daewoo Lanos cars ( Daewoo Lanos),Daewoo Matiz (Daewoo Matiz)performed in a similar way.


Soundproofing doors greatly affects the sound insulation of the entire interior of the Daewoo Nexia car, as well as the sound of music. The doors become heavy and solid.

For soundproofing Daewoo Nexia doors You will need vibration filter sheets and artificial felt. Take artificial felt in sheets 25 mm thick each.

· Remove door trim;

· Removing waterproofing doors;

· Wash and degrease inner surface doors;

· Installing a vibration filter;

· We fill all corners where there is no sound insulation with anticorrosion agent;

· We install two pieces of felt on each door so as not to interfere with the operation of the window regulator.;

· Glue felt onto the vibration filter;

· Seal the technical openings of the door with a vibration filter;

· Assemble the door and enjoy the silence and the sound of music.

Good luck with your car soundproofingDaewoo Nexia (Daewoo Nexia),Daewoo Lanos (Daewoo Lanos),Daewoo Matiz (Daewoo Matiz).

Daewoo Nexia is a brand released in 1986. The car was developed German manufacturer However, today it is produced by a plant in Uzbekistan - Uz-Daewoo. The model has a variation with two gasoline engines, volumes 1.5 and 1.6 liters, power 80 and 109 Horse power, as well as mechanical, five-speed gearbox transmission Center console and dashboard combined and placed in a position facing the driver. The interior is simple and not endowed with modern frills, while the seats are equipped with wide cushions and comfortable backrests with lateral support.

The interior has a restrained, classic style, while the exterior has stylish optics, a new hood design and attractive volumetric stamps. Overall, an unpretentious and comfortable car is an excellent family option. The brand is appreciated for its specifications And affordable price. Reviews from owners indicate that practically the only drawback, is weak soundproofing Daewoo Nexia. This is not surprising, because this problem occurs even in premium cars. However, you shouldn’t give up on an affordable and practical model or put up with such discomfort, because today the problem can be solved.

Soundproofing the roof of Daewoo Nexia

If you want to improve the space in your car, making it cozier, warmer and calmer, the ideal option would be additional protection, which will be created soundproofing Daewoo Nexia. Soundproofing is a multi-stage process that requires knowledge of all the nuances and professional skills. Only specialists and individual, A complex approach, will provide quality work, giving the desired results. As a rule, the noise absorption process begins from the roof of the car, because it is through this area that most of the external noise penetrates into the cabin. These are raindrops, the whistle of the wind, all sounds that create an annoying hum and prevent you from concentrating on the road.

The first stage of the process is to perform preparatory work. Preparation involves removing the ceiling trim and degreasing the surface. The first stage requires maximum caution and responsibility. After all, the trim should be removed without damaging the material and surface of the car itself. It is at this stage, when carrying out the process on their own, that many inexperienced craftsmen encounter difficulties and damage their salon. Hence the myths about the dangers of the procedure and its undesirability. But experienced specialists know their work and carry it out smoothly, without flaws.

After freeing the ceiling from its original lining and standard noise, the surface is degreased and awaits the second stage. The first layer of vibration isolator must be heated using special furnace equipment. The evenly heated material is rolled to the ceiling until it is tightly conjugated. Then the surface is allowed to cool and the second sound-absorbing layer is applied. Final work, demands that the interior be returned to its original appearance.

Sound insulation of the bottom (floor) of Daewoo Nexia

Floor treatment is the second most important stage. The movement of the car, especially on Russian roads, responds with vibration throughout the cabin. Poor sound insulation lets the driver know about all the holes, bumps and pebbles on his way. Agree, this is not particularly useful or pleasant information. Noise is created directly by the car itself, the weight of passengers, as well as the process of mechanisms provoke sounds that fill the space. Thus, the bottom is an area that needs additional, protective layer. Soundproofing Daewoo Nexia, bottom, requires not only the removal of the upper trim, but also the dismantling of the seats. The craftsmen remove and pull out the chairs, dismantle all plastic structures and degrease the work area. A well-heated layer of vibration isolator is again applied and rolled out onto the prepared area. The second layer is a noise-absorbing material that has a special texture that repels moisture. As a rule, the bottom requires three layers, after rolling out the last layer, the entire interior structure and original upholstery return to their places in their original form.

Soundproofing the trunk of Daewoo Nexia

Often, it is the trunk that receives the least attention in sound insulation from the manufacturer. But in vain, after all luggage compartment, or “spot door” as users call it, becomes weak point throughout the car and amplifies all sounds penetrating inside. The technological process for applying materials remains unchanged. The first stage is the elimination of the casing and degreasing. The second is heating and rolling out the vibro-material. Then, another layer of sound insulation and the return of the casing and original form. It is also worth noting that the processing luggage compartment serves as protection against corrosion and rotting of parts, extending their service life.

Sound insulation of wheel arches of Daewoo Nexia

At first glance, the wheel arches are not such a significant detail, however, their sound insulation will complete the complex and provide complete comfort and silence in your car. The arches transmit noise from the creaking of wheels, as well as the crackling of sand, pebbles, or oncoming debris into the cabin. Just as in the case of the luggage compartment, the arches need protection from corrosion. Therefore, their sound insulation is carried out using thicker layers of vibration isolator. Otherwise the process is identical to the processes described above. The surface is cleaned, degreased, and covered with a heated layer of material. After rolling out several layers, the process of improving the car can be considered complete.

Sound insulation of Daewoo Nexia doors

Doors are also an area particularly vulnerable to external noise. Passing cars, the whistle of the wind, and especially the vibrations of the door fillings themselves - annoying noise, which will practically devalue the insulation of the bottom and roof if the doors are not soundproofed in the complex. As a result of the process, smooth and silent opening of doors and absolute protection from sounds will be ensured. Also a nice bonus is that the soundproofing of doors directly affects the quality speaker system. The sound becomes pronounced, and the bass is powerful and clear. First, craftsmen remove the trim and plastic structure, pull out the door mechanism and prepare the working surface. The accuracy and attentiveness of the craftsmen is more important than ever at this stage, so as not to damage the door and window systems. First, the standard noise is removed, then the surface is thoroughly degreased. The material is heated and rolled out onto the door panel. After cooling, the door is equipped with several more layers of vibration isolator. Another advantage this process, is to save the microclimate in the car interior. Since the material used plays the role of not only noise control, but also thermal insulation. As a result, the salon will not only be quiet, but also a warm and cozy place. Now you can forget about drafts and high humidity forever.

Conduct comprehensive sound insulation Daewoo Nexia, invites you to the AutoComfort salon. A team of highly qualified craftsmen with extensive experience have the most modern equipment, high-quality materials and new technologies for the soundproofing process. It is thanks to such resources that we carry out work of any complexity, achieving results High Quality. Making your car a place of absolute comfort and coziness is real, and our team will demonstrate this.


Network of studios ANTI-NOISE brings to your attention a photo report on car sound insulation Daewoo Nexia in one working day!

We are pleased to offer you high-quality sound insulation Daewoo Nexia materials STP (StP) V , And , Moreover, in any of our studios the work will be carried out exactly as described in this photo report. All of the above work is carried out in one day and in your presence. If you cannot be present in our studio all the time of work, we will provide you with a full photo report of our work!

New girl Daewoo Nexia came to us for soundproofing with complaints about very noisy engine, “empty” and ringing doors, indistinct sound of standard acoustics, high general level noise in the cabin and an annoying knock on the right side of the front panel. Since the car is used for frequent long trips, the car owner chose the maximum sound insulation option "PREMIUM" and also ordered Additional services on noise insulation of the front panel with removal, as well as sound insulation wheel arches and wheel arch liners.

Price for complete soundproofing of the interiorDaewoo Nexiaaccording to the “Premium” option - 33,000 rubles.

The price of soundproofing the front panel with removal is 10,000 rubles.

The price of soundproofing a pair of arches and fender liners is 6,000 rubles.

The price for modifying door seals for 4 doors is RUB 3,000.

So, let's begin today's photo report on car sound insulation Daewoo Nexia in a studio ANTI-NOISE according to the “Premium” option with a story about roof sound insulation.


The roof of almost any modern car It has a significant area and is made of very thin metal, so its vibration and noise insulation has a significant effect in reducing the noise in the cabin at speed. When the car moves, the roof vibrates from the resistance of oncoming air flows and from vibrations transmitted to the body from the car's wheels. The only exceptions are cars with panoramic roof or hatch. Carefully, working only with clean gloves, we disassemble the upper part of the cabin and lowering the ceiling trim down, we found almost bare metal of the roof, the thickness of which is so small that even with a light tap it creates a long and distinct low-frequency hum throughout the entire cabin! The standard sound insulation on the roof is represented by a piece of pressed recycled foam rubber.

We remove the factory “noise insulation”. We wipe and degrease the roof metal before gluing.

We apply vibration-proofing material to the roof, which will eliminate its vibration and reduce the noise in the cabin when driving. high speed. As the first layer we use lightweight vibration isolator STP AERO.

On top of the carefully rolled STP AERO we apply a second layer - the sound-absorbing relief material STP Biplast Premium with a thickness of 15 mm.

After applying two full layers to the roof of your Daewoo Nexia, we carefully install the headliner in place, assemble the upper part of the cabin and move on to soundproofing the lower part - the bottom and trunk.